[DEBLOAT] OOS 9.5.x De-bloat (Systemless+Automated+Easily Reversible) [Aug 28] - OnePlus 7 Guides, News, & Discussion

This script was made to 9.5.8 OP7 OxygenOS, some things can be different in future, so report if something is broken. Use at your own risk and feel free to experiment as this is a systemless mod. You can revert it just disabling the module or following the procedure on the end of thread.
First, the prerequisites:
1- Unlocked bootloader with Magisk and TWRP (you can use temporary TWRP if you please). If you don't know what is that, take a look at the XDA threads about it, it's easy. Please don't ask about "how to unlock bootloader" or "how to install Magisk".
2- Debloater (Terminal Emulator) Magisk module. Download it from Magisk Manager.
3- Any Terminal Emulator app.
4- import-debloat.txt config file. Download it here
5. Backup (yeah, this module doesn't change anything in /system and can be reverted at any time, but backups are always welcome)
6. Magisk Mount script. Download it from here
Magisk mount is needed to "reinstall" system apps by deleting the dummy folders from Magisk partition if something breaks.
If you have everything handy it should be a matter of few seconds to debloat.
Let's deal with useless system apps, temeletry, some ****ty apps. According from the @Tomatot- thread:
Tomatot- said:
-You'll get more privacy: I've removed Qualcomm telemetry, OnePlus telemetry as well as some Google Telemetry (but you can't expect too much as long as you use gapps)
-You'll get better battery life: less apps running in the background, less wakelocks, less services communicating with servers to send telemetry.
-You'll get better performance: for the same reasons. Don't expect a huge difference as our phone is very smooth already.
-The feeling of having a clean device. And this has no price.
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Debloated apps list (It's the same Tomatot-'s Light app list):
Let's start this!
1. Copy the import-debloat.txt config file to the folder /data/cache in the root. (you can copy it by a root explorer or reboot into recovery and copy it by TWRP file explorer)
2. Install the Debloater (Terminal Emulator) Magisk module using the Magisk Manager.
3. Open the terminal emulator app
> Type 'su' and press enter
> Grant root permissions
> Type debloat and press enter.
4. You will see the options to debloat in various categories which are self explanatory. As we have the config file which has a predefined app list to de-bloat stored in /data/cache folder in root already. Type 'i' which says import config and press enter 2 times.
5. Reboot 2 times and you're done most probably if nothing breaks.
Ta-dah! Fully debloated OOS. To keep the debloat after update the ROM, just reflash Magisk and you're fine. You don't need to do the procedure every update.
Read from here if something breaks (from @Sreekant)
If it breaks the system or causes boot-loop which shouldn't be the case as I'm using the OP7 9.5.8 and everything is fine, but well, **** happens. Don't worry! It's pretty easy to reinstall all of them in one click by TWRP.
Did you download the Magisk Mount script which I asked to earlier? If yes, just flash it with TWRP and the magisk will be mounted and accessible in TWRP file explorer. If you didn't download the script earlier, Just adb sideload it in recovery.
After mounting the Magisk in TWRP > Click on Advanced and go to file explorer.
Then delete the app folder of the system app you've uninstalled in /Magisk/terminal_debloater/system/app (/sbin/.core/img/terminal_debloater/system/app) or /Magisk/terminal_debloater/system/priv-app (/sbin/.core/img/terminal_debloater/system/priv-app) then that should undo it.
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Feel free to give any feedback about the script.
Special thanks to:
@Tomatot- (the apps list and some explanations are from his thread)
@Sreekantt (the thread base and original idea from debloat for Poco F1)
@topjohnwu (Magisk developer)
The Debloater (terminal) team

THREAD CLOSED as duplicate of https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-7-pro/how-to/debloat-oos-9-5-x-bloat-systemless-t3962605


[SCRIPT/TOOL] kn0x0ut Toolbox - Install custom roms, mods + more and KEEP WARRANTY!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the
kn0x0ut Toolbox v2.30!
(complete, with knox 0x0 reference! hehe)​
This script/toolbox allows you to install custom roms, and mods that you would normally have to flash with custom recovery.
(aroma installer and other magic like that gets ignored, but the aroma mods can usually be installed manually on a second run)
On top of that it allows you to create and restore backups of your system and data partition. (for "online" restore without needing custom recovery).
As we (hopefully) all know, if you want to keep knox warranty void at 0x0 you cannot use a custom recovery or kernel....
But let me start with a few words of warning:
Dont do anything obviously stupid...there are no safe-wheels for most commands.
(for example: dont "clean-base" or use "rom-install" without actually installing a new rom or you will most likely end up without system apps and device not booting correctly - like you wouldnt wipe system in a custom recovery without installing a rom...).
It can be used over adb or terminal, but if you install a rom the system ui gets stopped, so better do it over adb!
kn0x0ut toolbox is 100% safe for your device - no hardbrick or efs clear possible by using it!
The worst thing that can happen when using the kn0x0ut toolbox is that you have to factory reset or flash again with odin, so keep the odin file close. (at best this is a custom made RDLV odin.tar.md5 you used to upgrade your rom version with - or for people who have to use other methods because of the new bootloader - keep the last odin file close you used to upgrade also.. and the root method that worked for you)
This whole thing "programmed" on/for a N9005 but in theory it should work for all samsung devices - including the other knox enabled devices and even on many other devices. (but it might need some adjustments, so be careful and have a way to restore your stock rom before you try anything fancy with other devices)
If your knox warranty is already void aka 0x1 then you can still use the toolbox and its mods (some could actually be useful to anyone..) but it won't bring back the warranty.
I didn't really create this thing for me actually - I already did the all steps the toolbox can do by hand with adb terminal on my device (and perfected my method with lots of trial and error..), but I wanted you guys to also be able to enjoy custom roms while keeping your knox warranty intact and show samsung a big FU for putting us through this BS in the first place...
If you like the toolbox and appreciate the work I put into this please consider buying me a beer or hitting the thanks button at least.
This kn0x0ut toolbox itself requires root access (if you want to be able to install mods and files you need to be able to mount system writable)!
You will have to use "Root de la vega" or some other method to get rooted while keeping your warranty intact.
(please try them all, and report back in the thread which one works, and which fail or get permission denied)
mount -o rw,remount /system
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 /system
How to use:
Extract the download from below to the root of your internal or external sd card.
The script will try to detect the folder first on the external and then on the internal sd.
(/mnt/extSdCard/kn0x0ut or /sdcard/kn0x0ut)
Then browse into that directory with terminal or adb shell and type:
sh kn0x0ut.sh
and you will get all the commands supported currently.
You can then use the command
sh kn0x0ut.sh kn0x0ut
to install the script to your system's xbin folder and create a symlink to "/system/xbin/knoxout" as well.
(if you want to upgrade kn0x0ut from an older version, make sure you delete all the duplicate old files from the kn0x0ut folder - basically everything but the "processed" and the backup folders if you have them, and replace them with the files from the latest versions download. Then re-run the "sh kn0x0ut.sh kn0x0ut" command to update the kn0x0ut script in your system/xbin folder as well)
From then on you can just type
kn0x0ut <command>
or even easier:
knoxout <commands>
The script will automatically detect the kn0x0ut folder on the external or internal sd. (external has higher priority if both present)
To install a zip file meant to be flashed in CWM, you put in into the "put_files_folder". You can put zip, tar, tar.gz or already extracted files and folders into there.
To actually work, the files/folders must be in a certain stucture. The script expects already extracted files which get placed into the put_files_here folder to be in the structure like they would appear on the device.
Think of the "put_files_here" folder as the root folder - files get placed on the system in the same structure as if the put_files_folder was the rootfs "/". So if you got a subfolder system/app inside the put_files_here folder, the files inside it will get pushed to /system/app... Hope this makes any sense, else someone else pls try to explain it better.
(NOTE: The script will only install files, it wont do additional magic if there is any contained inside the zip like aroma installer - its mainly meant to speed up the process of installing mods and/roms that require system files to be replaced. (and some things might need to be done by hand, if you want enhanced functionalities from aroma installer)
If you have a zip that does not fully install, check out if there are any scripts inside etc. - and also check the "not_installed" folder which gets created after each installation.
If you want to install a rom, make sure you are on the same base version as the rom you are trying to install. So if you want to flash rom "xyz" based on MK2 then you gotta have stock, but rooted MK2 installed (with odin and RDLV for example). If you want to mix versions, you can try - but I can't tell if that actually works or causes problems - I just would skip the BS and make sure you got the right base rom installed with odin before tying to install a custom rom with kn0x0ut...
See 2nd post for current command list.
See 3rd post for current list of available mods.
See 4th post for more detailed command explanation.
See 5th post for download.
>>> commands <<<
help - Display help
listmods - Display a list of all available mods
backup-base - Backup system app and framework files
backup-efs - Backup efs partition
backup-system - Backup system partition
backup-data - Backup data partition
backup-full - Backup system and data partition
Installation / Restore:
install - Install contents of "put_files_here"
(place backup tar's there for restore)
For System Restore use "rom-install"!
