LineageOS? - Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro Questions & Answers

I've been using this phone for some time now and I really like its features, big battery and stuff, but I would really love to install LineageOS on the phone, that's what I've always used.
How long do you think it will take before we will see a version of LineageOS for this phone and will we get 15 oder 16? Version 16 would be better. LineageOS 15 with Android 8.1 is kind of obsolete and not worth working on and installing if there's a newer version of Android, is it!?

I have already flashed Lineages OS 15 few days ago but I switched to Pixel Experience. Auto brightness is not working. Notch doesn't fit good but I have fixed this through Xposed. Google "GSI List" and you will find many roms you can flash including Android Pie. P.S: I'd say 50% of roms on the list can boot.

richterscale said:
I've been using this phone for some time now and I really like its features, big battery and stuff, but I would really love to install LineageOS on the phone, that's what I've always used.
How long do you think it will take before we will see a version of LineageOS for this phone and will we get 15 oder 16? Version 16 would be better. LineageOS 15 with Android 8.1 is kind of obsolete and not worth working on and installing if there's a newer version of Android, is it!?
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I'm waiting for the official lineage os too!

still thinking whether to buy rn6pro or rn5pro. hmm. maybe i wait a bit.


Did anyone just stick with the stock Cyanogen OS?

I realise this is probably a bit of a controversial question to ask on XDA, however has anyone else just stuck with the stock Cyanogen OS on their OnePlus One?
I was thinking today when reading about Lineage OS I have pretty much kept my OnePlus One stock since i got it in July 2014, out the box Cyanogen OS had everything i'd otherwise flash a custom rom for. I did try some early Marshmallow roms around February last year, however due to various bugs I went back to stock and waited for the Marshmallow OTA.
These days i'd certainly take stability over having the latest and greatest version of Android. Of course I don't intend that as any disrespect to the developers on here, more than anything I think I just got tired of tinkering with my phone and have enjoyed just using it.
However I do plan on flashing Lineage OS in the future, which seems quite strange after not flashing a custom rom for almost a year.
It's great to see XDA is still going strong, even more so that the OnePlus currently has the most users of unofficial installs of Lineage OS :good:
My father does have the official builds hahahah we both have the opo but he's okay if it works, so keeping it simple is the best way for him.
As far as Cyanogen OS goes
It's bad and bloated
I tried to stay on it, and did for a bit when security updates were being applied
But had a bunch of reboots and overheating issues. Had to dump it.
Was on stock COS till today since i couldnt find a rom that suited my needs and passed safetynet. Today i flashed lineage OS official, everything is smooth and it passes safety net (i can now use my banking app while running nougat). So yeah today is the day i left COS and marshmallow
I don't even know why I'm still on official CyanOS. The screen time is dreadful. I think I'll give LOS a chance in the near future. It can't be any worse than 3-4 hours of screen time, what I'm getting now with official COS.
Cyanogen may be sold in the future and they can push harmful updates to your device, so I'd say updating is a very good choice.
I am keeping it. I would love that someone could recommend me a 6.0 rom alternative though, because can't switch to Nougat. MM has xposed and i need youtube background playback.
I do sometimes think maybe I should have stayed stock but then I think of all the fun I've had
Now I need my phone to work for calls and alarms as a minimum so take less risks now
I'm still on marsh 2.0 from way back last august
i would but cyanogen 13.1 has a problem with the mobile network.........
Luck Patcher
Fatsodonkey said:
I am keeping it. I would love that someone could recommend me a 6.0 rom alternative though, because can't switch to Nougat. MM has xposed and i need youtube background playback.
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You can try Lucky Patcher. They have a custom patch for YouTube background playback. Works on Nougat. Hope this helps
For anyone who wants the best stable experience, I'd suggest sultanxda's CM13 ROM. May it be for girlfriends, dad's, whoever. That ROM will never fall behind.
Well I am still sticking with rooted cyanogen os. I have color camera, viper4android, Sony Media Apps like Walkman and xposed.
Can anyone enlighten me whether noughat build supports viper4android and a good camera mod like color os or cameranext mod? If so I don't mind installing it immediately..
I'm still on stock ROM, because I'm using NFC payments on the tube. Battery life with screen on is dreadful. I would upgrade in a heartbeat should there be any ROM that's signed by Google. Is there any hope to get that ?
My story sounds a lot like the OP. I got my OPO as soon as the invites started going out (I had signed up long before release) and I just couldn't wait to get it and start rooting and TWRPing and ROMing. I tried just about every ROM that was out there including OOS. But, as is often the case with enthusiast ROMS, there always seemed to be some little something somewhere that didn't quite work right. I also had terrible problems with the radios on almost all ROMs including the stock ROM. That got corrected during the second or third update though.
I have a lot of smartphones, so eventually, I moved onto other phones and other tinkering. Then one day, not too long ago, I wondered what it would be like to restore my OPO back to factory stock - no root; reset the tamper bit - and update to the latest official update - so I did.
I have to say that the OPO has never been as stable and reliable as it is in that condition. Best radio reception since I got the phone, silky smooth Android experience (even on two year old hardware), and rarely any crashes or FCs. Truly a STABLE phone.
But even as good as it is running now, I still worry about not getting any future updates and in particular security patches, so I will be looking to flash a good stable build of Lineage OS after reading up on other users' experiences.
Still have to say though that through all of my phones (Galaxy's, Lumias, iPhones, and everything in between), I'd still put my OPO up there with my trusted iPhone 6S for reliability and the "It Just Works" factor.
Hi! I'm running COS, the latest update i received via OTA. I'll wait for a stable build for Nougat, also, there are some xposed modules I cannot live without so i guess i wait for a little bit.
Fatsodonkey said:
I am keeping it. I would love that someone could recommend me a 6.0 rom alternative though, because can't switch to Nougat. MM has xposed and i need youtube background playback.
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Which Xposed module let's you do that? please let me know. I know I can search but can't get one that works.
Fatsodonkey said:
I am keeping it. I would love that someone could recommend me a 6.0 rom alternative though, because can't switch to Nougat. MM has xposed and i need youtube background playback.
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There's an unofficial Lineage OS 13 for our bacon, here in XDA. Stable no issues and xposed compatible

