The keys press themselves automatically when I move my fingers closer or holding it. - HTC U11 Questions & Answers

have anybody face this issue? when i holding my phone, the capacitive buttons are being pressed although i am not touching them. Especially, capacitive button on the right, is being holded pressed.
i think the buttons are too much sensitive. is there any way to change the sensitivity of the capacitive buttons?
how can i solve this issue?

Sometimes i have the same problem.


About touch-sensitive buttons!

Nowadays we see more new devices equipped with touch-sensitive buttons (non-hardware buttons). I sometimes wonder if these touch-sensitive button actually are prone to a accidental touch (or press). If yes, they are, then does it mean that it's better to have hardware buttons instead?
I'm a bit confused regarding these kind of buttons. What do you think about this?
I used to have an HTC Magic, but now I'm using an LG Eve, and I seriously miss those hardware buttons... I constantly accidentally press the back and home keys, closing whatever I'm currently doing, or occasionally the won't respond at all, and I press them three or four times before they actually do something. Also, a trend I've noticed looking at the phones coming out, many phones with capacitive buttons seem to be missing the important ones, like the dial button, the end button, and the search button. Also, watch out for the type of trackpad. On my Magic I had a trackball, which is fairly standard, but the Eve has just a button that acts as a menu button, no scrolling possible. Look really carefully at the input methods when choosing a phone.
I've had some bad experiences with touch sensitive buttons. As jascayne says, I constantly pressed the buttons accidentally (motorola droid).
So I should never go for a phone with touch sensitive buttons.
So so, this means touch-sensitive buttons aren't reliable. next time when I buy a phone I'll pay attention to the type of buttons.

[Q] turning on the display on Inspire 4g

One of the down sides of having such a large screen is the amount of travel your finger has to do to get to the power switch to turn the display on.
is there a hack or an app that can allow me to customize the capacitative buttons (home, menu, back, search) to turn on the phone? (not from a power off state, but from a suspend state)?
Other potential solutions could be remapping either of the volume keys, or maybe using the accelerometer to determine the orientation of the phone and then wake up the screen.
Yes, I am looking for the same thing. The power button on Inspire is not that well designed. I can't really tell if i am pressing it or now. I am afraid the button will broke since it doesn't have the press down feeling. I think everyone has the same problem on this button.
I think only midgets and girls have this problem. Are you a midget or a girl?
lol jk
try widgetlocker
you can wake up phone with volumes button !

Increase capacitive touch button hitbox size?

Thoughts? Lot of wasted dead space between the buttons as well as failure to register presses seems to be a problem common to smaller-screen androids. Rather silly to have the phone vibrate because it registers you touched a button, but the button click doesn't actually happen-- ie you don't return to home screen, don't actually go "back", etc...
Is this something we could change?

Power button - touch sensitive?

Just wanted to double check the power button isnt the same as the volume button as in you dot click it in right?
its a touch sensitive button? or is mine faulty?
Mine requires a push it moves quite a bit but feels solod can tell when it pushes the switch
Mine deffinatly requires a touch that requires the button to move. Just touching the button does nothing so it is not touch sensitive, but it is not hard to move the button either.

[Q] Power button very hard to press

I've noticed that the Power button on my Shield Tablet is very hard to press. I either have to press it quite hard or use my finger nails bump it.
The volume buttons are also hard to press, but not so much.
Does anyone else have these problems?
Known issues, unfortunately.

