[BLANKFLASH] Moto G7 XT1962-5 RIVER RETEU 9.0 PPO29.80-66 - Moto G7 Guides, News, & Discussion

I have built a blankflash that revived my XT1962-5, which had firmware PPO29.80-66 before hardbricking it.
Maybe it is useful to others: https://www27.zippyshare.com/v/lL4eo830/file.html
The blankflash is based on this firmware: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
Thanks to fearlessiron for mentioning that it is possible to build blankflash from firmware images: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80771201&postcount=37
Warning: This is just a documentation of what worked for me, I won't take any responsibility for how you use this information.
You can use it the following way:
1. Run with enough privileges (maybe sudo required)
$ ./blank-flash.sh --debug=2
2. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone
3. Connect your device via USB
4. Wait until blankflash is finished (I needed multiple tries until the download mode worked as expected. For me there were some errors after flashing one of the bootloader files. I think it is only important that gpt.bin is flashed properly if you hardbricked your device by switching to slot B without proper bootloader in it - like me)
5. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone (if it does not reboot by itself)
6. Flash stock rom using fastboot (there are already various howtos)
Here is a short guide on how to build your own blankflash using some firmware (using https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip as example firmware):
$ unzip blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66.zip
$ mv blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66 blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ cd blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ mkdir singleimage
$ cd singleimage
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:577b3190cd81819dd86b1797f78e1aa7 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:9cd8f03b637143dd7c50504bc66ec883 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:e32d4ceb18960dcf17b86977140d5f92 devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:6cb0dbd70839839b274aa1451c920f77 keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:97f322bf5564982d07e16ac350b59193 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:2f0572be6064fddce06e21cfeea5716e cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:8d051996bb55ea16b3b0941f31a70f57 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:03d5488fc59b9ee37e3e6ff1746ec943 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:85ac9cadd1fd0820a828cb9423556f14 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:4d2b30c461ca915c2b9f459cf5970aeb gpt.bin
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin extract index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml programmer.mbn
$ ls
index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ unzip ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip gpt.bin bootloader.img
Archive: ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
inflating: gpt.bin
inflating: bootloader.img
$ ls
bootloader.img gpt.bin index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ ../star -f bootloader.img extract rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn
$ ls
bootloader.img cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn devcfg.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin index.xml keymaster64.mbn programmer.mbn prov.mbn rpm.mbn sbl1.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml tz.mbn
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin add index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn programmer.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin
Updating "index.xml" with "index.xml"
Updating "singleimage.pkg.xml" with "singleimage.pkg.xml"
Updating "singleimage.default.xml" with "singleimage.default.xml"
Updating "rpm.mbn" with "rpm.mbn"
Updating "tz.mbn" with "tz.mbn"
Updating "devcfg.mbn" with "devcfg.mbn"
Updating "keymaster64.mbn" with "keymaster64.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib_30.mbn" with "cmnlib_30.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib64_30.mbn" with "cmnlib64_30.mbn"
Updating "prov.mbn" with "prov.mbn"
Updating "sbl1.mbn" with "sbl1.mbn"
Updating "programmer.mbn" with "programmer.mbn"
Updating "emmc_appsboot.mbn" with "emmc_appsboot.mbn"
Updating "gpt.bin" with "gpt.bin"
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:7eb7c542e2f49b09bb2f3fe0073a1216 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:5837e3f471fb2f9e904eb2a1947e8612 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:61ab752a72db18bd3d2583c98aa78c7b devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:f9309a7b3076063396f44d8a672ef78c keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:677f21bea257bd682c4fc4fcf1d74e04 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:dbfd629f02b24f940871deed0c0f3bb2 cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:164707ea2cd732103a13e749ee8c5f23 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:75321d87b13192b5537203c030b53567 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:92da950920b5dbc26878e745bd459534 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:097843b6521be313cee7bf6519588677 gpt.bin

I see you use "star" to unpack the img file, mind telling me where you got it from?

NetrixX13 said:
I have built a blankflash that revived my XT1962-5, which had firmware PPO29.80-66 before hardbricking it.
Maybe it is useful to others: https://www27.zippyshare.com/v/lL4eo830/file.html
The blankflash is based on this firmware: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
Thanks to fearlessiron for mentioning that it is possible to build blankflash from firmware images: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80771201&postcount=37
Warning: This is just a documentation of what worked for me, I won't take any responsibility for how you use this information.
You can use it the following way:
1. Run with enough privileges (maybe sudo required)
$ ./blank-flash.sh --debug=2
2. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone
3. Connect your device via USB
4. Wait until blankflash is finished (I needed multiple tries until the download mode worked as expected. For me there were some errors after flashing one of the bootloader files. I think it is only important that gpt.bin is flashed properly if you hardbricked your device by switching to slot B without proper bootloader in it - like me)
5. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone (if it does not reboot by itself)
6. Flash stock rom using fastboot (there are already various howtos)
Here is a short guide on how to build your own blankflash using some firmware (using https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip as example firmware):
$ unzip blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66.zip
$ mv blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66 blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ cd blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ mkdir singleimage
$ cd singleimage
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:577b3190cd81819dd86b1797f78e1aa7 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:9cd8f03b637143dd7c50504bc66ec883 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:e32d4ceb18960dcf17b86977140d5f92 devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:6cb0dbd70839839b274aa1451c920f77 keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:97f322bf5564982d07e16ac350b59193 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:2f0572be6064fddce06e21cfeea5716e cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:8d051996bb55ea16b3b0941f31a70f57 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:03d5488fc59b9ee37e3e6ff1746ec943 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:85ac9cadd1fd0820a828cb9423556f14 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:4d2b30c461ca915c2b9f459cf5970aeb gpt.bin
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin extract index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml programmer.mbn
$ ls
index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ unzip ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip gpt.bin bootloader.img
Archive: ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
inflating: gpt.bin
inflating: bootloader.img
$ ls
bootloader.img gpt.bin index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ ../star -f bootloader.img extract rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn
$ ls
bootloader.img cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn devcfg.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin index.xml keymaster64.mbn programmer.mbn prov.mbn rpm.mbn sbl1.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml tz.mbn
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin add index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn programmer.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin
Updating "index.xml" with "index.xml"
Updating "singleimage.pkg.xml" with "singleimage.pkg.xml"
Updating "singleimage.default.xml" with "singleimage.default.xml"
Updating "rpm.mbn" with "rpm.mbn"
Updating "tz.mbn" with "tz.mbn"
Updating "devcfg.mbn" with "devcfg.mbn"
Updating "keymaster64.mbn" with "keymaster64.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib_30.mbn" with "cmnlib_30.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib64_30.mbn" with "cmnlib64_30.mbn"
Updating "prov.mbn" with "prov.mbn"
Updating "sbl1.mbn" with "sbl1.mbn"
Updating "programmer.mbn" with "programmer.mbn"
Updating "emmc_appsboot.mbn" with "emmc_appsboot.mbn"
Updating "gpt.bin" with "gpt.bin"
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:7eb7c542e2f49b09bb2f3fe0073a1216 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:5837e3f471fb2f9e904eb2a1947e8612 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:61ab752a72db18bd3d2583c98aa78c7b devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:f9309a7b3076063396f44d8a672ef78c keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:677f21bea257bd682c4fc4fcf1d74e04 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:dbfd629f02b24f940871deed0c0f3bb2 cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:164707ea2cd732103a13e749ee8c5f23 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:75321d87b13192b5537203c030b53567 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:92da950920b5dbc26878e745bd459534 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:097843b6521be313cee7bf6519588677 gpt.bin
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
could you build a blankflash from this https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip since i dont get how to do it please im desperate thanks in advance :good:

I have a hard brick problem on the moto g7 power xt1955-1
I tried to update after downgrading that I did for installing a custom rom
the version that bricked my cell phone was ppos29.114-134-10 retbr
I tried several blank flash that I had available and nothing revives it from the hard brick
does anyone have any ideas when i can do?

bricked xt1962-6
Hi can you share the example blankflash which you used for xt1962-6? the example firmware you have used is my current firmware and my moto g7 model is the same.

Please help meee im a noooob
the process take so long? mine is like :
[ 45.562] Dumping 16 bytes read
[ 45.562] 00000000 04 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 0d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 |................|
and stay there..

I bricked my XT1962-6 today. Does anyone have a blankflash for this model?

New blankflash
this worked on my Xt1962-6

adityafidelis said:
this worked on my Xt1962-6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Man, I luv U so much... really.
"My river" (it's actually from the company and I couldn't buy another one for them) was dead for a month and this blankflash saved me.
Thanks. It's XT1962-4.

