Software Development [XPOSED][INTEL][PX5] 4 Xposed modules to tweak your FYT based (Joying) unit - FYT Android Head Units

Currently there are 4 Xposed modules available for the FYT based Intel (Joying) Sofia 3GR Intel and (Joying) Rockchip PX5-A53 units.
GPSSpeedFix V1.12 (by lbdroid, not by me) (Changelog in post #3)
[*]XSofiaTweaker V1.26 (Global Xposed repository) DISCONTINUED
XFytTweaker V1.2.0 (Global Xposed repository)
SofiaServerNoKill V1.01 (Global Xposed repository)
SofiaServerCustomKeyMod V1.01 (Global Xposed repository) (Changelog in post #3)
All modules function on the Joying 6.0.1 stock ROMs (when rooted and with Xposed installed) or on the GTX custom ROMs (pre-rooted and pre-installed with Xposed)
Only the first module can *currently* be installed from my apk, as it is not my module. The other 3 my modules are avalaible on The Xposed Installer on the unit can be used to install them.
GPSPeedFix: (stable)
This Xposed module is written by lbdroid. (lbdroids repository)
Since the Joying July 2017 ROMs, there is an error in the GPS Speed on the Sofia 3GR units. The GPS HAL in the Joying Sofia 3GR units uses integers instead of floats to calculate the meters/second. This give speed steps of 3.6 km/hr, or actually rounded to 3 or 4 km/hr steps. This Xposed module calculates the right GPS speed and feeds it back to the "system", so that all dependent apps like navigation apps or GPS trackers can use the correct speed. (require full reboot on installation/activation)
XFytTweaker: (Stable).
This is the successor module of the XSofiaServerTweaker, which on its turn was the successor of the SofiaServerCustommod (See Gustdens post).
The reason for the XFytTweaker was that actually any FYT based unit is running the same FYT/SYU software no matter whether it is an Intel Sofia or a Rockchip PX5. So after making the module suitable for Android 8.0.0, I changed the name.
captures the hardware keys from the Joying unit and allows you to reprogram them. This must/can be configured from the Settings (sub)screen.
allows you to switch on/off the nokill.
allows you to unmute channel 4, which is used for Google voice feedback.
can act on the ACC_ON, ACC_OFF and Resume events.
option to prevent the Bluetooth app from staying full screen on top (thanks to @gtxaspec)
option to prevent the CANbus overlays popping up on heat/airco change or door(s) opening
Option to run system calls as root (Know what you do!)
Option to display the CPU temperature in the status bar next to the time
option to disable the yellow MCU errors overlay (in case this happens to you) (thanks to @RoNeReR)
option to disable the overlay display of the volume bar on volume changes (the volume is always numerically displayed in the status bar)(thanks to @IG_Vasilich for pointing me to the right hook)
supports a usb dac where volume control will be rerouted to stock android volume control (thanks to @RoNeReR)
eliminates feedback during the call if you have OK Google anywhere enabled (thanks to @gtxaspec)
Translated into Spanish (tOz-666), German (mitchum67), Russian (gorlexx @ 4pda), Dutch. Help translate in your own language.
Big thanks to @gustden who analyzed which functions to hook (or directly mod in his case). Note that this module is extended with the EQ and Eject key (when applicable).
Below this post are some images attached from the XSofiaTweaker.
Changelog in post #3.
SofiaServerNoKill: (Stable)
This Xposed module skips the SofiaServer "kill all apps" when going to sleep. This should replace the old nokill mod from Gustden.
Note: Some apps prevent the unit from going into deep-sleep by setting a "wakelock". The old SofiaServer simply killed these apps. This module doesn't do that. The MCU detects the apps using the wakelock to keep the CPU awake and the MCU will completely switch off the unit, resulting in a cold-boot upon switching on the contact. That is not the fault of this module. It is the fault of these bad behaving apps.
Big thanks to @gustden who analyzed which functions to hook (or directly mod in his case)
SofiaServerCustomKeyMod: (Stable)
This is a direct "functionality" copy of Gustdens CustomKeymod, but then as an Xposed module.
This Xposed module captures the hardware keys from the Joying unit and allows you to reprogram them. This should replace the custom key mod from Gustden. It mimics the same behavior and therefore also needs a In contradiction to the mods of Gustden, these Xposed modules do not touch the original SofiaServer binary and are therefore firmware version independent.
Big thanks to @gustden who analyzed which functions to hook (or directly mod in his case) and how to apply them in the script

XFytTweaker HowTo
(previously XSofiaTweaker)
Every button or event (acc_on/off) has a "Call method" and a "String to be used".
Currently there are 3 options to "start something" with the "Call method"
by package name
by intent (package name / intent)
by system call (terminal command(s) or script)
by package name: This is NOT the name of the apk but the internal package name. How do you get this "package name"?
Use the "List all Installed apps" option in the main screen of the settings. It shows the app icon, the app name and the package name. This package name is what you need. You can select it and copy & paste it into the field.
use the "Display my installed apps (with package name)" option from the JET apk from the top-left menu.
Search in for the app you want to start. Say you want to start the navigation app "Magic Earth" and you have selected that one in the play store (in a browser, not the android app). In the address bar you will then see "". The bold part behind the "id=" is your package name.
by intent: Every app has a "launch" intent to start the app. Some apps can also be started with other intents to immediately start a specific function. Google Search can be started with the launch intent, but you can also start it with the Google Voice search option intent. The Google (Search) package name is "", the specific intent for google voice search is "". The combined "String to be used" is therefore "".
Another example is the Joying Bluetooth apk having intents for the dialer (default launch), the call receiver, the bluetooth streaming, the pairing and a few more.
by system call: A system call can be a direct (linux) command or a shell script or a binary (to do something).
= Commands can be a single command as in:
"ls -l > /sdcard/some_file.txt" to capture a directory listing to a file
"input keyevent 3" => Go to the Home screen (of the default launcher)
"am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.HOME" => Go to the Home screen (of the default launcher)
"input keyevent 127" => pause active media player (any media player)
"input key event 126" => (re)start last used media player.
"am start" => Start the radio app with the default launch intent (or better use "by package name":; Or use "by intent":
As you can see from the 2nd and 3rd example, there are multiple ways to do something.
From the 6th example you can see that you can start an app (the radio) from the command line with "am start <full intent>", or by package name, or by intent directly.
= A system call can also be a number of commands separated by a ";".
Say you want to pause the media player and switch of the leds, when switching of the contact (ACC_OFF event), you can use as "String to use"
input keyevent 127; echo -n "h" > /sys/fytver/colorled
Upon switching on your car, you might want to continue your media player and switch on your leds to green
input keyevent 126; echo -n "b" > /sys/fytver/colorled
Note that you need to separate the commands with a ";" (a semi-colon without the quotes). I have currently no idea how long the entire command can be but I assume some system standard like 255, or 1024 or 2048 or 32767 or 65535, but I advise to use a script anyway when it gets that long (see next point)
= A system call can also be a call to a shell script
Say you want to pause the active media player and switch off the leds (like the example above), you can also put these commands (and 2-200? more) in a script like:
input keyevent 127
echo -n "h" > /sys/fytver/colorled
You copy that script to a location where you can give it the execute bit (necessary on linux), which means not the internal or any external sdcard, but for example /data. You need adb, a rooted terminal or a rooted file manager to do that. Give it the execute rights like "chmod 755"
Multi-tap options (preferred method)
The XFytTweaker and previously the XSofiaTweaker (since v1.22) directly supports double-tap and triple-tap options for hardware and steering wheel buttons, thanks to @gtxaspec.
Simply assign a call option and call entry to the double-tap and triple-tap option. The default delay is 300 ms, but this is user configurable via the "tap delay" setting.
Using NoKill and experiencing cold boots
The NoKill module/option in XFytTweaker is NOT the cause of the cold boots! Bad behaving apps keeping the CPU awake by setting a "wake lock", thereby preventing the unit to go into deep-sleep, are the cause. They make the MCU shutdown the unit completely after about 20 minutes.
The original sofiaServer app simply kills everything, so no problem there.
Especially some GPS, tasker and media player apps are bad behaving apps holding a "wake lock".
You can completely, safely use the NoKill option, but you should find those bad behaving apps and get rid of them, or kill them on going into deep-sleep using the ACC_OFF event and start them again using the ACC_ON event.
To kill an app on going into deep-sleep and start it when coming out of deep-sleep, AND to pause any mediaplayer on going into deep sleep, you can for example use the ACC_OFF option with a "system call".
am force-stop com.waze; input keyevent 127
And in the ACC_ON command to restart waze (in this case) and restart any media player on coming out of deep sleep:
am start com.waze/.MainActivity; input keyevent 126
Multi-tap options (deprecated method)
The customkeymod from Gustden and my sofiaservercustomkeymod xposed module both use the launcher script that enables multi-tap options.
The XFytTweaker (previously XSofiaTweaker) does support that as well using a script approach by using a "by system call". But it is advised to use above mentioned method.
So lets say we want to capture the src/mode button and assign 3 apps to that by consecutive key-presses, and lets say we call our script ""
# Goto Home screen
home="input keyevent 3"
# my apps
last=`cat /data/src_mode.cnt`
case $last in
echo $last > /data/src_mode.cnt
(sleep .7 && [ `cat /data/src_mode.cnt` = $last ] && echo 0 > /data/src_mode.cnt && ${app_no1} ) &
echo $last > /data/src_mode.cnt
(sleep .5 && [ `cat /data/src_mode.cnt` = $last ] && echo 0 > /data/src_mode.cnt && ${app_no2} ) &
echo 0 > /data/src_mode.cnt
echo 0 > /data/src_mode.cnt
Save that script to /data as "" (for example) and make it executable "chmod 755". Make the call method in the XFytTweaker "system call" and the string "/data/"
Assign full launch intent calls to the ${app_no1} for your apps.
In case of google maps like
app_no1="am start"
And use something more logical that "app_no1"
- Use an editor that can handle unix line ends/line feeds, so not notepad.
- Some of the "complaints" about the previous mods from gustden was the "delay". This was also caused by the multitap, as the scripts waits 0.7 seconds for the second tap, and 0.3 seconds for the 3rd tap. If you are a "fast tapper", you could reduce this to 0.5 and 0.3 (or 0.2) seconds.
(Will be further expanded)

