General Q&A, tips, info Roll-up (Joying) FYT SC9853i - FYT Android Head Units

Last revised: 09 May 2020.
The models are manufactured/assembled by Joying, but the motherboard/MCU is made by FYT who also "make" the Android and system apps for the units. There are a number of FYT compatible units available, like Joying, Sinosmart, Zhan, Funrover, Flyaudio, Witson, T'eyes and multiple "unnamed/unbranded" units. Not all of the units of these companies are FYT units though.
This thread is not for discussing your issues in case "things" don't function or questions like "How can I ../ How do I ../Where can I find ../ etcetera. There are other threads for that. If you have good tips yourself, please add them.
Almost all Q&As and tips are collected from other or much older posts. Too many people to mention. Thanks all!
I hope this will remain a "work in progress"!
#1. Passwords:
Factory menu / Developer options: 3368
Backlight Current Adjustment: 5768
Door lock interference: 0000
To change home launcher: 8086
#2. Where can I find the latest (and/or older) firmwares for my Joying unit.
You will find them on the Joying website inside the blog: Updated firmware.
#3. Should I always upgrade to the latest firmware?
Theoretically: YES. Bugs are fixed. New features are added. But..: sometimes new bugs are introduced.
#4. Are there other Howto's, Q&As, Tips available?
The Joying blog at
The Youtube Joying Boyka channel.
The official Joying forum:
Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root:
#5. Will all my apps and data still be there when I flash my unit with a new firmware?
That depends on the contents of the file "updatecfg.txt" in the firmware. See the explanation in post #1 of Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root
#6. Can I root my unit?
Yes, you can. See HowTo: Root Joying SC9853i Head Unit.
#7. I have my unit rooted. How can I (relatively) easy install mods or tweak my unit?
Use the "Joying_Extra_Tools" app (also JET apk) which allows you to install Radio, Bluetooth, main server (nokill) mods and tweak/optimize (immersive mode, overscan, DPI, etc.) your unit.
#8. All the apps are killed when the unit goes to deep-sleep. Can I change this?
The unit does indeed kill all apps upon going into "deep sleep", apart from a few system apps.
Solution 1
(No root required) By modifying the "skipkillapp.prop" as described in both post #1 and post #2 of Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root, you can change this.
Solution 2
(No root required) Install a nokill mod using a prebuild flashable image from post #3 of the thread "Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root". This mod deactivates the "kill_all_app" function in the main server app.
Solution 3
(root required) Install a nokill mod (using the JET apk). This mod deactivates the "kill_all_app" function in the main server app.
"Solution" 4
(No root required for "starting apps" activity) If you simply want "your" app available after deep sleep, a much "cleaner" way to do this is to use @bambapins FYTStarter apk that lets you autostart apps on "waking up" of the unit. See post #1149 of the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread.
Alternative: You can assign any app to the "Navi app" setting inside the Joying settings. You can use Tasker/Easer/Llama/MacroDroid/Condi/Etcetera to start apps/do actions, etcetera after wake-up. Note that for some of these actions you need root access.
#9. I do not really care that apps are closed on going into deep sleep, but can I start some apps on waking up after deep sleep?
Like above topic: (No root required for "starting apps" activity) If you simply want "your" app available after deep sleep, a much "cleaner" way to do this is to use @bambapins FYTStarter apk that lets you autostart apps on "waking up" of the unit. See post #1149 of the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread.
If you are rooted you can use FYTStarter to start the accessibility service. It is not necessary for root to be kept active: it is enough to install and launch FYTStarter only once, while you have root. Later, even if you remove root, the app will still be able to start the accessibility services.
#10. Can I make modifications to the apps on my unit without root?
On these SC9853i units, you partially can. See this Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root
#11. Are there Custom ROMs for this unit?
No, currently not. It is unlikely they will be created, but you never know.
#12. The unit starts some default apps on certain hardware keys or "system actions". Can I change this (without root)?
Yes, you can for a number apps and a number of SRC/MOD Steering Wheel keys. see the "FYT HW OneKey app". It doesn't need root, but will also work with root.
#13. I did something stupid and now my unit is in a boot loop or does not get past the boot logo. Help!
See post #4 in the "Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root" thread.
#14. The Bluetooth app can only pair a few number of devices. Can I change this?
Yes, but your device needs to be rooted. @seb21 has modified the Bluetooth app (based on 17 Sept 2019 firmware) which allows to pair any OBD device. See this post in the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread. This BT-app will only work till the next reboot, then it is completely disabled!
See also #27.
#15. Sleep mode: How much power is used? How long will it last? When does it really switch off?
This is mostly based on the previous Sofia 3GR and PX5 units, but I don't think it has changed as there was no change either between the (2) sofia model(s) and the PX5 model.
When switching off the unit it is not immediately in "deep sleep" mode. This takes about 30~60 seconds (on the PX5/Sofias ~4 minutes). In this period power usage is about 0.5~0.75A. When in "deep sleep" mode power consumption drops to 0.01~0.02A. A healthy battery can take this for at least a month.
After 5~7 days your unit will still be completely switched off resulting in a cold boot on starting your car. Just to make sure your battery is not drained. Nobody did ever exact measurements of this "switch off" period.
#16. A 3 seconds push on the PWR button switches off my unit, or a drag down (2X) from the notifiction bar enables me to shutdown the unit. Is there a difference with the Contact "switch off"?
Yes, there is. Pushing the PWR buton or dragging down the notification bar to shutdown the unit will only shutdown Android, not the hardware, and the energy consumption will still be above ~0.5A, but also makes it awake instantly. Switching off the car using your key, will bring the unit to "deep sleep". Then it will take 1-2 seconds to wake up again.
#17. I have a VW/Skoda/Seat unit with CAN-bus, but no Steering wheel buttons on my steering wheel. Will a 3rd party Steering wheel controller work?
No, not directly. These units come with a "VW motherboard" and do not listen to the Key1/Key2 wires, but only to the CAN-bus. Disconnecting the wires from the CAN-bus to such a 3rd part SWC-controller will not help.
The best solution requires some technical skills and involves an Arduino Micro-Pro device and is described in the [Joying for VW] Universal steering wheel controls with arduino by @bambapin.
(For a PX5: Another option is to resolder a resistor on your motherboard as described here).
#18. On long drives or high external temperatures (in the tropics) my unit doesn't work fluent anymore and apps start "stuttering" (voice) or slowing down. What is happening?
Install an app that wil monitor the temperature of your unit. The chips/motherboards in these units can get really hot. The CPU will "throttle" itself to lower CPU-cycles to cool down. Another problem of too high temperatures is that the lifespan of the unit will be shortened. And still another issue is that these units are "cold soldered", meaning that due to tension in the soldering due to the high temperatures, CPU soldering connections might be broken causing a non-functioning or mal-functioning unit. There are several threads on this forum giving examples of heat-sinks, fans and combinations of both.
#19. How can I use split-screen on this unit?
solution 1
Use the "Touch Assistant apk", which is the "white dot" floating top-left in your screen. It has a split-screen option and it remembers! that you are in splitscreen mode.
Solution 2
Start your "first" app and "second" app. Go to the task-manager (rectangle) in the top-right of the notification bar. It will show your active and last-used (but possibly closed) apps. Drag your "first" app to the left. In the right window you will now find the task manager with the other apps. Select the app you want on the right. (Of course this also works the other way round if you drag your first app to the right).
Note: This version only supports a 50%/50% split. Some Androids support 33%/66% splits as well.
#20. With every key press I hear this annoying beep. How do I remove it?
Solution 1
BEFORE (re)flashing your unit, edit the file “config.txt” from the firmware zip.
Add the line "ro.fyt.amp_switch=0" (or change that line from "ro.fyt.amp_switch=1" to this "ro.fyt.amp_switch=0")
Solution 2
1. Open the Settings app
2. Go to Device -> Sound -> Keypad Tone
3. Switch it off
#21. What is the default DPI on these units? Some apps/fonts seem too big or too small for the screen.
The default DPI is 160 for the 1024x600 units. Some screens are 1280x720. Some badly written apps (including my own JET apk) do not display correctly. On the 1280x720 screens you could go to a DPI of 180 or 200. Above that the Joying/FYT apps will not be displayed correctly. Changing the DPI is currently only possible if you have your unit rooted!
#22. When my unit boots, the radio is always started. Can I prevent this from happening?
You can't stop this. Not on a Joying and not on any other unit. And note that the radio app is actually only an interface that forwards commands to and receives data from the radio chip via the MCU. It is not an active app like your mediaplayer that does everything in Android.
When the unit boots, the hardware is up and running long before Android is. That means that the radio chip and amplifier are already working before Android has even booted. That is why you hear the radio. And that is why every manufacturer starts the radio app on boot: to enable you to mute the radio channel from the app.
The radio is never switched off as it cannot be switched off. It is only muted.
#23. Can I modify the lines/frames I see when having a reverse camera and driving backwards?
Yes, you can, but not from the app or Settings.
Unzip "".
In /res/drawable you will find dl1.png to dl35.png, and dr1.png to dr35.png (left and right). These are used for the "frames" when driving backwards.
Change them, but keep the same resolution (size).
rezip the apk
use the "Creating an Allapp.pkg ..." from the "Modding your Joying/FYT....". Or in case you have rooted your unit you can directly replace the apk on your unit.
(There are more "frame" images in there, but I have no idea how to use them. Of course you could rename them if you want to use these)
#24. I only want to flash the MCU firmware, not the rest of the firmware. Can I do that?
There can be several reasons why you want to do this. Only(!) copy the "Stm32ud.bin" and the "lsec6521update" to a clean FAT32 formatted USB-stick/SD-card and put it in your unit. The flashing will start automatically.
#25. I want to flash a new firmware, but NOT the MCU firmware
Use your firmware of choice but remove(!) the "Stm32ud.bin" from the USB-stick/SD-card before flashing.

