Keep apps running in background? - Nokia 3.1 Questions & Answers

I am still having trouble running apps in the background. Specially WhatsApp. I've disabled many evenwell apps and duraspeed using adb commands but not working. I am on the latest release of PIE. Is there a definitive guide to make this phone multitask?

Did you already try the instructions at
I tried everything, and I haven't still got the Screentime app to work. Something keeps closing it when the phone is on battery and screen off. If the phone is charging over the night, the app stays in the background as it should. Also if the screen is on, there is no problems. An app like Screentime is quite useless if something keeps killing it all the time.
Quite annoying, as I selected Nokia because of Nokia having close to stock Android.

k701 said:
Did you already try the instructions at
I tried everything, and I haven't still got the Screentime app to work. Something keeps closing it when the phone is on battery and screen off. If the phone is charging over the night, the app stays in the background as it should. Also if the screen is on, there is no problems. An app like Screentime is quite useless if something keeps killing it all the time.
Quite annoying, as I selected Nokia because of Nokia having close to stock Android.
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Well... I have managed to (somewhat) solve the issue with keeping the apps running on the background, so I'll share which my experience was, so you can check through it and see if it fits your needs and/or it helps you.
IT MUST BE NOTICED that some of the described stuff is because my personal needs, but nonetheless it can bring some ideas about what could work for you (or anyone else).
First of all, according to a discussion here on XDA there are a couple of evenwell apps that can be disabled and/or deleted from the device. I found that thread a little too late after I've done some of the following steps, but I wanted to point it out just in case you can find something useful.
So, as we have learn on (DKMA) there are two probable culprits regarding the killing of the apps:
The Powersave App
The Duraspeed process/daemon
Powersave/Evenwell Apps
For this ones I followed the given instructions on the DKMA page to no avail, as they worked only for a certain time and then the background processes started to get killed after a while.
So, after digging on the Nokia Forums I found this discussion and specifically this comment where an user when full ballistic and created a one-line script to delete/uninstall all evenwell applications (this needs to be run on the ADB shell). I must add that after some "trial-error" loops I noticed that sometimes there were some background processes running, so I done the following:
This is for doing a Force Stop to every Evenwell process. I would suggest to running it a couple of times, just in case there are some processes that refuse to be stopped:
for crap in $(pm list packages | grep even | cut -d ":" -f2) ; do am force-stop $crap; done
This is for Disabling every Evenwell process for the current user. Same additional suggestion as above:
for crap in $(pm list packages | grep even | cut -d ":" -f2) ; do pm disable-user $crap; done
This is for Uninstalling every Evenwell process. Same suggestion as above. Please note that this uninstalls the apps ONLY for the current user, that means, only for you (hence the [--user 0] parameter). As rooting is not possible yet, is not possible to get rid of these apps at system level:
for crap in $(pm list packages | grep even | cut -d ":" -f2) ; do pm uninstall --user 0 $crap; done
What those commands do is, first get all the packages that have "even" on their name (you can go and use the full name "evenwell", I left it as it is because I performed this steps after a factory reset), and for each one of them it performs the indicated operation (disabling, force stopping, uninstalling).
After that, I read somewhere else (can't recall exactly were) that it could be useful to clear the cache of Google Services and Google Play Store, and reboot the device afterwards.
Those steps solved most of the issues, as now the applications weren't killed after the screen goes black, or the device is idle. But, after a couple of hours (~3 hours) I still had some issues as the processes were still being killed, so that's when I went to the next item.
As we know, this is a major annoyance as this thing (service/daemon) is impossible to uninstall, and it's very annoying to disable. What was most annoying is that my device (TA-1074) it wasn't listed on DKMA as a device having that thing, but it seemed that I had it.
So, this is where the fun starts, because although the instructions posted on DKMA works, it seems (basically) that it only works on the current session of the device, meaning that if the device was rebooted the operation was needed to be performed again. There's a discussion on Github where this is explained more lengthy and in more detail.
To add more fun to the mix, it seems that even if the setting was disabled, the Duraspeed service ignores the current value of that setting while booting the system, only taking notice of it when the value changed, meaning that we need to change the value to something else, and then setting it again to 0 (zero) in order to make a successful disabling of Duraspeed. There's no need to say that doing that on every reboot is a PIA.
Any way, on the thread some users suggested using some automation applications (like Tasker or Macrodroid), but not before granting some permissions to the automation apps, similar to what the guys of Syncthing-Android (fork) suggested (just changing the package name, of course).
But, for me here's the catch: none of the automation apps worked for me. It could be for several reasons, because I needed to setup some other things that I need to run at startup, but, well, YMMV.
Anyway, it seems that the developer of Syncthing-Android has added a routine to its application that makes the change of the setting and therefore disabling the Duraspeed service and that such change is live on production, and I can say that it works as intended.
After doing all of that, I was able keep the background apps alive doesn't matter if I rebooted my phone or not.
I hope that this could be of any help.
Kind regards.