Changelog GPSSpeedFix:
1.12 Fix int/float bug in GPSSpeedFix (thanks to IG_Vasilich)
Switch from 5 moving average samples to 3 moving average samples to improve responsiveness on speed changes. (note: 2 samples and 1 sample simply work worse)
Remove appcompat layer library. Size reduction from 1.3MB to 98KB.
1.1 fix bearing error (user jvdv): prevents the "jump all over the place and point into wrong direction" cursor when navigating.
1.0 first version
Changelog XFytTweaker:
(previously XSofiaTweaker)
Version 1.4.0, 18 August 2018
Created a small wiki on the repository. Added link as third option in "Information Screen"
Added option to disable the overlay display of the volume bar on volume changes (the volume is always numerically displayed in the status bar)(thanks to @IG_Vasilich for pointing me to the right hook)
Some more code cleanup
Version 1.3.0, 12 August 2018
Option to display all installed apps with their package name. This makes it easier to assign an app by its package name to a button.
major code clean up of all unused and/or incorrect, rubbish code.
Version 1.2.0, 11 August 2018, First version of follow up XFytTweaker
Functionally unchanged when compared with XSofiaTweaker 1.26
internal renaming
Major rewrite to make it work on Android 8.0.0.
Version 1.26, 19 May 2018. Final and last version of XSofiaTweaker
Improved mute function for USB DAC mode (RoNeReR)
Improved and correct hook for the EQ button (RoNeReR)
Re-enable EQ button in the preferences
Add double-tap and triple-tap also to EQ button
Version 1.24, 11 May 2018
Really fix mode_src button configuration this time
Version 1.23, 08 May 2018
Correct typos in mode_src button settingsFragment
re-enable debugging messages
Version 1.22, 05 May 2018
next/previous/playpause functions work (gtxaspec)
Make double-tap, triple-tap functionality for keys internal instead of via a script (gtxaspec)
Updated German translation (mitchum67)
Version 1.21, 14 April 2018
improved USB DAC functioning (thanks to RoNeReR)
Version 1.20, 7 April 2018
Added Russian translation (thanks to gorlexx @ 4pda)
Version 1.19, 3 April 2018
eliminates feedback during the call if you have OK Google anywhere enabled (gtxaspec)
Version 1.18, 2 April 2018
Now supports a usb dac where volume control will be rerouted to stock android volume control (thanks to RoNeReR)
Create separate (sub) settings screen for CAN bus settings as it might expand (and users without CAN bus can skip it)
Version 1.17, 29 March 2018
option to disable the yellow MCU errors overlay (in case this happens to you) (thanks to RoNeReR)
Version 1.16, 28 March 2018
Option to display the CPU temperature in the status bar next to the time (It reads all 4 cores and displays the highest core temperature)
Dialog box to immediately do a soft reboot for the options that need it (not yet for HOME/MUTE as they are combined options. I have to think about those)
Version 1.15, 25 March 2018
Updated Spanish translation (thanks to tOz-666)
Made separate Settings screen for hardware buttons and for Steering wheel buttons
Added option to execute "system calls" under normal or root access. root access is necessary if you want to kill an app (for example upon ACC_OFF)
Version 1.14, 18 March 2018
Added German translation (thanks to mitchum67)
Version 1.13, 14 March 2018
Added option to prevent Bluetooth phone app from staying "full screen on top" during a call (thanks to gtxaspec)
Options to prevent Canbus overlays from being displayed on changes in heating/airco, door(s) opening (slightly improved to v1.1).
Remove appcompat layer library. Size reduction from 1.4MB to 195KB.
Version 1.11
bugfix: bt_phone button function used wrong key to call action to be executed
functionally identical to 1.1
Version 1.1
Added Spanish translation (tOz666) and Dutch translation.
Added options to disable CANbus overlay on heating/airconditioning change or door opened (untested; no canbus)
Modified BT/phone button hook (gtxaspec)
1.0: First release

Looks like there has been great progress on these units with xposed, custom roms & twrp. I hope to get a chance to try it all out this week. Finally back home with access to my car
Great work guys!

gustden said:
Looks like there has been great progress on these units with xposed, custom roms & twrp. I hope to get a chance to try it all out this week. Finally back home with access to my car
Great work guys!
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Great to see you back!
When you say "finally back home" I hope your health is OK and that it's not your health that kept you away from home (and here) so long.
And yes, I finally picked up java.

Hey @surfer63, great work on this! Quick question, if I want to initiate the Google voice search, that intent do I use for

bogdi1988 said:
Hey @surfer63, great work on this! Quick question, if I want to initiate the Google voice search, that intent do I use for
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For the customkeymod with "am start"
For the XSofiaTweaker:
Use the "by intent (package name / intent)" with string ""
Alternative 1, but some milliseconds slower: "by broadcast" with string ""
Alternative 2, but some more miliseconds slower: "system call" with "am start".
Somehow the "update on change" in the XSofiaTweaker does not work correctly (yet). It requires a soft boot from the Xposed installer (main page, "triple dot menu", soft boot")

surfer63 said:
For the customkeymod with "am start"
For the XSofiaTweaker:
Use the "by intent (package name / intent)" with string ""
Alternative 1, but some milliseconds slower: "by broadcast" with string ""
Alternative 2, but some more miliseconds slower: "system call" with "am start".
Somehow the "update on change" does not work correctly (yet). It requires a soft boot from the Xposed installer (main page, "triple dot menu", soft boot")
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Thanks! I will give this a try in the morning! Last question, does the V5 rom include the Sofia no kill fix? Figured you'd know the answer to that

bogdi1988 said:
Thanks! I will give this a try in the morning! Last question, does the V5 rom include the Sofia no kill fix? Figured you'd know the answer to that
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No, it does not. You can currently install it from my apk, or use the Xposed Installer on the ROM (preferred) as the NoKill and Customkeymod are already there.
Note: you mention the "Sofia no kill fix". The GPSSpeedFix is fixed, not the NoKill.
That fixed GPSSpeedFix is not in the V5, and due to the fact that it is installed as a system app, you currently need to install it via adb or a rooted file manager.
You can temporarily download the "fixed" GPSSpeedFix from here.
It contains the fix and uses 3 samples instead of 5. This should reduce the lag somewhat.
Edit: My new apk will support the system/app install from the gpsspeedfix.

surfer63 said:
No, it does not. You can currently install it from my apk, or use the Xposed Installer on the ROM (preferred) as the NoKill and Customkeymod are already there.
Note: you mention the "Sofia no kill fix". The GPSSpeedFix is fixed, not the NoKill.
That one is not in the V5, and due to the fact that it is installed as a system app, you currently need to install it via adb or a rooted file manager.
You can temporarily download the "fixed" GPSSpeedFix from here.
It contains the fix and uses 3 samples instead of 5. This should reduce the lag somewhat.
Edit: My new apk will support the system/app install from the gpsspeedfix.
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Awesome! And yes, the server no kill fix. The other I updated manually - Total Commander to the rescue! I tear with nostalgia each time I use it! ???

surfer63 said:
Somehow the "update on change" in the XSofiaTweaker does not work correctly (yet). It requires a soft boot from the Xposed installer (main page, "triple dot menu", soft boot")
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I found why it does not get updated. I use a broadcast to update (from the example), but I do not have a broadcast receiver. So now find a new example to implement that broadcast receiver

I tried installing Xposed on my rooted Joying Sofia JY-VL130N2 and ended up with a brick (stuck in Android boot logo).
My steps were:
1) Downloaded and installed XposedInstaller_3.1.5.apk from the official XDA page
2) Installed some "v89" thing (sorry, I am a newbie to Xposed)
3) Accepted the dialog which warns about soft-bricks and the app restarted the unit
4) Not starting up anymore. Stuck in Android's boot logo after its animations had played.
What was wrong?
EDIT by myself: I did not use the Superuser apk for Sofia as documented by you. Sorry for the noise.

realzoulou said:
I tried installing Xposed on my rooted Joying Sofia JY-VL130N2 and ended up with a brick (stuck in Android boot logo).
My steps were:
1) Downloaded and installed XposedInstaller_3.1.5.apk from the official XDA page
2) Installed some "v89" thing (sorry, I am a newbie to Xposed)
3) Accepted the dialog which warns about soft-bricks and the app restarted the unit
4) Not starting up anymore. Stuck in Android's boot logo after its animations had played.
What was wrong?
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Need to reflash the unit.

