Welcome all XDA users! Since most devices have something like “mega thread” for specific device, and our beloved Mi A2 Lite (daisy_sprout) doesn't have, I've decided to make one, maybe for someone who doesn't use Telegram it will be useful.
WARNING: We (creators of this post and all modifications) are not responsible for what happens to your phone! But remember, we can always do our best to help you! Happy modifications!
All guides are imported/modified/created/deleted from Telegram.
So let's start!
Unlocking bootloader
Installing recoveries
Flashing ROM’s
Flashing kernels
Flashing GSI
0. Prerequisites
There you have some useful files at start
*Minimal ADB and fastboot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790
*MiFlash for flashing stock rom: https://xiaomifirmware.com/downloads/download-latest-version-mi-flash-tool-v-7-4-25/
*Nice tutorial containing almost everything written by tkchn, modified by me: https://github.com/pawelik001/daisyinstall
*Brain, of course, to not ended up destroying your daisy_sprout, and to understand this thread
And useful spreadsheets, I will put here all of them, but in every chapter they will be too.
ROM’s: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uy6qouIV0WbVouK4X5PhmUz2quxfLguHDqSf6LYDBO8
Kernels: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FnVxHI9TBeGP7tn_oRNdtSlWjMUcwwfVkbwyzO5AEj0
Recoveries: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zunbZBh_HoFj4iUsffqQFc3dmuBKzAGp3xku22kJqwg
Files: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I1XPH3LjLmlyDED3YJM0Sqp-wTIEqM3uKeUwWx8VPxs
1. Unlocking bootloader
Useful links:
In simple terms, go to Settings, enable Developer options, and check “Enable OEM unlock”. Then boot it into fastboot mode (by pressing power and volume -, until fastboot logo appears) plug your daisy_sprout to computer, and type the command into command line/powershell/terminal:
fastboot oem unlock
. This will unlock your bootloader and allow to flash custom ROM’s, modify your device etc.
2. Recoveries
Useful links:
Recoveries spreadsheet:
To install ROM, kernel or any other modifications, you need a recovery.
At the moment, we have 5 recoveries.
Official TWRP- generally little unstable, not recommended, sometimes error:1
Offain/@33bca TWRP- stable, encryption not working, perfect for daily use, sometimes error:1 too
OrangeFox- encryption not working, can't flash GSI,
Deestroy- can’t flash ROM’s, unstable, not recommended
SHRP (SkyHawk Recovery Project)- ROM that you flash will not boot, not recommended
To start working with custom recovery, turn off your phone for 15 seconds, boot it into fastboot mode (by pressing power and volume -, until fastboot logo appears) plug your daisy_sprout to computer, and type the command into command line/powershell/terminal:
fastboot boot <recoveryname>.img
NOTE: After flashing ROM, flash <recoveryinstaller>.zip, because after flashing ROM, you need to change slot, to slot, where recovery isn't installed, so flashing <recoveryinstaller>.zip every ROM flash/update is mandatory!!
3. Flashing ROM
Useful links:
ROMs spreadsheet:
There you have a spreadsheet with all ROMs available for our device. From this spreadsheet you can read Android version, ROM version, maintainer, last update, if ROM is official or not, etc...
...and complete tutorial on how to flash a ROM on daisy_sprout. Originally, this is taken from tkchn https://github.com/tkchn/daisyinstall/ and modified, again, by me.
4. Kernels:
Useful links: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...oRNdtSlWjMUcwwfVkbwyzO5AEj0/edit?usp=drivesdk
Generally, there are one active kernel developer:
-eremetein (eternityson)- who made Butterfly and Dragonheart kernels, overclocked, underclocked etc.
As everyone knows, our device is running on Snapdragon 625 (msm8953) with 8 cores at 2000MHz of frequency, and have Adreno 506 GPU with 650MHz of frequency by stock.
To explain:
According to Wikipedia...
"In computing, overclocking is the practice of increasing the clock rate of a computer to exceed that certified by the manufacturer. Commonly operating voltage is also increased to maintain a component's operational stability at accelerated speeds."
So basically overclocking is making frequency higher than it should be.
But what is undervolting?
Again, according to Wikipedia…
"Undervolting is reducing the voltage of a component, usually the processor, reducing temperature and cooling requirements, and possibly allowing a fan to be omitted."
Is it possible to overclock CPU and undervolt it? Of course, it is.
-CPU- there are two variants, CPU can be overclocked to 2200MHz or 2400MHz,
-GPU- there are two variants too, overclocked to 725MHz and 750MHz.
-There are only two versions, with undervolted CPU, and with undervolt + overclock.
5. Flashing GSI
*GSI installation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F8nCU2Pt46SHjcCmgfiCQWuH547GDrY-hTOQjostVVA
And yes, that's all!
6. Guides
Better battery backup: https://telegra.ph/A-Guide-To-Achieve-Best-SOT-07-14
GSI installation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F8nCU2Pt46SHjcCmgfiCQWuH547GDrY-hTOQjostVVA
WiFi fix on custom roms with custom kernel:
How to fix goodix fingerprint on gsi pie base: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_glpDmgdcCap0wDtFupncairD7QQlaySyH3LZMTL6dI
Sound mod: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bPW7m9aX2srwC38B3fkwvR5UDOmIcICYAySyaOpsiyQ
Unlock more LTE bands: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M7ubCtX8bkJXFx79wbephc7-pvmnlW_6/view
7. Files
Some useful files folderon Google Drive, like camera2api enabler, stock repartition, splashes:
List of all contributors:
-pawelik001, for concept and for making this thread
-JanTabs, for help
-all developers of ROM's, kernels and all mods!
Huge heart! <3
Also, you can contribute, by visiting this link: https://github.com/pawelik001/daisy_xda_megathread and doing pull request!
Amazing. Well done.
Thanks for your work
Devices supported:
Latest Build: 10-10-18
* Latest Security patch
* Latest LineageOS sources
* Attempt to fix recent issues with partition(s)
* Wireguard Kernel integration
1. In order to use Wireguard VPN. Download the App
2. Root (addonsu) is required
I'm not the author of the previous unofficial rom from august last year
The biggest change compared to last years version
This release is a pure R7f source! directly from Lineage&TheMuppets gitrepo
If I remember correctly the older ROM used device sources from the R7g (or R7s)
Security Patch Level March 2018. CVE-2017-14911 patched etc etc
What's working :
Boots (very convenient)
RIL (Calls, SMS, Data)
Camera (Video And Photo)
Audio (Record and Playback)
What's not working :
You tell me, Haven't found issues yet.
(From ColorOS) Installation:
1. Boot phone in fastboot mode: Press and hold both Power + Volume Up buttons.
2. Unlock boot loader with command: fastboot oem unlock
3. Flash recovery with command: fastboot flash recovery name.recovery.img
4. Reboot phone into recovery mode using command "fastboot reboot-bootloader" and press and hold Volume Down button.
5. Do full wipe. So put ROM and Gapps on a SD card or use ADB to transfer them to the (now wiped) internal Data partition.
6. Install ROM and GApps.
7. Reboot phone and wait (first boot will take quite a bit of time).
Download :
*Please read notes down below before continuing
[ROM] *unrar archive! comes with md5 checksum and flashable zip
[Gapps] -> ARM -> 7.1 ->....
