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السلام عليكم عندي هاتفا sumsuaung S5 SM-G900P مع Flash Sumsung sprint Version G900PVPU3BOK4 الأن انا متواجد في فرنسا و إشتريت شريحة orange Holiday 20 GO internet لكن لم أستطع تشغيل les données mobiles et réseau 4G type de réseau affiché HSPA dans apropos de l'appareil/ Etat. ما العمل من فضلكم؟


** NO WINDOWS MOBILE 5.0 OR 2005 FOR MAGICIAN ** But there is WM 6.5..

Moderators: Please make a sticky for this thread. Useless threads requesting it have gone long enough on this section of XDA-developers to warrant it.
As of this time, there is *NO* HTC Magician-compatible CE ROM of Windows Mobile 5 (also incorrectly known as Windows Mobile 2005) to date, in beta or final form, in circulation nor available for examination or experimentation to us.
As of this time, there are no official or unofficial plans or announcements by any manufacturer, distributor, or wireless carrier.
Do not request it - it does not exist.
这时间自, 有迄今* 不* HTC 魔术师兼容CE ROM 窗口机动性5 (不正确地也以窗口机动性2005 著名), 以beta 或最后的形式, 在循环亦不可利用为考试或实验对我们。 这时间自, 没有官员或非官方的计划或公告由任一位制造商, 经销商, 或无线载体。 不要请求它- 它不存在。
Από αυτήν την περίοδο, δεν υπάρχει * ΚΑΝΕΝΑ * ROM CE μάγος-συμβατών συστημάτων HTC των παραθύρων κινητά 5 (επίσης ανακριβώς γνωστός ως παράθυρα κινητό το 2005) μέχρι σήμερα, με βήτα ή τελική μορφή, στην κυκλοφορία ούτε διαθέσιμος για την εξέταση ή τον πειραματισμό σε μας. Από αυτήν την περίοδο, δεν υπάρχουν καμία επίσημη ή ανεπίσημη σχέδιο ή ανακοίνωση από οποιοδήποτε κατασκευαστή, διανομέα, ή ασύρματο μεταφορέα. Μην το ζητήστε - δεν υπάρχει.
Vanaf dit keer, is er * tot op heden GEEN * tovenaar-Compatibel systeem HTC Ce- ROM van Vensters Mobiele 5 (verkeerd ook gekend als Vensters Mobiele 2005), in bèta of definitieve vorm, in omloop noch beschikbaar voor onderzoek of proefneming aan ons. Vanaf dit keer, zijn er geen officiële of officieuze plannen of aankondigingen door om het even welke fabrikant, verdeler, of draadloze drager. Verzoek niet om het - het bestaat niet.
En date de ce temps, il y a * NON * ROM Magicien-compatible de la CE de HTC du mobile 5 de Windows (inexactement connu également sous le nom de mobile 2005 de Windows) jusqu'ici, sous la bêta ou finale forme, dans la circulation ni disponible pour l'examen ou l'expérimentation à nous. En date de ce temps, il n'y a aucun fonctionnaire ou plan ou annonce par n'importe quel fabricant, distributeur officieux, ou porteur sans fil. Ne le demandez pas - il n'existe pas.
If you'd like to translate it properly or in a language not listed above, you are welcome to do so, but for the love of God or any higher power you believe in, stop asking.
[size=+2]Now there is WM 6.5 for this device.[/size]
Unstickied the thread and closed it.
-- Dutch Translation (v1.0, Jainoxi)
Op dit moment is er *GEEN* HTC Magician-compatible CE ROM van Windows Mobile 5 (ook wel (incorrect) bekend als Windows Mobile 2005), in beta of definitieve vorm in omloop ofwel beschikbaar voor test- en experimenteerdoeleinden.
Tot op heden zijn er geen officiële of officieuze plannen of aankondigingen van welke fabrikant, verdeler of mobiele-telefoon-aanbieder dan ook.
Plaats geen verzoeken voor WM5 - het bestaat simpelweg niet.
Traduzione Italiana
Per il momento NON esiste in circolazione alcuna ROM targata HTC di Windows Mobile 5 (anche erroneamente conosciuto come Windows Mobile 2005) per il magician, di prova, in beta o Finale. Neppure in esaminazione, o sperimentazione.