I'm glad it worked.

duplicate post... sorry

I am on the verge of installing LineageOS on a Moto G7 (XT1962-4), and I am concerned that I will brick my phone like others have done in this thread.
If anyone who had trouble sees this message, please post whether or not you sideloaded the the "copy-partitions.zip" file, to copy the bootloader to the inactive slot/boot-partition).
UPDATE: Got LOS installed on the Moto G7 using _Clon_'s guide.

I've bricked my XT1962-4 should this blankflash work? Do i just run blank-flash batch file? I get the following error:
ERROR: sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
FAILED: qb_flash_singleimage()->sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error

farquea said:
I've bricked my XT1962-4 should this blankflash work? Do i just run blank-flash batch file? I get the following error:
ERROR: sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
FAILED: qb_flash_singleimage()->sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Were you able to fix it ? I am getting the same error.

graddy2 said:
Were you able to fix it ? I am getting the same error.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did yeah, I just kept trying after seeing people say the same, turn off, turn on, unplug press volume buttons etc. and eventually it just worked. You just need persistence with a bit of luck!

adityafidelis said:
this worked on my Xt1962-6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Omg dude. I don't know if you made this or where you got it from but it fixed my hard brick after screwing up the slots on my Moto G7!!!!
The one on lolinet never worked.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to flash a custom ROM from TWRP on my XT1962-5 but forgot to flash the copypartition.zip.
The phone does appear as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 in the Device Manager.
But when I run both @NetrixX13's and @adityafidelis' blank flashes I get this, most of the times:
[ -0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM3
[ 0.020] Detecting device
[ 0.540] ReadFile() failed, GetLastError()=0
[ 1.200] ReadFile() failed, GetLastError()=0
[ 1.830] ReadFile() failed, GetLastError()=0
[ 1.830] ERROR: sahara_greet_device()->change_mode()->do_hello()->IO error
[ 1.830] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 1.830] Total time: 1.830s
[ 1.830]
[ 1.830] qboot version 3.40
[ 1.830]
[ 1.830] DEVICE {
[ 1.830] name = "\\.\COM3",
[ 1.830] flags = "0x64",
[ 1.830] addr = "0x61FE4C",
[ 1.830] api.bnr = "0x32C50",
[ 1.830] }
[ 1.830]
[ 1.830]
[ 1.830] Backup & Restore {
[ 1.830] num_entries = 0,
[ 1.830] restoring = "false",
[ 1.830] backup_error = "not started",
[ 1.830] restore_error = "not started",
[ 1.830] }
[ 1.830]
And this when it runs right after holding the power button:
[ -0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM3
[ 0.020] Detecting device
[ 0.430] ReadFile() failed, GetLastError()=0
[ 0.960] ...cpu.id = 186 (0xba)
[ 0.960] ...cpu.sn = 188870742 (0xb41f056)
[ 0.960] Opening singleimage
[ 0.960] Loading package
[ 0.970] ...filename = singleimage.pkg.xml
[ 0.970] Loading programmer
[ 0.970] ...filename = programmer.mbn
[ 0.970] Sending programmer
[ 1.050] ReadFile() failed, GetLastError()=0
[ 1.050] ERROR: sahara_download()->IO error
[ 1.050] Check qboot_log.txt for more details
[ 1.051] Total time: 1.051s
[ 1.051]
[ 1.051] qboot version 3.40
[ 1.051]
[ 1.051] DEVICE {
[ 1.051] name = "\\.\COM3",
[ 1.051] flags = "0x64",
[ 1.051] addr = "0x61FE4C",
[ 1.051] sahara.current_mode = "0",
[ 1.051] api.buffer = "0x13AC020",
[ 1.051] cpu.serial = "188870742",
[ 1.051] cpu.id = "186",
[ 1.051] cpu.sv_sbl = "0",
[ 1.051] cpu.name = "MSM8953",
[ 1.051] storage.type = "eMMC",
[ 1.051] sahara.programmer = "programmer.mbn",
[ 1.051] api.bnr = "0xF06000",
[ 1.051] }
[ 1.051]
[ 1.051]
[ 1.051] Backup & Restore {
[ 1.051] num_entries = 0,
[ 1.051] restoring = "false",
[ 1.051] backup_error = "not started",
[ 1.051] restore_error = "not started",
[ 1.051] }
[ 1.051]
Any ideas of what I should do?
I noticed that it says that the CPU name is MSM8953 and on the Internet it says that it should be SDM632 for this model. Does that have something to do with the problem?

Maybe somehow this can lead to a script to get twrp in-step with the slot dance!? no clue...js

Can someone make a blank for the newest amazon firmware? I tried to do so with no such luck.

