Camera and qr codes? - Huawei Mate 30 Pro Questions & Answers

Is there a way to get the camera to scan for qr codes, like iPhone and Pixel phones?
The best I've managed is to take a phone and view it in the gallery - the menu on the bottom right, after a moment (10 seconds?), adds an option to 'Scan QR code in image'. That's really not good enough, imo. I don't want to have to take a photo at all, let alone use gallery to decode it.
I pushed quite hard to get Google to add the feature to their camera (after Apple added it). They've had it in their 'lens' thing for a while, but you have to be online for that, which precludes scanning for wifi credentials. So, I was pleased to see it on my pixel, eventually...and disappointed that Huawei don't have it on their camera, even though qr codes are prolific in China (though, admittedly, they are WeChat ones, so are essentially broken).

FWIW, I've now found qr-code scanners in many places, though not built into the camera like it is on the Pixel or iPhone's camera.
1. It is in the Huawei Assistent as 'Scan - Hivision'
2. From the lock screen (press the button once), swipe up from the bottom and it is on the row of icons (the right hand one on mine - but perhaps they are configurable).
3. From the home screen, swipe down in the middle, and the search screen appears - on the right of the search field there's an icon for the qr scanner
4. From the camera app, on the top left is an icon for the qr scanner
5. From settings, click your HUAWEI ID (the top most item in settings), and the qr-code is on the top right.
The icon looks like a globe with the corners of a square around it, like a view finder on the world (see below), except with 5), where it's a dash ('-') with corners (I guess '-' is indicating only a qr-code, while the globe indicates some other scanning functions).
So, yeah, they have them all over the place, though I think it is essentially the same scanner and part of the Hivision package/app/whatever. Yes, it does work offline too (useful for scanning wifi qr codes).


Much Awaited Windows Mobile 7

The much awaited windows mobile 7 interface and all other info below
Microsoft is currently developing Windows Mobile 7, the first revolutionary change to its mobile device operating system. Recently, I was given a document by a source inside Microsoft that details the touch and gesture plans for Mobile 7.
Below, you’ll find over 3,000 words detailing my notes from the document. I can’t publish the document here, at least not until after the product is announced, to protect my sources. I will provide the document to trusted journalists in order to share and show proof of this information. If there is anything I leave out, please don’t hesitate to ask and I will try to provide a screenshot or answer.
Windows Mobile 7 will dramatically change the way we use mobile devices. It will emphasize the use of touch on the device, as well as motion gestures created by using the device. It is, absolutely, Microsoft’s effort to beat back the iPhone, and the iPhone is referenced several times in the document.
Windows Mobile 7 will use touch gestures, similar to how the iPhone does. You will be able to flick through lists, pan, swipe sideway, draw on the screen. A lot of emphasis has been put on making navigation easier and doing away with scrollbars, including a new scroll handle that allows for multiple ways of finding items extremely fast.
Windows Mobile 7 will use motion gestures, something the iPhone does not. It will not use an intricate and complicated series of gyroscopes and accelerometers. Instead, it will use the camera on the phone to detect motions and create appropriate actions. You will be able to shake, twist and otherwise manipulate the phone and get things done. The phone will be able to perform actions when placed face down on a surface, and it will know when it is in your pocket or bag.
Windows Mobile 7 will have an exciting locking screen, that will allow you to play around with it, draw on it, shake it and completely otherwise mess with it.
Windows Mobile 7 will have dramatically improved visuals, different from the iPhone and much more similar to the dark and futuristic visuals of Windows Vista. It will feature graphical transitions, subtle effects, and other things to make it more interesting to look at. This is not detailed in the document, but featured in the multitude of screenshots.
Windows Mobile 7 is designed to use the finger, not the stylus, though many devices will be required to include a stylus. It is designed to be easy to use with the hand, including one-handed, and to be fun to use and easy to understand. It is designed to be used on devices with no buttons, few buttons, lots of buttons, full keyboards, and devices without touch screens.
Windows Mobile 7 is clearly designed for better media playback, with screenshots indicating a much-improved Media Player and photo gallery application. There is talk in the document of a games mode. Mobile Internet Explorer runs full-screen web pages in a minimalistic interface, and has “tabbed” browsing, except you can switch tabs by shaking the phone.
The keyboard has been improved, but plans for a full touch keyboard, a la the iPhone, have been shelved until a future version of Windows Mobile.
Below are my detailed notes. Some of it is raw, some of it is very detailed. It is accompanied by screenshots direct from the document which show off other features planned for Windows Mobile 7.
Goals of the New User Interface.
