rootless ways to Overcome >500mb free space required limit? - General Questions and Answers

Google forces people to have at least 500mb of free space saying "some crashes may happen" (they actually don't and if they do I/people can manage that).
Freed up all space on phone, removed all files, removed almost all apps, but space used up (probably by internal partitions such as /data /system etc) increases so:
I mostly can't ****ing use phone any more;
can't install any app (even from USB, yeah I unchecked the damn "protect device" options),
can't enable ADB (because of some other WebView error, which too is related to how google/android works, can't access Dev Settings, they always crash , yes even with >500mb of free space),
can't view email (only in Gmail) (without a workaround,
can't download files (only in Google Drive) and so on...
Clearly this is a google problem, I wish I (and anybody else) never had to use an android/iphone etc.
When rooted etc, all this was never a problem, I also even could do all until there was actually 0mb available.
I need to do this to test some app I'd like to develop.
I can root, etc. each phone, but I'd rather keep putting it off (as I'm developing a hatred for all this, including anti user technology)

It's NOT Google who notifies you when your Android device has less than 500MB free storage space, but Android OS.
The Android >=500MB free storage space rule is because of 'operating capital' - it needs space to store temporary files as you use apps, it needs space to download updates to and space to store the uncompressed update files prior to installing them ( it should delete the compressed and uncompressed update files automatically after install ), etc.pp.
If Android's storage memory is 32GB ( 32,768MB ) then 500MB correspond to ~2%, if it's 16GB ( 16,384MB ) then it corresponds to ~3%. IMO ridiculously low shares. Take note that Windows & Mac computers have the at minimum 10% free space rule.
In answer to your actual question: I don't believe there's a way around this restriction. Not unless you had rooted and used a custom ROM that specifically mentioned that as a feature. Even if you could bypass it, you'd probably run into other problems (e.g. performance) as a consequence.

Yes, of course, I didn't mention this need of space for temp files (which most often don't take up anywhere near as much as 500mb), because I explained instead for example that I can manage if things crash. These files should be in RAM instead when possible anyway(!).
Well, the min storage is 3% but so what when you can't upgrade any parts like storage and external storage is still lagging behind in so many cases. The higher prices for devices with more (of the same non removable) internal storage are ridiculous.


Is this the future of Android's memory system?

The iPhone allows apps to be stored anywhere on its memory but you cannot use the phone as a USB mass storage device or upgrade its memory. This isn't likely to change.
The WP7 allows apps to be stored anywhere on its memory but you cannot use the phone as a USB mass storage device. You can upgrade the memory on some phones with certain SD cards and in the future there will likely be more SD card options.
For Android, the current system is "internal" or "ROM" memory that houses the OS and apps--ranging from 512MB to 8GB--and media memory. You can generally upgrade the memory and use the media memory as a USB masss storage device. Some apps will allow you to Apps2SD and install a portion of the app on the SD card.
Other phones certainly have sacrifices but you can utilize 100% of their memory for whatever you like. On Android, you have part of your phone you can only utilize for apps and part of your phone you can only use for media. This results in wasted space--you may have multiple GBs free of media space but no more space for apps, or lots of free app space but no where to store more media.
Is this the future for Android? Hoping that your new phone comes with the same ratio of ROM/external as apps/media you want? Does Google have plans for Android's memory architecture?
I'd say yea rather waist of space but with fro yo developers can start code it to allow storage on device. This means that they see our issue and trying to solve it on further launched os updates.
If you can't wait for that I recommend installing titanium backup, to force apps over to your SD. This is a method I use and no I might be unable to use certain widgets but I don't find them THAT important anyhow.. Specially regarding you free up space!
So I guess it's a question of patience and what you would prefer at times, use of some widgets or not.
Example handcent hope spelled it properly. They disallow moving to SD, so I just force it over there and ignore that 1x1 widget showing unread text messages.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

[Q] Need technical review of "Guide to Android OS Memory Management"