Quick question
Thank you for the awesome write-up.
So, just to make sure: is the Syncthing-Fork the solution? I tried the DuraSpeed/MacroDroid/Evenwell route, but Whatsapp and IFTTT still refuse to cooperate.
Please advise.

Well... To be honest, as far as I've seen, the thing that is causing most (if not all) of the issue is the DuraSpeed daemon/service, and in my particular use case, the only thing that worked is how Syncthing handles the "workaround". Let me explain...
It seems that DuraSpeed is controlled by a global setting named setting.duraspeed.enabled, and as weirdly as it sounds, it seems is that the value of that setting its taken into account when its changed and not during system boot. On other words, if we configure the value of the setting to 0 (zero), and we reboot the phone, although the value is persistent (I mean, it is not changed during the reboot/shutdown), DuraSpeed tend to ignore during the startup and will work as "designed" (that is, going in a killing spree from time to time) and giving us all the issues that we are aware of. As DuraSpeed will take into account the value of the setting only when it's changed, what is needed to do is to change the 0 to another value (let's say 1), and then changed again to 0 in order to be disabled.
Also, there's a funny thing about DuraSpeed: it seems that DuraSpeed start killing processes almost since the startup process, and not only after all the OS/UI has been loaded/is ready... What is frustrating enough, as it kills some processes just before we can use them.
So, according to what I've seen on some captured catlogs, is that Syncthing makes that change during startup, and not after the OS/UI has been loaded. I don't know how they do that (I have not taken a look into the codebase), but according to what I have read on the logs, the change is made on the early steps of the startup, just before any damage could be done.
So, my guessing is that, perhaps the Automation applications (Tasker, Macrodroid) are being killed before they can make any change into the setting, and DuraSpeed do all its nasty things.
By the way... Did you grant to the app that you're using, the ability to write to the settings store (using ADB)? The procedure that I am referring to is the one that is described on this response on Urbandroid's GitHub thread. I ask because I forgot to do that after the factory reset and was having the "DuraSpeed issues".
If you haven't, it could be that it's the only missing thing on your setup, and that probably it will solve the issue for you. If you already have done that, I'm guessing that you're on the same boat as I, and those applications are not able to perform the workaround.
Other thing (that I can think of) to check is the "Battery Optimization" setting. This is located on "Settings -> Apps & Notifications -> Advanced -> Special App Access -> Battery optimization". There you can configure if an application will be optimized or not, by clicking/pressing on an application and selecting "Don't optimize"/"Optimize" (according to your needs). It will probably be less severe as DuraSpeed, but I've configured some apps there too, just in case.
I hope this is useful for you.
Kind regards.

Thank you for the very detailed response - greatly appreciated.
I have done all of the above, I even reached out to the maker of Syncthing-Fork who took the time to write back almost immediately with additional help.
So far - WhatsApp is still dead. Unless the phone is being charged or the screen is on, messages and voice calls do not work (the other thing that wakes it is an incoming cell phone call or a cell text message). Similarly - IFTTT: I have yet to get it to trigger anything when the screen is off.
I use MacroDroid to perform the DuraSpeed value change at boot time and I had granted it the required permissions - exactly as described on the forums that you reference. Not sure what else to try.
I now see why some comments on DKMA call Nokia phones "dumbphones" - the phone and texts are the only things that work consistently.
Anyway, thank you again for taking the time to reply.

