Mobile blocked by an error of mine and without password - Vivo Nex Questions & Answers

How about, I have a live Chinese nex, create a live account with a Chinese virtual phone number on a Russian website, I sent the first sms to validate a live account, but when I wanted to link it with an email I could not receive that sms and therefore had a live account without email, when I wanted to close session to create another account, tells me that password is wrong, try a thousand things, install live account 5.0 and today following an evenshop tutorial with some photos, I have gone to give a page of location of the phone in Chinese, at first press (was very brave) on some letters at the top right, and left the location and appeared a Chinese page to register the account number, the fat problem it's the second time I did it, I was even braver and I clicked on a lock to the left and the result was that I blocked the phone myself, I went to a dark page that says I must enter the password ivo to unlock, the Chinese phone number and the space to enter the password, the problem is that I do not have it, pressing the left button jovi enters, but I can not do the tutorial cited above, all the time it gives error and I take this page, I have entered the recovery, with a Chinese acquaintance that has completely translated it and I have deleted the data completely, I have restarted the phone and the screen that appears after restoring a mobile phone has appeared, the problem and fat is that the minute has been blocked again and takes me to the dark page of the blockade, I managed to connect to wifi, but nothing more, to see if you can make a hand, thank you very much to all

I think you're in a real trouble
Your phone is now blocked and without the password I don't see any solution to your problem
Envoyé de mon vivo NEX S en utilisant Tapatalk

A very nice companion here and telegram has passed this tuto, I have tried to do it in a thousand ways and with no one has unlocked my mobile, to see if you can lend a hand
Puede restablecer por hardware o restablecer de fábrica su móvil Vivo NEX de forma gratuita. Necesitamos restablecimiento completo o restablecimiento de fábrica varias veces, como olvidar la contraseña o el dispositivo móvil que no funciona correctamente. El restablecimiento completo o el restablecimiento de fábrica de Vivo NEX también se utilizan para preparar dispositivos móviles para la reventa. El restablecimiento completo o el restablecimiento de fábrica borrarán todos los datos de Vivo NEX.
Antes de realizar un restablecimiento completo en Vivo NEX Mobile, asegúrese de tener toda la copia de seguridad de los datos de su teléfono móvil, ya que el restablecimiento completo eliminará todos sus datos y nada podrá recuperarlos. Estos son los pasos que debe seguir para restablecer de fábrica Vivo NEX móvil:
Apague el Vivo NEX Mobile.
Mantenga presionada la tecla de subir volumen y la tecla de encendido durante 10 a 15 segundos.
Suelte todas las teclas cuando vea que el Modo de inicio rápido aparece en la pantalla.
Use los botones de volumen para seleccionar "Modo de recuperación" y luego presione la tecla de Encendido para confirmarlo.
Utilice las teclas de volumen para seleccionar el menú
Use la tecla de encendido para confirmar
En el modo de recuperación, seleccione "Borrar datos" tres veces. Use las teclas de volumen para navegar y el botón de Encendido para aceptarlo.
Luego elija "OK" usando las mismas teclas que antes.
Use las teclas de volumen para seleccionar "Atrás" y presione la tecla de encendido una vez.
Cuando aparezca el Modo de recuperación, use las teclas de volumen para elegir "Reiniciar sistema" y haga clic en el botón de Encendido para aceptar eso.
Seleccione Configuraciones desde el Menú
Toque en Más configuraciones
Toque en Copia de seguridad y restablecer.
Luego, seleccione para borrar todos los datos y reiniciar el teléfono . Marque Restablecer teléfono solo si desea eliminar todos los datos en el almacenamiento interno del teléfono.
Finalmente, elige Borrar todo .
Hará Soft Reset tu Vivo NEX Mobile.

