Trying to patch Galaxy Store .apk -> SEMS:SamsungAccount: [SignatureCheckUtil] - Security Discussion

I'm trying to patch apk mentioned in title. Unpacking and packing back with apktool works well and application can be successfully installed on device and I can browse all applications in store but not all functionality is working. When I try to open My Applications or try to install any new application from store then it briefly blink like trying to switch activity window and nothing else happens. Of course my first assumption was some additional security mechanism is in place so quick look in logcat... and here it is (timestamps removed for clarity):
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: ================ checkSignatureValidation ================================================
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : false
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] appId is matched
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : continue
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] appId is matched
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : continue
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] appId is matched
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : continue
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] appId is matched
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : widgetapp.samsungapps./64/3cf08
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] appId is matched
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] isSHA2Matched : sa_apps/64/c67d7
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] hash value or app id of this apk is not registered. plz register!!!!!!!
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] wrong hashcode : sa_apps/64/06bb6
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [AccountResponse] checkSignatureValidation - false, sa_apps
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [SignatureCheckUtil] Not matched cache data of signature
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [SignatureCheckUtil] start request signatureList
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [SignatureCheckUtil] Server app list : last server request time is not expired.
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [SignatureCheckUtil] Server app list : last server request time : 20200215174048
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [RATA] setFailedResult()
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [RequestAccessTokenActivity] setResultWithLog resultCode=[1]
I SEMS:SamsungAccount: [RequestAccessTokenActivity] errorCode=[SAC_0205], errorMsg[The signature of this application is not registered with the server.]
From this tiny part of log i can assume that:
Some process is calculating SHA256 signature of file
It is compared with some table of allowed hashes/signatures
This table is cached and is valid for some time
But except that I'm little bit dry about ideas where this table is cached and how can I modify it. Any help appreciated!
--- update ---
Basing on procID from logcat now i know that package: is responsible for this hash checking. After code investigation I found that the file with hashes is located here:
and in that file we can find this entries related to
signature2 in last entry length is equal to sha256 hash
Below is full function of hash checking:
private static boolean checkSignature2Validation(Context paramContext, ArrayList<PackageSignatureInfo> paramArrayList, String param_appID, String param_packageName, boolean paramBoolean)
throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException
String[] arrayOfString = null;
Signature[] arrayOfSignature = paramContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(param_packageName, 64).signatures;
int i;
int k;
if ((arrayOfSignature != null) && (arrayOfSignature.length > 0))
arrayOfString = new String[arrayOfSignature.length];
i = 0;
int j = arrayOfSignature.length;
for (k = 0;; k++)
paramContext = arrayOfString;
if (k >= j) {
arrayOfString[i] = HashUtil.getSHA256(arrayOfSignature[k].toCharsString());
LogUtil.getInstance().logD(param_packageName + ", sha2Arr[i]:" + arrayOfString[i]);
LogUtil.getInstance().logI("AccountResponse", "sigs is empty");
paramContext = arrayOfString;
boolean bool = false;
if (paramContext != null) {
bool = isSHA2Matched(paramArrayList, param_appID, paramContext, param_packageName, paramBoolean);
if (!bool)
LogUtil.getInstance().logI("AccountResponse", "hash value or app id of this apk is not registered. plz register!!!!!!!");
LogUtil.getInstance().logD("AccountResponse", "appID : " + param_appID);
if (paramContext != null)
i = paramContext.length;
for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
paramArrayList = paramContext[k];
LogUtil.getInstance().logI("AccountResponse", "wrong hashcode : " + RestrictionStringRemovalUtil.getInstance().getAvailableKeyString(param_packageName) + "/" + hashCodeToLog(paramArrayList));
return bool;
Can i somehow retrieve value of paramContext.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(param_packageName, 64).signatures; with ADB to confirm my guess?


how to read data from file???

i want to get data from a specified directory. how to write it???
PS: i use win32
Which File?
Use an opendialogbox to select it first, then ReadFile() to get the data.
// Variables required
OPENFILENAME ofn; // File dialog box structure
HANDLE hFile; // File Load/Save handle
TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("\0");
// Respond to your 'Open' menu item
case ID_MENU_OPEN: // Depends on the value the Menu creator has given it, or what you have changed it to.
memset(&(ofn), 0, sizeof(ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd;
ofn.lpstrFile = szFile;
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
ofn.lpstrFilter = TEXT("Text Files\0*.TXT\0"); // Set filter here if required
ofn.lpstrTitle = TEXT("Open File");
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn))
//Error!!!! Do something
// Use function ReadFile() here using file handle hFile to read your data.
// What you do here depends on the file structure.
// If it is binary data read a block/record at a time into a buffer/structure,
// If it is CR/LF delimited text read it a byte at a time and transfer it into another text buffer. Parse for the CR/LF end of line then do whatever with it.
Saving is the same as the above but instead use
and WriteFile() to save the data.

[?]How to read binary file in xna?

I need read 10 byte in fileName and save it into bitLevel
My code:
test = 0;
byte[] bitLevel = new byte[10];
string fileName = "levels\\";
case 1: fileName += "beginner.dat";
case 2: fileName += "normal.dat";
case 3: fileName += "intermediate.dat";
case 4: fileName += "expert.dat";
using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
fileStream.Seek((iLevel - 1) * 10, SeekOrigin.Begin);
fileStream.Read(bitLevel, 0,10);
test = 1;
but bitLevel is empty
It seem it's not into codes under using, because I set test = 1; but it = 0;
can anybody help me?
//sorry my bad english
Use IsolatedStorageFile & IsolatedStorageFileStream instead of FileStream.
sensboston said:
Use IsolatedStorageFile & IsolatedStorageFileStream instead of FileStream.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
is that ok?
can you show me demo code?
using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream inStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, isf))
byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
int numRead = inStream.Read(buffer, 0, 10);
Debug.Assert (numRead == 10);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
But this code for ISF only; I don't really know where are your files located (as resources or may be content). You should understand what are you trying to read first
If you added these files as a content to your project, you should read 'em from the TitleContainer
using (var inStream = TitleContainer.OpenStream(fileName))
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(inStream))
... and so on...

