Question Debload OnePlus 9 - OnePlus 9

Hi there,
is there an easy way to debloat the one plus?
In the past it was possible with fastboot and the following command e.g.:
pm uninstall --user 0 cn.oneplus.nvbackup
But this did not work Any ideas?

Use magisk module Debloater.

I had to use a combination of Debloater along with the pm uninstall commands to remove several things that Debloater did not find (Netflix and YouTube among others).

@deadzombieseverywhere: Thank you. That works
Are there already some "safe" lists to use for the OP9?
@Slikkster2k: I will try that. For my op7 I found a long list, what to delete without issues. For the op9 it did not exist up till now, right? Where did you find Netflix?
pm uninstall --user 0
this did not work for me

I used
pm list packages -a
to list all packages, then searched the list for what I wanted to remove, and removed it with
pm uninstall --user 0 <package>
How is it not working for you? Did you get an error?

Mh, it works perfekt...the problem was me not the phone

Or use this app.

I will try, when necessary again

Question: Did somebody know how to get the ability to change the hosts file?
AdAway won't work, so I tried to change the rights at the hosts file, but even with root I was not able to get access...any suggestions?

Did you set AdAway to work systemlessly? And to use systemless hosts in Magisk?

Yes I did...the funny thing is, I had "full root" Firewall was working, but AdAway did not word. I installed Magisk again in the app and suddenly Adaway was working...strange.


[SOLVED] Remove bloatware (no root) pinyin (Failure [not installed for 0)

I am still with locked bootloader and unrooted for now. Anytime in the future I will probably switch to a custom ROM, but for now I want to 'experience the miui'. I am however removing some bloatware. I was able to do it via the pm uninstall command via adb shell. I removed all (system)apps I wanted to remove but for some reason I could not remove:
It gives me this result:
whyred:/ $ pm uninstall -k --user 0
Failure [not installed for 0]
I disabled MIUI optimization in Develop options and rebooted, but this did not help..
Does anyone know why I cannot uninstall this keyboard?
EDIT: Never mind, it was not a system app I guess. Just uninstalled it via the phone.. LOL :silly:
I'm in a same positionnement as you, I'd be interested if you knowing information to debloat the phones.
dumbl3 said:
I am still with locked bootloader and unrooted for now. Anytime in the future I will probably switch to a custom ROM, but for now I want to 'experience the miui'. I am however removing some bloatware. I was able to do it via the pm uninstall command via adb shell. I removed all (system)apps I wanted to remove but for some reason I could not remove:
It gives me this result:
whyred:/ $ pm uninstall -k --user 0
Failure [not installed for 0]
I disabled MIUI optimization in Develop options and rebooted, but this did not help..
Does anyone know why I cannot uninstall this keyboard?
EDIT: Never mind, it was not a system app I guess. Just uninstalled it via the phone.. LOL :silly:
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Can you please tell how to debloated the system with commands I also like to do so but lack the knowledge

