I'm not a developer or Android expert. All information provided here is copied from different internet sources and is to the best of my knowledge. I'll not be responsible for any harm to you or your device resulting from this.
Before diving into Android boot process, let's have a look at Linux PC first.
Power Button Pressed
Power On Self Test (POST); identify the devices present and to report any problems
Necessary hardware initialization (keyboard, disk etc.)
Disk (MBR)
DOS Compatibility Region code (optional)
Active/boot partition (Boot sector)
Initrd / initramfs (init)
BIOS / UEFI is the first software code that is hard-coded on board and runs after we press power button. BIOS runs in real (16 bit) mode of processor, thus it can not address more than 2^20 bytes of RAM i.e. routines can't access more than 1 MiB of RAM, which is a strict limitation and a major inconvenience.
When creating partitions, MBR is saved in LBA0, GPT header in LBA1 and primary GPT in LBA2-33, LBA34 (35th) is the first usable sector. Backup or secondary GPT is saved in last 33 LBAs, last usable sector by OS is ( Total LBAs - 33 ). Partitioning software aligns GPT partitions at larger boundaries, e.g. at LBAs that are multiple of 2,048 to align to 1,048,576 bytes (512 bytes * 2048 = 1 MiB) boundaries. So first sector of first partition is LBA 2048 and so on.
When a system boots, driver of a filesystem is to be loaded in RAM in order to use that filesystem, but driver is itself a file, inside some filesystem. It's like a chicken and egg scenario. So the solution is to always load (as a BIOS/UEFI standard) the first sector on the bootable storage (0/0/1 C/H/S in older schemes and LBA0 in newer), which is (legacy or protective) MBR. This communication between BIOS/UEFI and storage media is through commands which are specific to host controller e.g. ATA commands for devices with SATA/AHCI interface on PC.
Master Boot Record (MBR)
1st 512 bytes (1 sector) at the start of 1st valid disk
Bootstrap code (446 bytes) + Partition Table (64 bytes)
Executable code: Bootloader 1st stage scans partition table and finds 1st sector of active partition (or may point towards intermediate stage)
Partition table provides information about active/bootable partition (and all others as well)
Small size of 64 bytes limits the number of maximum (primary) partitions to 4
Since bootloader unable to understand filesystem (inodes etc.) yet, so MBR is itself executable
Last 2 bytes are boot signatures i.e. to find immediately if disk/drive is bootable or not and hence switch to the next
DOS Compatibility Region
This stage is specific to legacy GRUB, GRUB 2 (default bootloader on most of modern Linux ditros) splits this stage to stage 2 and 3
31.5 KiB / 63 sectors next to MBR, contains filesystem utilities
Still loaded by BIOS routines (or bootloader may use it's own drivers)
Required by certain hardware, or if "/boot" partition (sector containing stage 2) is above 1024 cylinder heads of disk, or if using LBA mode
Volume Boot Record (VBR) / Partition Boot Record (PBR)
Sector no. 63 (64th sector) and above may contain Volume Boot Record or Partition BR, very similar to MBR
Also called Volume Boor Sector, it may be the first boot sector on any partition
NTFS saves VBR as metadata file name $Boot at first clusters, which also contains cluster number of file $MFT. $MFT describes all files on the volume; file names, timestamps, stream names, lists of cluster numbers where data streams reside, indexes, security identifiers (SID's), and file attributes like "read only", "compressed", "encrypted", etc.
If disk isn't partitioned, it's the first boot sector of disk
Boot Partition (if exists)
In MBR scheme, a partition can be marked bootable / active using a flag, usually the first partition of disk
Windows stage 1 bootloader reads and loads only the "Active Partition" from MBR Partition Table
Bootsector or VBR/PBR is read by stage 1 or 1.5 (2 or 3 on GRUB2) bootloader which loads stage 2 (4 on GRUB2) or actual bootloader
MBR / VBR Contains:
Jump instruction (first 3 bytes) i.e. "goto boot code" command
Filesystem header
Executable boot code, usually contains jump instruction for next adjacent sector(s) containing stage 2 bootloader
End of sector (similar to boot signature)
Stage 1 or 1.5 (or 3 on GRUB2) bootloader reads the filesystem table (like MFT / FAT) on partition and loads actual bootloader as a regular file
Bootloader (Actual)
Loaded by previous bootloader from the filesystem of same partition
Loads all necessary filesystem drivers (if any further required)
Configuration is read from database e.g. /boot/grub/ on Linux (GRUB) and <"System Reserved" Partition>/Boot/BCD on Windows (BOOTMGR)
BCD is binary file, can be read and modified by commandline tool bcdedit.exe or GUI tool EasyBCD
NTLDR on XP simply used C:\ as active partition reading C:\Boot.ini
GRUB makes use of modules to offer extra functionality for complex boot processes
It can show a boot menu to user if needed or configured e.g. for multi-booting or in safe/recovery mode or boot from USB/Network etc.
Locates and loads the kernel of desired OS and ramdisk in RAM
If GRUB is unable to handle the kernel of an OS like Windows, it can be configured for CHAINLOADING i.e. read and execute bootsector of the partition containing Windows bootloader
'os-prober' helps 'grub-install' and 'grub-update' finding Windows boot partition (System Reserved) by reading bootloader configuration in that partition
1st MB of kernel from same partition (/boot) loaded in RAM by bootlader in read mode, then switch to protected mode (32-bit) and move 1MB ahead clearing 1st MB
Then swith back to real mode and do same with initrd (if it's separate from kernel)
Kernel contain ramfs drivers to read rootfs from initrd and mount it
Contains minimal filesystem and modules (required drivers which aren't carried by kernel) to access real rootfs (hard driver, NFS etc.)
udev or specific scripts load required modules
<ramdisk>/init is usually a script which loads necessary drivers and mounts real rootfs
finally init switch_root's to real rootfs and executes <real rootfs>/sbin/init; sysV (traditional), upstart (Ubuntu's initiative) or systemD (the latest widely accepted)
init > getty (on virtual terminals) > login (program) > motd > login shell > bashrc / bash_profile​Read more about LINUX CONSOLE & VIRTUAL TERMINALS
UEFI can understand filesystem contrary to BIOS, hence no limitation of MBR code (446 bytes)
Needs an EFI System Partition (ESP), preferrably of minimum 550MB
ESP partition is formatted as FAT32 but can understand other filesystems such as FAT12 (floppy), FAT16, ISO9660 (CD/DVD), UDF etc.
EFI firmware reads directly <ESP_Partition>/EFI/<vendor>/<boot_programs> as configured in boot manager (which disk, which partition, which program)
Boot programs make use of EFI firmware or EFI shell or GUI Boot Manager to load kernel
If boot program is just the disk, (no partition and no program configured), then fallback program <disk>/<ESP partition>/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI is executed
Secure boot feature verifies signature of boot program before loading
Multi-booting is easy, just read different entry from ESP partition unlike relying on single bootloader to chain load all available OS's
EFISTUB feature of Linux kernel allows booting kernel directly as a boot_program
UEFI works better with GPT than MBR
Must read:
There might be a single or multiple bootloaders (to give directions how to boot). For a typical android device (most common Qualcomm SoC / ARM processor), boot sequence is as follows:
BootROM (like BIOS on PC). It's integrated with SoC.
Processors, bootloaders
Parallel loading related stuff from different partitions.
Application BootLoader (aboot)
Primary Boot Mode (if no Kernel detected or if bootloader/download mode key combination applied)
Bootloader/Download Mode
Secondary boot
Kernel (hardware detection and populating /sys, /dev/ and /proc directories as the processes start) and initramfs (creating rootfs and other pseudo filesystems on rootfs)
Init (first process with PID "1". It initiates further loading of processes and daemons)
System / OS (ROM)
Recovery (if recovery mode key combination applied. It's a kernel with UI to perform basic troubleshooting operations)
Bootloader(s) facilitate the the initial starting up of device by taking control from SoC, performing necessary checks, loading required components and then hand over the charge of booting to kernel. RAM is detected at first stage to start loading configuration of other hardware (like keypad, display etc.) in it.
There exist(ed) multiple bootloaders which are executed by different processors, on different devices with different (partition) names like RPM (PBL), DBL (Device Boot Loader; CFG_DATA or sbl1), SBL2, SBL3 (QCSBL) and OSBL (Operating System Boot Loader) etc.
In a nutshell, on modern ARM devices (Qualcomm SoC):
BootROM / iROM and PBL
iROM run by CPU0 on power button press, loaded in iRAM (before RAM is initialized)
It may set up RAM and execute PBL in RAM or leave this for SBL. iROM/PBL is hard-coded on SoC, written during CPU production process and it's closed source.
On devices (such as open boards or some tablets) which support booting from multiple sources like eMMC/sdcard/USB/UART/Network like a PC BIOS, there is an extra stage between iROM and PBL:
IBL (Initial BL)
It's also loaded in iRAM. Depending on CPU pin settings (hidden and soldered or exposed for manual switching) informed by iROM, IBL passes boot mode selection to PBL and optionally checks PBL integrity if itself e-signed by iROM.
SBL or XBL (Preloader)
IBL calls SBL from eMMC/SDCard which supports LCD output. SBL initializes the DDR RAM, loads the trusted firmware (TZ) and the RPM firmware if not loaded by BootROM. SBL calls the final bootloader after self testing the device.
Uboot is open-source secondary bootloader for embedded devices. However sources of SBL can also be obtained from Qualcomm.
ABOOT (APPSBL; predecessor of Little Kernel)
ABOOT loads Partition Table, kernel, splash screen (logo) and modem. It's also responsible for charging mode and fastboot mode. Memory addresses in RAM for boot/recovery partitions are hard-coded in aboot.
Other examples of final (i.e. just before kernel) bootloaders are uboot (traditional Linux bootloader for embedded devices) or manufacturers' developed BL's like hboot (used by HTC) and redboot etc.
Manufacturers put their limitations (say of network carrier i.e. SIM lock and others) at this stage. USB protocol isn't enough and communication with bootloader to hack such restrictions require special devices (called Flashing Box or Service Box in common language), even sometimes a protocol like JTAG i.e. talk directly to microprocessor.