Could you translate in english please
Envoyé de mon vivo NEX S en utilisant Tapatalk

riri_joli said:
Could you translate in english please
Envoyé de mon vivo NEX S en utilisant Tapatalk
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You can restore by hardware or reset your Vivo NEX mobile phone for free. We need a hard reset or factory reset several times, like forgetting the password or the mobile device that does not work properly. The full reset or factory reset of Vivo NEX are also used to prepare mobile devices for resale. Full reset or factory reset will erase all Vivo NEX data.
Before performing a full hard reset on Vivo NEX Mobile, make sure you have the full backup copy of your mobile phone data, since the hard reset will erase all your data and nothing can recover it. These are the steps you need to follow to restore factory Vivo NEX mobile:
Turn off the Vivo NEX Mobile.
Press and hold the volume up key and the power key for 10 to 15 seconds.
Release all the keys when you see that Quick Start Mode appears on the screen.
Use the volume buttons to select "Recovery Mode" and then press the Power key to confirm it.
Use the volume keys to select the menu
Use the power key to confirm
In recovery mode, select "Clear data" three times. Use the volume keys to navigate and the Power button to accept it.
Then choose "OK" using the same keys as before.
Use the volume keys to select "Back" and press the power key once.
When the Recovery Mode appears, use the volume keys to choose "Restart System" and click the Power button to accept that.
Select Settings from the Menu
Tap More settings
Tap Backup and reset.
Then, select to erase all the data and restart the phone. Check Reset phone only if you want to delete all data in the internal storage of the phone.
Finally, choose Delete all.
It will Soft Reset your Vivo NEX Mobile.


[Q] Some one help me!!! MOTO SPICE XT300

I have this POS Motorola Spice XT300 Android 2.1 Eclair (Non upgradeable, locked bootloader, no .zip update), I uninstalled some applications then I master reset the phone. Now phone is stuck at setup wizard (its in a loop).
I reset couple of more times but still the same problem. I can somehow manage to fix that problem if I get debug mode on.
some one help me to
1. "How I can enable debug mode" in this situation I cant find any way to get out that setup wizard, I tried menu + comb keys, they open only open wireless setup menu.
2. Is there any way to install .apk files without adb, cuz major problem is I cant do anything unless debug is not ON.
3. I got update file from same phone even the update file was signed(by using Droid , but i get error wrong footer and not verified signed blah blah error.
Hello, before I apologize for my English.
My SPICE XT300 No boot and only the Motorola logo remained on the screen.
After many attempts and several readings I was able to reinstall the entire system in my motorola XT300.
Using RSD Lite 4.9, and when trying to use the ROM "SESLAU301.72.0" gave me the error: "Unable to retrieve interface handle. (0x7027); phone connected" and I could not do it until I did what I describe below.
1 - Download the SESLA_U3_01.72.0.sbf (Copy it to C: \)
2 - Install all drivers SPICE XT300.
3 - Connect the SPICE XT300 with the USB cable.
4 - Run RSD Lite 4.9.
5 - Remove the battery from the phone and wait a few seconds.
6 - Insert the battery cell phone and when it starts, hold down the X key on the keyboard until the XT300 a triangle with an exclamation point after that press the key combination ALT + X to access the RECOVERY.
7 - Select WIPE DATA / CACHE using the volume control keys and the ENTER key.
8 - Pay attention now, and remember that you already have a cell phone connected to the USB port and have run the RSD Lite 4.9 (in steps 3 and 4), so just select reboot option and immediately hold down the bar space until the blue screen appears with a message saying BOOTLOADER.
9 - If all this is done step by step you at this time on the screen of your computer would be seeing the RSD Lite 4.9 informing you that you have entered the ENGINEERING MODE.
10 - Using the mouse click on the button with ... (three points) and select the file you copied SESLA_U3_01.72.0.sbf C: \ (in step 1)
11 - Using the mouse, click the START button on the RSD Lite 4.9
And then on screen you will see that SPICE XT300 begin installing the system showing different messages, and at the same time, the window of the RSD Lite 4.9, you will see the progress of the process of flashing.
When it reaches 86% of the process is stopped momentarily, but then continues, so do not worry.
When the process ends, the XT300 SPICE will automatically restart.
Remember the first time the SPICE XT300 starts, it can take about 3 to 10 minutes.
I hope that what I just explained it helps someone.
Until next time!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hola, quería realizar mi aporte para ayudar a los que han pasado por lo mismo que yo y mi SPICE XT300.
Mi SPICE XT300 no booteaba y solo quedaba el
logotipo de Motorola quedaba en la pantalla.
Luego de muchos intentos y de varias lecturas logré
instalar nuevamente el sistema por completo en mi
motorola XT300.
Usando el RSD Lite 4.9, y cuando intentaba utilizar
el ROM "SESLAU301.72.0" me daba el error: "Unable to
retrieve interface handle.(0x7027);phone connected"
y no pude realizarlo hasta que hice lo que describo
a continuación.
1- Descargar el SESLA_U3_01.72.0.sbf (Copiarlo al
2- Instalar todos los drivers del SPICE XT300.
3- Conectar el SPICE XT300 con el cable USB.
4- Ejecutar el RSD Lite 4.9.
5- Quite la batería del celular y espere unos
6- Inserte la batería al telefono celular y cuando
éste se encienda, mantenga presionada la tecla X en
el teclado del XT300 hasta que aparezca un triángulo
con un signo de admiración, luego de esto presione
la combinación ALT+X para acceder al RECOVERY.
7- Seleccione WIPE DATA/CACHE usando las teclas de
control de volumen y la tecla ENTER.
8- Preste atención en este momento, y recuerde que
usted ya tiene el teléfono celular conectado al
puerto USB y ha ejecutado el RSD Lite 4.9 (en los
pasos 3 y 4), así que solo debe seleccionar opción
REBOOT e inmediatamente mantener presionada la barra
espaciadora hasta que la pantalla azul aparezca con
un mensaje diciendo BOOTLOADER.
9- Si todo esto lo realizó paso a paso usted en este
momento en la pantalla de su computadora estaría
viendo que el RSD Lite 4.9 le informándole a usted
que ha ingresado al MODO INGENIERÍA.
10- Utilizando el mouse haga click en el botón que
aparece con ... (tres puntos) y seleccione el
archivo SESLA_U3_01.72.0.sbf que usted copió en C:\
(en el paso 1)
11- Utilizando el mouse haga click en el botón START
en el RSD Lite 4.9
Y entonces en la pantalla del SPICE XT300 usted verá
que el sistema empieza a instalarse mostrando
distintos mensajes, y al mismo momento, en la
ventana del RSD Lite 4.9, usted verá el progreso del
proceso de FLASHING.
Cuando llega al 86% del proceso se detiene
momentáneamente, pero luego continua, así que no hay
que preocuparse.
Cuando termina todo el proceso, el SPICE XT300 se
reiniciará automáticamente.
Recuerde que la primera vez que el SPICE XT300
inicia, puede demorar alrededor de 3 a 10 minutos.
Espero que esto que acabo de explicar le sirva a
Hasta la próxima!
[email protected]
[email protected]

