Execute Dex File From Shell - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

(Not sure if it goes here or in another forum)
I've figured out a way to execute a dex file without manually running the dalvikvm command. It works similarly to self-extracting tar archives, by taking the dex file, and adding a little script at the top to run dalvikvm on it. This could probably allow for architecture-independent executables that have more abilities than shell scripts, they would just need to be written in Java and then dexed. Just add this to the start of a dex file (obviously put in the actual main class):
sed -e '1,/^exit;$/d' "$0" > "$tmpdex";
dalvikvm -cp "$tmpdex" name.of.main.Class "[email protected]";
rm "$tmpdex";
(Make sure there are no characters after "exit;" [besides a single new line character], or it will break the dex!)
As an example, I have dexed and added this to topjohnwu's zipsigner utility and attached it.


[Q] Android Scripting Q

I am trying to run a script from my nook color running CM7 (2.3.3). The script contains several wget commands designed to download pdf files from specific URLs. I have replaced the stock android busybox wget with a more powerful one that has all of the standard options. The weird thing is that when I execute the script via the command #sh run.sh, only the last line of the script executes properly...
Here is what is contained in the script file (run.sh):
wget -N -P /mnt/sdcard/wget/app/ppm --append-output=log.txt -i /mnt/sdcard/wget/ppm.txt
wget -N -P /mnt/sdcard/wget/app --append-output=log.txt -i /mnt/sdcard/wget/revision_checklist.txt
This returns the log:
: No such file or directory
No URLs found in /mnt/sdcard/wget/ppm.txt
[Removed Server Data Here]
Server file no newer than local file `/mnt/sdcard/wget/app/checklist.pdf' -- not retrieving.
What is weird is that if I add a third line to the run.sh file, the first two will error out and the third will execute. I've written the file in notepad++ using ANSI encoding. If I show all characters, the carriage return after all but the very last line shows a CR and LF.
I'm stumped...would sure appreciate any help.

