Photo quality - Yu Yureka Black Real Life Review

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Yu Yureka Black come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
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Well I wish I could give more than 5 stars,... The photo quality is amazing for a 13 mp sensor, u can't find a phone with better camera sensor than yureka black in sub 7K segment


Photo quality

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Most pictures are grainy or fuzzy. Even with good lighting and holding the camera still.
In low light the photos are even worse.

Photo quality

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Photo quality

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Honor 7X come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
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Pretty good image quality for a budget 2017 phone.

Photo quality

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Elephone S8 come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
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Photo quality

Say "cheese", then rate this thread to express how photos taken with the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 come out. A higher rating indicates that photos offer rich color (without over-saturating), sharp detail (with all subjects in-focus), and appropriate exposure (with even lighting).
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The quality of the picture is pretty good, but there is no chance that it will allow inside and outside light at the same time with the stock camera app.

