anyway to hide app lebels in poco launcher? - Xiaomi Poco X2 Questions & Answers

Is there any way to hide app lebels (not apps) of homescreen and app drawer in poco launcher?? It's looking Messy with levels

What do you mean levels

Aashish Bakshi said:
What do you mean levels
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The app name below the app icons. In 3rd party launcher there is a option for hide the names and that look clean

Subhransu90 said:
The app name below the app icons. In 3rd party launcher there is a option for hide the names and that look clean
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Oh you meant label
No in poco launcher there's no way to hide labels
Only way is to change to a custom launcher like nova launcher which I generally use since it gives tons of customisations

I created an overlay apk that sets to transparent the icons' label on the homescreen, following this
In pratice it replaces the following lines in /res/values/styles.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="WorkspaceIconTitle">
<item name="android:textSize">1sp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#00000000</item>
<item name="android:shadowColor">#00000000</item>
<style name="WorkspaceIconTitle.dark">
<item name="android:textColor">#00000000</item>
<item name="android:shadowColor">#00000000</item>
You must place the attached .apk in /system/vendor/overlay that is read-only if you are not root.
Reboot and it should do its job.
Tested and working on a Xiaomi Mi 9 running Poco Launcher v. on Android 10

I rewrote the apk because number in badges were not showing

Now it only overlays the text size property with 1 dp size, that is so small you should not even see the label (if you watch closely and have a contrasting background you could see a small line)


In call Dialer Text Color *SOLVED*

Ok guys I'm looking for the xml needed to edit the in call dialer button text color. I know this xml is in Phone.apk can't seem to find the right file.....thanks Lou
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
You've got to do it in both, lou. It's the styles xml files in the values-hdpi folders. Htcdialer.apk and phone.apk for the in call dialer.
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
<style name="text_style_dialer_button_number">
<item name="android:textSize">27.0sp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#ffffffff</item>
<item name="android:layout_gravity">center_horizontal</item>
<item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:shadowColor">#ff000000</item>
<item name="android:shadowDx">2.0</item>
<item name="android:shadowDy">2.0</item>
<item name="android:shadowRadius">1.0</item>
Zero Button
<style name="text_style_dialer_button_zero_number">
<item name="android:textSize">27.0sp</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#ffffffff</item>
<item name="android:layout_gravity">center</item>
<item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
<item name="android:shadowColor">#ff000000</item>
<item name="android:shadowDx">2.0</item>
<item name="android:shadowDy">2.0</item>
<item name="android:shadowRadius">1.0</item>
In case anyone else is looking for it. This will change the text to white with a black shadow.
You're welcome
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
OSully said:
You're welcome
Sent from my Droid Incredible using XDA App
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Thanks, I had actually tried to edit that file in a previous test but put an incorrect color code in I only keyed in 5 "f" values instead of 6 so it didn't work. FYI to get the in call dialer text color changed you don't need to edit HtcDialer.apk those edits are only for the standard Phone Dialer which I had done a few days ago just needed to find that pesky file for the in call text.

how to modify the color of settings.apk?

