When are we going to have an exciting kernel - Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro (Redmi K30 Pro) Questions & Ans

Dear guys
My English is not very good, so the following content is a translation software completed, if there are reading uncomfortable places, please forgive me
When will our K30 PRO or Poco F 2pro users have an exciting developer optimized third party kernel. The source code for the machine is already available on the open source kernel of Xiaomi's GITHUB project, and as you know, Xiaomi's devices are easy to unlock, so the basics for building a kernel are in place, why didn't the third-party kernel arrive?
At the same time, I noticed that the number of forum of this machine is too small, which is not in line with the popularity of this excellent machine, but it is also very popular on a forum in China. The machine is also on sale in India, and a lot of people would be happy with a good third-party Kernel!

I hope soon, Oneplus devices getting kernels on first weeks...

The kernel is already released: https://www.xda-developers.com/xiaomi-redmi-k30-pro-kernel-source-code/


State of XDA and Tbolt development, without link to blog

Alright - there's been some concern about me link baiting for traffic to my blog. I don't really care much about traffic to my blog whatsoever (no, I don't get any ad revenue), so I'm reposting the entire post, in its entirety, without any links back to my blog.
It's inflammatory, but I think there's suggestions that should be considered. I'll post some of the suggestions in here on the XDA suggestions thread, too.
TL;DR: Cowboys suck (even if they contribute tons of code upstream, witholding source code "until it's ready" for an OSS project is disingenuous at best), the XDA forums are *okay*, but the flat comment format that most, if not all forum software impose is completely outdated (look at Reddit and mailing lists for inspiration), and other OSS communities have largely figured out how to separate user/developer communication lines without hiding anything from anyone.
Without further ado...
I've been a member of the XDA Developers Forums for a few months, and after following development forums for various phones (mostly the Nexus S and the HTC Thunderbolt forums), I've concluded that the XDA Developers forums suck. Perhaps an even stronger claim is that the Android developer community sucks, but I won't be defending that claim in this post.
So, why do the XDA Developers forums suck?
For one, the purpose of the forums is to centralize discussion and cooperation of development projects for Android. Based on what I've seen so far on the Nexus S and Thunderbolt forums, I believe that the forums have largely failed at this task. ROM's are largely developed independently with about over half of the ROMs maybe sharing source code to the community, with the biggest offender being CM7 for Thunderbolt (the source code for most of the OS is shared to the public, but the most important part that adds support for the Thunderbolt's radio will not be open sourced "until it's done.") Worse, there's a lot of prima donnas in the community - in most other dev communities, most of the work is done in teams, though there may be benevolent dictators or celebrities (but almost none of the things that are present in the XDA community - witholding of source code and "heroism.") As much as slayher has contributed to the community, it's telling when you see CM7 on Thunderbolt completely contingent on him finishing his radio interface layer code, and having to go to a channel called #slayher for CM7 Thunderbolt support. Who the **** creates a channel based on their handle for a software project?
Not only that, but the discussion that does take place on the forums around development is almost always centered on end user support. Many other communities solve this with mailing lists in order to help focus branching topics in a thread (most forums are notoriously bad at this, given that the default view in most forums and the way that a forum focuses your conversation often defaults to a flat hierarchy of posts.) Any relevant developer discussion is drowned in a sea of user support questions, and I would not blame anyone who wishes to take their conversation elsewhere.
What I propose as an alternative is the following:
* A site that is an aggregate of mailing lists for various phones, software projects associated with each phone, etc.
* User support may be provided on this same site on forums, like how XDA is setup right now. The only difference is that dev discussion is separated into mailing lists (and make it crystal clear that any developer related discussion should be posted on the mailing lists.)
* This site should not post anything that doesn't have any source code freely available under the GPL/BSD/Apache/etc. licenses.
EDIT: There's a couple of things I want to address:
"Why are you complaining? The developers put a lot of time into making these ROM's!"
I'm not complaining about the devs creating software - in fact, I recognize that they've put a lot of hard work in writing these ROM's. However, there's a problem with how development is done: there's a lot of cowboys in the community who bring out the "I have a family" card when they don't try to avail themselves of responsibility by releasing their code and letting others contribute in a meaningful way. In a lot of other OSS projects, there's not a lot of that going on - people contribute, things are documented, and there's a process to merge changes in.
I want to contribute to the CM7 Thunderbolt project, but the outstanding issues largely have to do with the RIL code, which is not even available!
"Why don't you develop your own ROM?"
Because my expertise isn't squarely in Android development. I'd rather contribute fixes to a project in order to get myself acquainted, then maybe I can think about developing my own ROM.
Linus' Law: "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."
im sure people have reasons for what they do. prepare to be flamed.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
If you think CM is doing is wrong then hold Google to the same standard. They release their code when they think it's ready. This also applies to Linux, and Mozilla. Get off your high horse. It's impatient people like you that makes the community the way it is.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