NetrixX13 said:
Eu construí um blankflash que reviveu meu XT1962-5, que tinha firmware PPO29.80-66 antes de hardbrick-lo.
Talvez seja útil para outras pessoas: https://www27.zippyshare.com/v/lL4eo830/file.html
The blankflash is based on this firmware: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
Thanks to fearlessiron for mentioning that it is possible to build blankflash from firmware images: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80771201&postcount=37
Warning: This is just a documentation of what worked for me, I won't take any responsibility for how you use this information.
You can use it the following way:
1. Run with enough privileges (maybe sudo required)
$ ./blank-flash.sh --debug=2
2. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone
3. Connect your device via USB
4. Wait until blankflash is finished (I needed multiple tries until the download mode worked as expected. For me there were some errors after flashing one of the bootloader files. I think it is only important that gpt.bin is flashed properly if you hardbricked your device by switching to slot B without proper bootloader in it - like me)
5. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone (if it does not reboot by itself)
6. Flash stock rom using fastboot (there are already various howtos)
Here is a short guide on how to build your own blankflash using some firmware (using https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip as example firmware):
$ unzip blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66.zip
$ mv blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66 blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ cd blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ mkdir singleimage
$ cd singleimage
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:577b3190cd81819dd86b1797f78e1aa7 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:9cd8f03b637143dd7c50504bc66ec883 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:e32d4ceb18960dcf17b86977140d5f92 devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:6cb0dbd70839839b274aa1451c920f77 keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:97f322bf5564982d07e16ac350b59193 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:2f0572be6064fddce06e21cfeea5716e cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:8d051996bb55ea16b3b0941f31a70f57 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:03d5488fc59b9ee37e3e6ff1746ec943 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:85ac9cadd1fd0820a828cb9423556f14 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:4d2b30c461ca915c2b9f459cf5970aeb gpt.bin
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin extract index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml programmer.mbn
$ ls
index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ unzip ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip gpt.bin bootloader.img
Archive: ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
inflating: gpt.bin
inflating: bootloader.img
$ ls
bootloader.img gpt.bin index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ ../star -f bootloader.img extract rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn
$ ls
bootloader.img cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn devcfg.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin index.xml keymaster64.mbn programmer.mbn prov.mbn rpm.mbn sbl1.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml tz.mbn
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin add index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn programmer.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin
Updating "index.xml" with "index.xml"
Updating "singleimage.pkg.xml" with "singleimage.pkg.xml"
Updating "singleimage.default.xml" with "singleimage.default.xml"
Updating "rpm.mbn" with "rpm.mbn"
Updating "tz.mbn" with "tz.mbn"
Updating "devcfg.mbn" with "devcfg.mbn"
Updating "keymaster64.mbn" with "keymaster64.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib_30.mbn" with "cmnlib_30.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib64_30.mbn" with "cmnlib64_30.mbn"
Updating "prov.mbn" with "prov.mbn"
Updating "sbl1.mbn" with "sbl1.mbn"
Updating "programmer.mbn" with "programmer.mbn"
Updating "emmc_appsboot.mbn" with "emmc_appsboot.mbn"
Updating "gpt.bin" with "gpt.bin"
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5: 7eb7c542e2f49b09bb2f3fe0073a1216 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5: 5837e3f471fb2f9e904eb2a1947e8612 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5: 61ab752a72db18bd3d2583c98aa78c7b devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5: f9309a7b3076063396f44d8a672ef78c keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5: 677f21bea257bd682c4fc4fcf1d74e04 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5: dbfd629f02b24f940871deed0c0f3bb2 cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5: 164707ea2cd732103a13e749ee8c5f23 prov.mbn
11 519296 nu md5: 75321d87b13192b5537203c030b53567 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5: 800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5: 92da950920b5dbc26878e745bd459534 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5: 097843b6521be313cee7bf6519588677 gpt.bin
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NetrixX13 said:
I have built a blankflash that revived my XT1962-5, which had firmware PPO29.80-66 before hardbricking it.
Maybe it is useful to others: https://www27.zippyshare.com/v/lL4eo830/file.html
The blankflash is based on this firmware: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
Thanks to fearlessiron for mentioning that it is possible to build blankflash from firmware images: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80771201&postcount=37
Warning: This is just a documentation of what worked for me, I won't take any responsibility for how you use this information.
You can use it the following way:
1. Run with enough privileges (maybe sudo required)
$ ./blank-flash.sh --debug=2
2. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone
3. Connect your device via USB
4. Wait until blankflash is finished (I needed multiple tries until the download mode worked as expected. For me there were some errors after flashing one of the bootloader files. I think it is only important that gpt.bin is flashed properly if you hardbricked your device by switching to slot B without proper bootloader in it - like me)
5. Press the power button for ~30 seconds to reboot your phone (if it does not reboot by itself)
6. Flash stock rom using fastboot (there are already various howtos)
Here is a short guide on how to build your own blankflash using some firmware (using https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...ubsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip as example firmware):
$ unzip blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66.zip
$ mv blankflash_river_PPO29.80-66 blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ cd blankflash_river_PPOS29.114-134-4
$ mkdir singleimage
$ cd singleimage
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:577b3190cd81819dd86b1797f78e1aa7 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:9cd8f03b637143dd7c50504bc66ec883 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:e32d4ceb18960dcf17b86977140d5f92 devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:6cb0dbd70839839b274aa1451c920f77 keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:97f322bf5564982d07e16ac350b59193 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:2f0572be6064fddce06e21cfeea5716e cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:8d051996bb55ea16b3b0941f31a70f57 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:03d5488fc59b9ee37e3e6ff1746ec943 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:85ac9cadd1fd0820a828cb9423556f14 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:4d2b30c461ca915c2b9f459cf5970aeb gpt.bin
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin extract index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml programmer.mbn
$ ls
index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ unzip ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip gpt.bin bootloader.img
Archive: ../../XT1962-5_RIVER_RETEU_9.0_PPOS29.114-134-4_cid50_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.zip
inflating: gpt.bin
inflating: bootloader.img
$ ls
bootloader.img gpt.bin index.xml programmer.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml
$ ../star -f bootloader.img extract rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn
$ ls
bootloader.img cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn devcfg.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin index.xml keymaster64.mbn programmer.mbn prov.mbn rpm.mbn sbl1.mbn singleimage.default.xml singleimage.pkg.xml tz.mbn
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin add index.xml singleimage.pkg.xml singleimage.default.xml rpm.mbn tz.mbn devcfg.mbn keymaster64.mbn cmnlib_30.mbn cmnlib64_30.mbn prov.mbn sbl1.mbn programmer.mbn emmc_appsboot.mbn gpt.bin
Updating "index.xml" with "index.xml"
Updating "singleimage.pkg.xml" with "singleimage.pkg.xml"
Updating "singleimage.default.xml" with "singleimage.default.xml"
Updating "rpm.mbn" with "rpm.mbn"
Updating "tz.mbn" with "tz.mbn"
Updating "devcfg.mbn" with "devcfg.mbn"
Updating "keymaster64.mbn" with "keymaster64.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib_30.mbn" with "cmnlib_30.mbn"
Updating "cmnlib64_30.mbn" with "cmnlib64_30.mbn"
Updating "prov.mbn" with "prov.mbn"
Updating "sbl1.mbn" with "sbl1.mbn"
Updating "programmer.mbn" with "programmer.mbn"
Updating "emmc_appsboot.mbn" with "emmc_appsboot.mbn"
Updating "gpt.bin" with "gpt.bin"
$ ../star -f ../singleimage.bin list
1 183 md5:e0ee38b65f3738a41853986179752b91 index.xml
2 133 md5:e458a75d601dcec350a31a90f9883826 singleimage.pkg.xml
3 2284 md5:5df678f38c02a647fbbbbbfa5ad743b2 singleimage.default.xml
4 262144 md5:7eb7c542e2f49b09bb2f3fe0073a1216 rpm.mbn
5 1835008 md5:5837e3f471fb2f9e904eb2a1947e8612 tz.mbn
6 65536 md5:61ab752a72db18bd3d2583c98aa78c7b devcfg.mbn
7 1043584 md5:f9309a7b3076063396f44d8a672ef78c keymaster64.mbn
8 1043584 md5:677f21bea257bd682c4fc4fcf1d74e04 cmnlib_30.mbn
9 1043584 md5:dbfd629f02b24f940871deed0c0f3bb2 cmnlib64_30.mbn
10 191616 md5:164707ea2cd732103a13e749ee8c5f23 prov.mbn
11 519296 md5:75321d87b13192b5537203c030b53567 sbl1.mbn
12 405264 md5:800eca0bd247491801b6d7da4c912f43 programmer.mbn
13 1572864 md5:92da950920b5dbc26878e745bd459534 emmc_appsboot.mbn
14 46592 md5:097843b6521be313cee7bf6519588677 gpt.bin
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Click to collapse
BioRider said:
Can someone make a blank for the newest amazon firmware? I tried to do so with no such luck.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, I'm Brazilian. Sorry to ask too much. But someone could create the blankflash xt1962-4 in this version https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmwar...bsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_CFC.xml.ipml


