Manage/send bookmarks - Samsung Gear S3

Is there an easy way to manage the internet bookmarks for either the Gear Browser or the Samsung Internet app from my phone?
Basically typing on the watch is not convenient and I would like to send a bookmark to the phone so I can easily open it.
I like the Samsung Internet app, but you can only put in a search term and not a web address directly - or at least that is what I have seen.
I am not trying to view a full webpage or anything like that, but I find it convenient to bookmark certain images like this to see the weather radar.


Is there a way to access quick look up?

Everytime you select text in the web browser it has an option to quickly look something up on google, wikipedia, youtube, google dictionary, and google translate. I LOVE this, I do this quite often, I would love to access this without actually having to select text, is there a way to make a shortcut for this? There is an entry bar so you can continue to search, however I need a way to quickly access this app, thanks!
Anyone know? Bump

myBookmarks import not working, nor myBackup Pro, is AT&T trying to run my life?

I'm trying to get my bookmarks restored from myBookmarks Pro. Normally (on any other Android phone I've ever had), you upload the Firefox Bookmarks HTML Export file to and then on your device it downloads them to my device, adds them to Web Browser and all is fine.
Now with the Infuse it's adding them, but I can't see them. In other words, when I go into my bookmarks in the browser, it only shows the 4 ATT bookmarks they force on me (which I don't seem to be able to delete - grrrr), but not the ones I just imported. But if I begin to type the bookmark name or press search and type the site I want to go to, it's go the bookmarks based on search result, but I want them in the bookmarks list.
Seems like AT&T is somehow controlling my bookmarks... Ideas?

Google Chrome, Android and Bookmarks.

What is it about bookmarks google doesn’t like?
Google is a multi billion dollar company and has working for it some of the greatest innovative minds currently in the world – and they cant even come up with a decent web browser after years of development….
A Google web browser should be - (in order of importance IMHO)#
(1) Fully working Fast and stable
(2) Be able to sync bookmarks from desktop bookmarks.
(3) Have quick access to these bookmarks
Ok, 2 out of 3 isn’t bad right?, no this is simply ludicrous. As is stands now I can only find one browser that can do this, Dolphin and its crashy as hell with 5.0.
Has anyone found any other browsers?, I ‘ve spent ages looking for something but found no others which give me:
(a) One click or swip access to bookmarks
(b) Desktop bookmark Sync (not import)

Google search bar widget, I constantly lose my current web page

So if I navigate to a Web page using the Google search bar widget, and I'm writing a message into some random web sites contact page, I'll get like half way through writing some intricate message, and navigate away to go retrieve some needed info, and if I end up entering a new search inquiry into the Google search bar widget, get the needed info, and then return to the page where I was typing the message,
To my dismay, I immediately become extremely irked to discover that page I was on is now gone.
Of course I know how to access the recent pages list and navigate back to that web page, but of course that intricate message I was typing is now gone...
On the other hand, if I was doing the same task completely using the Google Chrome app itself, I am sufficiently aware that navigating away from a page will cause me to lose anything on that page, so I of course make sure to open a new tab and do my search there, and then return to the other tab to complete the text fields successfully.
However when I'm doing this when I have originally accessed the page from the Google search bar widget, and then initiate a new search from the widget, that page then is instantly lost.
Is there any way to enable a history with any text entered into forms saved for a certain period of time?
Or any way to force the Google search bar to initiate the search using the Chrome app in a NEW tab..?
I'm aware of the "open in chrome" option within the Google app, but this issue generally happens when I forget or don't realize I'm in the Google app, and then get totally f*d
This is already a long enough post, but hopefully you can follow my run on sentence structure and understand what I'm trying to ask.
Am I the only one who experiences this issue? Surely not right?
If anyone has a solution to this problem please share
Im super excited to say I think I answered my own question.
Open the Google app. (Not the Chrome app, but the Google app)
Click your account icon bubble(top right)
Click settings
Click general
Locate option "open web pages in the app"
Unselect/disable that option
Now when u initiate a web search with the Google search bar widget, as soon as you Click a link to any website, it will open as a new tab in your default web browser
Yes this definitely works perfectly, and if youre reading this and your name is Google,
I would highly recommend this be disabled by default..
what would be the reasoning for this being enabled by default?
I've been getting fked by that setting on AT LEAST a weekly basis for YEARS!
Woo hoo

What is the browser used in lockscreen?

On a Lockscreen, there's often a link for a page about the wallpaper that's currently active. I can read this page/article without unlocking. Last night, I clicked on this article and then saved it as favorite. But I can't find it anywhere. I thought it was Edge, my default browser, but it wasn't. It's not even the in-built browser. I have checked all the browsers.
After digging around, I found out the link for these pages about the wallpapers. It's this website: But there's no history of viewing this website on any of the browsers I have in my phone.
If I unlock my phone and view the recent apps, it shows "Lockscreen Poster Service." Which is a service for wallpapers. But how to view the favorites or history?
I desperately want to read that article that I saved last night.