Patience is a virtue guess that's something you never heard in your life. But yeah cool story bro...
I'm not saying I agree with Google's model, either. In fact, I think Google's sense of "open" kind of sucks, from the POV of someone who contributes to a lot of OSS projects (not large contributions mind you, but contributions nonetheless.) I patch things, they get merged into trunk, and the group agrees to cut a release once it's ready. This is different from waiting on one guy to release code "when it's ready" so people can contribute - it's frustrating, because everyone knows how busy he is (and, understandably, people want to help out to get things done faster *and* not have him be the sole person to go to), yet he keeps his cards close to his chest at all times for an OSS project.
Only the kernel is FOSS (GPL), and you have a legitimate complaint there. The Android community does a very poor job of making modified source available.
OTOH, the rest is (mostly) Apache license, so there's no requirement for releasing modified source. It's against the general spirit of things, but legitimate.
There are also a lot of prima donnas around. The ability to modify some header files and compile a kernel, or to do a cosmetic re-skin doesn't make one a "developer." The changes made simply don't rise to that level.
You've had some extremely productive posts, all 11 of them are filled with wonderful contributions...thank you!
There's more than just him working on it. He may be the lead, but he isn't the only one working. If you don't like it that way you can easily get the AOSP and do it your way. There is no one stopping you. If your way is truly better you should be able to go ahead of the pace CM is doing.
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk
So because your experience with the Thunderbolt and Nexus S forums has sucked, you think you can group all of XDA together? And anyone is welcome to help Slayher if they want or can, I'm sure if you just ask he'd be more than happy to have some help.
And unless you are going to go help him with this,no one cares what you think.
hey dude. your a noob.
STFU until you know what your talking about.
Nuff said.
mike.s said:
Only the kernel is FOSS (GPL), and you have a legitimate complaint there. The Android community does a very poor job of making modified source available.
OTOH, the rest is (mostly) Apache license, so there's no requirement for releasing modified source. It's against the general spirit of things, but legitimate.
There are also a lot of prima donnas around. The ability to modify some header files and compile a kernel, or to do a cosmetic re-skin doesn't make one a "developer." The changes made simply don't rise to that level.
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Thanks - this is the first reasonable post so far.
The spirit is what I'm mostly arguing for - I want to see an open development spirit that's adopted by most GPL projects, whether or not it's an Apache/BSD/GPL/etc. open source license.
I know, you're not legally bound to share your code, but for the sake of the overall community, it'd benefit *everyone*, including other ROM authors, to open code, even if it's not done. Why? So others can help your project out, and so you don't have to stress out all of the time on a free project.
merc248 said:
but the most important part that adds support for the Thunderbolt's radio will not be open sourced "until it's done.")
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If you have really done OSS development in the past, then you should know what some parts of code are held back until they're done. It keeps people from unnecessarily forking a project and watering it down or doing more harm than good (people complaining something doesn't work [because they will as they do]). Slayher doesnt do all the work. Again, if you follow the OSS community, CM has a similar relationship as the Linux Kernel itself does. One guy is the top figurehead of the project (Slayher for CM and Linus for Linux). However, each has many other people that contribute and add to the development (just go look at the code repository for CM and see who's committing, it's not just Slayher). Basically it just comes down to Slayer has final say on things, just as Linus does for Linux.
merc248 said:
A site that is an aggregate of mailing lists for various phones, software projects associated with each phone, etc.
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Mailing lists? What are we in, the 1990s? I suppose we should open up a usenet group while we are at it. That's not a step forward, that's a step backwards. I agree that forums aren't really made for bringing together discussion and development, but a mailing list is way worse. Perhaps the biggest contributer to the forums being as they are is the forum software, vbulletin. It's not exactly the easiest thing in the world to mod and extend, just from my own experience of using it. For example, the presentation layer of it and css files are all stored within the database with no easy way to access besides some horrible gui that no developer would really want to use. You can force it to dump out the css and use the files for modification, but to modify the other parts of the presentation (xhtml, xml, etc), you have a much harder time doing.
merc248 said:
This site should not post anything that doesn't have any source code freely available under the GPL/BSD/Apache/etc. licenses.
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So I guess we should throw out the forums discussing the iphone, windows phone and such, since those devices use things not under open source licenses. Even android kernel is not totally open source (the drivers have some binary blobs). The first phone with a totally open source kernel just came out (samsung galaxy s2).
I am by no means an android guru (and I make mistakes) and I am learning everyday, but I can say that you don't have all the answers and the ones you have, don't really seem to solve much.
yareally said:
If you have really done OSS development in the past, then you should know what some parts of code are held back until they're done. It keeps people from unnecessarily forking a project and watering it down or doing more harm than good (people complaining something doesn't work [because they will as they do]).