Decrypting WhatsApp crypt12 files

I will just leave this here. :good:
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Decrypts WhatsApp msgstore.db.crypt12 files. """
""" Requires pycrypto and pycryptodome packages. """
__author__ = 'TripCode'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2016'
__license__ = 'GPLv3'
__status__ = 'Production'
__version__ = '1.0'
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
import sys
import zlib
def keyfile(kf):
global t1, key
if os.path.isfile(kf) == False:
quit('The specified input key file does not exist.')
elif os.path.getsize(kf) != 158:
quit('The specified input key file is invalid.')
with open(kf, 'rb') as keyfile:
t1 =
key =
return True
def decrypt12(cf, of):
global t2, iv
if os.path.isfile(cf) == False:
quit('The specified input crypt12 file does not exist.')
tf = cf+'.tmp'
with open(cf, 'rb') as crypt12:
t2 =
if t1 != t2:
quit('Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.')
iv =
primer(tf, crypt12, 20)
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
sqlite = zlib.decompress(cipher.decrypt(open(tf, 'rb').read()))
with open(of, 'wb') as msgstore:
return True
def primer(tf, crypt12, sb):
with open(tf, 'wb') as header:
with open(tf, 'rb+') as footer:, os.SEEK_END)
def validate(ms):
with open(ms, 'rb') as msgstore:
if'ascii').lower() != 'sqlite':
msg = 'Decryption of crypt12 file has failed.'
msg = 'Decryption of crypt12 file was successful.'
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 2 and len(sys.argv) < 5:
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
outfile = 'msgstore.db'
outfile = sys.argv[3]
if keyfile(sys.argv[1]) and decrypt12(sys.argv[2], outfile):
print('\nWhatsApp Crypt12 Database Decrypter '+__version__+' '+__copyright__+' by '+__author__+'\n')
print('\tUsage: python '+str(sys.argv[0])+' key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Usage: python key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db
package decrypt12;
*** decrypt12.jar: Decrypts WhatsApp msgstore.db.crypt12 files. ***
* Author : TripCode
* Copyright : Copyright (C) 2016
* License : GPLv3
* Status : Production
* Version : 1.0
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
// import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; // Android
public class decrypt12 {
static {
Security.insertProviderAt(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
// Security.insertProviderAt(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1); // Android
public static void decrypt(String KeyFile, String C12File, String SQLFile) throws Exception {
final File tempFile = new File(System.getProperty("") + "/"
+ (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L) + "-msgstore.enc");
if (!new File(KeyFile).isFile())
quit("The specified input key file does not exist.");
else if (new File(KeyFile).length() != 158)
quit("The specified input key file is invalid.");
else if (!new File(C12File).isFile())
quit("The specified input crypt12 file does not exist.");
InputStream KeyIn = new FileInputStream(KeyFile);
InputStream WdbIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(C12File));
byte[] KeyData = new byte[158];;
byte[] T1 = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(KeyData, 30, T1, 0, 32);
byte[] KEY = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(KeyData, 126, KEY, 0, 32);
byte[] C12Data = new byte[67];;
byte[] T2 = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(C12Data, 3, T2, 0, 32);
byte[] IV = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(C12Data, 51, IV, 0, 16);
if (!new String(T1, 0, T1.length, "ASCII").equals(new String(T2, 0, T2.length, "ASCII")))
quit("Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.");
int InputLength = WdbIn.available();
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(tempFile, "rw");
byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[1024];
int I;
while ((I = != -1)
raf.write(tempBuffer, 0, I);
raf.setLength(InputLength - 20);
InputStream PdbSt = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile));
Cipher cipher;
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", "BC"); // BouncyCastle
// cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", "SC"); // SpongyCastle (Android)
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(KEY, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(IV));
CipherInputStream CipherStream = new CipherInputStream(PdbSt, cipher);
InflaterInputStream CryptOutput = new InflaterInputStream(CipherStream, new Inflater(false));
try {
FileOutputStream InflateBuffer = new FileOutputStream(SQLFile);
int N = 0;
byte[] CryptBuffer = new byte[8192];
while ((N = != -1) {
InflateBuffer.write(CryptBuffer, 0, N);
} catch (IOException ex) {
quit("Fatal error:" + ex);
InputStream SqlDB = new FileInputStream(SQLFile);
byte[] SqlData = new byte[6];;
byte[] MS = new byte[6];
System.arraycopy(SqlData, 0, MS, 0, 6);
if (!new String(MS, 0, MS.length, "ASCII").toLowerCase().equals("sqlite")) {
new File(SQLFile).delete();
quit("Decryption of crypt12 file has failed.");
quit("Decryption of crypt12 file was successful.");
private static void quit(String Msg) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String outFile;
if (args.length > 1 && args.length < 4) {
if (args.length == 3)
outFile = args[2];
outFile = "msgstore.db";
decrypt(args[0], args[1], outFile);
} else {
System.out.println("\nWhatsApp Crypt12 Database Decrypter 1.0 Copyright (C) 2016 by TripCode");
System.out.println("\tUsage: java -jar decrypt12.jar key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db\n");
Usage: java -jar decrypt12.jar key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db
GitHub Repository: WhatsApp-Crypt12-Decrypter
Just a quick question: My phone was swapped by a repair shop and the other person who got my phone didn't realize this at first. She did a factory reset, and probably installed Whatsapp with her SIM card before I got my phone back. I'm so angry right now...
I guess my key file is gone - either deleted by the factory reset or overwritten with her Whatsapp's key file. I have several backups of the Whatsapp directory and still the same Google account, IMEI and phone number. Can I restore my messages or are any attempts futile?
(I see that the code asks for a key file, so if I cannot get it/extract it somewhere, there is probably no chance anymore?)
hi, realy great tool
with that i could open the msgstore.db and see my chats
but is it possible to convert this file into a .db.crypt12 file or something like that, so i can open it with whatsapp an have my chats back?
or are there other ways, i can use this msgstore.db + wa.db to recover the chats?
I have a crypt12 database but no there anyone out there able to decrypt it?
How much will it cost to me to do this? Can anyone do it for me?
Is the code written here above working in decrypting a crypt12 database?
I don't want to root or install any spyware, just trying to decrypt the file.
anyone interested in trying?
Please write dawn here if you're interested and we'll get in contact...
ettorebonfanti said:
I have a crypt12 database but no there anyone out there able to decrypt it?
How much will it cost to me to do this? Can anyone do it for me?
Is the code written here above working in decrypting a crypt12 database?
I don't want to root or install any spyware, just trying to decrypt the file.
anyone interested in trying?
Please write dawn here if you're interested and we'll get in contact...
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There is a program out there which claims to obtain the key file without root. If it's still working today, I don't know. Here:
If you want the key file, it's better to root your phone and get it. It's not that hard. You can even unroot your phone after catching the key.
And no, someone can't just decrypt the database, because the key is there for a reason, and this reason is security.
Excellent! Just used this to fix a Whatapp DB.
---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------
This is great thanks! How do I encrypt the database again with crypt12?
I have both, the DB and the key.