[Q] How hard reset ematic funtab 7" FTABCP

I bought this tablet on ebay for my daughter. But It came password locked and the guy that sold it on ebay does not remember the password.
I have tried multiple ways to boot it into recovery to do a hard reset:
- Volume Down + Power bottom
- Volume Up + Power Bottom
- Reset whole on the back.
BUT no recovery menu. It simply shows the funtab screen logo and then keeps booting up to the "enter password" screen.
There is got to be a way to recover from a forgotten password lock.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Found it!
I was able to reset my funtab, after hours of searching and messing around with it. Never did find a real solution on the web, I stumbled upon this method just by messing around:
When the device boots up and is on the screen where you swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it, press in the bottom right corner to reveal the time and wifi status. Click on it again, it will reveal a larger menu with settings on the bottom. Click settings, the menu will disappear and it will look like nothing happened. Swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it and VOILA! the setting screen appears before you, scroll down to backup and reset ect. etc. you know the drill. Factory reset!
This may work for other challenging locked devices, let me know if it works for you.
como resetear tablet fun tab 7.0
hola amigos como están saludos, quiero decirles que soy nuevo en este foro mi pregunta es que tengo una tablet fun tab 7.0 lo cual mi hija le puso una contraseña de patrón y se le olvido lo cual no podemos usarla si alguien sabe de como desbloquearla se lo agradecería mucho.
aparicio70 said:
hola amigos como están saludos, quiero decirles que soy nuevo en este foro mi pregunta es que tengo una tablet fun tab 7.0 lo cual mi hija le puso una contraseña de patrón y se le olvido lo cual no podemos usarla si alguien sabe de como desbloquearla se lo agradecería mucho.
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No hablo Español.
May be in ENGLISH ?
LS.xD said:
No hablo Español.
May be in ENGLISH ?
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a you not spoken inglish taks broher
aparicio70 said:
hola amigos como están saludos, quiero decirles que soy nuevo en este foro mi pregunta es que tengo una tablet fun tab 7.0 lo cual mi hija le puso una contraseña de patrón y se le olvido lo cual no podemos usarla si alguien sabe de como desbloquearla se lo agradecería mucho.
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Just translated it:
hello friends and greetings ,
I want to say to them that I am new in this forum and my question is: I have a tablet fun tab 7.0 which my daughter set a password for and forgot it. Thats why we cannot use it. Does anybody knows about how to unblock it?
I would be very grateful for it.
PLS can anyone translate the solution to Espanol?
"When the device boots up and is on the screen where you swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it, press in the bottom right corner to reveal the time and wifi status. Click on it again, it will reveal a larger menu with settings on the bottom. Click settings, the menu will disappear and it will look like nothing happened. Swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it and VOILA! the setting screen appears before you, scroll down to backup and reset ect. etc. you know the drill. Factory reset!"
---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------
aparicio70 said:
hola amigos como están saludos, quiero decirles que soy nuevo en este foro mi pregunta es que tengo una tablet fun tab 7.0 lo cual mi hija le puso una contraseña de patrón y se le olvido lo cual no podemos usarla si alguien sabe de como desbloquearla se lo agradecería mucho.
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"Cuando el dispositivo arranca y está en la pantalla en la que pasar el dedo por la pantalla para desbloquearlo, presione en la esquina inferior derecha para mostrar la hora y el estado wifi. Haga clic en él de nuevo, se mostrará un menú grande con configuración de la parte inferior. Haga clic en configuración, el menú desaparecerá y se verá. Pase el dedo por la pantalla para desbloquearla y ¡voilá! Aparece la pantalla de ajuste. Desplácese hacia abajo para copias de seguridad y restablecer etcétera."
LS.xD said:
Just translated it:
hello friends and greetings ,
I want to say to them that I am new in this forum and my question is: I have a tablet fun tab 7.0 which my daughter set a password for and forgot it. Thats why we cannot use it. Does anybody knows about how to unblock it?
