[Solved, not possible] Help me test eBPF support on modern Android devices - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

UPD: It turns out bpf() syscall is blocked by seccomp.
From what I understand, Android seccomp whitelists all syscalls listed in bionic SYSCALLS.TXT, and then blacklists some of them, or whitelists missing in SYSCALLS.TXT.
Since bpf() is missing from SYSCALLS.TXT and not whitelisted for applications, we can't use bpf() on stock Android settings.
That sucks.
I want to implement IP-level packet filtering utility for Android which won't require root privileges.
Since RAW sockets or iptables require CAP_SYS_ADMIN/CAP_NET_ADMIN capability which is not available without root, I want to understand if it's possible to attach eBPF program to TCP/UDP socket on modern Android devices.
BPF is a filtering framework with virtual machine which executes bytecode inside Linux kernel. BPF could be used for many subsystems, but I'm interested only in sockets. Non-root BPF should be supported since vanilla Linux 4.4, and I want to check if BPF support is enabled on modern Androids, is available for non-root user, has it been backported to older Android kernels by SoC vendors and how many devices are shipped with BPF support enabled.
I'm asking the owners of Android 7+ devices to perform eBPF support test:
Download Termux terminal emulator (F-Droid, APK). Please use only Termux, it has minimal Linux environment and proper busybox, other terminal emulators likely won't work.
Run the following command inside terminal session (copy&paste):
wget -O - http://valdikss.org.ru/bpftest/bpf.sh | bash
Copy the output or take a screenshot and upload it here or send it to me using PM.
Source code for those who interested: https://valdikss.org.ru/bpftest/bpftest.c
Note the script is downloaded using unencrypted http. This is because Termux wget does not support https. I assume that developer section of the forum understands all concerns and will take precautions before executing it.
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Dec 2, 2021
Allow bpf() syscall
Allowing the bpf() syscall is safe as its usage is still gated by selinux and regular apps are not allowed to use it.
Allow bpf() syscall · aosp-mirror/[email protected]
The implementation of FUSE BPF requires the FUSE daemon to access BPF functionalities, i.e., to get the fd of a pinned BPF prog and to update maps. In Android the FUSE daemon is part of MediaProvid...


[DEV][LIBRARY][2015-06-12] RootFW4 - An Android Root Shell Framework

RootFW4 - An Android Root Shell Framework
RootFW is a tool that helps Android Applications act as root. The only way for an application to perform tasks as root, is by executing shell commands as Android has no native way of doing this. However, due to different types of shell support on different devices/ROM's (Shell type, busybox/toolbox versions etc.), this is not an easy task. RootFW comes with a lot of pre-built methods to handle the most common tasks. Each method tries to support as many different environments as possible by implementing different approaches for each environment. This makes the work of app developers a lot easier.
RootFW is the largest of it's kind. It does not only provide a feature of connecting to a root shell and executing a few shell commands. It also provides a very large range of additional features and extra shell tools that are all build to make RootFW the most cross-device compatible library for Android, and very fast and easy to use in your app.
Besides the ability to connect and communicate with a shell, it provides tools for working with files, properties (Both registered and prop files), file systems, binaries, busybox, memory (RAM, SWAP, ZRAM etc), processes and so on.
Usage and Overview
Full Documentation
Thanks @dk_zero-cool. This looks interesting. I'm currently using Chainfire's SU library. I'll give it a try !
Edit: Just out of curiosity, Why LGPL ?
ukanth said:
Edit: Just out of curiosity, Why LGPL ?
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GPL has got to much limitation on how and where. I use GPL most of the times, but for something like this, I think LGPL fits much better.

Details about Local root vulnerability in Android 4.4.2

I'm interested by the recently fixed path traversal vulnerability in the VolumeManager::createAsec() function.
Though it seems to be a well known issue for peoples in the field, my entry point was the article "Local root vulnerability in Android 4.4.2", available at blog.cassidiancybersecurity.com: as I'm learning, and know the right way to learn isn't to only read but also to practice, I felt it could be a good exercise to implement an exploit that leverage this vulnerability to get a "root shell".
On Android 4.4+, to get a useful "root shell" does not mean just to acquire ruid=euid=0 and spawn /system/bin/sh, due to SE Linux restrictions: this requires to setup some kind of su system daemon, that will execute su client requests in a privileged context.