TripCode said:
I will just leave this here. :good:
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Decrypts WhatsApp msgstore.db.crypt12 files. """
""" Requires pycrypto and pycryptodome packages. """
__author__ = 'TripCode'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2016'
__license__ = 'GPLv3'
__status__ = 'Production'
__version__ = '1.0'
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import os
import sys
import zlib
def keyfile(kf):
global t1, key
if os.path.isfile(kf) == False:
quit('The specified input key file does not exist.')
elif os.path.getsize(kf) != 158:
quit('The specified input key file is invalid.')
with open(kf, 'rb') as keyfile:
t1 =
key =
return True
def decrypt12(cf, of):
global t2, iv
if os.path.isfile(cf) == False:
quit('The specified input crypt12 file does not exist.')
tf = cf+'.tmp'
with open(cf, 'rb') as crypt12:
t2 =
if t1 != t2:
quit('Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.')
iv =
primer(tf, crypt12, 20)
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, iv)
sqlite = zlib.decompress(cipher.decrypt(open(tf, 'rb').read()))
with open(of, 'wb') as msgstore:
return True
def primer(tf, crypt12, sb):
with open(tf, 'wb') as header:
with open(tf, 'rb+') as footer:, os.SEEK_END)
def validate(ms):
with open(ms, 'rb') as msgstore:
if'ascii').lower() != 'sqlite':
msg = 'Decryption of crypt12 file has failed.'
msg = 'Decryption of crypt12 file was successful.'
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 2 and len(sys.argv) < 5:
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
outfile = 'msgstore.db'
outfile = sys.argv[3]
if keyfile(sys.argv[1]) and decrypt12(sys.argv[2], outfile):
print('\nWhatsApp Crypt12 Database Decrypter '+__version__+' '+__copyright__+' by '+__author__+'\n')
print('\tUsage: python '+str(sys.argv[0])+' key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Usage: python key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db
package decrypt12;
*** decrypt12.jar: Decrypts WhatsApp msgstore.db.crypt12 files. ***
* Author : TripCode
* Copyright : Copyright (C) 2016
* License : GPLv3
* Status : Production
* Version : 1.0
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
// import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; // Android
public class decrypt12 {
static {
Security.insertProviderAt(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
// Security.insertProviderAt(new org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider(), 1); // Android
public static void decrypt(String KeyFile, String C12File, String SQLFile) throws Exception {
final File tempFile = new File(System.getProperty("") + "/"
+ (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L) + "-msgstore.enc");
if (!new File(KeyFile).isFile())
quit("The specified input key file does not exist.");
else if (new File(KeyFile).length() != 158)
quit("The specified input key file is invalid.");
else if (!new File(C12File).isFile())
quit("The specified input crypt12 file does not exist.");
InputStream KeyIn = new FileInputStream(KeyFile);
InputStream WdbIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(C12File));
byte[] KeyData = new byte[158];;
byte[] T1 = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(KeyData, 30, T1, 0, 32);
byte[] KEY = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(KeyData, 126, KEY, 0, 32);
byte[] C12Data = new byte[67];;
byte[] T2 = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(C12Data, 3, T2, 0, 32);
byte[] IV = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(C12Data, 51, IV, 0, 16);
if (!new String(T1, 0, T1.length, "ASCII").equals(new String(T2, 0, T2.length, "ASCII")))
quit("Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.");
int InputLength = WdbIn.available();
RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(tempFile, "rw");
byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[1024];
int I;
while ((I = != -1)
raf.write(tempBuffer, 0, I);
raf.setLength(InputLength - 20);
InputStream PdbSt = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tempFile));
Cipher cipher;
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", "BC"); // BouncyCastle
// cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", "SC"); // SpongyCastle (Android)
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(KEY, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(IV));
CipherInputStream CipherStream = new CipherInputStream(PdbSt, cipher);
InflaterInputStream CryptOutput = new InflaterInputStream(CipherStream, new Inflater(false));
try {
FileOutputStream InflateBuffer = new FileOutputStream(SQLFile);
int N = 0;
byte[] CryptBuffer = new byte[8192];
while ((N = != -1) {
InflateBuffer.write(CryptBuffer, 0, N);
} catch (IOException ex) {
quit("Fatal error:" + ex);
InputStream SqlDB = new FileInputStream(SQLFile);
byte[] SqlData = new byte[6];;
byte[] MS = new byte[6];
System.arraycopy(SqlData, 0, MS, 0, 6);
if (!new String(MS, 0, MS.length, "ASCII").toLowerCase().equals("sqlite")) {
new File(SQLFile).delete();
quit("Decryption of crypt12 file has failed.");
quit("Decryption of crypt12 file was successful.");
private static void quit(String Msg) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String outFile;
if (args.length > 1 && args.length < 4) {
if (args.length == 3)
outFile = args[2];
outFile = "msgstore.db";
decrypt(args[0], args[1], outFile);
} else {
System.out.println("\nWhatsApp Crypt12 Database Decrypter 1.0 Copyright (C) 2016 by TripCode");
System.out.println("\tUsage: java -jar decrypt12.jar key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db\n");
Usage: java -jar decrypt12.jar key msgstore.db.crypt12 msgstore.db
GitHub Repository: WhatsApp-Crypt12-Decrypter
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error message..line 84..intended error
hi tripcode...i used the python script in showed an intended error..error line 84...can u please help me in this issue..or can u guid me to decrypt the not having that key file..thats lost..i retrieved the files from plz help me in this issue..
error the key file not found
hi it was fine till it shows the key file is not found...plz help me in this issues
hi it was fine till it shows the key file is not found...plz help me in this issues
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w/o key file ...there is no way to brake the crytp12...
mmmm but i don`t know if there is any chace using brute force to brake the encrytion
Can someone share pycrypto also pycryptodome? or java for Android thanks
Fusseldieb said:
There is a program out there which claims to obtain the key file without root. If it's still working today, I don't know. Here:
If you want the key file, it's better to root your phone and get it. It's not that hard. You can even unroot your phone after catching the key.
And no, someone can't just decrypt the database, because the key is there for a reason, and this reason is security.
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You can try:
a tutorial from Ik Teach:
link to the file gbwhatsapp:
It give you de key file whithout root. It worked for me. But it is a little tricky. and you end up with this modded whatsapp.
hii tripcode
I am not having that key file..
i lost my mobile....i retrieved the files from plz help me to decrypt my database.
shanya_creation said:
hii tripcode
I am not having that key file..
i lost my mobile....i retrieved the files from plz help me to decrypt my database.
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You need to re-download WhatsApp in another phone and use your old number. (Yes, you'll need to recover your phone number before recovering your chats). Once you have WhatsApp installed you can take out the Key file from /data/data/com.whatsapp/files
To do that stuff i recommend to use a old phone that can be easily rooted or one that has already rooted.
Good luck :good:
Does anyone know if by any chance KEY file gets deleted on old phone when whatsapp is activated on a new phone and old phone whatsapp gets locked asking for conf code by SMS?
I rooted android 4.x.x
I then searched using ez file manager in root and in data/data /com.whatsapp but i do not see a KEY file.
download WhatsApp Plus8.30 it will work for you
Need Help!
I have whatsapp db.crypt12 file. I am novice in Mobile. Can anybody make that file readable professionally for me? I am ready to pay for this.
