General Modding your Joying/FYT SC9853i unit without root - FYT Android Head Units

See title: Only for SC9853i Joying/FYT 8.1 units.
Due to some changes in the flashing process since the previous PX5 and Sofia 3GR models it is now partly possible to mod your unit without root.
Some info to start with:
(partly from 4pda, partly from a "hint" from @julien_blanche, mostly from own knowledge)
Contents of a firmware zip:
Code: # The zip that contains the boot.img; the system/vendor/oem partitions and a few other things.
Allapp.pkg # Special file that contains all FYT apps (actually a special XAR archive.)
config.txt # file comparible to the build.prop which can contain additional properties
lsec6521update # The binary that really does the update
oem # Folder containing some additional apps
Stm32ud.bin # The MCU binary. It is not always in every firmware
updatecfg.txt # Contains instructions for the flashing process
crruptoff # Special file for "WiFi only". Not in the normal firmwares. Be careful!
Some commands that can be put inside updatecfg.txt
twipe_all # Wipe entire system
twipe_data # Will wipe data partition (but not /sdcard, internal memory). Wiping the /data partition will wipe all config, all 3rd party apps and updates of system apps. This is the same as a "reset to factory defaults"
twipe_sd # Will wipe internal memory /sdcard (but not the data partition)
dellapp # Remove all 3rd party apps
make_updates # Make an upgrade U-disk boot file
test # test unit and firmware before flash
Some properties that can be put inside config.txt. Say you live in Brazil and you want your locale settings immediately on Brazil, you can add that, for example:
ro.product.locale = pt_BR
The file crruptoff:
If you have a unit with a 4G module, but you don't have 4G (or don't want to use it), you can use this file. Put one line in this crruptoff being "fixwifi" and save it to the sdcard/usb-stick you use for flashing.
You can use it to get rid of the "No SIM" notification in your notification bar. Does not work anymore on the later firmwares. Chances are minimal but maybe it might work again "some day".
The Allapp.pkg
The Allapp.pkg file is a special XAR archive with a directory structure. You can use ApkPack.exe to create or extract it.
Folder path: This is where your files are being extracted to, or packed from
File path: This is the file that is being created (packed), or where the files are extracted from.
All apks (*.apk) and all libraries (*.so) will be installed as system apks and libraries, which means you can't uninstall them, but on the SC9853i units they are installed under /oem and not under /system.
Inside this Allapp.pkg you will also find two other files: fyt.prop and skipkillapp.prop.
The fyt.prop is identical to the build.prop but gives the option to add extra properties or replace/modify properties in the build.prop.
The skipkillapp.prop contains apps (package names) with values from -15 to 15.
When going into "deep sleep" the packages not mentioned in this list will be killed. Applications in this list with positive values will absolutely be killed (unstable otherwise??). The ones with higher values first. The ones with values 1 and 0 as last, where the app with value 0 will be the last killed before going into deep sleep.
The apps with negative values are considered system apps and will not be killed. In this case the most negative number (-15) has the highest priority. My assumption (not tested, not verified) is that negative numbers approaching 0 might be killed if the system needs the memory?
So in other words: If you do not want that some of your apps are killed, you can add them to this "skipkillapp.prop" by their package name. Say you use @realzoulou's DAB-Z app, you would add a line for DAB-Z (com.zoulou.dab). Or for example if you are a Tasker user, which is normally killed as well:
com.zoulou.dab = -10 = -10
(I would suggest not using values like -15, -14, -13 to make sure you do not really interfere with the real system apps).
And then you need to add this file to your own allapp.pkg
The lsec_updatesh folder and script
Practical applications:
Making patches, an alternative to creating the Allapp.pkg package.
Work on all folders in the unit (which Allapp.pkg cannot do).
Delete unnecessary files or applications (who uses the calculator app?), or overwite files like the fyt.prop or others.
Modify/overwrite config files that are otherwise not modifiable (like bluetooth config?)
Setting properties that normally require root/admin rights.
Creating backups of your partitions using the dd command. This can be handy on a device for which you do not have a firmware yet as backup.
Rooting your unit, also if you do not have a firmware from your supplier.
Make a Custom ROM by simply doing all kind of modifications after the "normal" firmware flash.
See for more info about the "The lsec_updatesh folder and script" in post #228.
Creating an Allapp.pkg and flash it to your device (post #2)
Some pre-build flashable images (post #3)
And if everything goes wrong and your unit ends up in a boot loop or doesn't get past the boot logo. (post #4)