A common way to get this system daemon running privileged enough is to have it started by the kernel as a response to a hot plug event, which involves writing to /sys/kernel/uevent_helper
The API related to the vulnerability (VolumeManager/IMountService) isn't published to user applications, which should rather rely upon the StorageManager system service or the media framework
Getting the su daemon/client programs should be quite easy (a classic shell bind/reverse tcp daemon and a netcat client will be ok for the PoC, though local adb usage would benefit from using un*x domain sockets instead of inet ones).
But, starting from the beginning, I need to find a way to trigger the vulnerability, which I haven't achieved yet: that's why I'm here, hoping someone will be both clever and charitable enough to give a few clues.
The material at hand till now:
The article from cassidiancybersecurity.
The working exploit from jcase (Pie for Motorola devices): thanks to him, I can use a temporary root shell, which helps a lot to see what's happening; it's also there that I've borrowed the /sys/kernel/uevent_helper trickery
SDK/AOSP source code (notably VolumeManager.h/cpp, CommandListener.h/cpp, IMountService.java, MediaFormat.java)
SDK/NDK documentation
I've tried to access the IMountService API through a reference I fetch with something equivalent to:
IMountService service =
I say "something equivalent to" because the API is not public and you have to use reflection.
The acquired proxy seems ok, but invoking the API leads to errors related to missing ASEC_CREATE or MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS system permissions/capabilities. Trying to directly write to the IPC un*x sockets also lead to permission errors, which is consistent.
Thus my first question: does exploiting the path traversal vulnerability involve another exploit to set the permissions that allow to access the vulnerable API ?
Reading the related thread, it seems to me that jcase's exploit (Pie for Motorola devices):
relies upon the setup being done under the shell user identity, perhaps to belong to the mount group: can someone confirm this ?
should work mostly for Motorola devices, but not for others: is this stated because successful exploitation also relies upon Motorola specific parts (drivers,customization,...), or because most other vendors have already backported the fix ?
The above questions will certainly sound naive to most of you, but some answers to these would greatly help me not running toward a completely wrong direction.
I'm neither waiting for another binary exploit (I have a Moto G that I boot on a KitKat 4.4.2 rom, and jcase's Pie greatly addresses my current user needs), nor expecting clean source code with build files. I'd just appreciate any relevant direction, pointer, snippet.
For example, I was not aware of the /sys/kernel/uevent_helper trick to execute privileged processes, and discovered it while trying to reverse engineer jcase's implementation. Later on, I've seen it at various places, including the public source of the Cyanide project, which tells me that this is not a secret that must remain secret, but a rather well known (and documented) kernel behavior. That's the kind of things I wish to learn, hopefully with community advice.
Thanks, have a good day.

Use ADB on Android device in a Linux chroot / proot to control other Android device

On a non rooted Samsung Galaxy tab 2 7.0" I have the app GNUroot Debian installed. This is a chroot (actually it is called PRoot, see below for a description) Linux distribution - currently Debian 'Jessie' - with a terminal. I have installed the android-tools-adb package from the Debian Jessie repository. This means the chroot environment has access to the tablet's network hardware.
Now I would like to control another device (I have a non rooted Huawei Ascend Y300) from the tablet using adb inside the chroot terminal. I managed to do this through WiFi by first connecting the phone to a pc and run the terminal command 'adb tcpip 5555'. Then, on the tablet in the GNUroot Debian app terminal running the command 'adb connect xxx.xxx.x.x' gives adb control from the tablet over the phone through the local wifi network. Nice!
It would be even better to manage the adb control between two android devices from a chroot / PRoot environment without the pc, for example using an On The Go cable. Assuming non rooted devices. The tablet in question (Samsung Galaxy tab 2 7.0") has usb host capabilities. So in theory it could be done with a usb On The Go cable connecting the two Android devices.
Is it possible to use adb within the described chroot / PRroot environment to run commands to controle another Android device, when both Android devices are connected through a USB On The Go cable?
Does a chroot / PRoot environment give access to the usb port as host?
The reason for this question is the development of an app on my tablet, using the Android IDE app, which must be tested on other (non rooted) Android devices. Preferably from the tablet, preferably without a pc.
Description of PRoot from 'proot-me' repository at github.com:
PRoot is a user-space implementation of ``chroot``, ``mount --bind``,
and ``binfmt_misc``. This means that users don't need any privileges
or setup to do things like using an arbitrary directory as the new
root filesystem, making files accessible somewhere else in the
filesystem hierarchy, or executing programs built for another CPU
architecture transparently through QEMU user-mode. Also, developers
can use PRoot as a generic Linux process instrumentation engine thanks
to its extension mechanism, see CARE_ for an example. Technically
PRoot relies on ``ptrace``, an unprivileged system-call available in
every Linux kernel.