As a norm, all of these stage-1,2,3... bootloaders are simply called BOOTLOADER. While on some devices there is no bootloader partition at all and bootloader(s) resides on SoC.
Coming back to the booting process, after initializing boot process, bootloader (if it's locked) checks the integrity of boot.img (normal boot) or recovery.img (recovery boot), loads them in RAM and transfers control to kernel offering it with "phys_initrd_start" address of compressed (cpio, gzipped) initramfs.
Once the kernel is loaded and extracted in RAM by bootloader along with parameters, kernel starts executing. Kernel is in fact a self-contained (static) executable binary, made up of many object files (.o) linked together at compile time. Once the architecture and CPU are identified, architecture-dependent code is executed as per parameters passed from bootloader. Then arch-independent stage is executed which includes setting up drivers (display, touch etc.), filesystems like rootfs, tmpfs, proc, ext4 etc. and initializing console as well (if configured). Here the kernel-space ends and user-space begins (what they call it).
Kernel extracts compressed initramfs in rootfs (which itself is ramfs or tmpfs) and executes /init binary which subsequently reads its configuration files /init.rc and other /*.rc files written in Android specific init language. With the help of kernel, init mounts pseudo filesystems /sys and /proc and populates /dev directory containing device node files. Then it mounts /system and all other partitions including /data (also decrypts it if encrypted) and sets (SELinux security) policies, system properties and environment variables (PATH, EXTERNAL_STORAGE etc.). Additionally init also look after any hardware changes (ueventd) and started services changes (watchdog) occurring dynamically.
Finally init starts the runtime located on the system partition. One of the major last processes started by init is Zygote (Java virtual machine) which compiles apps to run for specific architecture (mostly arm / arm64).
Device Tree Blob (DTB) - created by DT Compiler (DTC) from DT Source (DTS) text - is a mapping of hardware components on a board/SoC and usually a part of kernel source.
PC hardware usually support hardware enumeration through ACPI i.e. kernel may enquire (probe) the buses - PCI (internal devices), USB (external devices), SCSI (storage devices), HDMI/DVI/VGA (display devices) etc. - which device is connected to it.
Buses on embedded devices (including Android devices) mostly don't support enumeration (hardware discovery) because there are usually fixed set of devices and no option for a different OS to be loaded on device. Therefore OS needs to be informed of all connected devices and this is done by providing a standard DTB to kernel. DTB is provided by SoC / motherboard vendor and is usually a part of kernel source. During boot process, DTB is loaded by bootloader at boot time and passed to kernel so that it can discover hardware and create node points accordingly.
We can view device tree on Adroid device by:
~# ls /sys/firmware/devicetree/base
~# ls /proc/device-tree
DTB may live on a separate dtb/odm partition as specified by AOSP (and was the proposed solution for ARM based embedded Linux devices before Android's birth) but that isn't widely practiced. Usually DTB is appended to kernel zImage/Image.gz or placed at second stage inside boot.img.
Ensuring a chain of trust from Power ON up to loading of kernel is with the domain of SoC vendor (Qualcomm, Intel etc.) and OEM's. Injecting some malicious or harmful code at any point during booting is made harder to the extent of impossibility.
To ensure a secure booting chain, PBL verifies authenticity of SBL which subsequently verifies integrity of bootloaders (TZ, RPM, DSP, HYP and aboot) so that to avoid loading of unsigned images (boot, recovery, system and others). TZ, after being loaded by SBL also verifies ABOOT using a hardware-based root certificate.
A bootloader with Verified/Secure Boot implementation verifies boot.img or recovery.img (kernel, initramfs and DTB appended to kernel or on second stage of boot.img) by matching their signature with key(s) stored in "OEM keystore" (some partition like CMNLIB, KEYMASTER or with some other name) which itself is signed by OEM. Some vendors allow replacing/appending this keystore with custom one so that custom signed images can be flashed followed by re-locking of bootloader. A simple detail is given here.
At this stage, the chain of trust is handed over to "dm-verity" key stored in boot image initramfs, responsible for "Verified Boot" process of Google/AOSP. Dm-verity (a part of Verified Boot implementing Linux Device Mapper by Google) is a kernel feature i.e. it comes into action after boot image (kernel and ramdisk) is loaded in RAM. It verifies subsequently loading block devices; /system, (/vendor if it exists) and optionally others.
For details see this, this and this.
Google suggests integrating libavb (native code to verify integrity of boot.img) in bootloaders starting from Verified Boot 2.
Unlocking Bootloader
Read here to know about the risks of BL unlocking.
Unsigned kernel or recovery cannot be loaded unless bootloader is unlocked. To make any modification to OS, a critical piece of process is disabling a security system built into the Android's bootloader (aboot) that protects the read-only partitions from accidental (or intentional) modification for privacy, security and DRM. This is what's referred to as "unlocking NAND" or "unlocking bootloader." You have to firstly unlock bootloader to modify partitions "boot" or "recovery" and to gain root access on /system. If bootloader is locked, you only have write access to /cache and /data partitions. Everything else is read-only on device and bootloader will prevent unsigned images from being flashed to the phone. Unlocked bootloader ignores signature verification check which was initiated by BootROM and then transferred to "SBL" and then to "ABOOT" while loading kernel or recovery.
Some newer devices don't allow unlocking of bootloader directly (FRP) without permission from manufacturer to ensure more security i.e. contents of partition "devinfo" are signed by the OEM and can't be modified without their approval. After having permission, an official method is provided to unlock BL using PC. Still some functions related to Proprietary Content might be lost due to bootloader unlocking.
DRM is used to protect content from being copied.
Certain pre-loaded content on your device may also be inaccessible due to the removal of DRM security keys.
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Android Rooting
Must Read: Root User and Linux Capabilities: Linux vs. Android
Note: Unlocking Bootloader and Rooting breaks "Verified Boot". It can be dangerous.
In order to perform some privileged task on Android, we need to "root" the device first. Since it's impossible to start a process with elevated privelages from within running Android OS, rooting usually involves running a root process (su-daemon) from boot with all capabilities. Superuser requests are made by any non-privelaged programs by executing "su" binary and permissions are managed by an app.
In early days, rooting usually involved booting into a custom recovery which in turn mounted and modified /system files. Usually some daemon's executable binary was replaced with a custom script. In order to address the OTA and other issues caused by improving security features (SELinux, Verfied Boot, SafetyNet etc.), systemless root method was introduced which is used by latest apps like Magisk. It involves modifying /boot image and putting some files on /data as well. So a new init service is injected fulfilling all necessary requirements of new security mechanisms.
In both cases, a locked bootloader won't boot custom recovery or modifed kernel (boot.img). See Verified Boot. Therefore bootloader needs to be unlocked for rooting.
However it is possible to gain root sometimes without unlocked bootloader but not always.
Other methods of rooting a phone from within a running ROM using some sort of One-Click rooting solution (KingRoot, Z4Root, KingoRoot etc.) depend on some vulnerability or exploit in Android OS. Making such security breaches is getting harder and harder with every new release of Android and with improved defense mechanisms, though it varies for different vendors too. The most prominent was with the release of Lollipop and Marshmallow when systemless method had to be introduced beacuse the previous methods failed to work. When phone is rooted using one of such improper root methods, there is a high probability to face "incomplete root" like messages at some point. If such a rooting method works for your device, it's alarming. This exploit is also a way for malware to enter your device. For examples, see Magisk Installation - Exploits, this and this. A very popular exploit dirty cow was patched later.
In addition to that, there are some hacks for certain devices to flash custom recovery without unlocking bootloader using some kind of Firmware Flasher tool (SPFlasher, MiFlasher etc.) in Download Mode because Download Mode provides access to device even before bootloader/fastboot is loaded. Or if you are expert in coding, you can mimic the custom recovery image look like the factory signed firmware and flash it through stock recovery. But this exploit isn't a universal solution either.
So the proper way to rooting which doesn't need any vulnerability, goes through unlocked bootloader. While buying a new phone this must be considered. Keeping you away from root access and unlocked bootloader goes in favor of vendors. By forcing you to use their ROMs (with bundle of useless bloatware apps), they earn a lot from you - money as well as forced loyalty - by collecting data, showing ads and using a lot of other tactics. Go for a brand that provides kernel source and ability to unlock bootloader (on customer's responsibility and with voided warranty obviously).
Likewise BL, on every device there might be a single or multiple BL modes with different names like bootloader mode, download mode, emergency mode (EDL), ODIN (Samsung), nvFlash tool etc. When we boot in BL mode, device is stuck on boot logo. Some factory flashers work in these modes such as MiFlasher (Xiaomi) and SP Flash Tool (for MTK devices). Bootloader or Download Mode is accessible even if device is soft bricked i.e. if Recovery and/or ROM isn't accessible.
Download Mode
Download Mode (certain button combination while powering on device; usually Vol. Up + Vol. Down or Vol. Down for longer duration + Power) is an official method used by many vendors to flash factory firmware / updates using Flasher (software). Emergency Download Mode (EDL), as it's called on Xiaomi Devices, can also be accessed through fastboot/adb commands or by using some jigs/jumpers. However, to ensure more security, EDL is disabled on some newer devices.
Download Mode is primary to bootloader mode (at PBL or SBL stage) and can be used without unlocking bootloader.
Odin (Samsung), QPST/QFIL work in Download mode (Qualcomm HS-USB QDloader 9008).
When we boot in Download mode, device is stuck on blank screen.
Fastboot Mode
Fastboot - provided by ABOOT - is a software development tool and a standard communication protocol for Android bootloader. It's an alternate of recovery flashing that works in BootLoader mode (aboot) and comes bundled on most of the recent ARM Qualcomm devices. It's a minimal UI through commandline to interact with device in case of failure or to modify / flash partitions. Some OEM's provide fastboot with limited functionality e.g. 'fastboot oem' commands not working and some devices haven't at all. It's up to the discretion of mobile phone vendor.