Creating an Allapp.pkg and flash it to your device
Use the (English) version of ApkPack.exe (english version attached) to unpack/repack an Allapp.pkg. (It also works with wine on Linux/MacOS)
(See this youtube link for a really quick & dirty (and unsharp, sorry) video about what scrolls on your screen when flashing such a mini Allapp.pkg)
(1) Quick example:
Create a folder Allapp
Copy some wanted apks or mods into the folder.
Use the ApkPack.exe to create the Allapp.pkg
Simply copy the "Allapp.pkg" and "lsec6521update" onto a clean FAT32 formatted SD-card or USB-stick.
Put the USB-stick into your unit and it will recognise the update and flash it to your unit.
Other options:
Copy the "Allapp.pkg", (optional) "updatecfg.txt", (optional) "config.txt" and "lsec6521update" onto a clean FAT32 formatted SD-card or USB-stick.
In my case having a 4G unit without using 4G and wanting to use Google Assistant for calls: Copy the Allapp.pkg, config.txt (see above), crruptoff (see above) and lsec6521update onto a clean FAT32 formatted USB-stick.
Note that when NOT using an updatecfg.txt, nothing will be wiped on your unit. Only added/replaced.
(2) Another example:
Create folder Allapp on your pc/laptop
add (2019-08-14) main server mod with extended navi_app.txt and "BT to background" hacks. (see my github repo. Be careful to choose the one for your specific firmware date)
add BW-RDS radio mod (see my github repo. Only choose version for Android 8.1 if you want full functionality)
add oandbackup (dk.jens.backup_305.apk) (Free and open source backup restore apk)
add latest MagiskManager-v7.3.2.apk
Use apkpack.exe (attached) to create a new Allapp.pkg by selecting the folder to be packaged, the name of the file being Allapp.pkg, and select button "Packed" (sloppy translation from Chinese)
Copy created "Allapp.pkg" and "lsec6521update" onto a clean FAT32 formatted USB-stick.
Insert in your unit and the flashing process will start (Note: It will mention "Setting to factory defaults" before flash reboot, but it is really not doing that)
After the (very quick) flash and normal reboot, you will have 2 new apps and 2 modded apps.
(3) Example for a FYT compatible SC9853i, like a Sinosmart or Zhan or "unnamed":
You can also create your own Allapp.pkg, also with a modded Joying apk as the apks are actually identical, but there is one big naming issue to take into account!
Even though the apks are identical having the same package name, they have different apk names. A normal install will check for the package name and replace the apk with that same package name, whatever its apk name (think of versions or build time stamps behind the the "normal" name). The flashing method simply looks at the apk name and will create an /oem/app/<apk_name>/<apk_name>.apk. In this case versions numbers of build timestamps will create again and again a new folder with the exact same apk and none will work.
As an example for the radio app:
"Some" unbranded:
Again: The apks are exactly the same but have a different name. If you simply flash one next to the other, both will not work anymore as both have the same internal package name being "". So you have no radio at all.
So, how to create an Allapp.pkg with a modded Joying apk for your FYT compatible SC9853i unit?
Check the name of your unit's radio app (or BT, Video, Music app). (If you don't know how you can use my HWGet_info.apk and open the resulting and look inside the "oem_listing.txt")
Find the name of the modded Joying app.
Rename the modded Joying app to the name of your app. So for example for Joying-> Sinosmart radio app: rename to (Joying to Sinosmart)
Create a folder Allapp
Copy the modded and now renamed Joying radio apk into the folder (repeat if relevant for other mods).
Use the ApkPack.exe to create the Allapp.pkg
Simply copy the "Allapp.pkg" and "lsec6521update" onto a clean FAT32 formatted SD-card or USB-stick.
Put the USB-stick into your unit and it will recognise the update and flash it to your unit.
Also create an Allap.pkg for your original app so you can always flash back the original app if you want (or need) to.

Some pre-build flashable images
Only for real Joying SC9853i units. Other FYT compatibles are not supported.
All SC9853i FYT models are actually the same, but boot images are mostly different and apks have different names. In the latter case you would have 2 identical apks with the same package name, but with a different apk name residing in different folders. Neither of them will work anymore as Android doesn't know which one is the correct one.
The zips that can be found in this post can be directly unzipped to a clean, empty Fat32 formatted USB-stick or SD-card. You do not need to be rooted and you don't need my JET apk.
When this USB-stick or SD-card is inserted into your unit, the unit will recognize it as a flashable firmware and start flashing the files to your unit.
These flashable firmware files will leave all your installed apps and settings as they are. Only the files in these Allapp.pkg files will be overwritten.
The zips containing boot images will only overwrite the boot image. All apps and settings remain as they are.
The "combi" zips are just combinations of possible mods and/or boot images. They behave the same as the previous two.
The zips that can be downloaded from this post are all on one of my github repositories. You can find it here: SC98531BinRepo.
Boot images
2019-11-28 | 20191128-rooted-boot-image (thanks to @rigattoni) | 20191128-normal-boot-image
2019-09-17 | 20190917-rooted-boot-image | 20190917-normal-boot-image
2019-08-14 | 20190814-rooted-boot-image (thanks to @julien_blanche)
Main server apk mods (the
The ORG version is the apk as delivered by Joying in their firmwares.
The ORG_extended is the Joying one including an extended navi_app.txt, extended player_app.txt, extended navi_audio_from_playstatus.txt.
The NoKill is the extended version where the normal functionality to kill all apps when going into "deep sleep" (turn of ignition), has been disabled.
2020-04-07 | 2020-04-07-com_syu_ms-ORG | 2020-04-07-com_syu_ms-ORG_extended | 2020-04-07-com_syu_ms-nokill | ( Zips, modified smali files, modified assets text files, some info)
2019-11-28 | 2019-11-28-com_syu_ms-ORG | 2019-11-28-com_syu_ms-ORG_extended | 2019-11-28-com_syu_ms-NoKill | ( Zips, modified smali files, modified assets text files, some info)
2019-09-17 | 2019-09-17-com_syu_ms-ORG | 2019-09-17-com_syu_ms-ORG_extended | 2019-09-17-com_syu_ms-NoKill | ( Zips, modified smali files, modified assets text files, some info)
2019-08-14 | 2019-08-14-com_syu_ms-ORG | 2019-08-14-com_syu_ms-ORG_extended | 2019-08-14-com_syu_ms-NoKill
Other mods
There are currently two mods for the radio: One very nice one from user @Soiski71 and one which I made.
The ORG version in this case is the one delivered with the Joying firmwares.
Radio | SC98531-Radio-ORG | SC98531-Radio-Mod (preview) | SC98531-Radio-Mod-Soiski71 (preview)
These are combinations of above files which I found useful. Undoing them can be done by using one of the above ORG zips.
2019-09-17 | 2019-09-17-radio_mainserver | 2019-09-17-rootedboot_radio_mainserver

If everything goes wrong and your unit gets in a boot loop or stops on boot logo
- Download a fresh firmware from the Joying blog.
- Unzip it to an SD-card/USB-stick (as normal)
- Put the USB-stick/SD-card in your unit and "push" the Reset (RST) with a paperclip or something like that. When the boot logo appears, reset the unit again. Now the flashing process should start.

surfer63 said:
See title: Only for SC9853i Joying/FYT 8.1 units.
Due to some changes in the flashing process since the previous PX5 and Sofia 3GR models it is now partly possible to mod your unit without root. (A custom Rom might be the next step, but I have my Joying 9853i unit only 3 days now.)
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So you bought a 9853i unit finally, congratulations with your new unit and thank you for joining us with intel platform. I guess head unit currently on your bench not on your car ? Is this transformation only for developing purposes or after some time you are going to put it inside your car ?
Anyways thank you for your detailed guide, hope it continues

julien_blanche said:
So you bought a 9853i unit finally, congratulations with your new unit and thank you for joining us with intel platform. I guess head unit currently on your bench not on your car ? Is this transformation only for developing purposes or after some time you are going to put it inside your car ?
Anyways thank you for your detailed guide, hope it continues
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Actually Joying asked me to test the unit, do some bug tracing/finding and write a review. I requested a VW unit with a universal motherboard as my Skoda does not have SWCs, so I needed an external resistance-based SWC "thingy". Those do not work with the VW canbus motherboards. So they did send me such a "custom" unit. I only needed to pay the import taxes being 63 euros. I consider that a good bargain for a new unit. As far as I can see/check I have one with an IPS-screen. The screen is absolutely fabulous, the best I've ever seen, and with 10.1" quite big (I've seen small cars with smaller windscreens )
I got it Tuesday evening. Did some tests on the bench and installed it on Thursday in the car. Drove some 30 km Friday and did the above mentioned flashing ("another example") this morning.
So far, so good.

