Any crop library for Android in active development? - General Questions and Answers

I use library but the development is dead. It has no zoom even.
I've tried to find a new one and found and They have zoom option but seems both are discontinued.
The issue is that one of libs doesn't provide the info about the current position of crop areah that is needed for batch crop
The second one doesn't provide a view. Instead starts a new activity. Doesn't fit the architecture and ux requirements.
I'm stuck now. Maybe somebody suggests a library for my purposes?



Rotating an image, windows mobile,

So I have been messing around with windows mobile development (in vb, don't hate me, i have grown accustomed to vb because of work). Anyways I come to a point where i would like to use the graphics object to draw an image and rotate it on occasion based on the state of the program. My instincts told me to use System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object to create that rotation but as it turns out it appears .net compact framework doesn't support that object.
So my question then is, is there any other method for rotating an image as i draw it. I can program in other languages as well if that is what is required, I was really only using vb because it was easy.
Any ideas?
don't know about vb but
in c# i would look for an event to subscribe to
which would be fired when the orientation changed
or the resolution changed or some control resized
Sorry the question isn't related to orientation or resolution. I know when I want to rotate the image.
I will give more information, the image is a compass and I want to rotate the compass image based on GPS data received (Calculating the angles is not the problem either). Once I know that say I am 10 degrees off of north, i want to rotate the image of the compass so that north is still pointing north.
In my desktop development this would be done in vb or c# using the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix class, using Matrix.Rotate and them applying that matrix to the graphics object before i draw the image using graphics.drawImage().
Now the problem comes when I move to the mobile platform where System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix does not exist and is appariently unimplemented. So then my question is, are there any other API's on the Windows Mobile Platform that support Rotation of an image by an arbitrary angle, and if not does any one have any good ideas where to start looking for implementing the rotation manually myself.
Thanks in advance
That's one of the annoyances with the .NET compact framework, not all of the PC .NET framework is implemented, and sometimes it's the bit you really want.
Time for a different angle on the problem. Create 36 compass images 10 degrees apart and store them all in an ImageList object. Pull the one you require out of it when the heading changes. Not quite as elegant as the Matrix class, but it may have to do.
The other approach would be to use DirectX drawing. The coding to do it, would probably involve a very steep learning curve, but not having dabbled in this arena yet, I can't offer much help.
The ImageList object in the .NET compact framework does not support ImageList.Draw(), (darn!, see previous post), so you would have to create a PictureBox object or similar and use :-
PictureBox1.Image = ImageList1.Images;
Where i is the index of the image you want to use. (0 to 35)
Thanks for the suggestions, I did end up predrawing the images of the compass. At the moment I went ahead and made 360 images but I am surely going to cut that down quite a bit. The question then becomes smoothness vs space. But either way you shake it it is working.

Help from other devs needed - webviews, invalidate() and onConfigurationChanged()

What does onConfigurationChanged actually do on a webview? (let me clarify that - I know what it's FOR, and I know how to use it and override it, but what does the guts of the original super.onConfigurationChanged do itself?)
The reason I ask is that I'm having problems in my browser mods (see my sig) related to a new feature I've added where it maintains the zoom level across pages (so you don't zoom out to a comfortable reading level only to have it blatted when you move to the next page on a site). I'm doing this by pulling back getScale and then using the value to setInitialScale on the webview. So, when a new page is loaded, it's initial scale has been set to the zoom level/scale that was being used on the previous page. Net result - user doesn't see zoom level change from page to page. So far so hoopy.
The only problem is that there's an odd bug whereby the subsequent page loads into same horizontal width as the previous page. So, if you are reading a really wide page/site, and browse to a new site which is thinner, then you have a horizontal scroll bar and the columns do not reformat as they should if you've got "Auto fit pages" on in the settings. However, if you zoom in and then out again, the reformatting happens fine and you have a comfortable viewing layout.
Now I would have thought that it was just a case of calling invalidate() on the webview at a pertinent point in order to force a redraw (and if I look at the source code for webview that's precisely what they do when they zoom in/out). But for some reason that doesn't seem to do anything in my app. If I call invalidate after a page has finished loading (which seems the best point for a redraw) nothing happens.
The reason I ask about onConfigurationChanged is that flipping orientation to/from landscape again also resolves the issue. So I'm curious to know what it's doing in there that's relevant above and beyond an invalidate().
I freely confess that I really know naff all about Android - my Browser work has largely consisted of me flinging code against a wall to see what sticks - so would appreciate any help from devs who do actually know their Android stuff.
(as an aside, I wonder if this bug in the webview was the reason why the stock Browser was never built to preserve zoom level from page to page? It was easier to settle for merely irritating behaviour in the browser app rather than resolve the bug in the underlying web rendering implementation!)

Library to analyse picture (colors, size)?

To get started with Basic4Android, I'd like to help a friend who works as a nurse and develop an application that can take a picture of a wound and return infos about its colors and size, so as to monitor how the wound evolves and what type of bandage to use.
I read about OpenCV, and I was wondering...
if OpenCV is the right library for this (apparently, it does real-time image processing, while I just need it to analyze pictures taken by the smartphone)
if not, are there other libraries available for Basic4Android that I should check instead?
Thank you.
I have been using the library available at with good results. It is intuitive and easy to use. You can check it out and see if it is possible to use it for your specific problem.
OpenCV is great. It is very powerful.
I think it is better to use ImageMagic.
It is a simple in use console library, but it is really poverfull.
I have been using b4a only for a couple years and a half, but i think opencv is a good choice

How would I identify an App's UI component?

Where would I find these three UI components ?
The three snapshots attached display them, and I hoping someone will recognize them.
Looking for the libraries that contain them, and I don't readily know how to determine that?
Would there be an app for that --- telling me what libraries are used by specific apps?
UPDATE: I believe I've found the Calendar and Time spinners under Android SDK's ApiDemo samples app:
The search continues with the face clock ui component.

Augmented Reality (sort of) with KML files

I've been proposed to implement an application that renders KML files (google earth and affiliates) overlaid with the camera's image, based on the current position (GPS) and orientation (accelerometer?).
I couldn't find a framework to overlay the models in the camera.
So I address the wiser XDA community in hope you can't point me in the right direction.
Are there any frameworks to achieve something like this?
My client produces .KML files for the structures, that can be downloaded from the app to offline storage, after that they want the user to point at a given direction and render objects in a given range from the user's position.
Thanks in advance,
I used BeyondAR framework for augmented reality and overlaying camera image based on GPS and orientation. Don't know, if it supports KML files.