For Data Restore run "clean-data" then "install"!
rom-install - As above but clean system apps, framework
and dalvik-cache before
Mod Installation:
mod=[mods] - Install specified mods (for multiple seperate with ',')
supersu - Install supersu v1.80 to xbin (incl. init.d support for all kernels)
busybox - Install busybox v1.21.1 to xbin (incl. symlink-redirect)
kn0x0ut - Install kn0x0ut v2.30 to xbin
fix_perm - Install fix_permissions v2.10 to xbin
backup_perm - Install backup_permissions v2.00 to xbin
clean-dalvik - Clean dalvik-cache
clean-base - Clean system apps and framework (MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL NEW BEFORE REBOOT!)
clean-data - Clean data partition to restore from backup (leaves sdcard content alone)
Bloatware Removal:
removebloat-cooolboy - Remove most bloatware (based on CoOoL_BoY's bloatware remove script)
removebloat-zroice - Remove bloatware hardcore mode (beware - most google stuff gone except playstore)
>>> commands END <<<
>>> available mods <<<
Mod: acid
Description: ACID Audio Engine v5 (optimised for samsung)
Mod: acid_awesomebeats
Description: ACID Audio Engine AddOn - Awesome Beats
Mod: acid_noozxoide
Description: ACID Audio Engine AddOn - Noozxoide
Mod: aosp_browser
Description: AOSP Browser (with Google, Startpage & Startpage Mobile)
Mod: aosp_clock
Description: AOSP Clock (deinstall ClockPackage.apk if you want to use this)
Mod: bash
Description: BASH Shell
Mod: busybox
Description: busybox v1.21.1 (busybox.net) + special default symlink fixes
Mod: chronus
Description: Chronus Clock Widget
Mod: forcelte
Description: Init.d script to force lte on
Mod: onandroid
Description: onandroid script v9.20 + necessary binaries (mkyaffs2image, dedupe)
Mod: onandroid_n9005
Description: onandroid partition layout for N9005
Mod: openvpn
Description: openvpn binary v2.1.1 (statically linked, no libs necessary)
Mod: sqlite3
Description: sqlite3 binary + libs and init.d script to optimise db's at boot
Mod: zipalign
Description: zipalign binary + init.d script to run at boot (fixed to make it work!)
>>> available mods END <<<
Add ons and commands explained in detail:
1.) Fix permissions script is running after all the commands to ensure permissions are correct. You can also install the fix_permissions script as standalone command. (see command list)
2.) To install a rom or other cwm zip file put it into the "put_files_here" folder and run "install" or "rom-install" depending on what you want to do. You can also use this to restore system and data partition backups made by kn0x0ut or onandroid (those have to be in tar or tar.gz format).
3.) The busybox which gets installed is directly from busybox.net and has more commands than the "normal" busybox floating around from stericson.
Additionally if you use the "busybox" command some symlinks will get redirected from toolbox to busybox and give enhanced functions.
(for exampe: mv, cp, rmdir, rm, ...)
4.) "sqlite3" and "zipalign" will also install an init.d script so that they are running on system boot to optimize the dbs and/or zipalign the apks.
--- more to come ---
Current Version: v2.30
### Downloads ###
Please do link to this thread if you want to use the kn0x0ut toolbox for other projects.
(do not distribute kn0x0ut download links but instead link to this thread, not only for credits, but so people can report bugs etc in one place)
kn0x0ut_2.31.zip - 14.84 MB
Do not run rom-install if any of the other commands fails, and please try them first. (at least busybox and supersu installation)
So if I already have Knox at 0x1 am I screwed?
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
harosxcomp170 said:
So if I already have Knox at 0x1 am I screwed?
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
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well then this thing has no use to you, other than the addons and installing stuff on a running system instead of using custom recovery.
But it wont fix the knox warranty no. It just KEEPS it from getting tripped by allowing installs without custom recovery.
Now say if I odined back to completely stock with no root. Will that bring my Knox back to 0x0? Or has the damage already been done?
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
harosxcomp170 said:
Now say if I odined back to completely stock with no root. Will that bring my Knox back to 0x0? Or has the damage already been done?
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
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sorry to say, but gtfo with these questions inside this thread! knox 0x1 stays knox 0x1 - so far nothing gonna bring it back - ssheeesh this you should really know man. one lil google search gives you 100 threads about just that! (completely offtopic to this tool also... sorry but is this xda or android central?!)
Yea sorry about that I didn't know if there was a break through or something I bought my phone off swappa with knox already voided.
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
harosxcomp170 said:
Yea sorry about that I didn't know if there was a break through or something I bought my phone off swappa with knox already voided.
Sent from my SM-N900TA running HyperDrive 3 using Tapatalk 2
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well tbh, I wouldn't worry so much about it, I'm strongly considering to trip my flag to have custom kernel and recovery. This toolbox here can't fully replace it. But maybe we find a way to make our own signed kernels and/or recovieries or some other way around this knox warranty void bs.
My phone is still new and for such an expensive piece I rather don't risk anything before it's clear there are no bugs out or smth people dont yet know about (I mean with the hardware, not with my toolbox or smth). Plus its fun to try out whats possible.. (i learned so much about android and the shell by doin all this... good exercise hehe)
So until then I'll keep my warranty intact - and beside overclocking and some kernel tweaks and maybe easy nandroid backups/restore we can do quite alot.
@ the others with their flags still intact: Why so shy? Any success stories so far? This would get more attention if someone would confirm it working other than me hehe =). You all pushed me to make a script now use it! (try X-note for the start or smth .. thats what I'm using and it worked fine)
Cf root will trip the KnoX.
But samsung accepts one time warranty even if u tripped it.
This is my 3rd note, in 3 executive years. Ive never needed warranty. The golden rule with Samsung phones is if it works (hardware), it will stay to work for years. Just like German Mercedes from the '80s and '90 s.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
but it's impossible to use your program without root? it's right. my phone it's already in rom MJ7, so, no soluce now to root without tripping the knox to 0x1..
Will i need to run scrtips once?
or before install more rom.
Will this wipe my phone? Dont wanna loose my data
hit 'thanks' if i helped you
SM-N9005 DBT-DMJ7 0x0
XDA Developers 4 premium app
no it wont wipe data partition.
If you just use the "install" command it wont wipe anything, just copy over and overwrite the files that exist.
If you use the "new_rom" command it will wipe the system apps and the framework before installing.
If you come from odexed and want to install deodexed version you must use the "new_rom" command or else you will have odex files and some incompatible system apps left.
I'm also working on a way to backup and restore system as well as data.
What I really would like to know is what happens if you create an odin image from your system partition and flash that back with odin or mobileodin. It would just "restore" the system to the state where you created the image, but the question is if that would trip knox or not.
To be honest I doubt it would, since we only install a system image back that was already "ok" for knox - you already got the custom system partition flag when one uses RDLV or somehow else attains root access because the system is not unmodified, so this wouldnt change anything.
The only problem with my thinking would be if odin / mobileodin implements a special check thats only triggered when you flash through it and which will then trigger the knox flag if it finds a custom image.
If you find any stories of people who just flashed a (custom) system image through odin or mobileodin please point me there. So this question can finally be answered fully.
If we could just flash system images with odin while leaving out kernel and recovery and keeping knox, this would make custom recovery obsolete kind of. The only thing we still couldnt do then would be to use custom kernel features. So please help me to find out!
So will new rom erase
game saves
Installed apps
Okay if i find such thread ill post or pm it to you
hit 'thanks' if i helped you
SM-N9005 DBT-DMJ7 0x0
XDA Developers 4 premium app
It shouldnt, although you might end up with other problems.. not 100% sure to be honest. (I only installed on freshly wiped device so far, or wiped afterwards etc, just to make sure)
Best thing to do is backup everything with titanium and then give it a try - but make sure you backup stuff to your external SD or copy it over to the pc, because the internal sd will get wiped if you have to factory reset. (just do a backup of everything with titanium and then copy the contents of your internal SD card (everything - to include game saves etc) to your pc.
If end up having to factory reset because of bugs from the old data you can just restore the apps with titanium and have your internal sd contents backed up.
If you give it a try (if you have the titanium backup and the internal sd contents you can always restore the old state at least) please report if you had to wipe data or if everything runs fine?
When I tested things around I did this already and the data stayed - but i did not test all the apps to really make sure.. so theres a small chance for problems - but I actually doubt it.

[G925F/FD/W8/...][6.0+] SYSTEMLESS DevBase | Encryption support | Stock OTA updates

SYSTEMLESS DevBase has been developed and physically tested on S7 Edge (G935F), so main thread containing the most detailed description you can find here:
>> [SAMSUNG][6.0+] SYSTEMLESS DevBase | Encryption support | Stock OTA updates <<
However, it should work on ALL SAMSUNG DEVICES running Android 6.0+, so if you are Galaxy S6 Edge (G925xx) owner - please place your feedback & discussion here to let me know about device-specific issues or to let me know that everything works perfect
Are you tired with traditional custom ROMs?
Do you miss custom ROMs but you would like to have encrypted /data (for privacy/security reasons)?
You are in the right place! I present you SYSTEMLESS DevBase - an SYSTEMLESS equivalent of my previous work (for older devices)
- Samsung device running stock or stock-based Android 6.0+ (mandatory!)
- Rooted device - SuperSU v2.76+ installed in SYSTEMLESS mode (mandatory!) (*)
- Stock, untouched /system partition (not mandatory, but recommended for working OTA)
- Stock recovery (not mandatory, but recommended for working OTA)
(*) NOTE: The latest CF-Auto-Root image for G925F contains SuperSU v2.74 which does not support SYSTEMLESS solutions (su.d is not triggered early enough). It is NOT enough to update it via PlayStore to the newest version and update su binaries! You need to update it using TWRP / FlashFire installable ZIP from THIS STABLE or THIS BETA thread. Alternatively you can use "EverRoot" -> "Inject SuperSU" option in FlashFire even if you are rooted already by CF-Auto-Root (it will update SuperSU in the same way as flashing ZIP).
