How to find and edit AndroidManifest.xml on android 10 non-root after the installatio - General Questions and Answers

How to find and edit AndroidManifest.xml on non-rooted android 10 after the installation of the APP,
do we even have AndroidManifest.xml at all on the app folder, or that's just a file in the pkg that's being used to install the program with certain parameters.
I am trying to edit
so I can make a backup of the app's datas via Hellium


[Q] APKMultiTool and system APK's

I'm trying to change a system application on my phone using the APKMultiTool utility but am having problems. The resulting APK will crash my phone which complains about 1,000 permissions are not understood: Unknown permission android.permission...
Steps I've taken.
- Downloaded APKMultiTool
- (9) De-compiled the system framework-res.apk
- Edited the arrays.xml file
- (10) Compiled the APK
- (11) Signed the APK
- Pushed the APK back to the device
The result is an unstable system which will just crash often. Does anyone have the correct procedure for editing system apk's using the new APKMultiTool?
1.Never sign a system apk
2. Use APK manager not apk multitool
3.After compiling, open the apk using winrar and take out resources.arsc and put it back again but with compression level set to store
And then push it to phone.
you must not compiled framework-res.apk
answer Yes to both questions
delete resources.arsc in the keep folder and done

How to guide decompiling/compiling systemUI.apk

If you are not having problems compiling SystemUI.apk with no problems then this is not for you
You should not attempt to do this on a device that does not have a recovery, because if something goes wrong you may have to reinstall your rom (not very likely though). You should probably back up SystemUI.apk You should also have some experience modding and some experience using Apktool and Linux.
If your having problems modding SystemUI.apk on JB then this thread is just for you. I recently found out how to mod the Jelly Bean SystemUI. Jelly Bean has made it very difficult to mod. Yes it is still easy to replace images, but if you want to do some major changes to the UI such as a 100 percent battery mod or changing the status bar color then you will need to know exactly how to do it. For example, if you get the UI decompiled without errors and you recompile it without errors YOUR RECOMPILED SystemUI.apk WILL NOT WORK and your status bar will disappear etc... There is a special way to get everything working and I will show you how.
Before we start I recommend that you have File Roller: one of the most popular archive managers for Linux (Ubuntu comes with it). If your distribution uses a Debian package manager (most popular ones do) then all you have to do is go into the terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install file-roller
Now you will have File Roller. You also will need java installed. Check if you have java by typing:
in the terminal. If you dont have java and your using a Debian package manager then type:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
or download from the java website and install it.
Before we start, you will need 7zip and java. Just search and you will find the programs to install
Now we will install APKTOOL. You may already have it installed BUT your version will probably not work. I have ran around the internet for a modified apktool that wont give you errors (If you follow my directions). I came across a great thread. check it out and download all the tools their (dont forget aapt) If you are in Linux rename the jar file to apktool.jar and move the the jar plus aapt to /usr/local/bin. You will need root. If you are in Windows rename the jar to apktool.jar and move it and aapt to your WINDOWS directory. You also need zipalign think this one is only for linux so if ur on windows either test this one or get zipalign from android sdk)move it to your WINDOWS dir/bin dir. You need one more thing. It is from the apktool website According to your os download either apktool-install-linux-r04-brut1.tar.bz2 or apktool-install-windows-r04-brut1.tar.bz2. Extract the contents. You only need one file from the archive. In linux move apktool (not apktool.jar) to /usr/local/bin. In Windows move apktool.bat to your WINDOWS directory. Dont jump ahead and say "Now that I got apktool set up, I know what to do", because it gets a lot more difficult than you are used to using apktool.
Now that you have apktool set up, you need to know how to mod SystemUI.apk. Get SystemUI.apk from /system/app within your device onto the computer. Now make a backup of SystemUI.apk on your computer because we will NEED it later. So you need two SystemUI.apk files on your computer. You could name one “backup” if you'd like. So now now we need to decompile the apk. Go into the terminal/cmd and cd/chdir into the directory you have SystemUI.apk. Now type
apktool if SystemUI.apk
It will then install frameworkneeded.Then type:
apktool d SystemUI.apk
It will decompile the apk. It will take a bit of time for it to fully decompile. The decompiled code will be in a folder in your current directory called SystemUI. If It had errors decompiling, (IT WILL FOR MOST NEXTUS 7 ROMS) you will need to install framework manually. Download framework here: and place the two APK files into apktool framework folder (replace the old framework files). In Linux it is located at /home/yourusername/apktool/framework and in windows it is something like C:\\Documents And Settings\yourusername\apktool\framework. After that delete the SystemUI folder that was made by the bad decompiling proccess and repeat the decompile command.
This is the part where you start modding. You can make many customizations to the UI this way as you probably know. I will just show you how to make a 100 percent battery mod. You need to go into the decompile folder (SystemUI) using a file manager, Then from SystemUI, go delete res/drawable/stat_sys_battery.xml and replace it with (to download that file right click on link and click something like "save link as"). Now you need to move to a new directory: /res. In that folder you need to look through all the directories that start with the word drawable. For example drawable-mdpi. There is one directory that your device uses for images but you may not know which one. Your device might be MDPI but use drawable-sw600dp from the UI instead of drawable-mdpi. So if you dont know or you want to be safe then search through the drawable folders and if their are any battery icons then remember you will need to add 100 battery icons to each one of the folders with battery icons. The battery icons are the ones named something like stat_sys_battery_0.png. So if you need to add 100 icons they need to be named in numerical order from stat_sys_battery_0.png to stat_sys_battery_100.png. Dont worry though, you wont need to rename 100 icons. Their ar many battery mods online that you can get them from, but I have some images you can download: Download it, extract it and copy all the images into all the drawable folders that contain battery icons. Now your ready for compiling; The step that is different than how we have always done it before Jelly Bean existed. keep in mind that some images can not be changed or edited at all durring this step because it will result with many errors durring compiling. You would have to add images to the archive after its compiled
Like I said at the end of step 4, this step will be different than you have seen before. This is also the step where you will be using File Roller/7zip. To build the apk make sure you are in the terminal in the directory where SystemUI exists and type:
apktool b SystemUI almostdone.apk
almostdone.apk is the output file. Once it is done building you need to open the backup apk you made at the beginning with File Roller /7zip. Also open almostdone.apk with File Roller/7zip. From inside the backup.apk drag meta-inf folder & androidmanifest.xml to allmostdone.apk. Now all you need to do is zipalign the apk. Lets say your backup apk is named backup.apk. Go into the terminal at the directory you are working
in and type
zipalign -v 4 allmostdone.apk done.apk
This will optimize the apk. The output is done.apk.
Now you install the apk. Their are many meathods of installing the apk, here are a couple. Transfer done.apk to your device and rename it to SystemUI.apk. Now use a root browser or terminal app to replace the other SystemUI.apk on your system at /system/app. And make sure you give it the same permissions as all the other apk's in the system/app directory. Then reboot. Or you could make a flashable zip to install it.

[Mod] How to Make I9500(4.4.2) MultiWindowTrayService.apk with Unlimited apps!

[Mod] How to Make I9500(4.4.2) MultiWindowTrayService.apk with Unlimited apps!
Test work with I9500(4.4.2) ODEXED roms
What it does?
All the applications which are installed in app drawer are available in flashbar! Even if new apps are installed, then those apps are also available in flashbar...hence you dont need any apk to control or add the applications in flashbar!
Must Have
1. Apktool
2. Some knowledge about compiling and decompiling
3. 7zip
4. notepad++
5. backsmali
How to
1. Decompile framework2.jar which is available in
and go to class/com/amsung/android/multiwindow
Open the file MultiWindowApplicationInfos.smali using notepad++ and modify (download my file)
Make the above said changes and save it. Recompile and flash the same!
2. Decompile services.jar which is available in system/framework folder
and go to class/com/android/server/am
Open the file PackageManagerService.smali using notepad++ and modify (download my file)
Make the above said changes and save it. Recompile and flash the same!
3. then copy the tuifei_blacklist.txt at system/etc folder (download my file)
download file ( have screenshots )
code: kmd1

[[Guide]] Changing package name and apps name simple..