Don't use the Aroma variant. TWRP doesn't like it
[TWRP] * Important update/install the latest TWRP (3.2.1-0) due to partition layout changes
Compared to unofficial LineageOS (14.1-20170803) build for R7f by another person back on OPPO Community forum (Before they pulled the int pages...)
The following 'Device Specific' changes are included in this build (Huge thanks to mikeNG)
Enabled screen burn-in protection support
Cleaned up bluetooth configration file(s)
Added Camera blobs from Project Spectrum (Beautification, Face detection)
Added TWRP decrypt support
Updated msm8939 source(s)
*This is bat country! (You are on your own when something goes bad, bricked device etc etc not my fault)
*Precausion: Charge battery atleast 80%
*Adviceable: Make Nandroid backup before flashing
*Precausion: Due to device specific source-file changes compared to previous 14.1 build, flashing this release without a full wipe might have undesired consequences (thermonuclear war? who knows)
Wise to perform full wipe before flashing.
*Precausion: Due to a weird device specific bug (Eventho I can't replicate it atm with my current build)
Don't (re)boot into Recovery nor flash the R7 with the USB cable still attached. Could result in a bootloop which is rather hard to get out off
When successfully powered off eventually, leave it off for at least 20+ min. Take a walk or something! Should boot normally after cooldown-time.
may i ask what camera app I should use? Is it possible to install and use the original r7 oppo camera app?
Thanks in advance
xaauser said:
may i ask what camera app I should use? Is it possible to install and use the original r7 oppo camera app?
Thanks in advance
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Stock provided camera app seems to work perfectly
Not sure if the r7 ColorOS camera app would work
JJRT said:
Stock provided camera app seems to work perfectly
Not sure if the r7 ColorOS camera app would work
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oh alright! thanks!
Just another query - is it normal that CPU-Z app and AIDA64 app reports the soc to be working at 200MHz to 1.1GHz instead of 1.5GHz? (and also cpu0-3 are always reported to be "stopped" or "sleeping")
Is this a bug?
xaauser said:
oh alright! thanks!
Just another query - is it normal that CPU-Z app and AIDA64 app reports the soc to be working at 200MHz to 1.1GHz instead of 1.5GHz? (and also cpu0-3 are always reported to be "stopped" or "sleeping")
Is this a bug?
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The R7f has a Octa-core (4x1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 & 4x1.0 GHz Cortex-A53)
Cpu-clock speed is on demand, spares battery lifetime.
The 4x 1.0Ghz cores (or to be more precise 1113mhz) are always active, ranging between 200mhz ~1113mhz.
When idle and/or low utilization the first 4x1.5ghz are turned off by the kernel.
Programs like CPU-z etc etc only read current cpu state of the active cores.
Not a bug, it's working like intended
JJRT said:
The R7f has a Octa-core (4x1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 & 4x1.0 GHz Cortex-A53)
Cpu-clock speed is on demand, spares battery lifetime.
The 4x 1.0Ghz cores (or to be more precise 1113mhz) are always active, ranging between 200mhz ~113mhz.
When idle and/or low utilization the first 4x1.5ghz are turned off by the kernel.
Programs like CPU-z etc etc only read current cpu state of the active cores.
Not a bug, it's working like intended
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oh nice! thanks btw for giving this old device a new lease of life!
hi btw will u be willing to update the rom to lineageos 15 (or have treble support) ?
Bootloop issues
Hello, so ive just installed this rom wif the latest open gapps via twrp
But the phone is now unable to start. When powering on, the lineageos logo will appear for a few seconds before the phone restarts. However, im still able to access the recovery by holding power and vol down. What can I do now?
ph03nae said:
Hello, so ive just installed this rom wif the latest open gapps via twrp
But the phone is now unable to start. When powering on, the lineageos logo will appear for a few seconds before the phone restarts. However, im still able to access the recovery by holding power and vol down. What can I do now?
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I don't know if this would help. I have a r7plusf, and had the same problem. I solved it by booting into recovery and wiping system, dalvik and cache and immediately flashing the rom and gapps again.
kishd said:
I don't know if this would help. I have a r7plusf, and had the same problem. I solved it by booting into recovery and wiping system, dalvik and cache and immediately flashing the rom and gapps again.
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Thanks my problem is solved (although it took multiple tries...)
And I've tested the camera and realised it is pretty noisy even in acceptably lit conditions, unlike in the stock ROM. Any reason for this? Is this also happening for r7plusf?
Hello JJRT so do u still plan to maintain the ROM?
will VOOC supported on this rom
@TIrR Yes but slow, Will try to release builds with major device specific changes
Currently trying to build a 15.1 rom stable enough for daily use (Don't get hopes up just yet)
Yes has native support for VOOC
Change the camera settings within camera app. Default settings aren't fully utilizing the camera's capabilities
Set quality @ 100% and set resolution to max. Et cetera
Having a BIG problem
The rom using 4 small core instead of using all core and isn't possible to force the big core run
xinghao2003 said:
The rom using 4 small core instead of using all core and isn't possible to force the big core run
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see page 1 it's already explained.
Not a problem or issue just cpu-on-demand
So what can I do with it? Can I using apps to force it run or other ways?
Wow, I didn't expect a new build to appear for this phone again. Thanks for your effort!
I'll take it for a spin later on today.
Since my phone was encrypted and TWRP is not able to decrypt the data partition I successfully sideloaded the zip on top of the previous 14.1 build. While the first boot took a long long time, I assume due to the cache I cleared, all is working with no loss of apps nor data.
I have not noticed any camera quality loss as has been reported earlier on in this thread.
Forage81 said:
Wow, I didn't expect a new build to appear for this phone again. Thanks for your effort!
I'll take it for a spin later on today.
Since my phone was encrypted and TWRP is not able to decrypt the data partition I successfully sideloaded the zip on top of the previous 14.1 build. While the first boot took a long long time, I assume due to the cache I cleared, all is working with no loss of apps nor data.
I have not noticed any camera quality loss as has been reported earlier on in this thread.
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No the camera quality is perfect, only thing is user has to set the settings accordingly.
The default settings aren't perfect (quality @ normal)
But I'm here to suprise you again! Look at the main page R7 Plus General.
Just released a 15.1 build, still experimental but so far it seems to be working great (after weeks of failed builds and frustration)
xaauser said:
hi btw will u be willing to update the rom to lineageos 15 (or have treble support) ?
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Check main thread page (R7 Plus General)
I have used this cusrom. overall very nice, no bugs. suitable for daily use.
Vooc charge, double tap to sleep and to wake, and camera very good
I hope you can fix a small bug in los 15.1 soon. i fell in love first try it.
Android devices can have different designs, so there is no generic command or set of instructions for flashing a GSI to apply to all devices. Specially for Xperias am i writing this Guides for You. So please read carefully...