[Q] corrupt cache, can't format ext4

Last Friday I tried to flash android 5 lolipop to my Nexus 5. It froze in the erasing part.
Eventualy switched the phone off and on. There was a loop where you could only see the droid, even in recovery mode.
I got around that loop by flashing TWRP to the recovery partition.
Al recovery ROM's however all state that they can't mount /cache.
I formatted the hell out of it but sadly it didn't solve the problem.
So using adb shell I removed the cache partition, recreated it and formatted it.
So here is my partition table:
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 524kB 67.6MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
2 67.6MB 68.7MB 1049kB sbl1
3 68.7MB 69.2MB 524kB rpm
4 69.2MB 69.7MB 524kB tz
5 69.7MB 70.3MB 524kB sdi
6 70.3MB 70.8MB 524kB aboot
7 70.8MB 72.9MB 2097kB pad
8 72.9MB 73.9MB 1049kB sbl1b
9 73.9MB 74.4MB 524kB tzb
10 74.4MB 75.0MB 524kB rpmb
11 75.0MB 75.5MB 524kB abootb
12 75.5MB 78.6MB 3146kB modemst1
13 78.6MB 81.8MB 3146kB modemst2
14 81.8MB 82.3MB 524kB metadata
15 82.3MB 99.1MB 16.8MB misc
16 99.1MB 116MB 16.8MB ext4 persist
17 116MB 119MB 3146kB imgdata
18 119MB 142MB 23.1MB laf
19 142MB 165MB 23.1MB boot
20 165MB 188MB 23.1MB recovery
21 188MB 191MB 3146kB fsg
22 191MB 192MB 524kB fsc
23 192MB 192MB 524kB ssd
24 192MB 193MB 524kB DDR
25 193MB 1267MB 1074MB ext4 system
26 1267MB 1298MB 31.5MB crypto
27 1298MB 2032MB 734MB cache
28 2032MB 15.8GB 13.7GB ext4 userdata
29 15.8GB 15.8GB 5632B grow
Notice the missing ext4 for partition 27. After deleting and recreating the partition I formatted it with the following command:
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p27
this resulted in:
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
44832 inodes, 179200 blocks
8960 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=184549376
6 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
7472 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 29 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override
So at this point I wanted to check the my partition table again, but this time i got an error message:
Error: /dev/block/mmcblk0: unrecognised disk label
Mounting results in:
mount /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache on /cache failed: Invalid argument
Did I make any mistakes here? I did not rooted the phone (yet). Is this necessary?
The re partitioning part comes from a guide here originally for the kindle.
Current status is that I re flashed stock droid 4.4.4. It starts, but all Google applications crash and I have no cellular network .
Guess they all depend on the cache directory.
Any help on making the cache partition work again would be much appreciated!
Oh jeez. I guess by now you know what you've done wrong. In case you don't, you should have just flashed the stock cache.img via fastboot as the very first step.
When you say you flashed stock, how?
What is the output of fastboot flash cache cache.img?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
My bad! I should have mentioned that I had tried all the basic steps.
So I flashed the original cache.img many times. Because some say it takes more then 1 try to fix a corrupt cache.
Also tried a manual erase and a format of the cache partition.
Flashing the cache is somewhat strange, I have 2 variants. One is done in a heartbeat saying everything went well:
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4\image-hammerhead-ktu84p>fastboot flash cache cache.img
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.511s]
sending 'cache' (13348 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.627s]
writing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 1.026s]
finished. total time: 2.169s
And then if I run it again it gets stuck at erasing:
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4\image-hammerhead-ktu84p>fastboot flash cache cache.img
erasing 'cache'...
I once left it overnight but the following morning it was still erasing...
All the time the result is the same. A phone with crashing apps and no cellular network.
To answer your other question. I used fastboot to do a flash-all from the stock image from Google (image-hammerhead-ktu84p (4.4.4)).
Also did the manual version where I manual erase the partitions and flash them.
After this I get a working 4.4.4 with the exception that all Google apps crash (including Play etc, so the basic needs) and I have no cellular network.
Resulting in a useless phone.
The first output looks normal. Try and get it to that stage again so there is a successful flash, then try And fix persist partition as that has similar symptoms. Guide linked in my signature
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Thank you so much for your reply.
I followed this guide.
The repair did nothing so I entered:
make_ext4fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist
Since my dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name directory was empty is also did that same command for the cache:
make_ext4fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
initially that looked like a good thing. The mounting error's where gone after i rebooted the phone.
But things took a turn for the worst. Where before i had a 50% chance on failing to erase the cache. I now have gained a 50% chance to fail at the writing stage.
Resulting in the device not being flash-able because there is more than one part that needs to be flashed.
Also, Philz is not usable. Although flashing states successful, It just won't boot into it. TWRP is the only thing that still works.
Did I do this myself by creating that cache bit? Or is corruption more likely?
Its hard to say. But I think it needs a professional repair now.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I'm afraid you are right.
From what I'm reading on the internet, I'm very unfortunate. It seems that in almost all cases you can recover from a flash that has gone south.
Anyway, I'll give it one or two more tries and if it fails I will look if I can claim it under warranty.
Can you answer one more question. Was it a mistake to enter:
make_ext4fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
Could this break things even further?
Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated.
Dujinga said:
I'm afraid you are right.
From what I'm reading on the internet, I'm very unfortunate. It seems that in almost all cases you can recover from a flash that has gone south.
Anyway, I'll give it one or two more tries and if it fails I will look if I can claim it under warranty.
Can you answer one more question. Was it a mistake to enter:
make_ext4fs /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
Could this break things even further?
Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It cannot break things further. Have you tried dd zero out cache? If there is an I/O problem then that most certainly will break the dd command. You can also try to read back the cache partition with dd command to /data or to / if have enough space on / to confirm there are no I/O errors. If you havent find any I/O errors then I can imagine two things. Something got messed up in the gpt partition or the mmc is fauilty.
I'm a rookie, can you please explain how to "dd zero out" the cache?
P.S. I now have problems on other parts as well:
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hhz11k.img
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.288s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.476s
Dujinga said:
I'm a rookie, can you please explain how to "dd zero out" the cache?
P.S. I now have problems on other parts as well:
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hhz11k.img
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.288s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.476s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Thank you for your reply. But running this command wil be a problem as it requiers Philz and ADB.
I can still flash Philz in the recovery, but it won't boot into the recovey afterwards
Guys, I want to thank you for all the help, but I'm giving up.
Gonna contact the supplier with the question how to resolve this issue.
Can't flash TWRP either?
What about
fastboot boot recovery.img
Where you don't flash but boot the recovery image from computer?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Dujinga said:
I'm a rookie, can you please explain how to "dd zero out" the cache?
P.S. I now have problems on other parts as well:
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hhz11k.img