[ROOT] [Discussion] Safe-to-remove System Bloatware/Googleware

Since there's no thread related to safe-to-remove system bloatware/googleware, I decided to make one.
I'm counting on your help to expand this list.
Alternatives: Firefox, Brave, Waterfox.
Or you could simply uninstall it as a system APP and reinstall it as a user APP. There's definitely no need for Chrome to be a system APP.
Alternatives: Simple Contacts Pro, fully open-source (paid or free if you download it through F-Droid, but won't get advanced customizations), Contacts+.
I also advise you to remove Google Contacts as a system APP and reinstall it as an user APP if you wish to keep it, there's no reason for Google Contacts to be a system APP.
This one actually depends on your email provider, since I don't use gmail at all, I completely uninstalled this.
Also I suggest looking at ProtonMail, it's an email provider mostly focused on user data protection (through strict Swiss data protection laws) and privacy.
Then again, if you wish to keep this APP, I suggest uninstalling it and reinstall it as an user APP.
Digital Wellbeing
If you use this functionality on settings you may want to keep it, I uninstalled it.
Also I noticed that ever since I uninstalled this APP, there's an error on logcat showing that something failed to connect to this APP. However it's just a log, despite that everything seems to be working great.
Google Files/Files Go
If you managed to upgrade from Android 8 to Android 9, you most likely kept the standard system APP "Files", however if you flashed Android 9 from scratch, the standard system APP "Files" becomes hidden, which you may unhide it using this app. (I didn't test it). You can also use FileManager by Xiaomi.
Or if you're like me and prefer open-source APPs, I installed Simple File Manager Pro, it supports root (paid or free if you download it through F-Droid, but won't get advanced customizations) or this free and simple file manager.
If you wish to keep Files Go (Google Files) you can also uninstall is as a system APP and reinstall it as an user APP.
At this point there's not much calendar APPs out there with cloud sync support, so I managed to stick to Google Calendar, although I uninstalled it as a system APP and reinstalled it as an user APP. I know I said this countless times but I'm extremely against contributing to Google's currently huge power on user personal data, so I try to be as google-less as possible.
Don't know what this actually does, but Android 8 didn't have it and I looked it up somewhere and some people said that it was safe to remove, and so far so good.
You can read more about it here.
Safe to remove, however your search box widget becomes pretty useless. I actually don't mind at all, it even switches to dark theme mode.
Action Services
From what I've read, this APP is responsible for the APP suggestions on your All-APPs menu, so you'll get some errors when uninstall this. To avoid the errors you have to deactivate APP suggestions first:
Long Press Home-Screen > Home Settings > Suggestions > Apps (Disable this)
And now you're free to uninstall this.
Definitely not keeping this one, with cloud storage and such.
Replaced with, once again, Simple Gallery Pro (paid or free if you download it through F-Droid, but won't get advanced customizations). You can also use LeafPic which is also open-source and looks great but I didn't actually test it.
Google Maps
I use this, however I uninstalled as a system APP and reinstalled as an user APP.
I'm currently slowly trying to migrate to Waze even though it was bought by Google.
I occasionally use it, so I made it an user APP.
Probably safe-to-remove but not tested
Device Health Services
Does anyone know what this APP is responsible for?
I don't use it but I didn't uninstall it because it may be required for first-time password input when turning on the device.
When I switch to another keyboard besides Google or SwiftKey (currently using), there's a popup saying "Note: After a reboot, this app can't start until you unlock your phone.", that's why I didn't uninstall it.
Unfortunately I don't know any good enough Messaging APP to replace Google Messages.
I know there used to be Silence, it even supported P2P encryption but I think it was discontinued. There's also Textra although not open-source.
When trying to uninstall this system APP it's shown that it is a Key module, although I really doubt it really is.
What on earth is this and what does it do?
Android Setup & Device Setup
I'm assuming these are only used when configuring the device for the first time?
If you have any suggestions, useful tools or tips please drop them down below, I'll try to keep this list up-to-date along with your suggestions.
my bloatware list: (all frozen via titanium backup) (actions services)
gboard : safe after you've installed a new 3rd party keyboard app and enabled it.
device setup
the apps i'm using instead some of above:
browser : lightning browser
file manager : solid explorer
gallery : simple gallery pro
calculator : champcalc
youtube : youtube vanced
adb shell
pm uninstall -k --user 0 package_name ***OR*** cmd appops set package_name RUN_IN_BACKGROUND ignore ***OR*** pm disable-user --user 0 package_name
I recently uninstalled those with
pm uninstall -k --user 0
Phone works perfectly fine after this. No issues, like nothing changed except better battery life.
And I'm thinking about those:
Has anyone tried to remove them?
---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
@lbsilva Device Health Services is battery optimisation.
One of the very few useful threads for this device. Bravo! Ideally, once there is a consensus on which packages can be removed without crippling the phone some knowledgeable person should make a script to do the job, either something to flash or a bash + adb to do it from desktop.
I found this .bat file, I think it's reusable with those above but only in Windows.
Wouldnt recommend removing anything to do with qualcomm or networking, be warned.
OP, when you say "remove", do you mean "disable so it can't run", or "completely wipe it off the phone"?
I've got a Blu Life One X3, rooted with TWRP and Magisk. What I describe below is my second attempt to debloat the phone. The first attempt, I just uninstalled unwanted apps from the current user via ADB.
adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 -k
I entered into TWRP Recovery Mode and deleted the /system/app and /system/priv-app directories for the apps I didn't want. Upon booting, the phone went through the boot animation and music jingle, then stopped. I left it overnight, since it was late and I wanted to see if it'd work its way to a full boot. It didn't, so I recovered with the out-of-box Nandroid backup I'd taken.
What's strange is that the phone worked fine when the very same apps were just disabled (during my first attempt), but locked up when those apps were deleted from the phone.
Is there something else I need to edit?
How to uninstall without using command line? Is there any some GUI application to uninstall this??
*By the way how to download youtube vanced, i search it in magisk download , there's nothing
bla.tiga said:
How to uninstall without using command line? Is there any some GUI application to uninstall this??
*By the way how to download youtube vanced, i search it in magisk download , there's nothing
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If you are rooted, download titanium backup from playstore and have fun.
For yt Vanced, try clearing the repo cache from magisk's settings and search again. Or search the module here on XDA and add it manually.
Edit: looks like Google screwd things up and made chrome almost a dependency or it's an issue just on my device. On Oreo, Gmail stops working after chrome removal. Looks like Gmail is now dependent of chrome webview, it's crashing when using Android system webview.
Edit 2: nevermind, after updating Android system webview, Gmail app has started working again.
great thread, thanks
I found some apps/services that you've successfully disabled. Just wanna ask if, is this universal? I mean I have realme phone and planning to disable all the same apps/services which you were tried already.
So, this is a pseudo-custom rom you are after, why not use the real thing? I'm assuming this is Android 9 since 10 is a total f**k. Why not use the real thing, a custom rom? I recommend AOSiP Pizza since it's the one I've been using for a long time and it proved solid. The only thing I replaced was gallery with Simple gallery and I use MicroG for what it's worth. This removing stuff from gappsed AOSP is totally ridiculous and counter productive, you do that with Miui and such if you really care about a particular UI but not with plain Android, that's nonsense.
Found this useful tool on git last year.
It allows a lot of nice little things among which uninstall/reinstall/disable/enable system apps and services on demand without root and without passes through adb/fastboot command lines.
And it was tested with Q too.
Also feedback app was safely uninstalled.
Feel free to try it.
This is the link:
Read carefully and faq before use it.
How can I restore some critical packages under TWRP (MIUI11)? I'm testing limits of what can I delete without bricking it and reinstalling ROM every time after that is very tiresome (boot into recovery, wipe cache and data, reinstall MIUI, boot into system, remove tested apps, then restore settings and try again).
There has to be a proper way to restore some app like, for example, com.xiaomi.finddevice
KZekai said:
How can I restore some critical packages under TWRP (MIUI11)?
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Magisk + terminal debloater.
If you break it, use TWRP to fix.
Look under /data/adb/modules/terminal_debloater.
a1291762 said:
Magisk + terminal debloater.
If you break it, use TWRP to fix.
Look under /data/adb/modules/terminal_debloater.
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Yeah, I have debloater but I'm talking about doing it under TWRP when system isnt even loaded, debloater is a module that works in OS. In TWRP recovery your terminal is barebone core loaded by recovery itself, there is absolutely no relation to the system and apps installed, no ADB environment, no app [meta]data.
KZekai said:
Yeah, I have debloater but I'm talking about doing it under TWRP when system isnt even loaded, debloater is a module that works in OS. In TWRP recovery your terminal is barebone core loaded by recovery itself, there is absolutely no relation to the system and apps installed, no ADB environment, no app [meta]data.
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I meant to use debloater to hide the app and you can then fix it from TWRP if it doesn't work. You could always setup the files it uses from TWRP but I guess that'd be harder to do.
I don't know how adb uninstall hides but you should be able to reverse that from TWRP too (likely removing some files).
If you mount /system just move things and move them back if it fails.
a1291762 said:
I meant to use debloater to hide the app and you can then fix it from TWRP if it doesn't work.
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How would I fix it?
Does the "debloater" make extra unnecessary copies of APK when those already exist on system partition?
KZekai said:
How would I fix it?
Does the "debloater" make extra unnecessary copies of APK when those already exist on system partition?
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No, it hides them systemlessly, using files in /data/adb/modules/terminal_debloater/system.
---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
Based on this:
I tried this:
pm uninstall -k --user 0
and to restore:
cmd package install-existing
What I found was that with the app installed, I had some empty directories under /data/misc/profiles/ref/ and /data/misc/profiles/cur/0/ When I removed the app, those directories were not present.
It's just a guess... but you could possibly save the contents of /data/misc/profiles (eg. tar cf /sdcard/profiles.tar /data/misc/profiles), pm uninstall your app and if it fails to boot, untar that from TWRP? Maybe test that theory with an app you know won't hurt before you do it for real
Note that neither terminal debloater (which uses mount tricks to hide system apps) or pmuninstall will actually remove files from /system. If you actually remove files from /system then the only way to get them back is to put them back.

