[MOD] [XPOSED] CustoMIUIzer - Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro Themes, Apps, and Mods

Found this amazing Xposed Module. The amount of tweaks available is just mind blowing, all the right tweaks you ever wanted.
Dev also actively replies to suggestions and bugs!
Requires EdXposed tho.


XPosed & Modules: "Feature Enhancements" good enough to return to stock rom...?

XPosed & Modules: "Feature Enhancements" good enough to return to stock rom...?
(if this thread is missplaced please apologize and move it - I think this could take some space and I didnt want to clutter the xposed thread with it)
Henooy guys,
I'm using a Galaxy Note N7000 and since the day I had my first custom rom on my phone (think it was aokp-based) I never wanted to go back to stock.
But now with XPosed Framework and all those modules aiming at replacing all the cool custom-aosp rom tweaks, has game changed?
On Samsung devices for example, you miss out quite a lot of nice features (while gaining others even cooler obv) by using aosp-based roms like no working TV-Out, no multiwindow, no one-hand mode, etc.
So I was wondering if I could get the same experience / features as with one of the "all in one roms" (I'm using rootbox 4.2 atm which has like 100s of customization options) with a stock samsung rom by tweaking things with xposed modules?
Here are a few points that interest me especially:
How about performance hits with heavy xposed customization vs "built-in" customizations of aosp based roms?
How good are the UI customizations like setting color and transparency of status bar and icons etc?
How about Halo / Apps in Floating windows? (yea there is the module, but how good or bad is it compared to "real" halo? or does it work just like it?)
Is there a module to use CM themes? (or is there some other easy way nowadays to "copy" a cm theme to the system framework? I have BlackedOut theme with everything black n white including certain apps, and would really hate to miss out on that)
Well it mainly boils down to: How well do the xposed modules implement all those tweaks that the custom roms offer out of the box? And how does performance compare?
I did so much tweaking to my system, and I flashed soooo often already lol, so I'd rather hear some opinions before changing everything again. =)
I'm sure I'm not the first one asking himself this question...?
zroice said:
(if this thread is missplaced please apologize and move it - I think this could take some space and I didnt want to clutter the xposed thread with it)
Henooy guys,
I'm using a Galaxy Note N7000 and since the day I had my first custom rom on my phone (think it was aokp-based) I never wanted to go back to stock.
But now with XPosed Framework and all those modules aiming at replacing all the cool custom-aosp rom tweaks, has game changed?
On Samsung devices for example, you miss out quite a lot of nice features (while gaining others even cooler obv) by using aosp-based roms like no working TV-Out, no multiwindow, no one-hand mode, etc.
So I was wondering if I could get the same experience / features as with one of the "all in one roms" (I'm using rootbox 4.2 atm which has like 100s of customization options) with a stock samsung rom by tweaking things with xposed modules?
Here are a few points that interest me especially:
How about performance hits with heavy xposed customization vs "built-in" customizations of aosp based roms?
How good are the UI customizations like setting color and transparency of status bar and icons etc?
How about Halo / Apps in Floating windows? (yea there is the module, but how good or bad is it compared to "real" halo? or does it work just like it?)
Is there a module to use CM themes? (or is there some other easy way nowadays to "copy" a cm theme to the system framework? I have BlackedOut theme with everything black n white including certain apps, and would really hate to miss out on that)
Well it mainly boils down to: How well do the xposed modules implement all those tweaks that the custom roms offer out of the box? And how does performance compare?
I did so much tweaking to my system, and I flashed soooo often already lol, so I'd rather hear some opinions before changing everything again. =)
I'm sure I'm not the first one asking himself this question...?
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No youre not
Well, i can tell you this, i also have a N7000 and have already flashed: SweetRom, VengeanceNote, Stunner2 (great!!) and paranoid3....
The problem is i really like the stock features...but hate the "greenish" colour and the damn statusbar......so... i did two things...
1- Installed the AMAZING aroma themes collection by kmokhtar79 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2480358&highlight=aroma)
2- Installed xposed framework and started twiking little things...like disabling clear defaults dialog ...or the battery low alert, the increasing ringtone, the storage warning....and the samsung keyboard delay...
So far...its awesome...and because it work on the things that "are already there" instead of bringing NEW stuff....well there should be no battery drain whatsoever...
Or at least in the case of THOSE modules.... thing my differ from module to module...but if i understood correctly...xposed framework works on what already IS in there...so...should be the same...
Anyway...with those 2 things my stock(-ish?) note is awesome.


