Help needed with (Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender) Error message - General Questions and Answers

Good afternoon everyone,
This is probably going to be a dumb question but here goes.
I am always sending text messages to my personal email address from my phone as either an SMS or sometimes as an MMS message as reminders for all sorts of things.
For instance, If I find an article of any kind that I want to read later I will copy the web address and send a text to my email address from the "Messages app" on my phone.
I have been doing this for years and have never ever had any issues up until about two weeks ago. Now sporadically and even sometimes all the time I will send a text to my email and immediately I get a separate text back saying the following
"(Undelivered Mail Returned To Sender) This is the mail system at host bbtpnj33wzwvetm-c-nk-x-00-vmg-00.localdomain.
I can not for the life of me figure out what I keep getting these types of responses.
Has anyone ever encountered something like this and/or have any clue what the problem might be and how to fix it?
Currently, I am having this issue using my Note20 Ultra if that means anything.
Thank you so much in advance for any help!


Pocket Outlook Partial Emails Being Sent

Hi everyone,
I have searched exhaustively on this forum and via google but cannot find a solution anywhere.
Certain emails that I send via Pocket Outlook are only partially being sent. (longer emails)
Its not an SMTP issue because I have tried 3 different SMTP servers and the same thing is happening.
What is very strange is that the entire messages shows up in the sent folder but when someone else receives it only a paragraph shows up. (I have also sent them to one of my emails to test and they are partially showing up). But what is even odder is that its not with all messages, some are being received fine.
I thought that it could be some kind of font issue but that didn't work.
If someone has any ideas I would be grateful as I use the phone for business and my customers are not receiving full emails so its a big problem for me. Also just to add I am pretty sure this just started happening recently and I haven't changed any settings either.
Thanks again for your replies.

Repeated email notifications

Hello everybody!
I think this may be something with windows and not just with my phone (because I have had the same problem on my other windows phones as well)
But I keep getting repeated email notifications of new email, when I havnt gotten any new mail.
Now It is just my regular POP3 email through comcast, that it is checking.
So any ideas on how to resolve the issue? because it can be quite a nuisance through out the day.
Thanks for your help!
p.s. let me know if I need to supply more information about my settings.
If you mark your new POP3 as read it should not notify you about it the next time it does a Send/Receive.
I needs to be marked as read or it will still think that you have a unread message.

SMS going to the wrong place

I'm having a very strange problem with sending text messages to certain people on my Hero. I noticed people not getting my messages and just thought that maybe they weren't being sent at all.. Until I decided to look at the "details" of some of my sent messages. Instead of the name or number that I entered, it keeps sending certain text messages to this address "[email protected]". Now, I receive alerts from Bank of America from this address occasionally, but it is not in my address book at all, and even when I delete messages that I receive from them I still have this problem.
Then of course, since that is not a valid phone number or e-mail address, I get a delivery failure messages every time I send a text to that address. Anyone have any ideas why it keeps sending messages like this?? I have hard reset, and switched Heros a couple of times, and it still does this. I've tried using Handcent, still no luck. With Handcent, after I send certain people a text message, the title of the conversation is even the Bank of America address, and not the person's name!
Any help would be appreciated, this is driving me crazy!
Maitiu said:
I'm having a very strange problem with sending text messages to certain people on my Hero. I noticed people not getting my messages and just thought that maybe they weren't being sent at all.. Until I decided to look at the "details" of some of my sent messages. Instead of the name or number that I entered, it keeps sending certain text messages to this address "[email protected]". Now, I receive alerts from Bank of America from this address occasionally, but it is not in my address book at all, and even when I delete messages that I receive from them I still have this problem.
Then of course, since that is not a valid phone number or e-mail address, I get a delivery failure messages every time I send a text to that address. Anyone have any ideas why it keeps sending messages like this?? I have hard reset, and switched Heros a couple of times, and it still does this. I've tried using Handcent, still no luck. With Handcent, after I send certain people a text message, the title of the conversation is even the Bank of America address, and not the person's name!
Any help would be appreciated, this is driving me crazy!
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oh yuck... wipe your phone dude... then update your PRL under settings (it's in there somewhere) and don't install any online banking apps untill that is fixed... that definately sounds like a bug
You may want to check this thread to see if this is what's happening. I think I'm getting something similar on my Droid Eris after receiving a text from an email client.
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that there is a fix beyond hard resetting phone
And even more unfortunately, it looks like this issue goes back over a year with no resolution!!! Hope this isn't what I have to look forward to with an 'open source' operating system...
this is happening to me as well. I don't have any banking apps installed but I do get an SMS from my bank telling me when my paycheck has been deposited. ALot of my messages come in to this thread and there have been times that I thought I was responding to a person who had just messaged me who did not get my text. If I were to start from 'people' and find a contact and send a message from there, it will work.
btw, this is from handcent.
Thanks for the link, I had searched everywhere, I thought, without any luck. Just from reading the first post, that is exactly what happens to me. I'm gonna go finish all of the posts about it, thanks again!
Well, as you'll find out from the thread, the only real way to get your text messaging working properly again is to hard reset the phone. Bummer, I know.
You may try what I did, though, and use an app called MyBackup Pro (free 30-day trial) to backup some of your important items before you do the reset.
I backed up my settings/home/bookmarks and then separately my contacts. I didn't back up my apps, but chose to redownload them from the Market since they are listed in My Downloads. Then as soon as I reset my phone, I first re-installed as many of my apps as possible (including MyBackup of course), and THEN restored my settings and contacts.
I still had to reset the settings on some programs, but it definitely saved a bit of time.
And this may be random, but I experienced an issue after resetting where my phone would not dial out to anyone. Turns out, Verizon had to reset something on their end that got screwed up. You have to get to level 2 tech support to fix this.
Hope this helps...
I am having the same issues. Will try a hard reset and see if that helps. I have also disabled any texting services from B of A or Fbook or Twitter. Hopefully that will fix it. Thanks for the thread.