Uninstalling system apps Failure [-1000]

Hello there people I have been trying to uninstall few android apps from a Xiaomi device but it seems some of them are throwing this error
whyred:/ $ pm uninstall -k --user 0 "com.xiaomi.calendar" Failure [-1000]
Does anyone have any idea how do I go about fixing this problem ? I would really appreciate any kind of help.
My guess is the mentioned app is installed as a system-privileged app: such apps can only get uninstalled by a user with elevated rights, means he/she must be superuser.
Uninstalling an app is applied with command
adb uninstall <PKG-NAME>

Question anyone have the Mix Fold 2 already? where is the mix fold 2 forum?

mine is arriving any day. surprised there is no forum setup yet
Looking forward to having a forum too!
I received MIX Fold 2, the lightweight and thin body is awesome.
I think this is the best foldable phone ever.
Vivo X Fold vs Xiaomi Mix Fold 2
Hey guys, It appears that Vivo and SamEsung have a new threat on the horizon... The Xiomi Mix Fold 2! Thinner, ligher, having better spec than the X fold, almost same size screens as the X Fold... And let's face it, Xiaomi has a better software...
Got it like a week ago (UK)! Very impressed!
I have had mine for a week, agree best foldable to date.. Has anyone rooted yet ? other than mild annoyance with delayed notifications despite the regular setting changes in place in my home security and outlook all is perfect. Notifications only come in once I unlock the phone... No issues with google messages or whatsapp
carrieta17 said:
I have had mine for a week, agree best foldable to date.. Has anyone rooted yet ? other than mild annoyance with delayed notifications despite the regular setting changes in place in my home security and outlook all is perfect. Notifications only come in once I unlock the phone... No issues with google messages or whatsapp
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I rooted.
These may fix delayed notifications:
Disable "Sleep mode" in battery settings
Disable "Suspend execution for cached apps" in developer options
Disable powerkeeper (Most people including me can disable it safely, but somehow few people got bootloop so take backup)
Install Global ROM-ify Magisk module
[MAGISK] Add languages to MIUI CN - Enables Google Location History & Nearby Share
I want to use the original MIUI Chinese version as it is, so I created a Magisk module to add the languages! The translation is extracted from MIUI Global ROM for Xiaomi 11T Pro. This module also enables Google Location History & Nearby Share...
AndroPlus said:
I rooted.
These may fix delayed notifications:
Disable "Sleep mode" in battery settings
Disable "Suspend execution for cached apps" in developer options
Disable powerkeeper by adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.powerkeeper
Install Global ROM-ify Magisk module
[MAGISK] Add languages to MIUI CN - Enables Google Location History & Nearby Share
I want to use the original MIUI Chinese version as it is, so I created a Magisk module to add the languages! The translation is extracted from MIUI Global ROM for Xiaomi 11T Pro. This module also enables Google Location History & Nearby Share...
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Is there a global rom for this phone? Do you need to root to install that? On my phone it does not say Global by MIUI version or anywhere, Im on stable Miui Fold 13.1.16. Any advantages to the Global rom? Thanks
ajschill77 said:
Is there a global rom for this phone? Do you need to root to install that? On my phone it does not say Global by MIUI version or anywhere, Im on stable Miui Fold 13.1.16. Any advantages to the Global rom? Thanks
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There's no Global rom, and likely won't. There haven't been any announcements or rumours about brining this phone to the Global market. I'm hoping it does. Maybe if enough people import the Chinese model, they will bring the Mix Fold 3 to the Global market.
You can keep an eye on to see if they develop a global rom for it, but as of right now they said they have no plans on developing one. If they do end up developing one, you will need root access to install.
carrieta17 said:
I have had mine for a week, agree best foldable to date.. Has anyone rooted yet ? other than mild annoyance with delayed notifications despite the regular setting changes in place in my home security and outlook all is perfect. Notifications only come in once I unlock the phone... No issues with google messages or whatsapp