After countless hours of coding and searching for proper entry points to inject code to incorporate fixes and mods, here it is:
GravityBox - a complex Xposed module targeted for devices running Android 4.4, which turns vanilla ROM into
feature-packed "non-flashing" custom ROM.
Originally, this module was designed for MTK6589 devices which lack custom ROMs built from source due to MediaTek closed-source policy.
Later on, it was adjusted to support other (non-MTK) devices running vanilla or close-to-vanilla AOSP ROMs.
The app utilizes amazing Xposed framework coded by recognized
developer rovo89 which, briefly, provides interface for injecting code into any app, including system services allowing modifications of applications and system services at run-time. One of the biggest advantages of GravityBox is that it is not bound to any specific device. Actually, it should run on any device having vanilla Android 4.4 (ROM close enough to AOSP).
This project wouldn't be possible without rovo's Xposed framework, so huge kudos to him.
Feature highlight
--- CyanogenMod Pie controls
--- Expanded Desktop
--- Statusbar QuickSettings tile management with tile reordering
--- Lockscreen targets
--- Statusbar icon coloring
--- Statusbar Brightness Control
--- Statusbar icon colors
--- Additional QuickSettings tiles:
------- Sync on/off, WiFi AP on/off, GravityBox shortcut, Torch, Network mode (2G/3G/2G+3G switch), Sleep, QuickRecord,
QuickApp, GPS on/off, Ringer mode, Volume tile, Camera tile, ...
--- Quick pulldown - switches to QuickSettings when status bar is pulled down near edges
--- Auto-switch to QuickSettings when there are no notifications
--- Center clock in statusbar
--- Battery indicator style
--- Navigation bar tweaks including cursor control keys
--- Low battery warning policy
--- Disable LED flashing when battery low
--- Disable LED while charging
--- Advanced power-off menu (reboot, recovery)
--- Volume key cursor control
--- Skip tracks by volume key long-press while screen off (thanks to rovo89)
--- More volume levels for music stream
--- Option to control safe headset media volume
--- Button for clearing all recent tasks at once
--- CRT screen off animation
--- Minimal brightness setting
--- Autobrihtness levels adjustment
--- Lockscreen tweaks - show widgets maximized, lockscreen background style (color fill, custom image)
--- Lockscreen rotation
--- Hardware key actions - menu long-press/double-tap, back long-press, home long-press
--- Dithered Holo background
--- Option to use solid black Holo background
--- Expandable volume panel
--- Option to unlink ringtone and notifications volumes
--- Notification drawer style (background color, image for portait/landscape, transparency)
--- Button backlight modes (default, disabled, always on while screen is on)
--- Dialer (Phone) tweaks
--- Launcher tweaks
--- Screen recording
... more to come
Some words about GB's main concept. One thing I didn't like about xposed modules was that it was always necessary to reboot a device after making a change to some option. Since GB's main concept was to turn MTK devices running stock ROM into something that's close enough to a feature-packed custom ROM, I had to take a decision - for it to be as much comfortable as possible and to really behave like a custom ROM, I had to design it to support most of the preference changes to be done on the fly without needing to reboot a device. While this sounds nice, it also brings couple of "drawbacks". For changes to be made on the fly, it is necessary to make some preparations when device starts. This means, even if you don't use the particular feature, the necessary preparation/modification is already there and is waiting for the user to come and change that option.
This means it is not possible to "completely deactivate" particular feature if it causes trouble on your device or if you installed GB because you want to use only one particular feature you can't find elsewhere.
This results in issues on ROMs/devices that have parts that are diverting from default Android implementation too much, or are running heavily modified custom ROMs.
If you experience weird issues after installing GB, even if you didn't activate a particular feature, it is not because of GB is broken, it is because it is not compatible with your ROM. It is very similar as if you installed ROM built from source for Nexus to some Xperia device - it won't work.
Next thing, GB is a complex module and is not suitable for 1 purpose scenario. This means, if you are running custom ROM built from source (CM, PAC, ...), and you are missing a certain feature, your best option is to go ask creators of those ROMs to implement those additional features. Supplementing missing features on well-known custom ROMs built from source by installing xposed modules (especially complex ones) is definitely not a good way to go and can cause more trouble than good.
And finally, the last. GB being a complex module, it shouldn't be combined with other complex modules often racing for the same goal. They can conflict/fight on the same playground and there's no way you can deterministically say which one's going to win.
