Status bar color - Samsung Galaxy A8 (2018) Questions & Answers

I need your screenshoot a8 home screen with black wallpaper.
Is it normal that my status bar isn't black at all instead greenish looking

The status bar is indeed not as dark as the bottom of the screen. So, I think this is normal.


[Q] Problem with Go Launcher ..or any other launcher actually

on the normal HTC Sense the status bar is black (or transparent) in the home screen but turns white when i open the apps drawer or any application. The problem is when I install any launcher the status bar remains white all the time and it looks pretty annoying. I don't know what's causing that. Any suggestions?
Edit: I found that if I changed my wallpaper the status bar turns black again..But only till I lock the screen. After unlocking it, it turns back to white.

Title bar and keyboard hiding screen

My Title bar the top bar with the time etc on it hides and is behind the screen. and the keyboard shows over the screen so I have to hit the back button to see the button to sum it text.

Why does my status bar text turn black on home screen?

In every app I run the status bar text (time, battery, signal etc) is white and nicely visible, until I go back to the home screen where it turns black and I cannot read anything anymore.
Stock theme or custom themes all share the same issue
Any ideas? Going crazy

Black navigation on all screens

Since the update to one ui 2.0, i have a permanent black bar where the navigation buttons usually go,(i used gestures btw).
Its like the black bar you get under the keyboard which i have turned off, but still just get an empty black bar at the bottom of my screen now.
I've drawn round it in red to show what I'm on about in the attached picture.
Is anyone else having this issue and how i do i remove it.
Thanks in advance
Sometimes the bar will change colour to what's on the screen, but before the update it wasn't there at all.
Hi, I only got that when I used the kwgt app to theme my phone. I still want to know why but anyway once uninstalled my phones back to normal.

Nav bar icons

I take it there is no way to space the nav bar icons out more towards the edges of the screen without rooting the phone?