1. Benefits / main features:
- Works with encypted /data partition
- Working official OTA updates! (see Tips & Tricks)
- Does NOT perform any phisical modifications in /system
- Does NOT perform any additional changes/patches to the kernel
- Removed KNOX warnings (systemlessly removed SecurityLogAgent)
- It contains SYSTEMLESS BusyBox (bionic, the most stable and respected release)
- It allows you to easily modify most of files & apps in your /system - SYSTEMLESSLY (see Tips & Tricks)
- It does not interfere with Magisk! You can use Magisk in paralell with SYSTEMLESS DevBase if you need it for your favorite module.
2. Systemless Safe De-Bloat (more info below):
What does it mean and why is it called "safe"?
- ONLY apps available in stores will be systemlessly removed from the ROM, so you can easily (re)install any of these app if you like
- ONLY pre-installed system apps are will be systemlessly removed, DevBase installer never touch any updated app nor app installed manually from store
Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. If you install my SYSTEMLESS DevBase directly over working stock ROM - in most cases almost all these apps will remain untouched, because almost all apps have been updated already (stored on /data). But then you will be able to remove any useless app using the "Application manager" -> [Name_Of_App_To_Remove] -> MORE -> Uninstall updates. NOTE: App will disappear arter reboot and will be visible even in Titanium Backup!
2. If you perform "Wipe data" directly before installing SuperSU and my SYSTEMLESS DevBase (before you let to install app's updates) - then all apps listed below will be removed. If you would like to use any of these apps - just install it manually from appropriate store. Installed manually app will not be removed during the next DevBase update or re-install.
Removed apps list (depends on the device, should cover all devices starting from Galaxy S5):
FB Messenger
FB Pages Manager
Google+ / Photos
Group Play
Play Books
Play Games
Play Movies
Play Music
Play Newsstand
Smart Remote
NEW! Safe De-Bloat feature automatically detects and systemlessly removes apps not listed above, but present in your CSC package
3. Systemless CscFeature MOD (enabled some built-in, hidden features):
- Added shutter sound menu in Camera app
- Sending/receiving MMS without data on
- Show SMS/MMS sending time instead of receiving
- Added "Exit Internet" option to stock browser
- Added call button in Phone Logs (**)
- Added "Call/Message block" option in Settings
- Added symbols as secondary keys in Samsung keyboard (**)
- Call Recording (manual control, added "Record" button)
(**) may not work starting from Android 7.0 Nougat
1. FlashFire app (recommended ***):
- Open file using "Flash ZIP or OTA" option
- UNTICK "Mount /system read/write" [extremely important for working OTA!]
- Enable "EverRoot" -> "Inject SuperSU" option if necessary (see NOTE above (*))
- Tap "FLASH"
2. TWRP recovery:
- Tap "Keep Read Only" on the Welcome screen [extremely important for working OTA!]
- Open file using "Install" option (use extSdCard or OTG storage in case of encrypted /data)
- Confirm flash by swiping right
- Tap "Reboot System"
NOTE1: One additional auto-reboot may be performed at first boot. It is not a bug (may be required for systemless build.prop support - see Tips & Tricks for more explanations)
NOTE2: Do not worry about red "mount /data failed..." messages displayed in TWRP in case of encrypted /data (installer will do the work anyway!)
(***) As far as I know - FlashFire is the only flashing tool with full access to /data during flash in case of encrypted devices. It is also the only tool which allows you to perform full backup/restore of partitions, including encrypted /data. It does NOT require custom recovery to work!
Credits: @Chainfire for systemless SuperSU and a lot of inspiration
Hit Thanks button if you like my work. If you really appreciate my work - feel free to buy me a beer
>> Recent SYSTEMLESS DevBase <<
Check MD5 sum BEFORE flash (useful TOOL), because flashing damaged or incomplete ZIP files can lead to issues! Correct MD5 sum is shown on the AndroidFileHost website while downloading.
Please visit MAIN THREAD - post #3
Tips & Tricks
1. OTA updates:
- Basically, the only thing you need to take OTA update is to perform "Full unroot" in the SuperSU app. However, a better way is to use "unroot2ota" terminal command, because this will not remove DevBase boot script from /su/su.d and the only thing you will need to re-activate SYSTEMLESS DevBase (and all your systemless MODs) after performing OTA update is just re-root your device with CF-Auto-Root.
- If you flashed custom recovery like TWRP - it is mandatory to restore your stock recovery (otherwise OTA will not work). You can do it using FlashFire app (the easiest way) - just open recovery.img file (extracted from your original FW) using "Flash firmware package" option, disable "Preserve recovery" option and then tap "FLASH". EDIT: Starting from version v1.2 there is a new "unroot2ota" feature which allow you to restore stock recovery using /system/recovery-fromm-boot.p file. There is no guarantee to perform it successfully (even if there is no error message) but in most cases it works well (tested on Nougat beta). Please go to recovery before you try to get OTA to check if you have stock recovery already after performing "unroot2ota" (if not - you need to use PC Odin to flash recovery.img packed in tar file).
- It is recommended to temporarily disable "Auto-update apps" in Play Store settings before you unroot your device. It will prevent updating applications covered by Safe De-Bloat list, as there apps will temporarily appear until you re-root the phone after performing OTA update.
Note (devices which use dm-verity): You should never allow /system modifications in TWRP, never allow to remount /system r/w in any app (e.g. Root Explorer, FlashFire, etc.) and never flash a ZIP file which could modify your /system or remount it r/w. Failure to follow these recommendations will break dm-verity verification and will cause, that your device may not be able to boot with the stock kernel (you will need to re-flash your original FW using PC Odin to make your device bootable).
2. Making your own modifications:
- You can systemlessly replace any existing system app by modded one. Just put modified app to /data/devbase/system/app or /data/devbase/system/priv-app and then reboot your device
- You can systemlessly replace jar or apk in /system/framework. Just put modified one to /data/devbase/system/framework and then reboot your device (NOTE: framework support has been added for advanced users -> there is high risk of bootloop if you do something wrong!)
- You can systemlessly add or override any line in /system/build.prop. Just put (only new or changed) line to /data/devbase/system/build.prop and then reboot your device (NOTE: one additional auto-reboot will be performed if /data/devbase/system/build.prop file has been added, modified or removed. It is not a bug - it is required for the changes in /data/devbase/system/build.prop to take effect!)
- You can systemlessly replace any existing file in /system/csc and /system/etc (but NOT in subdirectories). Just put modified copy of a file to /data/devbase/system/csc or /data/devbase/system/etc and then reboot device
Limitations: original app or file MUST physically exist with the same name in /system, you can NOT add a new app or file this way!
Example 1 (Ad-Blocking): Download the latest Ad-Blocking ZIP installer from THIS thread. Extract "hosts" file (placed in /system/etc inside ZIP file), then copy it to /data/devbase/system/etc, set rw-r--r-- (644) permissions and then reboot device
Example 2 (modded SystemUI): Create "SystemUI" directory in /data/devbase/system/priv-app and then put modified "SystemUI.apk" file into it. Set rwxr-xr-x (755) permissions to "SystemUI" directory, rw-r--r-- (644) permissions to "SystemUI.apk" and then reboot device
Example 3 (De-Bloating a bit more): You can just create empty directories in /data/devbase/system/app (or priv-app) corresponding to applications in /system/app (or priv-app). Alternatively (more advanced method), you can add an app to modded enforceskippingpackages.txt file (you can find it in /data/devbase/system/etc or /data/devbase/system/csc_contents, depending on the original location in /system) and increase number in the 1st line. Second method should not be used by beginners (without a basic knowledge related to UNIX text format)
3. How to manually maintain the newest ROM version:
If you do not care about OTA - you can manually update your device to the newest ROM available @ Sammobile, keeping your original CSC (you need multi-file original FW, I mean separate files for BL/AP/CP/CSC). You need to download 2 ROMs: ROM with the newest changelist and the latest ROM containing your original CSC. Extract both and open in PC Odin BL/AP/CP files from the ROM with highest changelist but open CSC file from the ROM containing your CSC (I recommend to use HOME_CSC_* file to avoid auto-wipe-data). Flash such "mix", re-root and enjoy
There is new version available
- Added SYSTEMLESS support for /system/framework
- Added SYSTEMLESS support for /system/build.prop (overrides & additions)
- Added major Android update detection (auto-remove mods for older API to prevent bootloops & FCs)
- Added BusyBox bionic (the most stable and respected release)
- Added logging to /data/devbase/last_boot.log (API & errors)
- Added SuperSU boot patcher version checker (exits su.d boot script if < 2.76)
- Added "Please DO NOT wipe /cache" warning in case of encrypted devices and TWRP recovery
- Minor changes & optimizations in the shell code
- Added SYSTEMLESS DevBase uninstaller
Download link:
>> SYSTEMLESS_DevBase_v1.1.zip <<
Since new version has many more features -> there are more possibilities of bootloop (especially if you are playing with framework mods). I have created DevBase remover to let you get out from bootloop. Of course uninstaller does NOT "know" which mod caused the problem, so it will not remove any file from /data/devbase directory, it will remove only /su/su.d/0000000devbase boot script to make your device bootable (again) so you can manually delete problematic mod:
>> SYSTEMLESS_DevBase_remover.zip <<
Another update:
- Fixed CscFeature MOD (e.g. G920I case, now should work with all Samsung devices/variants)
- Added info in Settings/About device/Software info/Build number (can be overrided by editing /data/devbase/system/build.prop)
- unroot2ota: added ability to restore stock recovery using /system/recovery-from-boot.p file (no guarantee)
- unroot2ota: check /system partition for common modifications before unroot
- Minor changes & improvements in the shell code
>> SYSTEMLESS_DevBase_v1.3.zip <<

[Guide] Bypass Safetynet on MM with Custom ROM & Kernel (Looking for testers)

I would first like to say that I cannot guarantee if this works on ALL devices. I was able to get this to work on the Galaxy S6 and posted it on the Galaxy S6 forums, however I am looking for people with other devices to see if it works for them as well (because why not share the bypass love to everyone ) If it works, please post a screenshot to confirm so I can post it on the thread here. Thanks.