I have extracted the key by the procedure of "WhatsApp Key/DB Extractor 4.7 Enhanced 1.0" (, but eventually your JAVA code failed with message:
Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.
Why is that?
Somewhere (guess at Elcomsoft Explorer) I have read, that the key can only decrypt backups taken from a previous time. This should true in my case, isnt?
1) Is the key somehow related to the phone device itself? (I have used a spare phone for this analysis, so not the original WA was regularly running on.)
Since end of August (when an Upgrade of WA has destroyed my chat history database) I have tried several attempts to restore it by downgrading WA to 2.20.64 and 2.20.89, so the key I have now is not the original of what the crypted backup was created with.
Moreover, due to a database schema error my chat history can only be loaded with WA version previous to 2.20.89 (this is why:
My experiments now led to the situation, that I not any more can register any pre-2.20.89 version by the SMS verification process, even though I dated my phone back to mid of August.
Thus I currently have no working installation with all my chat history where I could extract a crypto key from.
2) Any ideas how i can bypass Whatsapp to complain about its expired versions and register by SMS again?
3) Is it a hard-coded deadline in the binaries of the app?
4) Does the crypt key change between installations and become incompatible? I wonder, how to restore any old backup then...
samruthstom said:
Does anyone know if by any chance KEY file gets deleted on old phone when whatsapp is activated on a new phone and old phone whatsapp gets locked asking for conf code by SMS?
I rooted android 4.x.x
I then searched using ez file manager in root and in data/data /com.whatsapp but i do not see a KEY file.
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Yes - upon inactivation WA 2.20.89+ destroys the "key" file and instead creates a "backup_token" file.
It is recoverable by activating it via SMS code.
---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------
heyvijay said:
I have whatsapp db.crypt12 file. I am novice in Mobile. Can anybody make that file readable professionally for me? I am ready to pay for this.
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What kind of problem can't you solve so far?
There is a commercial solution called "Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp ".
I also would like and am about to try it out, if you are interested, we can share the costs of it.
After years of successfully using this to access MY chat data, this week it stopped working :-(
WhatsApp on my phone looks to have updated to v2.21.8.17 and is now generating local backups with a .crypt14 extension instead of .crypt12.
Unsurprisingly, this chokes on this with the error Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.
However, armed with hexdump and a bit cunning, I've worked out how to tweak the python so that it successfully decodes .crypt14 files.
in a .crypt14 file ... [.py hacks in decrypt12 function shown below in square brackets]
... t2 is at offset 14 [so change to t2 =]
... iv is at offset 66 [change to iv =]
... encrypted content starts at offset 99, (I haven't yet worked out the correct amount of footer to remove, but removing 0 seems to result in a successful decryption so far) [change to primer(tf, crypt12, 0)]
I've also noticed that the 16 bytes at offset 62 to 77 in the key file also appear in the .cryptX file, just like the t bytes at offset 30 to 61 do.
In a .crypt12 file they are at offset 35 to 50.
In a .crypt14 file they are at offset 48 to 63.
In my code I've called these x1 and x2 and do the same equality check as happens for t1 and t2.
In addition, in the .crypt14 file, bytes at 86 to 94 look to contain the WA version number, so in my case - presumably the version that wrote the .crypt14 file. I suspect that when the version number rolls over to more digits (e.g. then the offset to the start of the encrypted content (currently 99 in my backup files) might well change?
adflyer said:
After years of successfully using this to access MY chat data, this week it stopped working :-(
WhatsApp on my phone looks to have updated to v2.21.8.17 and is now generating local backups with a .crypt14 extension instead of .crypt12.
Unsurprisingly, this chokes on this with the error Key file mismatch or crypt12 file is corrupt.
However, armed with hexdump and a bit cunning, I've worked out how to tweak the python so that it successfully decodes .crypt14 files.
in a .crypt14 file ... [.py hacks in decrypt12 function shown below in square brackets]
... t2 is at offset 14 [so change to t2 =]
... iv is at offset 66 [change to iv =]
... encrypted content starts at offset 99, (I haven't yet worked out the correct amount of footer to remove, but removing 0 seems to result in a successful decryption so far) [change to primer(tf, crypt12, 0)]
I've also noticed that the 16 bytes at offset 62 to 77 in the key file also appear in the .cryptX file, just like the t bytes at offset 30 to 61 do.
In a .crypt12 file they are at offset 35 to 50.
In a .crypt14 file they are at offset 48 to 63.
In my code I've called these x1 and x2 and do the same equality check as happens for t1 and t2.
In addition, in the .crypt14 file, bytes at 86 to 94 look to contain the WA version number, so in my case - presumably the version that wrote the .crypt14 file. I suspect that when the version number rolls over to more digits (e.g. then the offset to the start of the encrypted content (currently 99 in my backup files) might well change?
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Click to collapse
It's not working for me for some reason. I don't know what I am missing here. Can you provide the modified code itself?

[TOOL-TESTING] dirtydump (a way to dump boot or recovery for every un-rooted device)

A little tool or frontend that I've made and share to the community.
If you are like me :
Searching a way to backup your device, try some tools like SP Flash Tool, or MTK Droid Tools (for generating a Scatter File).
I have found a lot of thread, but I've allways got a dead end or a risk to brick the device (Never take a risk to brick your device if no stock rom available or backup).
A few days ago, i've found this thread :
It's not for my device, it's maybe not for your device, but help a lot to do our need. This exploit work for everyone and what to do the little tools below.
What's the change ?
Instead of that does jcadduono (a big thanks to him), via applypatch, it don't patch the recovery partition to run an Android in Permissive mode, my applypatch only open and read the boot or recovery partition and display all data to logging (binary converted to hex value).
Yes, I know, logging is not for that, it's realy hard-core, but it's the only way working. I've tried with socket, but SELinux in Enforced mode don't allow this.
You can see my recowvery-applypatch.c below :
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define APP_NAME "recowvery"
#define HOST_NAME "applypatch"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <android/log.h>
#define LOGV(...) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, APP_NAME, __VA_ARGS__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); printf("\n"); }
#define LOGE(...) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, APP_NAME, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }
#define LOGV(...) { printf(__VA_ARGS__); printf("\n"); }
#define LOGE(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }
#define SEP LOGV("------------")
#include "bootimg.h"
/* Time delay in microsecond for next loop (1000 = 1ms)
* 250 is good for every PC
* (you can try with 0 to boost the process, but you can have an <unexpected EOF>)
#define DELAY_T 250
void delay(long t)
if (t == 0)
long timens = t * 1000;
nanosleep((const struct timespec[]){{0, timens}}, NULL);
* Search in *str the word *word.
* &rslt => Result, a sort of substr version of *str from 0 to the last char of the searched *word if found.
* &len => Length of &rslt.
* Return 0 if found or -1 if not found.