@surfer63 when I try to download and install package in Xposed installer I get an error that package name is incorrect

bogdi1988 said:
@surfer63 when I try to download and install package in Xposed installer I get an error that package name is incorrect
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Please be a bit more concrete.
Any package or "my" modules?
Did you already had the NoKill and/or CustomKeymod installed via my apk?
If so , first uninstall them as they are signed differently by the repo.
If it is a "fresh" install, then it is weird.

surfer63 said:
Please be a bit more concrete.
Any package or "my" modules?
Did you already had the NoKill and/or CustomKeymod installed via my apk?
If so , first uninstall them as they are signed differently by the repo.
If it is a "fresh" install, then it is weird.
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Fresh install I even tried clearing Xposed app data/cache and same issue. Downloads like 71kb and then errors out that package name is incorrect and that a different name was expected.
EDIT: I was also driving when I posted that, so I had to be short :silly:

bogdi1988 said:
Fresh install I even tried clearing Xposed app data/cache and same issue. Downloads like 71kb and then errors out that package name is incorrect and that a different name was expected.
EDIT: I was also driving when I posted that, so I had to be short :silly:
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I did not even try if it worked. I simply assumed that the global repository would simply work.
Will test tomorrow.

surfer63 said:
I did not even try if it worked. I simply assumed that the global repository would simply work.
Will test tomorrow.
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How do I manually install the module?

bogdi1988 said:
How do I manually install the module?
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manually via adb or a rooted file manager.
You can also install the latest nokill and customkeymod from my apk.
Probably this evening I will release my new JET apk also allowing you to overwrite/install the current, as system app installed, GPSSpeedFix in the gtx ROM.
And I will add my XSofiaTweaker to the apk. I need to do some final tests this afternoon.
I had done it wrong with my modules on the xposed repo, but I corrected that and they still give errors. Customkeymod still gives a package error.
The Nokill gives a 404 error and can't be downloaded. I really don't understand it.

if I install the Xposed modules with the version 40, I find you in Xposed not. with version 39 this worked. I use the GTX Rom.


Tweakster - MortScript

Has anyone looked at TWEAKSTER for TREO. Seems quite nice but as I dont know anything about a TREO, maybe someone can port it to Der Kaiser?
"MortScript: Tweakster, BETA available
I know NOTHING about MortScript (have just started reading) so I hope that some of the The Mort Kings are here in Der Kaiser World and will give it a shot..
I cannot get the plugins to work, but main script seems fine..
"The Mort Virgin" =
Cool new app available for you Treo power-users!!
Tweakster has three major functions:
1) Scheduling : create profiles & schedule events (33 plugins included)
2) Tweaks : applying tweaks (97 tweaks included)
3) Probes : retrieve system info (44 probes included)
Here are some examples of what you can do...
- Set up profiles for your favorite settings
- Change ringtones at 9:00 Mon-Fri to one set of ringtones, and
evenings and weekends to a different set of ringtones
- Soft Reset at 3:00 AM every day
- Turn Bluetooth & Wifi on at 8:00 AM, Mon - Fri
- Clear you IE cache every night at 2:00 AM
- Turn Brightness up, but keyboard lights off at 7:00 AM
- Check an eBay auction every 15 minutes, display current bid on Today Screen
- Set a storage alert when your builtin flash storage drops below 1MB
- Leave yourself a Voice reminder for lunch at 11:45
- NEW: Use your Treo as a SpyCam, schedule a video recording in "stealth" mode"
That DOES sound pretty cool. I would imagine one of the skilled artisans here in the Kaiser world could take that and make it work.
The link is broken in the first post. You copied and pasted the abbreviated hyperlink
It would help your cause if you gave the working link
For those that are interested, here is ALOT more detail on Tweakster.
The plugins included are fairly simple in nature and intended to showcase what you
"can" do with Tweakster. Some of them are very useful, others are sorta lame, all of
them could be improved upon. By all means, I hope others will either improve upon this
or add to this collection to make it more useful.
Audio Play - Plays an audio file, currently scans the "\Windows" directory looking for
sound files. This can be changed by modifying AudioPlay.input.
Backup Folder - Will periodically zip up a folder and save the zip file in the specified
target directory. Currently these are specified via BackupFolder.ini
under [settings]. You can also configure how many backups to keep in the
target directory, in order to limit the number of backups, at which point
it will remove the oldest backup as it creates a new one. Note this is
not intended as a full-backup solution, please use one of the fine products
available for that. This is intended for periodic backup of notes, saved
text messages, etc.
Auto Dialer - Will call a number at the specified time. It cannot do much else because
I can't control sound while the call is connected, so it's only useful
as a wakeup call. Although one clever user added that this could be for
for voting on Americal Idol. Please use responsibly This requires
VJDialer from VJPhoneTools.
Battery Alert - Will alert you if battery drops below a certain percentage. Allows you to
set a higher threshold than the default of 10%, if you want to know sooner
rather than later.
Bluetooth Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Bluetooth On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Brightness - Allows you to alter the brightness level. Note, even though the control
panel lets you set the brightness level to 0, this plugin will NOT allow
that setting because once it exits the control panel you would have no way
of figuring out how to put it back!!
Cleanup - Allows you to selectively clear the IECache, \Temp directory, or
\My Documents\temp directories.
Clear Call History - Does what it says, wipes out your call history.
Clock Radio - Sorty cheesy plugin, but cool at the same time. If you don't like the
techy alarms and prefer something more traditional, this may be for you.
It allows you to select a radio station (I preloaded a few, which you can
change by modifying ClockRadio.ini), and it wakes you up at the specified
time displaying a full-screen analog clock. The clock has an "exit" button,
and if you tap on the clockface, it will snooze for 10 minutes. This requires
an internet connection to work, so don't even bother if you don't have a
reliable connection.
Ebay Auction - Specify an ebay listing number, and it will display the current bid and
time remaining at the chosen interval in a message box.
Flash - Will flash the keyboard lights multiple times to get your attention. May be
useful if you want a visual alert, rather than an audible alert.
Keylight Off - Does what it says.
Keylight On - Does what it says.
Launcher - Launches an application or file is there is an associated handler with that
file type. You can type in file path and the arguments at the time of
configuration, or if configure Launcher.ini, it will take the file and
arguments from there. Note, there is a bug in MortScript that if you
bring up the "Alt" keys to select a "\", once you quit that it will send
a return key to Mortscript and you will never be able to type in the path!
Use the on-screen keyboard instead.
Memory Alert - Allows you to set a free memory threshold and once free memory dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
memory monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose.
Message Box - Type in some text, and a message box with that text will show up as a reminder
at the specified time.
NoDoze - Will keep the phone awake at the specified time, for the specified amount of
time, battery be damned. Use sparingly.
Note Reminder - Will bring up notepad and let you type in a note, or if you prefer you can
scribble your note, and it will bring it up at the scheduled time.
PhoneRadio Off- Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
PhoneRadio On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Ringer Volume - Does what it says, speaker volume is set independently.
Ring Tones - Allows you to set the "known caller" ringtone, and the "unknown caller"
ringtones at the specified time. It will check the following directories:
\Windows, \Windows\Rings, and \My Documents\Rings. It has a limit of 96
files and it can be slow to bring up the selection dialog depending on how
many files there are, please be patient.
Soft Reset - Schedule a reboot at the specified time. There is a "cancel" message, that
will allow you up to 60 seconds to cancel before it reboots.
Speaker Volume- Does what it says, ringer volume is set independently.
Note, there is no "Call Volume" plugin yet.
Spy Cam - Schedule a video recording. You specify the number of minutes to record
and you Treo will automatically create a video recording. If you specify
"stealth" mode, the Treo screen will remain blank and appear to be off
when the recording takes place. If you have LEDup installed (another 3rd
party app), it will give you the option of blinking the green LED while
it is recording. Please make sure you have specified the "Storage Card"
as your save location in the camera app, otherwise you will run out of
storage very quickly. You will also need to disable Keyguard for this
plugin. And finally, another caveat is that there is no recorded audio
while in stealth mode, this is a bug that will hopefully be fixed soon.
As with the Autodialer plugin, please use responsibly
Stock Quote - Allows you to specify a space-separated list of stock symbols and will bring
up a message box with stock quotes at the scheduled interval. Currently
these must be specified at the time you configure the plugin, not from the
.ini file.
Storage Alert - Allows you to set a free storage threshold and once free storage dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
storage monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose. You can set thresholds for
builtin flash or a storage card.
Today Line - Display a short message on the Today screen by hijacking the Operator/Carrier
Name. You can choose from the following:
News Headline
Stock Quote
Weather Forecast
Battery Status
Storage Status
Memory Status
eBay Auction
Note, because of the limited amount of space, the amount of information that
can be displayed is minimal. Once again, this is not real-time, it is updated
as often at the plugin is scheduled. There is a lot of room for improvement
here, such as cycling through the various options.
Vibrate - Does what it says, nothing else.
Voice Reminder- Starts up notepad in recording mode and will let you record a voice note.
It will play the message at the specified time.
Wifi Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Wifi On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Hi Martindhk and others,
Tweakster works fine on the Kaiser, just tested many of the tweaks.
Personally I don't like the Mortscript interface, but the tweaks and features of Tweakster might make it better than for instance KaiserTweak or Schaps AdvancedConfig, which both contain similar, other or the same tweaks as Tweakster...I guess someone is going to have to work through all applications and make one
I agree on your point. Have tried some of the plugins and they seem to work. Could be cool with a nice interface towards the plugin part and the possibility to address them to buttons instead of a schedule
maybe you could post how to actually use the application? thanks
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Has anyone looked into the reason why PLUGINS are not working??
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks much. checking it out now.
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
also, i dont see a "readme" file or details.txt file in the attachment or post.
SRY - was not part of first post..
Here it is..
The thing is that I cannot get the plugins to work. Tried to SPYCAM - ooohhh - but nope, it needs to be tweaked to fit our device, I guess...
Hi. I was able to get the plugins to work to a certain extent. However I have into two problems in using this script and wonder if anyone might be able to directed me to the solution.
1) When I run a profile of my settings, the program tells me - Error: Script file not found: ". (Quotation mark is the script file not found) It proceeds to run the script I selected from Vjay555 folder anyway after I acknowledge the error message. I tried to look for an extra quotation mark in the Tweakster script (I don't think it is the plugin script that is causing the problem), but I can't make heads or tails of it.
2) When I run the -radioon script, it will turn on my phone radio, but it will not connect to my wireless provider. I'm not sure what that would be the case. If I use the Comm Manager or if I use Battery Status taskbar to turn off the phone and turn it back on again, I will get the phone to connect to my wireless provider.
Can someone help me figure out how to work out these problems? Thanks.
UPDATE: I tried the scripts that were in the plug in folder and found that the scripts were causing the first error reading. The more troubling finding was that VJVolubilis may not work for my phone (8125) as described on
What a bummer. Any suggestions on a fix? Thanks.
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Martinhdk said:
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Curious D said:
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you get any succes with the other plugins??
Haven't wanted to pay for one if one was available for free. If I can get help in fixing the radio toggle problem, then I'll be happy with PPC Profiles Pro. I'm tempted to try Phone Alarm or PocketZenPhone 6.0 (the version I tried was version 4.5.1), but I had read some bad stuff that happened to other users phones with this program (while others liked it).
help me
any way to reset all my tweaks?
PocketZenPhone 6.02 works on my 8125. I don't know what is different between the two versions that allows it to work. If I can't get an answer within the next few weeks, I'll probably purchase the program.
fily1983 said:
any way to reset all my tweaks?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which tweaks are you looking to reset?