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.288s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.476s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
rootSU said:
Can't flash TWRP either?
What about
fastboot boot recovery.img
Where you don't flash but boot the recovery image from computer?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Pretty sure "FAILED (remote: flash write failure)" error means that the emmc is hosed.
It's best you claim warranty/insurance.
-Sent from a Lollipop'd Hammerhead!
Ok, so I flashed Philz again (btw TWRP always kept working but that one has a strange shell (limited)).
This time instead of booting straight into recovery after I flashed it, I turned it off and on again.
Now I could get into Philz.
So I ran:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27
Expecting it to fail, but this was the result:
dd: writing '/dev/block/mmcblk0p27': No space left on device
1433601+0 records in
1433600+0 records out
734003200 bytes (700.0MB) copied, 41.996465 seconds, 16.7MB/s
That seems OK to me
So I'm going to try a bit more. I already openend a case with the reseller though.
One way or another this will get resolved
I didn't see that error. Yes, hosed.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
The first time always failes, if I rerun command after a fail it succeeds (or it says it does).
Anayway this happens to all sections, but I start with the bootloader. Can't mess much around there because without the bootloader you are defenatly toast
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.287s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.477s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.286s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.398s]
finished. total time: 0.692s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.287s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.473s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.286s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.398s]
finished. total time: 0.692s
So I tried to get into Philz again, but it is FUBAR again. I give up ...... can't stand it ..... argggghh
Dujinga said:
The first time always failes, if I rerun command after a fail it succeeds (or it says it does).
Anayway this happens to all sections, but I start with the bootloader. Can't mess much around there because without the bootloader you are defenatly toast
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.287s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.477s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.286s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.398s]
finished. total time: 0.692s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.287s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 43.473s
D:\Downloads\hammerhead 4.4.4>fastboot flash bootloader bootloader-hammerhead-hh
sending 'bootloader' (2508 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.286s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.398s]
finished. total time: 0.692s
So I tried to get into Philz again, but it is FUBAR again. I give up ...... can't stand it ..... argggghh
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's a wild goose chase mate. Do you even know what the error stands for? "Flash write failure" means the emmc is toast and hence nothing can be written on it. It's kinda become read only now. Even if the flash is successful, a quick reboot will roll everything back.
It's best you take it up with your seller and claim warranty. There;s nothing you can do.
Good luck!
I got the return instructions. Gonna mail it tommorow.
Once again a huge thanks to all of you guys. :good:

HELP:P720 cannot flash boot.img , boot partition missing

Hello everyone!
I have recently bricked my Optimus 3d MAX P720. I have rooted it and installed CWM. Everything was ok until I wanted to give it to my wife and I decided to do a factory reset from Android. The phone got stuck in Recovery loop. I did not know how to fix this so I searched the threads and I have found Omap4fastboot v1.25
I have downloaded it and did the procedure selecting 1 ( SU870/P720 ) and this is the screen:
OMAP4boot for P920/P720/SU540/SU760/SU870
by wkpark at gmail dot com
[1] cx2 - Optimus 3D Cube (SU870/P720)
[2] p920 - Optimus 3D (P920)
[3] p920emu - Optimus 3D (P920 EMU)
[4] p940 - Prada 3.0 (P940)
[5] su540 - Prada 3.0 (SU540/KU5400)
[6] su760 - Optimus 3D (SU760)
[x] exit
Select device : 1
cx2 selected
You have to hold volume-up button to enter S/W donwload mode
waiting for OMAP44xx device...
Device descriptor:
bLength = 18
bDescriptorType = 1
bcdUSB = 528
bDeviceClass = 255
bDeviceSubClass = 255
bDeviceProtocol = 255
bMaxPacketSize0 = 64
idVendor = 451
idProduct = D00F
bcdDevice = 0
iManufacturer = 33
iProduct = 37
iSerialNumber = 0
bNumConfigurations = 1
reading ASIC ID
usb_write 4
usb_read 81
[*] read 0 bytes
NumOfSubblocks: 0x5
Subblock ID: 0x1
Subblock Size: 0x5
CH enabled: 0x7
ROM revision: 0x4
Checksum Subblock: 0x15
CHIP: 4430
IDEN: 01622ce058a4a89c41f251dd6d2e0da4c4d53e2e
MPKH: 5f4092eccddf90fa43f546adf89508b31b9c74795e9516194c0ea6412fdcb7f6
CRC0: 9c669ad9
CRC1: 682adccf
sending 2ndstage to target... f0030002
usb_write 4
usb_write 4
wait 5-seconds...
[*] msg size = 4
usb_write 21320
[*] data size = 21320
Reopen usb...
Device descriptor:
bLength = 18
bDescriptorType = 1
bcdUSB = 528
bDeviceClass = 255
bDeviceSubClass = 255
bDeviceProtocol = 255
bMaxPacketSize0 = 64
idVendor = 451
idProduct = D00F
bcdDevice = 0
iManufacturer = 33
iProduct = 37
iSerialNumber = 0
bNumConfigurations = 1
waiting for 2ndstage response...
usb_read 4
usb read = aabbccdd
accepted 2ndstage response
sending image to target...
size = 251696
usb_write 4
usb_write 251696
** Done **
Please wait until LG Logo on....
If you enter S/W download mode, just press <x> key to exit
Press <ENTER> to check fastboot devices
fastboot devices
0A3D1A6E15007006 fastboot
OK Fastboot device found!
[1] Install x-loader/u-boot + CWM or TWRP
[2] Restore Original bootloader+boot.img
[x] exit
Select menu: 1
You have to replace your x-loader with resigned x-loader to flash CWM/TWR
Do you want to replace MLO(x-loader) (y/N) ? y
sending 'x-loader' (34 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.016s]
writing 'x-loader'...
OKAY [ 0.281s]
finished. total time: 0.312s
You have to replace your u-boot to flash CWM/TWRP
Do you want to replace u-boot (y/N) ? y
[1] signed u-boot
[2] unsigned u-boot (for new experimental x-loader)
Select u-boot and <ENTER> 1
sending 'u-boot' (247 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.203s]
writing 'u-boot'...
OKAY [ 0.187s]
finished. total time: 0.390s
Download CWM/TWRP (y/N) ?
Download CWM/TWRP (y/N) ?
== Select Downloadable Recovery images ==
[1] CWM - SU870 CWM
Select number to download (x to exit): 1
[ur /android-hackers.......om/.....su870-cwm-
Connecting to android-hackers.googlecode.com (
su870-cwm- 99% |****************************** | 20122k 0:00:
Select number to download (x to exit): x
*** OK ***
Archive: zip/su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
inflating: su870-cwm-
[1] LG-SU870-IMM76L-cwm-
Select number and <ENTER> 1
sending 'recovery' (5910 KB)...
OKAY [ 3.229s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.655s]
finished. total time: 3.884s
=== DONE ===
Press any key to continue . . .
0A3D1A6E15007006 fastboot
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After this I was able to go into S/W Upgrade mode but with LGFlashTool and V10E firmware file the upgrade starts and at about 25% it fails with these last writings:
boot =x100000 SrtAddr=0xC00
Upload check Fail
OMAP factory dowload fail
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have entered fastboot again and tried this with boot.img from my CWM backup:
C:\Users\Milos\Documents\LG\omap4boot-for_optimus-v1.25a>fastboot flash boot boo
sending 'boot' (15360 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.824s]
writing 'boot'...
FAILED (remote: partition does not exist)
finished. total time: 7.824s
C:\Users\Milos\Documents\LG\omap4boot-for_optimus-v1.25a>fastboot flash recovery
sending 'recovery' (15360 KB)...
OKAY [ 7.823s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 2.155s]
finished. total time: 9.977s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As I understand the boot partition is not there and I don't understand how!!
I would really appreciate if someone could help me unbrick my phone, restore boot partition!
It is a very nice phone!
Thank you all!
Come on guys! Is it possible that no one has any idea what to do ???
I am open to suggestions. I'm willing to try anything, I just don't know what to try anymore!