Otherwise known as "Why Newer Android Phones Don't Need Task Killers".
This is straight ASCII cut-and-paste from my Evernote page, so any spelling and grammar mistakes are mine. I have looked over various apps such as AutoKiller, Advanced Task Killer, various threads on memory management in Android, even a few bits of Android source code. I know about compcache, minfree, swap, kernel, and more.
This is aimed at an Android owner who knows the basics, but is trying to optimize their device. They may have experimented with ROMs and kernels based on recommendations, but don't know about serious internal tweaking.
I realize what I wrote will probably have the techies screaming "no, no, that's not quite right"... That's why I want a tech review. If I had committed any serious misunderstandings, please let me know. If you have more references, please list them. Would prefer a bit more detailed comments than "sucks" or "great".
Memory Management in Android: the myths and the facts
The Android OS, now at V2.3 "Gingerbread", is widely misunderstood, due to lack of hardware specifications and the open nature of system, has created a wide set of myths regarding how the memory is managed, and how one can best achieve good performance on an Android device.
This article will attempt to explain just how Android OS manages memory, dispel some myths regarding Android memory, and show you some techniques that will help you keep your system running smoothly while achieving good performance.
However, first, here's some technical stuff about Android memory and applications. Trust me, all this is necessary to understand how the whole thing works.
Android OS Memory Management Basics
Android OS, as of V2.2 (and 2.3) have two general types of memory: internal storage (sometimes known as application stroage), and SD card (which may be flash memory that works like SD card, but not physical SD card, such as in the Nexus S)
All apps (in the form of APKs) are loaded into internal storage. Each program can also request additional space as "data" and/or "cache".
All apps (in the form of APKs) are loaded into "app storage" part of the "ROM" (actually flash RAM). Part of the ROM is the boot ROM which loads the system. The other half of the ROM is "app storage". For example, in Motorola Droid, 256MB is RAM, and 512MB is ROM. Out of 512MB ROM, 256MB is Android System itself (actually a bit less), and the rest is "app storage", to max of 256MB.
With Android 2.2 and "Move2SD", a portion of the APK can be moved onto the "SD card", but main portion must remain in internal app storage. The size of the main portion that stays would depend on the app. Some apps cannot be moved or will not function if moved. "Protected" apps cannot be moved. Apps that primarily consist of a service and a widget may not work if moved. add Services or widgets needed for startup should not be moved.
For example, If you have a 256MB system (shows as 262MB due to 1024 vs. 1000 KB size difference) and have 130MB of apps and data/cache loaded, then that leaves about 130MB for the system to actually RUN programs. That sounds like a lot, but in reality that is not enough, since the system itself takes 50-80MB, and services will take up another 30-50MB, leaving almost nothing.
addedIn a 256MB RAM phone such as my Moto Droid, AutoKiller shows...
acore : 4.55MB (system)
dialer: 8.95MB (system)
system: 20.38MB (system)
messaging: 3.41MB (system)
Swiftkey: 6.59MB
JuiceDefender 4.14MB
Calendar Storage 4.1 MB (system)
acore: 7.7MB (different pid) (system)
smart taskbar 3.81 MB
seePU 3.44MB
Screebl 4.38MB
SetCPU: 3.83MB
ATK Froyo 3.01MB
gapps: 7.79MB (system)
and 2 more at 4.66MB and 3.56MB
That adds up to... 99.88, or 100 MB.
But that is supposed to leave 156MB, right? Wrong. The system itself takes about 100 MB by itself, in addition to loaded programs, according to this thread about T-Mobile G1 (which has 192 MB of RAM, and has about 96000 KB after booting)
UPDATE: I found an article that explains how to read "MEMINFO". You can get MEMINFO app, or if you have SetCPU the overclocking widget it shows MEMINFO as well. Mine says roughly:
MemTotal: 231740 KB, or 226MB
MemFree: 3376
Buffers 272
Cache: 34960
SwapCache: 0
So the system (before OS kernel) uses about 30MB leaving about 226 MB
Cache itself used another 35 MB. , leaving about 189 MB
Minus 100 MB of auto-loaded apps, and you get... 89 MB.
If you run any programs that need more than that, programs and services will be killed to make room.
(see Redhat's explanation on what meminfo is supposed to mean)
SIDEBAR: native vs. Dalvik
There are two types of Android programs... "Native" programs, and VM programs.
Native programs are written for the specific CPU in the machine. While this gives better performance, this is much harder to achieve, so most people write program for the VM, or "Virtual Machine".
A "virtual machine" is basically a CPU emulator. You feed it a program, and it will run this program, as if it's a real CPU. The good thing about using a VM is it doesn't matter what the actual physical CPU the device uses. You write the program once, and never have to worry about converting it to other CPUs.