[Guide] Multi User Setup for Kitkat 4.4.4 (for noobs)

This tutorial will show you how to setup your device as admin and configure other user profiles (this is important when you're not the owner). Your device maker disabled multiuser functionality in Kitkat, like on my Lenovo Tab 2 A10-70L? - then this for you. At least, that's where this procedure is tested on. Afaik, this should work on Lollipop too. But will it work for your device? - No clue, you tell us!
Basically it's an accumulation of what I've read here (thanks again) and my personal experience as a noob myself.
So far, this guide is incomplete and I'm hoping for some pro tipps to perfect it. Please help me sort out the unclear parts highlighted in red and I'll update this post accordingly. The sooner the better, because this actually is not my device and someday soon I'll have to pass it over to my mom since it's my present to her, I'm only setting this slab up...
Android treats the first account created as "owner". Only owner will have root privileges if installed accordingly (=admin).
Root permission and a file manager (e.g. ES File Explorer) are required for this fix so go get that first. For the Lenovo Tab 2 A10-70L, I followed this beautiful guide, besides that, I can't help much here.
Unable/uninstall all bloatware (I was adventurous with Titanium Backup with no probs so far, but some crap remained from looking at new user folders; still in search of a vendor/device-specific "save to remove" list)
Install ALL apps you and the other users suppesdly need. This will avoid the need to redownload and reinstall all the apps for each and every user wasting storage. Think thrice, usually it'll be more than desired, but better you do it instead of a DAU... Each user will be able to install apps later though. Full control over user restrictions can be applied for "guest profile" only.
In file explorer, go to /system/ and open build.prop
Check if you have anything like the below text (you shouldn't, otherwise edit accordingly) and add these lines at the end of it:
# Multi Users
Replace X with your desired digit (up to 7?)
(I've read somewhere that 7 users is maximum that system can handle, but I haven't tried)
Save, reboot and log in as "owner" (your profile)
Go to Settings>Device and say hello to new item "Users"
Create new users and/or a guest profile (important: write down the order in which you created them!)
All new user profiles are now shown as "new user" no matter what you wrote in the profile properties (only guest will be shown as "guest"). Mind you, this also applies for the lockscreen!
In file explorer, go to /data/system/users/ to find your users' folders containing some system files (what exactly?) Now guess what - the order of the numbered folders and #.xml files match the order you created them. "0" is you, the owner.
Open each .xml file and replace "Owner" with "Your Name" and "New user" with "Username"
Put the device to sleep, trigger lockscreen and log in to each user profile and
Pull down shortcut menu from top right and enable autorotate
Go to Settings>Users>Security, check all settings and note each unlock-code
Disable background services like sync, location, etc. that could potentionally drain battery where applicable
Rinse & repeat 8) for all new profiles
Install "Multi-User App Share" and set apps per user. (Or is there a newer app or more hackish approach without the need for xposed or compiling stuff etc.?)
= DONE =
If you want the user icon in status bar, follow (haven't tried that ).
Well... build.prop fixes are working, at least for me. It's good alternative to multi-user app from Xposed (we don't want to use Xposed too much...).
Still tried with decompiling & compiling framework for fixing icon problem, and... in framework-res there is not status_bar_expanded_header.xml file, se we are in deep ****.
I am working on: LP

[ROM][PX3][RK3188][Nougat][7.1.2] Hal9k ROM 2 for ALL RK3188/PX3 MTCD/E head units