* (A substr like)
int findStr(char *str, char *word, char** rslt, int* len)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int allmatch = 0;
char *temp;
*len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(str); i++)
if (str[i] == word[0])
allmatch = 0;
for (j = 0; j < (int)strlen(word); j++)
if (str[i + j] != word[j])
allmatch = 1;
if (allmatch == 0)
*len = i + strlen(word);
if (*len != 0)
temp = malloc(*len);
for (i = 0; i < *len; i++)
temp[i] = str[i];
*rslt = temp;
return 0;
return -1;
* run "mount" and find "/by-name/" from result.
* if matched, fill path var
* return 0 if success else -1
int getBlockDevice(char** path)
FILE* cmd;
char br[512];
char* search = "/by-name/";
char* tmp;
int slength = 0;
cmd = popen("mount 2>&1", "r");
if (cmd)
/* Read result and try to find the first corresponding mount point */
while(fgets(br, sizeof br, cmd) != NULL)
/* If found, log the result */
if (findStr(br, search, &tmp, &slength) != -1)
/* Append "boot" (your can replace this by "recovery", "system") at the end */
sprintf(*path, "%srecovery", tmp);
LOGE("ERROR Getting filesystem mountpoint");
if (slength > 0)
return 0;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ret = 0;
int i = 0;
LOGV("Welcome to %s! (%s)", APP_NAME, HOST_NAME);
char *blockDev = malloc(256);
if (getBlockDevice(&blockDev) == -1)
LOGE("ERROR : Could not find FileSystem mount point.");
ret = errno;
goto oops;
LOGV("BLOCK_DEVICE : %s", blockDev);
* Sometimes <applypatch> run before <dirtycow> finish its process that cause our device not ready to start <adb logcat -s recowvery>
* and we have to wait more than 3min...
* A little sleep of 30 sec ensure that our device is ready.
LOGV("The process start in 30s");
byte rb[32];
char *content = malloc(256);
FILE *fp;
size_t nread;
fp = fopen(blockDev, "r");
if (fp) {
LOGV("*** DUMP START ***");
while ((nread = fread(rb, 1, sizeof rb, fp)) > 0)
sprintf(content, "HEXDUMP = [");
for (i = 0; i < (int)nread; i++)
if (i == 0)
sprintf(content, "%s%.2x", content, rb[i]);
sprintf(content, "%s,%.2x", content, rb[i]);
sprintf(content, "%s];", content);
LOGV("%s", content);
/* sleep to prevent any unexpected EOF with with pipe stream */
if (ferror(fp)) {
ret = errno;
LOGE("*** DUMP ERROR ***");
LOGE("Error while reading the file...");
LOGV("*** DUMP END ***");
LOGV("Can't read the file...");
ret = errno;
goto oops;
return 0;
LOGE("*** DUMP ERROR ***");
LOGE("Error %d: %s", ret, strerror(ret));
return ret;
Don't laugh please, I am very new in C
Ok, but about the tool ?
The tool is a frontend and easy to use, it copy exploit files for you, run exploit, read logging from adb and do the revert of applypatch (Convert hex to binary and write them to the image file) and finaly reboot your device when it's finish.
An example here :
~/Documents/dirtydump/bin/Debug$ ./dirtydump boot
**** Init *****
adb push ./bin/dirtycow /data/local/tmp
159 KB/s (9984 bytes in 0.061s)
adb push ./bin/recowvery-applypatch_boot /data/local/tmp
234 KB/s (10200 bytes in 0.042s)
adb push ./bin/recowvery-applypatch_recovery /data/local/tmp
238 KB/s (10200 bytes in 0.041s)
adb push ./bin/recowvery-app_process64 /data/local/tmp
240 KB/s (10200 bytes in 0.041s)
adb push ./bin/recowvery-app_process32 /data/local/tmp
411 KB/s (17992 bytes in 0.042s)
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/dirtycow
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_boot
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_recovery
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process64
adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process32
* Android x64 version detected.
**** Run Exploit *****
adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/applypatch /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_boot
warning: new file size (10200) and file old size (74712) differ
size 74712
[*] mmap 0x7faa6a7000
[*] exploit (patch)
[*] currently 0x7faa6a7000=10102464c457f
[*] madvise = 0x7faa6a7000 74712
[*] madvise = 0 1048576
[*] /proc/self/mem 1031798784 1048576
[*] exploited 0x7faa6a7000=10102464c457f
adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/app_process64 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process64
warning: new file size (10200) and file old size (22456) differ
size 22456
[*] mmap 0x7f8f303000
[*] exploit (patch)
[*] currently 0x7f8f303000=10102464c457f
[*] madvise = 0x7f8f303000 22456
[*] madvise = 0 1048576
[*] /proc/self/mem 2071986176 1048576
[*] exploited 0x7f8f303000=10102464c457f
**** adb logcat -s recowvery ****
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of crash
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: Welcome to recowvery! (app_process64)
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: ------------
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: Current selinux context: u:r:zygote:s0
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: Set context to 'u:r:system_server:s0'
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: Current security context: u:r:system_server:s0
01-24 15:40:37.206 5266 5266 I recowvery: Setting property 'ctl.start' to 'flash_recovery'
01-24 15:40:37.211 5266 5266 I recowvery: ------------
01-24 15:40:37.211 5266 5266 I recowvery: Recovery flash script should have started!
01-24 15:40:37.211 5266 5266 I recowvery: Run on your PC or device to see progress: adb logcat -s recowvery
01-24 15:40:37.211 5266 5266 I recowvery: Waiting 3 minutes to try again (in case it didn't start or you forgot to dirtycow applypatch first)...
01-24 15:40:37.242 5269 5269 I recowvery: Welcome to recowvery! (applypatch)
01-24 15:40:37.272 5269 5269 I recowvery: BLOCK_DEVICE : /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11230000.msdc0/by-name/boot
01-24 15:40:37.272 5269 5269 I recowvery: ------------
01-24 15:40:37.272 5269 5269 I recowvery: The process start in 30s
Start writing to file...
Block read : 524288 (Size : 16777216)
Image file saved here :
Rebooting your device...
**** Reboot Device *****
How to use ?
Extract all files from archive attached below in a directory of our choice.
./dirtydump boot : dump boot partition and store it to ./boot.img
./dirtydump recovery : dump recovery partition and store it to ./recovery.img
When all done, you have all to make your Custom Recovery for your device.
<dirtycow> capable device.
Working adb (adb devices to check)
Linux distribution.