surfer63 said:
Actually Joying asked me to test the unit, do some bug tracing/finding and write a review. I requested a VW unit with a universal motherboard as my Skoda does not have SWCs, so I needed an external resistance-based SWC "thingy". Those do not work with the VW canbus motherboards. So they did send me such a "custom" unit. I only needed to pay the import taxes being 63 euros. I consider that a good bargain for a new unit. As far as I can see/check I have one with an IPS-screen. The screen is absolutely fabulous, the best I've ever seen, and with 10.1" quite big (I've seen small cars with smaller windscreens )
I got it Tuesday evening. Did some tests on the bench and installed it on Thursday in the car. Drove some 30 km Friday and did the above mentioned flashing ("another example") this morning.
So far, so good.
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cool !! welcome to the joying club !!!!

this seems to be an fantastic tweaking guide...altough too complicated for me
is it possible maybe, to have some "already cooked" files that can only be applied easily?

thierry34 said:
cool !! welcome to the joying club !!!
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Thanks , but this is my 3rd Joying, actually the 4th as I once had a hard-bricked motherboard.
I now switched from a Joying PX5 to a SC9853i.

mclaudio said:
this seems to be an fantastic tweaking guide...altough too complicated for me
is it possible maybe, to have some "already cooked" files that can only be applied easily?
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To be honest: i don't think it is complicated at all to do this yourself if you only want to replace a few apks with modded apks.
The complexity lies in the modding of the apks, and you have to make sure you use the correct main server version mod on the same firmware version.
All Joyings follow the same release firmwares (sometimes models are released having intermediate firmwares, but when a new release is published and you flash it, they are equal again) where it would be relatively easy to make some "ready to flash" Allapp.pkg files.
Joying compatibles sometimes have slightly different file names for the apks. As the Allapp.pkg will replace or add the apk with the same name, this will give errors. You will have 2 identical radio apks when it comes to the package name, in 2 different folders. Both will not work anymore in that case. See example below
Joying Zhan

Very nice info! I just installed one of these units in my car this past couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to making custom ROMs for them. Or at least, start with making custom APK's for the built in apps.

NRGZ28 said:
Very nice info! I just installed one of these units in my car this past couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to making custom ROMs for them. Or at least, start with making custom APK's for the built in apps.
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I'm also working on a custom rum. The only thing, but most important thing, going wrong is the flashing of the system partition. I sign it, I make a signed and then a, but it still gives a very weird error (and a soft-brick but that is easy to fix).

i want to modify the june version to add the crruptoff files and modify the skipkillapp files to test. if i flash the firmware modify, is there a solution to not erase all i have in my unit ? (twipe_data ?)

thierry34 said:
i want to modify the june version to add the crruptoff files and modify the skipkillapp files to test. if i flash the firmware modify, is there a solution to not erase all i have in my unit ? (twipe_data ?)
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If you do NOT add an updatecfg.txt to the usb-stick, but only the lsec6521update and the Allapp.pkg, nothing will be wiped.
The stuff inside your Allapp.pkg will be added or updated. Nothing more.
Any reason to stay on the June version?

surfer63 said:
If you do NOT add an updatecfg.txt to the usb-stick, but only the lsec6521update and the Allapp.pkg, nothing will be wiped.
The stuff inside your Allapp.pkg will be added or updated. Nothing more.
Any reason to stay on the June version?
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thanks for answer.
so, i put in usb key isec6521update, allapp.pkg only or i add the config file and the zip 6521 1 ?
stay on the june version just for test and because i really don't understand how to replace the set_rgb with apktool for the light on the side of the screen.
but i'll try the new version, for the phone call by "ok google" and to see what's different !!! and search the bugs !!!

Is it windows 7 really a requirement or i can use windows 10?

thierry34 said:
thanks for answer.
so, i put in usb key isec6521update, allapp.pkg only or i add the config file and the zip 6521 1 ?
stay on the june version just for test and because i really don't understand how to replace the set_rgb with apktool for the light on the side of the screen.
but i'll try the new version, for the phone call by "ok google" and to see what's different !!! and search the bugs !!!
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Only isec6521update and allapp.pkg. That is if you only want to replace some apks.

mclaudio said:
Is it windows 7 really a requirement or i can use windows 10?
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I assume you talk about rooting the unit via the Readme.rtf in the In that case you posted in the wrong thread as that should be discussed in the "HowTo: Root Joying SC9853i Head Unit" thread. Not in this thread which is specifically about non-rooted units.
Anyway: The Readme.rtf says Windows 7+, which means Windows 7/8.x/10

surfer63 said:
I assume you talk about rooting the unit via the Readme.rtf in the In that case you posted in the wrong thread as that should be discussed in the "HowTo: Root Joying SC9853i Head Unit" thread. Not in this thread which is specifically about non-rooted units.
Anyway: The Readme.rtf says Windows 7+, which means Windows 7/8.x/10
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yes sorry. send you pm ok?