Hi there!
Well, I can't deny that it's a downer that your device is refusing to cooperate and just work as you, the owner/user, are expecting it and not how the developers/makers thought it should work...
The only last thing that I can think of is a little bit of an overkill, and it is making a factory reset, and perform any/all of the suggested steps (by DKMA, catfriend1, myself, etc) before installing anything else (besides, perhaps, the automation app)... Just in case that something else is interfering with the workarounds, and to have a "blank state" to start to work... As I stated before, I think that it's an overkill, specially because all that implies doing that (backups, mainly), but well... I can't think about anything else.
I now see why some comments on DKMA call Nokia phones "dumbphones" - the phone and texts are the only things that work consistently.
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Yeah, I fully agree with you, although the specs (for a budget phone in my case) aren't so bad, all the battery customization (and bloatware) just sucks... To say the least.
I hope that you can find a solution for your issues, or at least a device that doesn't let you down as Nokia does...
Kind regards!

Still no luck
Did the factory reset, installed Macrodroid, gave it the required permissions. Disabled the evenwell packages that have also been identified as culprits. Checked duraspeed status via adb - it is disabled.
No luck. Dumbphone it is.
The annoying part? I have a nexus 4 and a nexus 5 with just as little ram and likely an inferior processor. Both phones work great (albeit really slow, not to mention the battery life). I feel the principle "don't fix it unless it is broken" applies here...


[Q] Anti App-Autostart App for JB 4.2.2

I know this has been asked many, many times before, but I'm having the biggest problem finding a working app that actually prevents selected apps from autostarting when the phone boots up. I'm currently on the 4-1-2013_PA-4.2.2 with aosp_LK_5.4 and don't really have any other real issues with the rom/kernel. I'm just so freakin annoyed when I first turn on the phone and I check under "Show Running Services," there are several apps that i absolutely DO NOT need starting up when the phone boots up. Some are apps that I use often such as Facebook, and Facebook Messenger, UCCW, Airdroid v2, etc. There are a couple others, but you get the point.. Anyway...some apps have options in their settings menu to disable running on startup, and other don't. There are just a few apps that no matter what I do, I cannot get those dang apps to stop running on startup! Yeah, I know it's as simple as just going to the Apps part of settings and clicking on Show Running Services and disabling one at a time, but that gets old QUICK! I've tried several different apps to prevent these pesky apps from peeking their ugly heads out after starting up my phone. None of them really seem to do the job like I'd like them to. Most recently, I've tried fooling around with Rom Toolbox Pro's "Auto Start Manager," but that is kind of confusing. It allows you to enable each individual "receiver" based on what is "triggering" that given receiver, such as "pre-boot", "boot completed", "connectivity changed", "configuration changed", etc... One would think that it should be plain-as-day to figure out which receivers to disable, but that just isn't seeming to get the job done. Does anyone PLEASE have any recommendations as to which app I should give a try? I'm about to pull my hair out with each and every boot-up of the phone!!
Thanks guys!! !
jsdecker10 said:
I know this has been asked many, many times before, but I'm having the biggest problem finding a working app that actually prevents selected apps from autostarting when the phone boots up. I'm currently on the 4-1-2013_PA-4.2.2 with aosp_LK_5.4 and don't really have any other real issues with the rom/kernel. I'm just so freakin annoyed when I first turn on the phone and I check under "Show Running Services," there are several apps that i absolutely DO NOT need starting up when the phone boots up. Some are apps that I use often such as Facebook, and Facebook Messenger, UCCW, Airdroid v2, etc. There are a couple others, but you get the point.. Anyway...some apps have options in their settings menu to disable running on startup, and other don't. There are just a few apps that no matter what I do, I cannot get those dang apps to stop running on startup! Yeah, I know it's as simple as just going to the Apps part of settings and clicking on Show Running Services and disabling one at a time, but that gets old QUICK! I've tried several different apps to prevent these pesky apps from peeking their ugly heads out after starting up my phone. None of them really seem to do the job like I'd like them to. Most recently, I've tried fooling around with Rom Toolbox Pro's "Auto Start Manager," but that is kind of confusing. It allows you to enable each individual "receiver" based on what is "triggering" that given receiver, such as "pre-boot", "boot completed", "connectivity changed", "configuration changed", etc... One would think that it should be plain-as-day to figure out which receivers to disable, but that just isn't seeming to get the job done. Does anyone PLEASE have any recommendations as to which app I should give a try? I'm about to pull my hair out with each and every boot-up of the phone!!
Thanks guys!! !
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tbh, I didn't read the whole thing, hurts my brain
but you could try Greenify
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Testing Nexus 5 memory?

