Small bounty in exchange for a skype call / direction - Android General

Would be eternally grateful if someone could recommend someone proficient in Android security & familiar with rooting phones (for 35- 55 minutes of skype direction ! - in exchange for something that could make it worth there while, i have some eth I was hpoing for 0.25 but will negotiate) The job involves
a quick forensic analysis of a samsung s5 900f to determine whether the phone has been rooted & whether any hardware changes
have been made (hoping we can do this together on skype, talk me through the process). I've attempted all the
obvious 'forensics' a layman with a very basic understanding of android operating system (e.g. free software from
google play, examination of netstat results (without really understanding the results - google search not helping), root determination
software to determine whether the phone has been rooted (my understanding is that a nefarious individual with the right skills
can give the impression that a phone has not been rooted so the free apps cannot be relied upon for accurate results.
The second part of the job would be to talk me through the rooting process so i can fully wipe the phone an install a custom rom.
(hopefully we can do this on skype as well). I originally wanted to go the the copperheadOS custom rom due to the focus on privacy &
security but have recently found out about the rift between the developer and founder - according to forum posts
and twitter feeds, copperhead can no longer be relied upon, due to this I'd appreciate it if you could suggest the next best option.
Hopefully the second part should be done fairly quickly - i've read through the rooting instructions and all appears
straightforward (famous last words) . However, I would prefer guidance - it would be my first time (i've come across more than a few
forums where noob rooters have faced significant issues during the rooting process.
Many Thanks


[Q] A Grad Project in App Usage Stats

So, I learned almost everything I know about "adjusting" mobile devices from everyone in the community here at XDA, but this is my first help request.
I'm working on a graduate project designing a model for targeting users based on their demographics, and that demographic's usage trends. I am designing a survey that will hopefully match the empirical data (part i need help with a gathering technique for) within an acceptable deviation.
The piece I need help with is finding a practical solution for pulling data from an android phone into a database for mining. (like if I could export the data from Spare Parts?)
Data I need:
1) device usage time
2) app usage time by app name
3) number of app launches
(basically what spare parts gives you, but if there's more in the logs more data= better!)
Here's the preconditions I have:
1)I have physical access to the device, computer, and any hardware I might reasonably need. No need to do this over the air, but if its practical to do so I'd love some direction.
2) It should be able to pull past usage, like spare parts does. So it's not dependent on a user installing it and then coming back for us to collect results.
3) I'm reasonably sure there won't be, but if there's a way to build a platform independent tool that could collect data from as many major platforms as possible i'd love to hear about it.
Overall I'm looking for brainstorming help, or things like sys logs I don't know about, but coding help would be appreciated as well. HURRAY CROWDSOURCING!
There may even be some grant money come fall for someone interested in solving this aspect of the problem.
Thanks in advance to anyone with a good idea!

[Q] I have questions about Android security. (Edit: I STILL NEED HELP!)

I don't own a smartphone yet, but I'm thinking about getting an Android phone soon. It will be my first smartphone. I’m also new to XDA-Developers. Please help me, as I have questions about Android security and though I’ve posted this message to several other web,, and Reddit--no one has answered all of my questions completely and thoroughly. I’ve only gotten short responses that are a few sentences long and only talk about one or two things. I really need more help than that, and I’m hoping that I can get it here!
I know that this message is long, but please, if anyone can read through it and then try to answer all of my questions, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Here are my questions.
1. Is Android’s stock browser updated directly by Google, or do updates to it have to go through phone manufacturers (Samsung, HTC, etc)?
2. If I buy a phone that runs a manufacturer-customized version of Android, such as the TouchWiz version of the S4 or the Note II, will keeping Android’s stock web browser--as well as any other browser I choose to use--up to date keep me safe from web-based exploits, even if that phone’s manufacturer is slow to deliver updates? (Edit: I want to add that I'm interested in technical details.) By “updates” I mean updates to everything provided by or customized by the phone’s OEM: the customized version of Android, the manufacturer’s pre-installed apps, etc. (Edit: what I'm asking here is whether the OS needs to be kept up to date to protect against web-based exploits, or is that accomplished solely by keeping the web browser up-to-date, whatever web browser it is).
3. I have read that OEMs are often slow to update their devices, and because of that I have limited myself to only looking at Nexus devices and Google Play Edition devices. But I really need to know if I SHOULD limit myself to Nexus and GPE devices for the sake of web security. (Again, I'm interested in technical details.) I don't want to buy a phone from a manufacturer that takes months to release security updates, leaving me vulnerable to web browser exploits and malware in the interim. But if I am wrong about ANY of this, please tell me so, because I would like to be able to consider devices that run manufacturer-customized versions of Android, such as the Touchwiz version of the S4 or the Note II (or maybe the future Note III).
(Edit: the answer to question #3 would depend on the answer to question #2; if the answer to #2 is ‘no, the underlying OS does not need to be kept up-to-date to protect you from web browser exploits’, then I guess the answer to #3 would be that I can consider buying a device that runs a manufacturer-customized version of Android that won’t receive OS updates as quickly as a Nexus does. If, on the other hand, the answer to #2 is ‘yes, to protect yourself from web browser exploits you need to keep both your browser AND your OS up-to-date’, then I guess for maximum web security I’d need to buy either a Nexus or a Google Play Edition device.)
4. I’ve read that in-app advertising can be a security risk. I’m really hoping that someone here will explain this to me. (Edit: again, I'm interested in the technical details, but keep in mind that I'm new when it comes to smartphones.)
I’d like to add a few comments:
1. I will only get my apps from the official app store--Google Play--or maybe’s Appstore for Android.
2. I'm concerned about web security and in-app advertising.
3. I don't plan on rooting my phone. I'm not saying I won't, I'm just saying that I don't plan on it.
1. Only nexus devices are updated directly by google. Even htc one Google edition will be updated by htc, so as the browser since it's a part of the software.
2. Manufacture updates are slower than Google. Most of the good apps available should receive updates and solve security issues.
3. If you want to disable advertising then use adaway, notice that you will need root.
1. The stock browser I believe does get updated when the OS is updated. I've read about people getting OS updates to find the stock browser is then faultering and assume this then gets updated. The update of the OS is usually done by the device manufacturer unless you are using a custom rom. Whomever creates the rom used on the device, is responsible for the internal updates for it, to whatever level they wish to support it. I have read that google don't mainstream care about the stock browser as they are pushing Chrome for the win and a separate team deals with the stock browser.
