Upgrading PX5 Android Version and UI - MTCD Android Head Units Q&A

Hello. I am a complete beginner to all of this and I am hoping you can help me. I currently have:
Eonon head unit
Model Number: A-Media Auto (1024x600 O)
Android version: 6.0.1
Build number: px5-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89L user.hct.20170729.153447 test-keys
MCU Version: MTCD_www_v2.58_1.
CPU: 8 core, 64bit CPU coretex -83 @ 1.5G
What is the highest Android Version I can update to and do you have a link to the files?
What else do I need to update for the best UI and can you give me the files?
Any thing else I need to update???
Would really appreciate your help. This is a mine field for me and have no idea what I’m doing!


Update 8.0 - PX5 MXC89L, MCU TP69A 4.21 - Central Multimidia M1 (with Android 6.0.1)

Hi guy, I have a "Central Multimidia M1", with Android 6.0.1, on my Corolla Xei 2010. Someone could tell me where I can find the firmware upgrade 8.0 to this model:
Central Multimidia Motor One M1 (with Android 6.0.1)
Kernel: 3.10.0
Ver. Number: MXC89L-release-keys-20171229-V8.0
APP ver.: TP69A 0.0.90
MCU: TP69A 4.21
Octacore, 2GB RAM, 16GB, 1024x600
it's avaliable the 8.0 to this model, but the warranty refused to send me the update (I have to send to the seller, so He will send to the warranty, so they make the update (it will cost like $140.0 and take more than 30 days!).
Sorry if I put in the wrong section. It's correct?

Who can help me to find MCU version MTCE_MX2_V3.01_1 or higer

Hi everyone,
This afternoon, I upgraded my PX5 with the wrong MCU version. :crying::crying:
Who can help me to find MCU version MTCE_MX2_V3.01_1 or higer?
Would be much appreciated.
Model PX5
Android version 8.0.0.
Kernel version 4.4.93+
[email protected] #36
Build number PX5-userdebug 8.0.0 OPR5.17023.007 eng.hct 20181122. 180059 test-keys
CPU 8 core 64 bit CPU Coretex-A53 @ 1.5G
Does it matter? Suggest a read of the forums on MTCD MCU and also posting in MTCD forums if needed after reading about MTCD(e) cross compatibility.
(Mod has moved to MTCD forums)
sazias said:
Hi everyone,
This afternoon, I upgraded my PX5 with the wrong MCU version. :crying::crying:
Who can help me to find MCU version MTCE_MX2_V3.01_1 or higer?
Would be much appreciated.
Model PX5
Android version 8.0.0.
Kernel version 4.4.93+
[email protected] #36
Build number PX5-userdebug 8.0.0 OPR5.17023.007 eng.hct 20181122. 180059 test-keys
CPU 8 core 64 bit CPU Coretex-A53 @ 1.5G
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can try the sound-moded ones. MX2 is MX compatible.
Hi Sazias,
Check this:

HCT PX REV4.0 - Black screen after update

I managed to mess up my perfectly working radio trying to update to Android 9.
The recovery was updated to android 9 followed with the mcu update after which it got the black screen.
I presume this happened due to my reading dissability as I first flashed the mcu with MTCE_LM instead of MTCD_LM.
Is there anyone willing to look at the board and try fixing it for me before my wife murders me? Thanks in advance!
Model Number: A-Media Auto (1024x600 W)
Android version: 6.0.1
CPU: 8 core 64-bit CPU Coretex-A53 @ 1.5G
Memory: 2G
Mcu Version: MTCD_LM_V2.44_1
Board: HCT--PX5-REV4.0

PX5 MTCE Update help

Hi there,
I would like to update the stock Android firmware and MCU version.
Current Version:
Android 8.0.0 (05. October 2017)
Kernel: [email protected] #142 (Wed Mar 7 14:21:23 CST 2018)
px5-userdebug 8.0.0 OPR5.170623.007 eng.hct20180308.091100 test-keys
MCU: MTCE_KLD_V2.78_1 (Jan 16 2018 19:19:56)
8 core 64-bit CPU Coretex-A53 @ 1.5G
I just found those versions and wanted to ask, if they are correct and working with my device or if there are newer version. Also I wanted to know if it is possible to upgrade to Android 9 or 10 with a stock ROM.
MCU: MTCE_KLD_V3.01: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/view/0/?*=Ymr9687YIB1zswmHC6UzHvtQbZ17InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vQ1dueWZoYjBBbzRuNnVrczVaYU9CNWpFK3J6a2IyTTRIcHViUSs3ejZxVT06L01DVSBmb3IgTVRDRCwgTVRDRSwgTVRDUCwgSW50ZWwgU29maWEzZy9LTEQvTVRDRV9LTERfVjMuMDEucmFyIiwidGl0bGUiOiJNVENFX0tMRF9WMy4wMS5yYXIiLCJub2lmcmFtZSI6ZmFsc2UsInVpZCI6IjAiLCJ0cyI6MTYwMTM5MDA2MDc2NSwieXUiOiIzMDg4NjI4NDE1Njc4NjgzODIifQ%3D%3D
Android: KLD8_px5_8.0_ota_20190115: https://docviewer.yandex.ru/view/0/?*=KtVYwgY8TSGt%2F8ZjWvq0bFkU2Sp7InVybCI6InlhLWRpc2stcHVibGljOi8vQ1dueWZoYjBBbzRuNnVrczVaYU9CNWpFK3J6a2IyTTRIcHViUSs3ejZxVT06L1JvY2tDaGlwIFBYNSBBbmRyb2lkIDguMC9LTEQvS0xEOF9weDVfOC4wX290YV8yMDE5MDExNS5yYXIiLCJ0aXRsZSI6IktMRDhfcHg1XzguMF9vdGFfMjAxOTAxMTUucmFyIiwibm9pZnJhbWUiOmZhbHNlLCJ1aWQiOiIwIiwidHMiOjE2MDEzOTAxNTUzNjQsInl1IjoiMzA4ODYyODQxNTY3ODY4MzgyIn0%3D
Thanks four your help!
Let's bump this thread since I also have an older KLD head unit which I'd like to update. Mine runs on Android 6 and I'd like to know if an upgrade to a newer version is easily done. Also I'd like to know if I lose all button settings (on head unit and steering wheel) if I update the MCU.

PLEASE ASSIST - what firmware to choose?- last change before i smash it

Hello to All
I am reading hours about which software to install and yet (probably cause iam novice) i cannot choose propelry
I have an MTCE Android Head Unit with the following specs:
Model: A-Media AUTO (1024x600 W)
Android: 6.0.1
MCU Version: MTCE_WWW_V2.65d_1 (22th SEPT 2017)
Kernel-Version: 3.10.0 [email protected] #1214 (20th SEPT 2017)
Build-Number: px5-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89L user.hct.20171011.152556 test-keys
I was afraid to update the firmware as i didn't want to mess up something. Hoever im fed up with this device (EONON GA 7135a) and before proceed to buy a new one i'm hoping the updates to fix issues like:
1) when playing music glitches apear and music being played with brake ups
2) Sudden reboots of the unit
3) Very slow reaction of the android applications. ( ok i know the unit has only 2GB ram) but i do not have the unit full of aps
PLEASE advise me which rom and to as much as posible more updated version of google to updated ( if possible guide me with a link) before i take a hummer and destroy it.
Thank you very much in advance for your help and understanding.
Smash, take video then share here!