Fastboot mode is used to perform operations through commands when device is connected to PC through USB. It works even when phone is not switched on in Recovery or ROM or even if android isn't installed on phone. You can read here what operations we can perform through fastboot mode.
Only NAND (eMMC) and USB modules (drivers) are activated at this stage.
From the bootloader to the kernel





You have to firstly unlock bootloader to modify partitions "boot" or "recovery" and to gain root access on /system. If bootloader is locked, you only have write access to /cache and /data partitions. Everything else is read-only on device and bootloader will prevent unsigned images from being flashed to the phone.
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I'm under the impression that unlocking the bootloader is not mandatory for rooting the device.
You can root the device with a locked bootloader and gain full access to /system partition.

NikosD said:
I'm under the impression that unlocking the bootloader is not mandatory for rooting the device.
You can root the device with a locked bootloader and gain full access to /system partition.
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Yeah I think my brief statement is a bit misleading because rooting is out of the scope of this thread. I have added some details to first post.

Thank you very much for all this useful info.
Some more comments.
A locked bootloader won't boot custom recovery or modified kernel (boot.img)
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It happens to have a budget Chinese tablet with Oreo 8.0 and MediaTek SoC, which I can root using a modified/patched boot.img with Magisk v17.1 inside of course - I mean full root without problems - keeping the bootloader locked before and after rooting.
In addition to that, there are some hacks for certain devices to flash custom recovery without unlocking bootloader using some kind of Firmware Flasher tool (SPFlasher, MiFlasher etc.) in Download Mode because Download Mode provides access to device even before bootloader/fastboot is loaded
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The tablet mentioned above, belongs to this category too.
Using SPFT (Smart Phone Flash Tool), I can flash custom recovery TWRP for my device without unlocking the bootloader.
So, I have two questions:
1) Is it rare to have such a device or is it common nowadays to be able to root and flash custom recovery TWRP with locked bootloader ?
2) How is technically possible to patch boot.img for rooting and flash TWRP using SPFlashTool (even in download mode before bootloader) without complains afterwards from bootloader, verified boot, dm-verity and all these safety checks that validate digital signature of Vendor ?
I mean you can do whatever you want before bootloader starts, but how can you escape from security traps after the initialization of bootloader verifications ?
Thank you.

NikosD said:
1) Is it rare to have such a device or is it common nowadays to be able to root and flash custom recovery TWRP with locked bootloader ?
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I'm not sure how common it is but I must say these are exploits. Developers are making use of these vulnerabilities for positive and negative purposes. But these are not a "long-term" solution for rooting.
2) How is technically possible to patch boot.img for rooting and flash TWRP using SPFlashTool (even in download mode before bootloader) without complains afterwards from bootloader, verified boot, dm-verity and all these safety checks that validate digital signature of Vendor ?
I mean you can do whatever you want before bootloader starts, but how can you escape from security traps after the initialization of bootloader verifications ?
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That's what my point is. Fastboot code verifies signatures/hashes only when flashing the image and doesn't verify or fails to verify integrity if image is already flashed. This is not the desired behavior so it's an exploit and it should be closed. Letting unsigned images be flashed in Download Mode is another exploit which is common with Chinese vendors as far as I have come across some instances. They don't address "loopholes" seriously. Failure to stop security breaches at or after bootloader level is definitely on SoC Vendor or OEM's part. I have added a paragraph in first post with some useful details and links.
This link explains:
The Qualcomm SoC is analyzed in the previous chapter dload / edl mode, the mode in the firmware image download process does not do any verification, can be directly written into the brush.
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It's badly translated from Chinese but is informative.
Exploiting Qualcomm EDL Programmers is a complete series on this subject summarized here.

mirfatif said:
Only NAND (eMMC) and USB modules (drivers) are activated at this stage.
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Hey pal, I'd like to know if you could help me with an issue I'm facing. I have a Moto G5 that isn't booting to any ROM (it either bootloops in bootlogo or in boot animation), and also on TWRP and during the boot animations the device is slow as hell (like 0.5 FPS on TWRP and even less on boot animation; on TWRP the device also takes a few seconds to complete even the simplest tasks - like the press of a button or the swipe of a slider - here's a video that shows differences between how stuff works on fastboot and how slow things are on TWRP, it takes like 2 hours to completely flash a custom ROM, i.e.).
I know much of the issue will be device-specific, but my point (and the reason I quoted that specific part of your OP) is that, on fastboot mode, the device is snappy and responsive. When I press a button it completes the corresponding task immediately, frames don't stutter (not that there are any animations to be rendered in fastboot, but when I switch from one option to another using the volume keys, it does so on screen as it should, with no lag), and so on. Stock recovery also seems to be ok with speed, but it's even harder to measure than fastboot because, in almost 10 years meddling with android devices, I have always found stock recoveries (and CWM in the pre-TWRP times) to be somewhat slow. Stock recovery definitely looks snappier than TWRP, though. Tried several ROMs, both custom and stock, and the issues remain on all of them.
I got to this post by researching if fastboot mode was stored on the same NAND chip as recovery, OS and so on (found out that yes, it's all on the same chip). If it wasn't, I could just assume it was a hardware fault on the NAND chip, and that would be the reason that fastboot was running fine but recovery and OS weren't, but since they're all on the same cell, I can only think that some part of the system (I mean as in every single code that runs on the device, not only the OS) that loads on TWRP and on normal boot, but not on fastboot (and possibly not on stock recovery) are faulty, thus being a software issue (either solvable with just a normal USB cable or needing a flash box).
So, my question is: which are the differences in the parts of system loaded by fastboot and by TWRP? Are there any parts that are loaded by TWRP that aren't loaded by the stock recoveries on most devices?
I know it's a rather complicated question and some stuff might be device-specific, but if there is anything you could tell me that are more generic to every Android device, it would help me a lot. Thanks in advance.


[Q] Boot Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 from USB

I create bootable USB flash drives based on Fedora Linux or UEFI that have special purpose applications on them. I am able to use these flash drives on Windows 8 tablets that have the capability to select USB as the boot device. Thus allowing the tablet to be booted from this USB flash drive.
I have a Samsung Tab 3 10.1, the device model is GT-P5210 with 4.2.2 OS. My thought is I could connect the micro USB to a USB hub that has one of my bootable flash drives plugged in and boot the tablet from the flash drive.
However, I have searched the forums and wiki for posts on this or related to it but I have not see any.
Can someone point to a post that addresses this?
metaylor said:
I create bootable USB flash drives based on Fedora Linux or UEFI that have special purpose applications on them. I am able to use these flash drives on Windows 8 tablets that have the capability to select USB as the boot device. Thus allowing the tablet to be booted from this USB flash drive.
I have a Samsung Tab 3 10.1, the device model is GT-P5210 with 4.2.2 OS. My thought is I could connect the micro USB to a USB hub that has one of my bootable flash drives plugged in and boot the tablet from the flash drive.
However, I have searched the forums and wiki for posts on this or related to it but I have not see any.
Can someone point to a post that addresses this?
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The generic boot-loader (*which resides on the chip-set) has no knowledge of USB etc, as the lk (Little Kernel) is more concerned about trapping keystrokes in order to chain-load into recovery or to boot directly into Android environment (When holding Vol+Down key in this instance) - in pseudo-code (this is from the context/aspect of lk, and also, the memory addresses pertaining to how to read the partitions are hard-coded into this lk so it will know how to process the logic!)
The lk kernel is the de-facto standard by Qualcomm for MSM chipsets (Snapdragon) and adopted by manufacturers such as Sony, Motorola, LG, Samsung and can be found in the AOSP source under bootable/bootloader.
if (Is Volume Down key pressed?) then
chain-load kernel from /recovery partition into particular address in memory and jump to it and start execution, in bringing up the recovery environment
chain-load kernel from /system partition into particular address in memory and jump to it and start execution in bringing up the Android environment.
end if.
As the kernel within lk is pretty limited, considering that the binary image of the kernel is burned into the chip and therefore no way of modifying it. And also should be mentioned that lk contains the fastboot protocol in preparation for flashing /boot, /recovery, /system and /data partitions. There are two sequences to boot, primary boot and secondary boot as it is:
Primary Boot -> lk (depending on outcome of logic)
Go into Secondary Boot -> /boot or /recovery
Side note: Samsung is fond of the PBL/SBL (Which is Primary Boot Loader and Secondary Boot Loader respectively) in their jargon when it comes to modding. Thing about Samsung, is that, in some handsets, PBL and SBL may be encrypted (Samsung Wave GT-S8500 is one such example, where porting Android to it was nearly impossible to do because of the DRM within the boot loaders which was a nightmare to deal with and made modding it extremely difficult, nonetheless, it is sort of working via an exploit in the FOTA code!)
This is why there are no extra facilities such as OTG functionality or anything else such as serial communications, reading from SDCard, graphics etc as it would make the lk kernel bigger than is intended. In other words, it is the smallest possible size of kernel that is designated to do just the above pseudo-code happen.
Also, another way of looking at it is this, and this is dependent on the Android version - the USB OTG functionality is fully brought up within the Android environment, i.e when the familiar home screen appears, then OTG's functionality is enabled. Unfortunately not the case when looking at it from lk's perspective.
If you're curious, here's the Qualcomm entry on the above lk which is a part of the tiny C source that has ARM assembly included and found in JellyBean's AOSP source in bootable/bootloader/legacy/usbloader/main.c

Does a phone's OS boot the phone or is it the boot loader?

I am currently taking a college class on Information Systems. In the class, the professor has asked the question
"Does the OS on a Smarphone boot the system? If it does, then why and how is it different from the PC Environment?"
Given the question, I automatically assumed that OS booted the phone. However, do to my time as an XDA member and my many attempts at flashing the boot loader to install custom ROMs, I think that this is not the case. Still, in a later post, he has revealed that the OS "on most new smartphones and tablets" does boot the System. Is he correct? I trust the members of XDA better than a college professor
I think bootloader
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
Explain the boot process
I have searched the internet, textbooks, and people that I know, but cannot explain this. Can anyone explain the boot process? For instance, on my Galaxy S4? I really would like to understand the process better, and have a knowledgeable explanation for it. Any help would be beneficial. It is my understanding that the boot loader loads the kernel for the operating system, and then the operating system loads the remainder of the programs. This is exactly the same way that a computer boots. Correct??