2. The world and his hedgehog are not safe from hack exploits. The quality of protection out there in any sense is mirrored by the quality of hacker. If you have a crap security level, any old hacker can exploit it. If you have the worlds most renowned secure, then the best hackers will break in at some stage while the wannabe hackers struggle to threaten their way out of a paper bag. However with some people, they need gold bullion and jail style security while others wonder why they need it. People can recommend you do this or do that, and some recs are excellent while others are not quite but almost hilarious but at the end of the day, if a child can hack into high security places, our devices are not so hard to get into. That said... we can run paranoid while there may be no threat at all. If you are concerned, just be careful of what you do with your device. Myself, I use it for every day communication and have not yet used a credit card on it with no real need to.
3. Even the greatest have not updated their OS. The Motorola Xoom promised one from purchase yet people were moaning long after the stock sold out that it never came. Granted it surely must be true that certain companies are quicker to advocate update releases than others. But the higher paying vs the cheap low end thing isn't something to run with either. I have a very cheap quad core tablet and that has just had a firmware update from last week and as far as I can see, it's an almost brand new device, market wise so it seems the update from them was fluid. Again, that said, the updates seem to be more about the OS running well, with the hardware and app capabilities than security although I dare say there are some inevitable security fixes in there too. My quad tablet was sluggish to some extent and a bit crashy but so far, it is fine after the update although I have only done it a few hours ago... everything me and the kids have tried, has either worked better of been flawless. No sign of lag yet anyway.
4. In-app advertising can be dangerous for a few reasons i guess. but the reality again, is I think any file can have dangerous code attached and configured in a way that the OS or security cannot smell it. Of course there is the ability of spam links to scam sites. There is also false flag things that are or maybe are possible too. For example, using x file with y file and requesting a cup of tea from z file can make a security team think your couch is about to disappear and your granny is about land bump on the floor, when indeed an app just wanted to execute a command using an ancient method of pressing Q. This is something I learned in windows based operating systems where using certain dll files with certain other files can trigger an alarm, as innocent as the intentions were. I built a website not so long ago and called some iFrames in that had no < head > or < body > tags. the pages worked perfectly but some chinese company employed to protect a british isp flagged the site as a security risk and blocked any visitors from viewing it. Thankfully, long gone are the days that visiting a website would fry your motherboard.
On your remaining comments.. seems like wise advice as of course there are scammers out there who will give your granny that bumpy ride off the disappearing couch onto the floor or steal your account and all those types of greed based madness which is a shame because it ruins the experience of say if a friend is trying to build an app and they ask you to give it a go, you are somewhat rightfully not willing to play ball.
FYI I have been around computers for a long time but am by no stretch of the imagination an android expert at all. I hope what I have wrote above is helpful and not by any means, wrong. I have not long posed the question about rooting and security as I do not qualify understanding the realm at all. I dare say it is a huge question, to some extent.
Also, security risk aside as no smartphone tablet or computer escapes that realm, Android for me is the best device, then IPhone, then Windows Phones, then Crapberry. I would never purchase the latter three.
Hi codQuore,
Thank you for your responses to my questions. I need to clarify two of my questions in my original post. (I have edited my original post to include these clarifications.) In question #2, I was attempting to ask whether the OS needs to be kept up to date to protect against web-based exploits, or is that accomplished solely by keeping the web browser up-to-date (whatever web browser it is). In question #3 I asked whether I should only look at Nexus and Google Play Edition devices for the sake of web security, and the answer to that would depend on the answer to question #2; if the answer to #2 is ‘no, the underlying OS does not need to be kept up-to-date to protect you from web browser exploits’, then I guess the answer to #3 would be that I can consider buying a device that runs a manufacturer-customized version of Android that won’t receive OS updates as quickly as a Nexus does. If, on the other hand, the answer to #2 is ‘yes, to protect yourself from web browser exploits you need to keep both your browser AND your OS up-to-date’, then I guess for maximum web security I’d need to buy either a Nexus or a Google Play Edition device.
What are your answers to those two questions?
Truth_Seeker1 said:
What are your answers to those two questions?
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At a guess I would say, for browsers that are built in to the OS, there will be two ways this can update, via the OS update and independently. The OS update would be a total OS replacement that is not automated and you would need to use a built in checking feature (if available) or manually check yourself periodically. Browsers that you add yourself will be offered updates from notification unless the ability to auto update is allowed then it should happen seamlessly of course letting you know. Google "android chrome update" to see something along the lines of what the update history shows.
Yes, you would want to update but I would recommend having a read first as on any computer device, an update can be flawed or give more problems than it's worth. Although more often than not, an update should be an improvement on performance and stability and of course for security.
If you are working blind, then do an update and assume security improvements are happening and go for it. If not, then you will know what is happening. I have never gone to the lengths of checking an update list before updating for android, but with pcs I do depending on what is updating, check what the update is worth and how people are getting on with the update. I did beta testing for years (hence the knowledge of flawed updates and reluctance to do the updates) so for me it's one of those do you risk it scenarios.
Sadly as I said above, we are never safe from hacks but with some hindsight and genuine attempt to protect, we are safe from the majority. For me it's 90% "what are you worried about?" and 10% "I don't blame you for being paranoid!"
As for the preference of buying google branded devices, the foundation of an android release is surely never set for these devices "out of the box" so to speak. I would assume that the team who look after these devices have the same process of having to streamline the OS thereafter before they can release it for their device update. This is somewhat proven by people wanting to put a custom rom on their Nexus and such. For some reason, people aren't happy with the normal rom and want or need to replace it. naturally, it is easy to think a nexus device for example, is closer to home and should by rights get updated a bit quicker than my Ampe tablet but in some respects I think this could be a bit of swings and roundabouts, again depending on the company and their apportioned team force to output the update. Yes you should be better off with a more directly linked device, to google but in my opinion, the concern is not a great one. You would be better off thinking about your budget, what you can save and ultimately do with the extra cash alongside the knowledge of which devices and companies actually do spend an effort on looking after them.