I would be very grateful for it.
PLS can anyone translate the solution to Espanol?
"When the device boots up and is on the screen where you swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it, press in the bottom right corner to reveal the time and wifi status. Click on it again, it will reveal a larger menu with settings on the bottom. Click settings, the menu will disappear and it will look like nothing happened. Swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it and VOILA! the setting screen appears before you, scroll down to backup and reset ect. etc. you know the drill. Factory reset!"
---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 AM ----------
"Cuando el dispositivo arranca y está en la pantalla en la que pasar el dedo por la pantalla para desbloquearlo, presione en la esquina inferior derecha para mostrar la hora y el estado wifi. Haga clic en él de nuevo, se mostrará un menú grande con configuración de la parte inferior. Haga clic en configuración, el menú desaparecerá y se verá. Pase el dedo por la pantalla para desbloquearla y ¡voilá! Aparece la pantalla de ajuste. Desplácese hacia abajo para copias de seguridad y restablecer etcétera."
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thanks friends
ya lo hice pero no he podido desbloquearla alguien sabe otra manera de como quitar el password de patron?
I am also not loaded tablet!
ler123 said:
I bought this tablet on ebay for my daughter. But It came password locked and the guy that sold it on ebay does not remember the password.
I have tried multiple ways to boot it into recovery to do a hard reset:
- Volume Down + Power bottom
- Volume Up + Power Bottom
- Reset whole on the back.
BUT no recovery menu. It simply shows the funtab screen logo and then keeps booting up to the "enter password" screen.
There is got to be a way to recover from a forgotten password lock.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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I have exactly the tablet FTABCP - freeze on the splash screen with Android and all. Can't do a hard reset is no combination of keys does not help. How do You cope with this? Please help!
Ematic funtab FTABC Hard Reset Solución
solucion para la tablet funtab
dejar que encienda
conectar usb a la pc
ejecutar root.bat
seguir pasos hasta que la pantalla que negra
de hay ejecutar
Uni-Android Tool V-4.0
opcion 5 (hard reset )
y listo
recordad que todo este proceso es por ADB
asi que instalar los controladores de ADB.
disculpen por ser tan breve ya que es mi primer post
realmente me costo encontrar solución a este problema
así que espero y les sirva.
I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. I tried your procedure, but I couldn't get the full settings to show up. "Zoodles" kept taking up the whole screen, and I didn't know the PIN to exit it (I bought the funtab used).
But, I did find another way to get to the settings. I plugged the Funtab into my computer via USB. When the Funtab booted up, it brought up a screen asking if I wanted to enable USB file transfer. From this screen, I could click on the time and bring up the full settings menu, which had the factory reset option.
I realize this thread's a couple of years old, but if I found it by googling, maybe the next person will too. Good luck!
Thanks a lot!
TBEtbeTBE said:
I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. I tried your procedure, but I couldn't get the full settings to show up. "Zoodles" kept taking up the whole screen, and I didn't know the PIN to exit it (I bought the funtab used).
But, I did find another way to get to the settings. I plugged the Funtab into my computer via USB. When the Funtab booted up, it brought up a screen asking if I wanted to enable USB file transfer. From this screen, I could click on the time and bring up the full settings menu, which had the factory reset option.
I realize this thread's a couple of years old, but if I found it by googling, maybe the next person will too. Good luck!
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@TBEtbeTBE: thank you very much for your post! It's never too late to share knowledge, and your message saved me from hours of pain! Thanks!!!
I,m trying to do a factory reset but it only show sigh with your google account. Its for a frien and he dont remember the email or pass for the account. Thanks.
How can I reset my fun tab my son change the pass code and now he has forgot it