Android's VM is called Dalvik, and it is similar to Java's virtual machine. (In fact, Sun/Oracle sued Google for violating Java copyrights on JVM)
Different pieces of a single app
Most apps have either just an activity, or activity along with a service.
"Activity" is basically the user interface that takes your inputs and displays something back. Foreground app would be an activity.
"Service" is a background program that updates something. Common services includes input, widget updates, mail notification, and so on. Other services include Bluetooth, network updates, and so on.
(Actually there are two more types: broadcast receiver, and content provider, but those are not that pertinent to our discussion)
An app can use a widget, and the widget can use a lot of memory, usually several MB at once. You can see the different services and how much memory they are taking under Settings / Applications / Manage Services
How Services Use Memory
As explained above, Android OS have to run programs from within the limited space available, which, on older phones, isn't much. From within that much memory, it needs system work space to load all the services (you probably have a dozen loaded, taking up at least 30 MB) System itself uses about 60-70 MB (acore, phone, gapps, messaging, etc.) That's 100 MB used. That doesn't leave much memory for anything else, if you have 100 MB of apps loaded. (256-100-100=56) 100MB for system itself, about 100MB used for apps and services, and you got almost nothing left.
If you look at the services screen, at the bottom, there's a bar: red, yellow, and green. There is a number in the red section and some in green. Your services adds up to the number in the green section. The yellow portion is some memory that can be freed. The red stuff are system stuff and can't be moved.
What Happens When System Runs Out of Memory
When the system needs to load programs, but don't see enough available, it will start killing programs and services (to the system, they are all considered "process") from memory based on the following priority:
Empty App: the app is in standby, not being used, but is still in memory. These can be killed without any effect.
Content Provider: process that provides content to the foreground, such as "contacts content provider", "calendar content provider", and so on. Various "storage" are also content providers. Those can be restarted when needed.
Hidden Application: apps not visible, but still running in the background. These are not exactly running, so killing them should have no serious consequences.
Secondary server: services that stay in background and apps such as Launcher (or other home replacements). Most services go here, like music player, clock updater, background sync, and so on, that's not built into the OS. If these are killed there may be some problems, such as the playback is interrupted, background sync stops, widget no longer updates, and so on.
Visible app: the app is running and visible, but due to multi-tasking or such is not currently "on top". Any program with a display in the notification area is considered "visible". Android OS will not kill these programs unless absolutely necessary, but it can happen.
Foreground app: you see this app on screen, currently running, but also includes the system itself and "phone". These are never killed. In any case, system and phone have much higher priority than any app to make sure those are never killed.
Each category above has a certain number associated with it, sometimes known as a "minfree" value (in either "pages" or megabytes, depending on the app). When Android OS free memory drops below the minfree value for that category, apps in that category are killed. The killing starts Empty App group as that has the highest number. if that's not enough, it then starts killing apps in the Content Provider Group, and it keeps going until it has finally freed up enough memory to load the app and all related processes (such as services).
NOTE: Having a constant "notification" in the notification area makes the program "visible app" instead of "hidden app", thus making it less likely to be killed by the system to make room for other apps.
A lot of problems with Android device occur when the system tries to make room by killing "secondary server" processes that are needed. Playback of audio (music or podcast) stopped, download stopped, location services stopped... etc. This especially happens on phones with little RAM. First Android phone, T-Mobile G1 / HTC Magic, has 192MB of RAM. Moto Droid have 256MB of RAM. Second generation of Android phones, like HTC Wildfire, got 384MB of RAM. Recent phones, like Droid X, Galaxy S, and so on got 512MB.
NOTE: Some apps, like web browser, can exit but still save the URL you were browsing. So when the process reloads, it is almost as if it was never unloaded. Unfortunately not all apps can do that.
So what is the solution?