[Solution] [How To Restore Lenovo P2 From Hard Brick]

my p2 got hard brick, no way to enter to fastboot and recovery, even with any configuration button, when connected to pc i only get red blinking led, screen show blank, and in pc device manager just show Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, no solution how to Resurrected from death even with qfil tool or miflash tool, luckily now back to live after 3 month death, here what i did:
before all started, first recharge your p2 for 1/2 an hour to make sure enough battery more than 20%,
install lenovo p2 usb driver: https://mega.nz/#!rQgjACaJ!-ZVi7TDUgtVaUVEe7yGZ-jr4ijarO704T7x2IQdVjeU,
install qualcomm usb driver:
reboot your pc,
connect your p2 to pc,
go to pc device manager, you will see in pc device manager like in screenshot, if you didn't see like that press vol +and- togather with power button, hold all of them till appear like screenshoot
now download zip file blankflash tool https://mega.nz/#!PIZ0GChJ!3RhdFN38IajIVYQT_5ppZGxcconOntG1-d75vNK1Vg8, extract it, and place it in c folder your pc,
open folder and run blank-flash.bat,
automaticly your p2 will start reboot to fastboot,
or if your rom still intack p2 will reboot to system os,
Or if no os, now you can flash rom from fastboot
congratulation now your p2 back to live.
hendibudi said:
my p2 got hard brick, no way to enter to fastboot and recovery, even with any configuration button, when connected to pc i only get red blinking led, screen show blank, and in pc device manager just show Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, no solution how to Resurrected from death even with qfil tool or miflash tool, luckily now back to live after 3 month death, here what i did:
before all started, first recharge your p2 for 1/2 an hour to make sure enough battery more than 20%,
install lenovo p2 driver,
reboot your pc,
connect your p2 to pc,
go to pc device manager,
you will see in pc device manager like in screenshot,
now download zip file blankflash tool, extract it, and place it in c folder your pc,
open folder and run blank-flash.bat,
automaticly your p2 will start reboot to fastboot,
or if your rom still intack p2 will reboot to system os,
congratulation now your p2 back to live
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! Please post a link to download that BlankFlash Tool.
kermex said:
Thanks! Please post a link to download that BlankFlash Tool.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When upload finished there is link
hendibudi said:
When upload finished there is link
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Great! Thanks again!
hendibudi said:
my p2 got hard brick, no way to enter to fastboot and recovery, even with any configuration button, when connected to pc i only get red blinking led, screen show blank, and in pc device manager just show Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008, no solution how to Resurrected from death even with qfil tool or miflash tool, luckily now back to live after 3 month death, here what i did:
before all started, first recharge your p2 for 1/2 an hour to make sure enough battery more than 20%,
install lenovo p2 driver,
reboot your pc,
connect your p2 to pc,
go to pc device manager,
you will see in pc device manager like in screenshot,
now download zip file blankflash tool, extract it, and place it in c folder your pc,
open folder and run blank-flash.bat,
automaticly your p2 will start reboot to fastboot,
or if your rom still intack p2 will reboot to system os,
congratulation now your p2 back to live
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Waiting for download link. Will this fix no signal issue? Does it have non-holos.bin? Also if my device is working can I use that tool?
Sent from my Lenovo P2 using Tapatalk
abhayruparel said:
Waiting for download link. Will this fix no signal issue? Does it have non-holos.bin? Also if my device is working can I use that tool?
Sent from my Lenovo P2 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No download link. I'm waiting for it, too. Maybe he doesn't want to share this.
kermex said:
No download link. I'm waiting for it, too. Maybe he doesn't want to share this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Be patients for couple of days, compare to me waiting 3 months my p2 death back to live, cause i have limited data
hendibudi said:
Be patients for couple of days, compare to me waiting 3 months my p2 death back to live, cause i have limited data
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why you don't use wifi?!
kermex said:
Why you don't use wifi?!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hendibudi said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
He meant that why don't you use Wi-Fi for uploading. Please reply to #5
OK, thanks! Just forgot about this.
the laptop loses the portconnection and I get
readfile() failed , getlastError()=31
anny idea how to fix this?
Datech2 said:
after identifying CPU I get
the laptop loses the portconnection and I get
readfile() failed , getlastError()=31
anny idea how to fix this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How about p2
hendibudi said:
How about p2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no reaction , the red led keeps blinking ,
when push de power button and the volume + he reconnects
Datech2 said:
no reaction , the red led keeps blinking ,
when push de power button and the volume + he reconnects
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check first post step by step
Yes blankflash method works. But I must push VolDown + Power buttons in the right moment to done it properly.
So below are my instructions. I also put my log. Without pushing the buttons I have IOError.
1. Install Latest Qualcomm 9008 Driver from link below and restart PC:
2. Download flashbank.zip from link below
3. Unpack archive to C:\lenovo (or other directory if you are poweruser and you will know what to change in steps below)
4. Open cmd and go to C:\lenovo\
5. Turn off the phone, and connect to USB, in Device Manager you should see Qualcomm 9008 device in Ports (LPT & COMM) section (or something like this)
6. Push VolumeDown + Power buttons together
7. In cmd run command below
qboot blank-flash
8. When in cmd text below appear, release VolumeDown + Power buttons
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
9. Now the phone should boot into Fastboot
My log:
C:\lenovo>qboot blank-flash
Opening device: \\.\COM3
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Detecting device
...cpu.id = 70 (0x46)
...cpu.sn = 2326272297 (0x8aa81929)
OKAY [ 7.010s]
Opening singleimage
OKAY [ 0.001s]
Loading package
...filename = bootloader.qboot.xml
OKAY [ 0.011s]
Loading programmer
...filename = programmer.mbn
OKAY [ 0.007s]
Sending programmer
OKAY [ 0.247s]
Handling things over to programmer
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
Identifying CPU
...MSM8953 1.1
Storage Information
...physical partition number: 0
...Product name=HBG4a2
...{"storage_info": {"total_blocks":61071360, "block_size":512, "page_size":512, "num_physical":3, "mfr_id":144, "serial_num":574148832, "fw_version":"164","mem_type":"eMMC", "prod_name":"HBG4a2"}}
Flashing partition sbl1 with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition sbl1bak with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition rpm with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition rpmbak with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition tz with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition tzbak with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition devcfg with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition devcfgbak with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition aboot with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition abootbak with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition lksecapp with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition lksecappbak with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlibbak with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64 with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64bak with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition keymaster with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition keymasterbak with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition prov with prov32.mbn (64KB)
Flashing partition PrimaryGPT with gpt_main0.bin (17KB)
Flashing partition BackupGPT with gpt_backup0.bin (16KB)
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with BackupGPT Header Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CurrentLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with Partition Array Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Backup Header.
OKAY [ 4.572s]
finished. total time: 11.861s
It worked like charm.[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
Sent from my Lenovo P2a42 using Tapatalk
I lost sim modem after flashing stock firmware
Anyway to restore it?
You'd only do this to restore fastboot or, if possible, boot into an existing OS, right? There's no way of recovering a lost signal by flashing modem?
slimok5 said:
Yes blankflash method works. But I must push VolDown + Power buttons in the right moment to done it properly.
So below are my instructions. I also put my log. Without pushing the buttons I have IOError.
1. Install Latest Qualcomm 9008 Driver from link below and restart PC:
2. Download flashbank.zip from link below
3. Unpack archive to C:\lenovo (or other directory if you are poweruser and you will know what to change in steps below)
4. Open cmd and go to C:\lenovo\
5. Turn off the phone, and connect to USB, in Device Manager you should see Qualcomm 9008 device in Ports (LPT & COMM) section (or something like this)
6. Push VolumeDown + Power buttons together
7. In cmd run command below
qboot blank-flash
8. When in cmd text below appear, release VolumeDown + Power buttons
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
9. Now the phone should boot into Fastboot
My log:
C:\lenovo>qboot blank-flash
Opening device: \.\COM3
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Detecting device
...cpu.id = 70 (0x46)
...cpu.sn = 2326272297 (0x8aa81929)
OKAY [ 7.010s]
Opening singleimage
OKAY [ 0.001s]
Loading package
...filename = bootloader.qboot.xml
OKAY [ 0.011s]
Loading programmer
...filename = programmer.mbn
OKAY [ 0.007s]
Sending programmer
OKAY [ 0.247s]
Handling things over to programmer
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
Identifying CPU
...MSM8953 1.1
Storage Information
...physical partition number: 0
...Product name=HBG4a2
...{"storage_info": {"total_blocks":61071360, "block_size":512, "page_size":512, "num_physical":3, "mfr_id":144, "serial_num":574148832, "fw_version":"164","mem_type":"eMMC", "prod_name":"HBG4a2"}}
Flashing partition sbl1 with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition sbl1bak with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition rpm with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition rpmbak with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition tz with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition tzbak with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition devcfg with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition devcfgbak with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition aboot with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition abootbak with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition lksecapp with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition lksecappbak with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlibbak with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64 with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64bak with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition keymaster with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition keymasterbak with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition prov with prov32.mbn (64KB)
Flashing partition PrimaryGPT with gpt_main0.bin (17KB)
Flashing partition BackupGPT with gpt_backup0.bin (16KB)
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with BackupGPT Header Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CurrentLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with Partition Array Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Backup Header.
OKAY [ 4.572s]
finished. total time: 11.861s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey I am stack on identifying the cpu
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------
slimok5 said:
Yes blankflash method works. But I must push VolDown + Power buttons in the right moment to done it properly.
So below are my instructions. I also put my log. Without pushing the buttons I have IOError.
1. Install Latest Qualcomm 9008 Driver from link below and restart PC:
2. Download flashbank.zip from link below
3. Unpack archive to C:\lenovo (or other directory if you are poweruser and you will know what to change in steps below)
4. Open cmd and go to C:\lenovo\
5. Turn off the phone, and connect to USB, in Device Manager you should see Qualcomm 9008 device in Ports (LPT & COMM) section (or something like this)
6. Push VolumeDown + Power buttons together
7. In cmd run command below
qboot blank-flash
8. When in cmd text below appear, release VolumeDown + Power buttons
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
9. Now the phone should boot into Fastboot
My log:
C:\lenovo>qboot blank-flash
Opening device: \.\COM3
OKAY [ 0.004s]
Detecting device
...cpu.id = 70 (0x46)
...cpu.sn = 2326272297 (0x8aa81929)
OKAY [ 7.010s]
Opening singleimage
OKAY [ 0.001s]
Loading package
...filename = bootloader.qboot.xml
OKAY [ 0.011s]
Loading programmer
...filename = programmer.mbn
OKAY [ 0.007s]
Sending programmer
OKAY [ 0.247s]
Handling things over to programmer
Waiting for firehose to get ready ......
Identifying CPU
...MSM8953 1.1
Storage Information
...physical partition number: 0
...Product name=HBG4a2
...{"storage_info": {"total_blocks":61071360, "block_size":512, "page_size":512, "num_physical":3, "mfr_id":144, "serial_num":574148832, "fw_version":"164","mem_type":"eMMC", "prod_name":"HBG4a2"}}
Flashing partition sbl1 with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition sbl1bak with sbl1.mbn (375KB)
Flashing partition rpm with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition rpmbak with rpm.mbn (170KB)
Flashing partition tz with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition tzbak with tz.mbn (1447KB)
Flashing partition devcfg with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition devcfgbak with devcfg.mbn (36KB)
Flashing partition aboot with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition abootbak with emmc_appsboot.mbn (854KB)
Flashing partition lksecapp with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition lksecappbak with lksecapp.mbn (56KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlibbak with cmnlib.mbn (196KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64 with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition cmnlib64bak with cmnlib64.mbn (249KB)
Flashing partition keymaster with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition keymasterbak with keymaster.mbn (220KB)
Flashing partition prov with prov32.mbn (64KB)
Flashing partition PrimaryGPT with gpt_main0.bin (17KB)
Flashing partition BackupGPT with gpt_backup0.bin (16KB)
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update last partition 56 'userdata' with actual size in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with LastUseableLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with BackupGPT Header Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CurrentLBA.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with Partition Array Location.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Partition Array.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Primary Header with CRC of Primary Header.
Patching DISK -- Zero Out Header CRC in Backup Header.
Patching DISK -- Update Backup Header with CRC of Backup Header.
OKAY [ 4.572s]
finished. total time: 11.861s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Phone boot into fastboot but no light