Touch, gestures, scrolling, and direct manipulation. Also, animations, transitions, motion gestures, and codenames “Phosphur” and “Starburst”.
Goal: Finger optimized, best in class touch experience that users are comfortable with everywhere.
Requirements: simple, memorable and fun; consistent, predictable and interesting; natural movements, natural animations and transitions; and enhance the mobile experience, not degrade it.
Goal is to support hardware with buttons, hardware with buttons and touch screens, and touch screen-only devices. The Touch-only devices are specifically referenced as “iPhone compete”.
User experience requirements: consistent UI interaction across the device (up and down should always scroll up and down lists, not something else), should not be overloaded. The new UI will not be opt-in for applications, but required, so old applications will all get it. There will be a “game mode”, where games will be allowed to override the UI requirements and use similar movements for different actions, allowing games to have more complicated controls than the average app.
There will be audio and visual feedback, only where appropriate, like indicating the top and bottom of a list, which objects are touchable, and a “ring of fire” indicating where you press and hold down your finger.
Designed to be used by a finger, without a stylus. Microsoft Research is researching the size of the average fingertip/tap size. Currently, they are working with the assumption of a 7.6×7.6 millimeter fingertip size. The goal is a device that can be used almost entirely one-handed with the thumb of the hand holding the device.
There were plans to implement the Soft Input Panel (the on-screen keyboard) as a finger accessible portion of the UI (like the iPhone does), but it was cut for Windows Mobile 7.
Tap drills down in a list, but some lists will have you tab once to select, once again to drill down the list. Interface elements will be designed so there is no fear of users making a mistake and missing their target. It will be able to dynamically resize elements of the user interface, prioritizing them and making them easier to hit. Corners, like the close button, scrollbars, icons and the title bar/status bar, will all be able to grow to make things easier on the user.
A stylus will be required on devices meeting certain screen size, orientation, DPI and resolution marks. User interface elements will scale their size and be prioritized in order to make hitting them easier, especially scrollbars, corner elements, icons, the title bar and the status bar.
Touch may be the actual product name as it stands.
Gestures for scrolling (horizontal and vertical), task and menu access, press and hold controls, list items, press and drag, and launching shortcuts. The device will be able to detect finger velocity, scrolling further if the user’s finger moves faster.
They are considering the need for scroll bars when users are scrolling with gestures. Current plan is to show them on Touch devices when flicking through a list, but not show them on button-only devices when scrolling.
When a dialog is longer than the screen and needs to be scrolled horizontally, they are considering replacing the scroll bar with a visual indicator, like text fading off the edge of the screen. Pressing and holding launched the context (right-click) menu, as it does now.
By default in a list, tapping drills down items, but there will be visual and audio feedback if drilling doesn’t occur and the user is merely focusing on an item.
A stylus will be required for device makers to include, based on screen size, screen orientation, and screen resolution.
Microsoft is considering if it needs to support screens and drivers that do multi-touch, but multi-touch is not a base feature of Windows Mobile 7. Multi-finger touch is shown for cropping and rotating photos, but there is no indication if this is software based or requires multi-touch hardware.
Motion Gestures.
There will be various finger motion gestures, used for scrolling vertically and horizontally, task and menu access, pressing and holding on controls, list items, pressing and dragging, and launching shortcuts.
Some UI elements, called Spinner and Pivot, will have a gesture where you swipe them from left to right. In a Spinner, you have a single item with left and right buttons next to it, but instead of hitting the left and right buttons, you can just swipe to change the option.
There will also be motion gestures, where the user moves the device to invoke certain commands. Microsoft Research has a technology concept that uses the device’s camera as a motion sensor, enabling motion control while using the device. This means devices will not need accelerometers and other complicated gyroscopes to get these features, and that existing Windows Mobile devices could be upgraded to full Windows Mobile 7 functionality. These gestures will require the camera to be operating all the time a gesture may be used, which will affect battery life.
There would need to be support for gestures when the device is locked, including slider control, which hints at a similar locking mechanism to the iPhone. It will also support changing screen orientation when turning the device sideways, just like the iPhone does, but using the camera, not a gyroscope.
Windows Mobile 8 will support gestures in the auxiliary screen. Windows Mobile 7 will not.
Gestures shown include in music or a slideshow, shaking the phone left or right to go to the previous or next song or photo, and shaking the phone in order to shuffle it. Here’s an image, which may only be a mockup, or it is showing us what Windows Media Player will look like on Windows Mobile 7, as well as the picture viewer:
As you see, Media Player has an emphasis on album art along with other cool visual elements. Also notice the ever-present battery and signal strength indicators have been placed inside the soft key buttons at the bottom of the screen, saving screen real estate and making them a lot cooler.