SickPhone4X said:
I have searched the internet, textbooks, and people that I know, but cannot explain this. Can anyone explain the boot process? For instance, on my Galaxy S4? I really would like to understand the process better, and have a knowledgeable explanation for it. Any help would be beneficial. It is my understanding that the boot loader loads the kernel for the operating system, and then the operating system loads the remainder of the programs. This is exactly the same way that a computer boots. Correct??
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That is correct to my knowledge, yes. I suppose you could say they all work together to boot the device, though. A smartphone or tablet is just a small computer. It has to go through the same process of booting as every other computer does.
Another note as well: I believe that the operating system includes both the kernel and core programs. The kernel isn't separate, but a part of it. As an example, Linux is the kernel, GNU provides the core programs, and GNU/Linux is the OS.
SickPhone4X said:
I have searched the internet, textbooks, and people that I know, but cannot explain this. Can anyone explain the boot process? For instance, on my Galaxy S4? I really would like to understand the process better, and have a knowledgeable explanation for it. Any help would be beneficial. It is my understanding that the boot loader loads the kernel for the operating system, and then the operating system loads the remainder of the programs. This is exactly the same way that a computer boots. Correct??
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1. Power on and boot ROM code execution
At power on the CPU will be in a state where no initializations have been done. Internal clocks are not set up and the only memory available is the internal RAM. When power supplies are stable the execution will start with the Boot ROM code. This is a small piece of code that is hardwired in the CPU ASIC.
A. The Boot ROM code will detect the boot media using a system register that maps to some physical balls on the asic. This is to determine where to find the first stage of the boot loader.
B. Once the boot media sequence is established the boot ROM will try to load the first stage boot loader to internal RAM. Once the boot loader is in place the boot ROM code will perform a jump and execution continues in the boot loader.
2. The boot loader
The boot loader is a special program separate from the Linux kernel that is used to set up initial memories and load the kernel to RAM. On desktop systems the boot loaders are programs like GRUB and in embedded Linux uBoot is often the boot loader of choice. Device manufacturers often use their own proprietary boot loaders. The requirements on a boot loader for Linux running on an ARM system can be found in the Booting document under /Documentation/arm in the kernel source tree.
A. The first boot loader stage will detect and set up external RAM.
B. Once external RAM is available and the system is ready the to run something more significant the first stage will load the main boot loader and place it in external RAM.
C. The second stage of the boot loader is the first major program that will run. This may contain code to set up file systems, additional memory, network support and other things. On a mobile phone it may also be responsible for loading code for the modem CPU and setting up low level memory protections and security options.
D. Once the boot loader is done with any special tasks it will look for a Linux kernel to boot. It will load this from the boot media (or some other source depending on system configuration) and place it in the RAM. It will also place some boot parameters in memory for the kernel to read when it starts up.
E. Once the boot loader is done it will perform a jump to the Linux kernel, usually some decompression routine, and the kernel assumes system responsibility.
3. The Linux kernel
The Linux kernel starts up in a similar way on Android as on other systems. It will set up everything that is needed for the system to run. Initialize interrupt controllers, set up memory protections, caches and scheduling.
A. Once the memory management units and caches have been initialized the system will be able to use virtual memory and launch user space processes.
B. The kernel will look in the root file system for the init process (found under system/core/init in the Android open source tree) and launch it as the initial user space process.
4. The init process
The init process is the "grandmother" of all system processes. Every other process in the system will be launched from this process or one of its descendants.
A. The init process in Android will look for a file called init.rc. This is a script that describes the system services, file system and other parameters that need to be set up. The init.rc script is placed in system/core/rootdir in the Android open source project.
B. The init process will parse the init script and launch the system service processes.
5. Zygote and Dalvik
The Zygote is launched by the init process and will basically just start executing and and initialize the Dalvik VM.
6. The system server
The system server is the first java component to run in the system. It will start all the Android services such as telephony manager and bluetooth. Start up of each service is currently written directly into the run method of the system server. The system server source can be found in the file frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/SystemServer.java in the open source project.
7. Boot completed
Once the System Server is up and running and the system boot has completed there is a standard broadcast action called ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED. To start your own service, register an alarm or otherwise make your application perform some action after boot you should register to receive this broadcast intent.
AFAIK, in a partition table, he boot partition contains the kernel and the ramdisk. This partition enables the phone to boot. On the other hand, the OS is loaded into the system partition. So its safe to say the OS does not boot the phone .
Thanks Fantassy123!
I appreciate your thorough explanation of the process. This is exactly the insight that I needed. So, basically the kernel is the beginning of the OS and the boot ROM MUST run prior to the OS? Is anyone aware of any "new" phones that do not require a boot ROM? For instance, where the kernel acts as the boot loader or is the first process to run?
Fantassy123 said:
1. Power on and boot ROM code execution
At power on the CPU will be in a state where no initializations have been done. Internal clocks are not set up and the only memory available is the internal RAM. When power supplies are stable the execution will start with the Boot ROM code. This is a small piece of code that is hardwired in the CPU ASIC.
A. The Boot ROM code will detect the boot media using a system register that maps to some physical balls on the asic. This is to determine where to find the first stage of the boot loader.
B. Once the boot media sequence is established the boot ROM will try to load the first stage boot loader to internal RAM. Once the boot loader is in place the boot ROM code will perform a jump and execution continues in the boot loader.
2. The boot loader
The boot loader is a special program separate from the Linux kernel that is used to set up initial memories and load the kernel to RAM. On desktop systems the boot loaders are programs like GRUB and in embedded Linux uBoot is often the boot loader of choice. Device manufacturers often use their own proprietary boot loaders. The requirements on a boot loader for Linux running on an ARM system can be found in the Booting document under /Documentation/arm in the kernel source tree.
A. The first boot loader stage will detect and set up external RAM.
B. Once external RAM is available and the system is ready the to run something more significant the first stage will load the main boot loader and place it in external RAM.
C. The second stage of the boot loader is the first major program that will run. This may contain code to set up file systems, additional memory, network support and other things. On a mobile phone it may also be responsible for loading code for the modem CPU and setting up low level memory protections and security options.
D. Once the boot loader is done with any special tasks it will look for a Linux kernel to boot. It will load this from the boot media (or some other source depending on system configuration) and place it in the RAM. It will also place some boot parameters in memory for the kernel to read when it starts up.
E. Once the boot loader is done it will perform a jump to the Linux kernel, usually some decompression routine, and the kernel assumes system responsibility.
3. The Linux kernel
The Linux kernel starts up in a similar way on Android as on other systems. It will set up everything that is needed for the system to run. Initialize interrupt controllers, set up memory protections, caches and scheduling.
A. Once the memory management units and caches have been initialized the system will be able to use virtual memory and launch user space processes.
B. The kernel will look in the root file system for the init process (found under system/core/init in the Android open source tree) and launch it as the initial user space process.
4. The init process
The init process is the "grandmother" of all system processes. Every other process in the system will be launched from this process or one of its descendants.
A. The init process in Android will look for a file called init.rc. This is a script that describes the system services, file system and other parameters that need to be set up. The init.rc script is placed in system/core/rootdir in the Android open source project.
B. The init process will parse the init script and launch the system service processes.
5. Zygote and Dalvik
The Zygote is launched by the init process and will basically just start executing and and initialize the Dalvik VM.
6. The system server
The system server is the first java component to run in the system. It will start all the Android services such as telephony manager and bluetooth. Start up of each service is currently written directly into the run method of the system server. The system server source can be found in the file frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/SystemServer.java in the open source project.
7. Boot completed
Once the System Server is up and running and the system boot has completed there is a standard broadcast action called ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED. To start your own service, register an alarm or otherwise make your application perform some action after boot you should register to receive this broadcast intent.
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Verified boot and Full Disk Encryption: Testings, explanations, consequences

I've tested the full verified boot stack of Nexus 5X, to better understand the various implications, especially for my SuperUser project ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/wip-selinux-capable-superuser-t3216394/ ).
First of all, I'd like to say that they took time, but with this bootloader, Google did a really nice piece of security, without excluding alternate ROMs. (No doubt they got their inspiration from Chrome project, which are(were?) ahead on the matter).
This means that we can have alternate ROMs, even possibly roots, without compromising our devices! (of course assuming root/ROMs do their part of the job)
Everything is explained in https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/verified-boot.html and https://source.android.com/security/encryption/index.html
For users who haven't got their hand on a Nexus 5X/6P yet, here are the various screens you might see on boot when booting a non official ROM: https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/verified-boot.html#user_experience
The bootloader has two states: locked or unlocked, nothing new here. locked won't let you flash, unlocked will.
But then, there are 4 boot state that can be shown (or not to the user):
- Green boot state: the device is locked and running Google's ROM. It's the only boot state which is not displayed by bootloader
- Orange boot state: the device is unlocked.
- Yellow boot state: the device is locked, running an alternate ROM
- Red state: This shouldn't happen, it means the boot.img has been badly signed. Could mean an attack is undergoing.
Yellow state has two different possible screens depending on if the boot.img is signed. The difference is, if it is signed, an ID is displayed: this is the fingerprint of the public key used to signed the boot.img.
This means that we, the users, have a way to always be sure we booted the boot.img made by the ROM developer.
The same way we know we are on a Google ROM when there is no warning screen, we know that we are indeed on the ROM we are expecting.
But wait, there is more! The bootloader gives to the TEE/Trustzone the public key of the boot.img, and the TEE/Trustzone changes its answers based on the public key.
The TEE/Trustzone answers are used to generate the key of the /data encryption.
This means that in locked mode, with a signed boot.img, a trusted keystore-owner (doesn't have to be Google), full disk encryption enabled, and dm-verity enabled, even if an attacker is capable of overwriting any part of eMMC through either a privilege escalation, or physical attempt, trying to phish you to prompt your password, then the attacker won't get access to your data!