The new root file-system, a.k.a *guest rootfs*, typically contains a
Linux distribution. By default PRoot confines the execution of
programs to the guest rootfs only, however users can use the built-in
*mount/bind* mechanism to access files and directories from the actual
root file-system, a.k.a *host rootfs*, just as if they were part of
the guest rootfs.
When the guest Linux distribution is made for a CPU architecture
incompatible with the host one, PRoot uses the CPU emulator QEMU
user-mode to execute transparently guest programs. It's a convenient
way to develop, to build, and to validate any guest Linux packages
seamlessly on users' computer, just as if they were in a *native*
guest environment. That way all of the cross-compilation issues are
PRoot can also *mix* the execution of host programs and the execution
of guest programs emulated by QEMU user-mode. This is useful to use
host equivalents of programs that are missing from the guest rootfs
and to speed up build-time by using cross-compilation tools or
CPU-independent programs, like interpreters.
It is worth noting that the guest kernel is never involved, regardless
of whether QEMU user-mode is used or not. Technically, when guest
programs perform access to system resources, PRoot translates their
requests before sending them to the host kernel. This means that
guest programs can use host resources (devices, network, ...) just as
if they were "normal" host programs.


This post is not an authority on the subject, but just a few reminder notes for me and for those who are interested in grasping things in simple way.
Shell is the commandline interpreter i.e. it takes commands from user as text and facilitates the execution of relevant binaries and libraries through kernel to convert commands into system functions.
It provides a platform to find, run, change, remove or install applications and programs in CLI environment just as file managers or windows managers provide in a GUI environment. For dynamic binaries, linker, libc and libdl along with $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $LD_PRELOAD variables are used by shells to find and execute programs, other than built-in paths within bins and libs. $PATH variable contains a list of directories with possibility of having executable binaries. Shell itself is an executable program with a few built-in commands. We can execute single commands on shell in interactive mode or through a script otherwise.
There are many shells available historically; bash, ksh, zsh, csh, ash, dash, fish and so on, bash being most common, starting from early UNIX days. Shell developed in early days for distant access was rsh (remote shell), later evolved to ssh (secure shell) protocol with added encrypted communication for security, widely used till date.
There can be multiple shells on a device, having different ways of entering commands, redirecting input or output, managing complicated tasks involving running multiple programs simultaneously, etc. Accessing necessary documentation of programs and help files, usually called MANual pages, is also managed by shells.
Android currently uses mksh, a derivative of KornSHell. mksh is somewhat lightweight than bash and less resources hungry, thus preferable for mobile devices with smaller RAMs. Shell login configuration file is located at (/system)(/vendor)/etc/mkshrc.
~$ echo $0
~$ set | grep VERSION=
KSH_VERSION='@(#)MIRBSD KSH R55 2017/04/12'
~$ file /system/bin/sh
/system/bin/sh: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /system/bin/linker64, stripped
Read here further about shell.
Standard in (stdin), out (stdout) and error (stderr) streams are used by shell to communicate with terminals through File Descriptors 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
TeleTYpewriters (TTY) used to be real electro-mechanical devices, you can say a combination of keyboard and printer, sometimes placed miles away to communicate a single character at a time with each other. With the invention of computer in 20th century, these TTY's got use of being connected to a computer through serial cable or a telephone line and modem, for textural input/output. Even interactive commandline interface (CLI) wasn't invented by then and computers ran only in batch mode.
Later, combining video displays with computer, these printing terminals were replaced with "keyboard and glass screen (CRT)" dumb text Terminals or thin clients with no microprocessor inside. With the invention of microprocessor in early 1970's, intelligent or smart terminals started processing user input before sending it to main computer. TTY hardware drivers and more explicitly serial port (UART) or modem drivers were used for connection with computer.
However, computers, being a costly and large-sized item in 1960's, could not be provided to each individual user and many users from their terminals shared the mainframe computer placed in a server room somewhere. UNIX shell was the program that lived on these mainframe computers to handle the input/output from/to terminals. getty program was run on computer to differentiate between those different terminals by authenticating the user through login credentials. Consoles were sophisticated terminals directly connected to mainframe computer with more controls on them, now replaced by separate or built-in keyboard and monitor.