#26. Google Contacts sync? DON'T DO IT !!
When you flash your unit, you will most probably setup your Google account (Settings -> User -> Accounts). By default most of the synchronizing is switched on, including the Contacts sync.
Disable this as soon as possible!! Already since 2016 this is a bug in the FYT software. With sync on, the unit will delete all your contacts. (see video by John Molberg).
How to prevent this?
After setting up your google account, immediately disable Contacts sync.
When connecting your phone with your unit via Bluetooth, you can enable contact sync via BT.
Once your contacts have synced, I advice to alsodisable contact synv via BT. (Press the gear icon when connected and disable contact sync).
Note: After firmware flash always check your Google accounts contacts sync again. (The 20200407 erased my contacts again)
Tip: Export your contacts before firmware flash.
See this youtube video from John Molberg about the deletion.
#27. Improved Bluetooth Pairing (still far from perfect)
This is not a great solution. It is more a simple work-around.
Before flashing your firmware, you should update one line in the config.txt.
Set line "sys.fyt.bluetooth_type=1" to "sys.fyt.bluetooth_type=0". Now flash the firmware.
If you already flashed the firmware, you can do a "config.txt flash only" using my zip attached to this post.
See also #14.
#28. Order of Bluetooth pairing
Say you have an OBD2 dongle, it sometimes pairs immediately and it sometimes doesn't.
Disclaimer: Some will never pair. The Bluetooth ID-string need to contain OBD.
your dongle is compatible, but it will still not pair.
your dongle is compatible but it will only pair using pincode 1234 (or whatever code).
First in the BT contect settings "forget" your paired phone(s). (Not only unpair but really remove them).
Now pair your OBD2 dongle. If necessary, first set the pincode in your unit to the pincode of your OBD2 dongle,
After having successfully paired your OBD2 dongle , you can now pair your phone(s) using the same pincode.
#29. Google Play Store does not start downloading.
This is a very annoying problem which I have regularly. It can be solved though.
Below options can be tried starting from the first. if it doesn't work, try the others one by one.
In the Play Store app, tap the "hamburger" menu (3-lines top-left) and select "My apps and games" (But probably you were already there). Remove all apps from the update-queue. Reboot.
Turn off auto-update for your apps.
Go to Settings->Apps, and clear cache and data from the Google Play Store app. Reboot/retry.
Go to Settings->Apps, and clear cache and data from Google Play Services (You might need to enable "show system (apps)"). Reboot/retry.
Uninstall Google Play Store updates.
Switch off downloading "only via Wi-Fi" (if also using a SIM card or if you can download via the hot-spot of your phone).
Turn off 4G data transfer and turn it on again (if you use the hot-spot from your phone, turn Wi-Fi off/on and/or mobile data off/on).
Sign out of your Google Account, restart your head unit and sign in again.
And you can look at this Google support article, or this one (more steps ..)

#2 reserved

#3 reserved

Nice Thread, will help a lot of people!

great thread!

Thank you for this! I realize you don't want people asking questions in this thread but more about posting solutions, so i'll attempt to add two I think are missing and you can always add your input:
Q: Everytime the head unit enters deep sleep, apps granted the Accessibility permission (such as Tasker, Automate, Launchers) might lose this permission. Anyway to prevent this?
A: This is due to services being shut off (post) when the MCU calls for deep sleep. There is no way to stop this. However, you can use FYTStarter APK (here) for restoring accessibility or other issues between 'deep sleep'.
Q: Third party apps and external keyboards are unable to control volume or other media controls. How to overcome?
A: Volume and some other keys/controls are preempted by the Joying/FYT software. You need to interact with the Joying/FYT services to control these aspects. This post here shows an example apk that can interact with Joying/FYT services to control volume and other aspects (and another version here and some easy to use apk for volume that are tested working here). You can write your own APK using same methods or take advantage of this apk to send intents/commands to control volume and so on. You can use Tasker or Automate to provide this control to other things. For example, use Automate to intercept 'VOL UP' from an external keyboard and then use APK command to send 'VOL UP' to Joying/FYT service (and thus restoring ability to control volume from external controls like Joycon controller or external keyboards).
Q: How can I interface Steering Wheel Controls (Can Bus or other) not supported by Joying/FYT drivers
A: You can always use Joycon interface adapter ( to convert SWC and CAN bus commands into USB keyboard inputs. The Joying/FYT work with this but you do need to use third party apps to map keyboard inputs into meaningful actions (start an app for example). As mentioned in above Question, media keys might not work directly from keyboard (unable to control volume for example) and you need to work around that with additional APK, but it can be done.
Q: is there anyway to setup so that when i receive a bluetooth call, i can go back to [other app]?
A: If you have set Waze or [other app] as your Navi app (via Joying settings menu), tapping the Navi button on your screen should allow you to go back to Waze. But also: some apps can be allowed to take over the phone function. Example is Magic Earth and Osmand+. For both I can allow them to make/receive calls. It means that you see a bar on the bottom of the screen, but it is actually not the Joying dialer. So I am IN that app. Google Maps can do that as well and I assume Waze might be able to do is as well too.
Did you give Waze that authorization when Waze asked for it during first loading it? Because if you did, you are in Waze with a phone call overlay at the bottom. Therefore: you cannot go to Waze because you are already in Waze. (Quote from Surfer post)

i've got a question.
if i download the lastetst version of update without never updating nothing, it will be ok?

maor23 said:
i've got a question.
if i download the lastetst version of update without never updating nothing, it will be ok?
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I really don't understand what you are asking.

surfer63 said:
I really don't understand what you are asking.
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i see there is many version of updates there, and i ask if i can only update with the last version or should i go over one by one with the updates ?

maor23 said:
i see there is many version of updates there, and i ask if i can only update with the last version or should i go over one by one with the updates ?
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All updates are full updates. You can skip all intermediate updates and immediately go for the last version.
Note though that you have to look at the MCU version: G32 or G32 (assuming you have a Joying SC9853i)

surfer63 said:
All updates are full updates. You can skip all intermediate updates and immediately go for the last version.
Note though that you have to look at the MCU version: G32 or G32 (assuming you have a Joying SC9853i)
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How can i know my mcu version? Like i see, in the last update from april 2020, there is only one link to download so i guess it good for all versions, no?
I also want to get some tips of it, maybe some recommended apps and etc..

maor23 said:
How can i know my mcu version? Like i see, in the last update from april 2020, there is only one link to download so i guess it good for all versions, no?
I also want to get some tips of it, maybe some recommended apps and etc..
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There is no MCU update in the latest firmware, so you are correct.
No tips about recommended apps. Other threads are for that.
And personally I consider it ********. Everyone has his own preference for certain apps.

surfer63 said:
There is no MCU update in the latest firmware, so you are correct.
No tips about recommended apps. Other threads are for that.
And personally I consider it ********. Everyone has his own preference for certain apps.
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so how can i know if i need os update or mcu update?

maor23 said:
so how can i know if i need os update or mcu update?
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Check your system info.
You only need an OS or MCU update if something is bothering you. If everything works fine for you, don't bother to upgrade.
For me the necessity to upgrade is two-fold:
fixes for bugs that bother me like Google voice call. But after 3 firmware upgrades claiming they fixed it, they still haven't fixed that. Although I hardly answer to calls in the car, and almost never make calls, it is terribly annoying that every other brand unit (MTC, QD, Atoto, etc) can do that, including all built-in car brand media-systems, but not the FYTs.
Android security fixes. It is still not clear to me whether FYT includes security fixes in their new firmwares by patching their code with the offical Android security fixes. As I hope they are doing that, I still flash every new firmware to my unit. But that's just a blind hope that they do apply the security patches.