Is there a tool or way to test the Nexus 5 sdcard memory?
For the last six months I've had problems with my rooted Nexus 5 (stock kitkat) suddenly running very slow. After a lot of time trying to figure out why, I determined the following.
1. Slowdown happens when an app is writing something to the sdcard.
2. Is not a particular app. Can be any app.
3. When it happens all 4 CPU cores are running close to full blast.
4. Battery usage shows "android os" is 50% of the usage.
5. Task killers do not solve the problem.
6. Reboot restores things to normal for a while.
So I now wonder if there's something wrong with the built in memory but don't know how to test it.
Is there a way to test the Nexus 5 message? It is very frustrating to talk 2-3 pictures and then have the 4th one make everything grind to a stop. Right now, typing this is a pain because every letter takes its time to appear. I know rebooting will solve it but I should not have to.
sounds like you get a process(es) that get "stuck". also, when this happens, have you ever checked if your google stuff is syncing or " stuck"? sometimes badly written apps can cause this to happen as well.
simms22 said:
sounds like you get a process(es) that get "stuck". also, when this happens, have you ever checked if your google stuff is syncing or " stuck"? sometimes badly written apps can cause this to happen as well.
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I think you are right but I don't know how to find the faulty process. I "think" I first noticed it after the google camera update, but I used settings /apps/ to uninstall the camera update without improvement. I think camera showed the problem because it has to save the image to memory sdcard.
I don't sync and have sync turned off everywhere and on all apps. Sometimes Google play shows up as the prominent battery user even though I don't have it update apps automatically. But it is primarily android os that is the bad guy.
One of the things I had tried when the problem first started was to restore an earlier nandroid backup, but the problem continued, so I restored the most recent nandroid I had done before the earlier restore.
Recent screenshot.
I was on the browser and Tapatalk for a while. But not on play store.
Not frozen now when taking this screenshot.
You need to get gsam, or BBS or wakelock detector and see what one of those says. The stock battery screen is pretty much useless to find a battery problem.
But I'm guessing all your issues are tired to one bad app as said above.
Get a battery app I suggested, run a full charge down with it running.... And comb thru all of it and see if anything pops out.
kj2112 said:
You need to get gsam, or BBS or wakelock detector and see what one of those says. The stock battery screen is pretty much useless to find a battery problem.
But I'm guessing all your issues are tired to one bad app as said above.
Get a battery app I suggested, run a full charge down with it running.... And comb thru all of it and see if anything pops out.
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I already did that. I have gsam and wakelock detector installed but my knowledge of Android is very limited and they have not helped me so far except to confirm I have a problem. I wonder if there is a way to see the dates I installed various apps. That way I could uninstall in the order they were installed.
Here are various screenshots. The list of active processes goes down several pages.
My guess... It's an app that hadn't been updated since kit kat has been out, and it's spamming location services.
Just a guess.
Check in gsam for times waking device, held awake time and kernel wakelock. (You need gsam root companion from play store installed as well.). These are all found in gsam app screen by clicking the drop down at the top. See if anything looks bad on any of those.
---------- Post added at 05:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------
Oh, and obviously, whatever tick tick is, is killing your battery. If it accesses location.... that's my bet for the culprit.
Thank you all for the advice. Obviously I've tried various things. TickTick is a todo list app. Quite nice actually. Anyway I had suspected it might be a problem and have uninstalled it (several times) with no improvement.
Finally, I seem to be making some headway. Don't know which of these two did it (if the improvement lasts.....).
1. There were 3-4 apps I had avoided updating because I didn't like the updated versions (maps, Hangouts which I don't use, Firefox, etc). So I now gave up and clicked on "update all".
2. I disabled the module gravitybox and rebooted.
So far things have returned to normal. My CPU cores are back to low levels.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If things continue well after a while I will reactivate gravitybox. I'm holding my breath!
After a full 15 minutes of normal behavior (unbelievable!), I took my courage in hand, reactivated gravitybox. Used my usual apps without the previous freezing recurring (so far). If this continues - and it seems to - it might suggest you don't update GAPPS (I think it was Hangouts) only at your peril.
Such a difference having an uncrippled phone!
After a while the slowdowns returned. Any suggestions?