Those initial TTY devices are now obsolete but the nomenclature persists.
TTY devices /dev/tty[0-63] in UNIX-like OS's (including Android) still denote Virtual Terminals, emulated inside kernel to behave like some hardware terminal through bidirectional character device files. But in fact, for input/output, they communicate to physical keyboard and monitor/LCD (VGA cards loaded in RAM by BIOS at very early boot stage) provided by kernel using relevant hardware drivers. Since there is no physical terminal connected to serial port (and even there are no serial ports now), terminal hardware part is now inside kernel eliminating serial port connection. With the easy access of microprocessors, race for personal computers (PC) started among hardware vendors and OS developers. Therefore, the need of hardware terminals vanished and even if required, PC's with terminal emulators were being used instead of hardware terminals to connect to mainframe computer.
In short, terminals (real / virtual) are to take input from user (keyboard), communicate to CPU (through different channels) and provide feedback to user on screen (monitor) with less or more processing in between (ioctl).
In this phase of virtualization, System Administrator's console has now turned into Linux console. system console (/dev/console) is Linux/Android kernel's "personal" terminal, the default CLI, setup by bootloader before calling kernel, which can be directed to multiple ouput sources configuring "console=" parameter in kernel cmdline. If the parameter is not set otherwise, /dev/console is connected to (or replaced by) some virtual terminal or PTY. Default is the foreground virtual terminal (/dev/tty0), the VGA console (monitor on VGA port + keyboard on USB/PS2 port) set up by BIOS. However if no hardware (like VGA) is available to offer virtual terminals, first serial port device i.e. ttyS0 (analogous of COM1 on Windows) (or UART on embedded devices; ttyMSM on Android) becomes default console. We can manually set console=ttyMSM (on Android) or console=ttyS0 (on Linux) provided that kernel is built with appropriate flags and hardware supports it too. Similarly we can connect to some hardware (or emulated) terminal over USB or parallel serial ports.
When system boots, before some terminal becomes available to Kernel Console, kernel saves it's messages in ring buffer. When init starts in kernel console, it is connected to stdin, stdout and stderr FD's. Now kernel log can be written to syslog / logcat in userspace or accesses by dmesg (read kernel buffer) later on.
However modern systems don't enable kernel console text log output and show a logo, animation or progress bar instead by using an application which takes ownership of /dev/console. Like on Android, '/system/bin/bootanimation' and on Ubuntu, Plymouth app shows boot animation while saving kernel console output to "/var/log/boot.log". Then instead of a CLI console, a GUI (display manager and display server) is loaded directly. Display manager takes user's login credentials and server provides windows environemnt, like Xorg server or Wayland on Linux and SurfaceFlinger on Android.
At the end of init process (the stage when zygote starts on Android), kernel console muxes/multiplexes virtual consoles, each of which connect to some of other /dev/tty* virtual terminals in text mode. This is to allow multiple user logins. In single user mode, only tty0 is available as kernel console for input/output. At a time we can use only one virtual terminal, switching ALT+CTL+F[1-7] on PC. On each virtual terminal, a getty process is run, which in turn runs /bin/login to authenticate a user i.e. make the user owner of that virtual terminal's device file. After authentication, a command shell program is run.
Read here more about ANDROID BOOT PROCESS
In an environment of multiple consoles (or multiple GUI terminals), /dev/tty0 (which is usually assigned to /dev/console) is always the currently active virtual terminal i.e. it is connected to VGA card. While /dev/tty is always controlling terminal where process starts i.e. the current console if we are not switching consoles. It ignores all re-directions i.e. following command will always print on the console from where command was issued.
echo TEST >/dev/tty
While the following will always appear on the current console (anyone of /dev/tty[1-7]).
echo TEST >/dev/console
echo TEST >/dev/tty0
We can start a process in background with no controlling terminal.
As the technology evolved, graphical user interface (GUI) emerged in mid 1980's after Intel designed first 32-bit microprocessor and MS / Apple developed OS's with GUI's. Menu based Window System was developed for easy access by mouse movements, easy for any user instead of memorizing commands. In contrast to text terminals, Graphical Terminals can draw lines, display pictures and change font, size or color of text.