will the U11 get aosp roms?

dev scene seems good soo far. just curious thoughts on seeing lineage or aosp based development. :fingers-crossed:
does anyone know if lineage is in the works for the u11?
sure should happen eventually. The U11 could use some Dirty Unicorns..
agreed I'm shocked there is no word of lineage yet. unless they are waiting on Android O to be released first.
And end up with a bad camera and not be able to use nfc for payments? For the 10 there was only 1 developer... The only benefit is an updated OS and regular security updates.
i just checked the 10 forums theres plenty of aosp roms.
Yes there will be. I've started working on a device tree for AOSP/Slim, not sure if anyone in Lineage has started working on it yet. I've just been really busy... if anyone wants to give me a hand drop me a message
I really hope we get some once S-Off works with our device.
I'll like to see Lineage OS in this phone.

Giving old phone to mom (need rom advice)

Which rom would be the best to put on here that gets OTA updates?
Current Setup:
Android 4.4.4
CyanogenMod 11.0XNPH44S
I haven't used the phone since the battery went out years ago but I replaced it and wanted to give my mom a nice daily since her phone broke. Preferably something simple as she is an older lady, that can use the Play Store/gapps, Spanish language would be a plus, quick, and long battery life. She's coming off an older Moto G so this is still an upgrade but I wanted to make sure she got something nice and I haven't looked into flashing roms in ages. There are so many cool roms I would use for myself, but I want something my mom can use and I won't have to worry about helping her with (she lives across the country).
If you've replaced the battery it's probably an overrated counterfeit that isn't actually 3000mah~.
The phone doesn't really get OTA's per se anymore, not for quite some time now, beyond custom ROM's and all the funkiness that goes with that (eg not suitable for mom).
Best in terms of daily, reliability and battery life would be to run SultanXDA's LOS 7.1. Runs and looks stock, no funky weird CUSTOM 1337 features, pretty much no weird reboots and so forth. It's EOL'd as well though so no OTA's for it either anymore. Oreo customs is good but YMMV, I still wouldn't recommend any of the builds for a "normal" user.
official LOS 15.1
Candy 8.1
Carbon 8.1
OTA available
disable : auto-rotate/proximity check/DT2W
location : set to battery saving
I bought recently the OP6 and i gave my OPO to my mother too, when i was using it, i was running the TugaPower Rom N series, now it's on N58 i think, very very good rom, stable and debloated, just try it ^^
Planning to install official LOS 15.1 soon, but being the first version I'm not too keen on doing it so soon. Still running on last stock OTA COS version and the battery runs smoothly at 85% after 4 years of intensive daily usage. Since moved to 5T couple of months ago, I one the OP1 as ebook and gaming device only, but I would like to upgrade the OS and probably I'll go first for LOS-14.1-2018-06-13 version first, since it's the last one. At least to check the battery consumption first.
Thanks everyone! I ended up flashing SultanXDA's LOS 7.1 , thanks for the advice.
nonzeropossibility said:
Thanks everyone! I ended up flashing SultanXDA's LOS 7.1 , thanks for the advice.
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Let me know please how that goes for you. Yesterday I just factory reset mine and now I'm reinstalling all apps fresh removing CM account in the process to see how the battery goes with that hog.
Thank you