I'm in no position to afford these devices and if I were, I would rather throw my money in the bin (or spend it on my loved ones) than give it to the highest bidder.
So in the end, yes updates are 99/100 important and should be done. Be careful of what you browse and do all secure data passing before you go out on the internet highway and risk getting robbed. It is probably safer to "remember my password" to avoid future keysniffers than worry about indepth data mining. Of course, anyone can give you a sniffer but data mining is more clinical, I would say.
Finally, i wouldn't worry about these things too much but as concerned as you are, do some research. But do remember that in one hand, the UK government said "the internet isn't safe so we don't use it" yet on the other, the majority of secure usage is 'watched' by paid professionals for banking and such and is alot safer than you may think aswell as protection for credit card fraud and such.
Thanks again codQuore. I understand your point that there is no such thing as 100% bullet-proof security, but I still need to know whether both the OS and the browser need to be kept up-to-date to protect against web-based exploits, or is that accomplished solely by keeping the web browser up-to-date (whatever web browser it is).
You are most welcome, TS. I would say generally yes, to both, to be on the safe side. I'd like to guarantee the OS update will update the browser if it has been updated in the update and that the browser can be updated on it's own. However, I think I am right in saying you have to check for OS updates yourself and the same for certain apps whilst some apps will auto offer the update. You may be able to force this auto update for all apps, but how this is done per different version of android, escapes me. I do remember seeing the option come up after a factory reset or buying a new device and running the first time setup of playstore and such. There's an option for it somewhere. but I don't think the OS itself offers an auto update, it has to be checked for, in my experience. I have just done my tablet and it required installing some software on my pc from the tablet manufacturer and getting that to update the firmware/os. It was a 525MB download and everything was in chinese lol. I managed it with the help of google translate but it also helped that I had previously done the same thing on a t-mobile vivacity for my daughter after her OS died and got stuck at the rotating t-mobile logo on first boot.
It is essential to update but across the board it's not majorly important to check every minute, so to speak. You'll be fine. For the record though, my quad core tablet cost £70 from singapore and I knew I was taking a bit of a gamble but was protected by returns if all went wrong and get my money back. A similar tablet is something like £120. I plan on doing the same thing for my next phone upgrade too... but I don't have a contract phone running, I am on pay as you go and all I use is internet, no calls. Incidentally, I pay £20 for 6months net from t-mobile and the only limit is 1gb per month on video. when that expires, youtube and such stops working, some video sites carry on and everything else, FB mail, tethering, ftp via pc and stuff, all still works. I have even streamed radio from my android phone, flawlessly.
codQuore said:
I'd like to guarantee the OS update will update the browser if it has been updated in the update and that the browser can be updated on it's own.
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LOL, I had to read that sentence several times in order to process it because you used the word "update" so many times :laugh:
If I remember what you said earlier, I think you said that the stock browser doesn't get updated on its own, but only as part of big OS updates? So it won't receive security patches as vulnerabilities are discovered, and won't be updated until the next version of Android arrives?
If this is true, then I'll use a different browser. But even if I use a different browser, is code from the stock browser used in other things, meaning that it is STILL a security risk if it isn't kept up-to-date?
It also occurred to me that if an OEM is slow to release OS updates for its phones, will it be just as bad at keeping its pre-installed apps up-to-date, and if so, does that pose a security risk.
Haha, looking back I can't believe I wrote that and am wondering if its a valid statement. I'll leave it for someone else to contradict lmao.
The core of the os and apps that run built are updated I guess separately and together. EG, say the browser gets an update to 1.1 the next update of the OS will most likely carry that updated version but if it doesn't it should still offer an update after you hit the playstore setup. naturally, these apps use core parts of the OS and i think some updates for apps will carry their own additional bypass of outdated os core, where applicable. That said, the bypass could be more secure in one sense and less secure in another. I'm guessing this is even possible. One thing I am yet to see, knowing how windows and linux works a little, is android have to update x- because something app wise has been installed that requires it. Alot of software on windows, requires things like framework to be added, linux is or can be the same.
The chances are you will be 99% secure in any event. The core defence for mobile phones is the phone companies themselves as that is in the realms of trillions of dollars at risk. They've been cracked before and they know it, so there is some possible reassurance for the devices, from that angle.

Cydia Substrate — Native (or Java) Runtime Code Modification

Cydia Substrate is a code modification platform. It can modify the code of any major process, whether that code is written in Java or C/C++. It has been designed to support an ecosystem where many developers are interested in hooking the same processes. It is designed to be powerful and efficient.
== How do I get Substrate? ==
You can either download it from the Play Store or directly from its website.
== How do I develop for Substrate? ==
You download its SDK using the Android SDK manager or from its website. There is extensive documentation on the website.
== What is Substrate's website? ==
== How is this different from Xposed? ==
Many compare it with Xposed, but Xposed only supports a single use case: hooking Java functions inside of app_process. Substrate can hook native code, such as is required to modify the way styles are loaded inside of the Android asset manager. There are many other differences, however, as Substrate's API is based on five years of experience managing a community of runtime code modification for iOS. I normally avoid doing direct comparisons, but after attending Big Android BBQ and presenting on Substrate, I have been encouraged to make the differences and advantages of Substrate's approach more explicit here on XDA.
Xposed requires an inverted form of logic based on "before" or "after" hooks while Substrate lets the developer use more straightforward "replace and call previous" implementations. This also enables more complex interactions with the previous implementation that have been shown to be valuable among the thousands of developers using Substrate on other platforms. Xposed attempts to offer something similar with "replace" hooks, but those do not provide access to the previous implementation, and while Xposed provides a way to call the "original" implementation, that skips any other hooks that might be stacked.
Xposed requires the developer to find a safe moment to interact with the class being hooked. To make this possible, there are numerous lifecycle events such as "VM loaded", "package loaded", and "command line application started". However, this does not solve the problem that touching classes can change the order in which they statically initialize. This also means that it will not be possible to provide declarative syntax wrappers (such as Logos, which developers use on iOS) on top of Xposed, as this context will have to be made implicit in imperative logic. Substrate solves this class initialization problem by allowing developers to hook the classloader itself, getting a callback when a class is "linked" so that the developer can find a class loaded in any classloader (even as a plugin to an application an hour after that application starts, where the code is downloaded as a .dex from the Internet).