surfer63 said:
Last revised: 22 December 2019.
The models are manufactured/assembled by Joying, but the motherboard/MCU is made by FYT who also "make" the Android and system apps for the units. There are number of FYT compatible units available, like (of course) Joying, Sinosmart, Zhan, Funrover, Witson and multiple "unnamed/unbranded" units. Not all of the units of these companies are FYT units though.
This thread is not for discussing your issues in case "things" don't function or questions like "How can I ../ How do I ../Where can I find ../ etcetera. There are other threads for that. If you have good tips yourself, please add them.
Almost all Q&As and tips are collected from other or much older posts. Too many people to mention. Thanks all!
I hope this will remain a "work in progress"!
Factory menu / Developer options: 3368
Backlight Current Adjustment: 5768
Door lock interference: 0000
To change home launcher: 8086
Where can I find the latest (and/or older) firmwares for my Joying unit.
You will find them on the Joying website inside the blog: Updated firmware.
Should I always upgrade to the latest firmware?
Theoretically: YES. Bugs are fixed. New features are added. But..: sometimes new bugs are introduced.
Are there other Howto's, Q&As, Tips available?
The Joying blog at
The Youtube Joying Boyka channel.
The official Joying forum:
Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root:
Will all my apps and data still be there when I flash my unit with a new firmware?
That depends on the contents of the file "updatecfg.txt" in the firmware. See the explanation in post #1 of Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root
Can I root my unit?
Yes, you can. See HowTo: Root Joying SC9853i Head Unit.
I have my unit rooted. How can I (relatively) easy install mods or tweak my unit?
Use the "Joying_Extra_Tools" app (also JET apk) which allows you to install Radio, Bluetooth, main server (nokill) mods and tweak/optimize (immersive mode, overscan, DPI, etc.) your unit.
All the apps are killed when the unit goes to deep-sleep. Can I change this?
The unit does indeed kill all apps upon going into "deep sleep", apart from a few system apps.
Solution 1
(No root required) By modifying the "skipkillapp.prop" as described in both post #1 and post #2 of Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root, you can change this.
Solution 2
(No root required) Install a nokill mod using a prebuild flashable image from post #3 of the thread "Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root". This mod deactivates the "kill_all_app" function in the main server app.
Solution 3
(root required) Install a nokill mod (using the JET apk). This mod deactivates the "kill_all_app" function in the main server app.
"Solution" 4
(No root required for "starting apps" activity) If you simply want "your" app available after deep sleep, a much "cleaner" way to do this is to use @bambapins FYTStarter apk that lets you autostart apps on "waking up" of the unit. See post #1149 of the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread.
Alternative: You can assign any app to the "Navi app" setting inside the Joying settings. You can use Tasker/Easer/Llama/MacroDroid/Condi/Etcetera to start apps/do actions, etcetera after wake-up. Note that for some of these actions you need root access.
I do not really care that apps are closed on going into deep sleep, but can I start some apps on waking up after deep sleep?
Like above topic: (No root required for "starting apps" activity) If you simply want "your" app available after deep sleep, a much "cleaner" way to do this is to use @bambapins FYTStarter apk that lets you autostart apps on "waking up" of the unit. See post #1149 of the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread.
If you are rooted you can use FYTStarter to start the accessibility service. It is not necessary for root to be kept active: it is enough to install and launch FYTStarter only once, while you have root. Later, even if you remove root, the app will still be able to start the accessibility services.
Can I make modifications to the apps on my unit without root?
On these SC9853i units, you partially can. See this Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root
Are there Custom ROMs for this unit?
No, currently not. It is unlikely they will be created, but you never know.
The unit starts some default apps on certain hardware keys or "system actions". Can I change this (without root)?
Yes, you can for a number apps and a number of SRC/MOD Steering Wheel keys. see the "FYT HW OneKey app". It doesn't need root, but will also work with root.
I did something stupid and now my unit is in a boot loop or does not get past the boot logo. Help!
See post #4 in the "Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root" thread.
The Bluetooth app can only pair a few number of devices. Can I change this?
Yes, but your device needs to be rooted. @seb21 has modified the Bluetooth app (based on 17 Sept 2019 firmware) which allows to pair any OBD device. See this post in the "Joying Android 8.1 Intel Airmont eight-core 1.8GHz SC9853i (4GB RAM, 32GB flash)" thread.
Sleep mode: How much power is used? How long will it last? When does it really switch off?
This is mostly based on the previous Sofia 3GR and PX5 units, but I don't think it has changed as there was no change either between the (2) sofia model(s) and the PX5 model.
When switching off the unit it is not immediately in "deep sleep" mode. This takes about 30~60 seconds (on the PX5/Sofias ~4 minutes). In this period power usage is about 0.5~0.75A. When in "deep sleep" mode power consumption drops to 0.01~0.02A. A healthy battery can take this for at least a month.
After 5~7 days your unit will still be completely switched off resulting in a cold boot on starting your car. Just to make sure your battery is not drained. Nobody did ever exact measurements of this "switch off" period.
A 3 seconds push on the PWR button switches off my unit, or a drag down (2X) from the notifiction bar enables me to shutdown the unit. Is there a difference with the Contact "switch off"?
Yes, there is. Pushing the PWR buton or dragging down the notification bar to shutdown the unit will only shutdown Android, not the hardware, and the energy consumption will still be above ~0.5A, but also makes it awake instantly. Switching off the car using your key, will bring the unit to "deep sleep". Then it will take 1-2 seconds to wake up again.
I have a VW/Skoda/Seat unit with CAN-bus, but no Steering wheel buttons on my steering wheel. Will a 3rd party Steering wheel controller work?
No, not directly. These units come with a "VW motherboard" and do not listen to the Key1/Key2 wires, but only to the CAN-bus. Disconnecting the wires from the CAN-bus to such a 3rd part SWC-controller will not help.
The best solution requires some technical skills and involves an Arduino Micro-Pro device and is described in the [Joying for VW] Universal steering wheel controls with arduino by @bambapin.
(For a PX5: Another option is to resolder a resistor on your motherboard as described here).
On long drives or high external temperatures (in the tropics) my unit doesn't work fluent anymore and apps start "stuttering" (voice) or slowing down. What is happening?
Install an app that wil monitor the temperature of your unit. The chips/motherboards in these units can get really hot. The CPU will "throttle" itself to lower CPU-cycles to cool down. Another problem of too high temperatures is that the lifespan of the unit will be shortened. And still another issue is that these units are "cold soldered", meaning that due to tension in the soldering due to the high temperatures, CPU soldering connections might be broken causing a non-functioning or mal-functioning unit. There are several threads on this forum giving examples of heat-sinks, fans and combinations of both.
How can I use split-screen on this unit?
solution 1
Use the "Touch Assistant apk", which is the "white dot" floating top-left in your screen. It has a split-screen option and it remembers! that you are in splitscreen mode.
Solution 2
Start your "first" app and "second" app. Go to the task-manager (rectangle) in the top-right of the notification bar. It will show your active and last-used (but possibly closed) apps. Drag your "first" app to the left. In the right window you will now find the task manager with the other apps. Select the app you want on the right. (Of course this also works the other way round if you drag your first app to the right).
Note: This version only supports a 50%/50% split. Some Androids support 33%/66% splits as well.
With every key press I hear this annoying beep. How do I remove it?
Solution 1
BEFORE (re)flashing your unit, edit the file “config.txt” from the firmware zip.
Add the line "ro.fyt.amp_switch=0" (or change that line from "ro.fyt.amp_switch=1" to this "ro.fyt.amp_switch=0")
Solution 2
1. Open the Settings app
2. Go to Device -> Sound -> Keypad Tone
3. Switch it off
What is the default DPI on these units? Some apps/fonts seem too big or too small for the screen.
The default DPI is 160 for the 1024x600 units. Some screens are 1280x720. Some badly written apps (including my own JET apk) do not display correctly. On the 1280x720 screens you could go to a DPI of 180 or 200. Above that the Joying/FYT apps will not be displayed correctly. Changing the DPI is currently only possible if you have your unit rooted!
When my unit boots, the radio is always started. Can I prevent this from happening?
You can't stop this. Not on a Joying and not on any other unit. And note that the radio app is actually only an interface that forwards commands to and receives data from the radio chip via the MCU. It is not an active app like your mediaplayer that does everything in Android.
When the unit boots, the hardware is up and running long before Android is. That means that the radio chip and amplifier are already working before Android has even booted. That is why you hear the radio. And that is why every manufacturer starts the radio app on boot: to enable you to mute the radio channel from the app.
The radio is never switched off as it cannot be switched off. It is only muted.
Can I modify the lines/frames I see when having a reverse camera and driving backwards?
Yes, you can, but not from the app or Settings.
Unzip "".
In /res/drawable you will find dl1.png to dl35.png, and dr1.png to dr35.png (left and right). These are used for the "frames" when driving backwards.
Change them, but keep the same resolution (size).
rezip the apk
use the "Creating an Allapp.pkg ..." from the "Modding your Joying/FYT....". Or in case you have rooted your unit you can directly replace the apk on your unit.
(There are more "frame" images in there, but I have no idea how to use them. Of course you could rename them if you want to use these)
I only want to flash the MCU firmware, not the rest of the firmware. Can I do that?
There can be several reasons why you want to do this. Only(!) copy the "Stm32ud.bin" and the "lsec6521update" to a clean FAT32 formatted USB-stick/SD-card and put it in your unit. The flashing will start automatically.
I want to flash a new firmware, but NOT the MCU firmware
Use your firmware of choice but remove(!) the "Stm32ud.bin" from the USB-stick/SD-card before flashing.
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Hello ! did you have found how to replace Joying setting app from original android settings app ? thank you !

Lucasmrn said:
Hello ! did you have found how to replace Joying setting app from original android settings app ? thank you !
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No. That is no longer possible. That was only possible on the Intel Sofia models.

surfer63 said:
No. That is no longer possible. That was only possible on the Intel Sofia models.
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Thank you for reply, and I have a last question, I have put other firmware ( Teyes SPRO). Firmware was very good and fully functionnal except bluetooth.
I have mod allapp.pkg and fytmanufacturer with my number of head unit, the message "ui and mcu does not match" disapear is very good, but i don't now how to configure my Bluetooth for recognize in this firmware.
Bluetooth version is: GOC_V1.0/2019:07:18:16:59:52_gocsdk2
When i put other firmware he say: "unknow blink" How i can solve it ? mod file ?
Thank you for help.

Lucasmrn said:
Thank you for reply, and I have a last question, I have put other firmware ( Teyes SPRO). Firmware was very good and fully functionnal except bluetooth.
I have mod allapp.pkg and fytmanufacturer with my number of head unit, the message "ui and mcu does not match" disapear is very good, but i don't now how to configure my Bluetooth for recognize in this firmware.
Bluetooth version is: GOC_V1.0/2019:07:18:16:59:52_gocsdk2
When i put other firmware he say: "unknow blink" How i can solve it ? mod file ?
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The only reference I have is the bluetooth "blink_config.ini" inside "/system/res/bluetooth". Please check the differences between your original file and the Teyes SPRO file.
I am also very interested in this. Last week (or so) I already wrote that the T'eyes Pro FYT software seems to be way ahead of the Joying software. Can you share some insights? Pros? Cons?
Does Google voice calling work? And did it work on the Joying firmware?

surfer63 said:
The only reference I have is the bluetooth "blink_config.ini" inside "/system/res/bluetooth". Please check the differences between your original file and the Teyes SPRO file.
I am also very interested in this. Last week (or so) I already wrote that the T'eyes Pro FYT software seems to be way ahead of the Joying software. Can you share some insights? Pros? Cons?
Does Google voice calling work? And did it work on the Joying firmware?
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Thank you for Help my friend, I will try now. I don't Have a Joying head unit, it's a Ullgo head unit with fytmanufacturer = 108
I will get back to you quickly with specific details, link and all informations i can give you. I have test many sort of firmware on this forum but translation is very difficult on russian forum : This russian forum is a big library for mod our SC9853 head unit !
But I will test the best and after i will get back
Sorry if my english is bad. I'm French


PX5 Android 6.0.1 kill the software when startup. What I can do?

I have a headunit in my car with Android 6.0.1 from the manufacturer KSP and I have been looking in the forum but I really do not clarify much. My intention is to activate a screensaver and a program for detection of radars so that it run immediately after starting the unit; with this I would already be happy (the unit erases the software in memory when it comes out of sleep mode).
I discover this files in my stock rom of the radio (see photo). It can help me for my problem?. How I can do it?
Silver_ said:
I have a headunit in my car with Android 6.0.1 from the manufacturer KSP and I have been looking in the forum but I really do not clarify much. My intention is to activate a screensaver and a program for detection of radars so that it run immediately after starting the unit; with this I would already be happy (the unit erases the software in memory when it comes out of sleep mode).
I discover this files in my stock rom of the radio (see photo). It can help me for my problem?. How I can do it?
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I don't know. First you can try opening the files. They should be readable.