Impossible to install any ROMs on Nexus 5

Hi Everybody
I have a Nexus 5 on which I installed different OSes (LineageOS, /e/, Ubuntu Touch). I had a lot of problems and now I'm trying to install a stock ROM but without success. Besides, I can't install anything on it anymore.
I downloaded 2 stock ROM => https://androidmtk.com/download-google-nexus-stock-rom-models
the 4.4 (KRT16M)
the 6.0.1 (MMB29Q)
Whatever the stock ROM used, here is the return of the script :
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead/stock_rom/hammerhead-krt16m_4-4$ ./flash-all.sh
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'bootloader' (2506 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.310s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.480s]
finished. total time: 0.790s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.150s
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'radio' (42033 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.830s]
writing 'radio'...
OKAY [ 2.899s]
finished. total time: 4.729s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.150s
extracting android-info.txt (0 MB)...
extracting boot.img (8 MB)...
target didn't report max-download-size
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'dtbo.img'
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
extracting recovery.img (8 MB)...
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
extracting system.img (676 MB)...
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
archive does not contain 'vbmeta.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor.img'
wiping userdata...
Couldn't parse erase-block-size '0x'.
Couldn't parse logical-block-size '0x'.
mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
/tmp/TemporaryFile-XjhxWS: Function de bibliothèque ext2 non implémentée lors de l'initialisation du superbloc
/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead/stock_rom/hammerhead-krt16m_4-4$
Could you help me to fix that phone ?
lool_lauris said:
Hi Everybody
I have a Nexus 5 on which I installed different OSes (LineageOS, /e/, Ubuntu Touch). I had a lot of problems and now I'm trying to install a stock ROM but without success. Besides, I can't install anything on it anymore.
I downloaded 2 stock ROM => https://androidmtk.com/download-google-nexus-stock-rom-models
the 4.4 (KRT16M)
the 6.0.1 (MMB29Q)
Whatever the stock ROM used, here is the return of the script :
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead/stock_rom/hammerhead-krt16m_4-4$ ./flash-all.sh
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'bootloader' (2506 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.310s]
writing 'bootloader'...
OKAY [ 0.480s]
finished. total time: 0.790s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.150s
target didn't report max-download-size
sending 'radio' (42033 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.830s]
writing 'radio'...
OKAY [ 2.899s]
finished. total time: 4.729s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [ 0.100s]
finished. total time: 0.150s
extracting android-info.txt (0 MB)...
extracting boot.img (8 MB)...
target didn't report max-download-size
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'dtbo.img'
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
extracting recovery.img (8 MB)...
archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
extracting system.img (676 MB)...
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
archive does not contain 'vbmeta.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor.img'
wiping userdata...
Couldn't parse erase-block-size '0x'.
Couldn't parse logical-block-size '0x'.
mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
/tmp/TemporaryFile-XjhxWS: Function de bibliothèque ext2 non implémentée lors de l'initialisation du superbloc
/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead/stock_rom/hammerhead-krt16m_4-4$
Could you help me to fix that phone ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Get the latest factory image from here... https://developers.google.com/android/images#hammerhead
You can use this guide to flash... https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...rn-to-stock-unroot-save-your-nexus-5.2513701/
Lughnasadh said:
Get the latest factory image from here... https://developers.google.com/android/images#hammerhead
You can use this guide to flash... https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...rn-to-stock-unroot-save-your-nexus-5.2513701/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you for your reply and to try to help me.
What you mention, I've already done it. This is what is indicated between the code tags in my previous message.
The problem is indicated at the very bottom of the return of the comand line:
Couldn't parse erase-block-size '0x'.
Couldn't parse logical-block-size '0x'.
mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
/tmp/TemporaryFile-XjhxWS: Function de bibliothèque ext2 non implémentée lors de l'initialisation du superbloc
/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
It seems that the organization of the partition is not correct. How to put this back in the studs?
lool_lauris said:
Thank you for your reply and to try to help me.
What you mention, I've already done it. This is what is indicated between the code tags in my previous message.
The problem is indicated at the very bottom of the return of the comand line:
Couldn't parse erase-block-size '0x'.
Couldn't parse logical-block-size '0x'.
mke2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
/tmp/TemporaryFile-XjhxWS: Function de bibliothèque ext2 non implémentée lors de l'initialisation du superbloc
/usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
It seems that the organization of the partition is not correct. How to put this back in the studs?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not sure. Maybe try a factory reset or format data in TWRP?
There is something that prevents the writing of a rom (rom stock or other).
I managed to install a TWRP recovery but not the latest version, only 3.0.0-0.
When I'm under the recovery, I can use adb :
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead$ wget http://iwf1.com/iwf-repo/parted.rar
--2021-01-31 19:17:30-- http://iwf1.com/iwf-repo/parted.rar
Résolution de iwf1.com (iwf1.com)… 2001:19f0:5:9cd:ad7b:2365:9457:e3cd,
Connexion à iwf1.com (iwf1.com)|2001:19f0:5:9cd:ad7b:2365:9457:e3cd|:80… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 301 Moved Permanently
Emplacement : https://iwf1.com/iwf-repo/parted.rar [suivant]
--2021-01-31 19:17:30-- https://iwf1.com/iwf-repo/parted.rar
Connexion à iwf1.com (iwf1.com)|2001:19f0:5:9cd:ad7b:2365:9457:e3cd|:443… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 158898 (155K) [application/x-rar-compressed]
Enregistre : «parted.rar.1»
parted.rar.1 100%[=======================>] 155,17K 727KB/s ds 0,2s
2021-01-31 19:17:31 (727 KB/s) - «parted.rar.1» enregistré [158898/158898]
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead$ unrar e parted.rar
UNRAR 5.61 beta 1 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Alexander Roshal
Extracting from parted.rar
Would you like to replace the existing file parted
346680 bytes, modified on 2010-08-19 12:56
with a new one
346680 bytes, modified on 2010-08-19 12:56
[Y]es, [N]o, [A]ll, n[E]ver, [R]ename, [Q]uit n
No files to extract
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead$ sudo adb push parted /
[sudo] Mot de passe de lool :
parted: 1 file pushed. 3.1 MB/s (346680 bytes in 0.107s)
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead$ sudo adb shell
~ # chmod +x parted
~ # ./parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 p
Model: MMC SEM32G (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.3GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 524kB 67.6MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
2 67.6MB 68.7MB 1049kB sbl1
3 68.7MB 69.2MB 524kB rpm
4 69.2MB 69.7MB 524kB tz
5 69.7MB 70.3MB 524kB sdi
6 70.3MB 70.8MB 524kB aboot
7 70.8MB 72.9MB 2097kB pad
8 72.9MB 73.9MB 1049kB sbl1b
9 73.9MB 74.4MB 524kB tzb
10 74.4MB 75.0MB 524kB rpmb
11 75.0MB 75.5MB 524kB abootb
12 75.5MB 78.6MB 3146kB modemst1
13 78.6MB 81.8MB 3146kB modemst2
14 81.8MB 82.3MB 524kB metadata
15 82.3MB 99.1MB 16.8MB misc
16 99.1MB 116MB 16.8MB ext4 persist
17 116MB 119MB 3146kB imgdata
18 119MB 142MB 23.1MB laf
19 142MB 165MB 23.1MB boot
20 165MB 188MB 23.1MB recovery
21 188MB 191MB 3146kB fsg
22 191MB 192MB 524kB fsc
23 192MB 192MB 524kB ssd
24 192MB 193MB 524kB DDR
25 193MB 2291MB 2098MB ext4 system
26 2291MB 2322MB 31.0MB crypto
27 2322MB 3056MB 734MB ext4 cache
28 3056MB 31.3GB 28.2GB ext4 userdata
29 31.3GB 31.3GB 512B grow
~ # exit
[email protected]:~/Bureau/Bureau_old/eelo_hammerhead$
It seems that the partition 29 (grow) hasn't the good size : 512B instead of 5632B.
But probably this is not the only trouble...
I've been trying to bring a Nexus 5 back to life for quite a few months. Now I manage to reach the bootloader but I can't install any rom, either a stock rom or a custom rom.
I even have difficulties to install a recovery. For example for TRWP images ( https://eu.dl.twrp.me/hammerhead/ ) :
* possible to install an old twrp- image and access it ;
* on the other hand if I install this image twrp-3.0.0-0-hammerhead.img I can access it but the phone shuts down as soon as I try to enter the menus.
* and for images of higher versions, nothing happens.
I think this phone has a partitioning problem. I followed this tutorial to try to go back to a standard partitioning or rather original partitioning but it is impossible to install twrp-3.3.1-HH-hammerhead.img.
So the only way to see what's going on via adb shell is to install this TRWP image twrp- .
I tried to follow this : repartition method but it seems that it does not work out.
Could someone please help me to save this Nexus 5?
Try opening the flash-all.sh and remove the - w flag at the last line.
lool_lauris said:
[...] but it is impossible to install twrp-3.3.1-HH-hammerhead.img.
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What do you mean by this exactly? Fastboot throwing errors? Please post the log