(Please note that I am not responsible if your phone bricks etc. Please use at your own risk! Myself and others who have also tested this bypass have had no reported issues of this bypass causing some sort of brick etc., but I cannot guarantee anything.)
*This is a copy and paste of a thread I made on another forums and I felt like sharing it here. If there is any mistakes in the post, please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.*​__________________________________​
Since October 2016, Google has (yet again) changed their way on how SafetyNet works and how they can now easily figure out if your phone is rooted or not. This caused many issues for rooted Android users who wanted to play games such as PKMNGO and use apps such as Snapchat. However, there is still ways to bypass SafetyNet.
Tested Devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- Samsung Galaxy S5
*Looking for people with other devices to try and see if it works for themselves so I can add the device to the list.*
- Basic Understanding on how to use Custom Recovery, flashing zip files etc.
- Running on Android 6.0 (Looking for anyone with Android 7 to see if this works for them as well.)
- Phone has a custom recovery (I suggest TWRP) and on a Custom ROM. (Stock roms "should" work too.)
- Rom should have November 1st Security update or older updates. (Have not tested with roms with November 5th Security update and higher.)
- Magisk V10.2 & Magisk Manager 3.0
- SafetyNet Checker
- Phh Super User APK. PlayStore or 2.0 Beta
- Root File Explorer. I suggest Root Browser
- Kernel Adiutor
- Root Checker
(I have had issues trying Xposed on Magisk V9, however it may work on V10.2)
**WARNING: BIG IMAGES** (Had no time to resize them, but will soon.)
Before we begin, I suggest that you make a Nandroid backup through your preferred Custom Recovery. I suggest you use TWRP however CWM "should" work, but I have not tried myself.
Step 1:
Clean Install
The first step 'is' optional, however it is recommended that you do a clean install. I will be using Alexis Rom 8.0 Beta 2 for my Galaxy S6, but any rom should work. (Other than certain GraceUX ports, but am able to get it to work with other ported rom like CoreUi (a MIUI port) for the Galaxy S6). You should also flash a kernel now as well. I use to personally use Arter97 as SuperSU is not installed in this kernel, however Arter97 is slowly starting to become unstable as it hasn't been updated and there is better kernels out there. For this tutorial, I will be using Twisted Kernel.
Step 2:
Removing SuperSU
This step is 'also' optional, but ONLY if your rom/kernel does not automatically install SuperSU for you. In my case, it is automatically installed.
What you will need to do is to go to the SuperSU app, go to settings.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Scroll down until you see "Full unroot" and click it.
A popup will come up and click "Continue", then followed by another popup and click "NO".
Once you click no, your phone will freeze and then reboot. You should then install Root Checker to verify if your phone is unrooted.
(If for some reason, you are unable to use the SuperSU app but you know SuperSU is installed, I'd suggest you download UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip and flash it as it will manually remove SuperSU.)
Step 3:
Installing required APKs.
You will now need to install MagiskManager 3.0, SafetyNet Helper Sample, PHH Super User APK, Root Browser and Kernel Adiutor.
Step 4:
Flashing MagiskV10.2
You will need to reboot into your custom recovery and flash "Magisk-v10.2.zip", followed by rebooting. If you receive ERROR: 1 in TWRP when it is trying to mount SU, I suggest reflashing a kernel (and re-remove SuperSU), uninstalling Magisk with MagiskUninstaller (in Magisk thread) and reinstall Magisk V10.2, or reinstalling your rom.
Once you have flashed the file, reboot into System and open Magisk Manager to verify you have installed Magisk. A little pop up will open to allow Magisk to have root. Make sure to click allow and set it so it has root for "Forever".
If it states that root isn't properly installed, manually flash PHH Super User V266-2.
Step 5:
Enabling Magisk Hide
In Magisk Manager, go to the side menu and go to "Settings." You will see an unchecked box that says "Enable Magisk Hide." Select it and reboot. Re-open Magisk Manager and verify that it is now check marked. If the App crashes when you select "Enable Magisk Hide", reboot your phone and retry.
Step 6:
Set Permissions
In Root Browser, go to the directory "/sys/fs/selinux" and find the file "enforce" and the file "policy". On the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "644" to "640", and for the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "444" to "440". If Phh Super User pops up and asks for root access, click "Allow."
Once you are done, open up SafetyNet Helper Sample and it 'should' pass. If you are getting "Response Validation Failed" and the background is blue, uninstall Magisk by flashing Magisk Uninstaller, flash UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip, then reflash Magisk V10.2. Then, go back to Step 5 and enable Magisk Hide.
Step 7:
Use Kernel Adiutor to automatically set permissions in init.d
This last step is 'optional', however it automates the permission setting as every time you reboot your system, the file permissions will reset. Open up Kernel Adiutor, go to the sidebar and scroll down until you see 'Init.d'. Click it and make sure "Emulate Init.d" is enabled.
Then click the plus button, set the name to "Permissions" and then add the following script:
"chmod 640 /sys/fs/selinux/enforce" and "chmod 440 /sys/fs/selinux/policy" and save the files.
Also allow root access to Kernel Adiutor!
Step 8:
Reboot your device, let Kernel Adiutor do its countdown (you will see in the notifications drop down) and once it says "Applying settings completed!", open up Safetynet and you should be passing!
topjohnwu - Main developer of Magisk and Magisk Supported Phh Super User
This XDA thread - Helped me figure out how to do this bypass in the first place.
CoreUi Telegram Chat - Helped me test this bypass to see if it worked on different S6 models. Join here!
If I forgot to credit anyone, please tell me.
If there is any mistakes I made, spelling, phrasing etc., please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.
Finally I can play again since they added the SafetyNet check! It's been way too long.
Worked perfectly on my Galaxy S5! I'm using the Resurrection Remix KLTE 6.0 for my Galaxy S5 so it came with it's own root. I just searched Root in settings, disabled it, flashed the unroot zip and then I was unrooted. Except for that everything worked the way you described! I forgot to reboot after Magisk Hide so I unrooted and reflashed Magisk but I'm not sure that was needed to be honest. Is SafetyNet Checker really needed? Magisk Manager also has a SafteyNet checker.
When I get more time I will do a backup and flash the 7.1.1 rom too and test if it works.
Complete package with everything needed in the guide for the lazy:
Martan404 said:
Finally I can play again since they added the SafetyNet check! It's been way too long.
Worked perfectly on my Galaxy S5! I'm using the Resurrection Remix KLTE 6.0 for my Galaxy S5 so it came with it's own root. I just searched Root in settings, disabled it, flashed the unroot zip and then I was unrooted. Except for that everything worked the way you described! I forgot to reboot after Magisk Hide so I unrooted and reflashed Magisk but I'm not sure that was needed to be honest. Is SafetyNet Checker really needed? Magisk Manager also has a SafteyNet checker.
When I get more time I will do a backup and flash the 7.1.1 rom too and test if it works.
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There 'is' a Safetynet checker in Magisk Manager, however it will always say 'CTS Profile error', while SafetyNet Checker will say if its either a CTS error, Response Validation error, Play Store error etc. Maybe it's just a bug in Magisk Manager but if it gets fixed; I'll remove SafetyNet Checker from the tutorial.
xJovs said:
There 'is' a Safetynet checker in Magisk Manager, however it will always say 'CTS Profile error', while SafetyNet Checker will say if its either a CTS error, Response Validation error, Play Store error etc. Maybe it's just a bug in Magisk Manager but if it gets fixed; I'll remove SafetyNet Checker from the tutorial.
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Can confirm that this works on 7.1.1 roms too! As I mentioned in my other post I use the Resurrection Remix rom.
By the way, you could mention that instead of using root browser to change permissions you could skip that step all together and just add the modification to Kernel Auditor. And instead of rebooting to test it you can just click the "Permissions" addition to execute the script right away just to make sure it works and then do a reboot to confirm.
Thank you so much. it worked
help plse plse give steps by step for 7.1.1(RR)
---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 AM ----------
i tried but cts profile mismatch becomes false
Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
Running a Mi Max here and have to say: Not working!
If i fully unroot the phone (magisk uninstaller / unSU script) then safety net helper gives me a red screen (CTS profile mismatch) but after installing Magisk 10.2 i only get a blueish screen in safetynethelper saying "response validation: fail"
naveenfre said:
help plse plse give steps by step for 7.1.1(RR)
---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 AM ----------
i tried but cts profile mismatch becomes false
Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
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1. Open the Settings app, and go About phone tab and spam click on Version to enable Developer Tools.
2. Do a search in the settings for "Root" and disable Root access.
3. Reboot to Recovery mode and flash this unroot https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=63615067
4. Reboot phone and follow xJovs' guide from step 3
Note: I also used the flashable zip file from the guide to get root and did not install the APK. https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/magisk-phh-s-superuser-android-pay-t3435921
g_BonE said:
Running a Mi Max here and have to say: Not working!
If i fully unroot the phone (magisk uninstaller / unSU script) then safety net helper gives me a red screen (CTS profile mismatch) but after installing Magisk 10.2 i only get a blueish screen in safetynethelper saying "response validation: fail"
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It might be because of the Kernel but I'm just speculating. Try flashing a new one to see if it helps!
g_BonE said:
Running a Mi Max here and have to say: Not working!