Hal9k Mod v2.5​07.04.2019​Firmware for platform MTCD-MTCE Rockchip PX3-RK3188 1024x600 800x480 based on the latest official version of HCT2.
This is the further development of my Mod v1.x based on Android 5.
Thanks for the equipment provided for development.
Nougat for ALL RK3188/PX3.
You can install this firmware on your radio, if in Settings > About machine >
The model starts with px3
The Android version starts with 7.1.
The chip version starts with MTCD or MTCE. Then there can be any letters, two, three, four - it does not matter.
Machine status example:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Or, if in Settings > About device > Version info>
The MCU version starts with MTCD or MTCE. Then there can be any letters, two, three, four - it does not matter.
The Android version starts with 5.1.
The Build number starts with rk3188.
Version info example:
Also, to restore the radio, if something goes wrong, you should be able enter the recovery.
The main advantages and trends of development of this mod:
New features.
Correction of existing errors and imperfections of the stock.
Best responsiveness in comparison of the stock + the ability for the user to improve this indicator.
The customizability. All critical changes made on my taste, you can customize for yourself or do as it was in the stock.
All changes made directly in application code without the use of Xposed framework for best perfomance.
The stock design.
The first boot takes less than one minute.
When switching from any other firmware or from version 1.x, user data is cleared automatically!
If you are upgrading from a previous version of 2.x, you do not need to wipe. But it is recommended if any problems arise. Especially if you used microG in the previous version.
If you install without wiping the data on top of the previous version, the first boot may take several minutes. Depends on the number of third-party applications.
But be sure to go to "Mod settings" to apply the default settings.
After installing or updating the firmware, the HU will reboot one more time to complete the installation of Magisk.
How to install the firmware ?
Extract the nupdate.img file from the archive to the root of the USB flash drive or SD card. It must be formatted in FAT32.
Take out all the other flash drives, SD cards, modems and other devices from the radio jacks.
Insert the USB flash drive into the USB connector of the radio. It is desirable to use the connector in which it is defined as USB1 (can be seen, for example, in the player).
Or SD-card - in the GPS slot.
The radio will prompt "Firmware Updating".
Click "Install".
In addition, you can install the firmware through the System update in Settings.
Or through the recovery.
If you have an old version of the MCU, I highly recommend upgrading to the current version.
MTCE MCU can be installed instead of MTCD. (make sure the letters of the current MCU matches the one you flash!)
If you like my ROMs and you want to thank me, please consider making a donation. You can find required details on my website or just click here.
Version 2.5 Google Drive
Old versions
Version 2.4 Google Drive
Other launchers not included in the firmware. Installing by the replacement /system/priv-app/Launcher3HCT2
List of changes:
Version 2.5
Moved to the new base firmware from December 2018.
Added or corrected translations in different languages:
Thanks to:
de @maus05, @Toto1365
el @grigoris_a
it @tonimontoia
cs @Bugscze
hr @dankec2000
hu @didu73
nl @ZeroZorro
fr @mykerinos1
sv @kupa
es @segu45
Improved screensaver:
Made displaying covers for most third-party players and radio station icons for PCRADIO app.
For correct work, I recommend adding your players to the "List of applications that should not work simultaneously".
Made displaying recommendations when driving along a route for Yandex.Navigator, Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps.
Made displaying temperature from Yandex.Weather, if the data on the temperature does not come from the CAN-adapter.
Now the screensaver is correctly displayed in 800x480.
While the screensaver is running, the stock volume control is no longer shown.
Added pop-up messages from BT Music and third-party media players. Third-party media players must be added to the appropriate list.
Added a list of applications that will work in immersive mode (full screen).
Made a separate list of navigation using TTS
Added the ability to assign the last launched navigation to the Navi button (to switch between navigation and player, for example).
By popular demand added custom parking lines. Thanks for Incognito+
Magisk updated to v18.1, Viper4Android updated to v2.7
Added new button codes to replace
OEM launchers with widgets can now be installed just all at once.
Much work has been done to ensure support for new basic firmware, although this is not visible from the outside.
Old versions
Version 2.4
Moved to the new base firmware from October 2018.
In exchange for SuperSU, another root (Magisk) is preinstalled. Do not update.
You can install additional modules to extend the functionality.
Added ability to edit the list of applications in the carousel that are switched with the Mode button.
Added the ability to replace applications that run instead of stock. You can have your radio button launch PCRadio etc.
Added speed dependant volume control.
Added color selection in the HCT screensaver.
Fixed bug with ringtone selection.
A new screensaver has been added that displays the time and date, information from most third-party players (not just regular ones), the volume level, the speed, and the temperature if this data is available.
To display the temperature you need a CAN adapter.
It is possible to customize the appearance of the screensaver: colors, background image, the maximum value for the speed indicator.
Added the ability to replace the codes of buttons located on the steering wheel and the front panel.
You can configure the actions that are performed when you press the buttons on the steering wheel, even if they are connected via a CAN adapter.
Added the ability to select a group of radio stations.
If you are traveling to another locality where other radio stations operate, you can select a different group and tune in the stations again.
And having come home, choose the default group again and your settings will be restored.
Added a list of applications that have access to USB-devices. It allows you to get rid of the annoying request for access.
For fans of Taskers, the ability to assign numbers 1-9, 0, and the characters * and # to the steering buttons is added.
Intent = ""
Extra "type" = "key"
Extra "value" = button code.
The name of the artist was added to the pop-up message from Music, and the frequency from the message from Radio.
Added an equalizer call for a long tap to the on-screen button of presets in Music.
The checkbox "Switching folders in Music with buttons on the steering wheel" is removed, since now the buttons on the steering wheel can be customized.
Replaced sysinit system - scripts in init.d are now executed in parallel.
Updated microG to latest version.
A short press on the on-screen power button now turns on the selected screensaver.
Added MTCDialer application for calls from third-party applications.
The Google app now calls via MTCDialer without additional settings.
You can muffle music by navigation application that play voice prompts through a speech synthesizer.
To use, you need to add the application to the "List of navigational applications that muffle other sounds" and select "Text-to-speech engine that muffle other sounds"
Replaced icons in the regular launcher and in the status bar.
Added the ability to call System UI Tuner from Mod Settings.
Added the ability to replace new button codes for a joystick in a Mazda car.
Other minor changes aimed at improving stability and usability.
Version 2.3
Moved to the new base firmware from April 2018.
Made a list of applications that allow the screen saver to be started.
You can add a third-party launcher or player to it, for example.
Added the ability to switch tracks in third-party players using the steering wheel buttons for owners of CAN-adapters for Mercedes cars, etc.
Made a list of applications that are restarted after sleep.
I included the PCRadio application in it. Now it always starts playback correctly after exiting sleep, if it was started when HU go to sleep.
In PCRadio's settings, you must enable the "Resume playback when application starts" switch. Also it is necessary to remove it from the whitelist if it was added to it.
Editing the whitelist now does not require a restart of the HU.
Added a volume control in the style typical for AV equipment from the 7floor module
Added the ability to display the volume control at the top, middle or bottom of the screen.
Added the ability to adjust the time during which the volume control remains on the screen after changing the volume value.
Has been made a list of applications that should not work simultaneously.
This list is an extension of the corresponding system list.
If one of the applications included in this list is launched, then the rest are closed.
That is, for example, if you include the same PCRadio, then it will close when you start the stock Music or Radio. And vice versa.
Added the ability to move the statusbar to the bottom of the screen. (Experimental option.)
Changed the logic of the name request for the button of the stored radio station.
If the name for the stored frequency is not specified earlier, text from the RDS is suggested.
Other changes aimed at improving stability.
Version 2.2.1 OTA-package
Added the ability to disable switching folders in the Music by the buttons on the steering wheel.
Fixed interface display for 800x480 resolution.
Version 2.2
In audioplayer added a jump to the previous / next folder on the seekdown / seekup steering wheel buttons and a on the long tap to the prev / next screen buttons.
Added folder name display to the pop-up message when switching between folders.
Made a list of navigational apps that muffle other sounds when playing voice prompts.
The list should include all navigation applications, including the one that is set by default to the Navi button.
Added application F-Droid for automatic update microG.
Added the ability to hide storage icons in the statusbar.
Updated the time zones to version 2018d.
After updating without a wipe, make sure that the time zone is set correctly.
Other changes, to improve stability.
Version 2.1
Moved to the new base firmware from February 2018.
The possibility of OTA-updates is added.
Added the ability to lock device as a regular Android device.
The lock is turned on after rebooting or exiting from sleep.
You can also turn on the lock after the Android screensaver has triggered or manually from the shutdown menu.
Sorting in alphabetical order of all lists in players is done.
Added pop-up messages showing information about the current radio station and music file. It is possible to set the font size and the duration of the messages.
The audio player goes to the next folder in the list after the playing the last file in the current folder in the sequential play mode.
Added a request for a name for the button of the stored radio station.
Added the ability to choose from eight screensavers. Pictures here.
Added the ability to turn off the full-screen keyboard.
Added the ability to turn off the restarting applications that worked before going to sleep.
In the application "Wheelkey Study" added actions "turn off the screen backlight", "recent applications" and "F-Cam application".
In third-party applications preinstalled "sound improver" ViPER4Android.
In the OEM added 5 launchers and their widgets (AY, HCT2, HCT3, KGL, ZH). Selection of the launcher after installation is made as usual, by pressing the Home button, as in the phone.
Unfortunately, Android 7 does not allow third-party applications to automatically create widgets.
Therefore we do this:
Install widgets and launcher APKs. Add any widget and give permission (see Screenshot).
Then remove the launcher and install it again. Or clear the launcher's data.
In the folder with the launcher HCT2 added weather from vitarkananda. Works only with this launcher.
Other changes, to improve stability.
Ideas of some improvements are taken from the module xposed-mtce-utils and other modules with the permission of the author, MVG-V70. For which I thank him very much.
But they are implemented without using the Xposed framework.
Version 2.0
All interface changes are also made for screen resolution 800x480.
The firmware is completely re-odexed with optimization for the px3 processor.
The Mod settings are made in a separate application, also available from the "Extra settings" in the Settings app.
Added the ability to replace Gapps on a microG with a lightened Play Market and back, at any time. It's extremely speed up the device, actual for 1 GB of RAM.
Located in the Mod settings.
Allowed autoloading of third-party applications when the device starts. (Torque, etc.)
Fixed playback of voice alerts in the standard voice package in
Removed the "red text", which appeared, if you flash the firmware on the radio, where was Android 5.
The internal memory is expanded on 256MB.
Preinstalled root and SuperSU.
Added support for init.d
The default is:
English language and date format, time zone CET.
Watching video whle driving - enabled
Bluetooth Password - 1234
Mixing level - 4
GPS time update - enabled
Navigation sound mode - mixing
Timeout of the screen saver - 1 minute, options added: 2 minutes, 10 and 30 minutes.
Added the ability to choose the speed at which the video will be blocked
Deny connection to data services in roaming.
Volume when reversing -4
Brightness of the screen at night - 20%
Unnecessary applications and files were deleted:
Open Wnn