[Q] CAT B15 brick android? firmware ?

[Q] CAT B15 brick android? firmware ?
Hi all I need a favor from here I have a phone Cat B15 and I install a program to improve the video, in order to open the program to do some homework on it, it suggests restarting the computer, or did and in doing so is in the home screen and there is no wrong in CAT ... not load the operating system ... someone could help me get almost no information to repair the bootloader ... and he Placing an HARD RESET and zilch is there I could lend a hand?
Hola a todos Necesito un favor por aqui tengo un telefono Cat B15 y le instale un programa para mejorar el video, en fin al abrir el programa hacer algunas tareas en el, el mismo sugiere reiniciar el equipo, o hice y al hacerlo se queda en la pantalla de inicio y de alli no pasa queda en carga el sistema operativo...alguien me podria ayudar casi no consigo informacion para poder reparar el bootloader...ya le realize un HARD RESET y nada de nada sigue alli me podrian hechar una mano?
bryandescargarfull said:
[Q] CAT B15 brick android? firmware ?
Hi all I need a favor from here I have a phone Cat B15 and I install a program to improve the video, in order to open the program to do some homework on it, it suggests restarting the computer, or did and in doing so is in the home screen and there is no wrong in CAT ... not load the operating system ... someone could help me get almost no information to repair the bootloader ... and he Placing an HARD RESET and zilch is there I could lend a hand?
Hola a todos Necesito un favor por aqui tengo un telefono Cat B15 y le instale un programa para mejorar el video, en fin al abrir el programa hacer algunas tareas en el, el mismo sugiere reiniciar el equipo, o hice y al hacerlo se queda en la pantalla de inicio y de alli no pasa queda en carga el sistema operativo...alguien me podria ayudar casi no consigo informacion para poder reparar el bootloader...ya le realize un HARD RESET y nada de nada sigue alli me podrian hechar una mano?
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Message: CAT B15 hard brick or soft brick, not have access to download mode.
I have a smartphone CAT B15, was very slow despite making several vecez the restore factory settings.
Use the program MTK Droid Root & Tools v2.5.3, I made a backup of the recovery, change boot and recovery for a smart phone that I found on the internet, but restart the smart phone on and off, just go to recovery and when renicio from recovery restarts and infinitely again, I have to get the battery to stop rebooting, when I try to enter download mode the computer reconose smart phone one desconcta seconds and then just goes off and is charging the battery.
remove the battery, I press the volume up key and connect the smartphone to the computer connects and disconnects a few seconds.
Replace cable with an original and neither worked.
¿I can retrieve the boot from the recovery through a package
before this happens try to install an update from the recovery to come down from the search for updates android but I could not install.
excuse me for my english but I'm Colombian and I speak English.
Thank you for your prompt response.