Dear @surfer63, since i am having a hard time rooting, can i kindly ask if it is possible to share the following mods for my unit?
- Expand the hosts file to prevent ads, banners, hijackers, etc
is there anyway to completly disable the build in music player ? it does not show lyrics when ask to download or show album art. i use poweramp... but when i press the button on my steering wheel it always rotates between bluetooth, video player, music player, etc....can i disable the use of build in media player and use only radio, tunein online radio, video player and power amp?
thanks in advance


[UTILITY][10-8-2012] APK Manager for Mac OS X, Intel only, v3.0

So almost everyone here should be pretty familiar with android, and that means you've probably heard of (and maybe even used yourself) the windows tool APK Manager by fellow XDA member Daneshm90.
Early last year I started to port the windows 4.9 version to mac using the outdated linux script for a base. And I had some early success at the time with simply using macports to install sox, optipng, etc. And then my computer crashed (double drive failure in July, 2011) and I gave up for the time being. Recently though I was excited to find that someone else tried to do the same thing, XDA member MAD Industries released a very basic port for mac.
Sadly though, a quick diff of his script and the outdated linux version shows that it was still woefully behind the windows version. And so I started working (once again) on my own port of APK Manager for Mac OS X, with my goal to not only bring this current to the windows feature set, but exceed it in many ways.
I've built in 32/64-bit architecture checking, and compiled and include the required missing binaries to re-enable optimizing png images and ogg files. I'm also including a .terminal file for easily configuring the default display, and a copy of my NEW favorite fixed-width font, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.
And now some notes, and requests:
PLEASE note: this is currently INTEL only, but it supports both 32-bit and 64-bit all-in-one with architecture checking built-in to the script.
PLEASE note: if your computer is running OS X 10.7.X, "Lion" then it does not include a java runtime by default, please download it here first:
PLEASE note: due to the length of some of the strings used in the menus, etc., in order to not need to scroll your terminal window, you must adjust your default columns and rows settings. You can set this automatically by using the include "JocelynCustom.terminal" file, and you can also find simple instructions to set this yourself in the README.txt
PLEASE read the included readme for installation and very basic (for right now) usage instructions. I welcome any and all feedback on improvements for the readme file.
PLEASE report any and all bugs or generally wonky behavior, preferrably by posting here in this thread, or by posting a comment back on my blog.
LASTLY, please if you re-post this anywhere else, including blogs, other forums, etc. I would greatly appreciate if you would at least give me credit, and link back to my blog ( or at the very least, link back here to this post.
WHEN UPGRADING, DO NOT COPY OVER THE CONTENTS OF THE "other" directory or the root directory unless you absolutely know what you're doing.
IMPORTANT: Please see the second post in this thread for update notes, issues, concerns, etc. thanks
Download apk manager v2.2.5 here:
Download migration tool v1.4 here:
May 11, 2012 - beta version of v3.0 is online now on github, if you want to help test it, I suggest backing up your old apk_manager directory entirely, and then going here, and reading the simple install instructions:
The basic install is pretty simple though: open terminal, cd into whatever directory you want the apkmanager folder to be created in, and run:
cd into whatever directory you want the apkmanager folder to be created in, and run:
git clone git://
launch and follow all the instructions.
Also, git is utterly retarded when it comes to the OSX 'icon' resource files (for custom folder icons) so by default, the folder icon isn't included with 3.0+, but you can download it and apply it yourself still. Link is on the wiki here:
and thank you very much to anyone that helps test this!
Cheers everyone
5-11-2012 - v3.0 BETA notes
Some notes about the new v3.0 beta released today.
First, please backup your entire old apk_manager directory before you install/clone the 3.0 git repo. My OCD got the better of me when it came to releasing 3.0, and I ended up trashing my entire git repo/history (from v1.0-2.2.5) and starting a new history when I was ~90% through the 3.0 dev process. Because of that, your old directory will cause problems, DO NOT CLONE/INSTALL 3.0b into your old 1.X/2.X directory.
Second, for those comfortable with the command line that really want to help test APK Manager, there are four 'hidden' menu options in most menus (main menu, debug/settings menu, auto-updates menu, signing menu, clean menu) that turn on a variety of debugging options.
96) turns on 'trace mode' (set -x) for the entire script, once the main loop starts. This will make the script basically unusable for people, please only use this if you can reproduce a bug, and are saving the entire terminal output to submit an issue/error log.
97) turns on 'verbose mode' (set -v) for the entire script, once the main loop starts. This will cause some display issues, but the script will remain mostly usable.
98) turns on 'error mode' (set -e) for the entire script, once the main loop starts. This basically causes the script to exit if any condition/test/command fails. Not really useful on its own, but very useful in combination with option 96 or 97.
99) turns on a very (and I do mean VERY) simple debug information display between main apk manager header and most menus. This shows the current PID, the last exit/return code (Currently non-functional) and the last directory change.
So, if you can reproduce any bugs, please close apk manager, and delete your log.txt. Then open APK Manager again, and on the main menu, choose option 98, then next choose option 96. Then reproduce the bug, and copy/paste the entire terminal output into a log on, gist, etc., and send it to me. And of course, if you feel confident debugging and fixing it yourself, then fork the apkmanager repo, and send me a pull request with your changes.
4-14-2012 IMPORTANT!
An update to the issue below. This has been resolved in version 2.1 of APK Manager, and should not present any issues moving forward. However, because the old user settings and private keys were stored locally, inside the apk_manager directory, in order to save these before upgrading, I've created a migration utility/script, that needs to be run before you upgrade.
The link to this migration utility is in the original post in this thread, and the tool is also included in the APK Manager disk image starting with versions 2.1.1.
To run this tool:
mount the "Migration Utility.dmg"
Copy to your old root apk_manager directory.
Copy to your old apk_manager/other directory.
From your old root apk_manager directory, run
Verify that the script completed without any errors
OPTIONAL - for those paranoid, you can double check that it worked manually. Execute the following commands in a terminal:
cd $HOME
ls -la | grep .apkmanager
cd .apkmanager
ls -la
4-13-2012 IMPORTANT!