Clock problem

Hi, I have an px5 xtrons and a problem with the clock on Android 8 (stock and malaysk rom) When I restart the car the unit have the old time of shutdown. (Unit connected to battery and no problem with android 6) Canbus is set on my model car and I have this problem, but if I set canbus model to none the clock works ok. I try to change canbus box but same issue. Anyone have a solution? Thanks
edit: even with the last malaysk android 6 rom same problem. Is it possible to solve putting downgrade version of clock app?
AlexRuhl said:
Hi, I have an px5 xtrons and a problem with the clock on Android 8 (stock and malaysk rom) When I restart the car the unit have the old time of shutdown. (Unit connected to battery and no problem with android 6) Canbus is set on my model car and I have this problem, but if I set canbus model to none the clock works ok. I try to change canbus box but same issue. Anyone have a solution? Thanks
edit: even with the last malaysk android 6 rom same problem. Is it possible to solve putting downgrade version of clock app?
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I've had the same issue for probably the past year or so when I first started playing with custom roms. I'm pretty sure it happened after doing an MCU update. I have GS PX3 MTCD running hal9 rom. I've tried disabling network time etc but no difference.
When booting the headunit the time appears to be correct, then it changes to the wrong time, then after a few mins when either GPS or wifi has got a connection it corrects itself. I haven't tried changing the canbus model in factory settings as it's already correct.
I've found that the Clock app from Google works. All other including the stock clock keeps the shutoff time.
same problem here after upgrading Xtrons PX5 unit to Android 8.... it seems that somethings changed in CAN-Bus communication. Where bevore the car could write the correct time into the HU it's not possible anymore and the wrong (stucked) time get written into the Dashboard. The time will not synced when the HU is in standby (fastboot)... but will synced within 1 minute if i make a full boot.
dud89 said:
I've found that the Clock app from Google works. All other including the stock clock keeps the shutoff time.
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hi, can you explain in more detail haw you managed to make clock work with google clock app?
i have installed it but no changes. the clock still shows old shutdown time
Hi I'm having the same issue with my xtrons head unit. Did anybody figure out a fix for this?
I have the same problem. I have tried to add clock app to the whitelist, (mtce-utils) but It doesn't work. The canbuis I don't know is working correctly, Torque applicacion can not detect ODB unit and I can not view any value.
I set the clock to get the time from GPS only and I ve never had a problem.
typos1 said:
I set the clock to get the time from GPS only and I ve never had a problem.
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Yes, but it only works if you have GPS connection (outdoor). If you are into garage there is no GPS udpate.
I have XTRON PX5 unit with Malaysk 8.0 and I have set the following things on whitelist:
I have used mtce-utils ehitelist and Graser Daisata Xposed modules and none of them works.
I have connected the unit to the battery to avoid losing memory.
What can be the problem?
Same problem here :|
Android 6.0 clock also not working
As of 11/30/2018 after doing an MCU update 2.83 for Android 6.0, my clock also stopped syncing with the car's when turning it back on. It also display the last time right before the car was turned off.
Turning on/off GPS update or network update or setting the clock manually makes no difference and does not fix issue. Hope to see a solution to this.
If you revert back to the original MCU version, does the clock start working normally again? I'm assuming it would... I would just revert back to the original MCU version and be done with it. Unless, of course, there is some specific fix in the newer MCU that you needed?
greygoose82 said:
As of 11/30/2018 after doing an MCU update 2.83 for Android 6.0, my clock also stopped syncing with the car's when turning it back on. It also display the last time right before the car was turned off.
Turning on/off GPS update or network update or setting the clock manually makes no difference and does not fix issue. Hope to see a solution to this.
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Did you export you MCU config before updating the MCU ?
I don't mind reverting back to the original MCU version I had but the problem I had with that one was my audio kept going back to sounding like mono instead of stereo each time I started the car. When I played video or music sound would only come out on my right door speakers. I kept having to do a factory reset each time to get it to come out at both sides.
I haven't browsed through the forum enough to see if anyone else experienced similar issues or if there were fixes for this.
greygoose82 said:
I don't mind reverting back to the original MCU version I had but the problem I had with that one was my audio kept going back to sounding like mono instead of stereo each time I started the car. When I played video or music sound would only come out on my right door speakers. I kept having to do a factory reset each time to get it to come out at both sides.
I haven't browsed through the forum enough to see if anyone else experienced similar issues or if there were fixes for this.
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You could try the latest MCU, they may have sorted it out, you dont say what unit you have.
You could also try updating to Ore, it may also be fixed in the latest ROM.
Thanks I'll have to give it a try. My unit is the HA 2150 V600 with the px5 chip.
HI did anybody manage to sort the clock issue out on the headunits thanks
I have been having this same issue for a long time and hoping to find a fix for it.
I have tried the Google Clock app, that did not work.
I have updated my MCU from Ver 1.81 to 2.65 to 2.75 and now on 3.0.1. None of these MCU versions fix this issue.
I have also tried the V2.75_sp and no change (Did not think this would help with this issue, but tried it anyways)
On each of the MCU versions above, I have tired multiple roms (Stock, Malyask and Hal9K) and no luck fixing the problem.
The only time I have been able for this to work is if I have wifi enabled and connected to a Hotspot and Network time sync selected in the settings/Date&Time. With this configuration the time sync works everytime.
Now when the time does not Sync and if I open the GPS Plus app, the time displayed in the app is correct. So based on this, the only thing I can think of is that somehow the time from GPS is not being pushed to the clock app.
Guys I think I found the solution, at least it works in my case. What happens actually is that the unit is set to autosleep and not to shut it down. So when the unit goes to sleep, everything freezes including the clock time. When you put back the key contact, the unit goes back to live and all the apps start again from the moment when they went to sleep.
The solution which seems to work in my case, is to set the unit to shut down after I turn off the engine. Of course, it takes around a minute to turn on back when I put the contact key, but because the whole unit has been shut down, when it starts again it checks also the time clock and it syncs with either the GPS time or with the network provider time zone (depends what you have set). In my case I use the GPS time zone and with this workaround everything works well now.
It's not so much the MCU updates but the actual system update. Going backwards to the 20171214 system update will get the clock working fine again and should work with the most recent MCU update (my instance). With this version I didn't have to bother with changing the auto sleep or shutdown settings since it's an inconvenience to wait for a full minute for the unit to boot up. Also did not have to change GPS or network time sync either. I turn the key ON and the clock just works right away.

A-Media android car system tracking me

Hello there,
I've bought a second hand car with the chinese A-Media android system in it. Could it be the system is storing data about my driving routes? No matter how many times I try to disable the location function, it keeps turning on everytime I restart the system or better to say the car. Have also tried to disable as much apps that weren't necesarry for me, but some seem to be not deleteable (e.g. something like a GPS coordinates app? ). The previous owner was a company that used the car for their business.
How can I solve this, and is my feeling of being tracked / data being stored in the device/car real? Thanks!
Of course it's tracking you it's an Android system. If you have any concerns about the previous owner you should do a factory reset but since it probably came with some "special apps" you should look for the original firmware or root it and extract the apps. If you can turn off the GPS in settings just turn it on when you need to use it.
nic2k said:
Of course it's tracking you it's an Android system. If you have any concerns about the previous owner you should do a factory reset but since it probably came with some "special apps" you should look for the original firmware or root it and extract the apps. If you can turn off the GPS in settings just turn it on when you need to use it.
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thanks for your info. It just bothers me that Location automaticly turns on when I start the car. Who says me some app is not spying on my location ? Turning it off in Settings does not work. Turns on automaticly every time at startup.
If you can't turn off the GPS from the Android settings you might be able to do it in the factory menu. Don't forget GPS and location are 2 different things. Do you know which HU you have?
nic2k said:
If you can't turn off the GPS from the Android settings you might be able to do it in the factory menu. Don't forget GPS and location are 2 different things. Do you know which HU you have?
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I didn't knew it were 2 different things. What do you mean by HU ?
When I try to enter factory settings it ask for a password which I dont have.
Some info:
Model numer : A-MEDIA AUTO ( 1024 x 600 W )
Android version 6.0.1
Kernel Version 3.10.0 [email protected] # 1019
Buildnr px5-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89L user.hct.20170619.104614 test key
MTCU version MTCD_KGL_V2.54_5
jun 15 2017
CPU 8 core 64bit CPU coretex-a53 @1.5G
mem 2000mb
You should be able to find lots of help for that unit. Sorry HU is head unit. Try 1260 for the password or maybe 8888. Refer to it as MTCD KGL and more people will know what unit you're talking about. Try not to change too much stuff in the factory setting it can make the HU stop working.
John Scott said:
Hello there,
I've bought a second hand car with the chinese A-Media android system in it. Could it be the system is storing data about my driving routes? No matter how many times I try to disable the location function, it keeps turning on everytime I restart the system or better to say the car. Have also tried to disable as much apps that weren't necesarry for me, but some seem to be not deleteable (e.g. something like a GPS coordinates app? ). The previous owner was a company that used the car for their business.
How can I solve this, and is my feeling of being tracked / data being stored in the device/car real? Thanks!
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Wrap it in time foil.

