It is a way to downgrade from 8.1 to 6.0 for samsung j7 2016 fn version??
please help me to downgrade n920v from nougat 7.0 to marshmallow 6
rmd555 said:
please help me to downgrade n920v from nougat 7.0 to marshmallow 6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's how to downgrade.
Possible to flash J7 2015 to Android 8?
What is the correct method to root the J700T? It is currently running 7.1.1 Nougat on firmware version J700TUVU3BQK3.
Hello guys ,
i have a samsung galaxy j7 Pro SM-j730G with android pie binary 9 .. i wanna downgrade it to oreo but i couldn't find any oreo firmware with the same binary is there any solution for this ?
jackhr359 said:
Hello guys ,
i have a samsung galaxy j7 Pro SM-j730G with android pie binary 9 .. i wanna downgrade it to oreo but i couldn't find any oreo firmware with the same binary is there any solution for this ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No Samsung being Samsung won't let you downgrade. Best choice is for your model is to try a custom rom that is Oreo favoured ( with binary 9 ).
I have honor 7x model BND-AL-10. I want to downgrade from Pie 9.1 to oreo 8.0
I also download firmware of 8.0 help me how to install this in my phone??