Another gesture: When pressing the directional pad down in a full-screen media application, such as a photo application, you can move the device forward and backward to zoom in and out of the image.
windows mobile 7 continue
The web browser will incorporate gestures for back and forward actions. Here’s an image:
Notice the differences in Internet Explorer. The interface is simpler and much nicer, with just an address bar and go button, the web page is a desktop version, just like on the iPhone, and the browser has tabbed browsing, used by gesturing through a series of graphical thumbnails. This is very impressive.
The camera will also cause certain actions based on light sensitivity. For example, if you put your phone in your pocket or in a bag, it will shut off the screen, and can even make the ringer louder or put it on vibrate, as directed. It can also turn the screen on automatically when taking the phone out, trigger the timer on the phone’s camera when the phone is placed face down on a surface, automatically activate the camera flash based on available light, snooze the phone’s alarm when waving your hand over the phone’s camera, taking a picture when anyone walks past the phone (or any other desired action, like making a noise), or remotely connecting to other devices when the phone sees them.
Waking Up and the Lock Screen.
Here’s an example of a gesture, shaking the phone to wake it up:
The document says that gestures should be distinct, convenient, easy to use, and they should also be fun and have feedback that responds to the user’s action. They shouldn’t be hard motion, but simple jiggles or shakes, with the screen reacting to the amount of shaking, the number of shakes, that sort of thing.
An example of the screen showing a transition from the device being asleep to awake:
As you see, it’s a very nice and detailed, but subtle graphical transition. Microsoft never cared about transitions before, but it looks like Windows Mobile 7 will be different.
There’s also a part talking about allowing the user to “doodle” on the screen (their word, not mine), letting users draw doodles on the device lock screen, as well as shake the screen to affect the wallpaper (like making water run, or blurring an image). The iPhone’s lock screen is an iconic part of the device, and Microsoft wants to have a cool lock screen without copying Apple, so the plan is to give you fun things to do on the lock screen.
Here’s an image showing the user doodling. Notice the use of two fingers, hinting at software-based simple multi-touch, or perhaps the image assumes the device has multi-touch hardware?
And a screen that has been shook or doodled on:
That makes for a pretty cool locked phone.
Touch Scrolling/Flicking.
Users will be able to flick their way through lists and swipe sideways for certain actions and pivoting views. When scrolling through lists, letters are shown to indicate as the user makes his way through the alphabet, as well as the addition of a scroll bar. There will be a visual bump when reaching the end of a list.
Besides flicking up and down, the user will be able to pivot sideways between different hotlists. The user can swipe to pivot between each, tap a selection in the pivot wheel, or hit an arrow to launch a pivot selector for all available pivots.
An example of pivoting in the Recent Programs menu:
Here’s a screenshot of Outlook’s inbox:
Also shown is flicking and swiping through an unnamed maps application, based on Windows Live Maps, and flicking based on the velocity of the user’s finger. Other types of finger gestures include the use of spinners and sliders, and unrestricted omni-directional movement.
A screenshot of panning in the maps application:
Those arrows on the sides of the screen are shown as being used in all applications, including IE Mobile, to let the user know when they are panning the screen.
When hitting buttons/icons on the screen, the UI will try to prioritize items and determine which one the user wanted to hit, so users who are sloppy with their fingers will still get the desired result. It will use this smart targeting when using your finger, but not when using the stylus, a very smart design decision. When using the keyboard, the letter enlarges and appears above your finger when you hit it, just like on the iPhone. When highlighting text, a zoom/edit box appears above it to show what you are highlighting. When in full page view in IE Mobile, if you hit an area with links it will zoom in with a bubble and help you choose from the links. Observe:
Notice Word Mobile. It has the Office 2007 Ribbon, but it appears to be lifted directly from Word 2007 and far too small to be used on a mobile device. Assume that this was put in for the mockup, and not an actual application screenshot, but also assume that they are going in the direction of a Ribbon-based user interface for Office Mobile.
There is handwriting recognition listed for OneNote Mobile.
An example of a context menu, activated by pressing and holding in an area (like right-clicking on a PC):
Other examples of what Microsoft calls Press N Hold UI elements include an application launcher and a quick scroller (for quickly moving through a list with a scrollbar and the first letter of list items):
Currently, when scrolling down a screen with the directional pad, the selector moves to the bottom of the screen, then scrolls downward one item at a time. In Windows Mobile 7, the list scrolls upwards as the selector moves downwards, acting in sync so that the selector does not reach the bottom of the screen until it reaches the end of the list. This gives the user feedback on how long the list is and where the user currently is within the list.