Xposed has a method hook implementation that makes it lose track of which method was hooked, requiring it to do a lookup every time such a method is called. This implementation is currently linear in the number of hooks, making it slow down the more hooks you install. Worse, there is a high constant multiplier on this algorithm, as the comparison between entries is very expensive (and was made more expensive when recently fixing a longstanding bug caused by this lookup being slightly incorrect). Substrate, in comparison, uses runtime code generation to avoid the need to every look anything up at runtime: you can use Substrate to hook small functions in tight loops without experiencing the same kind of performance issues you would see with Xposed.
Substrate is also designed with a different user focus: while it currently has a setup interface, it would prefer to not have any UI at all (and this will be strived for in subsequent versions, assuming anyone cares to use it). Upgrades to Substrate can be automatically installed by the Play Store and do not require the user to interact with Substrate for the changes to "stick". Substrate itself is distributed via Play. Rather than confine these kinds of modifications to advanced users who use forums such as XDA, the idea is that everyone should have access to using this kind of technology. If you have a ROM or another store in which you'd like to see Substrate distributed, I would be more than happy to talk to you about this to make that happen, and these installations will be fully supported.
For some more information on the differences between Xposed and Substrate (or if you are wondering why you should bother paying any attention to things that I say, as maybe you don't remember me from my earlier Android projects), I encourage you to read the comments I left a couple posts down from here on this thread that describe the history of Substrate, how I fit into the Android ecosystem, and more about how Substrate differs from Xposed. I will also likely be posting the talk I gave at Big Android BBQ (with either notes to go along with each slide or in the form of a video I will record re-giving the talk and advancing the slides), which might make some of these things more clear.
Current Changelog
[this is the changelog from Play, which has been compressed slightly. I will bring the more full changelog back, as I have it saved somewhere, and put it here or link it here]
* fix decoder bug inside ARM emulator
* support Genymotion Intel emulator
* add symbol names for Moto X
v0.9.4010: critical Android 4.3 fix, avoid old Superuser bug
^^ must install before Android 4.3 OTA!
v0.9.4009: work around Xposed bug, 4.2 fix, better errors
v0.9.4008: HTC linker path patch, limit symbol exports
v0.9.4007: RAZR i 4.1.2, detect HTC override, avoid ps
v0.9.4005: incompatibility detector, avoid mount/ln/mkdir
v0.9.4004: Holo, Script Failure, detect physical /vendor
Comments from Developer
So, yeah: I'm the developer of Cydia Substrate, the framework everyone uses on iOS to do runtime code modification. Back in 2011, I gave a talk at Android Open along with a demo of Substrate running on Android 3.0. However, after some in-depth discussions with people there who were interested, I realized that what I had at the time "wasn't sufficient": it was just the core of an implementation, not an end-to-end offering. By the time it had everything I felt it needed to launch--including a comprehensive website filled with documentation, a configuration application to install with it, fully tested support for both ARM and x86, a forward-compatible pure Java API vetted by a bunch of the top people in the iOS modding community (as I feel like breaking APIs after launch is one of the more evil things a framework can do), and an extension that would make sense to end users that they could try (so that trade press wouldn't be horribly confused, as I knew they would report on the release)--it was already 2013. <- Android Open 2011 keynote teaser
As many people then know, I released it in June. A lot of people have tried it (165k installs just from Play, and another 20k downloads of the APK off the site), and many of those people even like it enough to keep it installed and leave positive reviews, despite there being almost nothing available to use with it except WinterBoard (which I really only did as a demonstration). However, I also get comments from people who seem to believe I'm some kind of "interloper" in the world of Android. Additionally, there are the people who leave reviews saying stuff like "this is stupid, we already have Xposed" (sometimes then explicitly adding in the "go home to iOS" kind of spiel). The #1 complaint, however, is "nothing I can do with it", because developers never seem to talk about it or use it much, and the people installing it are all end users. Clearly this isn't the kind of reaction that I thought would happen, especially after having discussed Substrate at length with pulser_g2 before launch (who said that the community here tends to be very good about judging things on their usefulness and technical merits as opposed to having emotional attachments). <- Cydia Substrate
Given this, and after an encouraging back/forth I had with some people on reddit's Android subreddit a few days ago in some threads about the analysis I did of that recent Android iMessage client (people who didn't know much about the ways in which Substrate is very different than Xposed in capability and focus), I figured I'd finally make a post on XDA. I kind of had been waiting to make this post as well, honestly (as again: I like things to be more perfect before I release them than maybe people are used to around here ;P), but it seems like I'm now waiting for something that is itself causing the delay (I had really expected to do this in July, before the whole thing got more actively depressing). This is clearly that post ;P. I've responded to a bunch of other threads here talking about Substrate (and the many other Android projects I've released) in the past, but this is the first time I've actually started a thread.
(In specific, Substrate currently doesn't support some Samsung devices due to a change they make to the linker paths, and I wanted to have 100% device coverage before making the inaugural XDA post. However, I'm finding it very demotivating to spend the time to think through all the options I've been considering for workarounds given the overall lackluster reaction to my work, so I'm not even making fast progress anymore: I tend to work on the things that people react positively to, and while I got a lot of positive reactions on the balance from users, I got much less than I expected from developers given how many people use Substrate on iOS and how powerful the framework is. I think, from some conversations I've had, this is largely due to confusion over how Substrate on Android relates to Xposed, which many people seem to think of as the "home-town competitor" "that does the same thing". I thereby figure that I may as well attempt to directly address that core motivation problem, to see if I should even bother continuing spending time helping out in this community, hence this ludicrously long and highly personal post about what is essentially a technical framework ;P.)
[Readers who find the next section boring should skip below to "=== Substrate ===".]
I imagine I (sadly) thereby need to start by defending my history in the Android community, as many people seem to not be aware of much of it; it actually goes back very far, as I had promised the overall mobile community that if Android were ever rooted, I'd immediately start looking at it in earnest (before there was a device, I had already been messing around with the emulator, but the device concepts Google had at the time were more like slightly souped-up feature phones, not competitors to something like an iPhone). So, in 2008, when that first "root console attached to keyboard" mistake was found on the G1 that let you get a root telnetd running by just typing it into any search field, I dropped everything and drove two hours to Los Angeles to pick up a G1 (they were not selling them in Santa Barbara yet, due to T-Mobile not really having a presence here at the time). As promised, I immediately set to work attempting to help out.