[APP][DEV][GUIDE] Using the Android Java Internal/Hidden API classes

Using Java Reflection with Eclipse ADT to Access Internal/Hidden API classes.
We present a way to access all the Internal and Hidden Java packages/classes
in the AOS. To do this we need to both repackage the Android.jar and hack the
Eclipse ADT plugin, to allow using these internal packages.
Do NOT post general questions/requests on how to
do this or that, they will not be answered here.
DO post if you have additional tricks, hacks or
information that can help/benefit this tutorial.
There are two reasons one cannot use internal packages. One reason is that, if
you're using Eclipse as your development platform, those packages are
internally blocked in the Eclipse ADT plugin. Second reason is that the normal
development android.jar runtime does not contain those *.class files that
belong to the internal packages.
"There is no easy way to use com.android.internal package (internal API) or
anything marked with @hide attribute (hidden API) without using reflection.
That’s because android.jar file does not contain classes from internal and
hidden API and because of this nobody can reference those classes in compile
Thus we need to first restore the "original" android.jar which will allow us
to use internal and hidden APIs. But the runtime equivalent of Android SDK’s
android.jar file is framework.jar. This file is located in the
/system/framework/ directory of your device. We will extract and use this for
our pleasure.
The general procedure:
A) Grab the "full" framwork.jar from your device
B) extract the class files
C) add them to "full" android.jar ??
D) Hack the Eclipse ADT plugin jar.
Finally, NOTHING would have been possible without the excellent step-by-step
instructions on the devmaze-blog by senior Android developer Ievgenii Nazaruk
(aka. "inazaruk"). THANK YOU Ievgenii!​References
The General Procedure
NOTE: All this was performed on Windows Vista with Cygwin.(1) Grab BOOTCLASSPATH from init.rc
Find the line in your init.rc file that reads something like:
[SIZE=2]export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar[/SIZE]
Extract and reformat the path to:
(2) Grab the "framework" from your device
Create a working directory somewhere, let's call it "_framework":
[SIZE=2]mkdir ./_framework[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cd _framework[/SIZE]
Grab all the framework files from your device:
[SIZE=2]adb pull /system/framework .[/SIZE]
Rename directory if needed.
NOTE-1: From now on I'll assume you know where you are!
NOTE-2: Most GB 2.3.4+ devices uses .odex'ed files,
with name pairs like: <package>.jar and <package>.odex.
These need to be converted.
(3) Use baksmali with (1)
You can also use baksmali with the switch: -d <framwork-dir>.
The general command is something like below, but in windows there may be "wrappers"
that allow you to just type "baksmali" without the "java -jar" prefix and without
the ".jar" post fix. Anyway here is the command I used:
[SIZE=2]java -Xmx1024m -jar ./../../baksmali.jar -a 10 -c :core.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:core-junit.jar -x framework.odex[/SIZE]
==> This results in all files put in the "out" sub-directory.
This directory contain 3 sub-directories (for GB 2.3.4):
[I]android [/I](Hidden APIs)
[I]com [/I](Internal APIs)
[I]javax [/I](Hidden APIs)
NOTE: If you are using Google's own API's, you will probably also need to add
those packages to the path above. (Eg. Email.jar, etc etc ?)
(4) Then use smali to create a dex file from "out" directory
java -jar smali.jar out
==> creates out.dex from "out" directory.
(5) Run dex2jar on out.dex
[SIZE=2]./dex2jar.bat out.dex[/SIZE]
==> creates out_dex2jar.jar
(This .jar contain close to 4900 files at 12 MB!)
(6) Rename "out_dex2jar.jar" to "framework-classes.zip"
[SIZE=2]mv out_dex2jar.jar framework-classes.zip
unzip framework-classes.zip[/SIZE]
(7) Find and copy your Android SDK's android.jar file
Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/android-X/android.jar
where X is the API level of interest. This obviously have to match the
API level of the files you extracted from your device in: /system/framework .
This .jar file contain more than 5300 files when expanded, but missing all
the internal packages. Our job is to add them back in.
Let's first make a copy that we can use to expand and add files from (6):
cp android.jar custom-android.zip
unzip custom-android.zip
(8) Add all *.class files from (6) in to (7)
Copy and replace all existing *.class files from framework-classes.zip into
[SIZE=2]cp -R /path/to/framework-classes/* /path/to/custom-android/.[/SIZE]
The root content of that directory should then look something like this:
(9) Rename directory and create your new "classy-android.jar"
We rename it so not confuse with the original:
mv custom-android classy-android
zip classy-android
mv classy-android.zip classy-android.jar
Make absolutely sure that the folder structure of your zip archive
is exactly the same as what you intended. To check, unzip the file
and see if it is what you (and eventually Eclipse) would expect.