Per il momento non ci sono ne piani ufficiali, ne annunci da parte di qualche ditta, marca o operatore telefonico, riguardo lo sviluppo per il magician del suddetto sistema operativo.
Non chiedete se qualcuno ce l'ha o dove scaricare...non esiste!
Cho đến thời điểm này, không hề có phiên bản ROM Windows Mobile 5 (đã được hiểu nhầm là Windows Mobile 2005) cho các máy HTC Magician dù là phiên bản dùng thử hay phiên bản chính thức, được lưu hành hay hiện có để nghiên cứu hay thử nghiệm.
Cũng cho đến thời điểm này, không hề có một kế hoạch hay thông báo nào dù chính thức hay không chính thức từ nhà sản xuất, nhà phân phối hay các hãng điện thoại di động.
Đừng yêu cầu - Nó không có hiện hữu.
trời post tiếng Việt thì ai mà hiểu? Only truongia can do.
Bahasa Indonesia
Untuk perhatian, bahwa HTC Magician/Xda Mini, *TIDAK* akan pernah bisa/compatible memakai Operating System Windows Mobile 5 (juga disebut sebagai Windows Mobile 2005) baik itu versi Beta, Final, uji teknis, atau sekedar testing.
Juga tidak akan ada ROM resmi maupun tidak resmi, yg dikeluarkan oleh pabrikan, vendor atau operator.
Jangan tanya2 lagi, tidak akan pernah ada !!!!.
(hehehe.. bener nggak terjemahannya itu yah...??....)
Now in real french
À l'heure d'aujourd'hui, il n'y a *PAS* de ROM Windows Mobile 5 (aussi connu à tort sous le nom de Windows Mobile 2005) compatible avec le HTC Magician.
Que ce soit en beta ou en finale, aucune ne nous est disponible pour examination ou expérimentation.
À l'heure d'aujourd'hui, il n'y a aucun projet ou annonce d'aucun constructeur, distributeur ou opérateur.
Ne faites pas de demandes, ça n'existe pas.
OK Spanish too :wink: (In my own words)
En resumen... que no hay ninguna versión de Windows Mobile 2005 para el HTC Magician... Ni beta ni comercial... Que no la hay leñes!! no la pidais que no existe :lol: .
Ahora en serio... Parece ser que por el momento no existe ninguna vesión compatible con el Hardware de este PDA osease que ojo con los que digan que si la tienen.
Saludox 8) .
Ainda *NÃO* existe a versão do Windows Mobile 5 (por vezes incorrectamente referido como Windows Mobile 2005) para os dispositivos HTC Magician e seus clones (Qtek S100, XDA Mini, e por ai fora). Nem em beta, nem em testes, nem disponivel em qualquer ftp. NÃO EXISTE!
E também não existe qualquer plano ou data, oficial ou não oficial, de quando poderá existir.
Por isso: não perguntem ou peçam coisas que não existem.
В настоящий момент не существует прошивки Windows Mobile 5.0 (Windows Mobile 2005), совместимой с HTC Magician ни в каком виде. Нет ни бета, ни какой либо другой версии.
Так-же нет никакой информации о том, что она когда-либо появится.
Не просите её - она не существует.
Ma tan ara re je ko tii si aridaju pe Windows Mobile 5 le sise lori XDA mini, tabi MDA Compact. Nigbati o ba di pe o see se, o ri ni ibi yi.
In Greek
Σε απλά Ελληνικά:
Βάλτε το καλά στο μυαλό σας, δεν υπάρχουν Windows Mobile 5 για το magician... Πόσες φορές θα το πούμε δηλαδή?
eto ang mga taong walang magawa sa buhay...hehehe...
sigi announce din ako...himalaya at typhoon lang ang mayroong magneto sa ngayon...sana lahat pwede...kung pwede sa typhoon bakit hindi pwede sa blueangel at magician...
ARABIC Translation:
في هذه الأثناء, *لا* يوجد روم للوندوز إصدار 5.0 متوافق مع HTC Magician (أيضا يعرف بـ Windows Mobile 2005) للتحديث, بأي شكل كان تجريبي ,نهائي أو توزيعة غير متواجدة لنا لا للفحص أو التجريب.