As I ran a number of mailing lists already for iOS, I set one up for Android called g1-hackers, which attracted a good number of people, and even a few Google employees who worked on bionic and the kernel. On this list is where the G1's bootloader was first dumped: if you've ever heard the stories about Eddie Dost figuring out how to do it, this is that. In fact, it was from my G1, with a kernel I compiled (following Eddie's direction: I did not know much about flash drivers), that that first Android NAND was obtained (as Eddie had already updated his device and thereby didn't actually have root). Here is a link to the mailing list thread, directly to the post where we finally succeeded and I provided the kernel image I used so that others could perform the same dump on their own devices. <- [g1-hackers] G1 boot code
Around that same time, I was also contributing to AOSP, providing a bunch of patches to things like mount and init, as I wanted to be able to get Android devices to a state where they could run something much closer to Debian than Android (I had my eyes set on kind of a hybrid). In the process of doing this, I wrote a guide that for a couple years subsequent were the canonical instructions for getting a bootstrapped build of Debian installed as a chroot under Android. At the time the patch turnaround on AOSP was sometimes over half a year (and almost never shorter than a couple months), which made contributing to the project sufficiently painful that I eventually stopped. If you search through Android's codebase, though, you still find some of my work. <- Debian & Android Together on G1
At the time, I honestly do not remember XDA having yet become "the place" where people spent much time talking about Android: instead, a lot of conversation happened on IRC (which is where the iOS community had already been, and where it remains). There was a channel that I was a part of which included a bunch of people whose names would hopefully be familiar to people around here, including JesusFreke (and, much later, Cyanogen). I got to see the birth of a lot of great websites and tools (such as JesusFreke's smali/baksmali) while participating on that channel. Apparently, I was talking about "Substrate for Dalvik" on that channel in November of 2008 (which is also when I first joined XDA): that's how long I've been staring at this ;P.
During the next couple years, I ended up developing and maintaining a website called Cyrket, which had the mission to allow developers and users to search the contents of the Android Market using their desktop web browser. It also solved a few key problems that developers had with comments, in that you could only see comments for apps your device had access to that were then written in your language. Developers without devices, or with devices that could not see their product (which often included those that paid extra for the ADP1, which could not see copy-protected apps) could not see comments at all. Cyrket presented all of the comments for your application in all regions in all languages (and even used Google Translate to translate them all into your own language).
The way Cyrket had worked is that I scraped the contents of the Market using the same protocol Google's client used, indexed it (supporting find-as-you-type search), and exported it all to the site (well, originally, it was actually just a live client, but then it got really popular ;P). It got me into some mild trouble occasionally with the Android Market team, but overall no one seemed to mind it that much. Cyrket was actually the primary site people used for this purpose for a long time, and I even got the impression that people at Google were begrudgingly using it as it was more convenient than the alternatives. There were a few times where it had to be taken offline (due to changes and rate limits from Google), one time for months, but I'd usually figure out some new way to get it running. Honestly, though: I was really glad when Google finally launched a website for the Market and I was able to stop working on Cyrket ;P (and also glad that Google added most of Cyrket's features for developers to their publishing console, features that Apple actually still doesn't have AFAIK). <- Cyrket Android Market Browser Back from AWOL!
Since those times, I mostly felt the need to get Substrate "awesome" (which started to really come together during 2011, after Cyrket was no longer needed), and so didn't do many larger projects on Android until recently. That said, I have been involved in things related to exploits and security. One of the higher impact things that I did was to release mempodroid, an implementation of the mempodipper exploit described by Jason A. Donenfeld for Linux 2.6.39+, which became the primary method to root devices running Android versions 4.0.0 through 4.0.2. Much more recently, users have been using Impactor, my implementation of the various "Master Key" exploits (based both on bugs described by Jeff Forristal as well as techniques I pioneered against a random AOSP bug). <- mempodroid README <- Exploit (& Fix) Android "Master Key"
Given all of this, I hope people can get a feeling for just how strange and depressing it feels to me when people seem to suddenly believe I'm some kind of foreign invader . (FWIW, I also feel rather awkward having to describe all of this in this fashion, but frankly I'm at a point where I'm realizing that if I don't explain it in this much detail myself, no one else will. While I'm certain I'll get some people responding really negatively with comments like "he's such a blowhard, going on and on about silly little things he did", so far when I've given similar spiels to people in person at conferences, they often go "oh wow, I remember that tool/happening, but didn't remember that that was also you", and so figure that this might go a long way to fixing this weird problem: I'm not just "that iOS jailbreak guy".)
=== Substrate ===
Alright, now with that aside: in time for Google I/O (which was arguably bad timing, as I was then immediately unavailable for days ;P), I finally released Substrate. Substrate (in my clearly biased opinion ;P) is actually really cool: as far as I know, it is currently the only tool available for Android that allows developers to easily modify native code without patching/replacing. I know, for example, that people often ask how to modify features like the holo themes that are implemented in C, and the answer is Substrate: if you can find the code (which is often exposed via a symbol as there are tons of C++ symbols available on most Android builds) you can use Substrate to hook it at runtime in a way that avoids having to patch the files on disk, allows developers to deploy their changes across multiple ROMs, and supports the idea that users should be in charge of the specific features that they have on their devices (as opposed to ROM distributions).