(For example, if you use 7zip to zip a directory file called "test",
into "test.zip", you may end-up extracting it to ./test/test/... )
(10) Enabling & Restricting Access to classy-android.jar
Instead of just replacing the android.jar with classy-android.jar, we choose
to create a customized Android platform. This way you can enable the Internal
and Hidden API's for those projects requiring them, while other standard
projects doesn't have access to those.
(a) Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/
and copy the relevant directory (for example):
cp -R android-10 android-10-internals
(b) Replace android.jar with your classy-android.jar:
cp classy-android.jar android.jar
("cp" overwrites!)
(c) Edit the build.prop file:
Edit/replace the following lines:
[SIZE=2]ro.build.version.sdk=10 ==> ro.build.version.sdk=[COLOR=Black][B]-10[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]ro.build.version.release=2.3.3 ==> ro.build.version.release=2.3.internal[/SIZE]
(11) Customizing the Eclipse ADT
In order to be able to use com.android.internal packages in the Eclipse ADT,
you have to disable the internal protection mechanism of the plugin, that
prevent you to use these libraries. You can see this by right-clicking on your
project package and navigate to:
[SIZE=2]==> Properties ==> Java Build Path ==> Libraries (tab) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]--> Android 2.x.x --> android.jar [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]--> "Access rules: 1 rule defined": [B][COLOR=Red](X)[/COLOR][/B] [B]Forbidden: com/android/internal/**[/B][/SIZE]
This can not be removed (bug?), even though the interface allows changing, it
never persists after closing the Properties window. So we have to hack it!
The way to do it, is to hexedit the correct java class file and change the
name from "internal" to "internax". First let's find the correct file. The
plugin file is located in the ./eclipse/plugins/ directory, and its name is
something like:
(a) make a backup copy of this (with the exact name preserved) in another directory.
(b) make a another copy of this in another directory.
(c) unzip (b) in that directory
[SIZE=2]cp com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]unzip hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cd hacked_adt[/SIZE]
This is a huge directory system, so forget poking around in it,
just go to the correct sub-directory:
[SIZE=2]cd ./com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/[/SIZE]
Then find the correct file and the approximate string location within that file:
[SIZE=2]strings.exe -f -4 -t x ./*.class |grep "android\/internal"[/SIZE]
It happens to be in "AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class". Now, use a
hexeditor to find and change the string "com/android/internal/**"
to "com/android/internax/**". That will do it!
Now zip-up your hacked jar directory and copy it over the old one.
(Remember that "cp" overwrites without warning!)
[SIZE=2]zip hacked_adt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cp hacked_adt.zip /path/to/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar[/SIZE]
You Are Done!
Enjoy your newly hacked Eclipse! ​Errors
If you get any errors;
1. make sure you have zipped up everything properly as warned before.
2. make sure you have included Google API packages in your BOOTCLASSPATH in step (3).
3. Try to "clean-up" the Java by: "Right-Click" ==> Source ==> "Clean Up...".
4. Google them
5. Ignore them
6. Give up. Not! But I can't help you!
If it still doesn't work, try to download inazaruk's pre-compiled set of internal android.jar's from here.
(For android 7,8,10,15.)
WIP! <here be dragons2>
For a project using internal package imports, see my thread:
"[TOOL][APP][WIP] Native AT Command Injector"
<here be more dragons>
Following the instructions in posts 1-2 above, may not always work. It is not known to me at this time, why it shouldn't. One theory is that it can have something to do with how Eclipse and Android.jar is packaging their files and the resulting sizes.
This was mentioned in this Stackoverflow post:
"Jar files: why does extracting then compression a jar file create a file of a different size to the original?"
Then reading the man pages for "jar" we can inform ourselves with:
[SIZE=2] c Creates a new archive file named jarfile (if f is specified) or to
standard output (if f and jarfile are omitted). Add to it the
files and directories specified by inputfiles.
u Updates an existing file jarfile (when f is specified) by adding
to it files and directories specified by inputfiles.
x Extracts files and directories from jarfile (if f is specified) or
standard input (if f and jarfile are omitted). If inputfiles is
specified, only those specified files and directories are
extracted. Otherwise, all files and directories are extracted.
t Lists the table of contents from jarfile (if f is specified) or
standard input (if f and jarfile are omitted). If inputfiles is
specified, only those specified files and directories are listed.
Otherwise, all files and directories are listed.