Built-in Pico TTS speech synthesizer
WAP Push Manager
Corporate profiles
Android live wallpapers (the ability to install your own Live wallpaper is left)
GPSTest replaced with GPS Test Plus
Google Maps has been moved from system applications to third-party applications. Now you can simply delete them in Settings if they are not needed.
Also, in third-party applications preinstalled Google Text-to-speech Engine. Speech synthesis works without connecting to the network.
Synchronization of Contacts and Calendar is added.
Time Zones updated to the latest version.
The built-in Contacts application is enabled.
Allowed to install applications not from the Play Market.
The Daydream functionality is enabled. This allows you to install any screensaver from the Play Market without stopping at one.
By default, the Clock screensaver from Android is selected. Color can be changed.
Any third-party screensaver is turned off under the same conditions as the standard one (touching the screen, switching cameras, etc.)
Android screensaver can be turned off, then the standard screensaver will work.
In the Bluetooth application, the name field is enlarged in the phone book. Added the recognition of the OBD adapter based on the settings so that the system distinguishes them from the phones and works with them correctly.
It is necessary, if your adapter does not have the letters OBD in the name.
In the Video application, the playlist is enlarged.
Repeat is disabled by default.
In the Music application, the playlist is enlarged and the repeat is disabled by default.
Instead of a spinning plate, a square fixed cover is made, loading of lyrics from the network is included,
the player is paused for an incoming call and the Mute button is pressed.
Radio - the running RDS text has been removed from the saved stations buttons. Now we can assign names to saved stations.
Fixed Bluetooth.
Now normally works those diagnostic programs that previously wrote that Bluetooth is turned off, offered to turn it on and hang up.
Programs automatically detect a previously paired adapter.
The on-screen power button in the status bar is made.
Single click to turn on the screen saver.
Double click to make a screenshot.
Triple click to kill the active application.
Long press - shutdown menu.
Added items in the shutdown menu : Restart, Safe mode, Recovery mode.
Added the ability to change the ringtone to any in the ringtones folder (only for the MD725 Bluetooth module)
Added the possibility of increasing TTL by default to bypass restrictions on the distribution of Internet from mobile devices.
Added a white list of applications that do not close when going to sleep, with the ability to configure.
The number on the volume control is increased and made white.
Added hidden item "Developer options" in settings.
The Status item is added in Settings - About machine.
Added the ability to disable some statusbar elements.
By default, the Home button, the Volume, Eject and Brightness icons are disabled. The Back button is moved from right to left. Everything can be configured, as it was in the stock or in another way.
Known issue: On devices with 1 GB due to lack of RAM or another videocodec hardware, the built-in video player and other programs that work with video does not work normally.
Solution: use a third-party video player.
Version 2.0 screenshots
Helpful Tips
How to automatically install your favorite APKs after flashing ?
Create a hct folder on a USB flash drive with firmware.
In this folder create folder apk.
Put your favorite APKs in this folder, they will be automatically installed after flashing.
How to switch to microG ?
Go to Mod Settings > Framework selection and select microG option. Changes take effect immediately !
The device will restart multiple times.
Then run the microG Settings app, give the necessary permissions and enable Google device registration and Google Cloud Messaging.
If you have GSM modem connected to your radio, go to UnifiedNlp Settings and turn on Mozilla Location Service in "Configure location backends" and Nominatim in "Configure address lookup backends".
Then go to Self-Check and verify that all the checkboxes are enabled (the check boxes in the lower part is only available with GSM modem).
Recreate Google account.
How to install this firmware instead of Android 5.1.1 ?
Download the attached archive with the SD_Firmware_Tool utility and unpack it.
Prepare a micro SD card for 2 - 4 - 8 Gb. It will be completely overwritten.
Prepare USB flash drive with the same firmware.
Insert the card into the PC card reader and run SD_Firmware_Tool.exe as Administrator.
Choose the removable disk.
Clear the "Upgrade Firmware" check box. It's important !
Press the "Firmware" button and select nupdate.img file.
Press the "Create" button and wait for the process to finish.
Insert this card into the "GPS" slot on the radio.
Insert the USB flash drive with the same firmware into the USB slot on the radio.
Hard reboot or turn off and turn on the power of the radio.
The radio will boot the recovery from Android 7 from the card and will go to the menu.
Select "Apply system image from SD card or USB"> "From usb storage"
Wait for the flashing process to finish.
Then select "Wipe data/factory reset"
Then "Reboot system now"
Radio will ask you to remove the SD card. Remove that.
Radio will boot to Android 7.
Note: You must Restore this card with the SD_Firmware_Tool utility for future use.
You can return to Android 5 in the same way.
microG and Version 2.1 screenshots
Version 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 screenshots:
So I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm still learning these units. Will this absolutely not work on an rk3066? I know it specifically states rk3188, but I've read that the two CPUs can be swapped internally without issue, so in my mind it seems that any ROMs for one are compatible with the other. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but I figured I'd ask.
I'm using Malaysk's rom at the moment, but I'd like to have working Daydream. Thanks.
I do not have a rk3066, so I can not check.
If you are sure, then you can check it yourself.
Hal9k_ said:
When switching from any other firmware, user data is cleared automatically!
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I understand that with Hal Mod 1.2 also?
emarcin said:
I understand that with Hal Mod 1.2 also?
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Yes. Android 7 has a different partitioning of the built-in flash.
Ok but I do not want to install.
Wysłane z mojego MI 6 przy użyciu Tapatalka
emarcin said:
Ok but I do not want to install.
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You can not install?
With Android 5 is not so simple.
I added the instruction to the second post.
Hazard15301 said:
So I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I'm still learning these units. Will this absolutely not work on an rk3066? I know it specifically states rk3188, but I've read that the two CPUs can be swapped internally without issue, so in my mind it seems that any ROMs for one are compatible with the other. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but I figured I'd ask.
I'm using Malaysk's rom at the moment, but I'd like to have working Daydream. Thanks.
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No, it will not - the RK3066 is MTCB/C only, this thread is in the MTCD forum, for your unit you need to read the MTCB forum.
The latest Android version RK3066 units can run is KitKat.
Hal9k_ said:
You can not install?
With Android 5 is not so simple.
I added the instruction to the second post.
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Amazing it works!
Wysłane z mojego MI 6 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Hal9k_ said:
Insert this card into the "GPS" slot on the radio.
Insert the USB flash drive with the same firmware into the USB slot on the radio.
Hard reboot or turn off and turn on the power of the radio.
The radio will boot the recovery from Android 7 from the card and will go to the menu.
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@Hal9k_ - I ve installed your test Nougat ROM on several 1Gb RK3188/PX3 devices and the only way it will work is if the bootable SD card is removed AS SOON as "Nougat" appears on the screen, then it will boot into Nougat recovery. If this is not done then it will say "error" on screen and will not install the update, it took me hours to figure this out !
Or have you made a change so the card does not have to be ejected straight away ?
emarcin said:
Amazing it works!
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Tell us more about your impressions.
typos1 said:
@Hal9k_ - I ve installed your test Nougat ROM on several 1Gb RK3188/PX3 devices and the only way it will work is if the bootable SD card is removed AS SOON as "Nougat" appears on the screen, then it will boot into Nougat recovery. If this is not done then it will say "error" on screen and will not install the update, it took me hours to figure this out !
Or have you made a change so the card does not have to be ejected straight away ?
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It seems to me that you did not uncheck the "Upgrade Firmware" check box when making a bootable card.
Hal9k_ said:
It seems to me that you did not uncheck the "Upgrade Firmware" check box when making a bootable card.
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Yes I did, I only ever use that option, pretty sure one other user had the problem as well, we both couldnt get it to work for days, then I managed to by ejecting the sd card as soon as "Nougat" appeared on screen.
I thought the whole point of using sd firmware tools was to make a Lollipop unit boot into Nougat recovery ?
I have an RK3368/PX5 now, but I will be installing this on a friend's Lollipop unit later, I ll make a new bootable sd card with your new ROM, maybe it wont happen with the new version ?
I ll let you know how I get on.
You only have a 2Gb RK3188/PX3 SoM now ?
Youve sold your 1Gb RK3188/PX3 SoM ?
(Starts to think of ways to get Hal9k_ to make a version of his amazing ROM for the RK3368/PX5 . . . . )
Hal9k_ said:
Tell us more about your impressions.
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I need a few days. But I can see that it is faster than in version 1.2.
typos1 said:
Yes I did, I only ever use that option, pretty sure one other user had the problem as well, we both couldnt get it to work for days, then I managed to by ejecting the sd card as soon as "Nougat" appeared on screen.
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Just follow the instructions. It has already helped many people on 4pda. And @emarcin, for examlpe.
typos1 said:
I thought the whole point of using sd firmware tools was to make a Lollipop unit boot into Nougat recovery ?
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Yes, you right.
typos1 said:
I have an RK3368/PX5 now, but I will be installing this on a friend's Lollipop unit later, I ll make a new bootable sd card with your new ROM, maybe it wont happen with the new version ?
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Everything will be fine.
typos1 said:
You only have a 2Gb RK3188/PX3 SoM now ?
Youve sold your 1Gb RK3188/PX3 SoM ?
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I've sold my 1Gb RK3188 unit.
And now I have 2 2Gb px3 units: in car and at home.
I renamed the thread. That's better ?
Hal9k_ said:
Just follow the instructions. It has already helped many people on 4pda. And @emarcin, for examlpe.
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Yes, I ll try with your latest version, but it would only work if the sd card was ejected as soon as Nougat appeared on the screen with your first de-odexed/rooted Nougat test version form a few months back.
Hal9k_ said:
I've sold my 1Gb RK3188 unit.
And now I have 2 2Gb px3 units: in car and at home.
I renamed the thread. That's better ?
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So you have no 1Gb version to test now.
2 2Gb SoMs !! ?? You should sell one and get an RK3368/PX5 SoM too, so you have one of each !
Yes, there can be no mistake that its a ROM thread now.
You could put "Nougat for ALL RK3188/PX3" units somewhere in the title too ? It would attract more users - no one can tell from the title at the moment that it is Nougat for all PX3 devices at the moment.
Sorry to keep criticising your thread title, I just want as many people to use your ROM as possible.
I take it youre on as well and their users know about your excellent work too ?
typos1 said:
So you have no 1Gb version to test now.
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I was helped by a group of people from 4pda to test the firmware for 1 GB.
typos1 said:
2 2Gb SoMs !! ?? You should sell one and get an RK3368/PX5 SoM too, so you have one of each !
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There is one indisputable advantage: I can finally use what I have done.
And I can think of something new in the process of everyday use.
Hal9k_ said:
I was helped by a group of people from 4pda to test the firmware for 1 GB.
There is one indisputable advantage: I can finally use what I have done.
And I can think of something new in the process of everyday use.
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I edited my post after your last post :
You could put "Nougat for ALL RK3188/PX3" units somewhere in the title too ? It would attract more users - no one can tell from the title at the moment that it is Nougat for all PX3 devices at the moment and the fact that it is Nougat for 1Gb SoMs will attract many people.
Sorry to keep criticising your thread title, I just want as many people to use your ROM as possible.
You are neglecting RK3368/PX5 users, we are all desperate for your genius on our units