When the user flicks to scroll within a list, a scroll handle will appear on the side. If the user touches it, the user can drag the scroll handle up and down for faster scrolling. This replaces the scroll bar. The more the handle is moved, the faster the screen will scroll. A screenshot:
Scroll bars in Windows Mobile 7 will never be part of the screen, but rather floating transparent visual elements on top of it. They will only be used when necessary.
A filmstrip view is shown, with the music filmstrip clearly showing a Zune icon with the option to purchase the song:
There are many pages showing other UI elements, including radio buttons, Spinners, sliders, text entry boxes, combo boxes, drop down menus and such, that I have left out. If anyone desperately wants to see them, let me know and I can add screenshots.
There’s a list of gestures that are being explorer and may or may not make it into Mobile 7, including a gesture to dismiss an on-screen notification by shaking it off the screen, a gesture to automatically take you to a Smart Search notification panel, turning the phone like turning a key to unlock it, Pivoting by gesturing the phone sideways, moving through lists by shaking the phone up or down, switching the camera into black and white or other modes by shaking it down, adjusting camera aperture and shutter speed by rotating the camera, sending a file by “tossing” it to another device.
I left out most of these, but if there are any more you want to see, just let me know and I will try to accommodate. Here’s the camera gesture, just because the UI is so cool:
There’s a list of list view options that are likely cut, including expandable/collapsible headers in grid view (I also didn’t cover grid view), a carousel view (sort of like a vertical pivot), scrolling one item at a time with touch, accelerometer gestures.
Windows Mobile 7 will ship in 2009, according to the document. This makes sense with the Mobile 6.1 point release that is coming around now. Hopefully, Bill Gates will announce Windows Mobile 7 at CES tonight, but if not, you now have advance notice of what is coming next year. Microsoft clearly has a lot planned to make Windows Mobile 7 the revolution it needs to be to compete with Apple, and Mobile 7 is going to bring some cool and excitement to Microsoft’s smart phones.
welcome to yesterday
A quick link to the same old story would have saficed...
this sounds so familiar...
hmmm thx for the "new" information i wouldnt have known if it wasnt for u thankyou
Did they say how many times a day it would crash and reboot itself?? lol
Sorry, I was being rude to the original poster! Thanks for the informative highlights of WM7 and I look forward to all future threads concerning this subject.
**Note** I aim saying this under direst from my wife who thinks I'm being rude....
mchapman007 said:
Sorry, I was being rude to the original poster! Thanks for the informative highlights of WM7 and I look forward to all future threads concerning this subject.
**Note** I aim saying this under direst from my wife who thinks I'm being rude....
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The documentation is really huge.... i will have to sit and sort it out ..!
if you want a peek through this , visit
i just wanted to help the homies right here ...
let me know who needs further clarification
SpringfieldXD45C said:
Did they say how many times a day it would crash and reboot itself?? lol
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Well i will ask them and let you know... how many times exactly it will ... crash ...
i have a feeling these new gestures will take using (read: failing to use) the phone while drunk to new levels!
constantly using the camera as a light sensor is going to be just great for battery life......

Note 3 Features Detailed

These are some of the more interesting new features from the owners manual that was posted earlier. They are "new" compared to the N2 but quite a few of them are carry over from the SGS4. Most of the really new stuff on the N3 is centered around S Pen and inking. A lot of thought has been put in to enhancing multiview also. The camera appears, at least functionally, to be the same as the SGS4's.
S Pen nib is replaceable
Air jump - While viewing emails or web pages, move your hand up or down across the sensor to scroll the page up or down. (Vertical)
Air browse - Move your hand to the left or right across the sensor to browse images, webpages, songs, or memos. (Horizontal)
Air move - Tap and hold an icon with one hand, and then move your other hand to the left or right across the sensor to move the icon to another location. While using the daily or weekly calendar, tap and hold an event, and then move your other hand to the left or right to move the event to another day or week.
Air call-accept - When a call comes in, move your hand to the left, and then to the right across the sensor to answer the call.
The Menu button and the Back button can be used by the S Pen.
With Air Command you can directly use the following actions:
Action Memo: Write a memo, and then select it by drawing a line around it to take actions related to the memo.
Scrapbooker: Collect a variety of content and save it in Scrapbook. (p. 141)
Screen Write: Capture a screenshot and edit it.
S Finder: Search for a wide variety of content on your device. (p. 139)
Pen Window: Launch multiple applications in specified areas on the screen.​
Action Memo can be launched directly by double tapping the screen. Jot down or draw a memo, and then select the memo by tapping to perform various actions, such as making a call, adding contacts, sending messages. With selected, draw a line around an area with the S Pen to perform actions with the selected area.