The TL;DR is, it is now possible to be as secure as original Google's ROM with a custom ROM (you still have to trust Google though) thanks to verified boot features.
Here are my advices to fully benefit from this feature:
- KEEP Full Disk Encryption (forceencrypt)
- KEEP keystore/keymaster/qseecomd
- Lock bootloader back
- Use custom security keys, including verity key, and keep them safe.
- Sign boot.img (this is default AOSP behaviour I think)
- Use a different security key for recovery (so recovery won't ever access to your userdata)
- Untick "OEM unlocking" if you feel safe about your ROM, to have Factory Reset Protection working (ie anti-theft feature)
For unknown quality ROMs:
- When first booting a new ROM/security key, try to memorize the fingerprint. If you don't memorize it all, try to memorize characters are random position, not the beginning.
- When the device asks for you deciphering password, check you booted the proper fingerprint. Do that especially if you have unexpected reboots.
Even though I consider this is a really great step forward to having secure alternate ROMs, there are some downsides:
- There is no "verified" mode where you can flash anything, but it does apply the security policy. This makes TWRP/Flashfire/CWM/a proper OTA system needed to be able to flash again without erasing all data
- The fingerprint is 6bytes/48bits, this is by far lower than most security standards. Also, some algorithms make ascii-art from fingerprints to help user recognize matching fingerprint.
- Changing ROM is complicated: you either need to resign all ROMs with your own key, to factory reset or "transmit" in clear the cipher key
Despite the the downsides, I hope to convince some ROM devs, and users to go to lock mode and check they implemented my various advices.
Please note that this security works only on Nexus 5X/6P, it doesn't work on N6 or N9.
Next step is to add ability for the end user to create a chain of trust in bootloader area.
User must have the way to blow it's own public key to the SoC Qfuses/Qfprom and to sign a chain of bootloaders and activate a Secure Boot after that.
Sony Xperia A2 SO-04F (Japan version of Z1 Compact)
Did someone check the second public key emplacement in Qfuses is locked?
New piece of information about this feature, this should become widespread amongst devices.
The Android comformity document for Android M ( https://static.googleusercontent.co...com/fr//compatibility/6.0/android-6.0-cdd.pdf section 9.10) states that verified boot is mandatory.
It is/was unclear whether this document refers to https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/verified-boot.html, or just requires any verified boot.
But a commit in Qualcomm's bootloader gives some signs:
"platform: msm_shared: update for bootloader's requirements."
It could be some overthinking, but anyway this means that all Android M-native devices will have this feature (OR be fully locked, this is allowed as well :/)
This is IMO a really great news as this means we will be able to have secure ROMs on all devices!
How could you have a secure custom ROM if you don't have ability to blow your own key (with wich partition's hashes is signed) to a SoC Qfuses/Qfprom?
Sony Xperia A2 SO-04F (Japan version of Z1 Compact)
I said it in my post. The encryption of /data is computed by the TZ and based on the public key of boot.img
I even think FRP is kept, though I don't really want to play with that
phhusson said:
I've tested the full verified boot stack of Nexus 5X, to better understand the various implications, especially for my SuperUser project on N6 or N9.
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Thanks for this.
Just a few questions (with respect to the nexus 6P):
1. Do you upload a custom keystore via "fastboot flash keystore" (nexus 6P)?
2. Will changing the key store as per (1) affect the OEM keystore (i.e. is that separate)?
3. Would you mind sharing how you made your own keystore?
- edit: found your repo https://github.com/phhusson/super-bootimg/tree/master/scripts
4. After you relock the bootloader, how are you supposed to flash a custom recovery given that there is no verified mode? My undestanding is that the stock recovery has to be in place before locking the bootloader (for data wipe to occur). Or does the locked state also use the custom keystore?
5. On a somewhat related matter, say you have no custom keystore and the boot chain is compromised so that the phone boots into the red state. Are you still able to access the android OS? I've seen conflicting information on this.
ceribik said:
1. Do you upload a custom keystore via "fastboot flash keystore" (nexus 6P)?
5. On a somewhat related matter, say you have no custom keystore and the boot chain is compromised so that the phone boots into the red state. Are you still able to access the android OS? I've seen conflicting information on this.
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Although the keystore partition is flashable, it is useless.
The only thing checked is the public key with which is signed the boot.img
Thus the only red state possible is because of dm-verity.
The anti-signature change is provided by the fact that data are encrypted with a key based on the public key of the boot.img
2. Will changing the key store as per (1) affect the OEM keystore (i.e. is that separate)?
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Nope. Even in CAF implementation which handles keystore, the state is different between OEM keystore and user keystore.
(Yellow in user keystore, green in oem keystore)
3. Would you mind sharing how you made your own keystore?
- edit: found your repo https://github.com/phhusson/super-bootimg/tree/master/scripts
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Though it is mostly useless. The only use is for CAF devices, with verified mode.
4. After you relock the bootloader, how are you supposed to flash a custom recovery given that there is no verified mode? My undestanding is that the stock recovery has to be in place before locking the bootloader (for data wipe to occur). Or does the locked state also use the custom keystore?
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I haven't checked that part yet, but I don't think you need original recovery.
But yes, the no-reflashing annoys me a lot, it means a custom ROM MUST provide an OTA system.
5. On a somewhat related matter, say you have no custom keystore and the boot chain is compromised so that the phone boots into the red state. Are you still able to access the android OS? I've seen conflicting information on this.
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As mentioned earlier, I'm only aware of dm-verity-based red state, which can indeed be bypassed.
I hope this answers your questions, don't hesitate to ask for more
Dude I really wanna pick your brain on this. It's sad I arrive late to these parties Anyways I have a Pixel and believe this is more relevant than ever now because verified boot is strictly enforced. I want to have a modified phone with custom ROM & locked bootloader but after flashing super TWRP/SU/EX to kernel I'm positive it breaks signing.
So my question is how can I re-sign the kernel after it had been modified by SuperSU/TWRP/EX Kernel etc? I would like to flash my own keystore.img and sign the boot.img so my phone will boot with yellow warning. Can it only be done with a full build environment at compile time or can I grab some tools, generate the keystore & sign an image that pull with dd? This is something that is very new to me & there is really no step-by-step for this that I've found.
Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge on this subject but I am desperate to have a modified kernel /system and the ability to re-lock my boatloader. I can live without the dm-verity since I have a tendency to modify system files on a regular basis anyways. I sent you a PM cause I had lost this page. If I can figure out a step by-syep process to do this that didn't require a whole build env I can probably script a tool once I know necessary commands and tools.
So far I've generated my keystore keys
/make_key keystore '/C=US/ST=California/L=Long Beach/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/[email protected]'
now I am trying to figure out the keystore image.
java -Xmx512M -jar BootKeystoreSigner.jar keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem keystore.img
Geofferey said:
Dude I really wanna pick your brain on this. It's sad I arrive late to these parties Anyways I have a Pixel and believe this is more relevant than ever now because verified boot is strictly enforced. I want to have a modified phone with custom ROM & locked bootloader but after flashing super TWRP/SU/EX to kernel I'm positive it breaks signing.
So my question is how can I re-sign the kernel after it had been modified by SuperSU/TWRP/EX Kernel etc? I would like to flash my own keystore.img and sign the boot.img so my phone will boot with yellow warning. Can it only be done with a full build environment at compile time or can I grab some tools, generate the keystore & sign an image that pull with dd? This is something that is very new to me & there is really no step-by-step for this that I've found.
Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge on this subject but I am desperate to have a modified kernel /system and the ability to re-lock my boatloader. I can live without the dm-verity since I have a tendency to modify system files on a regular basis anyways. I sent you a PM cause I had lost this page. If I can figure out a step by-syep process to do this that didn't require a whole build env I can probably script a tool once I know necessary commands and tools.
So far I've generated my keystore keys
/make_key keystore '/C=US/ST=California/L=Long Beach/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/[email protected]'
now I am trying to figure out the keystore image.
java -Xmx512M -jar BootKeystoreSigner.jar keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem keystore.img
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Off the top of my head, you have to add the public signing keys to the root directory of the ramdisk in the boot.img, and then sign the boot.img with the private keys.
I think the image is signed with the verity keys, and the public key has a special form for nougat/7.1/14.1, with some rounding. I think marshmallow was different. From the android build environment, you can use "make generate_verity_key". The actual source is here system/extras/verity if you just want to compile the pieces parts.. The script will be in the out/host directory if you use the make command. Use the convert option "generate_verity_key -convert <path-to-x509-pem> <path-to-key>" to convert the keystore.x509.pem cert that you made. This script will generate the public key in the just the right form that android is looking for. This is what goes into the root of the ramdisk. I think it has to be named verity_key. Yes, I know you aren't turning on dm-verity for the system image, but the boot is signed with the same key.
There is probably a script in one of the aosp repos that will make and sign the boot image. You want to find that and figure out what it is doing.
The finger print will be the first 6 words from the sha1 fingerprint:
openssl x509 -noout -in keystore.x509.pem -fingerprint -sha1
Hope that helps.
Edit: In the system/extra/verity dir, there is a boot_signer script that references a bootsignature.jar that might do what you are looking for. You'll probably have to build it since it will be in the out/host/ directory somewhere. or just hotwire the java yourself.
Off the top of my head, you have to add the public signing keys to the root directory of the ramdisk in the boot.img, and then sign the boot.img with the private keys.
I think the image is signed with the verity keys, and the public key has a special form for nougat/7.1/14.1, with some rounding. I think marshmallow was different.
There is probably a script in one of the aosp repos that will make and sign the boot image. You want to find that and figure out what it is doing.
The finger print will be the first 6 words from the sha1 fingerprint:
Hope that helps.
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I'm slowly starting to figure this out, but I have one problem. On the Pixel there is no keystore partition so I can't flash my keystore.img. Do I need to flash a keystore for my signed images to boot? If not I will continue and sign but it was my understanding that I would need that. I suppose I should also grab the verity tools from a 7.0 tree instead of phhussons repo?