If i fully unroot the phone (magisk uninstaller / unSU script) then safety net helper gives me a red screen (CTS profile mismatch) but after installing Magisk 10.2 i only get a blueish screen in safetynethelper saying "response validation: fail"
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It will always return blue right after installing Magisk. You need to follow through with the whole tutorial to work. If you have, then it's probably your rom. It happened with me on GraceUX roms.
Latest version of PoGo doesn't appear in magisk hide menu
It works
Thanks! Editing the permission of SElinux files works for me
Nexus 5X
GooglePixelROM v7.0.1
Android 7.1.2
Using Magisk 11.1
Now I can pass SafetyNet and use AndroidPay on a custom ROM
Galaxy Note 3 (N9005) MagmaNX with Magisk v11.1 + MagiskSU
CTS profile match: false
Basic Integrity: false
xJovs said:
I would first like to say that I cannot guarantee if this works on ALL devices. I was able to get this to work on the Galaxy S6 and posted it on the Galaxy S6 forums, however I am looking for people with other devices to see if it works for them as well (because why not share the bypass love to everyone ) If it works, please post a screenshot to confirm so I can post it on the thread here. Thanks.
(Please note that I am not responsible if your phone bricks etc. Please use at your own risk! Myself and others who have also tested this bypass have had no reported issues of this bypass causing some sort of brick etc., but I cannot guarantee anything.)
*This is a copy and paste of a thread I made on another forums and I felt like sharing it here. If there is any mistakes in the post, please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.*​__________________________________​
Since October 2016, Google has (yet again) changed their way on how SafetyNet works and how they can now easily figure out if your phone is rooted or not. This caused many issues for rooted Android users who wanted to play games such as PKMNGO and use apps such as Snapchat. However, there is still ways to bypass SafetyNet.
Tested Devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- Samsung Galaxy S5
*Looking for people with other devices to try and see if it works for themselves so I can add the device to the list.*
- Basic Understanding on how to use Custom Recovery, flashing zip files etc.
- Running on Android 6.0 (Looking for anyone with Android 7 to see if this works for them as well.)
- Phone has a custom recovery (I suggest TWRP) and on a Custom ROM. (Stock roms "should" work too.)
- Rom should have November 1st Security update or older updates. (Have not tested with roms with November 5th Security update and higher.)
- Magisk V10.2 & Magisk Manager 3.0
- SafetyNet Checker
- Phh Super User APK. PlayStore or 2.0 Beta
- Root File Explorer. I suggest Root Browser
- Kernel Adiutor
- Root Checker
(I have had issues trying Xposed on Magisk V9, however it may work on V10.2)
**WARNING: BIG IMAGES** (Had no time to resize them, but will soon.)
Before we begin, I suggest that you make a Nandroid backup through your preferred Custom Recovery. I suggest you use TWRP however CWM "should" work, but I have not tried myself.
Step 1:
Clean Install
The first step 'is' optional, however it is recommended that you do a clean install. I will be using Alexis Rom 8.0 Beta 2 for my Galaxy S6, but any rom should work. (Other than certain GraceUX ports, but am able to get it to work with other ported rom like CoreUi (a MIUI port) for the Galaxy S6). You should also flash a kernel now as well. I use to personally use Arter97 as SuperSU is not installed in this kernel, however Arter97 is slowly starting to become unstable as it hasn't been updated and there is better kernels out there. For this tutorial, I will be using Twisted Kernel.
Step 2:
Removing SuperSU
This step is 'also' optional, but ONLY if your rom/kernel does not automatically install SuperSU for you. In my case, it is automatically installed.
What you will need to do is to go to the SuperSU app, go to settings.
Scroll down until you see "Full unroot" and click it.
A popup will come up and click "Continue", then followed by another popup and click "NO".
Once you click no, your phone will freeze and then reboot. You should then install Root Checker to verify if your phone is unrooted.
(If for some reason, you are unable to use the SuperSU app but you know SuperSU is installed, I'd suggest you download UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip and flash it as it will manually remove SuperSU.)
Step 3:
Installing required APKs.
You will now need to install MagiskManager 3.0, SafetyNet Helper Sample, PHH Super User APK, Root Browser and Kernel Adiutor.
Step 4:
Flashing MagiskV10.2
You will need to reboot into your custom recovery and flash "Magisk-v10.2.zip", followed by rebooting. If you receive ERROR: 1 in TWRP when it is trying to mount SU, I suggest reflashing a kernel (and re-remove SuperSU), uninstalling Magisk with MagiskUninstaller (in Magisk thread) and reinstall Magisk V10.2, or reinstalling your rom.
Once you have flashed the file, reboot into System and open Magisk Manager to verify you have installed Magisk. A little pop up will open to allow Magisk to have root. Make sure to click allow and set it so it has root for "Forever".
If it states that root isn't properly installed, manually flash PHH Super User V266-2.
Step 5:
Enabling Magisk Hide
In Magisk Manager, go to the side menu and go to "Settings." You will see an unchecked box that says "Enable Magisk Hide." Select it and reboot. Re-open Magisk Manager and verify that it is now check marked. If the App crashes when you select "Enable Magisk Hide", reboot your phone and retry.
Step 6:
Set Permissions
In Root Browser, go to the directory "/sys/fs/selinux" and find the file "enforce" and the file "policy". On the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "644" to "640", and for the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "444" to "440". If Phh Super User pops up and asks for root access, click "Allow."
Once you are done, open up SafetyNet Helper Sample and it 'should' pass. If you are getting "Response Validation Failed" and the background is blue, uninstall Magisk by flashing Magisk Uninstaller, flash UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip, then reflash Magisk V10.2. Then, go back to Step 5 and enable Magisk Hide.
Step 7:
Use Kernel Adiutor to automatically set permissions in init.d
This last step is 'optional', however it automates the permission setting as every time you reboot your system, the file permissions will reset. Open up Kernel Adiutor, go to the sidebar and scroll down until you see 'Init.d'. Click it and make sure "Emulate Init.d" is enabled.
Then click the plus button, set the name to "Permissions" and then add the following script:
"chmod 640 /sys/fs/selinux/enforce" and "chmod 440 /sys/fs/selinux/policy" and save the files.
Also allow root access to Kernel Adiutor!
Step 8:
Reboot your device, let Kernel Adiutor do its countdown (you will see in the notifications drop down) and once it says "Applying settings completed!", open up Safetynet and you should be passing!
topjohnwu - Main developer of Magisk and Magisk Supported Phh Super User
This XDA thread - Helped me figure out how to do this bypass in the first place.
CoreUi Telegram Chat - Helped me test this bypass to see if it worked on different S6 models. Join here!
If I forgot to credit anyone, please tell me.
If there is any mistakes I made, spelling, phrasing etc., please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.
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i have HTC Desire 820 d820u running 6.0.1 mm stock.
is this will be ok to try?????
yo_honey said:
i have HTC Desire 820 d820u running 6.0.1 mm stock.
is this will be ok to try?????
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Could but I have no idea.
I have tried latest magisk
xJovs said:
Could but I have no idea.
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Here is full guide https://forum.xda-developers.com/desire-820/general/guide-bypass-safetynet-magisk-t3592508
Doesn't this work for Lollipop or is it just that you haven't tested?
xJovs said:
I would first like to say that I cannot guarantee if this works on ALL devices. I was able to get this to work on the Galaxy S6 and posted it on the Galaxy S6 forums, however I am looking for people with other devices to see if it works for them as well (because why not share the bypass love to everyone ) If it works, please post a screenshot to confirm so I can post it on the thread here. Thanks.
(Please note that I am not responsible if your phone bricks etc. Please use at your own risk! Myself and others who have also tested this bypass have had no reported issues of this bypass causing some sort of brick etc., but I cannot guarantee anything.)
*This is a copy and paste of a thread I made on another forums and I felt like sharing it here. If there is any mistakes in the post, please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.*​__________________________________​
Since October 2016, Google has (yet again) changed their way on how SafetyNet works and how they can now easily figure out if your phone is rooted or not. This caused many issues for rooted Android users who wanted to play games such as PKMNGO and use apps such as Snapchat. However, there is still ways to bypass SafetyNet.
Tested Devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S6
- Samsung Galaxy S5
*Looking for people with other devices to try and see if it works for themselves so I can add the device to the list.*
- Basic Understanding on how to use Custom Recovery, flashing zip files etc.
- Running on Android 6.0 (Looking for anyone with Android 7 to see if this works for them as well.)
- Phone has a custom recovery (I suggest TWRP) and on a Custom ROM. (Stock roms "should" work too.)
- Rom should have November 1st Security update or older updates. (Have not tested with roms with November 5th Security update and higher.)
- Magisk V10.2 & Magisk Manager 3.0
- SafetyNet Checker
- Phh Super User APK. PlayStore or 2.0 Beta
- Root File Explorer. I suggest Root Browser
- Kernel Adiutor
- Root Checker
(I have had issues trying Xposed on Magisk V9, however it may work on V10.2)
**WARNING: BIG IMAGES** (Had no time to resize them, but will soon.)
Before we begin, I suggest that you make a Nandroid backup through your preferred Custom Recovery. I suggest you use TWRP however CWM "should" work, but I have not tried myself.
Step 1:
Clean Install
The first step 'is' optional, however it is recommended that you do a clean install. I will be using Alexis Rom 8.0 Beta 2 for my Galaxy S6, but any rom should work. (Other than certain GraceUX ports, but am able to get it to work with other ported rom like CoreUi (a MIUI port) for the Galaxy S6). You should also flash a kernel now as well. I use to personally use Arter97 as SuperSU is not installed in this kernel, however Arter97 is slowly starting to become unstable as it hasn't been updated and there is better kernels out there. For this tutorial, I will be using Twisted Kernel.