Selecting and capturing an image - With the S Pen button pressed, draw a line around an area to select it. If necessary, use one of the following options:
Restore the original selection.
Convert the selection to circular shape.
Convert the selection to rectangular shape.
Customise the selection.
Select an application to use with the selected area from the icons that appear at the bottom of the screen.​
Air view - Use this feature to perform various functions while the S Pen or your finger is hovering over the screen.
Samsung Smart Pause - Use this feature to pause videos when you look away from the screen.
Samsung Smart Scroll - Use this feature to scroll the screen up or down by tilting your head or the device.
Using Multi Window applications - While using Multi Window applications, select an application window, tap the circle between the application windows, and then use one of the following:
Open a list of recently-used applications in the selected window.
Switch locations between Multi Window applications.
Share items between the application windows. Drag an item to share from one ]window to another. Some applications may not support this feature.
Close the application.​
Direct pen input - When hovering the S Pen over a text field, icon appears at the upper left corner of the text field. Tap to write with the S Pen. To make simple corrections, change input languages, or enter a space between characters, tap each correction tool displayed on the handwriting pad. When this feature is enabled, you can do the following actions:
Send a handwritten message.
Make a call by writing a contact name or a phone number on the keypad.
Set an alarm just by writing numbers.
Browse the Internet by writing web addresses.​
Translating and sending messages - To use the translating feature while composing a message, tap → Translate, drag the Translate switch to the right, set a language pair, and then tap OK. The translated message will replace the message of the source language.
Group Play - Use this application to enjoy moments with your friends by sharing and playing content. Create or join a Group Play session, and then share content, such as images or music.
WatchON - Use this application to connect to a TV to watch your favourite shows and movies.
Smart stabilisation: Set the device to automatically detect darker conditions and adjust the brightness of the photo without the flash.
Audio zoom: Make louder the sound from the zoomed subject while recording.
Making video clips - Create video clip, select images or videos by ticking multiple still photos. Enter a title, select an effect option, the video clip is saved in Gallery
Making image collages - Select item, select two to four images by ticking, and then tap → Create collage. Select a style at the bottom of the screen, and then tap to add images
Story Album - Use this application to create your own digital album to keep your stories by organising the images neatly and automatically.
Using Popup Video player - Use this feature to use other applications without closing the video player. While watching videos, tap to use the pop-up player. Spread two fingers apart on the screen to enlarge the player or pinch to reduce it. To move the player, drag the player to another location.
My Magazine - Use this application to make your own social magazine. On the Home screen, flick your finger up from the bottom of the screen, or press the Home button. To set up your magazine tick categories and topics. Flick left or right to change the category, flick up or down to turn over magazine pages, and then select an article to read. While viewing a page, tap to use the following applications:
Make a call.
Launch Camera.
Send a message.
Launch Google search.
Open the web browser.
Open the Applications screen.​
While reading an article, use the following icons:
Go to the previous page.
Set the article as your likes in Facebook.
View others’ comments about the article.
Set the article as your likes in Flipboard.
Add the article to your Flipboard magazine.
Share the article with others.​
S Health - Use this application to monitor your health by managing intake or burnt calories.
Walking mate.
Exercise mate.
Food tracker.
Comfort level.
Managing weight​
S Translator - Use this application to translate text into other languages.
S Finder - Use this application to search for a wide variety of items on the device, including emails, documents, images, music, applications, and more.
Scrapbook - Use this application to create your own digital scrapbook with content from webpages,videos and more.
KNOX -Use this application freely use your device for both work and personal use.To secure your data, KNOX and associated data is deleted when the password is entered incorrectly several times.
Display -
Screen mode –
- Adapt display: Use this mode for optimising the display according to the displaysettings.
- Dynamic: Use this mode to make the display tone more vivid.
- Standard: Use this mode for normal surroundings.
- Professional photo: Use this mode to make the display tone look like real colours.
- Movie: Use this mode for dim surroundings, such as in a dark room.
Display Settings -
- Reading mode: Select which applications will use reading mode. In reading mode, the device helps protect your eyes when reading at night.
- Auto adjust screen tone: Set the device to save power by adjusting the brightness of the display.
- Daydream: Set the device to launch a screensaver when your device is connected to a desktop dock or charging.
- Auto rotate screen: Set the content to rotate automatically when the device is turned.
- Edit after screen capture: Set the device to edit the screenshot after capturing it.​
Lock screen - Change settings for the locked screen.
Screen lock: Activate the screen lock feature. The following options may vary depending on the screen lock feature selected.