Advice needed: Most stable and usable ROM?

Howdy all! I've dug out a couple old Nexus 5's that I stopped using a while back when I got PH-1 and am looking to reflash one of them for a friend who needs a phone and can't afford to buy new. When I was using them last I was running LineageOS 14.1. I'd like to set him up with something stable that he can use as a daily driver for a while and was looking for suggestions. It looks like a ton of ROMs have been updated and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for a good current setup that will be easy on the battery and have the most features without compromising stability. Is there a commonly accepted "best" Nexus 5 build? I'm good at following directions, but a lot of the technical stuff is over my head, so trying to research everything I've missed for the last couple years is making my head spin lol. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Stable ROM for Nexus 5
I have found AOKP to be really good for my Nexus 5. It has the stability of Lineage 14.1, but also has a few nice little additions: OMS support for Substratum, customisable navbar, a few tweaks here and there. And it is still being developed, and receives regular updates.
Not too heavy on the fancy stuff, so for me it's a nice tradeoff between "stock" AOSP/Lineage, and a few little enhancements.
Also the Nexus 5 is officially supported by the developers, which is important to me.
I've tried Android O and Android P ROMs on my Nexus 5, but I still find Nougat ROMs seem to run the best.
I also have a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet, and the ROM is also available for that as well. As I have OCD, I "need" both my phone and tablet to run the same system, and AOKP gives me this.
Just my suggestion, anyway. Give it a try, and see what you think.
Thanks! I will check it out
if you like simpler thing i would suggest LOS 14.1 even tho our hammerhead are not supported officially you can use unofficial build by razorloves here or another one here they updated it once a month at least with security updates each months
also if you want tor try LOS 14.1 CAF you can try this
I also have a Nexus 5 laying around that I mostly use as an extra device to test apps on. However, since my apps usually require working Bluetooth LE and other network related stuff, I have refrained from using Android Oreo and Pie based ROMs since I always read that there's some issues with this or that.
I have stayed with the latest Lineage OS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2) and it has worked pretty well. However, I have now decided to move to something a little bit fresher, but still based on Nougat. I went with the AOKP suggestion made by @shaunoleary since they are still releasing official builds. Unfortunately the AOKP's security patch level is still on February 2019.
If want something with a more up-to-date security patch level you can also try these LineageOS 14.1 builds: which are supposed to be on September 2019 security patch level.
petersaints said:
I also have a Nexus 5 laying around that I mostly use as an extra device to test apps on. However, since my apps usually require working Bluetooth LE and other network related stuff, I have refrained from using Android Oreo and Pie based ROMs since I always read that there's some issues with this or that.
I have stayed with the latest Lineage OS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2) and it has worked pretty well. However, I have now decided to move to something a little bit fresher, but still based on Nougat. I went with the AOKP suggestion made by @shaunoleary since they are still releasing official builds. Unfortunately the AOKP's security patch level is still on February 2019.
If want something with a more up-to-date security patch level you can also try these LineageOS 14.1 builds: which are supposed to be on September 2019 security patch level.
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Hey Peter - thanks for the nod
I acknowledge that AOKP's security patch level is a bit dated, but having used LineageOS for a long time, I found some of the features AOKP throws into Lineage, I'm willing to sacrifice that for the extra goodies AOKP offers.
I have decided to stick to Nougat for as long as I can. I tried Oreo and Pie, and had noting but trouble with Bluetooth. It's such a shame when they bring out such a solid, stable release of Android like Nougat, and then stop supporting it because it's not "the latest".
Just as an aside, I have recently been using MicroG (Nanodroid package) instead of GAPPS on my N5 (and my N7 2013 as well), and have found it to be very usable now. Google Pay does not work, but aside from that, I get much better battery life than using GAPPS. In fact, my location accuracy seems to be better, and I've got Play Store working a treat.
Hi there, I have the same problem, my N5 stayed on last security patches from the official rom in Feb 2019. Then Lineage ended official support. Did someone try to install the unofficial version (made by razerlove) over the last official build. Would that work? Any hints?
I've tried them all it seems, having acquired dozens of units a few years back .. Im serious, i think im absurdly qualified to make this recommendation.
Hundreds of ROMs/kernels/use cases.
Maybe something is fast and beautiful, until you install more than a few apps, and then it chokes. Maybe it works great with most carriers but not the one you have. My point is that nexuses that aren't working get reformatted and a winnowing occurs.
And gradually a winner emerged. I now have this on 90% of n5s.
If you must have android 9, I recommend floko, but my #1 n5 ROM is
crdroid 7.1.2 LOS caf
with opengapps
and truesight 4.4 caf kernel ,
although the one it installs is fine.
---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ----------
Oh, and I dont know if it fits without the UA repartition mod, but I can attest to it working since I've modified most units with the mod at this point.
ha7msterx said:
I've tried them all it seems, having acquired dozens of units a few years back .. Im serious, i think im absurdly qualified to make this recommendation.
Hundreds of ROMs/kernels/use cases.
Maybe something is fast and beautiful, until you install more than a few apps, and then it chokes. Maybe it works great with most carriers but not the one you have. My point is that nexuses that aren't working get reformatted and a winnowing occurs.
And gradually a winner emerged. I now have this on 90% of n5s.
If you must have android 9, I recommend floko, but my #1 n5 ROM is
crdroid 7.1.2 LOS caf
with opengapps
and truesight 4.4 caf kernel ,
although the one it installs is fine.
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poco x3 NFC MIUI V12.0.8.0.RJGEUXM Stable 2.3G vs custom ROM - which is best for a child

