ISO opinions and help troubleshooting - Moto E6 Questions & Answers

I need help and understanding and issue I'm having with my Moto E6.. so all sudden out of nowhere one day my phone began giving me a notification about how a bug report had been captured and then it happened again it said by report too been captured and then over the course of the next 3 or 4 days and still now to this day cuz it began 3-4 days ago and it's been happening ever since I go and check under developer options in the settings and I look at the enable USB debugging toggle switch and I have insured that it is off for sure and so I know it is not enabled yet it out of nowhere then will enables itself somehow seemingly and give me more notifications about how a bug reported been captured again and then I go check the developer options and oh lo and behold it isn't able to get yet I never enabled it no one's using my phone it's been within my pocket the entire time every time that this has happened and I'm not pressing buttons on accident so I truly need someone to help me understand how is this even possible and what do you think it means? please help thank you any information would be greatly appreciated thanks guys you guys are awesome thanks for being welcoming look forward to hearing from you all on this

I would remove the last app you installed prior to this issue appearing. This is usually related to a bad app. If that doesn't work, try running a malware or virus scan to see if what is messing around with things on your phone..


[Q] Tasker Q

Hey got a weird problem with my Tasker. I had followed the guide posted in the Android forums about creating a text and missed call widget using minimal text as well.
It was all going swell. until seemingly randomly it stopped counting when the phone was locked. I am completely stumped, which is not surprising, as I'm relatively new to this whole thing. As far as I'm aware I haven't changed anything except updating the apps.
Anyway, if anyone has a nice answer I'm happy to let you say it as patronisingly as you want.
Bump for frustration!
The phones cpu usually gets turned into a low state when it is in standby. Only major events like calls or texts will wake it.
You need a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK for your phone to still register widget events or sensors during that time.
It is possible that some one app/widget of yours aquired such a wake lock before, which in return made it possible for your widget to work during that time.
I have made you a small tool that will aquire a wakelock when it is turned on.
Tell me if it helps.
Thanks for your reply. I have tested it with your app and unfortunately it has not worked.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
Back up to the top for other suggestions or workarounds.
Use adb logcat from the android sdk to read the log, there might be some hints on whats going on when you lock your phone.
Cheers for your suggestion. I've looked into it, but tbh am struggling a bit. I think I'll leave it, thanks for your ideas though.

[Q] (SOLVED, PLEASE CLOSE) How to fix search feature missing/disabled?

Ok so I understand that this is probably a setting that i must of overlooked but i've been trying to find information about it for the past few days now. A few days back i changed the option to XDA classic but decided i didn't like it so i changed it back. This is around the time i noticed the search button missing and ontop of that its overlaying on the screen messed up. It didn't do this before and i'm not sure what i did or if maybe XDA is just improving their search button and thats why i'm having problems but its starting to bother me big time. I really did search for the answers as best i could without having use of the search button but i came up empty handed. Also if i got to my name it normally brought me right to the statistics where i could find my posts and so forth but now it brings me to About Me. No big deal though since all i need to do its select statistics which is right next to it but when i go to find posts i was in or threads i started i get "vBulletin Message, Searching has been disabled". Who disabled it and if it was me how can i enable it again? I would be very greatful if someone could shed some light on this and tell me what i'm doing wrong. UHGG!! I feel so stupid because i know its probably something small i'm doing wrong.
It's problem w/ board and admins are working to fix it.
Huge thanks.
As i said i wasn't sure if it was something i was doing but i noticed it right when i was changing the style around. Thats a huge releif knowing it wasn't from something I did. I have no problem waiting patiently.