General Mekede M500s Review

First impressions
The shipment from Poland was just two days, that was something I was very happy with. It came in a unbranded box, and with a little manual.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Which I found very useful, even there is a lot of information in the general FYT UIS 7862 based headunits topic. I just like the idea of being able to read an manual, and for that reason it's currently inside my car.
General FYT based Spreadtrum uis7862(s) (unisoc ums512) & uis8581a (sc9863) - Q&A, Mods, tips, firmware
Last revised: 07 June 2023 (reason: added info for the uis8581a) This thread tries to be a "one fits all" thread about FYT based Spreadtrum Unisoc uis7862(s) (Unisoc ums512) and uis8581a (sc9863) head units and its software, modded or not. The...
The headunit before installing it in the car
Basically all 9 inch head-units look similar, and are having a universal form factor. That way I could atleast use the frame, from the EKIY D7: which I had only 3 weeks in my car, and I'm still trying to sell it. But atleast I got a partly refund from AliExpress, because of the fake Android version.
In a way these head-units are just like tablets, so no wonder it looks like one as well. However this one has no silly blue colour at the edges, something the EKIY D7 had and during the hot weather it already had some discoloration.
Then we have the back of the device: on the left are all the antennas. FM/AM, 5G WiFi, GPS and the 4G which I didn't install. Because it would require a SIM card, and already paying for mobile data on my phone. So instead I will create a WiFi hotspot, whenever I wanna use the internet.
On the top above the fan, you on the left the connection for the reverse camera video signal. Next to their are the ports for the USB dongles: there are three, I hooked one up straight to the cars original USB port.
Because I had the converter cable for that with the EKIY D7, and actually I have it connected as well to the headunit. But it seems not to be working, with my USB-C cable, and also the USB cable from the Viofo A119 dashcam didn't work.
So I'm guessing perhaps the USB port might only work, when setting the USB protocol to 1.1 instead of the current setting of 2.0 USB protocol. However I haven't tried that yet, as it would render the other USB dongles quite useless.
Because when I tried to change the USB protocol to 1.1 in the settings, it warned me that it would be limited to use for media only, just like how it was on the OEM Carradio. This USB port had been quite useless, so I never used it. I tried to connect my dashcam on it while the original car radio was still in the car. But that port didn't even provide enough power, to provide the dashcam for enough juice to run good. Since then I just have it plugged into a 12v adapter, with two USB ports that provide plenty of juice.
Back to the connector's above, the biggest one is for the fan and simcard dongle. I didn't find this particular useful, as it's a bunch of cable's I'm not using. It also contains the AUX and RCA audio connections, which I'm also not using....
So I had to bundle all these cables up with several cable ties, which was kinda a pain in the ass. As I had to do it in the car: I found it way easier, with the previous headunit. Which I only had to plugin the FM cable, GPS, Power cable and USB cables. Which I only could use one, because also on the unit the original USB port didn't work.
Below these connections, you have the Coaxial and Fiber optic connection option. However they are to no use for me, I didn't make any adjustments to the sound installation in my car. So everything goes through the harness. Which is the 16 pin connector on the right, the exact same that came with my previous unit. So I didn't need to bother to order it
User experience inside the car
I had the luck, that I had to drive about 300km's towards Frankfurt: the place where they mess up with our currency, and make it worth lesser than a dollar
But that gave me the chance to test the unit, especially the usage of Android Auto. Yes I know, why use Android Auto when you have a full functioning Android headunit? Well I will be getting to that in a bit.
So here we have the homescreen: I thought the car launcher looks pretty cool, because in the upper right corner you have your Google Maps. It works exactly like tablet mode of Google Maps, so it's fully functional and you could just use it like that.
Below there on the right, is a music player widget: very nice if you get your MP3's illegally from the internet, and load them on the headunit. There is 64GB of storage, so it would be doable to store music locally.
However I stopped downloading illegal MP3 files, because ever since I have a mobile internet data subscription. I started to use Spotify, since a time we even have shared premium account together with my wife. So that music widget is useless, as it seems nit to be configurable with Spotify.
The clock in the left upper corner is actually fine, it shows the time and date: what more does a person want? And on the left down corners, you can configure four favourite apps. It's very easy to change, just hold the button and can select any app you want.
(Wireless) Android Auto
Using the Car Link app, it's very easy to connect to Android Auto. To my surprise it even works wireless, however your phone needs to support it as well. This is basically where the 5G WiFi proofs it benefits, because Android Auto uses 5G WiFi in order to have wireless Android Auto work.
The downside of this though is, that WiFi in your headunit will be switched off: as it's being used by Android Auto. And after using Android Auto, it won't be turned back on automatically. So if you wanna use the WiFi for apps installed on the headunit, than you have to switch it back on by yourself after using Android Auto wireless.
Issues with wireless Android Auto
Another downside of wireless Android Auto is, that it might crash every once in a while: because even though the 5G WiFi frequency is used lesser, than the 2.4G frequency. Still there might be interference every once in a while.
For example: crossing the Dutch border to Germany, and the other way around. Both times Android Auto crashed, most likely because the mobile network get changed on that moment. The only way to reconnect in that case, is by closing Car Link and starting it again. Than the headunit will connect to your phone again, without breaking the law and taking your phone in your hand.
I have figured out, that the main cause of making Android Auto crash: is because the mobile network is changed. Because I went across the border again, while using Android Auto.
Just after I crossed the border, the connection was loss and the mobile network changed to roaming. Than I just press the back button, which closes Car Link and after that start it again.
I wonder, if this could be automated by MarcroDroid. So far this only seems to be an issue when crossing borders, and ofcourse when the mobile network is changed.
Made a decision: wireless or wired AA?
Also keep in mind, while wireless connection is way more convenient than everytime you step in the car having to plug in a USB connector. On long journeys you might wanna disable the wireless option in Android Auto settings on your phone, because it seems you can't connected wired if you don't disable the wireless option.
Yesterday I tried connecting Android Auto wired, and I think it doesn't work: because there will be a conflict, the phone tries to connect wirelessly. While Car Link might be trying, to establish a wired connection. My wife got pretty irritated, when after a few mins Android Auto still wasn't connected.
So in the end I just disconnected the USB, started Google Maps on the headunit and drove off. Later I just started Android Auto wireless, without even once touching my phone.
But I'm finding wireless connection more convenient anyway: even though it takes a little bit longer, to establish the connection. Obviously wired is faster, when establishing the connection. And it won't suffer from any interference, by other wireless connections in the air. The crash at the border didn't happen, while I used wired Android Auto with the previous headunit.
Android Auto vs Google Maps
The main reason I prefer Android Auto, over native Google Maps on the headunit: is the fact that Google Maps runs in a tablet mode, which is fine for that little widget displaying Google Maps. But everything is very small and I can't see the instructions very well, as they are displayed at the bottom in a little green bar.
It took me awhile to actually figure out, where the navigation directions where being showed. Before I thought perhaps I simply had to update Google Maps, but that wasn't the case. Also nowhere to change this in the settings sadly.
Because it still keeps running in this tablet mode, where everything is very small. So that's not convenient, while using it in the car and trying to read the directions as showed by Google Maps.
Android Auto has none of these issues, so that's why I'm preferring Android Auto over native Google Maps on the headunit. It actually also has a part, where you can control Spotify. So that's very convenient while driving. And that shows why so many drivers, prefer Android Auto over built-in navigation inside their car.
I'm still considering though, trying another navigation app instead of Google Maps. Perhaps Waze? Or HereWeGo, just that I don't like that changes that navigation app underwent after they updated it. For example the Dutch voice, is a text to speech voice....
Don't underestimate the importance of sound on a Android head-unit: I did with the EKIY D7, which doesn't have a built-in DSP and the sound was horrible. One more reason it was replaced so quickly, even though this makes me loss some money in the end....
So obviously FYT or whoever has developed these interface, for controlling the sound on these UIS 7862 units. That's something they have put some effort in, unlike the FM Radio app which is very basic.
This is exactly the same as seen in T'eyes FYT UIS 7862 units, no difference here. It seems no matter which seller: all are having these highly configurable sound setting's. But I was actually already satisfied with the standard setting, so I didn't change it.
There is also a volume balance settings, which again I didn't bother to make any adjustments. But it might be useful to do, if you feel like you can't hear the navigation directions very well. In the settings I also found a option, that the sound level will increase depending on your speed. This is something my built-in OEM Carradio had as well, so I have it enabled at low setting now.
Screen quality
Considering both the EKIY D7 and Mekede M500s are having 1280x720 IPS displays, I do find that the display inside the EKIY D7 is of lower quality. Which makes me think it's a full fit screen, as described in the image below.
However I find playing videos on YouTube usually a good indicator, for showing the screen quality. As it's fast moving images in full 1080p resolution. So I played some of favourite music.
Don't try this while driving though, but it might be nice to be able to use YouTube or any video playback while parked. Ofcourse you would need an internet connection.
