Lock screen corner apps - OnePlus 7 Pro Questions & Answers

Hey guys
I did not found a solution to change/remove the corner shortcut to voice assistant and camera on lock screen.
Rooted or not some one knows how to do this?
Thanks for your help.

You can do it on a rooted 7 Pro. Install Riru and Riru LSposed, install GravityBox from LSposed. In GravityBox, open Lockscreen Tweaks and change "Bottom-left action" and "Bottom-right action" to whatever you like. Change the icons if you so wish. You can also hide the bottom shortcuts (like I have). And you're done.


[HOW-TO] Theme icons in the Google Experience Launcher/Google Now Launcher!

I love the GEL/GNL, and my only complaint has been that it doesn't support theming from icon packs. Well, I found a way and I wanted to share!
1) Download and install the Xposed framework.
2) Download and install Unicon from the Play Store. ($2.00 USD)
3) Reboot after selecting the Xposed module and enabling it.
4) Open Unicon from the app drawer, select an icon pack, and enjoy!
The way this works is that Xposed allows Unicon to change the application icons across the entire system, so it'll even show up in the small app icons in places (such as the settings cog inside of the Settings app, at the top). The only con to this method is that it isn't possible to enable ART along with this tweak, since it relies on Xposed. If anyone knows of a way to do this without Xposed, please let me know! I hoped this helped!
(Attached is a screenshot for proof that it does indeed work on the GEL/GNW, icon pack used is Click UI, $2.00 USD)
thattypicalnerd said:
I love the GEL/GNL, and my only complaint has been that it doesn't support theming from icon packs. Well, I found a way and I wanted to share!
1) Download and install the Xposed framework.
2) Download and install Unicon from the Play Store. ($2.00 USD)
3) Reboot after selecting the Xposed module and enabling it.
4) Open Unicon from the app drawer, select an icon pack, and enjoy!
The way this works is that Xposed allows Unicon to change the application icons across the entire system, so it'll even show up in the small app icons in places (such as the settings cog inside of the Settings app, at the top). The only con to this method is that it isn't possible to enable ART along with this tweak, since it relies on Xposed. If anyone knows of a way to do this without Xposed, please let me know! I hoped this helped!
(Attached is a screenshot for proof that it does indeed work on the GEL/GNW, icon pack used is Click UI, $2.00 USD)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use Unicon with the stock GNL and love it as well. However, there's one more con you didn't mention that people not familiar with the module should know. It is that you can't change individual icons. So if an icon pack has multiple versions/colors of the same icon, you can't choose which one gets applied like you can with a 3rd party launcher. It's only a small drawback in my opinion.

Get rid of Quick Settings from the notification pull-down!

If anyone else out there is like me and prefers to use a much better toggles setup in the pull-down, such as Notification Shortcuts, then you can get rid of the stock TouchWiz quick settings simply by installing and enabling this Xposed module (requires Xposed framework first):
And you can try to use this guide to adjust the quick settings applet otherwise:

Looking for a way to disable the statusbar on the lockscreen.

I'm looking for a way to disable the statusbar on the lockscreen because the statusbar customizer I'm using, doesn't account for the rounded corners on the lockscreen, resulting in part of the icons being hidden.
So far I've only been able to hide it with the RICE app, included in the renovate ICE ROM, but I want to be able to do this on stock firmware. I am rooted and I dont need to pass safetynet so magisk or xposed modules are fine.

Quickswitch on Pie in immersive mode(Navbar Height Mod)

So I hate the massive Navbar in Pie, but unfortunately I'm order to use Quickswitch the Navbar must remain. After testing countless options, I only came to one solution I was happy with. You'll need Substratum lite, and Substratum Samsung System Mods from the play store, as well as Natcho Notch. Yes.. Samsung System Mods...it works with LG. After installing these 3 apps, open Substratum and Samsung System Mods and go to the last option.
There are only 3 overlays to choose from, but various Mods under each of the 3. Select the first option "Android System" and scroll down to Navbar Height and choose something reasonable like 28dp. If we make it too small we have issues triggering it and the pill looks ridiculous. Install the overlay and reboot. Open Natch Notch and select "blackout Navbar and round corners on bottom. Set the status bar height to 0 unless you want to hide the Notch but that kind of defeats the purpose here which is having the most screen space possible. Move the sliders until your Navbar is black and your corners match...here is the result:
Screenshot cut out the notch. CHRIST! of course the photo is sideways and I can't rotate it.
Screenshots using the latest version of Librechair as my launcher and recents provider
Fullscreen gesture navbar
See this
How did you do that? Quick switch still works correctly on any page or app?
Thanks for this. Was awaiting the gesture control. Since LG is fast on update I'd use this for now

What Are the best ways to customize Miui?

So, for a little context:
I Ported MIUI 11 To my device (Moto G5s) for everyone to enjoy from the Poco F1 using GSI with Android P
Im rooted with magisk
I Have edxposed with custoMIUIzer
And time and patience
And I'm here to ask about (except themes, that's a little obvious):
What's the best way(s) to customize MIUI?
With CustoMIUIzer, for now one my favourite changes was adding a "scrollbar" under the music player notification (easy to change track position even from the lockscreen). I also added two navigation buttons to the three default ones and assigned different actions as "force close" or "wipe recents". Then I like launcher/statusbar/navbar gestures (swipe-up, swipe-left...); I removed the "assistant tab" set on swipe-right and enabled "infinite scroll" between pages (not really aesthetic but works); changed horizontal grids to display more (5) folders in launcher, icons in folder and tiles in dropdown menu (less empty space); added shorcuts to the "flashlight page" you have on the left in the lockscreen (handy if you enable "open without unlocking"). Not really about UI and never tried it, but adding gestures to the back fingerprint sensor (if you have it) seems cool.
In GravityBox (EdXposed) there are many tweaks but mostly I was happy about the "move clock to the right" option. I hate that there's so little space for notifications on the left (notch consequences) and I use seconds in the clock (hh:mm:ss), so I had space for 2-3 icons (MIUI max is 4). Now I raised that number to 7 by moving the clock and thanks to another GravityBox option.
XMiTools (EdXposed) has some of those statusbar customisations and also offers to edit dropdown menu (seconds in clock, weather).
Well, and don't forget about Substratum (system overlays for apps and stuff).
li5beth said:
With CustoMIUIzer, for now one my favourite changes was adding a "scrollbar" under the music player notification (easy to change track position even from the lockscreen). I also added two navigation buttons to the three default ones and assigned different actions as "force close" or "wipe recents". Then I like launcher/statusbar/navbar gestures (swipe-up, swipe-left...); I removed the "assistant tab" set on swipe-right and enabled "infinite scroll" between pages (not really aesthetic but works); changed horizontal grids to display more (5) folders in launcher, icons in folder and tiles in dropdown menu (less empty space); added shorcuts to the "flashlight page" you have on the left in the lockscreen (handy if you enable "open without unlocking"). Not really about UI and never tried it, but adding gestures to the back fingerprint sensor (if you have it) seems cool.
In GravityBox (EdXposed) there are many tweaks but mostly I was happy about the "move clock to the right" option. I hate that there's so little space for notifications on the left (notch consequences) and I use seconds in the clock (hh:mm:ss), so I had space for 2-3 icons (MIUI max is 4). Now I raised that number to 7 by moving the clock and thanks to another GravityBox option.
XMiTools (EdXposed) has some of those statusbar customisations and also offers to edit dropdown menu (seconds in clock, weather).
Well, and don't forget about Substratum (system overlays for apps and stuff).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gravitybox works on miui? Well oof, gruess i was biased for If being so different that Most stuff wouldnt work