AFFECTS all versions of apk manager prior to v2.1 (forthcoming release as of 4/13/2012.)
If you use any advanced signing functionality, you must backup your existing private key(s) and keystore(s) before upgrading to a new version of APK Manager.
Forthcoming version 2.1 will have a separate, automated, one-time backup & upgrade script to run, and all future versions will have automatic backup of key(s) and keystore(s) built in.
By default they get created and saved in the apk_manager/other/.keystores directory. This is a hidden directory by default. You can do one of several different things to unhide/view this directory, and backup your keystore(s).
I'm outlining one simple method here.
Enable 'show hidden files' in Finder. From a terminal copy and paste the following two lines:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
Finder will restart after those two lines, browse to your apk_manager/other directory and make sure you see the .keystores folder (it should be dimmed compared to regular folders.)
Copy this folder and all contents somewhere safe (desktop, user home directory, user backup folder, dropbox, etc.)
Proceed with your upgrade (usually just delete the old apk_manager folder and copy over the new one, you might need to manually move project folders, etc. too)
Copy/Paste your saved .keystores directory into your new apk_manager/other folder
Test advanced signing functionality to ensure everything still works.
Once you've verified everything is working, run the following code to turn off viewing all files/folders in finder:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder
fixed a couple bugs that were introduced with some changes to homebrew and pngcrush
updated smali.jar and baksmali.jar to version 1.4.0
fixed a few various typos
updated the built-in pngout downloader to download the newest version (May 30, 2012)
changed the "view changelog" option on the debug menu to use "git log" if you used homebrew & git to install
added the ability to forcibly reset the "home" directory by holding the command/apple key when launching
removed all the little "b/beta" tags I could find since this seems good enough for a "real" 3.0 release finally
v2.2.5 uploaded! - Fixed "adb log" function. I have no idea how or when I broke this, but it was yet another boneheaded mistake.
v2.2.4 uploaded! - Fixed a bug in the "batch sign with private key" option that would cause the signing process to fail if the key and keystore password weren't identical.
v2.2.3 uploaded! - I'm retarded and somehow failed to include zipalign in every release. Fixed.
Added zipalign path information to debug/binary info screen.
Replaced all instances/uses of 'which' with 'command -v' instead.
Fixed an obscure bug that could cause infinite loop in the function to check and set png optimization tool.
v2.2.2 uploaded! - Updated 32-bit optipng to v0.7.1 (Somehow I forgot to update the 32-bit binary when I last updated the 64-bit version)
Minor changes to the way debug/binary version info is scraped and displayed. I personally think this new method is cleaner, and more consistent.
Fixed bug in binary display screen (debug menu, option 2) whereby pressing "any key" did not actually close the screen and return to debug menu.
Updated other/ to dynamically pull the APKManager version banner from whichever other/ version is present, when its run. This should mean the end of unnecessary updates to Migration Utility.dmg, purely to bump the APK Manager version information.
v2.2.1 uploaded! - Updated pngcrush to 1.7.27 (yep, that's it, lol)
v2.2 uploaded! - Integrated color scheme selection into one single script, and removed the separate 'black text on light backgrounds' script file since its no longer needed.
Added new option to the "Clean" menu to reset/change color scheme.
Fixed a few obscure bugs with the apktool selection menu.
Added the actual apktool jar file in use to the debug menu information.
Changed the way the default apktool.jar symlink is created in order to prevent APK Manager from ever linking 'mod' versions by default.
Added a new custom icon for the apk_manager folder (CC by-nc-sa) Jocelyn Mallon, 2012
v2.1.2 uploaded! - Fixed a bug causing decompile/compile errors due to old framework files not being deleted when changing apktool versions.
Added 2 new apktool versions, an upgraded 1.4.2 version, and 1.4.3 ICS Mod. For most instances, 1.4.3 is still the best option to use.
v2.1.1 uploaded! - Fix brain-dead mistake regarding user settings & private key migration.
Packaged "Migration Utility.dmg" with APK Manager for easier upgrading from previous versions.
v2.1 uploaded! - Migrated user settings and private keys to new location ($HOME/.apkmanager) to ensure preservation when upgrading.
Bumped copyright/CC info in various files to 2012
v2.0.1 uploaded! - Quick hotfix for directory check/creation for advanced signing options.
v2.0 uploaded! - Re-packaged into a DMG (mac disk image) file to alleviate potential unzip/setup errors.
Updated a lot of the various binaries to latest versions (adb, sox, optipng, pngcrush, etc.)
Added a new option to view java source, this has a lot of potential issues/caveats so please read the CHANGELOG.txt for more information.
Re-worked and (hopefully) simplified debug menu for the millionth time.
Added to list of text editors/viewers
Lots of stuff I probably missed, please read README.txt and CHANGELOG.txt for full details.
v1.2.1 uploaded! - Mostly bugfixes for a few really stupid bugs I introduced in 1.2. If you had problems running APK Manager because of "missing programs" or "not in PATH" errors (from a clean install) it was my crappy coding skills, and it should be fixed now.
I honestly don't think I added any new features, just bug fixes and code cleanups.
v1.2 uploaded! - Added another png tool option, pngout. Unfortunately, due to the licensing restrictions, it is illegal to redistribute the actual pngout binary, so instead, APK Manager will download and install the binary upon first attempted use of pngout. This means that if you never use pngout, it will never be downloaded.
Completely re-worked the adblog.txt function, now completely automated, and, with much clearer instructions.
Added two additional text editor/log viewer options: sublime text 2, and vico. Just like all the rest, they both require command line support to be installed in order to function.
Cleaned up adb shell, ddms, and draw9patch options so that they all now automatically close the new tabs that they open, and when necessary, will kill and re-start adb.
1.2 might be the last release. I had fun learning how to write shell script for this, but the overwhelming lack of interest in this project has already started to make it no fun for me. And well, its already basically good enough for everyday use, there's just not much else to keep adding.
v1.1 uploaded! Please see Changelog.txt for full details.
switched some code back to a "portable" syntax and changed back to /bin/sh env in case users have a login shell other than bash set.
cleaned up and re-arranged debug menu again, it should be a lot less cluttered, and easier to use overall now.
fixed a few bugs in the startup check, hopefully nobody ever encountered them, they were pretty embarrassing, lol.
added option to choose between optipng and pngcrush for png optimization functions, and the setting is persistent between launches of APK Manager.