Step 2:
Removing SuperSU
This step is 'also' optional, but ONLY if your rom/kernel does not automatically install SuperSU for you. In my case, it is automatically installed.
What you will need to do is to go to the SuperSU app, go to settings.
Scroll down until you see "Full unroot" and click it.
A popup will come up and click "Continue", then followed by another popup and click "NO".
Once you click no, your phone will freeze and then reboot. You should then install Root Checker to verify if your phone is unrooted.
(If for some reason, you are unable to use the SuperSU app but you know SuperSU is installed, I'd suggest you download UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip and flash it as it will manually remove SuperSU.)
Step 3:
Installing required APKs.
You will now need to install MagiskManager 3.0, SafetyNet Helper Sample, PHH Super User APK, Root Browser and Kernel Adiutor.
Step 4:
Flashing MagiskV10.2
You will need to reboot into your custom recovery and flash "Magisk-v10.2.zip", followed by rebooting. If you receive ERROR: 1 in TWRP when it is trying to mount SU, I suggest reflashing a kernel (and re-remove SuperSU), uninstalling Magisk with MagiskUninstaller (in Magisk thread) and reinstall Magisk V10.2, or reinstalling your rom.
Once you have flashed the file, reboot into System and open Magisk Manager to verify you have installed Magisk. A little pop up will open to allow Magisk to have root. Make sure to click allow and set it so it has root for "Forever".
If it states that root isn't properly installed, manually flash PHH Super User V266-2.
Step 5:
Enabling Magisk Hide
In Magisk Manager, go to the side menu and go to "Settings." You will see an unchecked box that says "Enable Magisk Hide." Select it and reboot. Re-open Magisk Manager and verify that it is now check marked. If the App crashes when you select "Enable Magisk Hide", reboot your phone and retry.
Step 6:
Set Permissions
In Root Browser, go to the directory "/sys/fs/selinux" and find the file "enforce" and the file "policy". On the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "644" to "640", and for the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "444" to "440". If Phh Super User pops up and asks for root access, click "Allow."
Once you are done, open up SafetyNet Helper Sample and it 'should' pass. If you are getting "Response Validation Failed" and the background is blue, uninstall Magisk by flashing Magisk Uninstaller, flash UPDATE-unSU-signed.zip, then reflash Magisk V10.2. Then, go back to Step 5 and enable Magisk Hide.
Step 7:
Use Kernel Adiutor to automatically set permissions in init.d
This last step is 'optional', however it automates the permission setting as every time you reboot your system, the file permissions will reset. Open up Kernel Adiutor, go to the sidebar and scroll down until you see 'Init.d'. Click it and make sure "Emulate Init.d" is enabled.
Then click the plus button, set the name to "Permissions" and then add the following script:
"chmod 640 /sys/fs/selinux/enforce" and "chmod 440 /sys/fs/selinux/policy" and save the files.
Also allow root access to Kernel Adiutor!
Step 8:
Reboot your device, let Kernel Adiutor do its countdown (you will see in the notifications drop down) and once it says "Applying settings completed!", open up Safetynet and you should be passing!
topjohnwu - Main developer of Magisk and Magisk Supported Phh Super User
This XDA thread - Helped me figure out how to do this bypass in the first place.
CoreUi Telegram Chat - Helped me test this bypass to see if it worked on different S6 models. Join here!
If I forgot to credit anyone, please tell me.
If there is any mistakes I made, spelling, phrasing etc., please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks.
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Step 6:
Set Permissions
In Root Browser, go to the directory "/sys/fs/selinux" and find the file "enforce" and the file "policy". On the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "644" to "640", and for the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "444" to "440". If Phh Super User pops up and asks for root access, click "Allow." Which file gets which perms bud you mention the same file twice.
savvy1968 said:
Step 6:
Set Permissions
In Root Browser, go to the directory "/sys/fs/selinux" and find the file "enforce" and the file "policy". On the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "644" to "640", and for the file "enforce", change the permissions of the file from "444" to "440". If Phh Super User pops up and asks for root access, click "Allow." Which file gets which perms bud you mention the same file twice.
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Yeah I had to change it on my other thread in the GS6 forums. However I'm stopping maintenance of these threads as MagiskHide deals with all that permission stuff automatically now.
Seems to not working on leeco le max 2

[GUIDE] OOS 10.3.8 degoogled, debloated + MigroG

I have successfully degoogled and debloated the latest OOS (atm 10.3.8) and have a working microg setup using nanodroid package. Battery life is nice. 45hrs with 10,5hrs SOT on the first go! Not any unwanted background data moving, success I'd say! So for anyone interested, here are roughly the steps I took.
I couldn't deodex the services.jar with VdexExtractor so I used FakeGapps from Edxposed. Works!
In following guide we will first get a factory state OOS with twrp and root WITHOUT internet. Then we uninstall system app 'android setup', allow internet, get Edxposed working and FakeGapps installed. Then we install Nanodroid package from twrp to get a working microg and setup it and debloat. + Disable trackers using App Manager from F-droid repositories or github. Get it ready for sideloading or use adb. Support the developer!
General guide (everything gets erased):
1. Pure factory installment using MSM tool for 10.3.8 from Oneplus 6 unbrick tools. (XDA forum)
2. The phone starts, go through the initial setup bypassing everything you can. DON'T SETUP ANY WIFI!
3. Immediately switch off mobile data from quick settings, just in case. We dont want android setup to update any apps.
4. Enable unlocking the phone, reboot to bootloader
5. Unlock the bootloader (fastboot oem unlock)
6. Do parts 2 and 3 again (choose Oneplus slate font at this time if you ever want it to work)
7. Enable USB debugging, connect to computer, check 'adb devices' to get the window to allow the computer to appear. (The daemon needs to be running)
This all was to get the phone into pure factory state without automated changes, bootloader unlocked and adb working.
8. Install twrp and magisk. Boot up the phone.
9. Remember! No internet connections yet! Uninstall the system app 'Android Setup'. I used sideloaded AppManager for that. You'll know when you have uninstalled the correct app when the notification of android setup disappears.
10. Reboot
11. Now you can connect to internet.
12. In magisk, install Riru core, (mandatory reboot here!) and Riru Edxposed (2nd reboot)
13. In Edxposed, install FakeGapps and activate it. Reboot.
13. Now you can connect to internet.
This was all done to setup the phone for Nanodroid package and get safely to internet without unwanted updates.
14. Download a nanodroid package from github. I used just the microg version. Flash it from twrp. It should debloat some necessary google stuff, install aurorastore and aurora services and straight up working microg.
15. Check if microg is working and do registrations and enable cloud and location stuff. Reboot.
16. Install any app that uses google cloud service for push notifications and check from microg settings that it shows in the list. Don't continue installing any such apps until it does. Reboot or troubleshoot if necessary with microg related info.
17. Back up current setup from twrp for fallback.
18. Debloat to your heart content, except only disable and force stop the play store. In my case the app is still the official one. Don't use.
19. From AppManager, run disable all trackers, including system apps from 1-click ops.
There! Use some time, and if everything is to your liking, make a backup. Remember to disable trackers from every app you install after you have configured it.
Sidenote: Aurora store did not work when installed systemlessly, but worked fine as a user app
Reserved, just in case

LGv20 H910 Root Step by Step guide to install Oreo Stock & debloat most lgv20 phones running Stock Oreo

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages caused to your phone. Use this Guide at your own risk there is no warranty or guarantee.
How to Root the H910 and install the Lemon Drop Rom?
1. Disable real time scanning, on the windows virus scanner. Download all the files, save terminal emulator to your microsd card the other two save on your computer, unzip dirtysanta, install usb drivers if using windows. Root your H910 with this guide.
h910_root_pkg.zip "DirtySanta root package"
usb drivers for windows
Terminal Emulator for Android "f-droid Download APK at bottom of page"
2. [ROOT] HOWTO: AT&T H910 up to v20g (FULLY TESTED) Note: before you flash the KDZ to downgrade your firmware make a DUMP backup with LGUP all files. You don't need to DUMP system or cache. It will have your EFS.
3. On step3.bat wait for phone to reboot from fastboot mode, when you see the LG logo, pull the battery. Do a factory reset and that will load TWRP How to factory reset the Lgv20.
4. Then format data. Very important, you format data with the older version of twrp that is with dirtysanta.
5. Then power off phone.
Note: This next part is for the H910, you need to get your version of twrp for your model of Lgv20. Latest version of twrp link at the bottom of page
6. Download twrp for the H910 twrp-3.7.0_9-0-h910.img
7. With the phone powered off, hold the down volume button and plug in usb to computer and phone.
fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.7.0_9-0-h910.img
fastbboot reboot
take battery out
put back in
go into twrp by doing a factory reset. How to factory reset the Lgv20
8. Then you want to format data once more with the new version of twrp.
9. power off phone
10. Then go to: [Lemon Drop] A [Debloated] & [DeGooged] [Stock] [Oreo] [Rom] for the H910 & Most Lgv20 phones.
Install Oreo on the H910 & debloat ALL lgv20 phones.
Any Lgv20 phone can debloat go to step 13. H910 phones start at step one.
If you are having issues downloading the rom you can try this download manager for Firefox.
Turbo Download Manager
1. Download the following files. And put them on the sdcard.
H910_1.0-ezV2020.zip new kernel
adreno+5xx+-+v313+rev23+-+non-treble.zip new gpu drivers
Magisk-v19.0.zip (direct link to github)
MagiskManager-v7.1.1.apk (direct link to github)
2. Restart phone into recovery. (aka twrp)
3. Then install twrp-3.3.1-0-h910.img (The img file can be flashed with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose recovery).
