Replacing Front Glass Only? - LG G7 One Questions & Answers

Has anyone successfully replaced only the front glass?
My LCD and digitizer is fine


Camera Glass

I bought my Sensation used and the back cover never had a glass lens in the camera opening. Is this how the back cover is, or is the glass missing from my Sensation?
That's how it is.
I see, thanks

S5 glass replacement, screen perfectly fine

Anyone know where I can get glass replaced at reasonably. Everyone I talk to here in Austin, TX states that they just want $150 and will replace the entire LCD and glass. My LCD is fine but the glass is lifting on the corners. I watched all of the videos and it's something that I don't want to tackle myself.
Thanks for the help.
You need to get a new LCD as well. The glass is glued on to the LCD and it's like a 90% chance you will crack the LCD while trying to remove the glass from it. 150 is not a bad price considering the price for that LCD is 130.
Also if you do end up fixing your screen get those glass screen protectors and a case.

Cracked the front's glass

How much would it cost to get the front glass cover replaced? The display is completely fine

S8 Front Glass Loca Replacement

Hey there, I've just fixed my S8 with loca glue after taking the front glass off and putting new one on. Unfortunately the glue has gotten into the camera glass and my front camera looks bad now. Has anybody ever done this before and not gotten the glue under the camera lense hole? Thank you! :good:

Cracked Rear Glass

I've already cracked the rear glass of my Mi 10 Ultra (Transparent) , does anyone know where you can get replacements?