id like to make my settings popup menu gloss black, im talking about the short menu that pops up when you click on the menu button. how do i mod this apk? or do i need to mod the color xml instead? im running myn's rls4 btw.
if you guys could help me out or post the required files id appreciate it.
seriously? nobody?...
i'm not sure if settings.apk is what controls the menu that pops up when you press the menu button. Pretty sure that is in framework-res.apk, but i wouldn't swear to it, either. If it is in settings.apk (which would be easier on your end), then using 7zip and ripping into it is prolly your best bet. Hell, you've themed some before. You know how this works.
Settings.apk has nothing to do with the menu that pops up when you press "menu." Settings.apk is for the settings app and power control widget.
What you're looking for is in the framework and called either menu_background.9 or menu_background_fill_parent_width.9 I can't remember off the top of my head.
If you do make it black, you'll have to edit an XML somewhere to make the text another color so you can read it.
sorry if i came off pissed, just frustrated. anybody have the black menu im talking about? can anybody upload their png's or xml for me? i have no clue how to edit xml's at all.
Why not pm myn? His Rom has this feature; ask him directly.
I would also like to know how to do this.
Sent from my netarchy_toast, froyo beast of a machine evo!
Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure the text color is in an XML in the styles folder. Menu_item_something_something rings a bell.
Well firstly you're going to have to decompile the framework-res.apk in akpmanager. and edit the styles.xml file. You will need to change this:
<style name="TextAppearance.Widget.IconMenu.Item" parent="@style/TextAppearance.Small">
<item name="textColor">?textColorPrimaryInverse</item>
<style name="TextAppearance.Widget.IconMenu.Item" parent="@style/TextAppearance.Small">
<item name="textColor">@color/bright_foreground_dark</item>
and then you're going to have to change this:
<style name="Theme.ExpandedMenu" parent="@style/Theme">
<item name="listViewStyle">@style/Widget.ListView.Menu</item>
<item name="windowAnimationStyle">@style/Animation.OptionsPanel</item>
<item name="background">@null</item>
<item name="itemTextAppearance">?textAppearanceLargeInverse</item>
to this:
<style name="Theme.ExpandedMenu" parent="@style/Theme">
<item name="listViewStyle">@style/Widget.ListView.Menu</item>
<item name="windowAnimationStyle">@style/Animation.OptionsPanel</item>
<item name="background">@null</item>
<item name="itemTextAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.Large</item>
Then you are going to framework-res/res/drawable-hdpi and drawable-hdpi4 or drawable-hdpi-v4) and change menu_background.9 & menu_background_fill_parent_width.9 files to your specified colors but be careful editing the .9 files. and finally you will have to recompile and resign using apkmanager or apktool, whichever you prefer. (note: if you have edited your framework or used the UOT kitchen, more than likely it will not recompile. you will have to start over and make any xml changes, recompile and then use the UOT.

[javaDevelopment]Transparent activity background with active desktop

Hi, I am making some application with transparent background (image with alpha channel). All is ok but I would like to have active desktop under activity.
Transparent code xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="Theme.Transparent" parent="android:Theme">
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
<item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
<item name="android:windowIsFloating">true</item>
<item name="android:backgroundDimEnabled">false</item>
How to do that? I want to make full screen image with active desktop and don't know how. If it's bad forum, please delete and do not ban me, this is my first post here.

Galaxy Fit modding.The dockbar

I'm on stock 2.3.6 rooted. I started manually editing/modifying my galaxy fit. Now I want to edit the dockbar of stock 2.3.6. I really hate that semi-transparency of the dockbar of the main screen. So far I managed to edit the dockbar of the app drawer, but can't find the .png of the MAIN SCREEN DOCKBAR BACKGROUND. Also, I can't figure out(if i find it) how to make it 100% transparent.
Can someone help me out with this??Which .png(from Touchwiz30Launcher.apk/res/drawable-Idpi) is it?
Edit: Ok,so I found it, but i can't make it full transparent.If i edit the .png, I can only give it a full color
If i try to edit the coresponding XML file, I don't know what to put in there.
"TouchWiz30Launcher.apk\res\drawable\homescreen_menu_mainmenu_icon_bg.xml" : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <layer-list xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@color/menu_background_transparent" />
Lawr3nce said:
I'm on stock 2.3.6 rooted. I started manually editing/modifying my galaxy fit. Now I want to edit the dockbar of stock 2.3.6. I really hate that semi-transparency of the dockbar of the main screen. So far I managed to edit the dockbar of the app drawer, but can't find the .png of the MAIN SCREEN DOCKBAR BACKGROUND. Also, I can't figure out(if i find it) how to make it 100% transparent.
Can someone help me out with this??Which .png(from Touchwiz30Launcher.apk/res/drawable-Idpi) is it?
Edit: Ok,so I found it, but i can't make it full transparent.If i edit the .png, I can only give it a full color
If i try to edit the coresponding XML file, I don't know what to put in there.
"TouchWiz30Launcher.apk\res\drawable\homescreen_menu_mainmenu_icon_bg.xml" : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <layer-list xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@color/menu_background_transparent" />
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just replace @color/menu_background_transparent with @color/transparent
if you don't have a transparent color in your app go to /res/values/colors.xml and add this line:
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
ehsan-black said:
just replace @color/menu_background_transparent with @color/transparent
if you don't have a transparent color in your app go to /res/values/colors.xml and add this line:
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
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Thanks a lot. I already made it transparent. I just went on a online photoeditor site and edited the image KEEPING its transparency, made full transparent and voilla!
The thing is that the windows editor wouldn't keep transparency of the png's(or I don't know how to do it).
Lawr3nce said:
Thanks a lot. I already made it transparent. I just went on a online photoeditor site and edited the image KEEPING its transparency, made full transparent and voilla!
The thing is that the windows editor wouldn't keep transparency of the png's(or I don't know how to do it).
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change color mode to RGB and save it again.