How difficult is it to fix bugs? Well for many years, these head-units suffer from a bug which deletes your Google contact's. It happened on the EKIY D7 as well, so it's not something new.
I did however find a workaround: the issue occurs, because your contacts are being synchronised by Google. However the contact list on the headunit is empty, so this synchronises to your phone once connected by bluetooth.
Many users have suggested to turn of allow sharing of contacts settings in bluetooth, but that results in not having your contacts on the headunit. So instead you should go to User>Google Account> and put off the synchronization of contacts. That fixed it, and than the bluetooth simply transfers you contacts to the headunit without deleting it.
Just like how it worked on my OEM unit from Suzuki, but if you don't use Google for you contacts. Then this bug would most likely not effect you.
Another bug I found, and also already read about on XDA: is the fact that once you change the UI, in this case UI29. After a reboot, or once you start the car again? It would change back to the standard UI.
So I went to UI settings again, and saw UI29 was still selected. I selected it again and saved it, but I'm guessing perhaps next time I get in to the car. The standard UI might be back. Which I don't mind to much, I'm finding the different home screens quite similar anyway.
Reverse camera
When I first checked if the reverse camera was working, I had a black and white image. So I though perhaps it was a feature of the Starlight Night Vision from my GreenYi AHD reverse camera. So I spend a half evening on Google, trying to figure out if black and white image was normal.
In the end it turned out, the headunit settings for the reverse camera wasn't in AHD yet. However the reverse camera works fine, although I still have to put a Car Camera Filter between it. I ordered one from AliExpress, but shipping will take awhile. So until I get the filter, I will have to live with some interference inside the image.
Interference Reverse Camera Celerio
Hello there, Recently I have installed an Android head-unit inside my Suzuki Celerio, which before had a simple but well functioning Bluetooth Car radio with cd player. The main purpose of installing a screen in my car, was in order to install...
Fake Android = 20% money back
So as I already reported: Mekede is selling these head-units with fake Android 11 on it, while this doesn't effect the unit in a single way. Because it's just a editable number in the build prop.
But I saw it as an opportunity to get 20% of the purchase amount back: I paid $ 232,77 for this unit. And I got $ 50 dollars back from AliExpress, because of proofing it runs fake Android 11. So that makes the price for the Mekede M500s totally $ 182,77 totally.
I probably will even get back a little bit more that € 50 because, when I bought in dollars: the exchange rate was still one to one. Now it's like € 1 = $ 0,99 and AlliExpress, will pay you back in the currency you bought the item.
In order to get the dispute succesfully through: where you show the actions you follow, to proof the fake Android version. So install fake device test first, before staring the recording. And ofcourse describe how you proved it's fake. Just taking the picture won't be enough.
Also don't expect a full refund or 50% or whatever, AliExpress most likely don't give you a higher refund of 20% but feel free to round the number up.
But no matter if the device displays Android 13 and running Android 8.1 it going be the same, for AliExpress. Even though the impact is bigger, when a head-unit is running such an old Android version. In this case I have no problems with Android 10.
For the time being, this is my verdict: keep in mind it's based on a short user time, but that's mostly the case. I might update the review, when there are new things that I find worth mentioning.
In my opinion it's clear why the FYT Based UIS 7862 is among the best choices, when picking a Android Head-unit. No matter if you mainly wanna run Android Auto or use it as a dedicated headunit, running navigation apps and music directly from it.
Because I was ignorance at first: mainly wanted to have Android Auto, I thought a cheaper headunit would do just fine. And well that was the case, but the sound was horrible. It was to slow for running any kind of modern app etc, and even not giving the full Android Auto experience.
So with this headunit, everything is really quickly running: no slowing down, other than waiting for wireless Android Auto to connect. You can run whatever apps you want and most likely it will work.
I only don't think these Android head-units are meant, for people without any technical knowledge. It isn't plug and play at all, because there are some settings to be taken care of. Some bugs which might annoy you and wanna smash the headunit, all of this makes Android headunits not suitable for the non-technical people among us.
And if you are very reliable of using your phone for making phone calls: run away while still possible, because ofcourse when the calling is already working. The microphones in these units are very basic, having no noise cancellation.
Tweaks and fixing problem's
In this post, I will describe the tweaks or methods, I used to fix annoying issues with this unit. Which shouldn't exist in the first place, but well you get what you pay for
( You pay for the hardware and headunit software, but don't expect support or these Chinese companies to fix these issues. Some exist for years.... )
Fixing Messed-up Google Maps...
One issue I described in my review, was the messed-up Google Maps. It seems this is caused by the Frontapp, that widget kinda thingy on the right upper corner that displays permanently Google Maps.
In order to fix that, you basically have to use an launcher which doesn't contain this Google Maps Frontapp. Or because the launcher will also go back to the default one.... even though you change it in factory settings.
FrontApp for Teyes - Apps on Google Play
Change Teyes main screen application easily
Or use FrontApp for Teyes, which enables you to change this FrontApp to any app you like. For example Spotify: just keep in mind, this way you can't close it.
Credits @surfer63
Make use of the 5G WiFi
Fellow Dutch @TweakNL made me aware, that you can configure your mobile WiFi hotspot to be using the 5Ghz frequency. One reason to do so, is to avoid interference by bluetooth which uses the same frequency band as WiFi 2.4Ghz does.
It makes the WiFi more stable, hence no need to worry about a unstable WiFi connection. Actually the 5G is also the reason, Android Auto works wireless on these units.
Car launcher that keeps changing back, do the default launcher after picking another launcher from factory settings.
I found this issue very annoying: you can select 5 different launchers, from Car Settings. But it would everytime change by to the default one, kinda forcing you to stick with it. At 4PDA however I found the solution:
Q: Launchers (themes) spontaneously switch to others after sleep / reboot / other actions
A: Settings - Device - Applications. Disable the Digital Wellbeing App
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It might not come directly in mind: but using Splitscreen can actually be very useful, and isn't difficult to use at all. I tried it with the FM-Radio app and Google Maps, and I could control both apps without needing to switch between them.
Nice review. (Apart from the fact that I do not understand that you buy an expensive unit to run AA )
DexterMorganNL said:
Below there on the right, is a music player widget: very nice if you get your MP3's illegally from the internet, and load them on the headunit. There is 64GB of storage, so it would be doable to store music locally.
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MP3's on your unit don't have to be illegal. I have a large CD-collection which I completely ripped to flac for my home installation and to mp3 (preset V0) for my car. You have the legal right to make a backup/copy for yourself, at least in the Netherlands! I have over 2500 songs on my unit (6000 at home as I don't play classic music in the car), where maybe 80~100 are indeed illegal as they are popsongs I like, but I don't like the entire CD (at all).
DexterMorganNL said:
(Wireless) Android Auto
Using the Car Link app, it's very easy to connect to Android Auto. To my surprise it even works wireless, however your phone needs to support it as well. This is basically where the 5G WiFi proofs it benefits, because Android Auto uses 5G WiFi in order to have wireless Android Auto work.
The downside of this though is, that WiFi in your headunit will be switched off: as it's being used by Android Auto. And after using Android Auto, it won't be turned back on automatically. So if you wanna use the WiFi for apps installed on the headunit, than you have to switch it back on by yourself after using Android Auto wireless.
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You could install something like tasker, macro-droid., Llama or Easer to check for the connection. If AA or CarLink is no longer running, you could start WiFi again.
DexterMorganNL said:
Because it still keeps running in this tablet mode, where everything is very small. So that's not convenient, while using it in the car and trying to read the directions as showed by Google Maps.
Android Auto has none of these issues, so that's why I'm preferring Android Auto over native Google Maps on the headunit. It actually also has a part, where you can control Spotify. So that's very convenient while driving.
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I am not sure whether your statement is entirely correct. When you use Google Maps in the launcher it runs as some kind of widget. Joying shows in their youtube videos showing AA that they run Google Maps in full screen which makes it much bigger.
On my previous PX5 and sc9853i and current uis7862 I always run my unit on my phone hotspot also giving me full-screen or split-screen Google Maps, with or without Spotify (not anymore, tried that shortly), radio or music player.
surfer63 said:
Nice review. (Apart from the fact that I do not understand that you buy an expensive unit to run AA )
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I explained that just now, at the end of the verdict for now. It took me awhile to finishing the writing, and I haven't even been able to take a all the pictures I want. As my wife gets annoyed, when I'm frequently going to my car hihi.
MP3's on your unit don't have to be illegal. I have a large CD-collection which I completely ripped to flac for my home installation and to mp3 (preset V0) for my car. You have the legal right to make a backup/copy for yourself, at least in the Netherlands! I have over 2500 songs on my unit (6000 at home as I don't play classic music in the car), where maybe 80~100 are indeed illegal as they are popsongs I like, but I don't like the entire CD (at all).
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Ofcourse I'm aware of that, but I don't know many Dutch people from my generation who didn't download illegal MP3's and for a long time you actually could just do it. They only went behind the big fishs.