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Are you in the US? What carrier are you running? People I know are running T-Mobile on 5g without editing settings but my 5g does not stick and nothing I do in settings doesn't help (it isn't location either, 5g is right where I live)
Anyone in the US who has this phone, did you mess with any settings to get 5g? I know there's some people on TMobile that are getting 5g out the box with no settings update but with my T-Mobile sim, it resorts to LTE/LTE+ even though I have 5g preferred and all 5g switches on.
AndroPlus said:
I rooted.
These may fix delayed notifications:
Disable "Sleep mode" in battery settings
Disable "Suspend execution for cached apps" in developer options
Disable powerkeeper by adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.powerkeeper
Install Global ROM-ify Magisk module
[MAGISK] Add languages to MIUI CN - Enables Google Location History & Nearby Share
I want to use the original MIUI Chinese version as it is, so I created a Magisk module to add the languages! The translation is extracted from MIUI Global ROM for Xiaomi 11T Pro. This module also enables Google Location History & Nearby Share...
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Can you please share your rooting method? I am not a novice when it comes to rooting. Custom recovery etc, but finding it hard to locate a proper guide, or custom recovery. Did you use Magisk for patched boot.img method? TWRP or OrangeFox custom recovery.
Any help or pointing in the right direction would be really helpful!
AndroPlus said:
I rooted.
These may fix delayed notifications:
Disable "Sleep mode" in battery settings
Disable "Suspend execution for cached apps" in developer options
Disable powerkeeper by adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.powerkeeper
Install Global ROM-ify Magisk module
[MAGISK] Add languages to MIUI CN - Enables Google Location History & Nearby Share
I want to use the original MIUI Chinese version as it is, so I created a Magisk module to add the languages! The translation is extracted from MIUI Global ROM for Xiaomi 11T Pro. This module also enables Google Location History & Nearby Share...
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yes, I got my fold yesterday and I'm going insane with no gmail notifications if screen is off. can you please post the guide on how to root?
You don't need to uninstall the powerkeeper; turning off sleep mode in the battery saver scenarios should help.
I also posted a short while ago a method to enable the use of any 3rd party launcher.
Here's my debloat list (on top of user-uninstallable software from Android settings):
n.b. you will lose SMS/MMS functionality; either install another client (like QKSMS) or don't uninstall from the list below).
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.mipay.wallet
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.bugreport
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.contentcatcher
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.contentextension
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.core.internal.assistant
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.miservice
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.nextpay
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.personalassistant
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.phrase
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.player
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.screenshot
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.securityadd
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.systemAdSolution
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.touchassistant
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.translation.kingsoft
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.translation.xmcloud
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.translationservice
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.tsmclient
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.voiceassist
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.voicetrigger
pm uninstall --user 0 com.miui.yellowpage
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.unionpay.tsmservice.mi
pm uninstall --user 0 com.xiaomi.aiasst.service
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.xiaomi.finddevice
pm uninstall --user 0 com.xiaomi.gamecenter.sdk.service