Good work man. Let me know if you'd like to collaborate or borrow ideas. I wrote Android-Utility and it is currently on v1.0.2 and development is active.
Android-Utility Linky
tommytomatoe said:
Good work man. Let me know if you'd like to collaborate or borrow ideas. I wrote Android-Utility and it is currently on v1.0.2 and development is active.
Android-Utility Linky
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Hi Tommy,
Thanks for the compliment and the offer to work together. I'm not really sure how much else I'm going to add, but I did take a nod from your tool and add the option to choose between optipng and pngcrush. Mostly I added that just because optipng hasn't been updated in forever, and pngcrush just had an update last month.
So I compiled both 32-bit and 64-bit specific binaries of the newest pngcrush (v1.7.17) and included them with v1.1 of APK Manager.
Anyway, your tool is pretty amazing, I'm rather intimidated by how many features you have, lol.
Thanks again, cheers
s0niqu3 said:
Hi Tommy,
Thanks for the compliment and the offer to work together. I'm not really sure how much else I'm going to add, but I did take a nod from your tool and add the option to choose between optipng and pngcrush. Mostly I added that just because optipng hasn't been updated in forever, and pngcrush just had an update last month.
So I compiled both 32-bit and 64-bit specific binaries of the newest pngcrush (v1.7.17) and included them with v1.1 of APK Manager.
Anyway, your tool is pretty amazing, I'm rather intimidated by how many features you have, lol.
Thanks again, cheers
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Back at you man. Yeah last week I went crazy. I went from version 1.0.2 to version 1.0.7 in three days. There's always something new that can be added.
Don't be intimidated! AU and apkmanager each have their places. I aimed to create a tool that encompasses everything to do with Android while apk manager focuses on modifying apks. Surprisingly however while I wrote the tool for mac users, I've had mote Linux users for au. But the mac community needed some love and attention, and now it has two tools to choose from
tapatalk signature here. lovely.
version 1.2 released, this might be the last release, I can't think of anything else to add really, and well, nobody really cares either, lol.
great work
1.2.1 uploaded with a few bugfixes, please re-download, and I'm really sorry I didn't catch them sooner until someone messaged me today.
Wow, this is amazing! So glad I don't need to boot into WinXP just to use apkmanager. I just downloaded the newest version, followed all instructions, and everything is working perfectly. Thanks for including all the extras such as terminal settings. Great for semi-noobs like myself.
Can't wait to try this tool out. Thanks for all the hard work in putting it together.
this not working anymore? Says applet version unsupported
Nhialor said:
this not working anymore? Says applet version unsupported
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Yes same here
Sorry, I'm pretty much stopped doing any work on android, but if you can describe the error in more detail, I'll look into it and try and fix the problem.
Sorry about that.
s0niqu3 said:
Sorry, I'm pretty much stopped doing any work on android, but if you can describe the error in more detail, I'll look into it and try and fix the problem.
Sorry about that.
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OK cool.
So it's not possible to start the setup file, because it's unsupported and starting the apk manager directly is also not possible because it has to be in the root directory
Gesendet von meinem Desire S mit Tapatalk
Kolo39 said:
OK cool.
So it's not possible to start the setup file, because it's unsupported and starting the apk manager directly is also not possible because it has to be in the root directory
Gesendet von meinem Desire S mit Tapatalk
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Hi again,
Ok, so first, you can set the root directory manually if you open up the APKManager.command file with a text editor.
Look for the following:
# Set path to use this script in .command mode
# ENTER the POSIX path to your root APK Manager
# Directory between the quotation marks
and inside the MAINDIR="" paste the full path to your apk_manager directory
for example, mine looks like:
then you need to manually make the entire directory executable, so open a terminal window, and type:
chmod -R ug+x /Volumes/LappyHD/Android/apk_manager
But replace the path with the correct path for your setup (the same one you used in the .command file.)
Of course, that's not the solution for everyone, and I'd like to figure out why the setup script isn't working. I tried the setup script myself today on 10.7.3, x86_64 and it still works fine for me, so can you post some information about your mac, version information, java version installed, etc.?
sorry again about this, but hopefully I can get this fixed asap.
s0niqu3 said:
Hi again,
Ok, so first, you can set the root directory manually if you open up the APKManager.command file with a text editor.
Look for the following:
# Set path to use this script in .command mode
# ENTER the POSIX path to your root APK Manager
# Directory between the quotation marks
and inside the MAINDIR="" paste the full path to your apk_manager directory
for example, mine looks like:
then you need to manually make the entire directory executable, so open a terminal window, and type:
chmod -R ug+x /Volumes/LappyHD/Android/apk_manager
But replace the path with the correct path for your setup (the same one you used in the .command file.)
Of course, that's not the solution for everyone, and I'd like to figure out why the setup script isn't working. I tried the setup script myself today on 10.7.3, x86_64 and it still works fine for me, so can you post some information about your mac, version information, java version installed, etc.?
sorry again about this, but hopefully I can get this fixed asap.
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I try this in the next days
My Mac Book Pro end 2011 has all updates installed (Lion 10.7.3)
---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------
Ahh okay I fixed it!!!
The Unarchiver was not able to extract all files from the zip. So files doesn't work. But by using OSX Unarchiver everything works
Thanks a lot for this port!!
Kolo39 said:
I try this in the next days
My Mac Book Pro end 2011 has all updates installed (Lion 10.7.3)
---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------
Ahh okay I fixed it!!!
The Unarchiver was not able to extract all files from the zip. So files doesn't work. But by using OSX Unarchiver everything works
Thanks a lot for this port!!
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Hi again,
I'm glad you got it figured out. I think I'll start packaging it as a DMG file instead of a zip, and just made a custom background image to explain about copying the apk_manager folder somewhere.
I've also been working on updating it a little bit the past couple days, and will have a new version soon.
Uploaded version 2.0 update!
This adds a couple new features, some bug fixes, and re-packages the entire thing in a disk image, to hopefully alleviate those unzip/setup errors.
Please see OP for download link, and second post for changelog.
OP update with v2.0.1, hotfix for advanced signing options, please download the newest version.