Every app (more precisely, every windows that appears on screen) acts as a client that talks to Display Server using a certian protocol. Initially server lived on each terminal individually, communicating to X display manager and X applications (clients) running on the mainframe computer using XDMCP protocol (TCP/UDP). Display sever is run on a certain display device and every client has a corresponding value for $DISPLAY=host:display.screen ("display" is the sequence number if server has multiple displays, "screen" is the number if there are multiple screens on each display) i.e. server with host name or IP address: "host" listens at TCP port 6000+display from client on mainframe computer. Same concept was transferred to virtual terminals and then to PC's. On PC's communication method is not TCP but a UNIX Domain Socket i.e. on same machine. The GUI we see on a PC screen is also in fact a display server running over a virtual terminal, e.g. tty7 on Ubuntu. Hostname for this display server is localhost i.e. localhost/unix:display.screen or simply :display.screen, X server is listening at UNIX domain socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X[N] where N=display and every window (open applications) is sending its display to this socket through XCB.
Now all GUI applications running inside this desktop environment will be using the same virtual terminal (i.e. talking to the same X server for input and output). This works perfect in a pure GUI environment. But what if we need to run a CLI mode application (like shell) within GUI, which needs a terminal?
In order to have a hardware terminal-like interaction with computer within X window system, contrary to kernel-level terminal emulation, another type of emulation; Pseudo Terminal (PTY) was invented. Programs like GUI terminal emulator applications (e.g. Konsole, Termux etc.), multiplexer applications (e.g. screen) and remote shell applications (e.g. ssh) emulate the terminals in userspace using PTY. Pseudo Terminal MultipleXer device /dev/ptmx creates a pair of PTM (master end, a file descriptor under /proc/<pid>/fd/) and PTS (slave end, a character device file under /dev/pts/). Replacing the actual hardware drivers, PTM now handles the input/output from some software or daemon. Instead of a serial port connection, input/output is communicated with a software program like terminal emulator application which itself handles the output to video display and input from either a hardware keyboard (like on a laptop) or from a virtual keyboard software (like keyboard app on Android phone) through pipes / sockets. PTS interacts with shell as a classical terminal, emulating a real terminal (very rare now) or the already kernel-emulated virtual terminal (the one being already used by GUI session). It takes user input from PTM and writes shell output back to PTM which the users see on application GUI.
So, these terminal emulator apps, when launched, load default shell with them automatically because it's their sole purpose of existence.
Some example cases:
# simple shell running on terminal emulator
terminal emulator <--fd--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts/[N] <--fd--> process (shell)
# Linux su:
keyboard/touch/display(X) <--socket--> terminal emulator <--fd 56--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts[N1] <--fd 0,1,2--> su (non-root) | su/bash (root) | processes
# Android su
keyboard/touch/display(SF) <--socket--> terminal emulator <--fd 56--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts[N1] <--fd 0,1,2--> su (non-root) <--fd 4--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts/[N2] <--fd 0,1,2--> su/bash (root) | processes
# sshd
terminal emulator <--fd--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts/[N] <--fd--> ssh <--socket on client--> network <--socket on server--> sshd <--fd--> /dev/ptmx <--> /dev/pts/[N] <--fd--> process
This environment variable is defined to announce the capabilities of virtual consoles and terminal emulator applications. Since all the dumb terminals manufactured in early days were different and had to be driven differently by a computer, a database of terminal instructions was created, called terminfo. This database is used depending on the TERM environment variable. These values refer to some hardware device (like vt-100) which were designed with certain specifications or an application (like xterm, the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System), designed to emulate the capabilities of some hardware terminal. linux is the standard terminal for Linux consoles. dumb terminal tells you to expect the worst i.e. just input/output functions and no processing.
So, if you set $TERM manually, interacting applications would be misguided about the capabilities of the terminal emulator they are running in and may crash or behave unexpectedly.
Details of supported terminal emulators can be found under /usr/share/terminfo/ on Linux machines.
Android uses modified Linux kernel, with only one /dev/tty which is the current terminal and the controlling terminal of any running process requiring a terminal. Like many eLinux systems, kernel console is either disabled on Android by default or not connected to any device and it's not muxing any virtual terminals because no text mode user login is intended and only GUI mode is used. However, "Framebuffer Console Support" and "Virtual Terminal Support" can be enabled while compiling Android kernel.
Terminal emulator apps we use on Android device also communicate through PTS files.