Source code
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
#define BOOT 0
#define RECOVERY 1
#define ANDROID_64 "64"
#define ANDROID_32 "32"
#ifdef __linux__
#elif __APPLE__
typedef unsigned char byte;
static string appDirectory;
static string arch;
static FILE *fsout;
static bool startwrite = false;
static int ncrash = 0;
static int nBlock = 0;
static long currentSize = 0;
// Shorter regex is possible, but I prefer like that.
static regex rs("^.+I recowvery: (\\*\\*\\* DUMP START \\*\\*\\*)\\s+"); // Used to start writting binary file
static regex rl("^.+I recowvery: HEXDUMP = \\[([^\\]]+)\\];\\s+"); // Used to match all data block, and populate < datalist >
static regex rf("^.+I recowvery: (\\*\\*\\* DUMP END \\*\\*\\*)\\s+"); // Used to end writting, and exit infinit loop
static regex re("^.+I recowvery: (\\*\\*\\* DUMP ERROR \\*\\*\\*)\\s+"); // Used to intercept error from < recowvery-applypatch >
static regex radbe("^error:(.+)\\s+"); // ADB cmd error
static regex rarch("^.+(aarch64).*\\s+"); // Get arch from <uname -a>
* Run command
* return : 0 if success else -1 if error
int runcmd(string cmd)
char rslt[256];
int cmdv = 0;
FILE *fc = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
/* Redirect stderr to stdout */
cmd.append(" 2>&1");
// To remove the \n or \r\n at the end.
regex rcmdline("^(.+)\\s+");
if (fc)
while (fgets(rslt, sizeof rslt, fc) != NULL)
if (regex_match(string(rslt), rcmdline))
cout << regex_replace(string(rslt), rcmdline, "$1") << endl;
// If error matched, return -1
if (regex_match(rslt, radbe))
cmdv = -1;
cout << endl;
cerr << "Error running '" << string(cmd) << "'" << endl;
return -1;
return cmdv;
* Used to split string
* s : string to split (in)
* delim : used char for split (in)
* elems : string array result (out)
void split(const string &s, char delim, vector<string> &elems) {
stringstream ss;
string item;
while (getline(ss, item, delim)) {
* Used to split string
* s : string to split (in)
* delim : char delimeter (in)
* return : vector string
vector<string> split(const string &s, char delim) {
vector<string> elems;
split(s, delim, elems);
return elems;
/** Convert hex string to byte array **/
void string_to_bytearray(std::string str, unsigned char* &array, int& size)
int length = str.length();
// make sure the input string has an even digit numbers
if(length%2 == 1)
str = "0" + str;
// allocate memory for the output array
array = new unsigned char[length/2];
size = length/2;
std::stringstream sstr(str);
for(int i=0; i < size; i++)
char ch1, ch2;
sstr >> ch1 >> ch2;
int dig1, dig2;
if(isdigit(ch1)) dig1 = ch1 - '0';
else if(ch1>='A' && ch1<='F') dig1 = ch1 - 'A' + 10;
else if(ch1>='a' && ch1<='f') dig1 = ch1 - 'a' + 10;
if(isdigit(ch2)) dig2 = ch2 - '0';
else if(ch2>='A' && ch2<='F') dig2 = ch2 - 'A' + 10;
else if(ch2>='a' && ch2<='f') dig2 = ch2 - 'a' + 10;
array[i] = dig1*16 + dig2;
* Get architecture type
* Run <adb shell uname -a> and find the word : aarch64
* If found return <ANDROID_64> else <ANDROID_32>
string getArchType()
char rslt[256];
string val;
FILE *fc = popen("adb shell uname -a", "r");
// To remove the \n or \r\n at the end.
if (fc)
while (fgets(rslt, sizeof rslt, fc) != NULL)
if (regex_match(string(rslt), rarch))
cout << "* Android x64 version detected." << endl;
val = string(ANDROID_64);
cout << "* Android x32 version detected." << endl;
val = string(ANDROID_32);
cout << endl;
cerr << "Error running 'adb shell uname -a'" << endl;
return val;
* Display help
void help()
cout << "dirtydump boot | recovery" << endl;
cout << "Usage :" << endl;
cout << "\tdirtydump boot : Dump device boot partition and save it to boot.img." << endl;
cout << "\tdirtydump recovery : Dump device recovery partition and save it to recovery.img." << endl << endl;
cout << "Information :" << endl;
cout << "\tThis app use the same exploit explained here : " << endl;
cout << "\t" << endl;
cout << "\tThe only difference is by the <applypatch>, instead of patching," << endl;
cout << "\tit read your boot / recovery partition." << endl;
cout << "\tConvert all data to hex value, and display it." << endl;
cout << "\tDuring the process, the app read all data through" <<endl;
cout << "\t<adb logcat -s recowvery> and do the reverse," << endl;
cout << "\tconvert all hex value to binary, and write it to a file." << endl;
cout << "\tBecause your device is like crashing, this app reboot" << endl;
cout << "\tautomaticaly when the process is finished." << endl;
cout << endl;
* Initialize process.
* Push required files to your device and apply a chmod to them and exit.
int init()
cout << "***************" << endl;
cout << "**** Init *****" << endl;
cout << "***************" << endl << endl;
string files[] = {"dirtycow",
string cmdlist[] = {"adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/dirtycow",
"adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_boot",
"adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_recovery",
"adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process64",
"adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process32"};
char cmd[128];
/* Push files to the device */
for(auto s : files)
sprintf(cmd, "adb push %s%sbin%s%s /data/local/tmp", appDirectory.c_str(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, s.c_str());
cout << string(cmd) << endl;
if (runcmd(cmd) != 0)
return -1;
/* Apply chmod to the pushed files */
for(auto s : cmdlist)
cout << string(s) << endl;
if (runcmd(s) != 0)
return -1;
arch = getArchType();
if (arch.empty())
return -1;
return 0;
* Apply exploit to applypatch (for boot or process) and app_process64
int runExploit(int v)
cout << "**********************" << endl;
cout << "**** Run Exploit *****" << endl;
cout << "**********************" << endl << endl;
string cmdlist[] = {
"", // For applypatch
"" // For app_process
if (v == BOOT)
cmdlist[0].append("adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/applypatch /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_boot");
else if (v == RECOVERY)
cmdlist[0].append("adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/applypatch /data/local/tmp/recowvery-applypatch_recovery");
return -1;
if (arch == ANDROID_64)
cmdlist[1] = "adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/app_process64 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process64";
cmdlist[1] = "adb shell /data/local/tmp/dirtycow /system/bin/app_process32 /data/local/tmp/recowvery-app_process32";
for(auto s : cmdlist)
cout << s << endl;
if (runcmd(s) != 0)
return -1;
return 0;
* reboot device from adb
int rebootDevice()
cout << "************************" << endl;
cout << "**** Reboot Device *****" << endl;
cout << "************************" << endl << endl;
return runcmd(string("adb reboot"));
* Function that do the stuff
* If a line contain *** DUMP START *** it start to get all hex value in HEXDUMP = [a1,e2,b4,ect.] and convert to binary before writing to output file.
* All other line are :
* <*** DUMP ERROR ***> : Error during the process, or your device is disconnected, no more battery...
* <*** DUMP END ***> : Dumping is end / end of process.