i Generate index information for the specified jarfile and its
dependent jar files.
More info is provided here:
The JAR Overview @
The JAR File Specification @
The JARIndex Spec @
JAR Tutorial @
pack200 Reference Page @
Another theory is that it may have something to do with what seem to be, that Google have revoked the the use of MODIFY_PHONE_STATE since Android 2.3, and that this influences the Eclipse behavior, when using and modifying older android.jar's. This was mentioned here and here.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
< bump >
Hi, thanks for the info, I made it using linux and worked really nice, these were the lines that I used, hope be useful.
This is my Android folder at home
├── eclipse
├── ndk
├── platforms-internals
├── sdk
└── tools
Start an avd running the desired API to modify in this case API-17
$ emulator -avd avd_api_17 -no-window &
Get the framework
$ cd ~/Android/
$ mkdir _framework
$ cd _framework
$ adb -s emulator-5554 pull /system/framework .
$ adb -s emulator-5554 shell cat init.rc | grep BOOTCLASSPATH > bootclasspath
I didn't have the tools used in this tutorial, so I included the steps for getting them
Decompile with baskmali
$ cd ~/Android/tools
$ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/baksmali-1.4.2.jar
$ cd ~/Android/_framework
$ java -Xmx1024m -jar ../tools/baksmali-1.4.2.jar -a 17 -c core.jar:core-junit.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:telephony-common.jar:mms-common.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:apache-xml.jar -x framework.odex
The parameter -a for baksmali refers to the API we are working with.
Generate out.dex with smali
$ cd ~/Android/tools
$ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/smali-1.4.2.jar
$ cd ~/Android/_framework
$ java -jar ../tools/smali-1.4.2.jar out
Get internal and hidden classes using dex2jar
$ cd ~/Android
$ wget https://dex2jar.googlecode.com/files/dex2jar-
$ unzip dex2jar-
$ rm dex2jar-
$ cd _framework/
$ ../tools/dex2jar- out.dex
$ unzip out-dex2jar.jar -d framework-classes
Add these classes to plataform's default android.jar
$ cd ~/Android
$ unzip sdk/platforms/android-17/android.jar -d custom-android
$ cp -r _framework/framework-classes/* custom-android/
$ rm -r _framework
$ cd custom-android
$ zip -r ../custom-android.jar *
$ cd ..
$ rm -r custom-android
Create new extended platform
$ cd ~/Android
$ cp -r sdk/platforms/android-17 platforms-internals/android-17-internals
$ mv custom-android.jar platforms-internals/android-17-internals/android.jar
$ vi platforms-internals/android-17-internals/build.prop
$ ln -s ~/Android/platforms-internals/android-17-internals ~/Android/sdk/platforms/android-17-internals
I use a symlink for keep it a little organized
Hack ADT
$ cd ~/Android
$ unzip eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar -d hacked_adt
Go to right folder
$ cd hacked_adt/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/
Find file where is our desired string
$ strings -f -a -t x * | grep "android\/internal"
Edit with an hex editor
$ bless AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class &
Here we change the l for the x.
Replace original file making a backup
$ cd ~/Android
$ cp eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar.original
$ cd hacked_adt/
$ zip -r ../eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar *
$ cd ..
$ rm -r hacked_adt
This worked for me... thanks E:V:A
I got just one error related to a dropbox class, but i think this is not important... hope that
lenieto3 said:
...Start an avd running the desired API to modify in this case API-17... This worked for me... I got just one error related to a dropbox class, but i think this is not important...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks and sorry for late reply. I'm very happy to hear these instructions still works with API-17! Could you also upload your hacked JAR somewhere so that people can save some time when experimenting?
I was just here to check-in and try to bump this thread to see if it is still useful to anyone.
E:V:A said:
Thanks and sorry for late reply. I'm very happy to hear these instructions still works with API-17! Could you also upload your hacked JAR somewhere so that people can save some time when experimenting?
I was just here to check-in and try to bump this thread to see if it is still useful to anyone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ive got access to ActivityManager's hidden methods.
I want to use the removeTask method, but it keeps saying that I dont have the REMOVE_TASKS permissions even though I added it to the manifest (and turned off lint).
Permission Denial: removeTask() from pid=9963, uid=10179 requires android.permission.REMOVE_TASKS
Does someone know if there are any automated tools to do/performs steps 1-9?
I'd like to see a tool to automatically pull (from phone), extract and create a compatible android.jar.
@Mohammad_Adib: Sorry, this is the wrong thread for those type of questions.
see this link stackoverflow.com|questions|30656933|android-system-framework-jar-files