Geofferey said:
I'm slowly starting to figure this out, but I have one problem. On the Pixel there is no keystore partition so I can't flash my keystore.img. Do I need to flash a keystore for my signed images to boot? If not I will continue and sign but it was my understanding that I would need that. I suppose I should also grab the verity tools from a 7.0 tree instead of phhussons repo?
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The pixel night be different, but I think the signature is appended to the boot.img. i don't think you need the keystore partition? I could be wrong. The fingerprint lets you know that it wasn't re-signed by a different key.
I think you want to use a nougat branch for sure.
Pixel Locked Bootloader Custom ROM / Kernel
Okay so I got this whole thing figured out. Just had to read stuff all over the place. Everything we need is in phhussons repo under the keystore_tools and the 6.0 CAF tree will suffice. I knew I was close.
BTW: I only recommend this for flawless ROMs with no major issues. Once re-locked DO NOT disable Allow OEM Unlock in the developer options menu unless you are 100% sure your phone will boot especially after /data wipes etc. Do not make modifications of any kind in a locked state with OEM unlock off. I learned the hard way with a 5X when I tried to dd a vendor.img via adb on a locked bootloader without TWRP. Don't do anything crazy! You have been warned!
Here is how you can re-sign after mods beofore re-locking a Pixel.
Grab boot images from android (needs root or twrp):
I actually used Android Terminal Emulator for this step
sailfish:/ # cd /dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc/by-name
sailfish:/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc # dd if=boot_a of=/sdcard/boot_a.img
sailfish:/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc # dd if=boot_b of=/sdcard/boot_b.img
Generate Keystore:
./make_key keystore '/C=US/ST=California/L=Long Beach/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/[email protected]'
openssl rsa -in keystore.pk8 -inform der -outform der -pubout -out keystore.pub.pk8
Sign the boot Images:
java -jar BootSignature.jar /boot boot_a..img keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem boot_a_signed.img
java -jar BootSignature.jar /boot boot_b..img keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem boot_b_signed.img
Reflash with fastboot:
fastboot flash boot_a boot_a_signed.img
fastboot flash boot_b boot_b_signed.img
Relock the bootloader (will erase device)
fastboot oem lock
One thing I have noticed is the fingerprint isn't displayed on boot, yet still starts up fine. Maybe it's because I didn't place the .pub key in ramdisk before signing? It could also be due to the use of CAF & not AOSP tools. In any case I got the pixel to boot yellow in a locked state after modifying the kernel.
I'm a newbie compared to you guys and I had problems running Java. I've unpacked the boot image and repacked it after modifications. I have also generated keys and I'm wondering if there is a script (Python?) that I can run to sign the boot image? Also, where should I copy the public key inside the ramdisk? This is for a 7.0.1 Nougat boot image of OnePlus 3. Thanks,
Unfortunately there is no other method that I have found to sign boot images with besides the BootSignature.jar in phhusson's repo. You could also setup a build environment but the method I described is magnitudes simpler. Both methods require java there is no python script to perform this. You put the .pub key at root of RAM disk renamed as verity_key. I think that's only required if you are using dm-verity and a generated tree for your system image.
What OS are you running? I did my signing in Ubuntu.
Was this tested on OnePlus 5 by anyone before?
Geofferey said:
Okay so I got this whole thing figured out. Just had to read stuff all over the place. Everything we need is in phhussons repo under the keystore_tools and the 6.0 CAF tree will suffice. I knew I was close.
BTW: I only recommend this for flawless ROMs with no major issues. Once re-locked DO NOT disable Allow OEM Unlock in the developer options menu unless you are 100% sure your phone will boot especially after /data wipes etc. Do not make modifications of any kind in a locked state with OEM unlock off. I learned the hard way with a 5X when I tried to dd a vendor.img via adb on a locked bootloader without TWRP. Don't do anything crazy! You have been warned!
Here is how you can re-sign after mods beofore re-locking a Pixel.
Grab boot images from android (needs root or twrp):
I actually used Android Terminal Emulator for this step
sailfish:/ # cd /dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc/by-name
sailfish:/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc # dd if=boot_a of=/sdcard/boot_a.img
sailfish:/dev/block/platform/soc/624000.ufshc # dd if=boot_b of=/sdcard/boot_b.img
Generate Keystore:
./make_key keystore '/C=US/ST=California/L=Long Beach/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/[email protected]'
openssl rsa -in keystore.pk8 -inform der -outform der -pubout -out keystore.pub.pk8
Sign the boot Images:
java -jar BootSignature.jar /boot boot_a..img keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem boot_a_signed.img
java -jar BootSignature.jar /boot boot_b..img keystore.pk8 keystore.x509.pem boot_b_signed.img
Reflash with fastboot:
fastboot flash boot_a boot_a_signed.img
fastboot flash boot_b boot_b_signed.img
Relock the bootloader (will erase device)
fastboot oem lock
One thing I have noticed is the fingerprint isn't displayed on boot, yet still starts up fine. Maybe it's because I didn't place the .pub key in ramdisk before signing? It could also be due to the use of CAF & not AOSP tools. In any case I got the pixel to boot yellow in a locked state after modifying the kernel.
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Signing the boot image.
What does it actually do? From the semantics, it looks like it is signing the boot image with the generated private key.
How does the bootloader in the device know to trust the images(like recovery, system or roms) signed with this private key?
praveenkv1988 said:
Signing the boot image.
What does it actually do? From the semantics, it looks like it is signing the boot image with the generated private key.
How does the bootloader in the device know to trust the images(like recovery, system or roms) signed with this private key?
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See the class B implementation of verified boot.
The boot is signed with the key and it is verified against the included certificate. Yes, someone else could just sign the boot image with their key, but you can verify the fingerprint when the device boots to make sure it was signed with the correct key. This makes it tamper evident, not tamper proof.
The rom itself should use dm-verity to check the integrity at the block level. The boot image, which is signed, has the dm-verity public key so that the rom can be verified. Similar verification process can apply to recovery if it is signed and has dm-verity. Most don't, but it is certainly possible to do.
Since lineageos builds are signed by their private key, Can we just lock the bootloader after installing lineageos? Will it boot in yellow state?
praveenkv1988 said:
Since lineageos builds are signed by their private key, Can we just lock the bootloader after installing lineageos? Will it boot in yellow state?
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On 14.1- the locked bootloader will show the yellow state and the LOS key fingerprint. But, if you don't lock down the recovery, there's little point in locking the bootloader. It also seems risky to lock the bootloader with a rom that is signed with a private key that you don't control. Depending on the phone, you night not be able to decrypt data in recovery (think backups).
On 15.1, I think things are more complex and this or related parts in LOS might not be working yet.
My bootloader is locked and I was trying to upgrade my n5x to 15.1 yesterday and all I got were bootloops. I reverted to 14.1 and recovered, but there are no guarantees.
Lastly, the way you asked the question makes me think you shouldn't lock you bootloader. Not trying to be mean or rude, but I am trying to prevent you from losing your data or being locked out of your phone. The hard part about locking the bootloader is that you can't use fastboot to flash things like radios, vendor images, etc.

[PX5][Android 10] Patched recovery

This is the Android 10 recovery image by HCT (version 10.3.1) patched to skip signature checking on .zip files
Tested on MTCE_LM (Eunavi). Use at your own risk
It can be flashed from a root shell (either adb or via terminal emulator) by performing the following steps
1. upload recovery via adb
adb push hct_recovery_patched.img /sdcard/
2. flash recovery
# backup current recovery
dd if=/dev/block/by-name/recovery of=/sdcard/recovery_backup.img
# write new recovery
dd if=/sdcard/hct_recovery_patched.img of=/dev/block/by-name/recovery
NOTE: If you do not disable the "flash_recovery" service in /init.rc, AND you have a stock kernel, recovery will be restored to the original version after rebooting.
There are 3 ways to avoid this:
- Flash magisk (or a modified kernel) while in recovery. The patch will then fail to apply and recovery won't be overwritten
- Disable "flash_recovery" by doing "adb remount" and editing /init.rc (comment out the following)
service flash_recovery /system/bin/install-recovery.sh
class main
- Neuter the service by either:
- removing /system/bin/install-recovery.sh​- replacing /system/bin/install-recovery.sh with a dummy script​- removing /system/recovery-from-boot.p​
Woo-hoo, after hundreds of rubbish posts in the MTCD forums, we have a real development post!
Great work and thanks for sharing this, these forums need more like you.
Thanks for the kind comment!
I have to admit that it was frustrating to see the lack of information sharing on this forum, and the pervasive pay-per-use model.
I spent a lot of time just getting Android 10 installed (starting from Android 9), and i had to bring the head unit to my desk as working in the car was rather hard and all i achieved was a brick.
I unfortunately had to bring it back in the car now (can't sit on my desk forever) but, now that i figured out how to make bootable recoveries, i was wondering how hard it could be to have TWRP or at least a hassle-free recovery to install Android 10 from Android 9.
As a first step, this recovery makes it possible to install Magisk or other zip files without doing it manually within adb.
Your work is really good!
Thanks a lot for it.
Now you can also modify ROM's without signatur errors when installing.
Wouldn't it be good if we had an app like the ModInstaller ?
So a one click installation of the recovery without shell or adb.
I have now built an app.
And now need help.
Namely, in the app is the recovery and the script.
Unfortunately, the flash process is not started.
It always comes only the first message from the script.
The app is open source and the script and the recovery are in res/raw.
In the attach you will find the finished app and pictures.
If someone has a solution, he can write me or make a pull request on Github.
Source code:
GitHub - jamal2362/RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer: Application for flashing custom recovery on Rockchip Android Head-Units.
Application for flashing custom recovery on Rockchip Android Head-Units. - GitHub - jamal2362/RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer: Application for flashing custom recovery on Rockchip Android Head-Units.
The script:
RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer/script at master · jamal2362/RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer
Application for flashing custom recovery on Rockchip Android Head-Units. - RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer/script at master · jamal2362/RK33XX-Custom-Recovery-Installer
First of all, congrats for the work!