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You know what I say in that case? **** the complainers. Open the code and accept patches from anyone who has not only followed the guidelines that you've set for your project, but also actually fix whatever bug (for the very tiny amount of OSS code I've written from scratch, I usually accept any reasonable pull requests - a lot of larger projects I've seen usually require a ticket in JIRA or Redmine.)
Slayher doesnt do all the work. Again, if you follow the OSS community, CM has a similar relationship as the Linux Kernel itself does. One guy is the top figurehead of the project (Slayher for CM and Linus for Linux). However, each has many other people that contribute and add to the development (just go look at the code repository for CM and see who's committing, it's not just Slayher). Basically it just comes down to Slayer has final say on things, just as Linus does for Linux.
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That, I didn't know. The way it's presented, it sounds like slayher and very few other people are usually the ones credited with all of the work, but to be honest, it sounds like slayher is doing all of the work (and given that the RIL code is not even open sourced yet, I'm not convinced that anyone else is really working on *that*.) In that case, how would I figure out what outstanding bugs are in the CM7 build? Any small bugs that a junior dev would be able to tackle?
Mailing lists? What are we in, the 1990s? I suppose we should open up a usenet group while we are at it. That's not a step forward, that's a step backwards. I agree that forums aren't really made for bringing together discussion and development, but a mailing list is way worse. Perhaps the biggest contributer to the forums being as they are is the forum software, vbulletin. It's not exactly the easiest thing in the world to mod and extend, just from my own experience of using it. For example, the presentation layer of it and css files are all stored within the database with no easy way to access besides some horrible gui that no developer would really want to use. You can force it to dump out the css and use the files for modification, but to modify the other parts of the presentation (xhtml, xml, etc), you have a much harder time doing.
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I only bring up mailing lists because they do one thing really really well: threading. Google Groups is a nice middle ground, since it provides an email interface, plus you can search for stuff pretty easily on a web frontend.
The other site I've seen that does comment threads really well is Reddit - I don't think it's feasible, however, for software development teams to use Reddit as a means of communication.
So I guess we should throw out the forums discussing the iphone, windows phone and such, since those devices use things not under open source licenses. Even android kernel is not totally open source (the drivers have some binary blobs). The first phone with a totally open source kernel just came out (samsung galaxy s2).
I am by no means an android guru (and I make mistakes) and I am learning everyday, but I can say that you don't have all the answers and the ones you have, don't really seem to solve much.
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No, absolutely not! In fact, the forums should stay - I'm saying that to coordinate actual development work, mailing lists/Google Groups/whatever should be used instead, paired with something like Github or whatever. For example, it's confusing as hell to go through the single CM7 thread to find any relevant information concerning actual development - there's sometimes disperate threads here and there about workarounds that people have found, but it's incredibly confusing to follow sometimes.
merc248 said:
That, I didn't know. The way it's presented, it sounds like slayher and very few other people are usually the ones credited with all of the work, but to be honest, it sounds like slayher is doing all of the work (and given that the RIL code is not even open sourced yet, I'm not convinced that anyone else is really working on *that*.) In that case, how would I figure out what outstanding bugs are in the CM7 build? Any small bugs that a junior dev would be able to tackle?
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I'm sure they would be glad to accept and review any patches contributed. Anyone can submit code, but it has to be reviewed and approved.
http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmod/issues/list (issue tracker)
http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#q,status:open,n,z (code review)
http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/index.php?title=Howto:_Gerrit (how to post patches for review)
Cyanogen also has forums btw, not just a channel for help and support:
I really think you should review the CM community a bit closer. It seems like you didn't really examine it overly deep (I found all the links except the code review/forum with a 5 minute google search; the code review link I was aware of before just from my own browsing).
Also, if you really want to blame someone for the RIL issues, blame HTC, since they didnt give the source to the RIL on the phone (nor do they give the source to any of the changes they make to the android framework and htc sense).
Just random info on how the RIL is implimented on android. Android source comes with a generic one for GSM (3g and before) and then vendors just extend it for their own needs.
cool story bro...
Thanks for the links - I do know that CM has a set of forums, but didn't know they had an issue tracker and a code review site.
However, a search on the issue tracker turned up one result for Thunderbolt:
http://code.google.com/p/cyanogenmo...on Model Network Owner Summary Stars Priority
... with a comment on the bottom offering no support for the TBolt until it's actually merged in CM7.
Argh. :\
g00s3y said:
cool story bro...
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...Sorry. I found it and couldn't resist.
+1 for mailing lists suck. I chuckled at the "why not just start up a usenet group" joke/comment.
Seems like there are a lot of other Android forums a guy could visit, if he doesn't like this one.