[GUIDE] SManager - How to use Commands

I want to learn some of the commands for use in SManager (Script Manager) for ANDROID.
Does anyone know a suitable thread with guide or commands for SManager? I tried searching the web and XDA but did not find anything myself.
Specifically I want to know the cmd line to start an app.
Spent a good few hours trying to google a solution but drawn a blank.......Maybe Shell Scripts for Linux are not same as for Android...?
I would like to be able to run a script that does the following:
Checks if a directory exists on the sdcard
then executes a command (renaming of 2 directories)
then starts a program
well a few emails with the author of SManager and I was able to write my first script to check if the app is running and then if not, to rename folders and start the other version of the app. (I have Navigon Europe as well as Navigon Australia and was looking for a solution to allow both to co exist on my One-X at the same time. As both apps share the same directory structure the issue was that starting one version would overwrite the critical files of the other).
Now with my script installed as a widget I can toggle between each version without problem.
Here is some useful information on shell language for others (credits to the author of SManager Devwom):
Here are some critical bits of info received during my emails with him:
Thanks a lot for your interest in SManager.
The requested commands is a mix between linux commands and android os commands.
To get info about each command you can search in google and select the preferred page.
But the commands available in each Android device depends on running rom.
To get all available commands in your device, simply execute a ls (lower case LS) in system directories, that is:
ls /system/bin
ls /system/sbin
ls /system/xbin
ls /system/usr/bin
ls /system/usr/sbin
ls /system/usr/xbin
These are the most common directories where binaries resides in android devices.
May be you also can have commands at:
ls /bin
ls /sbin
ls /usr/bin
ls /usr/sbin
usually android rooted roms have the well known busybox, to get a list all comands inside it simply execute
to get all installed packages (and running names) from your device you can execute:
pm list packages
to get info about running process
ps aux
ps -aux
depending on ps version installed
If conditions are based on test bash command this command is a bit confused, because usually it is named as [, and other times it is built-in inside shell
read "test man page" to get a full list of test command flags.
To check if an app is running:
if [ -n "$(ps|grep os.tools.scriptmanager)" ] ; then
echo SManager is running
To check if app is NOT running:
if [ -z "$(ps|grep os.tools.scriptmanager)" ] ; then
echo SManager is NOT running
To check if a file exist:
if [ -e /sdcard/file ] ; then
echo /sdcard/file exists
To check if a file exist and it is a directory:
if [ -d /sdcard/file ] ; then
echo /sdcard/file exists and is directory
To rename a directory simply use mv command:
I hope you can build your script with this info.
Start app it is very easy but getting correct info to start app is a bit confused.
starting app uses "am command"
To get correct info to start app you should execute:
logcat |grep Starting
in a terminal on device
then go to launcher and launch desired app
then go back to the terminal and you will see a line with info about how to fill am command.
For example if you execute SManager
logcat|grep Starting
output you will see
I/ActivityManager(* 275): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=os.tools.scriptmanager/.launcherActivity } from pid 377
so to start scriptmanager you need the following command
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -n os.tools.scriptmanager/.launcherActivity
I do not know how to stop apps from command line, I usually use killall command:
killall os.tools.scriptmanager
if you do not have killall command you can use grep and awk or cut commands
kill "$(ps|grep os.tools.scriptmanager|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2;}')"
kill "$(ps|grep os.tools.scriptmanager|grep -v grep|cut -f5 -d" ")"
may you need adjust -f5 flag
To execute script as shortcut install SMWidgets.
Scripts usually ends with last line , ie, not special action is required, it will exit with the last executed command return code
Also you can add
exit 0
or preferred exit value, but 0 usually means OK
To end script in the middle use
exit value
where value usually it is not 0
Also it is better use mv command instead rename command.
rename command it is not linux standard, but mv command is in all linux shells.
Android shell programing it is not equals to linux shell programming but this was one of my first scripting documents many years ago and it can be used as a guide. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html
Best regards,
Thanks, this is valuable information! It's a shame this thread didn't get more replies
I've been looking to change my wallpaper by script, but so far I haven't been succesful. With your guide, I guess I'm a step closer to my goals!
Perhaps developer of smanager or any expert is reading...
I would like to write a script for 2 purposes. Both handle with samba share running on my ubuntu.
1st situation.: I would like to move my media, download and documents files from android to the desired folder on my Ubuntu, which is shared by samba in my LAN.
The goal is to start this script with just touching a widget.
2nd situation: I would like to copy files from my samba shared folder in ubuntu to a specific folder on sdcard in android. All files in folder on sdcard should be deleted before copying. Again just by touching a widget.
Shared folder on samba are with password and rw.
Till now I am doing it manually with esexplorer...
I would like to do it with script.
Sent from my Incredible S using xda app-developers app