There are two approaches to the problem: make more memory available, or pre-empt the auto-kill by killing apps yourself.
Making More Memory Available
There are four ways to make more memory available short of exchanging the phone for a more powerful one.
1) Free up more app storage / internal storage
Either uninstall the apps altogether, or move2sd as much as possible. Keep in mind move2SD may not work for all apps, and amount that can be freed varies greatly. Uninstall an app is best, as it both frees up the space itself takes, and if it loads a service, that service is loaded either, saving even more space.
While it's true that the app that wasn't run won't take up any space, every widget is served by a service, and a small app can load a HUGE service by calling existing libraries and declare a large buffer for downloads. And just because you don't actually use the app doesn't mean the system will not load it. The only way to make sure the app will NOT be loaded is to uninstall it (or if you have Titanium Backup premium, you can "freeze" the app)
2) VMHeap
VMHeap adjusts the the amount of memory that can be dedicated to the Dalvik Virtual Machine (VM). In general this should not be touched, and does not really make more memory available. It is available only for experimentation purposes.
This usually is NOT tweakable without mod ROM such as Cyanogen Mod. And benefits are unproven so far. Don't change anything yet.
3) CompCache
CompCache, or "compressed cache", is handled by the Linux kernel. It takes a portion of your memory, and use it as a cache space, but compressed. By using on-the-fly compression it is able to make your memory appear to be a bit larger than it actually is. However, the result is slower performance.
This is usually NOT tweakble without mod ROM such as Cyanogen Mod. The kernel also must support this feature, and not all do. This also slows your phone.
4) Swap file or partition
Linux kernel allows the OS to use the SD card as swap space by either creating a swap file or a swap partition. This adds a lot of read/write action to your SD card and may substantially decrease its usable life. However, it is a reliable way to "add" a lot of memory to your system.
Root access is required to swap the kernel, and the kernel must support this feature as well. Not all do. This really slows your phone. Beware.
Pre-emptive Killing of Tasks
The other way to avoid auto-kill is to kill the processes yourself via an app, so the auto-kill is not triggered. This is why apps like Advanced Task Killer and all the other "task killers" are created.
Basically, the task killers automate the task of killing apps, so it will free up memory thus auto-kill is NOT triggered. And because Task Killers have ignore lists, you can add your specific app to be ignored, and hopefully it will still run.
The best known one is ATK (advanced task killer) by ReChild, but there are plenty of others on the market. They usually have tweakable settings, like killing apps every time the screen is turned off (eeks!) or just at timed intervals (every 30 minutes), and so on.
On a phone with 512MB (or more) of memory, there should be no need for task killers, as the phone should not run out of memory. On phones with 256MB or less of memory, ATK may be necessary to keep the phone "free" for other apps.
Recommended Actions
If you have one of the older phones with little memory (256MB or less), load only the bare minimum of apps you need. uninstall the rest. You need to minimize your memory usage as much as possible to leave as much space for the apps. Keep 100-150MB available for the system is best. After system and services loaded, there should be at least 50MB left to load other programs and such.
You can use archivers like Titanium Backup or AppMonster to archive the apps to SDcard, and only reactivate them when you need them. Or you can delete them altogether, only redownload them from the Market when you need them. This will even work for purchased apps.
You can also purchase Titanium Backup which allow you to "freeze" apps, which makes leaves them in memory but NOT loaded. You can also uninstall built-in apps that you don't use, such as Amazon MP3, saving even more space.
If that is not enough. you can try using CompCache and/or Swap. However, those are not exactly recommended, and thus are only methods of last resort if you can't kill enough apps to matter. Try 18% compcache or even 26% compcache. If that doesn't help, try 128MB swap, or even 256MB swap if that still doesn't help.
For phones with 384MB or more RAM, you should not have to be so stingy, but no need to overload either. With extra 128MB -384MB you can load extra 50-100MB of apps and a few more services. The idea is still to keep 100-200MB available (depending on the phone). You do not need task killers and all that.
I was looking on the explanation for OOM priorities, and there it is. Thanks. I'm wondering why there are no replies to this thread. Oh wait, it's a question.
thanks for the most awaiting tutorial abt RAM.n yes i was wonderng y this thread hasnt got applause...