[How to] Update time zone data / tzdata / zoneinfo (day saving time changes)

If your country has recently changed time zone rules, then your time information (summer/winter time switching) may be incorrect. News about time zone changes in different countries.
To update your time zones you need to update tzdata system files. You need to have root access to continue.
tzdata package is located here: /system/usr/share/zoneinfo/. Take a look at file zoneinfo.version, it contains version. I'll use version 2011n as an example below, but you can upgrade to any version. See current version.
So, you need:
1. Build or download ready zoneinfo files for Android,
2. Replace current files with updated using any file explorer (with root access).
I have attached files for version 2012b for Android (
If you want to build it yourself, follow instructions:
1. You need any Unix-like OS with JDK.
2. Download latest tzdata.
3. Download attached archive ( with source files generate, and
4. Create new folder tzdata2011n and unpack tzdata archive to it.
5. Update tzdata version name in file generate, for example: version=tzdata2011n
6. Run ./generate.
If you have troubles on step 6, check:
1. tzdata archive contents should be unpacked to folder tzdata2011n, see variable version in script generate;
2. Java Developer Kit (javac), like OpenJDK, should be installed to compile .java files.
Now you have three files: zoneinfo.dat, zoneinfo.idx, zoneinfo.version. Same files are attached to this post.
1. Upload three files to Android with any file manager in root mode to this path: /system/usr/share/zoneinfo/ and replace old files.
2. Reboot device.
Now timezones are updated and should change correctly during day saving time.
Alternative: Android application TimeZone Fixer. Notice, that it may be more dangerous, and had reported issues (bricks, boot loops, etc).
Just replaced files you provided in the attachment and now my phone is not booing.
I have rooted SGS II with stock 2.3.3 Android.
Any ideas?
Seems you did something wrong. I've tested this solution on Galaxy SII Android 2.3.5 without issues.
You need to flash stock firmware now:
As alternative, you can use application, but it does the same (and can be dangerous too).
I've altered script Vanav provided to work around possible directories with spaces in path to script, also made script to unpack tzdata<version>.tar.gz from directory user runs it and embedded java files in script.
Also added checks for tools needed for script to work at all, it is hard coded that zic is in /use/sbin/zic, because it's only in path for root, I do not know if zic is installed in this place in every Linux distribution, if not please post where it is in yours and I'll alter the script accordingly.
To use just unpack in directory with tzdata-file make executable and run it.
!NEVER run this script as ROOT!​It doesn't need root to work.
And big thanks to Vanav for his work on this script!
hashnon, please, post full source code of your script without embedding binary data.
This is a bad style, because hard to review code prior to execution. I can't execute code without review.
This is a script, for scripting program language there is no such thing like "source code" because scripts are it self source code.
The technique is really common in Linux world reliable and simple.
You wright the script and in it you place instruction like this:
tail -n +<number of script strings> | tar -xzC ./
After your script ready you replace <number of script strings> with actual number and attach all data you need to be shipped with your script this way:
tar -czf ./<file or files you need to attach> >>"/path/and/name/of/your/script"
After this your script is basically is your script + content of your data in tar.gz.
So if you want to "review" my script, download it and view it, if you so un-trusty to me that you think that I some how altered your *.java files just read the script, find the line which start with command "tail" and execute it by hand outside the script, little hint, number of lines is in one of the first variables.
Updated tzdata to version 2011n.
All tzdata I loaded and used do not have all needed city. For example for Russia there are no OMST timezone and cities, like Novosibirsk, Omsk, etc. Is it possible to add city to tzdata files? Currently I use 2011n version. Does the newest tzdata version (like 2012x) have new cities? How can I check what cities are inside tzdata files?
tigor.nsk, tzdata itself contains this data: see file "europe", zone "Asia/Omsk" and "Asia/Novosibirsk". But what to display in Android settings is defined in other Android database (with names only). E.g. SGS2 shows "Omsk" zone and doesn't show "Novosibirsk" zone.
If you want to select your zone, use any shown zone with UTC +0700 and no DST, such as:
Phnom Penh
Ho Chi Min City
Vanav said:
tigor.nsk, tzdata itself contains this data: see file "europe", zone "Asia/Omsk" and "Asia/Novosibirsk". But what to display in Android settings is defined in other Android database (with names only). E.g. SGS2 shows "Omsk" zone and doesn't show "Novosibirsk" zone.
If you want to select your zone, use any shown zone with UTC +0700 and no DST, such as:
Phnom Penh
Ho Chi Min City
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Yes, I did that, I set the only available choice Bangkok. But my outgoing emails show "Malay Peninsula Standard Time" which I do not want Is it possible to update Android database with names?
tigor.nsk said:
Yes, I did that, I set the only available choice Bangkok. But my outgoing emails show "Malay Peninsula Standard Time" which I do not want Is it possible to update Android database with names?
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I think there is some misunderstanding or your email client settings.
RFC 5322 specifies that email should contain "Date" field with your local date, and time zone offset in digital form, e.g.
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 20:40:10 +0300
No other time zone information or text representation is added to email by email client.
So, it may be a local issue, if your email client on Android represents +0700 as "Malay Peninsula Standard Time", just for display purpose. This text is not added to emails. Check client settings if you can display timezone in digital form. Check your emails on other OS (Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail).
Vanav said:
I think there is some misunderstanding or your email client settings.
RFC 5322 specifies that email should contain "Date" field with your local date, and time zone offset in digital form, e.g.
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 20:40:10 +0300
No other time zone information or text representation is added to email by email client.
So, it may be a local issue, if your email client on Android represents +0700 as "Malay Peninsula Standard Time", just for display purpose. This text is not added to emails. Check client settings if you can display timezone in digital form. Check your emails on other OS (Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail).
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Thanks. Unfortunately I don't have control over email client, it's an app which allows to get to corporate emails.
But anyway I would like to see the timezone set to Asia/Novosibirsk in my Android settings. Is it possible to update the Android database to see the whole list of possible city choices?
tigor.nsk said:
But anyway I would like to see the timezone set to Asia/Novosibirsk in my Android settings. Is it possible to update the Android database to see the whole list of possible city choices?
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Because this is just a cosmetic, not functional issue, I don't bother about it.
But here is instruction how to update Android internal database with time zones names (in Russian). In short, it is archive /system/app/Settings.apk, file timezones.xml.
I only have a Windows OS, can some create the files using 2012b? I would appreciate it greatly!
KMDonlon said:
I only have a Windows OS, can some create the files using 2012b? I would appreciate it greatly!
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I've attached to the first post.
Thanks Buddy!
Vanav said:
But here is instruction how to update Android internal database with time zones names (in Russian). In short, it is archive /system/app/Settings.apk, file timezones.xml.
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I followed the link and it looks doable but I could not find any timezone related files on my phone mentioned in this post ! No /etc/, no /etc/timezones.db How could this be? I am using MIUI ROM, version 2.3.7c. Any place to get them or download?
tigor.nsk said:
I followed the link and it looks doable but I could not find any timezone related files on my phone mentioned in this post ! No /etc/, no /etc/timezones.db How could this be? I am using MIUI ROM, version 2.3.7c. Any place to get them or download?
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It may be HTC specific. Try to look in this file that I (and article) has mentioned:
archive /system/app/Settings.apk, files timezones.xml.
Here latest compiled tzdata2012h
It's odd, why it's 3 times larger than 2009 version?
Looks like "j" is the latest now.....