4. Reboot phone into Recovery
5. Click wipe then Swipe to factory reset
6. Install H910_20g_Oreo_full_rooted.zip
7. Then install h910oreomodem.img (The img file you can flash with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose modem)
8. Then install twrp-3.3.1-0-h910.img (The img file can be flashed with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose recovery).
9. Then install Magisk-v19.0.zip
10. Then install adreno+5xx+-+v313+rev23+-+non-treble.zip
11. Then install H910_1.0-ezV2020.zip then wipe dalvik cache
12. If you do not want to debloat Stock Oreo, then go to step 16. Otherwise to go step 14.
13. Any Lgv20 Reboot into twrp. Do steps 14, 15, 17, 18. Can debloat numbers 10 - 18
14. Click on Mount, make sure Mount system partition read-only is unchecked. Mount System. Then open up file manager under advanced.
15. If you want to debloat the H910 phone, these 18 lines can be safely deleted with the trwp file manager. Note these 17 lines should be removed before first boot H910.
01. "/system/priv-app/AMBS" bloatware at&t backup and sync messaging
02. "/system/priv-app/ATT_Lookout" bloatware att lookout
03."/system/priv-app/ATT_AppSelect" bloatware installs unwanted apps in background.
04. "/system/priv-app/ATT_DeviceHelp" bloatware
05. "/system/priv-app/ATT_IQI" bloatware
06."/system/priv-app/ATT_RemoteSupport" bloatware
07. "/system/priv-app/ATT_SNT" bloatware
08. "/system/priv-app/MetricService" bloatware
09. "/system/vendor/app/ATT_HotSpots" bloatware
10. "/system/priv-app/EdenService" bloatware
11. "/system/priv-app/LGDMSClient" OTA Updates
12. "/system/priv-app/LIAInformant" bloatware
13. "/system/app/LGATCMDService" OTA Updates
14. "/system/app/LGFOTA" OTA Updates
15. "/system/vendor/app/SecProtect" bloatware
16. "/system/vendor/bin/triton" It's an antivirus program, slows the phone down.
17. "/system/vendor/bin/tftp_server" Prevents phone from downloading any updates
18. "/system/priv-app/GCUV" Blotware some kind of LGE sign in portal, looks like it may cause a battery drain also.
16. Restart and run setup and update Magisk v23.0 confirmed working.
17. Disable MLT/LDB Use a root file manager
required folders:
open: "/mpt/enable" change "1" to "0"
change file permissions for "/mpt/enable" to 0444
18. done
Recommended twrp options for backup.
System Image
data (excl. storage)
LAF/Download Mode
Optional packages to debloat H910 and ALL Lgv20 phones.
LG Messaging is required, to run the setup, first boot. Most other apps that are not on the list, you can just disable them in Oreo.
If for what ever reason you need to reinstall an app all you need to do is unzip the rom H910_20g_Oreo_full_rooted.zip and locate the "system" file and rename to "system.img" mount it on your computer and copy back the folder to the same location on the phone, reboot. Keep in mind this is the "/system" directory on the phone. File permissions 0644 for apk file.
Free root file manager no ads
[APP][2.2+] MiXplorer v6.x Released (fully-featured file manager)
ALL Lgv20 phones can debloat #07 - #32.
H910 phones can debloat #01 - #31.
These folders can safely be removed.
01. "/system/priv-app/ATT_DriveMode" ATT Drive Mode
02. "/system/priv-app/ATT_CallerNameID" ATT Caller Name ID
03. "/system/vendor/app/DirecTV_Remote" DIRECTTV Remote
04. "/system/vendor/app/DirecTV" DIRECTTV
05. "/system/vendor/app/ATT_UBER" Uber
06. "/system/priv-app/MyATT" My At&t app
07. "/system/app/EditorsSlidesStub" Google Slides
08. "/system/app/EditorsSheetsStub" Google Sheets
09. "/system/app/EditorsDocsStub" Google Docs
10. "/system/app/Music2" Google Play Music
11. "/system/app/Videos" Google Play Movies & TV
12. "/system/app/Drive" Google Drive
13. "/system/app/YouTube" YouTube
14. "/system/app/Maps" Google Maps
15. "/system/app/LatinImeGoogle" Google keyboard
16. "/system/app/Photos" Google Photos
17. "/system/vendor/app/facebook" Facebook
18. "/system/priv-app/facebook-installer" Facebook App Installer
19. "/system/vendor/app/facebook-appmanager" Facebook App Manager
20. "/system/app/Hangouts" Google Hangouts
21. "/system/priv-app/LGEmail" LG Email
22. "/system/app/GoogleInApps" Google In Apps
23. "/system/vendor/bin/xtra-daemon" info
24. "/system/app/SDEncryptionHelper" SD Encryption Helper, I don't use SD Encryption.
25. "/system/app/WfdService"
........"/system/vendor/etc/init/[email protected]"
Screen Share may not work, if removed. Been reports of people using this app to hack into the phone, and view everything on your screen via wifi or LTE data reddit
26. "/system/vendor/app/SVIService" This app messes with the auto brightness. With it removed, you can change your brightness level with auto brightness enabled. If it's to bright, turn down the brightness and the phone will remember that setting, next time in the same light level.
27. "/system/etc/init/atrace.rc"
This is for debugging the kernel. Kernel trace logs are stored at "/data/anr/" you can delete them if you want. This slows boot time down and takes up memory. The phone makes a log about the size of 700MB each boot.
28. "/system/priv-app/LGBackup" Slows phone down use twrp to backup up
29. "/system/priv-app/BackupRestoreConfirmation" Slows phone down use twrp to backup up
30. "/system/vendor/overlay/com.lge.sizechangable.weather" Uses cpu cycles
31. "/system/priv-app/LGWeather" Uses cpu cycles
32. "/system/priv-app/Lookout T-Mobile Lookout
Credits, A Special Thank You
@ezzony - for the ezV2020 kernel. XDA
@askermk2000 - for the MK2000 kernel. XDA
@me2151 for DirtySanta. XDA
@clsA for the H910 v20g rom. XDA
@runningnak3d for a great H910 root guide. XDA
@darkknight200 for the H910 Oreo modem drivers. Download Link
at hardreset.info on how to factory reset the Lgv20
at TeamWin TWRP, for TWRP.
at the people over at Magisk, for an Opensource Root.
at XDA, for a Great Platform.
And everyone else that I may have missed that helped with the Lgv20.
Thank you all, for helping make the Lgv20 phone one of the best rooted phones of all time.
how fast is the performance like pubg
DesrtSailor said:
how fast is the performance like pubg
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I have never played pubg so I cant tell you, I can tell you the UI is faster and I do have one game on my phone Reckless Racing 3 and it seems to play a little faster and does not skip frames that I can see. But keep in mind that the Lgv20 is not the fastest phone around it's a 2016 model. But my guide will help you get the fastest experience out of your phone.
did u run geekbench scores or antutu
how is compared to nougat
DesrtSailor said:
did u run geekbench scores or antutu
how is compared to nougat
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Yeah I got some benchmarks. I should have uploaded them but I was still working on my guide. Sorry don't have Nougat.
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My phone has the H91020I update, could I use this method to root? Or I am out of luck.
My phone has the H91020I update, could I use this method to root? Or I am out of luck.
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That's a good question, unfortunately I don't have the answer, please ask in this forum.
[ROOT] HOWTO: AT&T H910 up to v20g (FULLY TESTED)
I am so glad I waited, this guide sounds like exactly what I am looking for! I'll be attempting this tonight on my backup AT&T V20 variant. Thank you
Dream Reality Syndrome said:
I am so glad I waited, this guide sounds like exactly what I am looking for! I'll be attempting this tonight on my backup AT&T V20 variant. Thank you
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Your welcome.
Darnrain1 said:
Your welcome.
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I attempted to download the Oreo image several times but it seems the mirror on AFH kept dropping out. Is there another host for that particular image? Should I try to find some other Oreo image?
Dream Reality Syndrome said:
I attempted to download the Oreo image several times but it seems the mirror on AFH kept dropping out. Is there another host for that particular image? Should I try to find some other Oreo image?
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I have had that happen before with AFH. I used firefox and just pressed retry a lot. Let me think about this maybe I can just upload the files to xda.
Darnrain1 said:
I have had that happen before with AFH. I used firefox and just pressed retry a lot. Let me think about this maybe I can just upload the files to xda.
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okay I am uploading the files to xda but my upload speed is not that fast. I think this will take an one hr or two. As for package manager and Mixplorer you still should download the apps from the developers.
Dream Reality Syndrome said:
I attempted to download the Oreo image several times but it seems the mirror on AFH kept dropping out. Is there another host for that particular image? Should I try to find some other Oreo image?
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xda does not allow me to upload the 2.5 gb file. I guess it's to large.
Try firefox and if the download stops press retry and it should continue where it left off. As for using another version you can try but I recommend H910 V20g it seems to be stable.
Darnrain1 said:
xda does not allow me to upload the 2.5 gb file. I guess it's to large.
Try firefox and if the download stops press retry and it should continue where it left off. As for using another version you can try but I recommend H910 V20g it seems to be stable.
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I will try your method tonight. Thank you for trying!
Dream Reality Syndrome said:
I will try your method tonight. Thank you for trying!
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Try this downloading extension for Firefox. I was having issues also but this worked for me.
Multithreaded Download Manager by jingyu9575
Darnrain1 said:
Try this downloading extension for Firefox. I was having issues also but this worked for me.