- Multiple widgets: Set the device to allow use of widgets on the locked screen.
- Clock widget options: Configure settings for the clock widget.
- Dual clock: Set the device to show the dual clock.
- Clock size: Change the size of the clock.
- Show date: Set the device to show the date with the clock.
- Weather: Set the device to show weather information on the locked screen.
- Shortcuts: Set the device to show and edit application shortcuts on the locked screen.
- Personal message: Edit the personal message.
- Owner information: Enter your information that is shown with the clock.
Unlock effect: Select an effect:
- Ink effect: Change the colour for the ink effect. The ink effect is available only with the S Pen.
- Wake up in lock screen: Set the device to recognise your wake up command when the screen is locked.
- Action Memo on lock screen: Set the device to launch Action Memo when you double tap the locked screen with the S Pen button pressed.
- Help text: Set the device to show the help text on the locked screen when you unlock the screen.​
Enough to upgrade. Direct pen input is really innovative
Sent from the New S Pen
^^ ****load of features...
Did anyone see anything similar for GN3?
Start at 2:06
When you guys are receiving yours?
Can't wait for a more in-depth review based on a daily use experience :good:
Seems that here in Holland the pre-orders are rolling out this week
---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
BarryH_GEG said:
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Hey, where is that metal detector sensor mentioned on the other thread? :laugh:
CLARiiON said:
^^ ****load of features...
Did anyone see anything similar for GN3?
Start at 2:06
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I did not see multitasking in the split window on the Note 3 - only vids I found were the copy/paste to different chat windows.....
Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 using Tapatalk
CLARiiON said:
^^ ****load of features...
Did anyone see anything similar for GN3?
Start at 2:06
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Yes these multitasking features are available in note3...
Very cool! I love how the SPen can be used with the Menu and Back soft-keys. Does anyone know if the SPen can emulate pressing the Home button using the Air Commands or perhaps clicking on the SPen button?
Display Settings -
- Reading mode: Select which applications will use reading mode. In reading mode, the device helps protect your eyes when reading at night.
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This is also intriguing. I currently use Screen Filter to really darken my N2's screen to allow for night-time reading. I'd be curious to see exactly how dark the N3's built-in Reading Mode will make the screen.
It's not clear to me whether app shortcuts can be used on a password-protected lockscreen. This has long been a complaint of Android, and is one of the few things that iOS does better. I'd like the ability to use "whitelisted" applications so that I don't have to unlock the entire phone just to use, say, the camera. Basically, I click on the app on the lock screen, and immediately use it. I don't care if the phone is lost/stolen and a stranger takes pics with the "whitelisted" camera shortcut (if anything, it would be helpful because I have all photos set to upload automatically to Dropbox, and if my phone is lost/stolen, I can check to see what pics someone might be taking with it, including any selfies which might help to identify the perp!).
I do not know if it was confirmed till this day- the slapdragon 600 variant of S4 had the Exmor R version of that 13 mp camera whilst the Exynos one got Exmor RS. Which Exmor version did the slapdragon 800 get?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Which of s7 features do you like the most

Game Launcher
Motion panorama
Quick Call
New Edge UI
Always On Display
Motion Panorama.
too many to list. but I guess off the top of my head:
the display:
literally the best consumer display in the world with virtually perfect professional reference level color fidelity, paper-like clarity with no diagonal edge bias (due to innovative proprietary diamond subpixel arrangement), infinite contrast and eye punching brightness that maintains perfectly even saturation and contrast unlike with lcd. Moreover the Screen calibration feature allows for various color space standards which is a must-have for professional photography or graphic work. Extremely High sensitivity screen allows for gloved use. Only just enough bezel to allow for screen edge swiping with a case installed leaving the device as narrow as possible making it much more nimble for one handed use and a bit less pants pocket stretching. Always on display is great as it allows me to check the time, date and notifications without having to turn on my phone--far superior in so many ways to the old way of decoding the color and speed of the flashing led.
Samsung pay:
their proprietary technology allows the device to simulate a magnetic card swipe which works anywhere unlike android pay and apple pay which only work on certain terminals. It constantly amazes everyone.
IP68 water and dust proof:
As beautiful as the S7 is it is indeed a fingerprint magnet. This is a problem with many phones so stylishly slick but unlike other phones when the S7 loses its lustre you can simply rinse it off under the sink and polish it off with a bath towel--good as new.
