How is it to not have volume buttons? - Huawei Mate 30 Pro Questions & Answers

Hi guys how's everybody. The Mate 30 Pro one of the phones that is in my list for my future flagship. It had most of the things I think a phone like that should have BUT they removed the damn volume buttons and it is a bit concerning for me. So I have some question...
1 - How easy is it to volume up and down? Does it fail a lot to recognize your double touch?
2 - Is there anybody like me that usually control the volume with the phone in the pocket? How is it for you to now remove the phone from your pocket all the time?
3 - is there a way to hide the volume panel?
Thanks for the attention guys

I expected it will be worse. You can change volume level on both sides of phones. Of course you can't do this in pocket, but... When you listening to music, you have control in headphone buttons, bluetooth headphones also allow control volume. Good thing is You can change easy volume when you call to someone. You tap twice and side panel of phone changes to slider - you no need see screen to adjust volume. I think buttons are of course better, but i can live without them It's not big problem for me.

I quite like them, actually...I'm left handed so it is nice to be able to change the volume on the left of the phone...and on the right if I happen to have it in that hand.
..similarly for the 'back' gesture - it works on both left and right edges and is very convenient, IMO.
I do still, sometimes, have to try twice, to get the volume slider to come up, but I suspect I'll get it right 100% soon enough (I've only had it a week or so).


How to disable buttons on the XDA-2

Can anyone please help, I have a XDA-2 but the volume slider on the side keeps getting stuck in the down position, (its not permenently stuck, if you push up the slider goes up, but then when you let go the sometimes the volume goes down all by its self) I have enabled the sound so that when you push one of the hardware button it makes a "click" sound, i did this to check that it was the button causing the problem not software.
Its a real problem because it just changes the volume to off so unless you keep looking at it and adjust the volume back up you miss all your alarms and messages.
I have it set to go to sleep after 5 mins, But oftern in this time the button decides to hold its self in the down position so the device never turns off and you end up with a flat battery.
On reading other posts there seems to be a long wait for phones to be repaired (its out of time to just swop for a new one) I never had a slider on the XDA-1 so i would not miss it on the XDA-2, so dose anyone know how to disable the slider, i dont realy wont to take it apart and remove the slider
Any help or ideas please
Anyone got any ideas, or do i just use a pair of side cutter?????

Volume Display gets in the way

Is there anyway to change the volume display, or decrease the amount of time it stays on the screen?
When I change the volume in the middle of a call, or game, or whatever... the volume display stays on the screen for what seems like an eternity. There's also no easy way to get rid of it. Hitting the back button takes you back from wherever you were... not just back from the volume display. I find it very annoying.
(I did a search for this topic and didn't find anything... if this has already been discussed, than sorry for the extra thread...)
Maybe it's a solution to hit anyplace on the screen where no button or volume slider is (standard the grey area) it shuts down the volume display only so you'll return to the place where you pushed the volume button
That was waayyy too easy!
Personally I don't like the HTC volume control, or the System Status screen, I prefer the to have WM deal with them, and just give me the bubble with volume sliders/comm panel links...
You can disable the system screen through the TouchFlo settings in Start > Settings > System > TouchFlo but you need a cab file to remove the volume control, I have it as ", I'm not sure where I found it.
It's a little glitchy when changing volume in a full screen app, as the bubble/volume bars are drawn "through" the full screen app, but you can see what's going on and it negates the need to use the stylus at all.

problem with volume

i have a question about how to control the volume of the sound..
when you press the buttons on the left side of the phone, the volume increase or decrease by 20%
so, it's a problem for me, cauz i use a headset with a remote on it: when i'm listening music, the sound is too loud for me! it hurts! so i press the button to decrease the volume but it goes off!
i mean, if i'm at 20% of volume, the sound is hurting my poor ears, but if i press the button to decrease the volume then there is no sound at all!
is there a way to change the volume by 10% or 5% only when we press the left side buttons? i know i can use the stylus to precisely tune the volume but when i'm listening music i don't want to get my phone out of my bag or anywhere to change the volume!
i didn't find anything in the registry.
thx sorry for my english, i hope it was understandable!
I am not sure if this will help, but I tried reducing the volume with touch and it reduced by one or two bars at a time, instead of reducing by three to four bars at a time.
well i really don't understand why there is no registry key or cfg file where we can tweak the HTC VOLUME app...
any idea?

New zoom idea

What if holding down the vol + button zoomed in. And holding - zoomed out. That way we would never have to worry about missing the soft key or messin up gestures. The way I hold my fone, the vol keys are super accessible too.
Just a thought.
topdnbass said:
What if holding down the vol + button zoomed in. And holding - zoomed out. That way we would never have to worry about missing the soft key or messin up gestures. The way I hold my fone, the vol keys are super accessible too.
Just a thought.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i like this idea .. another thing i would love is to actually be able to disengage the volume buttons altogether .. annoying to be in the middle of something and bump them accidently .. i'd rather take the long way thru the menu to change my volume .. perfect spot for a zoom tho
Yeah that would be cool.
I mean who really uses the volume rocker in the browser anyway?
I don't remember the last time I did.
The next JF should include all these different options for zooming in the settings.
Also an option to get rid of the soft zoom keys could be nice since sometimes they get in the way when multitouch zooming.
I'm agree, i pretty much never want to adjust my ringer volume, in fact, it annoys me that I'm always accidentally doing it and missing calls. would be nice to have the rocker be zoom in maps and browser, and only in call volume and media player volume when you are in those apps.
Yeah, the volume control app is great and because of it I never use the rocker.
So lets make happen! (directed towards JF)
really love the volume control over the browser. even my wife likes the idea

[Q] Anyone make a Volume remap or softkey program?

Using Froyo, the volume hard buttons on my Nook color are hardcoded to Back and Menu functions. I have looking for a way to add full-time volume softkeys OR find a way to make long presses on the volume buttons change the volume. Another option would be to have volume controls in the notification bar and keep the bar open all the time.
Button Savior has the ability to have full-time softkeys, but nothing for volume (that I know of).
Any ideas?
You could use ClutchPad for this. There's just one item on the screen, but you could set swipe up to be volume up and swipe down to be volume down.
Thank you. I got it to work, but it's a little slow and the up/down swipes are a little difficult to perform correctly. I don't know why it's slow to access the volume controls, but I think the swipe difficulty may be due to the Nook's screen edge sensitivity. Overall, though, I'm very happy to finally have a solution. Thanks again.