[Q] Rooting, Custom ROMs and Available Internal Storage

Hi there!
If I root my Nexus S, will it then be possible to see what's going on in the internal storage? My phone is acting rather strangely when it comes to the internal storage. When I delete an app's cache (from Settings/Apps) the indicated space does not get freed up. On the contrary, an equivalent amount of space gets subtracted from the indicated amount of free internal storage! On most occasions when I uninstall an app the space gets freed up. However, recently I had 300 MB available when I installed Chrome browser. That took up about 50 MB, so I had a remaining 250 MB available. I uninstalled it again and now I only have 200 MB free. I often get notifications that there is too little storage space available when updating rather small apps (typically less than 20 MB).
With a rooted phone, will I be able to see what's going on and easily locate and delete redundant files? (Back in the days I felt I had a lot better control and overview over my Pocket PC. With my Android I struggle to make sense of what's going on. Well, not that I´m going back...)
I'm not really asking for a quick solution to the problem because it seems from other discussions that this isn't possible. But I'd like to avoid running into the same problem again after a hard reset, rooting, or ROM change.
Nexus S I9023 (unrooted)
Jelly Bean 4.1.2
hey Larry,
first of all after you're rooted you can see all of your files and folders from...well..root directory
before doing so i'd try to move apps to SD or from SD depends where the low space is:
Hi eytan!
As I said, I'm short of internal storage. I've already moved just about everything possible out of the internal memory. Moving programs out of internal storage does result in more internal storage (as long as there's something left to move). However, this does not explain why my internal memory is disappearing. I ought to have a lot more available internal memory - at least 400 MB.
Yes, that's what rooting does. Maybe I should have elaborated a bit... Will it make sense without extensive knowledge of the Android system. It seems like instead of cache (and certain programs like chrome browser) being deleted they are somehow being copied within the internal storage. I was wondering if I would be able to locate this - find some folder that has grown 50 MB in case of the google chrome uninstallation. Or will all this data be stacked up in some sort of system file that isn't accessible.
- larryvega
Nexus S I9023 (unrooted)
Jelly Bean 4.1.2
well, you can always search your phone by folder size and locate the origin of this.
i guess your best chances are at DATA folder, just be careful and make sure you delete only things your'e sure that are already uninstalled and just have "leftovers"

Insufficient storage available - HTC one S

Hi everyone,
When I try to install new apps or try to update an existing app, I'll receive the error message that I don't have enough storage on my device. In my storage settings I can clearly see, that I have more than 250MB left (of 2,34GB). At the moment I can't even install something that is below 1 MB.
For a long time I was running standard Android 4.1 on this HTC one S and lived with this error... Last week I tried to get to the cause of that issue, because it annoys me every day a little more. I rooted my device and flashed Cyanogenmod 12.1, hoping that this could fix my issue. But it didn't. After installing some apps I'm again facing that annoying issue.
In my storage options I do have the possibility to move apps to "SD". Even though the HTC one S doesn't have an SD slot, I guess this is moving the apps to another partition of the flash. Unfortunately they are not copied completely to the other partition. In some cases only a few MB or sometimes only a few KB are moved to that "SD", according to my storage settings.
I already wiped my cache, but unfortunately that didn' t change anything. Is someone of you running into the same issues or even has a solution for me? If you need more informations or tests, just let me know.
Thank you guys in advance!
I have the same problem and it is just absolutely out of control. I can't understand why this garbage is allowed to happen. I have very few apps, with the biggest being GApps' updated versions. But the phone's storage only seems to be 2GB - which is unusable.
It seems like modern phones use a "dynamic /data" arrangement, where /sdcard is really a virtual path to /data/media (so the sdcard contents actually exist in the /data partition, hence can't be mounted as USB storage or FAT). I'm constantly running into the "insufficient storage" problem with >200MB free - which is hardly enough to even work with anyway.
The problem is made significantly worse by dalvik-cache storing a second copy of the app - so that instead of a 20MB app only taking 20 MB of storage, it really takes about 40MB (or more, depending on extra uncompressed data). Like keeping a copy of the installer along side the actual program, for every program you use on your computer.
I have no need for any "/sdcard" storage, as almost all my data is cloud-based (Dropbox photos, Tidal, Slacker, Spotify music, etc), so I hope to find some way to repartition the internal storage to split it up into 8GB /data with the rest as /sdcard (possibly as low as 4GB), and minimize the /cache partition which is generally unused anyway. It's a damn shame that this isn't given more priority among the people trying to squeeze more /sdcard space (to use with what apps?!). :/