I however used to download K-pop, as I could impossible import the CD's from South Korea. So I used to burn these MP3's to CD, in order to play them in the car. Yes my old Carradio has a CD player, but I haven't used it years.
You could install something like tasker, macro-droid., Llama or Easer to check for the connection. If AA or CarLink is no longer running, you could start WiFi again.
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Thanks, I really need to try this when I have time.
I am not sure whether your statement is entirely correct. When you use Google Maps in the launcher it runs as some kind of widget. Joying shows in their youtube videos showing AA that they run Google Maps in full screen which makes it much bigger.
On my previous PX5 and sc9853i and current uis7862 I always run my unit on my phone hotspot also giving me full-screen or split-screen Google Maps, with or without Spotify (not anymore, tried that shortly), radio or music player.
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Well I didn't take a picture, else I could have simply showed it. And I tried to find an image on Google, with this what I think is the tablet interface.
But Google Maps looks the same in both the small widget, and full screen. Maybe I might try a launcher, without the Maps widget. Because I find these widget's, more of a gimmick.
I changed the default GUI to something else because of problems. When the unit starts it opens google maps on the home screen. When i try to open fullscreen the layout is messed up see the image.
When i take a other UI without google maps loaded in a small window problems are gone. Also see the other image. I masked the streetnames.. you can see on the messed up one the green bar and the missing of directions and current speed etc.
Tweak-NL said:
I changed the default GUI to something else because of problems. When the unit starts it opens google maps on the home screen. When i try to open fullscreen the layout is messed up see the image.
When i take a other UI without google maps loaded in a small window problems are gone. Also see the other image. I masked the streetnames.. you can see on the messed up one the green bar and the missing of directions and current speed etc.
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Well that's precisely what I was trying to describe: so in my case, it looks like messed-up one and I really kept thinking it was a tablet ui. But now it makes sense, Google Maps opens automatically in that widget.
I thought the widget could be quite useful, but this way it's messing more things up than doing good. Unless Google Maps isn't your choice, than it doesn't really matter.
But this made me prefer Android Auto, even though it takes a bit to start. Simply because the UI of Google Maps wasn't messed up this way. Because in a way it might be easier, to use Google Maps straight on the headunit instead of Android Auto.
How much I do love Android Auto, I must acknowledge that it has it downsides. Especially when setting up destination's, if you didn't search it recently. Than you need to give a voice command, and Google Assistant never seems to understand me....
Or it should be something straight forward as: DM ( drugstore in Germany) than most likely, it will bring me to the closest. But when my wife, wanted to go the Chinese restaurant. Ofcourse when I tried to pronounce the name, it wouldn't understand it.
You could change the widget to open youtube, very usefull if you want to see the settings of youtube on your home screen :') :')
Tweak-NL said:
You could change the widget to open youtube, very usefull if you want to see the settings of youtube on your home screen :') :')
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Oh really? How to do that? Because I just saw, some people display Waze inside this widget instead. I have also been wondering, if I could play Spotify with that music control widget.
The idea of having a little map in the widget, is nice: but not if it messes up Google Maps. So instead I might use another navigation app, like Waze?
It was sarcastic why the hell you want youtube settings on your home screen haha. Maybe Waze works okay but i dont want to use that.
No me neither, but if it displays in this widget then it's totally fine. Because then I could use Google Maps normally.
I just don't know yet, how to change it? Is it just changing the default navigation app? Or how does it work, because if you tap these widget's no settings popup.
DexterMorganNL said:
No me neither, but if it displays in this widget then it's totally fine. Because then I could use Google Maps normally.
I just don't know yet, how to change it? Is it just changing the default navigation app? Or how does it work, because if you tap these widget's no settings popup.
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Actiually it is wrong to call this a widget. It is a special way that Google Maps can use to display itself, also like the "small" popup that can be displayed in the bottom-right if you have another app open.
User König (aka Boorondook) on 4pda wrote the app "Frontapp for Teyes" that you can use to display almost anything in that Google Maps area. It can also be downloaded from the Play Store: (see Video)
He also wrote the "Widgetupdater for Teyes" but that one costs money, and that is for the widget (left side; the real widget )
Edit: Sorry. I had copied the incorrect link in the Video link
surfer63 said:
Actiually it is wrong to call this a widget. It is a special way that Google Maps can use to display itself, also like the "small" popup that can be displayed in the bottom-right if you have another app open.
User König (aka Boorondook) on 4pda wrote the app "Frontapp for Teyes" that you can use to display almost anything in that Google Maps area. It can also be downloaded from the Play Store: (see Video)
He also wrote the "Widgetupdater for Teyes" but that one costs money, and that is for the widget (left side; the real widget )
Edit: Sorry. I had copied the incorrect link in the Video link
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Ah okay, I didnt know better than that these things where called widgets: this term I learned from KDE, a Linux user interface. But thank you for the app, than I can use it to display Spotify instead.
DexterMorganNL said:
Ah okay, I didnt know better than that these things where called widgets: this term I learned from KDE, a Linux user interface. But thank you for the app, than I can use it to display Spotify instead.
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I didn't say it correctly either. I corrected my post. It is actually a Launcher function enabling a display area where most apps can be "pushed into".
The launcher only allows for Google Maps (and Yandex Navigator IIRC). König (Booroondook) made an app that allows you to alter that configuration setting (it is nothing more than that, but very cleverly found by him) to make it possible to display almost any app there.
surfer63 said:
I didn't say it correctly either. I corrected my post. It is actually a Launcher function enabling a display area where most apps can be "pushed into".
The launcher only allows for Google Maps (and Yandex Navigator IIRC). König (Booroondook) made an app that allows you to alter that configuration setting (it is nothing more than that, but very cleverly found by him) to make it possible to display almost any app there.
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If this display area didnt mess up Google Maps, when using it full screen. Than actually I would have though its a nice feature, to have a map on the car launcher. Actually when ordering, I found that home screen looked kinda cool.
But in daily usage, I feel it's a bit of a gimmick. On Wednesday I'm going try these things out, mentioned in this topic. I'm taking a bit of break, of everytime sneaking out to the car for testing stuff.
DexterMorganNL said:
But in daily usage, I feel it's a bit of a gimmick.
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That was my opinion already when it came out first on the CC2. It is just eye candy. In practice it makes your launcher more rigid instead of more flexible.
surfer63 said:
That was my opinion already when it came out first on the CC2. It is just eye candy. In practice it makes your launcher more rigid instead of more flexible.
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Which launcher are you using currently then? I don't feel the need, to really change it: but at least I wanted that messed-up Google Maps gone.
AGAMA Car Launcher - Apps on Google Play
Home screen for car multimedia systems for Android OS (30 day TRIAL)
But I though of trying Agama Car Launcher, only you need to pay for it. That would kinda stop me, even if I can try it for 30 days for free. Currently I'm just using UI 29 with the little speedometer.
Thanks to the "Frontapp for Teyes" I was able to replace, the Frontapp with Spotify. So that means Spotify is running in that space instead, and than Google Maps runs normally.
Just the Spotify controls somehow don't display in Google Maps? ( yes it is, in landscape format on my phone, it doesn't control the Spotify controls either ) Could it be because landscape format? So tomorrow when driving to Den Haag, than I will be able to test Google Maps straight from the headunit.
Hence not draining my phone's battery: Android Auto uses a lot of battery from the phone, as the process finds place on the phone. So it would drain your battery, and with wired Android Auto the phone would hardly charge.
DexterMorganNL said:
Which launcher are you using currently then? I don't feel the need, to really change it: but at least I wanted that messed-up Google Maps gone.
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No offense, but Launchers are of such personal taste. I now use Nova Launcher but I have used CarWebGuru for quite some years (paid version). That doesn't mean I want to steer anyone to any launcher.
surfer63 said:
No offense, but Launchers are of such personal taste. I now use Nova Launcher but I have used CarWebGuru for quite some years (paid version). That doesn't mean I want to steer anyone to any launcher.
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I know Nova Launcher though: used to use it with my Huawei phone, as I didn't like the stock Launcher so much. Highly customisable as far as I remember, and no limitations that these Chinese built-in launchers have.
For now I'm fine with these Chinese flashy launchers, even if they contain a lot of gimmicks. Anyway how to avoid that the headunit keeps changing to the default launcher? Without the need to flash something on a USB stick?
I have UI 29 now set, but when I switched the ACC on to install that app in order to fix the messed-up Google Maps. Than the standard UI was back, but after I changed Spotify to be in that front app. On that moment UI 29 was displaying again. I'm not sure if it's going stay like that.... if yes than its a nice by effect from this app.
If it keeps changing back you can ask me.. I posted a fix (looks like it) on the other topic.