1. Ensure that You have the following before You start:
Latest Fastboot Version (Or the used fastboot commands may not work)
A Method for disabling Android Verified Boot (Part of the Guide)
An unlocked Bootloader State (Official Instructions HERE)
To Start:
Download the Basic Package from Google: https://developer.android.com/topic/generic-system-image/releases
Download the AOSP Vendor Package from Sony: https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/downloads/software-binaries
Open up the Zip Files and place the 3 included Images on Your fastboot destination
Boot Your Device into Fastboot:
Turn off Your Device and hold VolumeUP while connecting via USB to a PC or use ADB to reboot to fastboot
Disable the verified booting (AVB) by flashing vbmeta.img:
fastboot --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
Flash the Vendor to the Primary A Slot OEM:
fastboot flash oem_a nameofthesonyoemimage.img
Repeat to flash to the B Slot OEM
fastboot flash oem_b nameofthesonyoemimage.img
Flash the GSI to the Primary A Slot System:
fastboot flash system_a system.img
Repeat to flash to the B Slot System
fastboot flash system_b system.img
Wipe the user data and clear the data from other necessary partitions (for example, user data and system partitions):
fastboot -w
fastboot reboot
You can use any Android 9+ GSI out of the XDA Forum here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/project-treble/trebleenabled-device-development
To get Magisk/Root; just patch Your actual Kernel with the Magisk Manager App and flash the Boot Image together with the GSI (Example below)
Patched Boot Image for Xperia 5 Users: https://forum.xda-developers.com/xp...isk-v20-3-patched-boot-image-android-t4033547
I'll add that the Basic Package directly from Google in OP's post does not have functional call audio.
I highly recommend anyone try out Lineage 17: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...lopment/gsi-lineageos-17-0-gsi-archs-t4004673. Call audio works. FP sensor works. Camera also seems to work but I didn't really test it. I recommend flashing OP's patched boot image, too. Then all you have to do is install the Magisk Manager apk.
None of ExpressLuke's builds boot. Evolution hangs at the Evolution boot screen.
What we're missing now is TWRP. Lineage doesn't have gapps pre-installed, so we need a method for flashing them. I couldn't get MicroG services to work--apps could not see the accounts.
thatguy222 said:
I'll add that the Basic Package directly from Google in OP's post does not have functional call audio.
I highly recommend anyone try out Lineage 17: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...lopment/gsi-lineageos-17-0-gsi-archs-t4004673. Call audio works. FP sensor works. Camera also seems to work but I didn't really test it. I recommend flashing OP's patched boot image, too. Then all you have to do is install the Magisk Manager apk.
None of ExpressLuke's builds boot. Evolution hangs at the Evolution boot screen.
What we're missing now is TWRP. Lineage doesn't have gapps pre-installed, so we need a method for flashing them. I couldn't get MicroG services to work--apps could not see the accounts.
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Call Bug confirmed but i had personally no Issue with the ExpressLukes Build. Just make Sure You don't use A64 Builds but ARM64 Builds (AB). Only GSIs with GApps was Havoc and Pixel Experience i think...
I'm running PE without issues Here (vbmeta from Google)
Can you elaborate on the vbmeta from Google comment?
And yes, only took one attempted flash with an A64 build to realize I needed ARM64 AB
thatguy222 said:
Can you elaborate on the vbmeta from Google comment?
And yes, only took one attempted flash with an A64 build to realize I needed ARM64 AB
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fastboot --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
That needs to be done with the vbmeta image from the Google Basic package together with the flash of the System/Kernel and fastboot -w to be able to boot Up some ROMs. That needs to be done after each Stock Firmware flash...
In other words. It's a vbmeta image with disabled verify boot Checks that works on modern Treble Device Like the Xperia 1 & 5
Don't know btw what A64 is ... lol
Miustone said:
fastboot --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
That needs to be done with the vbmeta image from the Google Basic package together with the flash of the System/Kernel and fastboot -w to be able to boot Up some ROMs. That needs to be done after each Stock Firmware flash...
In other words. It's a vbmeta image with disabled verify boot Checks that works on modern Treble Device Like the Xperia 1 & 5
Don't know btw what A64 is ... lol
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Still hanging at the boot up screen for both Evolution and Havoc. Following your directions exactly. I must be doing something wrong.
thatguy222 said:
Still hanging at the boot up screen for both Evolution and Havoc. Following your directions exactly. I must be doing something wrong.
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Have You tried Pixel Expierence? If that doesn't works must be something wrong :fingers-crossed:
PixelExperience does boot successfully. Wonder why Havoc and Evolution didn't...
Is anyone able to get IMS working? I can't get VoLTE to enable (on any non-stock ROM) and checking the short codes menu confirms IMS is unavailable. Re-flashed stock and it provisioning correctly.
Thanks a ton for this guide. I have the Xperia 1 and am about to go unlocked. Too much google in my life. I am assuming all this stuff is basically the same. I've been around more than my share of unlocking / rooting experiences, so I am not sweating it too much.
Updated the Thread. No need for the vbmeta Image with Havoc 3.5 (Official GSI with GApps)! Means a more secure Device somehow...
I did an Overlay for GSIs, based on our latest Android 10 Framework https://github.com/phhusson/vendor_hardware_overlay/pull/214
Possible that You can grab it here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=82550641&postcount=889
Rename to FrameworkResCommon.apk and push it to /vendor/overlay (Replace). Should work in Theory... Maybe. It's a first try and i don't know how it will be implented
Updated the Thread with some Changes
Thread updated again with My latest findings. The OEM Vendor from SONY has to be flashed to A/B to. Added that Steps! Enjoy
Talented developer here, nice work. Been a while since Sony devices have had this level of support. My messing around days are behind me but it's nice to see as an old XDA fan.
augie7107 said:
Talented developer here, nice work. Been a while since Sony devices have had this level of support. My messing around days are behind me but it's nice to see as an old XDA fan.
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Feeling honored to hear this! I was always a Friend of Xperia Devices and was User of NUTs Dual Recoveries, FXP and Doomkernels and started making/publishing own ROMs with the Xperia T back in the Days. It's really sad, seeing all the Telegram Chat Groups around with no Structure and all the missing Development over here on XDA. A lot of stuff around Android has changed the last Years, but it's still fun to try and mess around with all the new stuff. I just wish i had a Team to grow up the Support...
Hope i can bring some Life onto the new Xperias in a new age of Android. Your Words really pushed Me up again :angel: Thank You! :highfive:
System_A && System_B?
Are system and vendor taking up double the amount of space on the drive by being installed for two paths?
&(*) said:
Are system and vendor taking up double the amount of space on the drive by being installed for two paths?
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No. You have ROM storage and userspace storage on Your Device. Treble Android Devices have the Double amount of ROM Storage compared to non treble Devices. So it doesn't Matters If You only flash one Slot, Your user storage won't show more Space to use...
I understand the partitions are sized for two paths, which is the difference between an A only or A/B device (one system flag or two). Strange that the total space used wound't be displayed regardless of what the partitions are using. I was trying to gather the correct way to install a GSI rom and your instructions provided a new method for doing so. I guess I have to question whether the device I am installing on now is an A only or A/B device. Judging by the install size of 12gb for system which on other devices is roughly half, I am guessing it is an A/B device due to the space used.