an idea - community (XDA) certified devices

I hope this post does not get too long and you bear with me...
This idea came to me recently - thinking about ICS and what the vendors are calling "legacy" devices. I even started a thread at qualcomm developer forum, asking them nicely to give us the needed binaries, or even better source code for the user space drivers. I really doubt that it will happen, but it does not cost much to try.
Anyway - here is the idea - instead of begging the vendors to release the source (or binaries, or unlock the bootloaders) lets give them an incentive to do so by introducing community (XDA) certified devices. We could come up with lets say 3 levels of community compliance for the devices - with grades:
A - the vendor has made it possible to unlock the bootloader of the device
A+ - the vendor has made binaries needed for compiling AOSP, Cyanogenmod and other open source projects for the device available and made the bootloader unlock-able
A++ - the vendor has released source code and binary drivers for all of the hardware components of the device, and made the bootloader unlock-able
A committee of recognized developers and community members (I am thinking guys like tytung, texasice, azrienoch, etc... - do not feel left out guys) - would receive sample devices from the manufacturers to test and certify the level of community compliance.
A special section of the XDA site would be set up showcasing the community certified devices, and ad space on the portal would be dedicated to showcase latest devices to recieve certification.
Heck, the community could even make money - by allowing (selling the right to) the vendor of the certified device to put an XDA certified device on the packaging or on the device itself (the money could be used to help support the website costs or fund development projects - bounties and such...)
It may sound like a lot work, but this way we could allow the community friendly vendors to get a chance to show their devices, and smaller vendors trying to ways to differentiate themselves could find a fast-track to the hearts of enthusiasts. The community members looking for a new device would make their minds easily by browsing the certified devices section.
I know I would participate in a program like this (Samsung if you are reading this I am willing to certify the N7000 right now - please PM me so I can send you my address)
It's a cool idea, but I think it's a tough sell to device makers.
If we get the community on-board, the vendors will come by themselves.
If the community showcases these devices, and the community members buy devices based on these grades - the vendors will want to come on board.
The vendors like Xiaomi and Meizu could be the first to be interested in this type of publicity - and this is really the type of vendors we should try to get interested.
Once the smaller ones are in, the bigger ones are sure to follow
But community awareness is the first step - we need to choose for ourselves and recommend to others devices that already fall into this category - like SE and HTC devices that are already bootloader unlock-able, and to not buy and not recommend devices like the locked-down Motorola's.
srle said:
If we get the community on-board, the vendors will come by themselves.
If the community showcases these devices, and the community members buy devices based on these grades - the vendors will want to come on board.
The vendors like Xiaomi and Meizu could be the first to be interested in this type of publicity - and this is really the type of vendors we should try to get interested.
Once the smaller ones are in, the bigger ones are sure to follow
But community awareness is the first step - we need to choose for ourselves and recommend to others devices that already fall into this category - like SE and HTC devices that are already bootloader unlock-able, and to not buy and not recommend devices like the locked-down Motorola's.