200MB free is considered low on storage?

My phone (Samsung Galaxy On5) has over 200 mb of storage free, & it still alerts me daily that I'm running low on storage. If I try to install anything from the play store, even something that's less than a MB in size it displays a popup asking me to uninstall a bunch of apps to make room. I just installed something on another device then transferred it over to this one (saved on SD so It's not taking up any internal space) & tried to sideload it & it still wouldn't install it. Is there a fix? It seems to me like Google has no real interest in fixing major issues with Android that have existed practically since the beginning like devices being "low on storage" while Android is the top mobile OS. Perhaps if something like Pinephone would actually succeed & give Android some competition Google would care & address the issues? /r (By the way, there really should be an '<r> </r>' tag.)
tsaxda said:
My phone (Samsung Galaxy On5) has over 200 mb of storage free, & it still alerts me daily that I'm running low on storage. If I try to install anything from the play store, even something that's less than a MB in size it displays a popup asking me to uninstall a bunch of apps to make room. I just installed something on another device then transferred it over to this one (saved on SD so It's not taking up any internal space) & tried to sideload it & it still wouldn't install it.
the issues? /r (By the way, there really should be an '<r> </r>' tag.)
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Well yeah, 200MB is definitely low on storage. And this message can certainly be annoying but it's not a bug, but a "security" mesure, if you need to take a photo or something, or if an app needs more space to run, it'd be a good thing to have 200MB leftover.
Nowadays apps can take >200Mb just for cache so yeah, it's considered nothing. I personally try to keep at least 1GB free.
Have you checked your storage whether something can be deleted? This is a great app for showing you storage use
You can put in up to a 256 gb SD card, what are you waiting for?
Use internal memory for the OS, programs and downloads (temporarily).
Use the SD card as the data drive.
Yeh, Up to 256 gb SD card should work a treat...
galaxys said:
Yeh, Up to 256 gb SD card should work a treat...
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10+ takes up to 1 tb, put a Lexar .5 tb V30 in it for $75. Not too shabby... daul drives are a beautiful thing. Can do a full reload now with no PC and little or no internet connection; completely self contained.
Very cool indeed!
galaxys said:
Very cool indeed!
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The newer generations of Samsung's are capable of very faster read/write times on a fast sd card.
The 10+ shows no lag when using media files off the card. Literally have over 200 albums stored as .wav files there and movies too.
Provides a little bit of a buffer too from malware getting into the data; I've picked off a couple in the downloads folder before they got going including a jpeg. The whole card is backed up on the PC and a 2nd hdd... just in case.
Lol, have an old Dell e6400 laptop I picked up cheap. Just realized 3 weeks ago I could swap out the DVD/CD player for a hot swappable hdd insert tray... $100 latter it now has a 2tb data drive. Split the page file between the two for now, OS and data speeds are a lot better.
You can -never- have too many internal bays on any device, only not enough.
blackhawk said:
Use the SD card as the data drive.
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What do you mean by "set it as the data drive"?
The problem is I factory reset because of being low on storage, & left off a lot of the apps I had before & I'm still every bit as low on storage as I was before if not more. What am I supposed to do when I'm not the one at fault for my phone being low on storage? I would root so I could rip out all of the samsung bloat but A. I can't afford to buy a new phone should something go wrong, & B. I don't think the galaxy On5 has a 1-click root which means having to use a windows computer which I don't have.
Android phones have an in-built feature known as Adoptable Storage, which enables users to add an extra layer of storage space for music, pictures, videos, files, and so on.
The interesting thing is that the Adoptable Storage feature allows SD cards to serve as a permanent internal storage medium. This means that everything you save on your phone will be moved to the external storage (SD card) you mounted, and not your phone's internal storage. With SD cards in play, you never have to worry about your phone's storage getting full, and developing lagging problems.