Hi everyone, I just bought an Xperia 5, and being a little privacy concerned , I want to get rid of the Google parts of Android. After reading all the threads I found about this phone, and seeing that the Xperia 5 doesn’t have official support for LOS, I understand the most stable way to have a Google-free phones is by installing the GSI and then a Treble rom. I have the following doubts:
- Once I get everything installed following @Miustone 's guide, will I have to update the binaries every month? (I saw Sony posts vendor binaries every month on the Open Devices Website)
- If I install PHH’s treble Rom, will all the hardware work correctly (one message in this thread mentioned call volume problem)? What about the camera button?
Android devices can have different designs, so there is no generic command or set of instructions for flashing a GSI to apply to all devices. Specially for Xperias am i writing this Guides for You. So please read carefully...
1. Ensure that You have the following before You start:
Latest Fastboot Version (Or the used fastboot commands may not work)
A Method for disabling Android Verified Boot (Part of the Guide)
An unlocked Bootloader State (Official Instructions HERE)
To Start:
Download the Basic Package from Google: https://developer.android.com/topic/generic-system-image/releases
Download the AOSP Vendor Package from Sony: https://developer.sony.com/develop/open-devices/downloads/software-binaries
Open up the Zip Files and place the 3 included Images on Your fastboot destination
Boot Your Device into Fastboot:
Turn off Your Device and hold VolumeUP while connecting via USB to a PC or use ADB to reboot to fastboot
Disable the verified booting (AVB) by flashing vbmeta.img:
fastboot --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
Flash the Vendor to the Primary A Slot OEM:
fastboot flash oem_a nameofthesonyoemimage.img
Repeat to flash to the B Slot OEM
fastboot flash oem_b nameofthesonyoemimage.img
Flash the GSI to the Primary A Slot System:
fastboot flash system_a system.img
Repeat to flash to the B Slot System
fastboot flash system_b system.img
Wipe the user data and clear the data from other necessary partitions (for example, user data and system partitions):
fastboot -w
fastboot reboot
You can use any Android 9+ GSI out of the XDA Forum here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/project-treble/trebleenabled-device-development
To get Magisk/Root; just patch Your actual Kernel with the Magisk Manager App and flash the Boot Image together with the GSI (Example below)
Patched Boot Image for Xperia 5 Users: https://forum.xda-developers.com/xp...isk-v20-3-patched-boot-image-android-t4033547
You could mention Treble support means "since XZ1" (unless hacks)
Hoping to carry this on here, since I own the 1 not the 5 In order to de-google my life, I've decided that I am ready for GSI!
A few notes from my flashing weekend;
Following these instructions, from an unlocked Xperia 1 running stock rom, worked for the following;
ExpressLuke's Havoc 3.0
LineageOS 17.x
Interesting thing. These both install to system in 3 parts (when watching the flash to system.
Any other that I tried (installing in 2 parts) did not seem to work.. but then I am new at this. It's entirely possible that some of these failed because I didn't re-flash stock first.
I was also using a patched boot / kernel with a specific magisk version, which might have played a part. Failed are also (obviously) Pie.
Failed flashes were;
PPH Treble AOSP 9
Havoc 2.9 Official
So far, I've been blown away with Havoc. Of the tons of things I've run in the last 24, I've seen the following issues;
1) Call volume on handset doesn't seem to do anything. (Bluetooth works fine)
2) I had one reboot last evening. Since then solid as a rock.
3) Selection of notification sound for fastmail app didn't take right away
I haven't worked up the courage to try setting up twrp yet, so no recovery. I may give magisk a shot later tonight. I need to back this stuff up somehow!
Thanks to @Miustone for replying and making things easier, and @thatguy222 for the info he provided in the Xperia 5 thread!
charlatan01 said:
Hoping to carry this on here, since I own the 1 not the 5 In order to de-google my life, I've decided that I am ready for GSI!
A few notes from my flashing weekend;
Following these instructions, from an unlocked Xperia 1 running stock rom, worked for the following;
ExpressLuke's Havoc 3.0
LineageOS 17.x
Interesting thing. These both install to system in 3 parts (when watching the flash to system.
Any other that I tried (installing in 2 parts) did not seem to work.. but then I am new at this. It's entirely possible that some of these failed because I didn't re-flash stock first.
I was also using a patched boot / kernel with a specific magisk version, which might have played a part. Failed are also (obviously) Pie.
Failed flashes were;
PPH Treble AOSP 9
Havoc 2.9 Official
So far, I've been blown away with Havoc. Of the tons of things I've run in the last 24, I've seen the following issues;
1) Call volume on handset doesn't seem to do anything. (Bluetooth works fine)
2) I had one reboot last evening. Since then solid as a rock.
3) Selection of notification sound for fastmail app didn't take right away
I haven't worked up the courage to try setting up twrp yet, so no recovery. I may give magisk a shot later tonight. I need to back this stuff up somehow!
Thanks to @Miustone for replying and making things easier, and @thatguy222 for the info he provided in the Xperia 5 thread!
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Thanks for Your great Feedback! Glad i was able to help out Think i will add some stuff to the Guides soon. Wonder if i get Contributer Status now :silly:
Miustone said:
Android devices can have different designs, so there is no generic command or set of instructions for flashing a GSI to apply to all devices. Check with the manufacturer of the Android device for explicit flashing instructions. Use the following steps as a general guideline:
1. Ensure that the Device has the following:
A method for unlocking devices (so they can be flashed using fastboot)
A method for disabling verify boot (for example, vboot 1.0 or AVB)
An unlocked state to make it flashable via fastboot (To ensure that you have the latest version of fastboot, build it from the Android source tree.)
2. Disable verify boot.
3. Erase the current system partition, then flash the GSI to the system partition.
4. Wipe the user data and clear the data from other necessary partitions (for example, user data and system partitions).
5. Reboot the device.
To Start:
Download the Basic Package from Google: https://developer.android.com/topic/generic-system-image/releases
Open up the Zip File and place the 2 Images on Your fastboot destination
Boot Your Device into Fastboot:
Turn off Your Device and hold VolumeUP while connecting via USB to a PC
Disable verify boot (AVB) by flashing vbmeta.img:
fastboot --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
Erase and flash the GSI to the system partition:
fastboot erase system
fastboot flash system system.img
Wipe the user data and clear the data from other necessary partitions (for example, user data and system partitions):
fastboot -w
fastboot reboot
You can use any Android 9+ GSI out of the XDA Forum here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/project-treble/trebleenabled-device-development
To get Magisk/Root; just patch Your actual Kernel with the Magisk Manager App and flash the Boot Image together with the GSI (Example below)
Patched Boot Image for Xperia 5 Users: https://forum.xda-developers.com/xp...isk-v20-3-patched-boot-image-android-t4033547
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Please, try to install gcam in lineageos 17!
What happen with drm keys when you flash other roms? I love sound settings of sony ui and settings of display.
I haven't been confident in the gcam build for the 1, but I'm quite pleased with open camera thus far.
The only DRM issue I'm aware of is widevine level dropping. I'm perfectly happy with my unlocked 1.
charlatan01 said:
I haven't been confident in the gcam build for the 1, but I'm quite pleased with open camera thus far.
The only DRM issue I'm aware of is widevine level dropping. I'm perfectly happy with my unlocked 1.
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Did you notice any degradation in photo / video quality on stock ROM with the bootloader unlocked?
I'm considering unlocking my X1, but I want to know if the consequences are as bad as they used to be a few years ago with the Z2 and Z3.