My DS has come to an age where he needs a smartphone. I have bought X3 NFC for him. However, I have no experience of MIUI ROMs as I have been on Pixel or Samsung phones for a number of years.
My requirement is for my son to have a consistent user experience with simplicity, no bloatware, system ads etc. Also from my perspective I need to put parental control softwares on it to have the ability to control all aspects of the phone. Keeping in mind that this is the first phone for my DS and I want to shield him as much possible from unwanted exposure via apps and internet so that he can operate the device safely.
I am looking to put parental control softwares like family link and Qustodio but not sure if a custom rom with pure android experience or an MIUI ROM is more suitable for a child to operate and use.
Looking for suggestions here..
praveenjohri said:
My requirement is for my son to have a consistent user experience with simplicity, no bloatware, system ads etc.
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Then MIUI isn't for you
Noter2017 said:
Then MIUI isn't for you
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Any recommendation on custom ROM which gives good android experience, regular security updates, OTA and safetynet certified
praveenjohri said:
Any recommendation on custom ROM which gives good android experience, regular security updates, OTA and safetynet certified
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If you can wait a little, the phone will soon get "official" Lineage status which usually means updates for a long time.
Currently I'm using ArrowOS which works really well. It's pretty much like a Pixel phone and has weekly updates (OTA) and SafetyNet passes (NFC, Netflix)
Thanks, 'soon' means few weeks or few months? I can wait for few weeks if needed. so if I undestand it correctly then it means this phone model will be officially supported by lineage OS and that means long term updates and support?
I can checkout arrowOS as well in the mean time.Thx.
praveenjohri said:
Thanks, 'soon' means few weeks or few months? I can wait for few weeks if needed. so if I undestand it correctly then it means this phone model will be officially supported by lineage OS and that means long term updates and support?
I can checkout arrowOS as well in the mean time.Thx.
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Judging by what the dev wrote, I think it's more like days till it's official and from there on, we'll receive updates for about 12 months till Lineage 19 comes out.
ArrowOS is also quite popular and well supported. My only complaint would be that SOT is only 7-8 hours but it's enough to get me through the day.
ArrowOS also comes with some cool additions like unlimited storage in Google Photos which will never be built-in in Lineage. Also it's available with GApps included which makes flashing easier