Question Does Bluetooth only reconnect to the last device used?

My unit allowed me to pair multiple phones (my wife and daughter also drive) but the Bluetooth system would only reconnect to the last phone used.
So if I drove the car last, and then my wife drives, it won't connect to her phone without manually selecting it from the list of devices. It will be stuck trying to find my phone which isn't in the car.
I complained to the manufacturer about this silly bug (Atoto) and they issued an update that made it search for other phones. It seems to work pretty well now, but I'm wondering - is this normal behavior for FYT units? If so, what did Atoto do to fix it? I got a Bluetooth update file, it only flashed the BT system and not the rest of Android. I'm not sure what it did, but wondering if I purchase a different FYT unit, will I run into this yet again?
dishe2 said:
My unit allowed me to pair multiple phones (my wife and daughter also drive) but the Bluetooth system would only reconnect to the last phone used.
So if I drove the car last, and then my wife drives, it won't connect to her phone without manually selecting it from the list of devices. It will be stuck trying to find my phone which isn't in the car.
I complained to the manufacturer about this silly bug (Atoto) and they issued an update that made it search for other phones. It seems to work pretty well now, but I'm wondering - is this normal behavior for FYT units? If so, what did Atoto do to fix it? I got a Bluetooth update file, it only flashed the BT system and not the rest of Android. I'm not sure what it did, but wondering if I purchase a different FYT unit, will I run into this yet again?
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can you confirm which update you got?
is there a specific patch name i could quote when i talk to them?
i just updaed to the 2023/02/02 release and still have this issue
It's strange they did not include this bug fix in the latest firmware update
thanks for any info you can provide
How do you check for updates?
The Bluetooth 1 system is separate from the rest of the Android OS.
Bt2 is the standard Android stack that you'd normally find on a phone or tablet, But BT1, in order to receive an incoming signal from your phone, is external hardware that exists outside of Android and seems to interface via an app that they call BT1. This does not get updated the same way as the OS does.
In other words, the firmware updates are usually only targeting the Android partition and does not update the MCU, Bluetooth, or other external components. You need to ask them for a Bluetooth update, It is performed by going into BT1 and then clicking on update Bluetooth firmware from within that screen with the file on a storage card or USB. It does not format the rest of the system, it really just update BT1 alone and can be done while the device is on. However I think that they recommend you reboot after performing the update since it is pretty heavily tied into how the rest of the radio operates.
The only thing that I don't like about the way Atoto handles customer support is their updates. They say they are going to be getting better about this in the future hopefully, but right now you need to specifically ask them for updates and there is no way to check for them.
dishe2 said:
The Bluetooth 1 system is separate from the rest of the Android OS.
Bt2 is the standard Android stack that you'd normally find on a phone or tablet, But BT1, in order to receive an incoming signal from your phone, is external hardware that exists outside of Android and seems to interface via an app that they call BT1. This does not get updated the same way as the OS does.
In other words, the firmware updates are usually only targeting the Android partition and does not update the MCU, Bluetooth, or other external components. You need to ask them for a Bluetooth update, It is performed by going into BT1 and then clicking on update Bluetooth firmware from within that screen with the file on a storage card or USB. It does not format the rest of the system, it really just update BT1 alone and can be done while the device is on. However I think that they recommend you reboot after performing the update since it is pretty heavily tied into how the rest of the radio operates.
The only thing that I don't like about the way Atoto handles customer support is their updates. They say they are going to be getting better about this in the future hopefully, but right now you need to specifically ask them for updates and there is no way to check for them.
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i have reached out to Atoto. in order to asist in getting the correct file from them, can you please quote the filename they gave you, as a the moment they dont seem to know what i am talking about. this may help them find what it is i need.
thanks in advance
did it take long for you to get a response form them and the file in question?
they keep responding at the speed of only 1 email per day
between 5-6 am
constantly asking more info from me about my order
instead of telling me everything they need from me
its extreemly frustrating
have you been able to find the name of the file they shared with you?
so i can let them know exactly what I am looking for?
Maybe if you share the bluetooth update files people can review what this is about as I have not heard about BT update only.
roti86 said:
Maybe if you share the bluetooth update files people can review what this is about as I have not heard about BT update only.
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yeah, thats all i wanted, was the file/files
at least their names
anyways, support has gotten back to me
I will provide the info I have as well as what hey expect from you in case any of you need the same fix
I figure the least I can do is share the info I have
they did not give me a file to be used in the BT files menu
wha they gave me was a config.txt and lsec6316update
lsec6316update appears to be the same file that is found in a normal update and triggers an actual update process
config.txt seems to simply contain system values and their configs, some of them not even available in the hidden menu
_____the config.txt appears to be specific to your device model
this did seem to trigger a "normal" , "full" update
but as soon as it hit the fastboot/adb/update screen
it simply seemed to apply the config file and then ask to unplug the drive
it then proceedd to boot
after booting the unit will now still search for last connected phone
but if not found within ~10-15 seconds
it tries the next one in the list and so on
I have reached back to support to thank them and ask about future updates
I still sont know if this "change" will be included in the next firmare update or not
if at that time a different "fix" may be needd
if you simply need to include the config file with the nex upate, as that seems to just be part of the structure
I will follow up when i ge more answers from Atoto
now for details needed when reaching out to them
so you dont have to struggle like I did 1 email at a time with no insight
1- screenhot of the "about device" in sysem showing the MCU version
2- further deails of the MCU by tapping 4 times and scrolling to the bottom of the black screen with all the details
3- date and vendor/site your unit was ordered from
4- order number
5- exact full model number of your unit
6- screenshot showing order and unit exact model
Bluetooth reconnects OK for me, but only on days ending with y
Uis7862 mcu type 116 fyt. Rock on.
pchtc said:
they did not give me a file to be used in the BT files menu
wha they gave me was a config.txt and lsec6316update
lsec6316update appears to be the same file that is found in a normal update and triggers an actual update process
config.txt seems to simply contain system values and their configs, some of them not even available in the hidden menu
_____the config.txt appears to be specific to your device model
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Would you care to share the contents of the config.txt file?
That appears to be something I haven't seen before.
j0hn83 said:
Would you care to share the contents of the config.txt file?
That appears to be something I haven't seen before.
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here are the contents of theconfiguration file
nothing really sands out in terms of a parameter that would forcefully scan other paired devices, but its working now
pleas keep in mind that my unit is an A6 PF (performance)
ro.fyt.launcher =
ro.lsec.btname=Bluetooth 2
persist.sys.ahd = 1
persist.fyt.buildnumber=AICE UI 11.0
persist.fyt.productseries=Device Name:ATOTO A6 Performance
# persist.syu.backui3rd = true
# true/false ÊÇ·ñµÚÈý·½µ¹³µÓ¦Óã¬Ä¬ÈϹØ(false)
# sys.syu.reserving_service_pkg = ""
#µÚÈý·½µ¹³µÓ¦ÓðüÃû ±±¾©Ë«÷Ùöè°üÃû£º"com.sjs.vrbackcarapp"
# sys.syu.reserving_service_action = ""
#µÚÈý·½µ¹³µÓ¦ÓÃaction ±±¾©Ë«÷Ùöèaction£º"com.sjs.vrbackcarapp.AutoStartService"
Thanks for sharing. I don't understand coding but it seems its specific for ATOTO A6 Performance. I suppose its not a copy paste for others units. It has to be adapted. I wonder why other manufactures don't apply a patch like this. Could it be hardware related?
Battoussai said:
Thanks for sharing. I don't understand coding but it seems its specific for ATOTO A6 Performance. I suppose its not a copy paste for others units. It has to be adapted. I wonder why other manufactures don't apply a patch like this. Could it be hardware related?
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I think it is the property "persist.btautoconnect.count=3".
If you can't find the first, go to the 2nd, and optionally go to the 3rd
surfer63 said:
I think it is the property "persist.btautoconnect.count=3".
If you can't find the first, go to the 2nd, and optionally go to the 3rd
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Hello Surfer63.
Sorry for this and i'm trying not to be a PITA but your code skills are impressive so my question (and feel free to don't reply) is:
My config.txt only contains this:
# 0£ºÄÚÖÃÀ¶ÑÀ£»
# 1£ºRDA£»
# 2£ºIVT£»
# 3£ºWQRDA£»
# 4: WQBC5
sys.syu.dvd_external (9853Íâ¹ÒµúºÏ) 0,1
Should I edit and add the line you refered to "persist.btautoconnect.count=3" after the "persist.fyt.selectcolor=3"? Or it is not that simple?
Thanks in advance.
Battoussai said:
Should I edit and add the line you refered to "persist.btautoconnect.count=3" after the "persist.fyt.selectcolor=3"? Or it is not that simple?
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First of all: I am not sure that this is the correct property. This one is also new to me, but it is not one of the other properties. So it is an educated guess that this is the correct one.
It doesn't matter where you put the line. There is no specific order. So you can put the line wherever you want in the config.txt.
Hey, OP here. Just wanted to clarify a few things:
I originally asked the question because it came to my attention that the Atoto units handle Bluetooth a little bit differently than other FYT devices.
I was curious to see how others handle it and if they have the same reconnect issues that the Atoto ones do. I'm fairly certain that very little (if anything) would translate over to other brands, however I'm not fully aware of how other brands do it (I've owned 4 Atoto units so far and can't vouch for any others aside from what I've read here). And even stranger, the "fix" differs between Atoto's own devices (the A6 PF is a 8581 devices, and the S8 is a 7862- I own both units and both have BT updates to change how this works after I explained the problem to them, however the updates are very different).
In Atoto's platform, there are two bluetooth UIs:
1) BT2, which is the standard Android Bluetooth stack. It can be used like any other BT connection in an Android device, good for things like a keyboard or other input devices, OBDii dongles, file transfers, internet tethering, etc.
2) BT1, which is a customized Bluetooth UI to act as a receiver (all the headunit-related functions such as handsfree calls and streaming audio, which aren't part of the AOSP Bluetooth stack). They call this custom one BT1, while the standard Android Bluetooth system gets demoted to BT2, probably because they assume this is the most often used one for anyone expecting headunit-style functionality.
I'm not familiar with other FYT units, but it is my understanding that they have only one unified Bluetooth system, and it is likely a customized one only which is why I see people complaining about only being able to use "official" branded OBD readers instead of allowing any standard BT connection like Atoto (@surfer63, is that about right?).
I'm not 100% sure how it works, but it appears that BT1 might actually rely on separate hardware that exists externally from the rest of the Android system, and only interfaces with it via an app (similar to the way the FM tuner works). Essentially it is a Bluetooth receiver that goes into the MCU mixer and controlled inside the app called BT1. The proof to me that this is the case is that:
1) You can "see itself" when searching for bluetooth devices in BT2. I haven't tried this because it feels like a paradox that would unravel the universe at first, but apparently BT2 can see BT1 as an available Bluetooth speaker, and connect to it for audio.
2) After a factory reset, BT1 retains its paired devices information (because it exists outside of Android).
3) BT1 UI has its own "reset" and sometimes even "update" function (S8 Ultra, more on that in a minute), which implies it is operating on a different set of rules than the rest of the system.
When they initially made the update for my S8 Ultra, I was given a file to "flash the firmware of the bluetooth module". It is NOT a system update, but an update that must be initiated only inside of BT1. It does not effect the rest of the system, it does not even reboot the system. You click update, wait for it to finish, then click reset Bluetooth for good measure.
On the A6 pf (5851 device), I was given an actual firmware update to test when they "fixed" it. And not just a new lsec6316update and config file, but a full blown update. It could be that the rest of the update wasn't necessary and just a line in the config was changed, but I'd doubt that since they said the unit currently did not work the way I asked, and their engineers had to "work on a fix".
Either way, the bottom line here is that the Atoto units work different from each other (S8 vs A6 pf) and both of those work differently from every other FYT device I think, so none of this is cross-device useful IMO. I believe this is why they recommended I tell people to contact customer support rather than share the fix online for others, it appears to be very device specific. And for the record, it works much better on the S8 than the A6. The A6 gets stuck if it sees the previous device when it boots up, whereas the S8 can tell when it gets disconnected to start searching for other previous devices. The systems don't work the same way.
dishe2 said:
I'm not familiar with other FYT units, but it is my understanding that they have only one unified Bluetooth system, and it is likely a customized one only which is why I see people complaining about only being able to use "official" branded OBD readers instead of allowing any standard BT connection like Atoto (@surfer63, is that about right?).
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The FYTs do indeed have one BT app and a "crippled" bluetooth stack. As I do not have an Atoto I can't say anything about the other parts of your theory/explanation, other then that it sounds quite logical.
dishe2 said:
.'m not familiar with other FYT units, but it is my understanding that they have only one unified Bluetooth system, and it is likely a customized one only which is why I see people complaining about only being able to use "official" branded OBD readers instead of allowing any standard BT connection like Atoto
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Other FYT units operate the exact same.
They have 2 Bluetooth systems installed that behave the same way as your Atoto.
Either way, the bottom line here is that the Atoto units work different from each other (S8 vs A6 pf) and both of those work differently from every other FYT device I think, so none of this is cross-device useful IMO
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The config.txt commands to change the behaviour of the Bluetooth pairing are FYT config lines and shouldn't be specific to Atoto.
I'll have a play with my unit later and try see how they change the behaviour but I suspect they will have similar outcomes.
j0hn83 said:
Other FYT units operate the exact same.
They have 2 Bluetooth systems installed that behave the same way as your Atoto.
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@dishe2 mentions "In Atoto's platform, there are two bluetooth UIs:"
On my Mekede 500s I only have one, and it doesn't have an alternative UI for "BT1" and "BT2". Neither is there an second BT apk, nor can I access it from the Settings.
This is already a 7 year old issue that prevents us to connect anything else than the "allowed" BT devices.
Can you please explain how I get to the other other UI with the standard BT functionality?
On my Mekede M500s you can access "Bluetooth 2" by using Marios shortcut app or using his FYT management centre app.
It's a completely separate Bluetooth chip to the BLINK Bluetooth app that handles calls (
The 2 Bluetooth devices have different mac addresses.

