Hello has anyone had any luck decreasing the resolution of this device? I tried the wm size and wm density commands in adb and I didn't have much luck. The image doesn't fit the screen properly if I use 720x1280 or any other resolution.
Which is more important for a PPC screen : size or resolution ?
I know both are important, but would you prefer a 3.5" QVGA screen or a 2.8" VGA screen ?
Which is more convenient for internet browsing ? office applications ? games ?
Does a 2.8" VGA screen hold as much data as a 3.5" QVGA screen ?
Resolution and screen size are independent. QVGA means 320x240 pixels and VGA means 640x480 pixels. VGA will always show more data, but on a smaller screen it gets harder to read if you have bad eyes. What WM does by default with the larger resolutions though is display the same amount but sharper.
Whats the best screen resolution to set a pic as a wallpaper? My first wallpaper was 533x800 in pixels that I uploaded and set as my wallpaper and it came out perfect. It was stretched to fit the entire screen. Anyway I tried to change my wallpaper which is now smaller and when I click on the start menu its got it all in tiles so I have heaps and heaps of them it looks bad. What is the ideal size to crop it too so that it "stretches" to fit the entire screen?
The screen is VGA, so the best resolution would be 640*480 (native VGA). Obvisously if the same images are going to be used elsewhere too then a higher or lower res might be in order (to prevent them looking terrible on the other device).
Give 640x640 a shot, that way you have a good wallp even when you go to landscape.
I would like to know if theres a different between 800x480 and 480x800 display resolution or if they are the same
There's not much difference. Correct me if I'm wrong... 800x480 is portrait WVGA while 480x800 is landscape WVGA.
Seems quite the same thing to me.
I just got a 22" Android "Tablet" with a native Full HD (1920x1080) resolution Screen in my hands. It is a ViewSonic VSD220.
However, it seems that the device does not take full advantage of the resolution by default, it seems to interpolate up the resolution in a 1:2 ratio.
e. g. a Website with a width of approx 980Pixels takes the full screen width and it looks too much upscaled.
So anything looks too big on that large tablet - it may be good for the 10" Standard size.
Is there a way to let the Android device use its native resolution?
I want to know if it is possible to optimize the resolution of android games?
I have a galaxy tab android S2 and some games have too low a resolution. It's like 400x300 on a 2K device.
I believe the reason of that is because this particular games are not optimized for your device. I doubt you can do anything about it.
is there a way to "simulate" another device ?
What I was about to say was that it's not the matter of the device model but it's the matter of the screen size and density. The system performs scaling and resizing of the application to make it work on different screens. However, scaling can result in blurry or pixelated graphics. To avoid this problem, the developer of the app should provide alternative resources (bitmap images, etc.) for different densities (i.e. optimize the application for different screen sizes and densities). If this wasn't done, the application is simply stretched to fit the screen that results in poor graphics quality.
And if i root the tablet to use an app that changes the DPI and resolution of the device.
Do you think the game will also change the resolution to improve it?
I don't know if this will work. Maybe someone else knows.