They can even lose both.
So in summary:
- this module is designed to run on vanilla or close-to-vanilla Android 4.4 (AOSP)
- supports "Google devices" like Nexus, HTC One Google play edition, and others running vanilla Android 4.4
- Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, MIUI, LeWa, etc. are NOT supported. It is not guaranteed this module will work on these at all so try at your own risk. This module is simply too complex to support all kind of ROM brands that were vastly modified by vendors.
- I will not implement any exceptions that will adapt this module to a specific custom ROM. Please, do understand, it is unmanageable.
- I will not provide any support for devices violating these compatibility rules
To use this module, the following conditions must be met
- You have a device running Android 4.4 that's based on AOSP (vanilla or close-to-vanilla Android)
- ROM must be rooted (XposedInstaller requires root to be able to install framework into system)
- You have working custom recovery allowing you to make a backup before installing Xposed framework
GravityBox KitKat version has been developed and tested on Nexus 5
1) Backup your current ROM in custom recovery. I am serious. Don't skip this step.
2) Get the Xposed installer from Download section from Xposed official thread (the latest version is typically available at this link: http://dl.xposed.info/latest.apk) or this flashable zip https://mega.co.nz/#!nM9UEKQS!aQtXSzmL_LL9J7pEOtSiQSk7xV9j7-hQ_7mOllB7t4c
3) Install and run Xposed installer and follow the instructions to activate Xposed framework
4) Reboot. If device doesn't boot that means that the Xposed framework is not compatible with ROM you are currently
running. You don't need to continue with the next steps. You will have to restore your ROM from backup.
5) Download, GravityBox APK from the second post, rename it to GravityBox.apk and install it.
Alternatively, you can download the latest GravityBox directly from Xposed Installer (search for GravityBox [KK] module).
6) Make sure GravityBox app is installed into internal memory. If it was installed into phone storage or external storage,
move it into the internal memory first (applies only to devices having additional or external storage)
7) Run Xposed installer, go to Modules menu and activate GravityBox by checking the checkbox
8) Reboot
9) Launch GravityBox from app drawer or from Xposed installer and set options as desired
Reporting bugs
If you experience problems with certain feature, provide the full-detailed info that can help me
to reproduce the bug and attach debug.log file you'll find in:
In case you experience SystemUI crashes or other apps Force Closing, or device soft reboots, attach logcat from time
crash occurs. (use adb logcat *:E or your favorite logcat app from Play Store).
Please, don't attach big logs. Only the portion where error is clearly seen.
Disable all other xposed modules before reproducing bug to make sure it is really GravityBox related
Remember, this app was developed and tested on one particular device so it is not guaranteed that
it will work flawlessly on yours.
Multilanguage support
Volunteers are welcome to translate GravityBox to other languages.
Simply download this file: https://github.com/GravityBox/Gravit...es/strings.xml
Use Notepad++ to edit strings and then send me edited file so I can include translations into next release.
Source code
GravityBox is opensource. Sources are available in my gihub: https://github.com/GravityBox/GravityBox/tree/kitkat
If you're a dev and have some ideas for additional features, feel free to fork it, work on it
and send the pull requests.
Copyright notice
Support development
Coding, maintaining and supporting this project costs me a lot of my precious time. If you find this project useful, you are welcome to support its development via donation. This form of support is meant to compensate for my time dedicated to the community + eventually, help me to afford newer device to keep up with AOSP evolution thus providing continuous support as Android evolves. Thanks!
- @bgcngm for his code contributions to the project
- @MohammadAG for Xperia specific contributions to the project
- @rovo89 for his ultimate Xposed framework and "Volume keys to skip track" mod
- @peptonib for starting me up with this project
- THL W8 owners for providing support and feedback
- CyanogenMod project
- ParanoidAndroid project
- SlimBean, RootBox, AOKP, OmniROM projects
- Sergey Margaritov for ColorPickerPreference
- All those who provided translations for different languages (Mr.Premise, peptonib, kidmar, ch-vox, romashko, Indiant, lelemm, oicirbaf, unavix, LuHash, WedyDQ10, mp3comanche, awaaas, liveasx, samsonbear, Eric850130, xtrem007, benjoe1, asmb111, ...)
- and finally, all those who keep the project alive by supporting me via donations (you know who you are)
XDAevDB Information
GravityBox [KK] Xposed Framework Module, a Tool/Utility for the Android General
Version Information
Status: Stable
Please do not wholesale copy and paste threads from elsewhere without at least linking the original thread. Thread closed.