I don't own ModInstaller, i have never bought a copy of it and i don't intend to do so.
Analysis is purely done from Youtube videos, open source code analysis and existing and openly available binary images.
I was working to figure out how to make a FLOSS alternative to ModInstaller.
The issues i found in all my attempts are the following:
- A6 recovery is the only one that can boot from SD Card (which can then be used to flash A9 -> A10 with the 2SD trick)
- (it took me a long time to pull these information together and unbrick my unit)​- The A6 recovery is unable to directly flash A10 RKAF/RKFW images (sdupdate.img) due to the code being too old
- a failure will be observed while writing super.img. This happens because the device needs to be repartitioned, and the A6 recovery is not doing it correctly​- A9 recovery is buggy. Booting it with no system installed will result in a black screen.
- it will only boot succesfully after being written by the A6 flash tool, which writes the "misc" partition with the recovery commands to run (the "hint" i get from this is that the misc partition is important)​- A10 recovery can't be loaded by the A6 recovery. I always got a black screen after flash. Is it a flash issue? is it an issue with the recovery itself? hard to know
Theory: maybe the recovery could be written over the kernel partition? ("boot")
This way, the recovery will always run after being flashed instead of requiring an explicit "enter recovery" trigger (buttons, misc partition, etc.)
Besides these experiments, in parallel, i did some bug fixing to this repository: https://github.com/liftoff-sr/rockchip-tool/commits/master (i'm "smx-smx")
That allows me to unpack nad repack "sdupdate.img" , "reduced recovery images" and "full IMG files".
With those tools. i tried to swap "recovery.img" in the A6 image, but i always got the black screen upon booting from SD.
Either A9/A10 breaks sdboot or the bootloader crashes before it gets there.
Since this also happens when being flashed, this could either be a bug in the flashing program or a bug in the boot stack (which fails to run recovery perhaps due to a dirty state of the internal flash). It's hard to know for sure without having a UART connection with the board.
BUT, we have an alternative, in the form of the recovery built-in ISP flash tool.
This is the code that reads "sdupdate.img" from the SD Card and flashes it
After reading the recovery source code, i realised that this code can only be triggered correctly when booting from the SD card.
It detects this state by reading /proc/cmdline and probing for specific values (https://github.com/rockchip-android...6f72b7d3123dab27135ac41d55029/sdboot.cpp#L206)
This means the bootloader can (and will) pass those arguments under specific conditions (https://github.com/rockchip-linux/u...c873f178c/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/board.c#L358)
If you check here https://github.com/rockchip-linux/u...3f178c/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/boot_mode.c#L47 you can see the magic word that needs to be written to the "misc" partition in order to trigger that code.
Note that, besides the well known "sdboot", "usbboot" is also possible.
I'm not sure if the ROM can physically boot from USB, but the bootloader and recovery do support (according to code) passing the flag to enable flashing from USB.
So, recapping, there are these ways we can try:
a - try to overwrite "boot" with "recovery" (but it might not work due to the partitioning layout, e.g. jumping from A6 -> A10)
- note: uboot might also need to be written when doing this.
b - making a modified "sdupdate.img" that flashes recovery on top of boot, and all the other core partitions like "misc", "uboot", "trust", "vbmeta"
c - writing "misc" from android in order to triggers the "rkfwupdate" mode
d - taking a dump of the first portion of the flash in various states (A6, A8, A9, A10), and having a "dd" that writes it back to the beginning of the flash (i suspect this is how ModInstaller does it)
Considering cases "b" and "c" depend on a recovery that can write them correctly (and the A6 one is buggy), this leaves us with "a" and "d"
Considering that ModInstaller does it in one shot, and doesn't seem to matter about the partitioning layout, i believe "d" might be the most viable option...
Using the "rockchip-tool" repository i linked from github, the partition table can be dumped from any .img file
You can observe "Image/parameter.txt" from the extracted firmware
This is the partition table from A6's recovery:
[email protected](uboot)
[email protected](trust)
[email protected](misc)
[email protected](resource)
[email protected](kernel)
[email protected](dtb)
[email protected](dtbo)
[email protected](vbmeta)
[email protected](boot)
[email protected](recovery)
[email protected](backup)
[email protected](security)
[email protected](cache)
[email protected](system)
[email protected](metadata)
[email protected](vendor)
[email protected](oem)
[email protected](frp)
[email protected](userdata)
And this is the partition table from A9's recovery
[email protected](uboot)
[email protected](trust)
[email protected](misc)
[email protected](resource)
[email protected](kernel)
[email protected](dtb)
[email protected](dtbo)
[email protected](vbmeta)
[email protected](boot)
[email protected](recovery)
[email protected](backup)
[email protected](security)
[email protected](cache)
[email protected](system)
[email protected](metadata)
[email protected](vendor)
[email protected](oem)
[email protected](frp)
[email protected](userdata)
Notice how uboot, trust, misc, resource, kernel, dtb, and others live in the same space. (2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, ...)
What we could do is create a raw blob that spans that address range, and "dd" it directly to /dev/mmcblk0 at the right offset.
So i would focus on converting recovery images to raw blobs, with recovery-as-kernel so it boots straight away on the first try.
Bump a real thread.
Is it possible to convert it to a file installed by SDDiskTool?
marchnz said:
Bump a real thread.
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I created a flashing tool to flash recovery within Android, using Rockchip's own code: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...chip-firmware-flash-tool-for-android.4458299/
blala said:
I created a flashing tool to flash recovery within Android, using Rockchip's own code: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...chip-firmware-flash-tool-for-android.4458299/
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This file hct_recovery.patched.img does not appear to be installed via rkupdate
sadaghiani said:
Is it possible to convert it to a file installed by SDDiskTool?
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It needs to be converted, yes
I'll take a look this afternoon
blala said:
It needs to be converted, yes
I'll take a look this afternoon
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Is it possible to create a boot image that includes moded recovery & magisk and moded kernel ?
If by image you mean firmware image then yes, it can be done with https://github.com/liftoff-sr/rockchip-tool
But what i would recommend is the modded recovery only, with the magisk .zip to use in Recovery
Otherwise you risk flashing a kernel that doesn't match with kernel modules or is otherwise not fully compatible with the installed system
blala said:
If by image you mean firmware image then yes, it can be done with https://github.com/liftoff-sr/rockchip-tool
But what i would recommend is the modded recovery only, with the magisk .zip to use in Recovery
Otherwise you risk flashing a kernel that doesn't match with kernel modules or is otherwise not fully compatible with the installed system
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boot.img file included recovery+magisk+kernel
Flashing a boot.img (Kernel, for example) in an Android mobile phone via adb shell
Flashing a boot.img (Kernel, for example) in an Android mobile phone via adb shell - script.sh
MTCD has separate boot and recovery partitions.
Perhaps you can adapt both recovery/kernel to be in the same image but the bootloader won't know about that (and will always boot from "recovery" partition)

Mobile/Android devices architecture

I'm having trouble understanding the architecture of mobile (and Android) devices. I compare it a lot to the design of PCs, laptops, etc, which I know quite well.
Here's my understanding on how PCs work when booting:
​The hardware has firmware stored in ROM (Read Only Memory). Actually, Flash memory is used nowadays, on which the stored content can of course be changed, unlike real ROM memories in the old days. Because the firmware is hardware-specific and its operation is very critical, its content is rarely updated or otherwise changed. Installing new firmware is called flashing. Firmware in a PC is most commonly BIOS or UEFI, the task of which is (briefly) to first run the POST tests, provide some interfaces and finally start the software in the mass storage. By mass storage, I mean memory separate from the firmware's Flash memory, which can also be Flash memory, such as an SSD disk, or a more traditional hard disk.​The BIOS (i.e. firmware) in the specified order (which first is the internal NVMe SSD or the external USB hard disk?) tries to load the software into the RAM memory for execution from mass storage MBR (Master Boot Record) part . Master boot record is a physical defined area in mass storage. Bootloader software is stored on this MBR part.​​When the bootloader (located on the MBR part) is loaded into RAM and run, it knows the contents of the end of the disk and starts the kernel from there.​​The kernel starts (in Linux) the init process, nowadays often Systemd, which starts the rest of the software.​--------------------
What kind of memories and storages are most commonly found in Android devices? One main memory (i.e. RAM)? One Flash memory for firmware (i.e ROM)? Another separate flash drive that acts as mass storage? Possibly SD card and USB stick as external mass storage?
What is firmware on Android devices?
What is the bootloader in (located in MBR part) on Android?
Linux is the kernel used by Android, which is started by the bootloader? After that, Android continues to boot, how?
A pile of terms, which I have ambiguities:
Bootloader; What's it like on Android? It is often characterized as hardware specific. So is it the case that the bootloader in Android is firmware? So in Android, the firmware runs the tasks of the PC world BIOS and bootloader (located in the MBR part), and then starts the Android located on the mass storage?
Recovery; What is this technically?
Android ROM; I can't understand this. As far as I know, Android is an operating system located mass storage, not Read-Only-Memory firmware.
Rooting; On a PC, we are used to the fact that the owner of the device has root rights. Is it just that the manufacturers have decided to set the default root password to some generated random string, and by default, the user only has access to the basic user account?
After the above has been answered, I would like someone to explain to me (separately) technically, starting from the hardware level (where and how), how do Android devices booting and work? Links to additional information are also welcome. hank you very much! If anyone can answer my questions, thank you very much!
Your questions should put you to shame.
Start reading yourself, building up your knowledge as you read.
Anyway, welcome to the forum. After a year of reading, you will laugh at your post.
ze7zez said:
Your questions should put you to shame.
Start reading yourself, building up your knowledge as you read.
Anyway, welcome to the forum. After a year of reading, you will laugh at your post.
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I know my questions are stupid, but I'm impasse. It seems that there is much less information about designing for mobile devices than PCs. Could you link some articles on this? As the last article I read this, but it didn't help much, because I compare too much what I learned on PCs.
There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid answers.
Start with the basics based on information from google:
Architecture overview | Android Open Source Project
ze7zez said:
There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid answers.