في هذه الأثناة, لا توجد خطط رسمية أو غير رسمية بواسطة أي شركة إنتاج , موزع أو شركة لاسلكية
لا تقم بالسؤال عنها - لأنها غير موجودة.
As uh dis time, dere be *NO* HTC Magician-compatible CE ROM uh Windows Mobile 5 (also inco'rectly knode as Windows Mobile 2005) t'date, in beta o' final fo'm, in circulashun no' available fo' 'esaminashun o' 'espuh'imentashun t'us. As uh dis time, dere are no official o' unofficial plans o' announcements by any manufacturer, distributo', o' wireless carrier. Ah be baaad... Do not request it - it duz not 'esist.
Pig Latin
Asway ofway isthay imetay, erethay isway *ONay* HTCay agicianMay-ompatiblecay ECay OMRay ofway indowsWay obileMay 5 (alsoway incorrectlyway ownknay asway indowsWay obileMay 2005) otay ateday, inway etabay orway inalfay ormfay, inway irculationcay ornay availableway orfay examinationway orway experimentationway otay usway. Asway ofway isthay imetay, erethay areway onay officialway orway unofficialway ansplay orway announcementsway ybay anyway anufacturermay, istributorday, orway irelessway arriercay. oDay otnay equestray itway - itway oesday otnay existway.
As of this hyar time, thar is *NO* HTC Magician-compatible CE ROM of Windows Mobile 5 (also inco'reckly known as Windows Mobile 2005) t'date, in beta o' final fo'm, in circulashun no' available fo' examinashun o' experimentashun t'us. As of this hyar time, thar is no official o' unofficial plans o' announcements by enny manufackurer, distributo', o' wireless carrier. Do not requess it - it does not exist.
As of dis time, uh uh uh, dehe is *NO* HTC Magician-c'patiggle CE ROM of Winblows Mobile 5 (also incorreck known as Winblows Mobile 2005) t' date, uh uh uh, in beta or final f'm, in circulashun nor abailaggle f' examinashun or expehiminashun t' us. As of dis time, uh uh uh, dehe are no official or unofficial plans or annoussmins by any manufackureh, distributor, or wireless carrieh. Do not rekest it - it does not exist.
Ha-на! This topic became very international!!!
В настоящия момент "НЕ" съществува HTC Magician - съвместим CE ROM с Windows Mobile 5 (неправилно познат още като Windows Mobile 2005) в никаква форма, нито beta, нито final,също така не ни е достъпен нито в експериментална, нито в иследователска форма.
В настоящия момент няма нито официални, нито неофициални планове или известие от производител, дистрибтор или GSM провайдер.
Не го поръчвайте - той не съществува.
Und noch mal auf Deutsch !!!!
Es gibt keine Windows 05 für das MDA compact bzw VPA compact und es ist auch nicht vorangekündigt das es eine tages geben wird !!! :roll:
In Maltese, he he
Ghalissa M'HEMMX Windows Mobile 5 ROM (inkorettament maghrufa wkoll bhalha Windows Mobile 2005) li hija kompatibbli ma' l-HTC Magician, la beta u lanqas verzjoni kompluta li qed isir xi tip ta esperiment fuqha.
Ghalissa wkoll, m'hemm l-ebda pjan jew ahbar (ufficjali jew m'hiex) minn manifatturi, distributuri jew operaturi ohra.
Tistaqsux ghaliha - ma tezistiex!
Urdu (Pakistani hehehe)
abhi tak koi be windows Mobile 5 (ghalath naam Windows Mobile 2005) HTC Magician yani ke Imate Jam kaliye, beta ya final shakal mein mojodh nahin, na dekhnain keliye or na hi tajarbay karnay kaliye.
Abhi tak koi official ya unofficial iradha or ya ailaan kisi be manufacturer, ditricutor ya wireless carrier ne nahin kiya hai.
Is ki mang na karein - ye wajood mein he nahin
This is cool! A konsequent reaction! 8) 8) 8)