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This will be hard to do as each OEM will need to get all the source from other manufacturers and they will never release the source for their drivers. Not to mention alot of peoples choice on buying a device is the price from their carriers. The carriers won't jump on board as any Modding voids warrenty and they will refuse to support it. Not to mention their stand on how not everyone should have access to certain things. (Can't say I disagree with them). Then you mentioned the MIUI phone. They won't get far as alot of people are upset they stole most of the coding from CM and are now trying to make money off of it. Not cool. Don't get me wrong I would love to see an XDA approved phone. Just don't see the OEMs having any interest as there will not be as much money to be made and in the end that is all they care about. Besides once Samsung finishes buying MIUI then that will be a proprietary os. They already have CM. Notice the bot went down shortly afterwards? Odd? Just a little lol
I would not worry a lot about that - the Apache 2.0 licence allow reuse of code in closed source projects - it's a choice Google and OHA made.
Project and ROM makers will come and go - today it's Cyanogenmod, tomorrow it will be someone else with a different project (think WebOS on our Android devices). The point here is to have an option to buy a device that's free to be modified and free to support which ever OS the community decides to run on it (maybe some new version of Ubuntu even).
Phones are also only a part of this problem (and the part that's dependent on carriers) - there are also tablets and probably media players to consider here.
I think that this certification could help the vendors and even carriers which want to stand out and show that they are different by giving them means to do so. In the end, even subsidized devices are payed by you - and not the carrier, so you should have a choice to do what ever you want with it.

Samsung--Android 4.0 Kernel Source Code Released

"Over the past few months there's been a growing trend among manufacturers to play nice with the development community. We've seen Sony release early alpha builds of Android 4.0, Asus bow to community pressure and unlock the Transformer Prime's bootloader, and HTC offer similar unlocks for almost all of its devices. This newly-found openness doesn't seem to be abating: Samsung has made the kernel source code for its Galaxy S II Android 4.0 update available for public download, and HTC has followed suit with similar releases for its Vivid, Sensation, and Sensation XE smartphones.
The kernel source is a valuable tool for developers, providing the code needed to easily modify core device functions, allowing for CPU overclocking and countless other tweaks. Although both companies release kernel source codes for all of their models, these releases are unusually prompt, and hint at a change in attitude towards the development community.
Those of you inclined to trawl through vast sections of code can find the releases in the source below. For the rest of you, stay tuned for news of the first community efforts to come from the releases."
tazbo28 said:
"Over the past few months there's been a growing trend among manufacturers to play nice with the development community. We've seen Sony release early alpha builds of Android 4.0, Asus bow to community pressure and unlock the Transformer Prime's bootloader, and HTC offer similar unlocks for almost all of its devices. This newly-found openness doesn't seem to be abating: Samsung has made the kernel source code for its Galaxy S II Android 4.0 update available for public download, and HTC has followed suit with similar releases for its Vivid, Sensation, and Sensation XE smartphones.
The kernel source is a valuable tool for developers, providing the code needed to easily modify core device functions, allowing for CPU overclocking and countless other tweaks. Although both companies release kernel source codes for all of their models, these releases are unusually prompt, and hint at a change in attitude towards the development community.
Those of you inclined to trawl through vast sections of code can find the releases in the source below. For the rest of you, stay tuned for news of the first community efforts to come from the releases."
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Sorry, bro but this is only for the Galaxy S II.
I've seen a couple of these posts pop up in other forums .
Lol i just thought i would throw it out there. since im sure the wagon will begin to fill very quickly round these parts.
took samsung long enough...