As another concrete example that maybe makes this more obvious: sometimes you download a program from the Play Store (which, incidentally, I have a very hard time not constantly still calling the Android Market ;P) that is pretty much just a massive JNI binary--maybe an OpenGL game or a media player of some sort--that refuses to run on a device that has been rooted. A really common way that developers implement such checks is to do things like verify the existence of files on disk. The simple/common checks are very easy to detect and defeat using Substrate as you can hook the native "open" call from the C standard library, check if the filename is something like /system/xbin/su, and return "nope, not there". <- MSHookFunction()
Substrate lets you do this kind of hooking in any system daemon (not just those spawed via app_process). Yes: if there's a program running in the background of your phone, some native service written by the OEM that manufactured the device, you can use Substrate to modify it. A lot of very interesting extensions on iOS involve these kinds of hack; for an extreme example, the software unlocks that we used to have for earlier iPhones involved modifying CommCenter, a native program that initializes the radio hardware: by hooking some of the code in that daemon, it was possible to, at just the right moment, inject a different command sequence over the serial connection to the baseband, exploiting it for the unlock. <- Android Native Injection
Of course, Substrate also supports hooking Java code (yes, a little like Xposed, which at some level uses the same underlying trick I walked people through in my talk at Android Open 2011). Somehow, though, a lot of developers don't seem to catch all that other stuff that Substrate lets you do, and get hung up on this one part that Xposed also manages, leading to all those aforementioned irritating comments about how "there's no point to Substrate because we already have Xposed": Xposed can't do most of the things Substrate can do (and the developer has even told me that he actively tries to avoid Substrate-like techniques as they are "pretty complicated", so it isn't even moving in that direction). FWIW, on iOS it took a lot of time for Substrate to get these features (it did not have them in 2008 when I first released it): they aren't trivial ;P. <- MS.hookMethod()
Even within the restricted context of modifications to Java, however, I think Substrate has a lot to offer. Again: I actively refused to release Substrate until I felt I had truly nailed a few things, including in particular the Java API (at Android Open 2011, I only supported JNI, which developers there told me would not lead to traction). I was a major proponent of aspect-oriented programming when I was younger, I got into byte-code engineering in college, and I co-published a paper on a Java code modification framework called jMonitor in 2004: this is something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I think the approach I take has some merit in and of itself. I know a lot more can be done (I feel it would be really interesting to have AspectJ-style pointcuts, for example, or the kind of bytecode-level instruction matching that I implemented as part of jMonitor <- features not described in the paper, I think ;P), but I felt a good first step was be to directly leverage the iOS community's six years of experience. <- jMonitor [RV '04]
To this end, Substrate provides an API for Java that is very analogous to the API that it provides for modifying C/C++ and Objective-C. The focus is on "I know about some code and I want to modify it", allowing you to not have to think much about the timing or execution details of the program that may be loading that code (so you never have to think about "packages" or "processes" or "applications": you just concentrate on "classes", and thereby don't need a million "helper APIs" to handle each narrow timing case). To enable this, I use the aforementioned ability of Substrate to modify native code to hack features into the VM itself, giving me the ability to instrument events like "a class has been loaded". If you want to hook a method of a class from Apache Commons, and you want to hook that class no matter whether it was loaded as part of an application or dynamically as part of a classloader for a plugin downloaded by an application, this is trivial to express with Substrate. AFAIK, that use case isn't even describable using Xposed. <- MS.hookClassLoad()
This kind of VM-level modification and runtime code generation support (that is heavily flexed on iOS Substrate, and thereby has had years of in-the-field testing; so far Android has exposed just one bug in its ARM reassembler after release, and that was only in the qemu emulator for some reason) also means that Substrate's implementation of hooks is highly efficient: to compare again to Xposed, every time a method that has been hooked is called via Xposed, there is a linear-time search through a linked list doing a rather heavyweight comparison to determine which method it was after the fact; with Substrate, every call is direct, there are no lookups, and there are no comparisons, so you can hook an arbitrary number of methods with no slow down, so even very small methods that are called very often can be hooked without issue.
Additionally, with Substrate I wanted to address a specific pain point that many people would bring up when I'd give talks: "how is this secure, and how do I control what apps can use these features". This became even more important, as I wanted Substrate extensions on Android to be easily deployable via conventional means, such as the Play Store (yes: Cydia Substrate itself is in the Play Store, as I believe it is important for these kinds of features to not just be in the hands of developers on forums, but to be used by end users everywhere). To this end, I integrate into the Android security model, providing a special permission that applications must have to install a Substrate extension. This helps enable the idea that Substrate mostly "gets out of the way", becoming more of a technical detail behind your extension rather than something users will need to interact with constantly to activate or update your product.
I also wanted to provide at least something that would help solve the "reflection hell" that developers seem to always find themselves in while attempting to do runtime code modification in Java (even back on desktop Java using AspectJ). I thereby provide the means to "bless" a class loader, allowing it to access private fields and classes without the overhead of reflection: the access checks, for just that one class loader, no longer apply. Substrate extensions are loaded into such a "blessed" classloader. (I do not, even though I could, ever just whack an access check VM-wide; Xposed does this, and I feel like it is going to have security implications on Java security contexts applied to class loaders for plugins.) In the case of WinterBoard, for example, I don't ever have to deal with invoking Methods or getting Fields: setAccessible is just a dim memory.
Being able to use this functionality, however, can be awkward, and in some cases is almost impossible: while testing this feature, I realized that developers would end up needing "public stubs" for all the classes they were working with, but the calling convention for a public method and a private one is different, so the calls fail at runtime. I thereby ship as part of the Substrate SDK (yes, there's an easily-updated SDK package that you can download using the Android SDK Manager ;P) an extension to javac itself (as you might imagine at this point, written using AspectJ) that turns off access control checks: you can thereby access private fields or call private methods with no extra work both during development and at runtime. This all works sufficiently well that I generally run all of ant under the modification, such that anything ant compiles becomes "blessed". <- Java Access Controls
(And yes: this is one of the things that caused Substrate to get delayed even longer than it already had been. There was also a rather serious delay caused by my attempts to really nail the boundary between "code that is shipped with Substrate" and "code that is shipped with the extension", something that burned me a lot throughout 2013 as it was the kind of problem that spending time actively thinking about didn't directly help, requiring an epiphany I had soon before Google I/O. Arguably had I been willing to ship without documentation at all, and had I generally cared less, I would probably have had everything out in very early 2012, but during January-May I started working on the initial draft of, as I had apparently incorrectly thought that such efforts would be critical to developer adoption.)
Again, I write this in the hope that it clears up misconceptions, either about myself or about Substrate. As far as I can tell, Substrate has a lot of very unique value propositions: things that currently are only made possible by Substrate; and, even within the restricted scope of hooking Java code inside of a service being managed by Zygote (the only area of overlap with Xposed), I think that it offers a bunch of advantages in security, performance, deployment, and ease of development that cannot be so casually dismissed with a flippant "we already have Xposed (go home)". A lot of these features (and I haven't even gone into all of them: I could write paragraphs about the advantages of how Substrate's API handles chained hooks, the ways I enable extensions that need to cross classloader boundaries, or the way Substrate makes it easy for end users to temporarily disable extensions without complex tooling) come from having spent over a decade now thinking about this problem and the last five years actively managing a developer ecosystem with tens of millions of users on iOS.