[Q] Razr Maxx Display Bug

I just got a Razr Maxx and I set up a Smart Action to Launch Pandora when I plug in Headphones.
Since I used this the first time the phone will randomly alternate between the Home Screen and the Google Search Screen in rapid fashion, effectively making the phone useless. While it is doing this it vibrates as it goes between each screen.
I have uninstalled Pandora and tried deleting the Smart Action but it won't let me.
Has anyone ran into this issue? Is this just a lemon phone? I am going to VZ Store after work today to see about getting help for it, but I was hoping there may be an easy fix I can do myself.
Any thought or help would be greatly appreciated.
How did you attempt to remove the Smart Action? I had a lot of trouble (similar issues) when I tried implementing them. A great idea, though.
If worst comes to worst, a factory reset will clear you up
Good luck!
I tried by going into the smart action and tried to clear it, tried the menu button (when they work through this spasm) to delete all smart actions (of which there are only two, that one and a Home one to turn up the ringer and use wifi I believe.
I appreciate your suggestion. I am hoping that maybe VZ might have seen this has some kind of fix. I am not sure when ICS will push the VX Maxx but I am told that with that and an update system version from Motorola many bugs should be resolved.
Currently it is not useable as it is now.
Thanks again!
evildawg said:
I tried by going into the smart action and tried to clear it, tried the menu button (when they work through this spasm) to delete all smart actions (of which there are only two, that one and a Home one to turn up the ringer and use wifi I believe.
I appreciate your suggestion. I am hoping that maybe VZ might have seen this has some kind of fix. I am not sure when ICS will push the VX Maxx but I am told that with that and an update system version from Motorola many bugs should be resolved.
Currently it is not useable as it is now.
Thanks again!
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You're welcome, sorry I couldn't be a bit more specific for you. It's entirely possible that the app will see some fixes in the ICS update. As it's their first version (or so) of this, I guess bugs like this do pop up.
May be worth filing a bug report with Motorola on it also, to help others with the same predicament?
Either way, best of luck with a resolution

Random Notification Sounds?