Powered USB otg with support for so many add ons:
gaming controllers, midi keyboards, file storage, keyboards, mice. I was surprised to find that I can charge another device with my phone and even spin up and operate a USB hard disk without any need for additional power cables.
the camera:
so amazing I use it for augmented vision. Not only can I inspect from the distance whether that little spot on the wall is a fly or a spider without getting off my lazy ass but I can see and read things where it would otherwise be far too dim for my eyes to see without need for additional lighting. Oh yea, and it also takes amazing pictures in just two clicks. I never miss a shot because even in the rare times when I would I can rely on motion photo to reverse time and recapture the picture just how I wanted. The expanding library of camera modes just kick it over the edge of awesomeness. In real world use I tend to switch between auto, pro, rear selfie, slow motion, and gif maker. I use burst a lot too which is available whenever you press and hold the shoot button.
I've found split screen and pop up mode more and more useful for working with and between multiple apps. Web browsing and reading while streaming music or watching YouTube and/or chating just feels great. I use my laptop so little these days which is so much better for my posture. Text selection is also improved paired with the hypersensitive screen. You can rely on the precision of the tip of your thumbnail and not the blunt tip of your finger. The adjustable dpi hack gives you more work space immediately expanding the usefulness of large screen.
I haven't even begun to touch on so many other things but I can definitely go on if anyone wants me to.
This is by far the most satisfied I've ever been with a phone and I've been using smart phones since when they were called PDAs. I never thought I'd be so satisfied with a non rooted android device but I don't find myself missing anything except perhaps the stereo sound hack and the Xposed framework but with all the features I'm discovering and looking forward to the gear vr Im sure I'll find enough ways not to care.
I don't use any of the features you listed, but i'd say my favorite "features" are (no particular order)
-Double tap home for camera shortcut
-Theme engine
-Split screen
-triple tap home for one handed use
Best hardware features are easily the screen and the camera. Build quality is amazing, honestly feels better in the hand than metal IMO, and IP68 is just an awesome feature to have.
Samsung has activated Display scaling in the newest Galaxy S7 firmware, it gives the user greater control over how much information is packed onto the screen.
That one isn't hidden anymore. Nice!
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
jamesava said:
Samsung has activated Display scaling in the newest Galaxy S7 firmware, it gives the user greater control over how much information is packed onto the screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how do you get to that setting?
konoplya said:
how do you get to that setting?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In the display menu if you received the last update, otherwise you have to download Nova Launcher and activate through a specific nova action (you can then uninstall Nova).
Steps to follow :
Step 1: Head on over to the Google Play Store and download Nova Launcher
Step 2: Launch Nova Launcher. There's no need to set it as a default.
Step 3: Do a long-press on the home screen and tap on Widgets.
Step 4: Look for the Activities widget and bring it to the home screen.
Step 5: Look for Settings and tap on .DisplayScalingActivity. This will create a shortcut on the home screen.
Step 6: Tap on the newly created shortcut. There you have it, the option to go either Standard or Condensed.
exploreresp said:
In the display menu if you received the last update, otherwise you have to download Nova Launcher and activate through a specific nova action (you can then uninstall Nova).
Steps to follow :
Step 1: Head on over to the Google Play Store and download Nova Launcher
Step 2: Launch Nova Launcher. There's no need to set it as a default.
Step 3: Do a long-press on the home screen and tap on Widgets.
Step 4: Look for the Activities widget and bring it to the home screen.
Step 5: Look for Settings and tap on .DisplayScalingActivity. This will create a shortcut on the home screen.
Step 6: Tap on the newly created shortcut. There you have it, the option to go either Standard or Condensed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
the last update you're talking about is the one from T-Mobile? I have T-Mobile and I got one update from Samsung and one from T-Mobile.
Nop, it's a Sammy update that began to roll out a couple days ago fixing some side touching issues, photo stuff too and a lot of other things too
S7 here..Stock..TouchWiz Launcher..T-Mobile carrier
#1 Feature: Samsung Pay. When I saw my wife use her Note 5 to pay at WalMart, my MotoX Pure suddenly became obsolete.
#2. SD Card has returned. 32GB onboard isn't sufficient for me and now with 128GB extra, I'm content.
#3, Android 6.0.1. Battery Optimizations net me 20 total hours on battery with a 4-6 hour Screen On Time. Wow!
#4 Gear VR compatibility. I have the VR and it is stunning and so next-generation.
#5 Speaker is loud. While not idea for cranking up the tunes, it's perfect for voice calls and voicemail.
#6 SideSync and SmartSwitch. These two apps fill in the features that iTunes backup and Continuity brought to iOS.
#7 TouchWiz is scaled down enough to not get in the way of using the phone. Still packed with options, but it works right out of the box.

[APP] Jotter - The Most Practical Note Taking App

Instantly jot down stuff by doodling on your lock screen without even looking!