I am thereby happy to answer any questions about how to use Substrate, issues with Substrate on any device (I never blame the device: I might not have a fix immediately for a specific problem, but I always consider it Substrate's job to work around issues the device throws at it to get its functionality in place so the task will at least end up on my todo list), or even about me (as a lot of why I find writing this both so important and so painful are due to the occasional-yet-present more-personal attacks/misconceptions I often seem to receive about somehow being an "outsider"). (That said, please do have some patience: sometimes my ravenous need to do nearly 24/7 testing on a specific device has to give way so I can go to a conference I'm giving a talk at, or so I can focus on a different problem that might be more pressing or simply have a higher probability of near-term success: spending an infinite amount of time on one problem is unfair to all of the other problems that exist ;P.) [And, in fact, I have a meeting I have to be at tonight, but which hopefully won't take insanely long.]
Reserved Post
["reserved", as apparently you always should have at least one of these ;P]
Links to Extension Threads
[and finally, I can see ending up with a page that might link to other threads on XDA, although arguably I should put this on right now, most projects that use Substrate are in Play. I am not certain if I'm now just misunderstanding how to use XDA, though: again, this is my first thread I've started myself]
Wow. The timing couldn't be any more perfect for you to post this.
I do not have an Android device yet and have been theorizing exactly how I could easily make modifications to applications.
Because I am just getting started in the Android development community, I don't have any biases towards one framework or the other.
Sooo.... this is on my watch list.
gugbot said:
Wow. The timing couldn't be any more perfect for you to post this.
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The opinion of many (reasonable) people differ ;P.
gugbot said:
Sooo.... this is on my watch list.
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Yay! If you have a moment, I'm curious: how/why did you find this thread? It seems like very few people actually go to this "Frameworks" sub-forum; there are almost no threads posted to it except the one about Xposed, which I'm presuming people must be finding by links from other places (whether random websites or other threads on XDA).
saurik said:
The opinion of many (reasonable) people differ ;P.
Yay! If you have a moment, I'm curious: how/why did you find this thread? It seems like very few people actually go to this "Frameworks" sub-forum; there are almost no threads posted to it except the one about Xposed, which I'm presuming people must be finding by links from other places (whether random websites or other threads on XDA).
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I was browsing in development tools and was surprised to see that a Saurik posted about Cydia Substrate!
I was brought to this forum by one about theme development?... Maybe you should post this in a forum with more traffic. There seems to be an endless amount of categories for everything.
i have try your cydia substrate on cm10.1.3 stable..device samsung i9300..
install winterboard..apply icon pack but icon pack not applied..
then when want to open other apps the apps fc..except winterboard..
slipar said:
i have try your cydia substrate on cm10.1.3 stable..device samsung i9300..
install winterboard..apply icon pack but icon pack not applied..
then when want to open other apps the apps fc..except winterboard..
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Yeah, as I mention in this thread WinterBoard was more of a demo that has been difficult to justify improvements to . This isn't an issue with Substrate, at least.
Would you mind sending me the crash report from the adb log? At least, would you mind telling me the name of the theme you applied? Also, thinking about it, CyanogenMod already has a theme engine... it never occurred to me how WinterBoard would interact with the existing theme engine in CyanogenMod (although I guess thinking even longer about it, I see no reason why it would fail horribly... it should just layer on top).
saurik said:
Yeah, as I mention in this thread WinterBoard was more of a demo that has been difficult to justify improvements to . This isn't an issue with Substrate, at least.
Would you mind sending me the crash report from the adb log? At least, would you mind telling me the name of the theme you applied? Also, thinking about it, CyanogenMod already has a theme engine... it never occurred to me how WinterBoard would interact with the existing theme engine in CyanogenMod (although I guess thinking even longer about it, I see no reason why it would fail horribly... it should just layer on top).
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hope i send u the correct logcat..
im using ios7 concept theme..g play link here
slipar said:
hope i send u the correct logcat..
im using ios7 concept theme..g play link here
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Thank you so much for the information. Here is a new version of WinterBoard that seems to work with this theme.
thanx saurik..tested but this time winterboard just fc when try to change theme..
logcat attach..
slipar said:
thanx saurik..tested but this time winterboard just fc when try to change theme..
logcat attach..
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I'm sorry about that issue... this is actually quite interesting to me as it might indicate that I need to do some more work on the blessed compiler as it relates to miranda methods. I had verified that the theme functioned, but had not gone back to attempt to re-verify the setup activity itself, which I guess hadn't been recompiled in a long time. I've added a temporary workaround to the issue while I investigate further. ("Humorously", if you have Xposed installed, I am pretty certain that the WinterBoard settings activity would have worked, as Xposed just destroys the access control checks for the entire VM.)
Hey there, I just happened upon this thread while deeply perusing the boards after just getting home from a 17hr drive and being unable to go to sleep yet. I am VERY interested in the substrates capabilities, it sounds like a very interesting concept. I am a new developer and am wanting to learn more and play more....I use xposed on my phone now and was considering starting to develop modules for it, buuuttt I think I just changed my mind I'm on an att sgs4 running a 4.3ge Rom. Going to install the substrate the night via Play Store and mess around with it starting tomorrow. Thanks for this
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
Sc4ryB3ar said:
I'm on an att sgs4 running a 4.3ge Rom. Going to install the substrate the night via Play Store and mess around with it starting tomorrow. Thanks for this
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Yay! (Now, watch your GT-I9505G be one of those few Samsung devices Substrate detects as incompatible ;P. Samsung has so many model numbers that all map to the same high-level marketing names that it's difficult to keep track of what's what. If that happens, and you are interested in helping out, I can implement one of my alternative injectors quickly for you to work with.)
saurik said:
Yay! (Now, watch your GT-I9505G be one of those few Samsung devices Substrate detects as incompatible ;P. Samsung has so many model numbers that all map to the same high-level marketing names that it's difficult to keep track of what's what. If that happens, and you are interested in helping out, I can implement one of my alternative injectors quickly for you to work with.)