* <Other lines> : Displayed
int displayLogAndConvertData(string line)
* If an unexpected EOF from recowvery-applypatch or if no <pipe>...
* We can't receive a null string, so break the loop, close fsout, and exit the program.
if (line.empty())
cout << string("* < null > received !") << endl;
cout << string("Try again...") << endl;
return -1;
* *** DUMP START ***
* set startwrite = true to write parsed data to fsout
if (regex_match(line, rs))
startwrite = true;
cout << "Start writing to file..." << endl;
* Parse all string received if match
* Note :
* It's possible to have matched string before intercept DUMP START,
* If we convert now, it's a good idea to have a broken output file.
if (startwrite && regex_match(line, rl))
string s = regex_replace(line, rl, "$1");
vector<string> data = split(s, ',');
for (int c = 0; c < (int)data.size(); c++)
byte *b = NULL;
int sb;
string_to_bytearray(data[c], b, sb);
fwrite(b, 1, sb, fsout);
catch (const exception &ex)
cout << endl;
cout << string("** Exception **") << endl;
cout << string(" - When convert : ") << data[c] << endl;
cout << string(" - Message : ") << ex.what() << endl;
currentSize = nBlock * 32;
cout << "\r";
cout << "Block read : " << nBlock << " (Size : " << currentSize << ")";
* Display the other lines (for debuging, logging...)
else if (!regex_match(line, rl) && (!regex_match(line, rf) && !startwrite) && line.length() > 1)
cout << line;
* *** DUMP END ***
* Flush and close fsout, inform the user, and break the loop.
if (startwrite && regex_match(line, rf))
cout << endl << "Finish" << endl;
startwrite = false;
return 1;
* *** DUMP ERROR ***
* An error intercepted from ADB, close fsout, set start to false.
* < applypatch > will restart every 3 min.
* We break the loop after 3 errors.
if (regex_match(line, re))
cout << std::string("* Error received from ADB *") << std::endl;
startwrite = false;
if (ncrash == 3)
cout << std::string("* Too many tries, please check your < recowvery-applypatch.c > and try again.") << std::endl;
return -1;
cout << std::string("* Be patient, recowvery-applypatch will restart in a few minutes.") << std::endl;
return 0;
* run <adb logcat -s recowvery> and send line by line to <displayLogAndConvertData> function
int readFromLogcat()
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
cout << "**** adb logcat -s recowvery ****" << endl;
cout << "*********************************" << endl << endl;
char buff[1024];
int prc = 0;
FILE *fc = popen("adb logcat -s recowvery", "r");
if (fc)
while(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fc) != NULL)
prc = displayLogAndConvertData(string(buff));
// Error occuring
if (prc == -1)
cerr << "Error during the process !" << endl;
// Process finished
if (prc == 1)
* When finish or an error received from adb, <startwrite> is set to false.
* If set to true, a NULL string has been received before receiving a DUMP_END or DUMP_ERROR.
* So, so we display an error.
if (startwrite)
cerr << "Error during the process !" << endl;
prc = errno;
cerr << "Error running <adb logcat -s recowvery" << endl;
return prc;
/** main **/
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ret = 0;
string filename;
if (argc == 1)
return ret;
/* Fix for windows
* If run in same directory as the exe, return only the exe name without folder where it run.
* So, if DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR not found in argv_str, appDirectory = "." for linux, mac and windows
string argv_str(argv[0]);
if (argv_str.find_last_of(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) != string::npos)
appDirectory = argv_str.substr(0, argv_str.find_last_of(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
appDirectory = string(".");
ret = init();
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
if (string(argv[1]) == "boot")
ret = runExploit(BOOT);
filename = "boot.img";
ret = runExploit(RECOVERY);
filename = "recovery.img";
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
fsout = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if (!fsout)
cerr << "Can't open or create file : <" << string(filename) << ">" << endl;
return errno;
ret = readFromLogcat();
cout << endl;
cout << "Image file saved here :" << endl;
cout << " " << appDirectory << string(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) << string(filename) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Rebooting your device..." << endl;
ret = rebootDevice();
return ret;
Note :
There is only linux binary, the windows version come soon.
(I don't know why Windows don't work as expected :x)
If you are interested by the source code, I can attach it.
Tested and build from Ubuntu 16.04 (x64) / Code::Blocks & gedit.
If any bug, I will do the best to solve this.
So sorry for my english, or any misspelling :x
Hey man great work
I was in need of such a tool
I needed the recovery partition for andromax x58
Though I dont own the phone its for someone(yeah you understand it right)
And now finally ported Twrp to it
please make compatible for 32 bit device
Normaly, it may work for 32bit device, but can't test it :/
Can you give me error log, text displayed on your terminal please ?
And if possible, what do you have when you do : "adb shell uname -a" ? (because I detect 32 or 64bits device by this)
could you please post the dirty dump executable source code so i can port it to windows?
or just tell me how you determind what binary the device needs?
Ricky Divjakovski said:
could you please post the dirty dump executable source code so i can port it to windows?
or just tell me how you determind what binary the device needs?
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The boss Appear.What a pleasant thing it is.
China user
Ricky Divjakovski said:
could you please post the dirty dump executable source code so i can port it to windows?
or just tell me how you determind what binary the device needs?
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Click to collapse
Hi and sorry for the time to answer...
I've added the source code at the end of the first post
The Hard Gamer said:
Hey man great work
I was in need of such a tool
I needed the recovery partition for andromax x58
Though I dont own the phone its for someone(yeah you understand it right)
And now finally ported Twrp to it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hai Bro,what command you issue in linux to run ?
Hmm this is awesome except the part it doesn't work on Ubuntu 14.04 and source code need gcc-4.9 to build (not sure).
Anyway I will install Ubuntu 16.04 to make new things to LG K4 (2016) [MTK MT6735m], good job thanks for it
@Vince_02100 what compilers did you used to applypatch and app_process64?
I need to compile a version to armv7(aka 32), since my current device (the LG K4) have a x32 Android and a x64 CPU.
I'm improving your dirtydump but with limitations since I don't know much about C/C++.
Please reply or PM me, anyway I will try my best to make it x32 support
My question is, did you base the operation of your tool on the dirtycow exploit? Seems like it because of its name and reference to jcadduono.
This is actually awesome then because I have a tool very similar only it works as a shell command handler. The Greyhat Root Console essentially is it's own Terminal Interface specifically to use dirtycow for root shell commands.
I only bring that up because Stock OEM builds that are dated October 2016 or later pretty much can't utilize CVE-2016-5195. Some didn't get patched that soon but most did. The rule of thumb I've always had when working with Dirtycow is to use stock builds from September 2016. Since they are the most up to date builds still vulnerable. I don't know how many people reading this thread know that.