Unbrick Nairo / xt2075-3 / moto G5G plus after flashing LineageOS

Yesterday I wanted to flash my new Nairo / xt2075-3 / moto G5G plus with LineageOS. But unfortunately it doesn't boot anymore.
Only the EDL boot works. This blankfile works not:
I downloaded a full TWRP backup (befor i bricket the device) and the latest stock ROM (using Motorola Rescuetool, but this requires fastboot)
This guide doesn't work either:
I use the Image-Files from the Stock ROM this are the extrcted files:
27.05.2022 18:57 339968 abl.elf
27.05.2022 18:57 519296 aop.mbn
14.12.2020 02:09 35 blank-flash.bat
14.12.2020 02:09 38 blank-flash.sh
02.03.2022 15:59 13107456 bootloader.img
27.05.2022 18:50 708 default.xml
27.05.2022 18:57 126080 devcfg.mbn
02.03.2022 15:59 211712 gpt.bin
27.05.2022 18:57 519296 hyp.mbn
27.05.2022 18:50 134 index.xml
27.05.2022 18:57 519296 keymaster.mbn
27.05.2022 18:50 80 pkg.xml
27.05.2022 18:44 682968 programmer.elf
27.05.2022 18:57 257152 prov64.mbn
14.12.2020 02:09 181144 qboot
14.12.2020 02:09 229106 qboot.dll
14.12.2020 02:09 134292 qboot.exe
27.05.2022 18:57 76928 qupfw.elf
27.05.2022 19:03 7721216 singleimage.bin
31.10.2019 05:35 93624 star
31.10.2019 05:35 194682 star.exe
27.05.2022 18:57 126080 storsec.mbn
27.05.2022 18:50 4189312 tz.mbn
27.05.2022 18:50 2092160 uefi_sec.mbn
27.05.2022 18:57 4189312 xbl.elf
27.05.2022 18:57 126080 xbl_config.elf
Does somebody has any idea?
No ideas, also i never managed to get the moto downoad mode tool work
Iam now in Fastboot Mode, i hope i can boot twrp and i can flash my backup from stockfw or lineageos or the newest stock fw. What is the best way?
I use the blankflash from the racer, that phone has the same SM7250
(I have thw XT2075-3/nairo):
E:\Motorola_nairo\download\racer\blankflash_racer_RPD31.Q4U-39-26-17>.\qboot.exe blank-flash
< waiting for device >
Motorola qboot utility version 3.86
[ 0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM4
[ 0.031] Detecting device
[ 0.047] ...cpu.id = 286 (0x11e)
[ 0.047] ...cpu.sn = +++++++++
[ 0.054] Opening singleimage
[ 0.058] Loading package
[ 0.067] ...filename = pkg.xml
[ 0.070] Loading programmer
[ 0.073] ...filename = programmer.elf
[ 0.077] Sending programmer
[ 0.251] Handling things over to programmer
[ 0.251] Identifying CPU version
[ 0.251] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[ 3.314] ...SM_SAIPAN 2.0
[ 3.314] Determining target secure state
[ 3.329] ...secure = yes
[ 3.392] Configuring device...
[ 3.392] Skipping UFS provsioning as target is secure
[ 3.392] Configuring device...
[ 3.548] Flashing GPT...
[ 3.548] Flashing partition with gpt.bin
[ 3.548] Initializing storage
[ 3.626] ...blksz = 4096
[ 4.111] Re-initializing storage...
[ 4.111] Initializing storage
[ 4.548] Flashing bootloader...
[ 4.548] Wiping ddr
[ 4.579] Flashing abl_a with abl.elf
[ 4.626] Flashing aop_a with aop.mbn
[ 4.673] Flashing qupfw_a with qupfw.elf
[ 4.704] Flashing tz_a with tz.mbn
[ 4.939] Flashing hyp_a with hyp.mbn
[ 4.986] Flashing devcfg_a with devcfg.mbn
[ 5.017] Flashing keymaster_a with keymaster.mbn
[ 5.064] Flashing storsec_a with storsec.mbn
[ 5.095] Flashing uefisecapp_a with uefi_sec.mbn
[ 5.236] Flashing prov_a with prov64.mbn
[ 5.267] Flashing xbl_config_a with xbl_config.elf
[ 5.298] Flashing xbl_a with xbl.elf
[ 5.564] Rebooting to fastboot
[ 5.564] Total time: 5.564s
1.692 / 5.000
Hello, I was successful now I have a working phone again. But it didn't work with the Motorola Rescue Tool. I used this to download the latest firmware. Then I flashed this firmware with Fastboot and the script from (https://kfhost.net/flashfile):
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot flash bluetooth BTFM.bin
fastboot flash dsp dspso.bin
fastboot flash logo logo.bin
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.0
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.1
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.2
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.3
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.4
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.5
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.6
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.7
fastboot flash super super.img_sparsechunk.8
fastboot erase carrier
fastboot erase userdata
fastboot erase metadata
fastboot erase ddr
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo English - Process concluded!
echo Português - Processo concluído!
echo English - Press any key to restart the phone!
echo Português - Pressione qualquer tecla para reiniciar o celular!
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fastboot reboot
I hope someone else can use it ;-).
Germanandroidplayer said:
Iam now in Fastboot Mode, i hope i can boot twrp and i can flash my backup from stockfw or lineageos or the newest stock fw. What is the best way?
I use the blankflash from the racer, that phone has the same SM7250
(I have thw XT2075-3/nairo):
E:\Motorola_nairo\download\racer\blankflash_racer_RPD31.Q4U-39-26-17>.\qboot.exe blank-flash
< waiting for device >
Motorola qboot utility version 3.86
[ 0.000] Opening device: \\.\COM4
[ 0.031] Detecting device
[ 0.047] ...cpu.id = 286 (0x11e)
[ 0.047] ...cpu.sn = +++++++++
[ 0.054] Opening singleimage
[ 0.058] Loading package
[ 0.067] ...filename = pkg.xml
[ 0.070] Loading programmer
[ 0.073] ...filename = programmer.elf
[ 0.077] Sending programmer
[ 0.251] Handling things over to programmer
[ 0.251] Identifying CPU version
[ 0.251] Waiting for firehose to get ready
[ 3.314] ...SM_SAIPAN 2.0
[ 3.314] Determining target secure state
[ 3.329] ...secure = yes
[ 3.392] Configuring device...
[ 3.392] Skipping UFS provsioning as target is secure
[ 3.392] Configuring device...
[ 3.548] Flashing GPT...
[ 3.548] Flashing partition with gpt.bin
[ 3.548] Initializing storage
[ 3.626] ...blksz = 4096
[ 4.111] Re-initializing storage...
[ 4.111] Initializing storage
[ 4.548] Flashing bootloader...
[ 4.548] Wiping ddr
[ 4.579] Flashing abl_a with abl.elf
[ 4.626] Flashing aop_a with aop.mbn
[ 4.673] Flashing qupfw_a with qupfw.elf
[ 4.704] Flashing tz_a with tz.mbn
[ 4.939] Flashing hyp_a with hyp.mbn
[ 4.986] Flashing devcfg_a with devcfg.mbn
[ 5.017] Flashing keymaster_a with keymaster.mbn
[ 5.064] Flashing storsec_a with storsec.mbn
[ 5.095] Flashing uefisecapp_a with uefi_sec.mbn
[ 5.236] Flashing prov_a with prov64.mbn
[ 5.267] Flashing xbl_config_a with xbl_config.elf
[ 5.298] Flashing xbl_a with xbl.elf
[ 5.564] Rebooting to fastboot
[ 5.564] Total time: 5.564s
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Click to collapse
Hey, can I ask you how did you manage to unbrick it? My phone doesn't get recognized via fastboot. It seems dead but when I connect it to the pc, it gets recognized as "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008"
Ok I cannot believe it was so stupid, it didn't work because I had to long press power button + volume down while executing the blank flash file, as said in this post (I put the screenshot below)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
OK, I hope your problem is solved and your phone is working again? It's been some time now. I don't remember having to hold down any keys. My problem with the blank flash file was that the signatures were probably wrong. So I grabbed an empty flash file from the other phone that has the same processor.
I have the same problem but with XT2075-5 (US retail).
Hard bricked it after flashing Lineage OS 19.1, which is Android 12. (Brick was not the fault of Lineage, I flashed the radio from the stock ROM and it bricked the device - very stupid - did this because the device did not work with Verizon after flashing Lineage, but obviously did not know wtf I was doing)
I have tried both of the blankflash files that are currently available on lolinet for nairo, uploaded on 7-20-2022, as well as "blankflash_nairo_from_QPNS30.37-Q3-42-51-2.zip" which I found on androidfilehost (https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=14655340768118479195)
All my attempts appear to be successful, and the device LED goes on for about 10 secs, then it turns off. The phone does not enter fastboot. I suspect the blankflash files are from an Android 11 stock ROM, and that I am now screwed.
If anyone else has this situation and figures it out, please share.
officerplonk said:
I have the same problem but with XT2075-5 (US retail).
Hard bricked it after flashing Lineage OS 19.1, which is Android 12. (Brick was not the fault of Lineage, I flashed the radio from the stock ROM and it bricked the device - very stupid - did this because the device did not work with Verizon after flashing Lineage, but obviously did not know wtf I was doing)
I have tried both of the blankflash files that are currently available on lolinet for nairo, uploaded on 7-20-2022, as well as "blankflash_nairo_from_QPNS30.37-Q3-42-51-2.zip" which I found on androidfilehost (https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=14655340768118479195)
All my attempts appear to be successful, and the device LED goes on for about 10 secs, then it turns off. The phone does not enter fastboot. I suspect the blankflash files are from an Android 11 stock ROM, and that I am now screwed.
If anyone else has this situation and figures it out, please share.
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Did you read my post from 05/29/2022?
officerplonk said:
I have the same problem but with XT2075-5 (US retail).
Hard bricked it after flashing Lineage OS 19.1, which is Android 12. (Brick was not the fault of Lineage, I flashed the radio from the stock ROM and it bricked the device - very stupid - did this because the device did not work with Verizon after flashing Lineage, but obviously did not know wtf I was doing)
I have tried both of the blankflash files that are currently available on lolinet for nairo, uploaded on 7-20-2022, as well as "blankflash_nairo_from_QPNS30.37-Q3-42-51-2.zip" which I found on androidfilehost (https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=14655340768118479195)
All my attempts appear to be successful, and the device LED goes on for about 10 secs, then it turns off. The phone does not enter fastboot. I suspect the blankflash files are from an Android 11 stock ROM, and that I am now screwed.
If anyone else has this situation and figures it out, please share.
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I have the same problem with XT2075-3(GB retail with Android 11), I flashed the radio from the US stock ROM and it bricked the device after a restart... So this may not be caused by Android 12. I flashed US radio cause there's no 5G NR reception in China. 'All my attempts appear to be successful, and the device LED goes on for about 10 secs, then it turns off. The phone does not enter fastboot.' - That makes two of us. Now waiting for a solution, too.
Still cannot access fastboot, any one can provide the firehose file, please?
[email protected] said:
Still cannot access fastboot, any one can provide the firehose file, please?
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Click to collapse
See Post #3 and #4 or if this dont work #6
Here is the link again: https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/motorola/nairo
This didn't work on my Nairo. I'm using this (see below) because Nairo and Racer should contain the same CPU/SOC.
lolinet mirrors - firmware, software, iso etc.
lolinet mirrors - powered by h5ai
After loading blankfile you have to create new partitons and flash the stock ROM
you can use the script from here (https://kfhost.net/flashfile). The Stock ROM you can get with the Motorola Rescue Tool.