~$ lsof /dev/ptmx
com.termux 12032 u0_a122 35u CHR 5,2 0t0 6455 /dev/ptmx
jackpal.androidterm 15457 u0_a89 50u CHR 5,2 0t0 6455 /dev/ptmx
~$ lsof /dev/pts
sh 15482 u0_a89 0u CHR 136,0 0t0 3 /dev/pts/0
sh 15482 u0_a89 1u CHR 136,0 0t0 3 /dev/pts/0
sh 15482 u0_a89 2u CHR 136,0 0t0 3 /dev/pts/0
bash 15792 u0_a122 0u CHR 136,1 0t376 4 /dev/pts/1
bash 15792 u0_a122 1u CHR 136,1 0t376 4 /dev/pts/1
bash 15792 u0_a122 2u CHR 136,1 0t376 4 /dev/pts/1
Though an app com.android.terminal has been part of AOSP, we don't find a built-in terminal application on stock ROM's. Users aren't expected to use CLI on Android directly but through adb tool on PC, if needed. Since there is no terminal, there is no value set for TERM. Terminal application we install on our device bring their own values of $TERM depending on their capabilities. /etc/mkshrc had TERM=vt100 in old releases of AOSP but not in new ones.
The most commonly used Jack's Terminal Emulator which uses Android mksh shell shows screen terminal type.
~$ ps -p $(ps -p $$ -o ppid=) -o args=
~$ set | grep -E "TERM=|VERSION="
KSH_VERSION='@(#)MIRBSD KSH R55 2017/04/12'
~$ type type; # whence is ksh built-in command
type is an alias for '\\builtin whence -v'
The newer Termux app that comes with a Linux environment and bundled with dash and bash has xterm-256color default value for $TERM variable.
~$ ps -p $(ps -p $$ -o ppid=) -o args=
~$ set | grep -E "TERM=|VERSION="
~$ type type; # type is bash built-in command
type is a shell builtin
Termux also has a few terminals' terminfo under $PREFIX/share/terminfo/.
ADB shell shows simply dumb terminal as set in adb shell_service.cpp.
To summarize, TERM should not be set by user, but by terminal emulator itself. You may read here further about terminal emulators.
Contrary to "always-been" multi-user UNIX OS, MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) was designed for the floppy-based single user IBM PC in early 1980's and COMMAND.COM was its command-line shell program. MS DOS was purchased and modified from 86DOS which was a clone of very first commercial CP/M OS designed for Intel's 8-bit / 16-bit microprocessors in 1970's. Only the multi-user aspect of CP/M was ignored in DOS in favor of MS Xenix, a Unix OS. A GUI program called Windows was added to DOS in 1986 in response to Apples's MacOS. After ending partnership with IBM in 1990 before OS/2 was released, Windows became an independent GUI OS in 1993 with the release of 32-bit Windows NT (MS's name of OS/2) which contained only emulated DOS, that too dropped in 64-bit versions. Ever since, Windows has been a GUI-focused OS, so it never needed to introduce terminal concept. Windows 95, 98 and ME included DOS just as an additional part, though independently bootable. Later with the release of Windows XP (2001), DOS was merged into Windows, losing its originality.
Windows calls its explorer.exe (desktop program) a graphical shell and provides supplementary cmd.exe, just to name a text mode shell, slightly better than COMMAND.COM, but with no concept of remote access like UNIX/Linux terminals, just a local commandline shell. Single user thing always kept Windows away from concepts like terminal emulator and ssh, compensated somehow by puTTY and other third party solutions. MS also realized the lack of native support for these UNIX concepts and tried to empower the users by providing a better PowerShell in Vista, though not comparable to Linux shell. A limited but expected to grow bash shell (as an application) is included in Windows 10 which enables it to host Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), a downloadable CLI Linux environment within Windows GUI. Windows now owns cmd.exe, PowerShell and bash, but not a Linux-like pure terminal+shell environment.

[DEV][ROOT] NextCloudPi for Android // Deploy NextCloud to ANY Android 4.4+ device

NextCloudPi is a Nextcloud instance that is preinstalled and preconfigured, and includes a management interface with all the tools you need to self host your private data in a single package.
Import the 100MB image linked below into Linux Deploy and wait a few minutes for NextCloudPi to build from install.sh.
Lightly-forked edition of NextCloudPi to account for network detection and SysV Init scripts
When the Linux container is created NextCloudPi automatically provisions via install.sh
Speedrun of the deployment: YouTube Link
I sent a PR to investigate if it's viable to accomodate this deployment method out-of-the-box. Not many changes needed, mostly just code for network detecton. If accepted, a fork won't be necessary and NCP could install (and update) on Android just like it does currently in Docker or on bare-metal.