Xposed now available for Pie?!!

I have not read the thread yet, but how did this happen without me knowing.
Addicted-Adnan said:
It's better to have knowledge of an xposed modules compatibility on Android version rather than stuck on bootloop with problematic module enabled,users can mention about their working xposed modules in this thread so that they are added to this list which makes it lot easier for all the xposed users. We are grateful to the people who contributed to the Xposed Framework and its Modules since its journey started especially the legend rovo89, Ed Xposed Developer givien2u,riru core developer Rikka, Module Devs and other contributers, let's hope incompatible modules make again way to the newer Android versions in near future...
[emoji724]️NOTE For Active Ed Exposed Users[emoji3593]
ED Xposed Framework is in intial development or we can say in beta state so it may support some more modules in future which are currently not hooking or might break modules , so keep an eye on your favorite modules with each ed xposed update and don't forget to report it here[emoji41]️
Below are Github download links of riru core and Edxposed
Exi for SwiftKey
Smart Clock
MIUI Tweaks
Xprivacy Lua
God Mode
Custom Text
App Local 2
Event Lock
App Context
XOverride Headphone Jack
Oreo Album Art Remover
Black Navigation Bar
Snap Freedom
Keyboard Tweak Animation
Xposed Blacklist
Lockmod (working partially)
Gboard tweaker
Download Redirection
Uniformed transitions
Max lock
Instant face unlock (intial pie support)
Flat style coloured bar
Xposed edge
Skyolin helper
Kmod FWA
Flat style keyboard
Gravity Box Oreo (might work partially)
Blur System Ui
X Halo Floating Windows
XQS Backgrounds
Eternal Process Lock
No Keyboard Auto Popup
Perfect Colorbar
Prevent Running
Xui Mod
App settings
App Opps xposed
Quote Lock
Camera notify
Lockscreen clock mods
Buttered toast
Xvoice changer
Net strength
*Unconfirmed Modules*
(Users can check and report in order to move them into respective Working or Non Working Category )
ART Deoptimiser
Eternal Process Lock
X Messenger Privacy
Neo Power Menu
Status Bar Download Progress
Swipe Back2
Icebox Turner
Android Phone Vibrator
Complete Action Plus
Flat Style Module
FM Radio Without Headphones
Google Offline Voice
L Tweaks
Lin15(version 16 coming soon)
No More Google Play Services
Shake To Undo
WA Tweaker
Xposed Groot
Always Correct
SMS Code Extractor
Xposed macro expand
Xposed groot
WhatsApp Extensions (seems works in previous versions)
Force touch detector
[emoji3544]Alert for Greenify users
*Don't enable xposed features at this time it breaks systemui*
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Ofcourse this post saves a lot of time to deal with modules and bootloops which i faced personally
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Good news.
If Gravitybox comes out for Pie then I will try EDxposed.
I wouldn't trust EdXposed on my phone since it's closed source, so who knows what kind of logging, backdoors, etc are hidden in there. Plus I don't consider it to truly be Xposed unless it was released by the man (Rovo89) himself.
I still run Xposed on my tablet that is on Nougat (and runs too good for me to upgrade to a ported O/P version) and uses nothing that requires SafetyNet. I really have no interest even trying it on O or P since most everything I need has a Magisk module available and I don't need to turn it off and reboot to get SafetyNet to pass. I tip my hat to Rovo since Xposed paved the way for a lot of what we do now (and got a lot of functionality ending up already on the OS), but it just isn't worth the hassle that it has become for me anymore.