[BUG][6.0.1 Stock]Home Button Ignored and Other Perfidious Symptoms

This mean bug hit us twice, so that it might be helpful do document it in order to help other persons with the same problems.
Home button does no longer work.
Notifications and notification pulldown menu do not work (as consequence, data transfer via USB cable is impossible).
Quick settings do not work.
Factory reset does not work.
Developer mode cannot be enabled (as a consequence, no adb connection possible).
Automatic orientation disabled after every reboot.
Mobile data enabled (!) after every reboot (very funny if you pay 0,23 EUR per megabyte and do not notice...)
When changing volume using the physical keys, the device sometimes reboots.
This list is not necessarily complete, as there might be more symptoms.
According to various investigations (see links below) the system thinks that the Setup Wizard is still running. This bug presumably was introduced with some Android version (Oct 2015), came to the Moto G, and when the bug was removed, the Moto G did not get the corrected OS version.
When does the problem appear?
There are strong indications that the problem always occurs whenever the device runs out of (flash) memory. Note that our device did not have an SD when the problem appeared.
How can one heal the device?
There have been some recommendations how to repair the phone (see links below):
Change user
Run the SetupWizardTestActivity via adb
Run some additional command (see below) via adb.
Run the SetupWizardTestActivity via Nova Launcher.
Factory reset via Recovery.
What did really help?
In fact all methods 1 .. 4 failed, because no adb connection could be established (see Topic 5. of the symptoms), and the Setup Wizard got to an endless loop when I started it via Nova Launcher. So finally I used the Recovery system to reset the device.
If anybody ran into the same trap or has a better solution, please tell!
See also:
How to reset the Moto G
Reflash stock image via fastboot... if it continues to fail and you followed all instructions EXACTLY, your handset is defective, get it repaired or replace it.
The "setup wizard" bug is a known, but extremely rare, issue... but the symptoms are not the same as what you are experiencing. Home/Back/Recent buttons do not work -AND- the notification pull down do not work, in every case reported simply re-running setup wizard corrects the issue.
symptoms same , root reason may differ
Tenebrous sound thy words, and partially enigmatic is their meaning.
In fact:
- I forgot to mention the non-working notification pulldown menu, so I added this in post #1.
- Thus the noticed symptoms exactly match those described in the links I provided.
- However, the root reason might subtly differ, and, additionally, all proposed therapies except factory reset failed in our case.
- It might help to re-flash the stock or flash an alternative image to cure the device, but it was not necessary in our case, so it's not really a better solution.
I found this Lenovo Moto G3 forum dealing with the same problem:
Post #9 mentions "my storage was running out".
Here is another one, for a slightly different device:
hey to chime in, I've got the same situatrion as of a few days ago on my Motorola Droid Maxx 2. WISH I could find a root exploit for this damned thing. I hate dealing with issues on it. Who has time for this garbage? I plan to do a factory reset (or try while expecting a failure as noted in original post here.)
Thanks for documenting your issue Ahkah as it at least has helped me feel OK about myself here. Excellent choice of wording. To the other poster, why do you speak so authoritatively to say that if _____, phone is defective? That's annoying and not true unless somehow here at "defective phone" means "I dont know what happened."
What I have in common to your described condition:
- ran "low" on storage according to pop up.
- used some feature offering to "clean" hard disk or whatever. This may have been in FX file browser or else a native android feature or else a motorola app feature. Unfortunately dont recall. One of the few options it gave was to clear cache of all apps. Seemed risky to me but I hit it any way. This may have been the root cause.
- notification pull down reads only "no notifications."
- circle and square softkeys do nothing but give the visual feedback or sometimes vibration feedback that acknowledges the button press.
- pulling down from top of screen while bnotification area is already pulled down does nothing whereas normally it would open quick actions.
- searching /system for "wizard" comes back with a lot of results for apks, all of which do nothing, throw error, or install more of themselves.
- clicking developer options tells me that dev options are not available for this user. As far as I can tell there are no other users on my phone.
- clicking build number or whichever item in about phone multiple times to enable dev options does nothing.
- volume buttons to act funky and while fiddling with the phone that was one of the few things i was doing. simultaneously the phone was repeatedly rebooting. maybe correlated but i dont know i was messing with everything i knew to try.
Additional observations:
- phone takes a long time to boot up on some power off/ power ons.
- phone largely works if i could somehow ignore all the above.
- phone sometimes reboots mid-boot animation
- all above is observed after freeing up 3 gb on internal memory and i've had multiple gb free on sd card throughout issue.
I hate you motorola. I hate you google. I hate you verizon. I hate you CIA and NSA. I hate you United States. I hate you capitalism. I hate you imperialism. I hate you western world. I hate you ideology. I hate you technology. I DONT EVEN WANT A PHONE and this is how i get to spend an hour today.