Have you ever found yourself fumbling over the little keyboard to quickly write something while on the go?
Have you ever wanted to hastily jot down something, so you won't forget it, but had trouble finding the "right" app?
Ever disturbed the natural flow of a conversation to note down a date, phone number or an address?
If yes, then JOTTER is here to solve all your problems!
Jotter works like a real-life notepad where you can instantly ‘jot’ down anything by doodling with your fingers. It sits on the top of your lock screen so when you press the power button, you can take notes right then and there! No need to browse the app drawer and no need to carefully type using little keyboard. Just scribble on the screen and double-tap to save it. This can even be done without looking!
You can personalize the Jotter notepad by changing the pen color and the ‘slide to unlock’ bar color. This means that you can even take ‘secret notes’ by setting these colors to completely black. This way, you can jot down anything in front of anyone and nobody will notice what you have been jotting.
Jotter can be used in many situations. Some example use-cases are listed below:
• You are talking with someone and want to note down an important date or information without disturbing the conversation flow.
• You are on the go and see something which you need to write down for reminder.
• You are at workplace and have to note a non-permanent, unpreserved piece of information e.g. a code, number, etc.
• Someone is dictating you his phone number or address.
• You meet someone and want to write down his name.
• You hear a unique word or phrase or product name and want to jot it down.
How to use it:
When you enable the app using the Switch, then every time you try to unlock your device using the power button, Jotter will appear on top of your lock screen.
You can write notes there with your finger. Press twice (double tap) on a written note to save it. To view saved notes, slide up the screen from the ‘Slide to unlock’ bar present at the bottom of the screen. You can dismiss the Jotter notepad by using the ‘Slide to unlock’ bar.
In order to have a completely ‘secret’ and inconspicuous notepad, you can customize the colors to black or other dark colors. (Remember that the ‘Slide to unlock’ bar will still be there but will become invisible so do it with caution).
Note: This is not a replacement for your lock screen and will sit on top of your default lock screen.
See it in action here:
Download Jotter from Play Store:
I really urge the xda users to try out this app because this is not like other conventional notepads. I have based the development of this app on my actual real life scenarios and I personally find it helpful at my workplace.

List of apps that support dual screens

This is a list of android apps that work well with dual screens. Most apps will not look as nice in single screen landscape mode, however.
For this list I will refer to having a screen on the left and right as landscape and a screen on bottom and top as portrait. Why? Because that's how it works in the software.
- Gone Mad Music Player: classic view shows the song on the left while landscape and the song list on the bottom in portrait. Looks weird in single screen portrait mode.
- Solid Explorer: Pretty much the perfect file explorer for the Axon M. Shows two screens and you can copy files between the left and right screen.
- MiXplorer also works but requires you to enable dual pane view.
- App Cloner: App list on the left, app settings on the right.
- Kii Keyboard 2: Has an option to split the keyboard in half in landscape, but it will cause the keyboard to be split while in single screen landscape.
- Moon Reader, probably every single ebook reader: It shows two pages instead of one. I suggest reducing the margins.
- Reddit Sync: only works partially. Set landscape column count to 2 to show posts on each screen.
Apps that can be modded for dual screen:
- Twidere: Download the source code, open twidere/src/main/res/values/dimens.xml and replace "preferred_tab_column_width_normal" so it says
<dimen name="preferred_tab_column_width_normal">1080px</dimen>
, then compile.
- Tachiyomi: Download source code, open res/layout-land/manga_info_controller.xml. Create a horizontal guideline. Set layout_constraintGuide_percent to .5. Click on info_scrollview. Set layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf to id_guideline (default is guideline3 but it's whatever the guideline is named).
- Align all four constraints to the sides (click the dots on the manga cover element and drag to sides)
- Set layout_constraintDimensionRatio to 7:10 (4:3 is also usable, it doesn't really matter)
- In the app: Settings -> General -> library manga per row -> landscape -> Whatever you want, as long as it's an even number
Other notable uses, not really app related:
- Use andronix to create a Linux session, then use the top screen for a GUI and the bottom screen for a terminal.
- If you use App Cloner and clone an app, you can have the same app on both screens. I use it for Discord so I can have two channels open at once.
Many thanks for the recommendation of Gonemad Music Player. It does look great in split view.
I use an app called Rotation Control which fixes some orientations of games and apps.
Also, Flipboard looks good on Axon M.
Most emulators can be tweaked to have game screen at the top and controls at the bottom.
Have anyone used this one?
LG Game Launcher from LG V40!gotUxITK!8AnQHMnpT...7jBvuLDgNDt8pA