pm uninstall --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0 com.xiaomi.migameservice
pm uninstall --user 0 com.xiaomi.payment
pm uninstall --user 0 om.miui.translation.kingsoft
pm uninstall --user 0
Shawnki91 said:
Can you please share your rooting method? I am not a novice when it comes to rooting. Custom recovery etc, but finding it hard to locate a proper guide, or custom recovery. Did you use Magisk for patched boot.img method? TWRP or OrangeFox custom recovery.
Any help or pointing in the right direction would be really helpful!
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I just used patching method.
It's the only recommended method by Magisk developer, so forget about TWRP method.
The Magic Mask for Android
You can download fw from here:
Xiaomi Firmware Updater
The ultimate script that provides firmware packages for Xiaomi devices.
AndroPlus said:
Looking forward to having a forum too!
I received MIX Fold 2, the lightweight and thin body is awesome.
I think this is the best foldable phone ever.
Vivo X Fold vs Xiaomi Mix Fold 2
Hey guys, It appears that Vivo and SamEsung have a new threat on the horizon... The Xiomi Mix Fold 2! Thinner, ligher, having better spec than the X fold, almost same size screens as the X Fold... And let's face it, Xiaomi has a better software...
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I second the need for a fold 2 forum
AndroPlus said:
I just used patching method.
It's the only recommended method by Magisk developer, so forget about TWRP method.
The Magic Mask for Android
You can download fw from here:
Xiaomi Firmware Updater
The ultimate script that provides firmware packages for Xiaomi devices.
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Thanks very much! Will give a try today
im unable to see an option to change grid size.. anyone figured that?
varun.gid said:
im unable to see an option to change grid size.. anyone figured that?
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I am in the same boat... Let's hope it's fixed in a later update.
oh no... i did this:
Disable powerkeeper by adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.powerkeeper
and now i'm in an endless bootloop. i really need help
if anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I've wasted so many hours now already since this happened. Damn near ready to cry our of frustration after importing this device to the USA and only having it for two days.
My device is not unlocked which from what I read means I'm screwed.
I can get into fastboot but that is it. My device is recognized by miflash but I think I can't flash anything because my bootloader is locked.
I keep searching, reading and trying things but my knowledge is not great. I can't get out of this bootloop or flash anything with miflash
oh man this is so bad, and I got rid of my fold also and don't have another phone.
knives of ice said:
oh no... i did this:
Disable powerkeeper by adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.powerkeeper
and now i'm in an endless bootloop. i really need help
if anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I've wasted so many hours now already since this happened. Damn near ready to cry our of frustration after importing this device to the USA and only having it for two days.
My device is not unlocked which from what I read means I'm screwed
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Have you tried booting into recovery and doing a factory reset? You would lose your data but I'd imagine it would reset any package changes you made allowing the phone to boot again (I haven't actually tested this nor do I even know if there is a recovery as I haven't tried to boot into it)

Question How to uninstall pre-installed apps stock rom

Hello, is there any guide in how to uninstall pre-installed apps like youtube and youtube music from the stock rom please?
Also another question - is it safe using apps like Shelter or Insular to use them for banking apps and outlook emails?
you can use adb commands.
first do
adb shell
then check ur user id (typically 0 but if it isnt then replace accordingly)
pm list users
to disable or uninstall apps for your user do
pm disable-user --user 0
pm uninstall --user 0
to enable or re-install apps for your user do
pm enable
pm install-existing
no idea about your second question, maybe open another thread for it, I doubt many people will find it here after reading the title is about installing apps.