MeltdownSpectre said:
Did you notice any degradation in photo / video quality on stock ROM with the bootloader unlocked?
I'm considering unlocking my X1, but I want to know if the consequences are as bad as they used to be a few years ago with the Z2 and Z3.
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As soon as I unlocked I went to a custom ROM, so I didn't test on stock. Sorry. I think there are some people in the ROM section that said pics looked good. They definitely confirmed there was no green or blue tint like there was with those other devices
Just finished flashing, thank you so much with the tutorial. At the -w step, it didn't seem to find the /userdata, and I tried to skip the part and just reboot. After what seems like a bootloop, it automatically rebooted to "Android Recovery" which I assume is a part of the gsi? It prompted me to wipe data and I did, and it booted!
So, a Generic System Image is just a generic version of Android? Essentially then, I could flash other ROMS - some of whom are listed in this thread (Havoc etc) and get a brand new experience? It doesn't say so here in the thread, but I'm guessing I need to unlock my bootloader - correct?
Chima2 said:
So, a Generic System Image is just a generic version of Android? Essentially then, I could flash other ROMS - some of whom are listed in this thread (Havoc etc) and get a brand new experience? It doesn't say so here in the thread, but I'm guessing I need to unlock my bootloader - correct?
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does sd card still work?
Just curious, does auto brightness work out of the box for Xperia 1? Using havoc 3.5 on xz2, and autobrightness is the main thing not working for me.
Updated the Thread. No need for the vbmeta Image with Havoc 3.5 (Official GSI with GApps)! Means a more secure Device somehow...
I'm building Overlays for the Xperia 1 & 5 if anyone is willed to grab me the FrameworksResCommon.apk overlay from your device in /vendor/overlay
I need to decompile it, so You can do it anyways if You are willed to. I also need the build fingerprint from the build prop. It should say anything like:
The next step for GSIs on our Xperias! I will also look into a GCam Mod for our Devices! Installing Ubuntu 20.04 now...
Beetle84 said:
Just curious, does auto brightness work out of the box for Xperia 1? Using havoc 3.5 on xz2, and autobrightness is the main thing not working for me.
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Yes bro never had an issue with that.
Thread updated with new Instructions. Added the flashing to A/B without changing the Slot. Added also the flashing of SONYs AOSP Vendors to A/B. Enjoy
PS: Did that as preparation for the MARS_SOM BETA2. Got stunning results with that SOM and PHH AOSP 10... Check it out <3
Can we use also Havoc OS 3.6 then bro and does it have bugs ?
Pandemic said:
Can we use also Havoc OS 3.6 then bro and does it have bugs ?
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Works just fine like the latest PHH AOSP Versions with passing SafetyNet. I recommend using My latest Guide here to use it. Things that don't Work yet are:
-Always on Display
-Camera Button
-HDR 4K native Video Playback in Apps
I recommend using Open Camera with CameraAPI2 enabled in the settings since we don't have GCam. Otherwise it's fine to use...
Miustone said:
Works just fine like the latest PHH AOSP Versions with passing SafetyNet. I recommend using My latest Guide here to use it. Things that don't Work yet are:
-Always on Display
-Camera Button
-HDR 4K native Video Playback in Apps
I recommend using Open Camera with CameraAPI2 enabled in the settings since we don't have GCam. Otherwise it's fine to use...
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@Miustone do you have telegram btw ? Sorry for OT
Automated GSI flashing tool for Redmi Note 11 (spes)
I will get right into the topic here, find the answers to your questions below at near the end.
What this tool does:
1. Flash a GSI to your Dynamic partitioned Note 11
2. Patch your Vbmeta
3. Patch Product for magisk flashing
How to use this tool:
0. Flash a rom (stock rom, MIUI EU, AOSP, ...) - IMPORTANT
1. Download your GSI and the tool, extract them
2. Copy your GSI image to the tool's folder, rename the GSI to system.img if you are using Windows
3. Boot your phone to fastboot mode and plug it in
4. Run the "windows.bat" or "macos.sh" script based on your os
5. Wait until the process finishes, your phone will automatically reboot
Download: See attached file
A ROM collection Telegram channel of mine, you can see screenshots of GSIs I booted on Note 11 by searching it there
The original post on Telegram
kusti420 for Product file
AnhNotAnh (me) for the tool ofc
Main Q&A:
Q: What is a Generic System Image, GSI?
A: A GSI is a prebuilt system image that can be booted on devices that support Project Treble. In short, this System Image is a custom ROM but it uses your Vendor, Kernel from your previous/stock ROM.
Q: Okay, but why I would like to flash it on my Redmi Note 11?
A: As we have already known, MIUI does not perform exactly well in the recent years, especially on such a low end and underpowered phone. GSI helps us getting a taste of AOSP's cleanliness and smoothness before the developers finish making actual custom ROMs. This is a temporary solution, good enough to use, please don't think or complain if your GSI perform badly, since it is not a ROM or trying to be one either.
Q: Why do we need a dedicated tool and such time wasting thing to do? Can't you just flash it in a custom recovery?
A; From Android 10, devices with it come equipped with a new partition scheme, as known as Dynamic Partition. It helps speeding up OTA updates and make the partitions more flexible in size. But also creates a huge difficulty in flashing those GSI, that is why you cannot flash the image in a custom recovery.
Q: My terminal window freezes at a certain progress for too long! What should I do?
A: This case often happens with Windows users. Everything is quite complicated BTS, but the workaround is just spamming Enter key several times every minute or two.
Q: What if I want to install a GSI on top of another one? I already flashed one, do I need to restore my MIUI or AOSP rom to flash GSI?
A: It is not necessary, you can flash a new GSI on top. The tool will clear your previous GSI without erasing required stuff from ROM.
Q: My GSI does not boot, what should I do??
A: I highly suggest using GSIs based on Phh's work. Those are often called Phh GSIs. Secondly I would highly suggest against using "Ported GSIs", those are often based on Erfan or Xiaoxindada's GSI tool, they are a port from a different device's ROM instead of directly built from source like Phh. Here is a list of GSIs based on the man himself, Phh.
Q: Bro my phone just boot to TWRP and nothing happens, computer still waits for my device??
A: Like I said before, you can try spamming Enter key. It is also likely that your TWRP does not support Fastbootd (Fastboot Dynamic) environment, an easy workaround for this is using MIUI's boot (kernel) image, stock Fastbootd mode will be used.
Q: Which Android version can I flash??
A: You can flash corresponding or NEWER Android version GSI with the ROM you are coming from/installing GSI on top, you cannot flash a lower version one. For example, you can flash Android 11, 12, 12.1, 13, bla bla GSIs when coming from stock Android 11 MIUI ROM (Android 11 Vendor for people who understands)
Q: Can I use this tool on another device?
A: Yes, with proper bringup and changes in the tool for it to compatible with your device and it will work. But I will not be responsible for bricks, which I always won't xD
More questions and answers will be updated later.
Thanks for this Awesome Tool. Quiet Simple and efficient.
@PingVN This script works on Xiaomi redmi note 11 4g codename selene?