Rooted and Stock - What to add/tweak?

I've rooted my Stock OS Pixel 3 XL - What to add/tweak?
Suggested discussion format:
- What specifically have you used root for to add or tweak your Stock OS?
- What did each addition/tweak accomplish?
- What have you tried but then removed, and why?
- What are you considering but haven't tried yet, and/or want to accomplish but haven't found a way to yet?
Running Pie PQ2A.190405.003 by the way...
- What specifically have you used root for to add or tweak your Stock OS?
So far, I have added Majisk with the following Majisk modules: Active Edge Mod, FDE.AI, Systemless Hosts. I have also added AdAway using F-Droid app.
- What did each addition/tweak accomplish?
Active Edge Mod - Allows custom response when squeezing the sides. I bought the Pro version, and have it set to pull up the camera when squeezing while the phone is locked. If the phone is unlocked, a squeeze turns on the flashlight.
FDE.AI - Much like L Speed or HEBF Optimizer apps, but I'm seeing if I can truly buy into the 'set it and forget it' simplicity of FDE.AI.
Systemless Hosts - Found this in Magisk settings options. I'm not 100% certain, but I believe this allows Magisk to hide adblocking attempts (AdAway in my case) from the OS and any apps which may try to counter adblocking efforts.
AdAway - The #1 reason I rooted - system-wide adblocking!
- What have you tried but then removed, and why?
I tried to install the Majisk module OnePlus Slate Font Systemless, but I immediately noticed that it turned the : on my lockscreen clock into a rectangle in error, so I removed it.
- What are you considering but haven't tried yet, and/or want to accomplish but haven't found a way to yet?
I am considering ViPER4Android. I'm vaguely familiar with this app, but don't want to tinker too much - just want to improve the Pixel 3 XL's audio quality overall if I can just install it and make a few adjustments (or none) and end up with a difference. Maybe this weekend...
Also, I had a OnePlus 6 - I'd love to find an easy way to black theme all of the OS screens like you could with the flip of a switch on the OnePlus (or a Samsung) - but without having to install a custom ROM. Update: Ah yep, I remember now: Substratum.
- What specifically have you used root for to add or tweak your Stock OS?
Magisk installed via TWRP.
- What did each addition/tweak accomplish?
Viper4Android (Use mostly convolvers, xhifi and bass effects + My HTC USB C to 3.5 is delicious), All kind of magisk modules, such as Google Sans MOD (The font is systemwide), Energized (like adaway but more aggresive), FDE.AI (resulted in little bit more of juice), Rboard Themes (for gboard theming), and other mods that requires magisk like Riru Core and Riru Xposed (and with this MinMinGuard (no ads systemwide in apps), GravityBox (LOTS of tweaks with this love the EQ Visualizer on lockscreen) and Whatsapp Tweaker (some mods for beta whatsapp)), YouTube Vanced (for no ads and background playing), substratum (theming), Sa2ration (for sturate a litle bit the oled screen), ActiveEdgeMod.
- What have you tried but then removed, and why?
One r two substratum themes because some layers break apps when updated, Custom Kernels (in general they help performance but my SOT decrease), tried to uninstall some system apps but results were not good.
- What are you considering but haven't tried yet, and/or want to accomplish but haven't found a way to yet?
Screenshots in secured apps (Think there's a tool for this but haven't tried)
Some mods in whatsapp tweaks (don't want to get banned)
Android Q but still need apps for banking, work which not support it.

Themes / Apps / Mods [Module] A53 5G Hidden Mods

[Magisk Module] A52 Hidden Mods
A magisk module adding the mods from ShaDisNX255's Thread plus many extra mods systemlessly! Credit goes to the original creator UltraHQ Github and Sloobot Github for porting to the A52. This is a fork of Sloobot's work to provide continuity of...
for changelog.
This only fixes few bugs for a53 and ads 4k 60fps video.
new i guess