Add APK - repack system.img

I was looking for a similar topic but I did not find one. Refers to problems with running applications added to "system.img".
I bought UMIDIG S for my father-in-law. It is based on a mediatec chipset. Unfortunately, soft is tragic, and there is no full translation, so I decided to bury it a bit in "system.img".
I can easily install the file in Linux and make changes in it. I can delete applications, I can make changes in configuration files and "buikd.prop".
Unfortunately, all APK files were uploaded to "system.img" even though I set permissions 755 for directories, and 644 for directories. Although the files are root: root, after uploading such "system.img" none of these applications works for the phone. The system sees them and tries to load. Unfortunately, applications hang because of errors. The system informs that the application hangs, and does not load its window. The icons of these applications and the names do not appear either (applications have green robocik as icon, and domain name, e.g. ....)
I am asking for advice. How to add APK files to the unzipped "system.img" so that after packing and uploading to the phone there were no errors ???
Do you have found how add app in system.img?
It's all around, but you can replace apps with others. In the linux system, unpack the img, and mount them. Then you can freely rename files as well as move files within the .img mount point
I chose the applications or other files I did not need, and moved them to the directories (which I named my applications). If the application needed libraries, you also had to get files in a similar way, and place them in arm or arm64 directories.
Then prepared files "stuffed" with data, using the command DD. That is, dd if = (source file) of = (the recipient file at the system.img mount point).
Thanks for reply, so this only on Linux? For Windows there is something?
Markosv76 said:
Thanks for reply, so this only on Linux? For Windows there is something?
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I do not know, I do not use Windows. Certainly you can in a similar way from BSD systems, probably from Android and MacOS. I read something that Microsoft can somehow support linux shell, but I do not know the details. You can always use some distribution that works with a pendrive.
Thanks, I will try again
Markosv76 said:
Thanks, I will try again
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You can use Virtual Box to run a Linux distro inside Windows or you can try using Cygwin.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
jaroslawstrauchmann said:
I was looking for a similar topic but I did not find one. Refers to problems with running applications added to "system.img".
I bought UMIDIG S for my father-in-law. It is based on a mediatec chipset. Unfortunately, soft is tragic, and there is no full translation, so I decided to bury it a bit in "system.img".
I can easily install the file in Linux and make changes in it. I can delete applications, I can make changes in configuration files and "buikd.prop".
Unfortunately, all APK files were uploaded to "system.img" even though I set permissions 755 for directories, and 644 for directories. Although the files are root: root, after uploading such "system.img" none of these applications works for the phone. The system sees them and tries to load. Unfortunately, applications hang because of errors. The system informs that the application hangs, and does not load its window. The icons of these applications and the names do not appear either (applications have green robocik as icon, and domain name, e.g. ....)
I am asking for advice. How to add APK files to the unzipped "system.img" so that after packing and uploading to the phone there were no errors ???
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did you find a solution to this? please reply if yes, I am having the same problem

LOS carrier / modem configuration: How does it work?

Hi all,
I would like to gain a bit deeper understanding of how LOS is working in terms of actual phone function. I'm pretty sure that the following is only the tip of the iceberg, but with the stock ROM, for example on a Sony Z5C, there is a folder
that contains .mbn files for various providers and a folder
that contains a corresponding .apk file.
Now for example in LOS17.1, the first folder (or similar files) do not exist and the second one is called CarrierSetup with a corresponding .apk file. I assume the latter .apk is responsible for some sort of generic carrier configuration, but how does that work? Is it hard coded in the .apk, or is there some generic configuration file somewhere? And: How can I find out, what configuration is currently used and what bands are available?
Any helpful answers or references to further info are welcome!

Question Teyes CC3 Root Tutorial

Just rooted my CC3 and wanted to share a way that I now know is safe. This works for the post-October firmware and doesn't require downloading anything from sketchy websites. I'm going to keep this very high level so that hopefully only people who understand what they're doing can figure it out. Rooting this device can very easily brick it.
# Why root the CC3?
Really, there aren't many reasons. You can pull any files off the device without root using the lsecupdate scripts. You can browse to most file locations using Root Explorer or adb shell. You can replace firmware files with FYT Firmware tools.
For me, I wanted to run a specific executable file on the device that was in the /system folder and the only way I could run it was as root. That's a pretty specific use case and I doubt many people have it. Just know that 99.9% of what you want to do that caused you to come to this topic can be done without root.
# Who's fault is it if you brick your device?
It's your fault. Even if my instructions lead you down the wrong path, it's 100% your fault. Really, you shouldn't be doing this. Turn back now.
High level steps to root the CC3. I'll fill out details as people have questions. I highly recommend you read through the whole thing once or twice before getting started. You want to make sure you understand how it works instead of just blindly following directions.
1) Download the stock firmware. Make sure you get the regular CC3 or the CC3 360 as appropriate. Get it directly from Teyes.
2) Download @mariodantas EXCELLENT FYT Firmware Tools from this forum.
3) Use the FYT Firmware Tools (you must use sudo!) to
4) Copy the tools/_tmp/firmware/boot.img to your CC3. You can do that by putting it on a thumbdrive, downloading it from your google drive, or using adb push. You need to get it onto the CC3 somehow. We need to patch it ON the device.
5) Install Magisk on your CC3 from the play store.
6) Use Magisk to open your boot.img file and patch it. It will create a file called magisk_#######.img. Copy that back to your computer as the tools/firmware/boot.img file. You basically just replaced the boot.img in the firmware folder with the patched one.
7) Use FYT Firmware Tools to repack the firmware. Note that you need to create the patched directory. The script will fail (and delete your modified firmware) if that directory doesn't exist. This will give you a modified file
8) Copy all of the original Teyes firmware update files on a USB drive. Overwrite the original file with the modified one you just created that has the patched boot.img.
9) Connect that USB drive to your CC3. It will install the firmware and your system will be rooted.
10) Open Magisk on your headunit again. It should show Magisk installed and give you the root (shield) menu at the bottom.
Is @mariodantas firmware working on the CC3? Just seen, is not.
@cryptyk do you have a link to the firmware tool?
Found it. Is for Linux. I am a Windows user
everything is much easier
Tell us
Edit: Thank you
Kolbasnik98 said:
everything is much easier
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just tested, follow the Russian instruction in the read me and magisk is installed and you have root access