Maybe someone else can help me with this.
Every so often during the day I keep getting a random notification sound with no visual as to what it is. The sound is 5 tones going in a descending pattern and sounds metallic. I do not have NFC turned on nor the facebook app. I checked all my apps and sounds. I even read a lot of threads else where and tried everyone's suggestion. Still does it. I searched my phone for *.ogg and *.wav files. Nothing.
I do have a wallet case but since NFC is off its not that. I've never heard this sound before. It only started a few days ago and I've have this phone for over a month. FYI I'm running the Hola launcher and omni swipe if that helps. Any suggestions?
I am thinking to uninstall ALL my apps and see if it still does it, but I really dont want to have to do that if I can avoid it.:silly:
Maybe it's the louncher. .. trai with the touchwiz
Sent from my SM-N915F using XDA Free mobile app
It's not the launcher. It doesn't matter.
This is why I hardly ask anything here. No one cares.
If your not a popular member you never get a reply.
I'll just ask my questions elsewhere where people actually care about you.
Are you using googles smartlock feature? When I first started using it I was receiving this weird notification which sounds like what you're talking about. It don't do it no more for some reason but man was it so annoying not knowing what the heck your phone is trying to tell you.
Sent from my SM-N915P using XDA Free mobile app
Hey there.
I have been checking back on this topic for a while because my wife's Note Edge is having the same exact problem. I even reached out to Samsung Mobile Support and they can't even figure out what it is. All they did was tinker with the sound settings and asked me if it was fixed. I have tried disabling all possible notifications from all possible apps. The only thing left is to do a factory reset it seems. Any luck on your end?
VGMStudios said:
It's not the launcher. It doesn't matter.
This is why I hardly ask anything here. No one cares.
If your not a popular member you never get a reply.
I'll just ask my questions elsewhere where people actually care about you.
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Well that's not a pessimistic attitude or anything whatsoever! lol. Here's the thing... It might help to try and remember that nobody is on here getting paid to spend their time answering your questions all day long, so unfortunately it's inevitable that there will be times when people might just have to figure their problems out on their own or just be forced to wait until someone responds.. no matter how "popular" they might be.
This entire community wouldn't exist if weren't for all of the people on here who have been and are willing to spend their own free time sharing their knowledge with and helping others, so it's pretty ridiculous to sit there and act like it's a personal assault whenever nobody answers your question right away! From my experience on here people (including myself) are always more than willing to help out whenever they can (as long as the people are willing to help themselves too), but since nobody is getting paid people need to realize that it's more of a "self help" type of community than anything.
There are literally mountains of freely available information for people to search through to try to find their answers with, and with enough determination and persistence 99% of the time people could answer their own questions without ever even having to ask. So I'm definitely not trying to be rude or anything but it's just all in how you look at it.. because when people come here expecting to be handed all of the answers then they're most likely going to be disappointed and upset, but when you come here looking to help yourself instead you'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes and how rarely you'll have to ask any questions.
Anyway I'll try helping with some suggestions below since they're having the same problem too..
Mercodious said:
Hey there.
I have been checking back on this topic for a while because my wife's Note Edge is having the same exact problem. I even reached out to Samsung Mobile Support and they can't even figure out what it is. All they did was tinker with the sound settings and asked me if it was fixed. I have tried disabling all possible notifications from all possible apps. The only thing left is to do a factory reset it seems. Any luck on your end?
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Ok I've actually had a similar problem in the past and I can't guarantee anything but hopefully this might help..
In my situation it turned out being "profiles" that I didn't realize were turned on, and they were causing rogue and unknown sounds to happen because they were overriding my ringer and media volume settings based on the time of day it was. So all I had to do was turn off the profiles and it solved the problem, but it depends on the rom that you're on as to whether or not profiles like that are even an option.