WM6 Turkçe Yama arıyorum.Türk arkadaşlardan yardım bekliyorum!!!

merhaba arkadaşlar.sitede araştırdım fakat ne wm6 tr yama nede türk arkadaş kimseyi göremedim.Yardım ederseniz sevinirim.herkese saygılar...
I thougt this was a english forum...
Yes, this is an English only forum. For the sake of keeping things more universal, please repost in English if you have a question or comment.
BasriMutaf. Este es un foro en Inglés.
Saludos y suerte
agora viro putaria, cada um falando uma coisa
putaria?? To me???
Türkçe bilmeyen bu kadar kişi nasıl cevap vermiş hayret ki hayret.. Arkadaşım WM6 için Türkçe yama yok şu anda benimde bildiğim kadarıyla sadece WM5 için mevcut...
loko34 said:
Türkçe bilmeyen bu kadar kişi nasıl cevap vermiş hayret ki hayret.. Arkadaşım WM6 için Türkçe yama yok şu anda benimde bildiğim kadarıyla sadece WM5 için mevcut...
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tr yama arıcana dostum telefon marka modelini yaz sana tr rom bulalım yamalar pek sağlıklı olmaz.....
bunu bir dene! ben wizardda denedim idare eder.
here is turkish language addon for wm 6.1 that asked at first.
BasriMutaf said:
merhaba arkadaşlar.sitede araştırdım fakat ne wm6 tr yama nede türk arkadaş kimseyi göremedim.Yardım ederseniz sevinirim.herkese saygılar...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
he is looking for a turkish patch for wm6 rom.i saw somewhere turkish wm6 but i cant remember where was it so if you google little bit i am sure you will find somewhere.but it wasnt patch it was turkish wm6 rom.good luck buddy.
romu bilmem ama Türk illaki vardır heryerde neyse tr yama bence kurma.çok sağlıklı olmuyor.
Turkce bulmak da zor kullanmak da.
Arkadasim ben en az 100 defa rom yeniledim telefonumda ama calisan Turkce roma rastlamadim. Bosver hepsini anlamiyorsan bile ingilizcesi bunlarin en iyi calisanidir.
kendine iyi bak.
acil flex kablosu lazım
ımate kjam g3 çipli flex kablom bozuk msndeyim yardımlarınızı bekliyorum dostlar [email protected] 05542940994
Wm2002 dahil wm6.1 ile birlikte http://www.ctrlpda.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=29 tüm Türkçe paketlerden faydalanabilirsiniz.
Most of you don't even bother to write a translation with their post, and thus disregarding a previous mod request.
This thread is closed.

usage of azure look this example it is like this

Herkese merhaba;
Ben Windows 8 uygulamamda Azure kullanmak istiyorum. Kullanma amacım şu 1.tabloda üye adları türleri şifreleri gibi bilgiler saklanacak. Yani üyelik sistemi. Kullanıcı giriş yaparken de bu bilgileri getirecek bir sistem yazmak istiyorum. Aynı zamanda bir kaç bilgiyi de getirmesi gerekiyor. Yardımcı olabilecek varsa benim iletişime geçerse çok mutlu olurum. Şimdiden teşekkür ederim...
Konu altından veya;

Mobile network not available error

Türkiye Türk Telekom GSM hattını kullanıyorum ve görüşme yapıyorum Zaman Zaman Ani giden bir şebeke görüntüsünü beğendim. Bu sadece görüşme sırasında bu konuda geri bildirimde bulundum. Benzer sorunu olan var mı? Bir çözüm var mı
Beni ara kardeşim aynı cihazdan bendede var yardımcı olayım 05444638454
Senin parmak izi çalışıyor mu
WhatsApp yazabilirsin
I solved this error by installing another rom if having similar problem
Anyone having problems not getting 4G LTE or 5G with AT&T in America? T-Mobile I get 5G but with AT&T the phone don't have the necessary bands?
Seandr1975 said:
Anyone having problems not getting 4G LTE or 5G with AT&T in America? T-Mobile I get 5G but with AT&T the phone don't have the necessary bands?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You will more than likely have to unlock your boot loader though unless you can find a way around it.
It has enough of the neccessary bands, you just have to do the work around to get it to work. i have not made it to this point yet but working on it now.
thinks link at least got my calls and text messages working.
Lenovo legion pro duel ROMS y más
For those who have no signal of the sim and suchI have not tested it yet but according to the application engineers it works, Para los que tienen el problema de señal, yo aún no lo e probado no sé si funcionará, según los ingenieros de la aplicación si funciona

Question LTE not possible

bonjour je suis en France, j'ai acheté une montre allemande 4 LTE modèle sm-r875f
opérateur sfr rouge
paquet réseau erreur impossible 2003
J'ai eu la montre 3 sm-r845f qui fonctionne très bien en LTE
Mod translation via GT:
hello I am in France, I bought a German watch 4 LTE model sm-r875f
red sfr operator
network packet impossible error 2003
I had the watch 3 sm-r845f which works fine on LTE