Mods Collection for Note 3 Lollipop

Please note I am not responsible for anything bad happening to your device in case you mess something up. I have done everything written in this thread myself. But if you do not recompile the APK properly you might have to restore. So backup first.
I have made some modifications in my SystemUI and I am posting them here in case any of you might want those as well.
1. Remove S-Finder Bar from Notification Panel
Although I have seen another post on how to do that, but that method does not work right, the notification panel animation gets messed up that way.
To remove S-Finder Bar,
Simply go to system/build.prop and change
and thats it. Just restart and it will be gone.
As a side effect you will get permanent data icon even when using wifi. But it can be fixed if you want to.
Decompile SystemUI.apk and change the following files in res/drawable-xxhdpi to 1x1 transparent pngs.
i) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_disabled
ii) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_connected_disabled
And thats it. Recompile the APK and push into the system.
Now you have S Finder Bar gone with no side effect data icon.
2. Make the Recent Apps background fully transparent.
To do this, you need to go to res/values/colors.xml and look for the following line
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">
and put the following value there instead of the one written there
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">#33000000</color>
I have it set to nearly full transparent just like stock android but you can change it if you want.
Now to make the buttons background transparent as well go to drawables.xml in the same folder and look for the line
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">
change its value to
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">#00000000</item>
and recompile/push into system and you are done.
3. Change the color of default Black status bar.
The entire look of lollipop is white and majority of non material design apps are white as well, so I have changed the default color of my status bar to grey instead of black. It matches well with legacy apps like root explorer as I use the white theme. Plus it looks amazing with Chrome.
To change the color of the status bar to your liking go to res/values/colors.xml in decompiled SystemUI and look for
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">
now the value in this line can be changed to the hex color of your choice.
If you want to set it the same as the one in screenshot. Change it to
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">#ff9a9a9a</color>
4. To make the clock center
5. To Clear the space taken by Clear All Button in notification center (Thanks to tkari4)
When you pull down notification center there is wasted space on bottom taken by clear all button specially in Landscape mode.
you can attain that space.
NOTE: Clear all button will still work but there will be no text. You just press in the space of clear button and it will clear all.
open SystemUI.apk\res\values\dimens.xml and set these to 0.0dip
<dimen name="close_handle_height">34.0dip</dimen>
<dimen name="close_handle_underlap">34.0dip</dimen>
recompile and push in system
I have also hidden the Semi Transparent Status Bar in stock launcher and made it fully transparent. I can post it too if someone wants that.
I have also changed status bar icons to stock lollipop and modified the lockscreen to look like stock lollipop.
Reply if you want any of those.
I am here to help further if needed.
How to make statusbar fully transparent?
Hey man,
I need your help to make my statusbar fully transparent and change its icons.
royawais said:
Please note I am not responsible for anything bad happening to your device in case you mess something up. I have done everything written in this thread myself. But if you do not recompile the APK properly you might have to restore. So backup first.
I have made some modifications in my SystemUI and I am posting them here in case any of you might want those as well.
1. Remove S-Finder Bar from Notification Panel
Although I have seen another post on how to do that, but that method does not work right, the notification panel animation gets messed up that way.
To remove S-Finder Bar,
Simply go to system/build.prop and change
and thats it. Just restart and it will be gone.
As a side effect you will get permanent data icon even when using wifi. But it can be fixed if you want to.
Decompile SystemUI.apk and change the following files in res/drawable-xxhdpi to 1x1 transparent pngs.
i) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_disabled
ii) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_connected_disabled
And thats it. Recompile the APK and push into the system.
Now you have S Finder Bar gone with no side effect data icon.
2. Make the Recent Apps background fully transparent.
To do this, you need to go to res/values/colors.xml and look for the following line
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">
and put the following value there instead of the one written there
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">#33000000</color>
I have it set to nearly full transparent just like stock android but you can change it if you want.
Now to make the buttons background transparent as well go to drawables.xml in the same folder and look for the line
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">
change its value to
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">#00000000</item>
and recompile/push into system and you are done.
3. Change the color of default Black status bar.