Samsung Interface Not Updating

First time poster, frequent visitor of XDA Forums. I've come across an odd issue that I don't know how to solve and I'm hoping some of you smarter than me folks can get me squared away.
I have a Galaxy S8+ from AT&T running Android 7.0 and Samsung Experience 8.1.
I've recently noticed a delay or completely non-updating interface on my phone. It updates on occasion, but I can't determine what triggers an update. For example, I will pick up my phone from the desk and when I press the power button it shows the accurate time. When I unlock the device, the sense flip clock I use on the main home screen shows an earlier time (could be 30 minutes... could be a few hours). I don't believe it's just the Sense app because I noticed this issue where I checked a facebook messenger app that came and and when I closed the app, it still showed I had 1 notification. I went back in thinking I had another new message, but I didn't. So it was still hanging on to the notification. It happened a couple times with a text message as well. Most importantly, my calendar doesn't alert me prior to an appointment either, even though it's showing in my calendar and an alert is active. If I save an event, and exit, I can normally see the event appear on the on widget immediately as well... but that hasn't been happening. I have to press the widget to open it and confirm it is there (which it always is). Eventually it refreshes and shows up. But that delay is likely the reason why I'm not getting my alerts.
All of this did seem to happen after a recent update Samsung/AT&T pushed out but I don't know for sure. I tried clearing the cache from the boot menu but it doesn't seem there is wide success with that.
And perhaps I'm just not a good enough user, but everything isn't all backed up in the cloud so doing the factory reset to me is always a fairly large task as I have many things to manually transfer out and then back in. Not sure if there are great tools that help with this on a stock phone.
try disabling battery optimization for those apps.
It seems that you have several bugs and if they all start happening after you have installed the latest update, then expect a patch coming soon.
MINTED7 said:
try disabling battery optimization for those apps.
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I have actually done that. Found very limited success. I'm also finding very few results on this topic. Surely it's not just me though.
And I'm dreading the idea of a hard reset as I have many things on my phones, not all of which is sync'd to the cloud so it's a task to back things up appropriate. Specifically regarding "encrypted" apps like my password keeper app etc.
It would be great if there was a software application that allowed you to backup whatever is necessary to not lose data, then wipe the phone and instead of just simply restoring the full phone (which is likely to create the same problem one had before the hard reset), you could simply dump back in app data as needed. It would also help diagnose if the problem lies in a specific app's data.
High level overview of issues...
I have the Ring Doorbell app. I get notifications after "live". Could be 5 minutes, could be 1 hour... or possibly not at all. I have the app setup on my wife's iPhone and she gets them immediately. If I restart the phone, I will get notified right away (it's like it runs the app again and then I get the notification). Keep in mind, this is AFTER i disabled the battery optimization feature for the Ring app.
I also notice it occasionally with texting. I won't have any text notification in the notification panel, nor will my messaging icon have a little red circle indicating a message is there. But if I open the app, a specification conversation will have a red circle indicating a new text is unread.
All of this is leading me to believe the Samsung UI itself is not updating and therefore notifications that actually have arrived (from whatever app), are not displaying because of the UI and not because of their own delay.
Because of this concern I have turned off battery optimization for "System UI", "Themes", and "TouchWiz Home". I have not seen any change however.
I was able to determine by various other threads around the web (thought for sure I'd find it here, but I didn't) that the culprit might be the Google app. Supposedly it was fixed in some prior release, but it's not on my Galaxy S8+ w/ AT&T.
Once I disabled the Google app all the odd issues with notifications and clock interfaces and app icons not updating went away. The downside to disabling it is that I lose the Google Assistant functionality which stinks but otherwise there is no impact to using the phone. I re-enabled it at a later date and it worked fine for a few days and then started acting up again. Once I disabled it, the problems all disappeared. Clearly Google app is to blame.