I looked it up & from what I can tell it's disabled on my phone (Thanks again Samsung.). So that's not an option. Yet another reason to steer clear of Sammy if at all possible. I remember Google saying when they gave the first presentation on android that they wouldn't allow preinstalled, un-removable, then they did, & still do.
tsaxda said:
The problem is I factory reset because of being low on storage, & left off a lot of the apps I had before & I'm still every bit as low on storage as I was before if not more. What am I supposed to do when I'm not the one at fault for my phone being low on storage? I would root so I could rip out all of the samsung bloat but A. I can't afford to buy a new phone should something go wrong, & B. I don't think the galaxy On5 has a 1-click root which means having to use a windows computer which I don't have.
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I use 20gb just for apps, caches and a tempory download folder. So if you 16gb of memory yeah I see the issue and had to trim the the tree with S4+ before.
Use this package disabler:
Home - Package Disabler
The only NON-root solution that let’s you disable any unwanted packages that come pre-installed / installed with your phone / tablet.
Disable crap you don't need and then use that same app to clear it's data. The app is still there just not running and sucking up memory by adding more via data/cache.
Clear browser cache regularly, limit the phone to two browsers max. Clear data regularly on gmaps if you don't need that data or disable if you don't use it. Police the caches regularly, SD Maid (16mb) does a good job.
As for your music, vids, documents, pics, put all of that on an SD card.
Although you can use the SD card as internal memory as jwoegerbauer points out it's best not to unless you can't avoid it. You may have to though if you can't live without some of those large user installed apps.
I could cut my 10+ down to 14gb internal if I had too... so can you.
There are apps I rarely use. As pointed out already you should have at least 1gb of free space preferably 2gb or more head room.
Sort it out as what you're doing now isn't good Android husbandry.
tsaxda said:
I looked it up & from what I can tell it's disabled on my phone (Thanks again Samsung.). So that's not an option. Yet another reason to steer clear of Sammy if at all possible.
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Not on your model without root apperantly.
How to adopt SD card as internal storage on Samsung devices?
I recently upgraded to 6.0.1 Marshmallow on my Galaxy S5 and I would like to adopt an SD card as internal storage. However, there is no option to do this. When I format the SD card, there is no "
It can cause operational issues anyway including crashes. Try to use the KISS (keep it simple studip) principle whenever possible to limit things that can go wrong.
tsaxda said:
I looked it up & from what I can tell it's disabled on my phone (Thanks again Samsung.). So that's not an option. Yet another reason to steer clear of Sammy if at all possible. I remember Google saying when they gave the first presentation on android that they wouldn't allow preinstalled, un-removable, then they did, & still do.
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Whether Adoptable Storage is default feature on a phone or not can easily queried with following ADB command sequence:
adb devices
adb shell "sm has-adoptable"
If true is returned than phone has this feature.
tsaxda said:
My phone (Samsung Galaxy On5) has over 200 mb of storage free, & it still alerts me daily that I'm running low on storage. If I try to install anything from the play store, even something that's less than a MB in size it displays a popup asking me to uninstall a bunch of apps to make room. I just installed something on another device then transferred it over to this one (saved on SD so It's not taking up any internal space) & tried to sideload it & it still wouldn't install it. Is there a fix? It seems to me like Google has no real interest in fixing major issues with Android that have existed practically since the beginning like devices being "low on storage" while Android is the top mobile OS. Perhaps if something like Pinephone would actually succeed & give Android some competition Google would care & address the issues? /r (By the way, there really should be an '<r> </r>' tag.)
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200mb its nothing storage broh

