Clock with Seconds in Digits - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Themes, Apps, and Mods

Can anyone tell me how to add seconds digits in Zooper
Need CODES to add Please
My last option will be to get a clock with seconds digits
also looking for Modern Icon pack where can i get that too


Network Signal, Volume, Battery Icons blocked

After I installed and used the RegistryWizard to tweak my Polaris for the Taskbar Date/Time to show the Clock & Date, it turned out that the words which is supposed to be the Date & Time is overlapping with my other icons. I tried to disable it and change it to "Nothing" but it wouldn't go back like last time.
Solutions please?

Time Display in Title Bar???

Hi! Like the title says, I need help with the clock in my status bar. I've had the clock shown for about 2 weeks now and all of a sudden, the clock went from digital to analog. I have the fuze with the EnergyRom 2.0. Any suggestions on how I could switch my clock back to digital.
tap and hold on the clock.. magic
I did that and my notifications pop up... no option to change the way my clock is displayed or anything...
Oops, my bad, didn't even think of that.
Navigate to the following key with your preferred registry editor
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell] and set the DWORD Value of AnalogClock to 0

How to remove the line through the numbers on the digital clock?

When you remove the clock background, flippers, etc, you're left with just the clock numbers. Unfortunately, there's still a line right through the middle of them.
You can turn off the flip feature and replace the numbers (png file) and the line is still there.
Anyone know how to remove it?
I just did it yesterday.

Style clock on flip wallet cover shows incorrect time

Guys I have question
On OEM flip cover, when you enable the style clock does it show the right time when the phone time settings is set at AM/PM mode?
On my style clock the minutes hand shows correctly but the hour hand shows "0". I have tired all the style clock themes and all show this but when i change my phone's time settings to 24 hour clock it displays correctly...!!
The date shows correctly, its only the time which is incorrectly & specifically the hour hand which shows "0"
I have tried restarting the device multiple times but still nothing.
Any help with this will be highly appricated

hh:mm:ss on statusbar?

How to add seconds on the clock on statusbar?
I managed to show seconds on statusbar but it doesn't refresh only minutes change not seconds...
Any idea?
i would like to see some miui mod for seconds in status bar too