ATTN DEVS: OnePlus is giving away three OnePlus 6 phones for free. Apply here.

Apply to get a Free OnePlus 6 for your Development Projects
OnePlus has a long history of always supporting the development community when it comes to their devices. They have been consistent with offering phones that can easily be unlocked and flashed with different ROMs and recoveries. They're one of the few companies that allow you to unlock the bootloader of your phone without any requirement of an unlock key. They are also quick to release their kernel sources to encourage development.
Now OnePlus is taking another big step in showing their support of the development community. They are sending out 36 free OnePlus 6 units to different developers so that they can get to work on creating great ROMs, Kernels, and other modifications to the device.
Leave a comment in this thread telling us why you think you deserve a free OnePlus 6 and what kind of development projects you would bring to the community. There are three untis still up for grabs.
Update: All units have been claimed. Thanks for participating!
Hi suggest my name ..I am working on aoscp for one plus 6/3/3t
Low Latency Kernel coz why not
I was working on orion os on the Moto g and later on oneplus x. I also have several threads here in OpX section. So I think it would be great if I could get the device for testing and building purposes.
I think I should have one because I used to develop themes, modifications and many more for Sony Xperia devices. I have been active on XDA for over 5 years and I would like to make more contribution to the community. Thanks !
Bcoz I am ROM tester for many devices.
+ I already own OnePlus 6 as daily driver so other device can be used exclusively for ROM testing
I'm the developer of Discovery ROM. I'm a developer and a computer science student. I want to test on it my projects (actual and future), I have a lot of things ready to be developed (some apps and a lot of very interesting exclusive features for my ROM). With the OnePlus 6 all these things would be easier to develop and test.
I'm 1 of 2 lead devs for https://github.com/AquariOS and would love to make AquariOS for op6
Hi. I'm one of the two developers of Havoc-OS and I also have a variant of the Modded Google Camera. I am also a bit of a themer and have made a subs overlay for Transparent In-Call UI for Google Dialer. These are my current projects. In the past I have been a part of Zenity-N, Z-Unleashed, Unleash-OS and OxygenOS System Mods. I would really like to get a OnePlus 6. I've been a huge fan of OnePlus since OnePlus One days. I know I'm not too qualified developer but I learn as I go and I've come a long way since I started. I really like this phone and if I win, it will give me an opportunity to work on Havoc-OS for OnePlus 6.
Hi, my name is Sergio. I'm an Italian engineering student, I want to work on the appearance of the Rom and test new ROMS and fix them if needed. I'm a tester for any One Plus roms and kernels. Give me a chance to work with you! It's a dream. I actually use OP3
Hi, I'm Sai, a developer interning for the Substratum team and would really appreciate an additional device for testing and debugging several of our projects on the device, as OOS has some of its own quirks that may need some additional testing. Additionally I am also a Substratum themer, meaning that I could add support for OOS 5.1.5+ on my theme.
Theme's GitHub page:
I am 1 of 2 Founder/Developer of PureFusionOS, Currently Deving on LG G6 H872 and Past HTC10, Would consider porting our ROM and deving on the OP6 if giving the opportunity..
I'm active member in development of both my present Honor 7x and Past K3 Note devices.
My previous works include a 3.1.1 twrp recovery for K3 Note , Flashable Face Unlock Zips for Android 5.1+, AOSP based themes for Honor 7x.I can sure do much more if I get a device like OnePlus 6 .
As the OnePlus 6 supports Project Treble I will try to build a Stable TWRP with vendor partition and Ressurection Remix Rom if possible .
Build rom and kernel for yureka and zuk devices .
Now i want to work for OnePlus 6 device (ROMS & KERNEL).
XDARoni said:
Apply to get a Free OnePlus 6 for your Development Projects