Question Permissions Issues

I like to stop background data and set battery use to restricted for most of my apps.
I spent about 10 minutes yesterday going through every app and turning off background data and setting the battery use to restricted, but after a reboot, everything is back to default, including apps I've previously enabled to install other apps (Google chrome, mixplorer, sai, etc)
Any ideas?
Here is something that I do to achieve a similar result. I use the app Ice Box to freeze many of my apps that I want to restrict. This temporarily disables them, but keeps their data. This cuts down on battery usage, background CPU/RAM usage, and notifications. Whenever you want to use one of those apps, you can just tap the icebox icon and it will show a panel of all of you frozen apps and you can just tap an app to open it. It does offer the ability to put shortcuts of the frozen apps in your launcher to make it easier to access them.
If you are rooted it is simple to set up. If you are not rooted, you can still use it with ADB permissions (works well with Shuzuku too), but you need to reissue the adb command anytime your phone it rebooted. Shizuku makes this step a bit easier.
synesthete said:
Here is something that I do to achieve a similar result. I use the app Ice Box to freeze many of my apps that I want to restrict. This temporarily disables them, but keeps their data. This cuts down on battery usage, background CPU/RAM usage, and notifications. Whenever you want to use one of those apps, you can just tap the icebox icon and it will show a panel of all of you frozen apps and you can just tap an app to open it. It does offer the ability to put shortcuts of the frozen apps in your launcher to make it easier to access them.
If you are rooted it is simple to set up. If you are not rooted, you can still use it with ADB permissions (works well with Shuzuku too), but you need to reissue the adb command anytime your phone it rebooted. Shizuku makes this step a bit easier.
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Thanks @synesthete, but my use is different. I've used SDMaid and other apps to freeze apps for years, but that's not what I'm after.
For instance, I don't think Google Chrome needs to have background data when I'm not actively using it. I also think that there's no need for it to have "optimized" battery setting if I only want it running when I want to use it. There are a lot of apps that fall into this category that I'd like to be in control of.
So in short, I want to disable background data and set it's battery use to "restricted", which works right up until I restart my phone.
I hope this isn't some new "intended behavior", that'll suck.
Battery life is part of my concern - apps that are on the "restricted" list don't use as much battery, and I couldn't care less if I get notifications from most of them, but I still want to use them.
Background data is more privacy-concern. I don't think most of my apps need to call home and tell them what I've done in their app since last time it called home. My invoicing program for instance. I need that info synced, but when *I* choose for it to sync, not 14 times in the middle of the night when I'm not using the phone.
Psychlone said:
Thanks @synesthete, but my use is different. I've used SDMaid and other apps to freeze apps for years, but that's not what I'm after.
For instance, I don't think Google Chrome needs to have background data when I'm not actively using it. I also think that there's no need for it to have "optimized" battery setting if I only want it running when I want to use it. There are a lot of apps that fall into this category that I'd like to be in control of.
So in short, I want to disable background data and set it's battery use to "restricted", which works right up until I restart my phone.
I hope this isn't some new "intended behavior", that'll suck.
Battery life is part of my concern - apps that are on the "restricted" list don't use as much battery, and I couldn't care less if I get notifications from most of them, but I still want to use them.
Background data is more privacy-concern. I don't think most of my apps need to call home and tell them what I've done in their app since last time it called home. My invoicing program for instance. I need that info synced, but when *I* choose for it to sync, not 14 times in the middle of the night when I'm not using the phone.
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Yeah I understand your reasoning and I agree that many apps like that do not need background data or to even run run in the background. I suppose some people use web-apps/PWAs and push notifications in their browsers, but it seems that background data should be an opt-in setting for many apps.
It is very strange that those settings are resetting after reboot. I just tested it out with Chrome and Chrome Beta and the restricted setting survived a reboot.
synesthete said:
Yeah I understand your reasoning and I agree that many apps like that do not need background data or to even run run in the background. I suppose some people use web-apps/PWAs and push notifications in their browsers, but it seems that background data should be an opt-in setting for many apps.
It is very strange that those settings are resetting after reboot. I just tested it out with Chrome and Chrome Beta and the restricted setting survived a reboot.
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Damn, ok, at least I know there's something wrong with specifically MY setup.
Hopefully someone will chime in with a reason and a fix.
Thank you for checking it out on yours and giving me input!!
I hate to double-post, but it's been a couple days and I was hoping that someone with experience in what my issues is would chime in.
tl;dr the initial post:
I set specific apps to restrict background data and set the battery use to restricted.
After a phone restart, the settings are back to default, including any 'disable over' and other permissions. My changes do not persist after a reboot.