ATT Email to Text (From address)

Short question:
When an email is sent to my txt address at att the sender is listed as a number 1010100001. Can this changed? Is there a workaround to have a computer send me a text from a real address?
Long explanation:
I have a server monitoring system that sends me text message alerts when there is an issue. (I.E. A website is down, Drive space is low.. etc)
I get a LOT of these.
I Just switched From Verizon to ATT.
On Verizon the Email was sent to [email protected] and it said it was from the email address of my monitoring server. On ATT any email sent to my text address ([email protected]) comes in from 1010100001 and this number seems to increment for each email I get to my text address.
I know it's not my Tilt2, because my wife’s Iphone does the same thing.
Is there any workaround?
Is anyone aware of another way to send these alerts rather than a straight email to my text address?
It's very hard to glance at my messages now and see if there is an issue I should deal with without opening each message.
On VZW, I could scroll my inbox and see the FROM and SUBJECT without opening them like: [email protected] - Error C drive low on Servername. then the body had the details.
On ATT is says 1010100002 - FRM:[email protected]
I have to open the message to see if it is an error or a good.
Many pages are temporary errors, I may get 3 errors then a good while a job runs.. If it doesn’t report good in a few mins, I need to look at it.

SMS going to wrong recepient

This has happened twice now. The first time I thought it was a fluke, now a second time in two days I am getting concerned. I am using Google Messenger for SMS/MMS. The problem is that somebody sends me a text message and I reply to their message. My reply goes to a completely different person and the original sender never receives my reply. These are not group messages, just a single SMS.
Anybody else having this issue? I will have to switch back to my Nexus 6 if this keeps happening.
Known bug. Use Hangouts for SMS until it's fixed.
I got a text from amazon that my packaged was shipped at it showed coming from my brother. I too am using messenger. I don't like hangouts...
Yep same here, it's broken. I would say use Textra for a similar feel to messenger. Hangouts is broken too, but in a different way. It will send photos sideways if you use the paper clip in a message thread. If you use the share function in gallery it will send it fine.
I have been using Google Messenger since it came out on two other devices and have never experienced this issue until using it on the S6. I have found if I clear the app data for Messenger messages show up from the correct sender temporarily. WTF?
I came here to post something similar. I set up my dad's S6 the other day, and today he told me that if he goes into the Contacts app, selects a contact, and hits the text icon, it picks the wrong contact to send to. I tried this on numerous contacts, and it happens on all of them. If he adds them manually to a message through the Messenger app, this doesn't happen. Bizarre bug. Any ideas?
Happened again yesterday. A coworker sent me a text and it showed up from a completely different person. Guess I have to back to hangouts for now ugh...
Recurring Problem
I highly doubt the problem will be fixed soon. This bug has been blatant in all Samsung products I have had since 2007; however, it happens somewhat seldom and slightly random and the only idea I have for reproduction is:
Receive a message from person A
Read message from person A
Receive message from person B.
Open message from person B while still in the thread with person A's SMS.
reply to person B.
Watch as person A reads your reply to person B and person B never gets anything.
I'm not sure if this always reproduces it, but when I saw this happen AGAIN with my new S6 I was instantly reminded of my past with Samsung products - even prior to Android.
Same Issue--- Almost 2018 Now
I use a fully updated LG RIsio (low grade phone I know), and and the latest version of FB Messenger app for SMS. Several times in the past few months I have constructed a text for a recipient, with the intended recipients name on display as a write, hit send, and suddenly the completed text is sent to a seemingly random contact in my phone, and the deed is done.
This is insane. How do I stop this. I am gripped with the fear of something incriminating going to a family member or a coworker or manager. Why am I not hearing more about this in 2017? Most of the posts on it are from 2010. Did it never get fixed? Did it come back?
Please advise. This is the kind of oversight that can potentially ruin lives and merit a class action lawsuit.