The entire look of lollipop is white and majority of non material design apps are white as well, so I have changed the default color of my status bar to grey instead of black. It matches well with legacy apps like root explorer as I use the white theme. Plus it looks amazing with Chrome.
To change the color of the status bar to your liking go to res/values/colors.xml in decompiled SystemUI and look for
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">
now the value in this line can be changed to the hex color of your choice.
If you want to set it the same as the one in screenshot. Change it to
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">#ff9a9a9a</color>
4. To make the clock center
5. To Clear the space taken by Clear All Button in notification center (Thanks to tkari4)
When you pull down notification center there is wasted space on bottom taken by clear all button specially in Landscape mode.
you can attain that space.
NOTE: Clear all button will still work but there will be no text. You just press in the space of clear button and it will clear all.
open SystemUI.apk\res\values\dimens.xml and set these to 0.0dip
<dimen name="close_handle_height">34.0dip</dimen>
<dimen name="close_handle_underlap">34.0dip</dimen>
recompile and push in system
I have also hidden the Semi Transparent Status Bar in stock launcher and made it fully transparent. I can post it too if someone wants that.
I have also changed status bar icons to stock lollipop and modified the lockscreen to look like stock lollipop.
Reply if you want any of those.
I am here to help further if needed.
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hello , need some help to make some of your mods (recents background transparent) i cant find the res/values/colors.xml, i already open the SystemUi.apk , but a dont see the (value folder), will you gime a heand. thanks in advance.
Hello how to modify the lockscreen to look like stock lollipop?
royawais said:
Please note I am not responsible for anything bad happening to your device in case you mess something up. I have done everything written in this thread myself. But if you do not recompile the APK properly you might have to restore. So backup first.
I have made some modifications in my SystemUI and I am posting them here in case any of you might want those as well.
1. Remove S-Finder Bar from Notification Panel
Although I have seen another post on how to do that, but that method does not work right, the notification panel animation gets messed up that way.
To remove S-Finder Bar,
Simply go to system/build.prop and change
and thats it. Just restart and it will be gone.
As a side effect you will get permanent data icon even when using wifi. But it can be fixed if you want to.
Decompile SystemUI.apk and change the following files in res/drawable-xxhdpi to 1x1 transparent pngs.
i) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_disabled
ii) All the files starting with stat_sys_data_connected_disabled
And thats it. Recompile the APK and push into the system.
Now you have S Finder Bar gone with no side effect data icon.
2. Make the Recent Apps background fully transparent.
To do this, you need to go to res/values/colors.xml and look for the following line
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">
and put the following value there instead of the one written there
<color name="recents_panel_background_color">#33000000</color>
I have it set to nearly full transparent just like stock android but you can change it if you want.
Now to make the buttons background transparent as well go to drawables.xml in the same folder and look for the line
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">
change its value to
<item type="drawable" name="recents_item_button_background">#00000000</item>
and recompile/push into system and you are done.
3. Change the color of default Black status bar.
The entire look of lollipop is white and majority of non material design apps are white as well, so I have changed the default color of my status bar to grey instead of black. It matches well with legacy apps like root explorer as I use the white theme. Plus it looks amazing with Chrome.
To change the color of the status bar to your liking go to res/values/colors.xml in decompiled SystemUI and look for
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">
now the value in this line can be changed to the hex color of your choice.
If you want to set it the same as the one in screenshot. Change it to
<color name="system_bar_background_opaque">#ff9a9a9a</color>
4. To make the clock center
5. To Clear the space taken by Clear All Button in notification center (Thanks to tkari4)
When you pull down notification center there is wasted space on bottom taken by clear all button specially in Landscape mode.
you can attain that space.
NOTE: Clear all button will still work but there will be no text. You just press in the space of clear button and it will clear all.
open SystemUI.apk\res\values\dimens.xml and set these to 0.0dip
<dimen name="close_handle_height">34.0dip</dimen>
<dimen name="close_handle_underlap">34.0dip</dimen>
recompile and push in system
I have also hidden the Semi Transparent Status Bar in stock launcher and made it fully transparent. I can post it too if someone wants that.
I have also changed status bar icons to stock lollipop and modified the lockscreen to look like stock lollipop.
Reply if you want any of those.
I am here to help further if needed.
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can you please help me to create hidden virtual power button on the right top corner?
ive searched everywhere and tried decompiling the stock SystemUI and did everything like i followed but when recompiling always get errors :crying:
please help me