Start app/service on wake without root

As we know, when our head unit devices go to sleep, all services are killed. Upon wake of the headunit, only those hidden away in a list (root) restart
There is now a way to get these services started without root
Thanks to Archie_Slap
1. Download and install MtcdTools by f1x HERE
2. Download and install Tasker v5.1.11b.bf2 or higher (if your version is up-to-date but a lower number, you will need to sign up for the beta, then download update when available)
3. In MtcdTools -> Create New Action -> Create a New Start Intent Action
a. Select "Service"
b. Class name: com.joaomgcd.taskerm.plugin.ServiceRequestQuery
c. Intent package:
d. Name: Tasker Start
4. Click Save
5. Go back to main menu and select "Manage Autorun"
6. Select "Tasker Start" from the dropdown
7. Click "Add Object"
Now you've created an intent that will launch the Tasker service once your head unit wakes
I have a Tasker task that runs on "Monitor Start" and launches my other apps
Feel free to add any other intents you find in order to help others
Hallo, is possible same procedure but with Automate?
Brendo said:
As we know, when our head unit devices go to sleep, all services are killed. Upon wake of the headunit, only those hidden away in a list (root) restart
There is now a way to get these services started without root
Thanks to Archie_Slap
1. Download and install MtcdTools by f1x HERE
2. Download and install Tasker v5.1.11b.bf2 or higher (if your version is up-to-date but a lower number, you will need to sign up for the beta, then download update when available)
3. In MtcdTools -> Create New Action -> Create a New Start Intent Action
a. Select "Service"
b. Class name: com.joaomgcd.taskerm.plugin.ServiceRequestQuery
c. Intent package:
d. Name: Tasker Start
4. Click Save
5. Go back to main menu and select "Manage Autorun"
6. Select "Tasker Start" from the dropdown
7. Click "Add Object"
Now you've created an intent that will launch the Tasker service once your head unit wakes
I have a Tasker task that runs on "Monitor Start" and launches my other apps
Feel free to add any other intents you find in order to help others
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Halo. It's very nice for your intent. Thank you.
My navigation app needs reading maps from the sd-card. Unfortunately, my sd-card doesn't wake up when the head-unit wake, so the Navi can not work. Could you please help me an intent to wake-up the sd-card ?
[email protected] said:
Halo. It's very nice for your intent. Thank you.
My navigation app needs reading maps from the sd-card. Unfortunately, my sd-card doesn't wake up when the head-unit wake, so the Navi can not work. Could you please help me an intent to wake-up the sd-card ?
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yes this is what i have done..
create a task in tasker that will run on the "event" of sd-card mount.
you have to give a name to the sd-card you want to use.. and you do that by place a file called "XXX.ttl" replace XXX with the name you want to use and put that file in the root of your sd-card
Nomader0 said:
yes this is what i have done..
create a task in tasker that will run on the "event" of sd-card mount.
you have to give a name to the sd-card you want to use.. and you do that by place a file called "XXX.ttl" replace XXX with the name you want to use and put that file in the root of your sd-card
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Thank you. I somehow discovered that my sd card was ruined. So I replaced by new one and it wakeup well.
hi, mtcd does not auto start on my unit?
Thanks! It's working really good and snappy on my px5 4gb/32gb 8.0 head unit.
Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Hi, I am trying to get this running on my xtrons unit mtce running android 8.0
I have installed this tool and followed the instructions in post 1 but tasker does not start on resume.
Is the syntax in the instruction the same for this system?
If not, can anyone help.
This procedure are working for me perfect until last week.
Since the last tasker upgrade, this stop working
any idea to solve it?
If you ARE root, what exactly is the procedure to manually edit what apps get killed/what apps get resumed and so-on upon sleep and wake? Anyone got a link? Been trying to find this. (I understand Hal9k rom has a UI tool to make changes but, it doesn't work well.)
Hi! I've followed the install instructions in the OP. Now when the unit wakes up, both Tasker and MTCD-Tools service run .
I have an MTCE LM 3.16 Android 9 unit, and I have the typical problems after it wakes up:
- Wifi does not (re)connect anymore.
- USB device (pendrive) with my music does not (re)mount anymore.
As I'm a total noob at Tasker, do you have an idea how I could get a workaround for these two issues?.
Thank you very much.
I bought a pumpkin device (PX5) with Android 9 (original firmware, no root) and want to start Tasker on wakeup. So I tried this solution with these 7 steps.
But neither Tasker nor MtcdTools is starting after wakeup. Did I forget something? Does it have anything to do with a whitelist?
Followed instrucions in OP and it works. I'm using default music app in tasker to run PowerAmp at start. All good.
Followed all, bought tasker, but can't get it to work. I am a noob ofcourse, but is there any help available?
Same by me. And i am not a noop. OK, no Programmer but also not a noop.
Any help here?
Edit: I think i got it . First of all you have to Start the service from tasker. Then proceed with first topic .

