Which app creates these folders ? - General Questions and Answers

All days, several empties folders are created in /storage/emulated/0.
All folders are named with dot then numerics (eg ‘.1896745236489’).
Is it possible to know which app create these folders ?

My guess it's something like cookies. The dot in front of filename/folder means the files/folders are unvisible to other apps than the one what created these files/folders.
To get the owner of such files/folders you run
adb devices
adb shell "stat -c '%U' <path_to_your_file>"


[Q] Export list of files in a directory?

Is there an app (or could someone develop one) that would export a list of files in a directory into a text document or some other file type that could edited?
I have a need for it at the moment and frankly I'm too lazy to do it manually. lol
Anything like this out there?
Besides the obvious? ls >file
obvious to whom? I have no idea what that means. lol
is that some sort of adb shell command?
Edit: I've figured out the list in the command window but it would still be nice to have an app to do this.

[Req] SD Card organizer?

Hey guys, I have a request for an app. I'm tired of having 5 different folders for music, 3 for pictures, and so on. Is there an app that can read a files extension, and then categorize it into an appropriate folder? For example, any files that have a .mp3 .ogg .wma etc. extension will be grouped into a folder called "music" any file with the extension .mp4 .m4a etc will be grouped into a videos folder, and then .jpg .png .gif and things like that into a pictures folder. I get music from amazon, from a music downloader, and from 3 of my web browsers, and they all save in different locations. It is very annoying and cluttered. Does this exist / can it be made?
I wanna know the same thing. very helpful if you switch roms a lot!!
Ahh u can move the files ur self its kinda hard u drag and drop but its ya
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
dc13 said:
Ahh u can move the files ur self its kinda hard u drag and drop but its ya
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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That is the exact opposite of what I wanted to know.
Sent from my LG Optimus V running Sense 3.0
App like this would be so useful.
Does this app exist? I need something like this badly
Sent from my LG Optimus V running Sense 3.0
Well, this can be easily done with a simple shell script which gets runs regularly by Tasker or similar app; heck, could be even an init script that runs on boot in case you do not mind the slowdown on boot...
However, note that some apps may not look at your single folder at all or need to be manually configured to look there. So, think about what you are doing.
dr.notor said:
Well, this can be easily done with a simple shell script which gets runs regularly by Tasker or similar app; heck, could be even an init script that runs on boot in case you do not mind the slowdown on boot...
However, note that some apps may not look at your single folder at all or need to be manually configured to look there. So, think about what you are doing.
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I don't know how to script. Also, I'm not necessarily talking about an application pushing the downloaded file into one folder, so much as an application (or script) pulling all downloaded files into their corresponding folder. Pulling, not pushing. Hope this clarifies. If someone were to clarify this, it would be an amazing tool to be able to utilize.
gerbetta33 said:
I don't know how to script. Also, I'm not necessarily talking about an application pushing the downloaded file into one folder, so much as an application (or script) pulling all downloaded files into their corresponding folder. Pulling, not pushing. Hope this clarifies. If someone were to clarify this, it would be an amazing tool to be able to utilize.
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For "pulling" something, you need some daemon running which will watch SD card and do something when a file of a certain type is created. That is exactly what stuff like gallery does (watch pictures/movies and create thumbnails for them). It is resource intensive and basically slows everything down.
Learn to use shell.
# busybox find /sdcard/* -iname "*.mp3" -type f -exec busybox mv -f {} /sdcard/Music \;
The above will move all MP3 files to Music folder on your SD (assuming the SD card is mounted on /sdcard). Use mv -n instead if you have files with the same name in different dirs, otherwise they will be overwritten.

[TOOL][ICS][GB][FROYO] Extract contents of Samsung Memo App's Database to CSV File