I have a problem I need help huawei mate 8 NXT L09

Good morning I have a problem I need help
Today he rotated mate 8 to do some things and then he decided to get it right again. First he installed the original recovery stock and then blocked the boot loader again. The phone has been rebooted and now does not pass the logo, does not enter either the quick start or anything, none of the key combinations to recover, fully restore, nor the adb detects it ..... NOTHING. Only the logo remains and if I turn it off it restarts itself and stays there ....
I'm looking in the forum of the page and the solution is to wait for it to be downloaded, but after I can enter a fastboot I can install Android to use the phone again.
Buenos días tengo un problema necesito ayuda
Hoy he roteado el mate 8 para hacer unas cosillas y luego he decidido volver a ponerlo bien. Primero he instalado el recovery stock original y luego he bloqueado el bootloader de nuevo. El teléfono se ha reiniciado y ahora no pasa del logo, no entra ni en fastboot ni nada, no funcionan ninguna de las combinaciones de teclas para entrar al recovery, hard reset, ni el adb lo detecta.....NADA. Solo se queda el logo y si lo apago se reinicia solo y se queda ahí....
estuve mirando en el foro de la pagina y la solución es esperar que se descargue en eso estoy, pero después de que pueda ingresar a fastboot como puedo re instalar android para poder usar el teléfono nuevamente.
revivir mate 8
Sí ese es el camino, a mi me paso lo mismo al actualizar el cel y lo pude recuperar con el "Minimal ABD AND FASTBOOT", te dejo el vídeo que yo use, (esta en español pero podrías conseguir uno en ingles con el nombre del programa) "REVIVIR HUAWEI - 2016 - TODOS LOS MODELOS" eloy Gomez tv (no pude poner el link, es mi primer aportación) . Solo debes considerar que el rom a instalar sea igual o superior al que tenia el cel al bloquearse. Sin más que decir, suerte.
Yes that's the way, I happened the same to update the cel and I could recover with the "Minimal ABD AND FASTBOOT", I leave the video that I use, (is in Spanish but you could get one in English with the name of the program) "REVIVIR HUAWEI - 2016 - ALL MODELS" eloy Gomez tv (I could not put the link, it's my first contribution). You should only consider that the rom to install is equal to or superior to the one that the cel had when it was blocked. No more to say, luck.
Traducción del español al ingles por google

Xiaomi Projector M055MGN Reboots over and over again

Hello there
Check I have this xiaomi projector and since yesterday it started to restart over and over again in the android 9 operating system without doing anything, I don't have time to restore, a month ago I presented the same problem but it was only a few days, I realized that it was wifi like that I deactivated it as I could not enter, it restarted, but yesterday the same problem began, everything started after the last update of Xiaomi that I installed the projector before it had not failed or it may be coincidence and I do not know how to solve it any suggestion I do not have a guarantee ticket. And I can't do anything, restart over and over again from android.
The model is my smart compact projector m055mgn.
How could I restore firmware from a pen drive again Greetings
Same problem for me with the same model. Unable to find the firmware to restore it....
Lo resolvi restaure android con los botones del control remoto restablecer completamente XIAOMI Mi Smart Compact Projector
esto lo buscar en google te va a salir
militarpancho said:
El mismo problema para mí con el mismo modelo. No se puede encontrar el firmware para restaurarlo ...
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Lo resolvi restaure android con los botones del control remoto restablecer completamente XIAOMI Mi Smart Compact Projector
esto lo buscar en google te va a salir
Restablecimiento / Hard Reset XIAOMI Mi Smart Compact Projector, Mostrar más -
Todos los métodos de operación de hard reset en su dispositivo. La operación de factory reset borrará todos los datos personales, la configuración personalizada de las aplicaciones instaladas. Esto también podrá ser la única forma de bypass password, pattern or fingerprint.
Factory reset did not work for me. Happy to hear you were able to fix it