Kirisakura-Kernel for the Pixel 7/Pro
Hello everyone,
To keep it short: Here is Kirisakura - Kernel for the Google Pixel 7 Pro aka Cheetah and the Pixel 7 aka Panther, together Pantah.
I would appreciate if everybody that flashes the kernel, reads at least once through this opening post and the following ones.
The kernel aims to keep most of the subsystems updated, way ahead of the stock kernel, thereby improving security, stability and performance!
This includes Linux-Stable, F2FS-Stable and kernel/common!
If that got you curious, have a read about linux-stable and why it is important here. The stable-process is not the same for every subsystem, but the general idea, rule of thumb and benefits are applicable for other subsystems as well.
By merging linux-stable regularly we get most security updates months ahead of the stock kernel and also before they even end up in the android security bulletin.
The kernel includes a lot of improvements and contributions from other developers as well. Without those contributtion this kernel would not exist as it is.
A big part of improvements originate from @arter97´s, @kdrag0n´s and @Sultanxda´s work. Many others contributed in some way or another to this kernel.
A big thanks to all of them at this place!
Now lets continue with a list of features in the next paragraph!
Main Features:
- Based on latest A13 kernel sources from Google, Kernel is made for Android 13 Stable
- Linux-Stable-Upstream included to 5.10.183
- Compiled with prebuilt Google clang 17.0.2
- Backport entire RCU subsystem to linux 6.0
- Lazy RCU which should result in power-savings while the device is lightly-loaded or idling, more information here
- Backport Maple tree from Linux 6.1
- improve preallocations from maple tree (affects especially android)
- reduce necessity to rewalk the maple tree
- Per VMA-locks in conjunction with Maple Tree RCU-Mode (improve app launch time, this feature in general benefits greatly from lazy rcu!)
- further improve maple tree/per-vma locks introduced in an earlier release
- Dynamic Energy Models depending on device state
- make TEO-Cpuidle util-aware (improves latency, performance and decreases energy consumption for certain workloads, more information here)
- improve CPU throttling behaviour
- improvements to uclamp, prevent capacity inversion (reduce missed frames)
- greatly speed up camera launch time!
- merged kernel/common (improvements to android-common-kernel straight from google)
- MM subsystem reworked (more info and some patchsets linked in this post)
- Multi-gen LRU backported/reworked and enabled (more info here, here as well and here) to improve mm and reduce cpu cycles, latest V15 state
- pelt multiplier tied into powerhal to speed up scheduler during interaction (more info here)
- prevent frequency spikes caused by small transient tasks when the device is idle(more info here)
- tie mechanism to prevent frequency spikes caused by small tasks also into powerhal
- scheduler improvements for RT (realtime) tasks
- introduce and setup PMU limiter (prevents CPU from spiking to max when it isn´t needed, based on PMU reads, more information here)
- improve camera performance by tuning the powerhal during recording
- bias tasks of rt, sf and ta groups to prefer high capacity cpus during app launches, interactions
- improve app launches via powerhal
- restrict maximum CPU-Freqs during screen off/ idle to 1.4GHZ for all clusters to save power
- introduce unfair f2fs rwsems to prevent writer starvation and improve IO perf under heavy load
- fuse: give wakeup hints to scheduler to speed up compress/decompress in internal storage (details)
- enable RCU_BOOST (details here), also fix RCU_BOOST behaviour
- F2FS-Stable updated
- merge and enable f2fs block_age-based extent cache (improve the accuracy for data temperature classification, reduce the garbage collection overhead after long-term data updates)
- TCP backports from mainline
- SSG IO scheduler for reduced overhead and less CPU cycles (more lightweight and android optimized)
- scheduler backports from linux-main
- mm updates from linux-main
- locking updates frm linux-main
- improve memory performance by tweaking google´s eh zram implementation
- fix sysfs endpoint for googles eh zram
- affine IRQS to CPU 7 during camera usage for improved performance as it tends to overload the little cores
- use bbr as default TCP congestion algorithm (fasted algo according to this excellent research from @kdrag0n found here )
- include bbrv2 from google, more info here
- Enable support for TTL spoofing
- important patches from kernel/common for 5.10 (here are more details)
- increase priority of GPU work
- several updates from QPR beta, and a few from Pixel 6 that googles missed to include in the pixel 7 kernel
- improve thermals
- change compaction proactiveness based on device state for improveed memory management
- improve ZRAM usage
- reduce overhead
- improve performance and efficiency by properly wiring up pixel_sched with teo util awareness (thanks @ada12 for spotting this!)
- update to cpuset/cgroup subsystem (speeds up camera launches, device unlocks etc as cpusets are switched on those conditions, patches reduce overhead in those conditions)
- flashing the kernel will preserve root
CleanSlate Features
- CleanSlate Features from @tbalden, big applause here! (s2s, notification booster, battery saver, flashlight notifications. Please note: cleanslate features that work otherwise with rooted devices like kadaway (adblocking) are not implemented on this kernel since I´m running rooted)
- Check the CleanSlate thread for more information about those features
- The CleanSlate thread also contains the apps that allows you to control those features!
- If you consider those features useful, maybe consider purchasing the apps in the PlayStore or a small donation to @tbalden, he deserves it! Don´t forget to switch to beta channel for those apps, as this is needed for device running A13!
Various Optimizations:
- update several drivers to use power efficient workingqueues (for example wlan driver)
- f2fs: reduce timeout for uncongestion
- f2fs: Demote GC thread to idle scheduler class
- f2fs: set ioprio of GC kthread to idle
- tcp: enable advanced tcp, give user more options for tcp alorithm
- mm: vmstat: use power efficient workingqueues
Wakelock Blocker:
- advanced wakelock blocker with the ability to block kernel wakelocks (dangerous, use with caution, please read this for further info). You should only block kernel wakelocks in case you face uncontrollable scenarios, like company wifi causing a wakelock to be active 100% of the time! Blocking kernel wakelocks to "improve" battery life almost always backfires and causes issues!
Powerhint Module:
- restrict little cluster to 1,4ghz mid cluster to 1,4ghz and big cluster to 1,4ghz during screen off, to reduce battery usage for example during music playback
- only use little cores during screen off/device suspend
- account for scheduler and other changes done to the kernel
- boost memory interface controller during interaction (decreased missed frames, improved soc efficiency according to google docs)
- tie pelt multiplier into the powerhal (more info here)
- prevent frequency spikes caused by small transient tasks during idle operation (more info here)
- boost scheduler using the pelt multiplier during fingerprint unlock operation
- setup and control PMU limiter via powerhal (more info here)
- switch between default and custom idle energy model on device is being interacted with / device idle.
- reduce missed frames during scrolling/device interaction by adjusting uclamp boosts
- dynamically adjust target load for memory interface during interaction.
- remove dynamic GPU policy change as it´s causing instability and is unneeded due to GVFS period
- implement handling during video recording of CPU like Google did on QPR A13
- more small improvements
Downloads are attached to the release posts linked below in the changelog section.
Please note that androidfilehost is currently not working properly.
Link to AFH:
Deprecated afh download, still here for old releases:
Android 13.0.0 Stable (not QPR beta!)