Start with the basics based on information from google:
Architecture overview | Android Open Source Project
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That is useful, but there is a reason why I asked about mobile/Android device design/architecture. Android itself is as far as I know (if I'm not mistaken) just an operating system, like the desktop operating systems Windows and Ubuntu, but mobile/Android devices are very different from PCs in terms of hardware and firmware. For example: https://www.quora.com/Is-there-anything-like-BIOS-in-mobiles-How-do-they-boot
How long is a huge ball of string?
No simple answer...
This is for those who are new to Android development and basically have NO understanding about the partition structure. I will give a high-level introductory explanation. PC GNU/Linux users: please note this is completely different from x86 (PC Linux) partition table. You will not come across partitions denoted as sda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2, and so on. Instead, it will be structured as follows:
This is the partition that has all the data that is necessary for the phone to boot. It includes the kernel and the RAMDISK (these are the only components of the operating system that are stored in this partition. The remaining are stored in /System). Without this partition, the device will simply not be able to boot. Wiping this partition from recovery should only be done if absolutely required and once done, the device must NOT be rebooted before installing a new one, which can be done by installing a ROM that includes a /boot partition.
This partition basically contains the entire operating system, except the kernel and the RAMDISK (as mentioned in /boot explanation). This includes the Android User Interface as well as all the system applications that come pre-installed on the device. Wiping this partition will remove Android from the device without rendering it unbootable, but you will still be able to boot into the /recovery partition to install a new ROM.
The recovery partition can be considered as an alternative boot partition that lets you boot the device into a recovery console for performing advanced recovery and maintenance operations on it. Think of this like a proprietary recovery partition that PC companies put on prebuilt PCs. When you flash a custom recovery such as TWRP or CWM, you are overwriting this partition.
Also called userdata, the data partition contains the user’s data – this is where your contacts, messages, settings and apps that you have installed go. Wiping this partition essentially performs a factory reset on your device, restoring it to the way it was when you first booted it, or the way it was after the last official or custom ROM installation. When you perform a wipe data/factory reset from recovery, it is this partition that you are wiping.
This is the partition where Android stores frequently accessed data and app components. Wiping the cache doesn’t effect your personal data but simply gets rid of the existing data there, which gets automatically rebuilt as you continue using the device.
This partition contains miscellaneous system settings in form of on/off switches. These settings may include CID (Carrier or Region ID), USB configuration and certain hardware settings etc. This is an important partition and if it is corrupt or missing, several of the device’s features will will not function normally.
This is not a partition on the internal memory of the device but rather the SD card. In terms of usage, this is your storage space to store your media, documents, downloads, pictures, videos, ROMs etc. on it. It is like the equivalent of the ' Users/[Username] ' folder in Windows and ' /home/~ ' folder in x86 Linux. Wiping it is perfectly safe as long as you backup all the data you require from it, to your computer first. Though several user-installed apps save their data and settings on the SD card and wiping this partition will make you lose all that data.
On devices with both an internal and an external SD card – devices like the Samsung Galaxy S and several tablets – the /sdcard partition is always used to refer to the internal SD card. For the external SD card – if present – an alternative partition is used, which differs from device to device. In case of Samsung Galaxy S series devices, it is /sdcard/sd while in many other devices, it is /sdcard2. Unlike /sdcard, no system or app data whatsoever is stored automatically on this external SD card and everything present on it has been added there by the user. You can safely wipe it after backing up any data from it that you need to save.
This is not a standard Android partition, but has become popular in the custom ROM scene. It is basically an additional partition on your SD card that acts as the /data partition when used with certain ROMs that have special features called APP2SD+ or data2ext enabled. It is especially useful on devices with little internal memory allotted to the /data partition. Thus, users who want to install more programs than the internal memory allows can make this partition and use it with a custom ROM that supports this feature, to get additional storage for installing their apps. Wiping this partition is essentially the same as wiping the /data partition – you lose your contacts, SMS, market apps and settings.
/Boot (Is NOT viewable in Android)
/Recovery (Is NOT viewable in Android)
/Data (Userdata) (Is viewable in Android)
/Cache (Is viewable in Android)
/System (Is viewable in Android)
/Misc (Is NOT viewable in Android)
Understanding Firmware naming:
986U or F etc, the model of device
SQ, FX etc = CPU and model specific
U,S,E = Update, Security, Engineering, respectively
1,2,3,4,5 etc = bootloader revision (This is important! You cannot go to a previous revision)
A,B,C,D = Android version
T, U = Year (T=2020, U=2021 etc)
A,B,C etc = month (January A - December L)
1 - 9 and then A - Z =build compilation. This basically means how many builds there are in a month. They start at 1 and go to Z
So N986USQU1ATGM would be
N968U (Note 20 Ultra Carrier version), SQ (Snapdragon), U (Update), 1 (Bootloader version), A (Build 10), T (2020), G (July), M (22nd build)
How to enter Download Mode:
Turn off the device.
Connect USB cable to your PC (Leave it disconnected from the phone)
Press and hold down the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons. While they are still pressed, plug in the USB cable into your phone.
The phone will go into download mode press volume up. In Odin you will see that phone is added.
Dirty Flash:
I would only do this if you are having to manually update to the newer firmware and would not do it if you are coming/going to U/U1 or from beta firmware or if you are on an old firmware. I'd also highly recommend doing a back up prior to the doing this
Load these into Odin
Do NOT flash CSC or USERDATA, either of these WILL wipe your device
This is a "dirty flash" and these can sometimes cause issues. Keep in mind if things start going sideways and stuff starts not working right, your first step to a solution will be to wipe the device.
Tips on flashing U1 Firmware:
You will have to wipe, can NOT dirty Flash going between U and U1 firmware
Use the patched ODIN linked in post #2 or #3, Odin3_v3.13.3b (They are exactly the same)
Have an active US Carrier SIM installed to get carrier features
If you get your CSC Stuck on XAA/XAA/(Insert your carrier here), and can not get Carrier options back.
PIT files
plus_rlus said:
I know my questions are stupid, but I'm impasse. It seems that there is much less information about designing for mobile devices than PCs. Could you link some articles on this? As the last article I read this, but it didn't help much, because I compare too much what I learned on PCs.
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The are no stupid questions.
Questions are asked when we do not understand something and want to learn.
There is nothing wrong or negative about asking questions.
Questions are a part of how we learn.
plus_rlus said:
What kind of memories and storages are most commonly found in Android devices? One main memory (i.e. RAM)? One Flash memory for firmware (i.e ROM)? Another separate flash drive that acts as mass storage? Possibly SD card and USB stick as external mass storage?
What is firmware on Android devices?
What is the bootloader in (located in MBR part) on Android?
Linux is the kernel used by Android, which is started by the bootloader? After that, Android continues to boot, how?
A pile of terms, which I have ambiguities:
Bootloader; What's it like on Android? It is often characterized as hardware specific. So is it the case that the bootloader in Android is firmware? So in Android, the firmware runs the tasks of the PC world BIOS and bootloader (located in the MBR part), and then starts the Android located on the mass storage?
Recovery; What is this technically?
Android ROM; I can't understand this. As far as I know, Android is an operating system located mass storage, not Read-Only-Memory firmware.
Rooting; On a PC, we are used to the fact that the owner of the device has root rights. Is it just that the manufacturers have decided to set the default root password to some generated random string, and by default, the user only has access to the basic user account?
After the above has been answered, I would like someone to explain to me (separately) technically, starting from the hardware level (where and how), how do Android devices booting and work? Links to additional information are also welcome. hank you very much! If anyone can answer my questions, thank you very much!
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Firmware is the hardware specific drivers, library files and other resources that are supplied by the manufacture(s) and are chipset specific.
The firmware is proprietary and normally closed source. Basically the parts that make the hardware work.
The bootloader is what actually boots the device.
This is supplied by the device manufacture(s) and is device specific.
It is separate from the system.​
Recovery is a mini Android environment.
- Factory (Stock) recoveries are restricted to the user but have unrestricted (root) access to the device.
- Custom recoveries (TWRP, OrangeFox, ..) allow the user unrestricted (root) access to the device.
Android ROM (rom) is the actual system (OS) and normally you would include the version that you are running.
Stock roms - Google 12L, AOSP xx, OOS 12, MIUI xx, ColorOS xx, ...
Custom roms - Lineage 19.1, crDroid 12.1, AospExtended 12.1, ...
In computer terms it would be..
Windows 7, Linux (Fedora 34), MacOS Monterey.​I am not sure what the current versions of MIUI and ColorOS are, hence the xx.​
Once the bootloader boots the device, a few things can happen.
- The system boot image (system kernel) takes over and boots the device into system (rom).
- The recovery boot image (recovery kernel) takes over and boots the device into recovery (mini Android environment).
- If system fails to boot, device reboots into recovery (Recovery Party) if recovery can boot.
- If no boot image takes over, you will stay in the bootloader, reboot into some special mode or just a good old fashion boot-loop.
There have been a lot of changes to Android though the years..
Each device, manufacture, Android version.. can be different from another.
The most common bootloader is (or supports) fastboot but, this is manufacture and device specific.
Not to be confused with fastboot_d (new story that started with Android 10/11?).​This has also changed though the years, some manufacture use their own variation of bootloader.
HTC had H-BOOT, Samsung does their own thing along with some other manufactures.
By default the substitute (switch) user su command is removed from Android.
This is what most refer to as superuser since it defaults to root user if you do not specify a substitute user.​
This has been a long and changing story in the Android world also.
Old but, well worth the read.
How-To SU - [chainfire.eu] - Link
The current most popular used root solution is Magisk.
It is a little more than just su. ​Magisk - [GitHub] - Link
It might be easier if you see an actual partition table.
Nexus 7 16 Gig WiFi - [PastBin] - Link
Might as well make it an ... interesting one.
In this example, userdata only has 1.2 Gigs since the rest is used by other partitions.
userdata is mounted as /sdcard.​
Save for boot, cache, system, misc, recovery and userdata.
The other partitions would be considered firmware.
When the device boots, the partitions get mounted to /dev/block.
Hope it helps more than confuse.