Many people, including myself, enjoyed using the stock Memo application on Froyo and GB. Unfortunately, it relies on TouchWiz so it is pretty unlikely that it will ever be ported to ICS. There are a plethora of note-taking apps out there to replace it, but how do you get your data back?
You don't need a running version of Memo to do this, just a backup of your Memo.db database.
I've attached a couple of shell scripts that you can run either on your phone or `nix / Mac to help you out. Here is the plan:
extract-memos.sh will take the memo data in a copy of your Memo.db, add a new table with columns for human-readable modified and created dates, as well as color, and write out the result (all memos) in a CSV file. You should be able to read the CSV file in most spreadsheet programs and save the data or transform it as you might need for another use.
[email protected]:~/Documents/memo-export$ sh extract-memos.sh
Checking database: /sdcard/memo-extract/com.sec.android.app.memo/databases/Memo.db
Checking output directory: /sdcard/memo-extract
You may want to see if there is anything important in
Data exported to
[email protected]:~/Documents/memo-export$ cat /sdcard/memo-extract/memo_20120714-100915.txt
1,20120712,"A yellow memo",1,1342138985041,1342138985041,Yellow,"2012-07-12 17:23:05","2012-07-12 17:23:05"
2,20120712,"A tan memo",2,1342139010315,1342139010315,Tan,"2012-07-12 17:23:30","2012-07-12 17:23:30"
3,20120712,"A green memo",3,1342139028326,1342139028326,Green,"2012-07-12 17:23:48","2012-07-12 17:23:48"
4,20120712,"A blue memo",4,1342139045894,1342139045894,Blue,"2012-07-12 17:24:05","2012-07-12 17:24:05"
5,20120712,"A pale blue memo",5,1342139064381,1342139064381,BlueGray,"2012-07-12 17:24:24","2012-07-12 17:24:24"
extract-memos.sh expects to find the database in /sdcard/memo-extract/com.sec.android.app.memo/databases
and will write the output in /sdcard/memo-extract
If you already have a copy of Memo.db (I suggest a copy, as the script adds a new table to the database), you can adjust the input and output directories using the environment variables dbdir and outdir.
If you're not command-line savvy, you might want to try creating a copy of Memo.db using extract-files.sh first. It will try, in order:
The GB location -- /data/data/com.sec.android.app.memo
ClockworkMod backups -- /sdcard/clockworkmod/backups
TitaniumBackup backups (default location only) -- /sdcard/TitaniumBackup
and, if successful, copy/extract into /sdcard/memo-extract
You likely need busybox on your phone to run these scripts on the phone. You will need root if you intend to copy from /data/data
To run them on the phone:
Copy the scripts to your phone; here I am assuming you saved them to /sdcard/
Get a shell started on the phone (adb shell, or a terminal emulator on the phone)
Change directory to where you have the scripts
# cd /sdcard/
Uncompress the files, if you haven't already
# gunzip extract-files.sh.gz
# gunzip extract-memos.sh.gz
Get a copy of Memo.db, either using your own approach, or
# sh extract-files.sh
Assuming that succeed, extract the memos into a CSV file
# sh extract-memos.sh
Thanks to m4xm4n for pushing me to make this available. If you find it helpful, please take the time to poke both our Thanks buttons.
If you have problems, please PM me and I'll try to resolve them.
Latest version is 2012-07-14
What is the warning about memo_shared_pref.xml? I don't even have the file!
I had some reasonably useless information about "check" this and that in my com.sec.android.app.memo/shared_prefs/memo_shared_pref.xml My instance of that file dates back to the first release of the phone. I didn't see it on a fresh GB-created version, so it might be Froyo cruft, or who knows. You probably should check this file to see if there is anything useful to you in it.​
My _id values aren't all there
Missing _id values are from the memos you have deleted.​
What are _id values?
They are an internal number that the Memo app used to keep track of your memos. You probably don't need them to import.​
What are the long numbers for modify_t and create_t?
Internal "unixtime" in milliseconds. If that sounded like gibberish, use the human-readable versions that are in your local timezone.​
The create/modify times seem off by several hours
Strangely, I have some memos that seem around eight hours off in the opposite way I would expect if they were in UTC. I don't know why.​
(reserved for information on importing into other apps)
There are a ton of note-taking apps out there. Right now, I haven't found any that can import the content, the created and modified dates both, and hopefully the color in a reasonable way. If I do, I'll post here how to get the data easily into that app.
Would you be able to post a new link to extract-memos.sh? I just tried clicking on the current one, and both only led to a page that said "410 Gone."

[Q] File created on handset shows up as 0 bytes on MTP USB interface

I am running CyanogenMod (CM) 12 on my 1st generation Moto G. In the root directory as shown via the file manager, I created a "notes" folder, where I store text files. Files that I copy over from Windows 7 seem fine.
As an *aside*, the only proviso is that the native CM text editor uses Unix line endings (LF only, not CR+LF). So if the text files were DOS to begin with, any new lines of text added on the handset will have only LF, while old lines will have CR+LF. The CM text editor handles this well, seemingly treating both line endings in the same way.
I have a problem with any *new* text files created on the handset. I am not sure whether the problem is somehow related to the line endings. On the handset, I created a file tmp.txt of length 160 bytes (it contains 160 characters). When I view the text file from Windows 7 using the MTP interface, windows explorer shows the file as having 0 bytes. When I drag the file over to a Windows folder on the laptop, it is basically an empty file. Very bad.
I can use adb to pull the file over, and then it's fine (it's not empty). As a side note, the source path as seen in the handset file manager must be prefixed with storage/emulated/legacy/ when using adb pull.
I do not want to use adb pull to copy over a whole bunch of files. The klag in that process would make it a real headache. I will be regularly mirroring these text files between the laptop and the handset.
Can anyone suggest a reason why a file created on the handset looks so bizzarely empty when viewed over the MTP USB interface? Can anyone suggest a hopefully elegant workaround that doesn't involve too much geeking out? Geeking out is all fun and that, but the handset was really meant to save me time rather than become a project in itself.
It looks like I can avoid individually pulling and pushing files because adb push/pull are recursive commands. The source argument can be a list of multiple files. I might have found from google that a destination directory on the handset must be specified in terms of ./relative/path or might have needed a terminating "/" -- I can't remember, and unfortunately, I closed down my bash shell, so I can't examine the history.

Fun Folders to view on Alcatel One touch Idol 3

Perhaps I should explain....the recent_tasks folder lists every single activity a user does along with time stamps.
The recent_images folder contains actual (internal) screenshots of your device every time a task or app goes to background and can contain sensitive information.
(When I first looked inside it had a screenshot of my last open contact that contained the persons name and full phone number. It would have also showed the contacts profile pic had I assigned them one)
You can keep these sensitive folders from being written to if you have root by changing the folders ownership with the "chown" command like so: chown root:root /data/system/recent_images
after you remove all the data inside with: rm /data/system/recent_images/*
Do the same for recent_tasks.
(And while your at it you may want to do the same to a folder with the name DROPBOX in the same directory as it contains error messages that could be used to exploit vulnerabilities in your device)