1.0.0 Initial Release | Mirror for Download in case AFH is not working
1.1.0 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-87743627
1.2.0 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-87822161
1.2.1 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-87878321
1.2.2 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-87944505
1.2.3 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-87960183
1.2.4 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88108123
1.3.0 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88286027
Raviantah_1.0.0 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88316285
Raviantah_1.0.1 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88323527
Raviantah_1.0.2 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88399915
Raviantah_1.0.4 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88497279
Raviantah_1.1.0 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-pixel-7-pro-aka-pantah.4509795/post-88645103
- vbmeta flags for verity/verification disabled (this requires a wipe if you´re coming from stock with those flags enabled), check the FAQ for information on how to do this
- unlocked Bootloader
- USB-Debugging in developer options enabled
- latest adb and fastboot binaries
- working adb and fastboot environment so you can flash back to stock in case something goes wrong
- working magisk environment (a device rooted with latest magisk, use stable in case you want to be absolutely safe)
- IMPORTANT: Unrelated to the kernel, but update both slots of your phone to A13 before you flash anything to your device!
- it´s handy to have a backup and a way to return back to stock (check the faq for that)
- make sure to download the correct kernel version for your firmware. (you can´t flash a kernel made for stable firmware on a QPR beta or dev preview and expect there to be no isses, the release posts mention which firmware the respective kernel releases are compiled for)
- this kernel is tested on stock google firmware. If you want to use it on custom roms you´re kind of on your own as I can´t account and give support for any changes custom roms apply that could render the kernel incompatible. (e.g. if you´re custom rom is still on the previous months update, there may be issues flashing an updated kernel for the next month on top or custom roms requiring specific kernel changes to work correctly )
- it´s always best to start on stock images and don´t have another custom kernel flashed when flashing this kernel for the first time. consecutive flashes can just be installed on top, if not I´ll mention it in the release post
- read the first and second post, there's a lot of valuable information
How to flash the Kernel:
1a. Make sure you tick all the requirements above
1b. Make sure to flash the release made for your firmware! Usually the release post contains information on that
1. Download the kernel.zip (unified for both devices) and the correct powerhint module depending on your device (Pixel 7 = panther || Pixel 7 Pro = cheetah)
2. Flash the powerhint module via magisk manager as you would any other magisk module! Make sure to flash the latest one. It will be mentioned in the release post if there´s an update.
3. Flash the kernel.zip via EXKM, FKM or kernel flasher. Root will be preserved.
4. Reboot and profit.
Donations are not mandatory but very welcome if you want to support development or just buy me a coffee/tea/beer
If you like my work: http://paypal.me/freak07
@osm0sis for all his work on AK3.
@tbalden for being the best HTC, Pixel, OnePlus and Asus wingman!
@capntrips for all his work on the pixels, avb, hashtree patcher, the counsel and the kernel flasher!
@LeeDroid and @mwilky for their awesome roms and work I used on multiple devices!
@Captain_Throwback for all the mentoring and guidance!
@Eliminater74 for bringing me into the game and the Inspiration
@nathanchance for his upstream guidance and assistance
@RenderBroken for helping me out
@flar2 for all his work
@joshuous for all the help he provided to me in the past!
@arter97 for giving me advice
@kdrag0n for his help and advices!
@topjohnwu for magisk and his entire work!
Source Code: https://github.com/freak07
Question: How do I check the state of avb flags for verity/verification on my phone?
Answer: Check @capntrips post here and get the magisk module for this from here. After flashing the magisk module reboot your phone. You can now use the commands from @capntrips post to check.
Question: How do I update my phone to a new monthly update if this kernel is installed?
Answer: The easiest solution is to just use any full firmware package to update your phone to the new stock firmware. You can do so with the android web flash tool, a factory image or a full OTA image.
An excellent guide on how to use the factory image to do so was posted by @roirraW "edor" ehT on this thread. Feel free to use this as a reference.
I also posted what I do each month to update my phone here.
This also serves as the easiest way to return back to stock, if you don´t like the kernel and feel not comfortable flashing anything via fastboot.
Just remember to disable verity/verification vbmeta flags each time you update your phone as described in the next question below.
If you boot once, without them disabled a wipe is required to disable them again.
Question: How do I disable the vbmeta flags for verity/verification?
Answer: The easiest solution is to use the android web flash tool and tick the correct checkbox.
Alternatively extract the vbmeta.img from the matching factory image and flash it in fastboot via:
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
Please note that disabling those flags will require a full wipe for the device to boot if coming from flags enabled state!
And a further note: You need to repeat this command every time you flash a full firmware zip ( a factory image or a full OTA.zip) to update the firmware of your phone as those contain a vbmeta image. Otherwise the flags will be reset to default enabled and it will require another wipe to disable them again! As with the firmware.zips, you need to tick the checkbox in the webflasher every month you update your phone or flash a firmware there!
Question: How do I return back to stock?
Answer: Extract boot.img, dtbo.img, vendor_kernel_boot.img and vendor_dlkm.img from the matching factory image provided on googles download page.
Flash those images via fastboot/fastbootd and you will be back on stock kernel. If you don't know the fastboot commands to flash the images, check the instructions how to flash those images in post #4.
Alternatively dirty flash the whole firmware without wiping by using either the android web flash tool, a factory image or a full OTA image. If you disabled the vbmeta flags, don't forget to disable them again (or tick the correct options on the web flash tool) after flashing a full firmware package and re-root.
Kernel flasher has the capability to backup those partitions as well, but if your phone doesn´t boot, because you flashed a kernel for stable firmware on dev preview that backup will not help you.
Question: Does this kernel include a mod similar to the well known KCAL modification?
Answer: No it does not, as KCAL is tapping into a QCOM specific driver and that´s not included in the tensor source as it´s based on exynos.
There´s a very powerful app called CF Lumen from @Chainfire, that serves the same purpose and even includes far more options that were available from kernelspace. Link to the thread here.
Question: How to report bugs properly?
Answer: Have a look at post #3 in the linked thread. The linked guide is a pretty good starting point.
Before reporting any bug make sure you´re running on a supported firmware. Usually I'm announcing in the release post, the firmware the kernel.zip is compatible with, but most of the time the kernel is updated when a firmware update drops.
Please make also sure you're running a stock configuration.
That´s means you´re not using any mods, tweaks in kernel managers or other root tweaks , magisk modules, xposed/lsposed etc, scripts or other modifications that alter various functions like sound mods, data traffic, sleeping behaviour, scheduler, magical battery tweaks etc.
Try to describe the issue as detailed as possible! Give your exact setup, like rom, magisk version, kernel version.
Is the issue reproducible? Does it happen frequently?
Please make sure to meet the points described above, provide logs as detailed in the link above, otherwise debugging is a lot more time consuming and harder. (kernel flashing apps usually support exporting logs of flashes too) If these requirements aren´t met and I don´t find time to either reproduce the issue myself or I´m not able to reproduce the issue myself, reports might just be ignored. If you can already reproduce the issue and provide logs it greatly limits the amount of time I have to spent until I figure out how to reproduce it.
Question: What about unlocking, rooting, passing safetynet, apps detecting root/modifications and other topics that are vaguely related, but not really subject of this thread?
Answer: If you want to modify your phone via root/magisk in any way you need to unlock the bootloader. Unlocking will result in safetynet not passing. This has nothing to do with the kernel. At the moment of writing this, safetynet not passing can be worked around with a magisk module called "Universal SafetyNet Fix".