[Scripts support init.d] Developer something that should take into account

Developers and users in general hope that this information will be of help and understand how important this issue is
to develop the script according assume smartphone
In most of the roms we can find a folder called init.d where you will find a variety of script that are optimizations for
the system itself there is only a detail as you may have noticed the scripts that are used are the same as those used in xperia x8,
type, among other variety as well as file modifications Encourage build.prop only device in this topic we will learn to notice how
the scripts are built and running as smoothly as possible.
Because I say that the scripts are the same? Simple is good since I have seen your code and have compared with the terminals I have
the code and some things should not be there just do not serve the terminal to Encourage and lagee much scripts are not universal
trust me
Some things like values?? optimzacion kernel (sysctl) such xperia L example of code are these:
-kernel= kernel.auto_msgmni = 0
-vm= vm.block_dump = 0
-fs= fs.aio-max-nr = 65536
-net= net.core.dev_weight = 64
note: and so on the more codes each terminal should be just the scripts for each terminal
some files should not come optimizations init.d support
host file this file is normally used to block advertising terminal does support that file in init.d wonder?
comes as other files named sqlite3 that is used to access the root does support init.d ???? now the other file called zipalign that is
normally used to sign apk applications to sign in support init.d ???
the init.d support should be different for each terminal is different because each firmware should not be general
important: it is my view and my knower that is also something constructive
1.-Basic commands and file handling
command: #!/bin/bash
information: +-/home: User home directories
command cd
command to change directory.
command ls
list contents of directories
command cp
copy files/directories
command rm
delete files/directories
command mkdir
create directories
command sysctl
Configure kernel parameters at runtime
2.-All configurations such scripts
3.- startup file
path of the file to be started: /system/etc/init.d/init
example code:
Seed file support init.d: /system/etc/udev/rules.d/init.rules
KERNEL=="mount*", ACTION=="change", SUBSYSTEM=="platform", RUN+="/system/etc/init.d/init"
5.- permissions script
chmod 755
6.- Example of script
# This is a comment
echo "Hello world"
7.- Conditional if o if-else
code if:
if value
code if-else:
if value
8.- Code if o if-else
-a file: True if the file exists
-e file: The same
-b file: True if file exists and has a special block
-c file: True if file exists and is of type character
-d file: True if file exists and is a directory
-f file: True if file exists and is a common file
-g file: True if file exists and its set bit in September GroupID
-h file: True if file exists and is a symbolic link
-k file: True if file exists and its sticky bit set
-p file: True if file exists and is a named pipe
-r file: True if file exists and is readable
-s file: True if file exists and is greater than 0
-u file: True if file exists and has the setuid bit set
-w file: True if file exists and is writable
-x file: True if file exists and has execute permissions
-O file: True if file exists and is nuetro EUID user
-G file: True if file exists and is in our group EGID
-L file: True if file exists and is a symbolic link
-S file: True if file exists and is a socket
-N file: True if file exists and has changed since the last reading
9.- Checks
if [ ! -e $1 ]
echo “No”
10.- the main thing you have to develop the script support init.d
Note: In the coming days I will do a better, more detailed documentation :fingers-crossed:

[Q] how to launch an app from the terminal, opening specified file?

From the terminal, I would like to learn how to open a file in an android app.
As an example, how would I open /storage/emulated/0/Download/test.txt in Ted lightweight text editor?
When I try this:
am start -a android.intent.action.EDIT -n fr.xgouchet.texteditor/.TedActivity -d /storage/emulated/0/Download/test.txt
I get an error that includes "Permission Denial: startActivity asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL"
I'm not sure exactly what that's about, so I try to work around it with this:
am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.EDIT -n fr.xgouchet.texteditor/.TedActivity -d /storage/emulated/0/Download/test.txt
Now Ted editor starts, but it opens a new file and not the specified file. I tried multiple times; one time there was a message at the top saying something to the effect that the specified file could not be opened. I've also tried different test files to exclude the possibility that test.txt is corrupt.
I'm stuck. Please help!
P.S. Ted's AndroidManifest.xml is available on github. I tried posting the link but, being new to the forum, I was not permitted to do so.
OS: CM11
Device: Moto G
Relevant apps: Terminal Emulator (jackpal.androidterm 1.0.65), Ted (fr.xgouchet.texteditor 1.8.1)
1) After countless hours of trial and error, I figured it out. Entering this command in the terminal opens the file for editing in Ted:
su -c "am start -a android.intent.action.EDIT -n fr.xgouchet.texteditor/.TedActivity -d file:/storage/emulated/0/Download/test.txt"
If you are reading this thread and like to write your own shell scripts, these two commands might also come handy if your script uses both CLI and GUI utilities:
2) To see the name of the app currently in the foreground:
su -c "dumpsys window windows" | grep mCurrentFocus | cut -d'/' -f1 | cut -d' ' -f5
3) To put the terminal in the foreground again:
su -c "am start -n jackpal.androidterm/.Term"
If you know how to do 1) (see my previous post) without root privileges, please post it here.
It doesn't make sense to me that root privileges would be required to open a user-owned file in a text editor. Android is linux, after all, so I'm hoping that anything a normal user can do via the GUI can also be done from the command line.