OnePlus has a long history of always supporting the development community when it comes to their devices. They have been consistent with offering phones that can easily be unlocked and flashed with different ROMs and recoveries. They're one of the few companies that allow you to unlock the bootloader of your phone without any requirement of an unlock key. They are also quick to release their kernel sources to encourage development.
Now OnePlus is taking another big step in showing their support of the development community. They are sending out 36 free OnePlus 6 units to different developers so that they can get to work on creating great ROMs, Kernels, and other modifications to the device.
Leave a comment in this thread telling us why you think you deserve a free OnePlus 6 and what kind of development projects you would bring to the community. There are three untis still up for grabs.
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I work on the Dirty Unicorns project which currently is not shared on XDA, but we are still a popular project. Alternatively, I also work on the unicornblood kernel for the devices I support (many of which, to include the OP5).
Please keep me in consideration.
I would love to have the chance to get a OnePlus 6!
I develop official AICP for the OnePlus 3 so have good knowledge regarding the OnePlus community and OnePlus devices in general. AICP is a highly customisable ROM which is very popular in a lot of communities, and I can't see why the OnePlus 6 community would be any different
I am part of the Exynos 5420 team, where we bring official LineageOS and AICP to older devices, such as Galaxy Tab S devices and Galaxy Note Tablet devices.
I'm an official LineageOS member working on my exynos device and would like to bring AICP to the OnePlus 6 and use it to further my knowledge of developing custom ROMs for devices
Make it 35 and give one to a tester. I'll be glad to test and report bugs to those 35 developers
I have been working on mediatek devices for one year and definitely want to hands on snapedragon 845.I have limited resources but can be your beta tester , guaranteed.
* Please give chance to junior members*
My contribution to mediatek 6592
Mokee and many more
. First few members in mediatek family to crossport CyanogenMod 13 from mtk 6582 (bugfree).
If i would be given op6 then i would surely increase my coding skills.
Because his kernel and custom OMNI rom is on another level. Battery friendly and smoothest experience. Period. If you don't believe me, ask all 200 members in his Telegram chat. Most guys there said they'll be getting device which HolyAngel gets next.
Testing is in my blood
Well, I’m not really a developer but I am the kind of person who has all the time in the world. I dont do much since I’m a student so I can dedicate my time in testing rom, kernels and whatever xda can throw at me.
I’d like to work with the various great devs to test their contributions and make them suitable for public release.
I’m coming from the Xioami Mi5 community and I’ve been very active there. However, sadly my phone broke into pieces recently. So I could use a huge upgrade as the OnePlus 6. Considering the goodness of the phone, I’d be more keen to use the time I idle away in testing xda goodies and make OnePlus 6 community a great place.
P.S Yes I know how to take logs and all the rest.

Petition : LineageOS support for Nokia 8

Hello fellow TA-1004/TA-1012 users.
Nokia 8 has been a bittersweet experience for most of us. The insane price drop killing it's resale value. Stock but buggy and sub par software. It's a flagship that has ticked as many wrong boxes as it did right.
But the software experience leaves a lot to be desired.
Let's go ahead and sign this petition in numbers to get LineageOS official support for this device.
Please spread the word.
Eh? The issue is not at LineageOS, they would support it if there only was something to work with.
The issue is HMD Global unwilling to provide sufficient sources or provide any help for the community around their devices.
LineageOS can't just throw developers into puzzling proprietary blobs. They will just be shooting in the dark and will have a real hard time maintaining anything. You need a proper source code or clear device specifications to make anything usable..
Modding and puzzling around vendors firmware is totally another thing than actually maintain code.