Not passing safetynet is unrelated to the kernel since hardware attestation is enforced on nearly all newly released devices now.
If you´re not passing safetynet banking apps might for example be detecting root. There are various tricks to hide root/modifications to the phone from banking apps or others but that´s not really subject of this thread.
I recommend taking a look at this excellent collection of helpful threads from @roirraW "edor" ehT!
It can be found following this link!
Question: I get a device corrupted message after flashing the kernel or just reboot to bootloader. How to get rid of it?
There seems to be an issue with verity on Pixel devices that can trigger randomly. That means even if the expected hashes match the device refuses to boot due to this bug.
Short answer, flash magisk patched init_boot.img via fastboot, afterwards flash stock init_boot.img. That should clear this situation.
AOSP Build Environment and Standalone Kernel builds (monolithic builds)
I´m sure some of you followed the movement towards the Generic Kernel Image (GKI) and Qcoms adaption to it called QGKI.
You can find more information about GKI following this link.
What does that mean for custom kernels and this custom kernel?
The last few years the kernel on android devices was more or less compiled as a monolith. That means the kernel is in the zImage with all (most) drivers compiled inline.
However with GKI this changed. There´s the base kernel image while vendor/device specific drivers are compiled as dynamically loadable kernel modules.
On last years devices like the Pixel 5 (using a 4.19 kernel) and this years devices with SD888 on a 5.4 kernel base, there was the possibility to change the QGKI kernel back into a monolithic kernel image. (building the drivers that are on stock kernel external modules back into the zImage to end with a monolithic kernel)
On the Pixel 6 I wasn´t able to achieve this yet. Same goes for the Pixel 7. But during my tries I also wondered if maybe finally the time has come to follow suit, instead of trying to enforce old ways, when there´s a new way going forward.
What does that mean. This means that at this point the kernel is shipped as images that are to be flashed via fastboot. At a later stage I´m sure we can modify anykernel3 to allow flashing zips again, but at this early stage fastboot flashable images will be provided.
Those images can be flashed the same way the device is rooted, therefore I think everybody should be able to flash it easily since the device can´t be rooted any other way.
The kernel was compiled using the aosp kernel build environment. Information about it can be found on the documentation page from google.
This kernel needs to be compiled in the aosp kernel build environment just like the stock kernel. All necessary and modified repos are available on my github. Otherwise please refer to the aosp build environment and the instructions there.
Fastboot commands:
This serves just as a reference to restore the images via fastboot. This is not to install the kernel.
Flash the images in this order:
Boot to bootloader:
Either select Reboot to bootloader option via magisk manager, use the button combinations or run the following command while in the OS:
or type:
adb reboot bootloader
Now in fastboot flash boot.img, dtbo.img and vendor_kernel_boot.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash vendor_kernel_boot vendor_kernel_boot.img
Now boot to fastbootd
fastboot reboot fastboot
Once in fastbootd:
fastboot flash vendor_dlkm vendor_dlkm.img
4. Reboot either via buttons
or by typing
fastboot reboot
5. Profit!
Prebuilts for custom roms.
last one I promise
So glad to see you here
Woowoo, let's GOOOO
Kiri is here! Thanks for this awesome kernel!
So unfortunately we´re at the moment out of ideas and options for the vbmeta verity/verification disable requirement. @tbalden and me tried a few things and failed with our final idea this morning, which worked on a similar device.
Maybe somebody finds a way so we can actually flash custom images with the avb/vbmeta flags enabled, but at the moment not. I didn´t want to delay the release any further so here we go.
I understand this is a pain for many, but unfortunately that´s how it is now. It was a pain for me too, because on the final test, we really hoped it would work, but we we´re trapped in the wipe ourselves.
Anyway, have fun everyone with the release. It basically includes everything from the Pixel 6 kernel, as they branches are similar.
Well this is awesome. Haven't modified my phones since Pixel 4 but this is very enticing
This made me smile. Loved your kernel on the P6P. So glad to see it available for my P7P.
QQ: Is High Brightness Mode (HBM) supported in this kernel?
nice to see you on here
I do hope its a firmware issue and next month update fixes issue and then workaround you guys been testing for flashing without disabling verity and verification works
Thank You very much for this kernel!
May I ask if this one from CleanSlate is included? How is this works?
VoLTE call properties patched in - no root/magisk needed for non supported carriers/countries and VoLTE calls.
Duuuuude! This kernel sounds amazing. And the Powerhint module? WHAT?!
Probably moving to the 7 Pro this weekend so this is very welcome!
Edit: I'm a little confused: should we flash the zip as usual through EXKM/Kernel flasher or use the fastboot commands from post #4??
Because the OP also mentions the usual way of flashing...
Very excited for the kernel, thanks for your hard work!
Ghisy said:
Duuuuude! This kernel sounds amazing. And the Powerhint module? WHAT?!
Probably moving to the 7 Pro this weekend so this is very welcome!
Edit: I'm a little confused: should we flash the zip as usual through EXKM/Kernel flasher or use the fastboot commands from post #4??
Because the OP also mentions the usual way of flashing...
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I think that was just a copy and paste from the older P6 thread (also now deprecated for that device, from what I understand). Just use EXKM or Kernel Flasher and you'll be good to go!
Edit: and the companion zip in Magisk Manager. Whoops. In other words, you don't need to manually flash each image to install the kernel.
i5lee8bit said:
I think that was just a copy and paste from the older P6 thread (also now deprecated for that device, from what I understand). Just use EXKM or Kernel Flasher and you'll be good to go!
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The powerhint module was never actually depreciated, on P6 he was able to have it included in the kernel zip and it auto-installed into magisk at the same time.
That isn't working here at the moment so you have to manually flash it yourself again
i5lee8bit said:
I think that was just a copy and paste from the older P6 thread (also now deprecated for that device, from what I understand). Just use EXKM or Kernel Flasher and you'll be good to go!
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Sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear: should I use quote #1 or #2 down there?
Freak07 said:
How to flash the Kernel:
1a. Make sure you tick all the requirements above
1. Download the kernel.zip (unified for both devices) and the correct powerhint module depending on your device (Pixel 7 = panther || Pixel 7 Pro = cheetah)
2. Flash the powerhint module via magisk manager as you would any other magisk module
3. Flash the kernel.zip via EXKM, FKM or kernel flasher. Root will be preserved.
4. Reboot and profit.
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Freak07 said:
Fastboot commands:
Flash the images in this order:
Boot to bootloader:
Either select Reboot to bootloader option via magisk manager, use the button combinations or run the following command while in the OS:
or type:
adb reboot bootloader
Now in fastboot flash boot.img, dtbo.img and vendor_kernel_boot.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash vendor_kernel_boot vendor_kernel_boot.img
Now boot to fastbootd
fastboot reboot fastboot
Once in fastbootd:
fastboot flash vendor_dlkm vendor_dlkm.img
4. Reboot either via buttons
or by typing
fastboot reboot
5. Profit![/SPOILER]
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Ghisy said:
Sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear: should I use quote #1 or #2 down there?
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The fastboot commands are for if or when you want to return to stock.