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It installed just fine, quickly and with no apparent issues
winterboard, however rendered neither theme I chose correctly, wondering if its the themes though.... Didn't get a logcat and then I hosed my system last night messing around too much, so I started fresh and haven't gotten back to substrate and wb yet....I'll be back to it withing a couple of hours
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk
substrate source code
I've been dabbling some with Cydia Substrate and it seems to offer a lot of unique possibilities for Android apps.
Do you have any plans to release the source code for this like you did on iOS? I'd be very curious to learn more about how it works. Also, is there a link to your talk from the Android Open conference?
(Ugh. I have no clue how people keep up with a forum, especially with the website as slow to load every page as it is ;P.)
fjones8856 said:
Do you have any plans to release the source code for this like you did on iOS? I'd be very curious to learn more about how it works.
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I currently do have an intention to release the source code, but I'm not certain under what license (all of the licenses I normally use don't solve the specific issues related to Substrate). That said, no one seems to care much about Substrate on Android: on iOS people tend to (almost to a level of it being a problem) jump on new solutions to evaluate constantly, whereas on Android people seem to just snark "we already have X" even when there are compelling advantages to a replacement. Given this situation, I am highly unmotivated to spend the time to figure out the right solution, given that in a way Substrate is "my magnum opus": it is the culmination of the research and experience of so many years of my life, that passing up the ability to license it to the companies that sometimes talk to me about that (for either enterprise wrapping or security) to satisfy a group of people who are mostly asking for the source code specifically to replicate the technique *and then avoid using Substrate*, makes very little sense.
On the project side of it, Substrate on iOS only ever received a single code contribution from someone I wasn't already so close with that I was sharing code already. It isn't even the kind of project that one would expect getting many contributions: it is more of a backend technology, and the extent to which it has a GUI is actually a bug (I intend for it to be 100% seamless as part apps that use it: Substrate on iOS does not have a GUI and never will have a GUI, and that's how I think it really should work on Android as well, but of course right now I need the silly Install button). If anything, on iOS, we often end up with random companies that want to "own the scene", which ends up with them forking Substrate in ways that cause platform incompatibilities for other developers: Substrate on iOS has thereby actually been closed source now for almost two years, and it has actually improved the stability of the platform. I thereby am somewhat loath to "repeat the same mistakes from before" and end up with forks.
fjones8856 said:
Also, is there a link to your talk from the Android Open conference?
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There was no recording of the actual talk, just of the keynote introduction that I already link to from my website. In the talk I walked people through a demonstration of using an early version of the JNI-level Substrate API, and showed how it worked (which was very simple at the time). In essence, I demonstrated, with my exact code on the projection, the technique that Xposed started using half a year later (which is just "oh, I'll change the contents of this Method object, as apparently the runtime doesn't care if the Method is allocated as part of a Class; if I do it right I can simulate registerNatives") and the most obvious way of implementing MSJavaHookClassLoad (which--for the really really low-level API I had at the time, on pre-4.0 VMs that didn't have complex JNI stacks--is clearly "MSHookFunction the class load and provide a callback"). Everything is going to be new for ART, though: the techniques are going to have to be much more sophisticated (which I'm excited by, as this is a game changer).
Pm sent
Sent from my GT-I9505G using Tapatalk

Many nexei to flash/localize.. dev questions

Hello. I work for a nonprofit (a tiny Sprint MNVO) who received a block donation several years ago of 1,000 nexus 5(s) and we give them to various participating agencies who in turn distribute them to low-income and/or homeless individuals who meet certain criteria.
The task has fallen on me to update these phones, install bundled software, and perform various other relatively trivial customizations such as boot animations and wallpaper. In some cases the customizations include bundled contact lists, which is particularly problematic for my current methodology.
I have been doing the above by setting up a template phone and then backing up to fastboot-flashable system and userdata partitions using Chainfire's excellent Flashfire tool, however this method poses certain general pains in my ass, including:
1. The resultant phone remains rooted and having flashfire installed, which is not desired for the end user so this must be undone. This is not a huge deal, I can uninstall using ADB, and have incorporated those lines into my flash script.
2. Since we do no wish to include a preinstalled user account, the contacts when included are very fragile and have a tendency to get wiped out and require manual importing from .vcf. Since the contacts vary per ~ 8 licalizations, this is tricky and has the potential for mistakes, which are unacceptable.
3. The phone does not start in a fresh state, that is userdata is populated so that the setup wizard is not invoked, which seriously bothers the purist in me.
4. There seems to be a potential for weird play services bugs to be introduced with OTAs and sometimes the OTAs end with an error but then appear to be installed anyway. Obviously this is a signature difference resulting from system partition customizations.
In general, I feel like there is a "right" way to go about this, and that this is not it. Should I be compiling from scratch? I'm not a dev strictly speaking (was a tester by trade) but I'm not entirely stupid, if there were kind of a walkthru. I've read the one on XDA/android and it made me overwhelmed and sleepy. Maybe someone knows of some others. Particularly, how do other vendors install software and perform customizations post-init, yet remain OTA friendly. Something to do with system/vendor? How does that work? Failing all else, is there an easy way to disable OTAs altogether on a stock ROM?
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Paul Koen

How do I get a striped down version of Android.

Hi everyone,
Here is a little history first. In 2014 I helped develop a traffic counting app for an engineering buddy. I designed the UI's, the flow charts and wrote the 275-page illustrated, developers manual. The developer had it working in less than 6 weeks, thanks to, as he said, "to the awesome documentation provided". The app has been in use since then and has worked flawlessly on the original 24 tablets I originally purchased for him.
Recently, we have been asked to bring the app to a wider audience so, my question is, "Is there a way to prepare an image of the Android OS containing only the setup we need, and then clone it to the new tablets?" The app is designed as engineering tool and is not listed through Google Play and as such, it does not require most of the bloatware found on the new tablets. The app does require the use of photos, some file management along with network connectivity to send and receive the various data files required and produced by the app.
I have limited experience in rooting, but I have been successful when I done it on my Samsung phones.
As a certified Graphics Designer/Windows and Mac tech/COVID-19 survivor (nearly killed me, literally...LOL), I am aware of the amount of work that goes into aiding people with their "little" projects. Any help or direction in this matter would be deeply appreciated.