If not another thing I'd recommend doing (and I'm obviously not sure what all you've tried so I'm just trying to cover the bases just in case) is to get a root explorer (as long as you're rooted.. if not I'm honestly not sure what to tell ya) and navigate to the root folder .. then go to "system/media", and inside there should be a folders called ui, notification, and ringtones.. and this where all of the default notification sounds are located. I would go through and listen to each one of them (they should be .ogg files) and see if you can find a match to the one you're hearing, and if you do then you can just rename that file .bak instead of .ogg and that should stop it from playing randomly (basically a bandaid type fix).
If it's not any of the system sounds then you've basically narrowed it down to where it's most likely an app that's making the sound. If that's the case then what I'd do is go into Titanium Backup and filter it to only show "user apps" and then have it sort them by the date which they were installed, and then I'd just start going down the list looking for apps I've installed that could possibly be making the sound.. that way even if you have a general idea around when the problem started happening you can match that time frame up with apps that were installed around that time to narrow down your search (if that makes sense anyway).
Anyway that's what I would do to start at least and hopefully it helps!
Sent from a ridiculously modified ColecoVision
heh. I have an idea. You know those crappy applications on the edge? Some of them are games. I remember i used to have this issue with the memory one. Remove them from the edge. No root required. Just remove the panels from the panel configurator.
VGMStudios said:
Maybe someone else can help me with this.
Every so often during the day I keep getting a random notification sound with no visual as to what it is. The sound is 5 tones going in a descending pattern and sounds metallic. I do not have NFC turned on nor the facebook app. I checked all my apps and sounds. I even read a lot of threads else where and tried everyone's suggestion. Still does it. I searched my phone for *.ogg and *.wav files. Nothing.
I do have a wallet case but since NFC is off its not that. I've never heard this sound before. It only started a few days ago and I've have this phone for over a month. FYI I'm running the Hola launcher and omni swipe if that helps. Any suggestions?
I am thinking to uninstall ALL my apps and see if it still does it, but I really dont want to have to do that if I can avoid it.:silly:
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Not sure if this is gonna help you or not. But yesterday I started to getbthe same metallic noises, I only recall 1 change to my settings and that was installing the live wallpaper on the lock screen to show me pictures based in weather and such. And since then every hour or so it makes the sound. Try to find out if you did the same thing.
Random notification sound
I am having a similar problem which has been widely reported but none of the suggested fixes are working for me. The notification tone keeps sounding in a seemingly random way. There is no notification to match the tone. This is not just a beep or random noise. It is the default notification tone. (Skyline for completeness). This happens maybe 5 or 6 times in 24 hours. It has been happening for about 10 days.
I am running Android 8.0.0 (Samsung Experience version 9) on a Galaxy S8. The phone is not rooted.
I have turned off all notifications individually.
I have turned off notifications for the phone.
I have turned off notification reminders (it was never on).
I have turned off NFC and bluetooth.
I have checked under Accessibility settings.
I have uninstalled every app installed in the last 3 weeks.
I can reproduce the NFC and credit card issue but that is a single beep and not what I am talking about.
I have installed 3 different notification log readers (NS Notification, Notif log notification history and Notification Log). None of them show any activity at the times when I am getting the spurious tone.
When I re-enable notifications for Texts, Messenger and WhatsApp, I still receive these as normal.
I recently got a new dual band router and thought maybe the tone was the phone jumping from 2.4 to the 5 Ghz band or vice-versa. It wasn't. I thought it might be the phone jumping from telecoms provider to WiFi. Tested that too and that's not it.
Next step is a factory reset which I am trying to avoid.
I know this is bringing problems to the table, not solutions but this is really bugging me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Anyone having buyers remorse?