Here is the thread I made where @droidvoider explains how to use the Greyhat Root Console:
The thread also details our journey into modifying the Device SEPolicy using the console in order to elevate our normal user privileges. We have the instructions to build the Console for both 32-Bit and 64-Bit Builds of Android 5.1.1 & 6.0.1
I think the source code and our thread may just give you some good insight going forward with your tool, even though The Greyhat Root Console was developed on an AT&T Galaxy Note 5. That thread is a gold mine for dirtycow information.
Thanks for your great tool and explanation @Vince_02100. I'm researching to dump boot, recovery for Onkyo DP-CMX1 to make custom TWRP. I have some stupid questions and need your help like following:
1. Tool will not break system partition and it can boot normally after dumping recovery, boot?
2. I don't have root so how can I copy dumped files: ./boot.img , ./recovery.img to /sdcard or to computer? Do I edit your code
fp = fopen(blockDev, "r"); to make it write to /sdcard/boot.img?

[DEV] SharpOdinClient - .NET Samsung download mode Communication

This library is dedicated to xda-developers with love
SharpOdinClient is a .NET library that allows .NET applications to communicate with samsung android devices in download mode.
A suitable client for flash(image , tar.md5 , lz4), getting info and implementing other features.
It provides a .NET implementation of the odin protocol.
How does work?​USB communication in SharpOdinClient is serialport.
install Official Samsung usb driver
Connect your device in download mode
.NET Framework 4.5.1
Official Samsung usb driver
Download Latest Release​
first add namespaces of SharpOdinClient on your project
using SharpOdinClient.structs;
using SharpOdinClient.util;
​Subscribe for events
public MainWindow()
Odin.Log += Odin_Log;
Odin.ProgressChanged += Odin_ProgressChanged;
private void Odin_ProgressChanged(string filename, long max, long value, long WritenSize)
private void Odin_Log(string Text, SharpOdinClient.util.utils.MsgType Color)
​Find Automatically samsung devices in download mode
//Find Auto odin device
var device = await Odin.FindDownloadModePort();
//device name
// COM Port Of device
// VID and PID Of Device
​Read Info from device
if(await Odin.FindAndSetDownloadMode())
//get info from device
var info = await Odin.DVIF();
await Odin.PrintInfo();
in info variable we get dictionary of string , string The concept of some 'keys'​
capa = Capa Number
product = Product Id
model = Model Number
fwver = Firmware Version
vendor = vendor
sales = Sales Code
ver = Build Number
did = did Number
un = Unique Id
tmu_temp = Tmu Number
prov = Provision
​Read Pit from device
if(await Odin.FindAndSetDownloadMode())
await Odin.PrintInfo();
if (await Odin.IsOdin())
if(await Odin.LOKE_Initialize(0))
var Pit = await Odin.Read_Pit();
if (Pit.Result)
var buffer =;
var entry = Pit.Pit;
for doing any action in download mode , need first to check IsOdin and Run LOKE_Initialize argument, if you do not want to write anything on device set LOKE_Initialize totalfilesize parameter to zero(0)
buffer = is byte array of pit from device , you can write this buffer on file for saving pit entry = is list of partition information of your device
Write Pit On Device
/// <summary>
/// write pit file on your device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pit">in this parameter, you can set tar.md5 contains have pit file(Like csc package of firmware)
/// or pit file with .pit format
/// </param>
/// <returns>true if success</returns>
public async Task<bool> Write_Pit(string pit)
if (await Odin.FindAndSetDownloadMode())
await Odin.PrintInfo();
if (await Odin.IsOdin())
if (await Odin.LOKE_Initialize(0))
var Pit = await Odin.Write_Pit(pit);
return Pit.status;
return false;
pit parameter = if you want to write pit from tar or tar.md5(Like CSC) file on device you can set your tar type file path , also you can set your pit single file with .pit format file
​Flash List Of tar.md5 package on device
/// Add List Of Your tar package (bl,ap,cp,csc , or more)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ListOfTarFile">add tar type files path in this list</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<bool> FlashFirmware(List<string> ListOfTarFile)
var FlashFile = new List<FileFlash>();
foreach(var i in ListOfTarFile)
var item = Odin.tar.TarInformation(i);
if(item.Count > 0)
foreach (var Tiem in item)
if (!Exist(Tiem , FlashFile))
var Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Tiem.Filename);
var file = new FileFlash
Enable = true,
FileName = Tiem.Filename,
FilePath = i
if (Extension == ".pit")
//File Contains have pit
else if (Extension == ".lz4")
file.RawSize = Odin.CalculateLz4SizeFromTar(i, Tiem.Filename);
file.RawSize = Tiem.Filesize;
if(FlashFile.Count > 0)
var Size = 0L;
foreach (var item in FlashFile)
Size += item.RawSize;
if (await Odin.FindAndSetDownloadMode())
await Odin.PrintInfo();
if (await Odin.IsOdin())
if (await Odin.LOKE_Initialize(Size))
var findPit = FlashFile.Find(x => x.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".pit"));
if(findPit != null)
var res = MessageBox.Show("Pit Finded on your tar package , you want to repartition?", "", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
if (res == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
var Pit = await Odin.Write_Pit(findPit.FilePath);
var ReadPit = await Odin.Read_Pit();
if (ReadPit.Result)
var EfsClearInt = 0;
var BootUpdateInt = 1;
if (await Odin.FlashFirmware(FlashFile, ReadPit.Pit, EfsClearInt, BootUpdateInt, true))
if (await Odin.PDAToNormal())
return true;
return false;
for flashing tar,tar.md5 contains files(lz4 , image, bin and more ...) we need to create list of FileFlash from you tar package information.
Enable property in FileFlash is bool if you set this propery to false, SharpOdinClient does not Flash on the phone.
in FlashFirmware function , SharpOdinClient can write lz4 from contains of your tar package
Flash Single File
You can Flash your single file like boot.img or more files on partitions​
/// <summary>
/// Flash Single File lz4 , image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FilePath">path of your file</param>
/// <param name="PartitionFileName">like boot.img , sboot.bin or more ...</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<bool> FlashSingleFile(string FilePath , string PartitionFileName)
var FlashFile = new FileFlash
Enable = true,
FileName = PartitionFileName,
FilePath = FilePath,
RawSize = new FileInfo(FilePath).Length
if (await Odin.FindAndSetDownloadMode())
await Odin.PrintInfo();
if (await Odin.IsOdin())
if (await Odin.LOKE_Initialize(FlashFile.RawSize))
var ReadPit = await Odin.Read_Pit();
if (ReadPit.Result)
var EfsClearInt = 0;
var BootUpdateInt = 0;
if (await Odin.FlashSingleFile(FlashFile, ReadPit.Pit, EfsClearInt, BootUpdateInt, true))
if (await Odin.PDAToNormal())
return true;
return false;
V1.0.0.9 : {Find auto serialport , read information , read pit , write pit , write single flash file , write multiple flash file(Tar archive with lz4 , image contains file)}
V1.0.1.9, {added calculate lz4 file size from tar file}