Hi everyone...
In this thered i will show you how to change apps package name and apps name in simple way...
Frist take an app than decompile it...change the icons in drawable hdpi as your wish...then change the apk name...example: when you install an app you can see the name are showed on,change it...see this...and do carefully ....
Frist decompile the app and open
"AndroidManifest.xml" in notepad++.
Now found this line-
<application android:label="@string/
app_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon"
Now change "string app name" and add the name what you want.for example my app name "cayno player" So i add this and its look like this -
"android:label="Cayno player",
go into the res-values and then open "strings.xml". Then search this line ->
"<string name="app_name">(any name)</
now add the same name here.its look like this-
"<string name="app_name">Cayno Player</
Now all done!Recompile it.
now what is package name and how to change it...
We download many app from play sttore or
another store...but when the devs give a update
of this app than you can update it simple from
the store...but do you know why this happen?!!
its happening for the package,if you
change it than its never took update though the apps devs
give some updated version..i think its very
nesesary for the modder beacuse the mod app
but didn't change thee package,when
the devs give update version of his app the app
tooks updated and he was,he can't
told that the apps was mine..but now i teach you
how to make own app how to change package name ...see this....
Frist decompile app with apktools and do this....
Open apktool.yml and you will see somethings like this ->
apkFileName: (Cayno Player)
cur_package: (com.cayno.player)
orig_package: (com.cayno.player)...
now edit cur_package and orig_package as your wish and save.
E.X ->
apkFileName: (Cayno Player)
cur_package: (
orig_package: (
Hope you understand...
now open AndroidManifest.xml and. search this line ->
edit this line with your package name which you wrote in apktool.yml like-
now save it and go to /smali/com/ and renamed (Cayno) folder to (Music)...
Done recompile it and sing...and now try to upadate it from playstorr or goto my app on play
store...did you see your app on my app store?!!If not see than you was succeced...
Happy modding ......
now changing app icons...
for this decompile app and go to Androidmainfist.xml and search this...
<application android:theme="
@*android:style/Theme.Holo" android:label="@s
tring/settings_label" android:icon=bla...bla...
now make an image in 98*98 regulations and
renamed it as your wish like musicicon.png and
drop it to drawable open the mainfist
and go to this line ->
<application android:theme="@*android:style/
Theme.Holo" android:label="@string/
settings_label" android:icon=bla..bla..
and change the Android:icon=bla..bla to Android:icon=musicicon
done go back and recompile it and sing the apk...and see magics .... B)
N.B.change all xml carefully and do it at your own risk...
and if you failed to recompile than try with another apps or go to smali/com/music/player and you will see some smali there...then open every smali and change com/cayno/player to com/music/player...done now try to recompile... ...
Thanks for reading... and don't forgot to click on thanks
botton if i helped you
Nice work bro...
Nice post really awesome
Thread closed so that you don't keep chatting to yourself and thanking yourself with your multiple XDA accounts...

Removing Android 11 Notification Headers: status_bar_notification_section_header.xml

What's a clean way to apply changes made to SystemUI.apk in an Android 11 ROM (and have those changes take effect) that I don't maintain? Direct overwriting is fine, but I need the changes applied/running. I'm fine with breaking things, have root, and have resolved boot breakages via ADB etc. I'm trying to get rid of the annoying notification section headers (Conversation, Silent, etc..) that waste screen real estate. I overwrite the XML file in the APK (status_bar_notification_section_header.xml) with 0 padding, and re-sign that APK with LuckyPatcher (its test key). What's a good way to apply my patched APK so that it works like the original, but with my changes? pm install patched_file.apk isn't perfect - APK is internal. And there's ODEX/VDEX files generated for the original APK (/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/ .... SystemUI.apk, oat/arm/*.odex, *.vdex). I had to do a pm grant to reading contacts when I applied a revised SystemUI.apk. Assume I don't have Android Studio and just want to work on the mobile.
What I'm attempting:
packages/SystemUI/res/layout/status_bar_notification_section_header.xml - platform/frameworks/base - Git at Google