Well, one week till CES where Huawei will announce the US version. Getting excited! But I was wondering. Anyone have buyers remorse at this point? Do you like the Mate 8 more or less as time goes on?
No buyer's remorse here.. I'm quite sure if a N/A version is released there will an accompanying rom as well..
popcity said:
No buyer's remorse here.. I'm quite sure if a N/A version is released there will an accompanying rom as well..
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Thanks. I'm trying to decide whether to get the Mate 8 (Great specs and build), Blu Pure XL (very good specs, cheap, its been rooted and has TWRP - also some promise for developer support) or stay pat with my Note Edge (I do like the edge features and it's screen is basically as wide as the Mate 8, just not as tall. also Marshmallow arrives in the next few months hopefully). Decisions decisions....
mscion said:
Thanks. I'm trying to decide whether to get the Mate 8 (Great specs and build), Blu Pure XL (very good specs, cheap, its been rooted and has TWRP - also some promise for developer support) or stay pat with my Note Edge (I do like the edge features and it's screen is basically as wide as the Mate 8, just not as tall. also Marshmallow arrives in the next few months hopefully). Decisions decisions....
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Yeah, it all comes down to how much do you want to spend.. I bought the 128GB version, I had the Mate 7 so I knew what to expect..
If I could only get notifications working properly then I would be 100% happy.
altaz said:
If I could only get notifications working properly then I would be 100% happy.
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Notifications panel & status bar in settings and permission manager for the apps that are not notifying you.. Hope that helps..
popcity said:
Notifications panel & status bar in settings and permission manager for the apps that are not notifying you.. Hope that helps..
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Been there done that, been through every option and nothing helps. Reading around, this seems to be a common bug with emui, and the only way around this is to disable phone manager or make the apps system apps. Which can't be done without root. So, right now I am playing a waiting game.
altaz said:
Been there done that, been through every option and nothing helps. Reading around, this seems to be a common bug with emui, and the only way around this is to disable phone manager or make the apps system apps. Which can't be done without root. So, right now I am playing a waiting game.
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Similar problems have been noted in some of the other threads. Is it possible that the problem you are experiencing isn't due to actual notification issues, but that the apps you are expecting notifications from are not currently being permitted to run in the background when the phone's screen is turned off?
I'm not sure which apps you are having trouble with, but for example, with Whatsapp(?). If this sounds like it might be the issue for you (and you haven't already looked into this), try going into Settings-->Advanced settings-->Battery manager-->Protected apps and allow those apps that should be receiving notifications.
As to the original question of the thread, no remorse. So far so good. A pretty sleek, powerful phone. Just need to get it rooted.
Might be the interactions between marshmelow & emui, if that is the case a fix should only be imenent.
Nevertheless, try this ---> battery manager itself; click on the setting icon up left of the screen, you need to switch on (Keep mobile data on when sleeping).
Of course that is in congunction with the rest of the settings/permissions.
Good luck,
No buyers remorse here. Having recently had a P8Max I knew what to expect with regards to setting up notifications and permissions so they work, and for me currently no particular problems. The camera is not as good as the best of 2015, or even 2014, but I had realistic expectations there and the camera is performing well enough for me in light of the other benefits.
CitizenM said:
Similar problems have been noted in some of the other threads. Is it possible that the problem you are experiencing isn't due to actual notification issues, but that the apps you are expecting notifications from are not currently being permitted to run in the background when the phone's screen is turned off?
I'm not sure which apps you are having trouble with, but for example, with Whatsapp(?). If this sounds like it might be the issue for you (and you haven't already looked into this), try going into Settings-->Advanced settings-->Battery manager-->Protected apps and allow those apps that should be receiving notifications.
As to the original question of the thread, no remorse. So far so good. A pretty sleek, powerful phone. Just need to get it rooted.
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Seems this notification problem is becoming more annoying, i have turned on everything possible (permissions, auto start, notifications, ignore optimizations). I even found another layer of settings in the apps settings that allow a deeper level of changes (settings > Apps > Advanced) . And still i can't get emails to notify when the phone is in standby. This is even after i have left the email application on, and turned the turned the phone off via the power button. i've spent a number of hours sending myself emails in various conditions and while might get the notifications sometimes, others i may not so this doesn't help narrow down the cause.
I have now realized that it's not just emails that are affected, i don't get auto notifications in Google Photos or Rewards, and some apps which run on schedule. The google apps only update when i open the app. which is useless for apps like Rewards, since the surveys expire after 24 hours, so go knows how many i have missed since i moved this this phone. I've never had this type of problem with any other android phone, and i;ve had a fair number of them over the years. At this point, since i am not able to return the phone i am thinking that i might have to do a factory reset, and hope for the best.
altaz said:
Seems this notification problem is becoming more annoying, i have turned on everything possible (permissions, auto start, notifications, ignore optimizations). I even found another layer of settings in the apps settings that allow a deeper level of changes (settings > Apps > Advanced) . And still i can't get emails to notify when the phone is in standby. This is even after i have left the email application on, and turned the turned the phone off via the power button. i've spent a number of hours sending myself emails in various conditions and while might get the notifications sometimes, others i may not so this doesn't help narrow down the cause.
I have now realized that it's not just emails that are affected, i don't get auto notifications in Google Photos or Rewards, and some apps which run on schedule. The google apps only update when i open the app. which is useless for apps like Rewards, since the surveys expire after 24 hours, so go knows how many i have missed since i moved this this phone. I've never had this type of problem with any other android phone, and i;ve had a fair number of them over the years. At this point, since i am not able to return the phone i am thinking that i might have to do a factory reset, and hope for the best.
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altaz, no need mine works now. just follow my previous post in this thread.
Just got mine today. No remorse here, and hey there might be a rom to flash once the US variant comes out. I love this phone.
I'll have buyers remorse if one of these other A72 devices gets the same battery life and camera for <$400
I love it coming from note 5. No regrets. Glad i didnt wait for mobile congress as i was very dissapointed with both lg and samsung. Love the mate 8
i agree, while LG had some nifty ideas regarding that modularity, all in all im not much impressed with either the G5 or S7 line... happy camper with my mate 8 indeed
This is probably the first phone I ever got that I didn't get buyers remorse hours after buying it. I've come from a S5, S4 and original Note before.
hours after buying? only phone? well that sounds like someone didnt do proper research first
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 using Tapatalk
I am from germany. My Mate 8 is a chinese one with original B162 Rom. Notifications don`t work for me.
What i did:
data in sleep mode enabled
apps are allowed to stay active at sleep
notification in priority mode
rooted device
made WhatsApp and Android Wear (for my huawei watch) to system apps with Titanium Backup (i bought it before ...)
freeze phone manager
I dont`t get my notifications all the time. Very bad are notifications for my huawei watch. My phone rings (WhatsApp), but my watch doenst. Then i start the Android Wear app and the notifications are pushed to my watch.
The phone is ok. I am coming from Samsung S6 Edge+. But the notifications MUST come always.
What else can i try?
(sorry for my bad english)
I had only notification issues with whatsapp - however the situation has improved greatly after I installed the app Push Notification fixer ( no root version)
Now I'd say missed notifications is very very much lessen, probably around 10+ % only
All my other apps eg Maildroid ( only mail app I used), Friendcaster, some newsfeed app, XDA etc no notification problems at all
Mine is China set on B156 firmware ( non rooted)