Multithreaded Download Manager by jingyu9575
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This worked out perfectly, thank you!!
My H910 V20 has been up for 18 + days can counting. Very stable install of Oreo.
Darnrain1 said:
STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages caused to your phone. Use this guide at your own risk there is no warranty or guarantee.
This guide will walk you through step by step on how to install Oreo on the H910.
I assume that your phone is already rooted. If not, click on this link below.
[ROOT] HOWTO: AT&T H910 up to v20g (FULLY TESTED)
You may be wondering why I used v20g version when there is an v20h version out. The v20g version is very stable. And most of the updates from g to h are most likely just carrier updates not OS updates. I went with version 19.0 of Magisk because it's very stable, newer versions may prevent your phone from booting.
How to install Oreo on the H910 with Root
Make sure you have a backup of all your important files from the internal storage before you start. We will be reinstalling the android operating system.
Note: If you have trouble downloading the files you can try this Firefox downloading extension.
Multithreaded Download Manager by jingyu9575
1. Download the following files. And put them on the sdcard. You can use MIXplorer or another root file manager of your choice you just need to be able to install the file manager from the sdcard (no internet).
MK2000 kernel 2.0
Magisk Uninstaller
Magisk 19.0
Magisk Manager 7.1.0
[APP][2.2+] MiXplorer v6.x Released (fully-featured file manager)
Package Manager
2. Restart phone into recovery. (aka twrp)
3. Install recovery-twrp-h910-2018-10-18.img (The img file can be flashed with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose recovery).
4. Reboot phone into Recovery.
5. Do a format, then do a standard wipe.
6. Install H910_20g_Oreo_full_rooted.zip
7. Then install h910oreomodem.img (The img file you can flash with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose modem) Then select Install Zip.
8. Then install H910_v2.0-mk2000.zip
9. Then wipe dalvik cache
10. Then install Magisk-v19.0.zip
11. Then reinstall recovery-twrp-h910-2018-10-18.img (The img file can be flashed with twrp you just need to select Install Image, select the file and choose recovery).
12.. Reboot phone into System.
13. Then after the phone boots up into the setup screen click next and disable cell and wifi data. Internet need's to be off for this whole process.
14. Click next it will ask you to enable but just skip everything.
15. When you get to home screen, put the phone in airplane mode.
16. Open the LG file manager and install MiXplorer from the sdcard and give it root access. (Or use any root file manager you like, as long as you can install the file manager from the sdcard offline.)
17. Open your root file manager go to (root) /system/priv-app/
18. I deleted some folders, this will make your phone run faster. (Bloatware)
19. Reboot your phone but stay in airplane mode for now.
20. Install com.smartpack.packagemanager_45.apk (aka package manager) from the sdcard.
21. Open Package Manager give it root access, go to system and do a search for the following updates and Uninstall them. (Updates will break your phone because it's rooted.)
22. Open Magisk go into settings and disable, Check for Updates. I would recommend just staying with Magisk 19.0 it's stable and works well with Oreo.
23. Congratulations on completing the installation process. You can now enable cell data and wifi.
Note: Don't uninstall the built in weather app, it will cause second screen to crash and make your phone unusable. I would recommend using package manager to disable the apps you don't want, that way you can always re-enable them. Also the Amazon app takes up a lot of battery power. The Amazon app is is not well optimized for android at the time of writing this guide.
There is a bug in the latest version of chrome and web view that makes the screen flicker on some apps. To fix this you need to disable chrome and enable chrome and check do not auto update in the play store, and don't update chrome. I use the Kiwi browser it's based off of chromium and you can install chrome extensions.
I have found a fix for the flickering you have to install the updated graphics driver. This driver is for oreo only lgv20, after you flash in twrp you must wipe dalvik cache.
[10/27][Adreno][OREO][Vulkan]Driver for Snapdragon 820/1[V313 REV23 | V330 REV3]
To fix the image retention install this shell script.
LGv20 fix image retention, aka screen burn in. shell script (root only)
Apps & Tweaks. All apps & tweaks are free to use or open source.
Thermal Throttling Fix LGv20 (Stock root only) (fix thermal throttling for gaming)
[APP][2.2+] MiXplorer v6.x Released (fully-featured file manager) (Root file manager, free to use & no ads, there is a paid version on google play store if you want to support the dev.)
[GUIDE] Best Battery Life Possible (Disable LDB & Logging will increase speed of phone) This guide is for the LG G6 but will work with lgv20 phones, NOTE do not change the screen resolution go to the line that says Disabling LDB.
Package Manager (system app uninstaller)
Clock (Deskclock is a fork of the AOSP clock, so it offers all its functions) Good alarm clock.
LGv20 fix image retention, aka screen burn in. shell script (root only) (shell script to fix the screen burn in aka image retention on lgv20.)
Disable find my device administrator account. (Shell script to disable device administrator account.)
Disable lock screen service administrator account. (Shell script to disable lock screen service administrator account.)
Swap memory disabler (Disable zram on lgv20 Magisk Module.)
Sleep Timer (Sleep Timer helps you fall asleep while listening to music or podcasts. When the timer stops, audio playback is gradually lowered then paused.)
[APP] CpuFloat [March27] Floating cpu, gpu, temperatures, deep sleep, network monitor (Shows cpu info and float's on the screen.)
Simple Gallery Pro (Great gallery app for all your photos.)
Build Prop Tweaks
(just copy and past every thing below in /system/build.prop file at the very bottom save and reboot. With this tweak I recommend you have zram enabled.)
# Tweaks
# better multitasking
# extend battery life
Issues I had with my lgv20
I had some issues with a magisk module called zram_manager, The apps I had open were acting funny and I had to close them and open them back up again. I don't recommend that magisk module for the lgv20. I just use the stock zram.
I was having a odd issue with the files on my sd card. My file extensions were getting renamed to .0 such as song.mp3.0 so I could not play my music. It was VLC or vanilla music player. I uninstalled both and so far the issue has not returned. For now I am just using MiXplorer to play my music and watch videos on my phone. Update so far it's been a month and no issues with the renaming of my songs.
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Works 99%, except no data (T-Mo, AT&T H910) - modem file? Anyone else found a solution to no data? (Calls OK, just no network data)
TomJ2 said:
Works 99%, except no data (T-Mo, AT&T H910) - modem file? Anyone else found a solution to no data? (Calls OK, just no network data)
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I have AT&T, 4G LTE data works. But if you using an AT&T phone on T-Mobile then that may be why the data is not working.
This is what I found on the internet.
Will an unlocked H910 AT&T model support T-Mobile wi-fi calling?
In order to completely disable fota. i had to get rid of the following (i deleted anything in the system folder with fota in the file name):
There's also extra att bloatware to get rid of:
The only att app you want to leave on the phone is /system/vendor/app/att_hotspots; wifi calling will not work without it.
Now, get ready for some weird stuff....
These folders are split up among /system/app and /system/priv-app
googlepackageinstaller (keep to be able to install apk's)
googleextshared (phone boot loops without this)
googleextservices (phone boot loops without this)
webviewgoogle (aurora store at this moment seems to only work with the webview that came with the stock rom and it's browser and will work with no others)
chrome (aurora store at this moment seems to only work with the webview that came with the stock rom and it's browser and will work with no others)
Here's where it gets weirder, but if i figured it out for everyone, it wasn't easy...
This next part is specifically for degoogling and maintaining wifi calling without having google try to update apps the moment you get connected to wifi. I did this in two stages...
Get rid of the following:
These folders are split up among /system/app and /system/priv-app
editors slides
editors sheets
editors docs
google pay
google tts
hotwordenrollment (all hotword enrollment folders)
google in apps
After part 1 is complete
A. Boot into android.
B. Connect to wifi.
C. Activate wifi calling.
D. Verify wifi calling works (call your phone, have another phone call your phone, either or for that test).
E. Go into android settings and disable google play services and google framework, restart phone, then confirm wifi calling still works.
F. Reboot phone into twrp, remove gmscore and googleservicesframework (again, you'll find these folders among system/app and /system/priv-app).
G. Congratulations, you've degoogled as much as possible without clawing at the walls wondering why wifi calling isn't working after you degoogled.
Microg works very well on this phone. Microg is pretty much fake google services so you can still run normal apps from the play store.
1. Reboot into twrp and flash nanodroid patcher patckage. This patches the phone to allow signature spoofing; a requirement of microg.
2. Flash nanodroid microg package.
3. Reboot into android.
4. Open microg settings.
5. Go into "self-check" inside of microg settings, allow everything and check off all the boxes in there.
6. Get out of self-check and go into "google device registration" and turn that on.
7. Update to the latest version of aurora store since the nanodroid package include an old one.
8. Go into aurora store after you updated it, allow all it requires, keep it with the "session installer".
9. Once aurora store initial setup is complete, go into "blacklist manager" and check off all the boxes in there.
A. Aurora store will mistake microg as outdated and want to wipe it out with a google play services installation.
B. You don't want aurora store upgrading any of the android operating system files on your phone.
C. Doing this ensures that any app you install from aurora store afterward won't be blacklisted, and aurora store gets relegated for apps you installed and updates for those apps.
10. Consider installing fdroid so you can keep aurora store regularly updated with the newest version.
11. Congratulations, you've degoogled as much as possible without losing wifi calling and still run apps from the play store.
Delete the following to shave seconds off boot and shutdown time (your phone will have no more start up noise, turn on 5 seconds faster, and have no more shutdown animation since att's attempt at visualizing a shutdown was very odd).
You can actually get rid of the media folder, but do that if you don't want user interface sounds, or your typical alarm noises (and that's how you don't wake up to a silent alarm the next day if you delete this folder).

