Nobody found the solution, to decompile and recompile Oreo .apk ?
All tests are negative! mainly on SystemUI.apk! even with .9.png correction, non-compliant apk.
I was wanting to make a complete port of the optimus 2x theme/framework. How would I go about doing this? what are the most basic changes I could make to start this?
I have Ubuntu setup and Android Kitchen JDK/SDK/NDK etc.
Most basic changes would be swapping png files around. After that would be editing xml files. I don't know about you OS, but I use APK Manager to decompile and recompile. And I use EditPad to edit the decompiled xml files.
Next step up would be smali, and after that is beyond me. There are some very talented themers in the G2x area that might help you; KingDavid63, bmann_420, and mmapcpro are the first 3 off the top of my head.
Document by Theming Gurus
Awesome Theming Guide
Awesome! Thanks so much!!
Hi there,
Great forum and such a superb source of info, keep up the good work.
I am a newie, I would like to modify the standard latest stable release of Gotham apk to incorporate some new skins, video addons, sources etc.
Hence I need to extract apk, make changes, sign apk and install apk on any android device with full functionality.
i have done a lot of research and have been trying with APK-Multi-Toolv1.0.11 for extracting and after modding then repacking in to an unsigned apk and then using SignApk to sign app.
Problem is if I make the smallest change like even add a background or add 1 video addon that should work in gotham although my apk installs it doesn't work properly. i.e no video addons work.
i know my signing tool works because if i extract and repack and sign without changes then apk installs and works....i am no coder or programmer but these are good tools and don't know why they aren't working to customise gotham apk...is it that gotham is made not to be customised?
any help/guidance/tips much appreciated. thanks. al
Good day!
We know that framework-res.apk (and others with -res) must be installed first in order for the ApkTool be able to decompile apk.
But is there any differences in installing framework-res.apk from Android 2.3.x in installing framework-res.apk from android 4.x?
I mean, is installing framework-res.apk from Android 4.x to apktool can decompile more apk than installing framework-res.apk from android 2.3.x?
If that so, then should I use (ask for) framework-res.apk from Android 4.x even though I am using 2.3.x device?
I am using Advanced ApkTool, by the way.
But I guess my query is applicable to all apktool versions.
Thank you very much!
I have looking for tutorial modding BBM for cloning, So I have BBM1, BBM2 on the same device. Where the first I should modified? I use APK tool to decompile and notepad+ for my editing. My first effort I tried to compare BBM original source file and BBM modified/cloned with WinMerge. In *.xml file I see a lot of difference files, but for *.so (library) nothing touch. My goal is I want using the newest BBM version cloned... Would you give me some clue for this?
Hi everybody, I wanted to ask if it's possible to translate (change strings into strings.xml) android app starting from apk file. I have an android application which is in Chenese and I want to translate it I have already seen that I can extract an apk file and then open it with Android Studio... But after I'll make my changes in strings.xml I don't know how to rebuilt apk... Does anybody have any idea how to do that?
Thanks xda users..