[APP][TOOL] TeMeFI comprehensive system Administration

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This app provides/returns a bucket load of information regarding your device and the currently running ROM, and much, much more. And hence the name "TeMeFI"; as its Too Much F????? Information. The F stands for whatever your comfortable with.
Download: TeMeFI v1.1.19
MD5: E643DD1ECC3243473A0EAEBF69CD4209
Simply download the APK and install as normal, and allow root when asked, and grant storage permissions. I *think* the very first time you run it, there possibly may be an issue with the menu. Simply stop and restart the app.
You can use it without root, but you will be HEAVILY limited in what you can do. Also, installing busybox opens another menu for you, and so does Magisk (17.*+). SQLite3 is also a HUGE feature adder (ie if you have it, it enables many many methods). Can be installed via Magisk if your ROM does not have it by default.
If you are unrooted, have a read of the following post, regarding a recently added feature for non-root users
[APP][TOOL] TeMeFI comprehensive system Administration
TeMeFI This app provides/returns a bucket load of information regarding your device and the currently running ROM, and much, much more. And hence the name "TeMeFI"; as its Too Much F????? Information. The F stands for whatever your comfortable...
The "search" function is very useful for finding what you need, but it does not search inside dynamic menu's. Its the magnifying glass in the slide out toolbar/menu
The current menu can be viewed within the app at TeMeFI Configuration>Show Whole Menu or a historic example at:
CURRENT MENU [as at 2021-11-19]
XDA:DevDB Information
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.1.19
Stable Release Date / Last Updated: 3 Sug 2022
Current Beta Version: 1.0.3
Beta Release Date: 2018-06-21
Created 2018-06-19
I will fill in this page as I get around to it.
Fly-out Toolbar items and their Actions
The fly out toolbar has had its buttons and their corresponding actions change over time. However of recent, they have been pretty stable, and as they have changed over time, and I probably said what / how their function changed, its probably all over the thread. So, I thought it might be best to have a single location / doco of what the current buttons actually do.
Firstly, to display the toolbar, simply click on the menu. If it isn't already showing.
EVERY button, has both a "short-press" and "long-press" action.
The icons kind-of relate to their short press action.
NB The following are from v1.0..19 The main difference are a long press on the [<] arrow goes back to the previous results, and a long press of the [HOME} icon reloads the current menu (useful if you filtered the menu items), and a long press on the pencil icon saves off the action as a favourite. Also, the long press on the exit icon [X] acts to filter a menu list that was generated by code. eg any list of installed apps
For Short-press actions:
For Long press actions
If you get an error, a toast will be shown which is HEAVILY CUT DOWN, so please no screen shots! Also, in a recent release a Bomb Icon will appear on the screen after an error. Short press to display then FULL error, or long press the bomb to clear the error. It will not clear by itself.
And again, NOT a screen shot of the results. Save off the results using the save button (ie the pencil icon explained above), then get the log text file from /sdcard/TeMeFI, and attach it to a post.
please stop with the screenshots of a cut down error message
A quick explanation of "Dynamic Lists".
These are built live on the phone at the time you click on them. For example, the "Traces" menu item lists all the trace files contained currently in your "/data/anr" directory. The results will be different between users and even at different times for the same user. It is not a fixed list.
Another example (which is a little different) is the dumpsys menu item, which makes a call to
dumpsys -l
to retrieve a list of running services for which a call to dumpsys is then valid for
V 1.0.2 released
Some changes include, but are not limited to:
* internal system improvementrs
* Better display of when its busy
* Added warning confirmation on a few longer running processes
* Handle the back button to go "up a menu" Previously it exited the app oops
* Enable "Up a menu" from "Dynamic lists"
* Faster Load of Dumpsys calls to create menu
* Added numerous new items inc, but not limited to Dropbox files, Tombstones, A few extra Busybox & others
NB:although it was there in the previous version, you may be interested in the "Duplicate files" report, which is based only off the Media DB. And off of the display_name (basically the filename) and the file size. It can be found at: SQL Based > Duplicate Files
Again, if anyone has any ideas for other details that can be added through a specific shell command, please let me know.
New version uploaded. v1.0.3 See first post (ie OP) for link
Changes include, but are not limited to:* Numerous internal stability/speed & delivery improvements
* Phone standard back button goes up a menu, instead of exiting app
* Numerous new items added. I checked on one of my phones, and found that it now reports on over 650 items
* Added long press on menu item for more info (usually the shell command that will be run)
* Improved error/warnings reporting (slight red to page background if an error code is returned OR there are any warnings or errors messages)
* Bug fixes (some were of course introduced while adding the above features...)​
New build v1.0.5 see OP for link
Some of the improvements
Long press the menu/exit button to search. NB: It does not search within dynamically created lists
Long press the "Menu Up" to return to the root/starting menu
Long press the top text boxes between the menu and the "save to" (ie ">>") to get a report of the actual script run to return the last selected results
Many many new items added
Some improvements in the menu (eg Busybox items moved to their own menu)
It now tests if you actually have root, or busybox or the specified folder before display the respective menu item.
added the ability for the user to enter added parameters/filters (see busybox>PS User Limited)​
New Build 1.0.6
New Build! With some MAJOR additions.
See OP for download link.
Version 1.0.6 is now available, and its a BIG release
this version now allows more than just reporting, but also actionable items. Like freezing and defrosting apps!
These items have been added unrestricted, and therefore, if used incorrectly can render your phone inoperable. Any actions and results of such will be done at your own discretion and you are responsible for such action and results. You have been warned! and no need to say it, but I take no responsibility
In Oreo, I have noticed that the reset battery stats function has been removed, it can be done within TeMeFI. YEAH! Find it under "Current State"
Find the following under the menu "Application info / Manage"
.... List Frozen apps
.... Freeze apps, including system apps
.... De-frost apps
.... Hibernate apps
.... Uninstall apps
.... Hide Apps (form the system)
.... Search for a package
Find the following under "Current State > SELinux"
.... Return and switch SELinux status
Find the following under "Configuration"
.... Manage TeMeFI log files (ie list / delete)
Get the root files ie the boot/statup sequence found in RAMDISK
Find the following under "Logcat"
.... Logcat, Last KMSG, DMesg and getting the logs are much easier than most other ways
many many MANY more items added.
And to make it even easier due to just how much there is, there is a "Search"functionality built into the menu. But note, it does not return results from Dynamic lists; ie ones built at runtime.
New Build!
New Build!
See OP for download link.
Version 1.0.7 is now available.
This version has a number of additions, too many for me to track. Making the existing search functionality a BIG plus until you get use to where to find what you wish to do.
The following is a general list of the menu items. Items that have a * at the end are "Dynamic" menu items that build up a list of things to perform the action against, based on your device/setup.
For example, the "App Hibernate" item pulls up a list of apps you have installed; in addition to a list of the system apps installed as part of your ROM/firmware.
Big items to notice are:
* the AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) which will not be available to you through standard shell commands.
* the OOM and reNICE of running apps. The reNICE is wrapped so you can actually set the final layer instead of trying to work out the delta (ie the way it actually works).
* A big one for me is the ability to reset the battery statistics without having to charge the phone > 90% on Oreo custom ROMs!!!
* Retrieving & Switching the ROM between permissive and enforcing NB: It only is set till a reboot, the app does not auto start and reset it on each boot.
There are a bunch more (as seen in the list below), including Hibernating, Freezing, Defrosting apps
The following list is not really in any logical order, but simply an easy way for me to list each item. NB: I also added this same list to the OP.
PM Actions
PM Dump calls*
PM Features
PM Instrumentation
PM Libraries
PM Permission Groups
PM Permissions
PM Users
PM Path on Installed Packages*
Various Ungrouped Extras
DumpSys Dropbox Files
Hosts file check
GPS Conf
NSLookup of Host
Possibly Unnecessary Files
Bug Report
Android Asset Packaging Tool
Dump Permissions*
Specific App Badging Dump*
XML Tree*
Application Info / Manage
Package Features
Install Downloaded APK*
Asynch PM Dump of all packages
DumpSys Activity*
App Name, Code, Version
ART Profiles*
Retrieve The Current App NICE*
Nice an app to Highest [-20]*
Nice an App to -15*
Nice an App to -10*
Nice an App to -5*
Nice an App to 0*
Nice an App to 5*
Nice an App to 10*
Nice an App to 15*
Nice an app to Lowest [19]*
Retrieve The Current App OOM*
OOM an app to Superman [-17]*
OOM an app to High [-16]*
OOM an app to -10*
OOM an app to -5*
OOM an app to 0*
OOM an app to 5*
OOM an app to 10*
OOM an app to Lowest [15]*
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Data/System Files*
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New Build v1.0.8
Added a few items See OP for download link.
One of the items added enables post filtering any previous saved results. A very powerful and handy feature.
For example, you could save off 4 or 5 different unrelated reports, and then search all the reports/output for any mention of a single word/term eg "version" NB: the search is not case sensitive.
The above feature can be found in the menu under "TeMeFI Configuration>Search ALL Logfiles" or to check a single selected file "TeMeFI Configuration>Search a Logfile"
Cleaned up the menu a little.
whoops... forgot to update the version number within the build itself. corrected. But if you downloaded the previous version, there will be no issues. And there are no new/extra features in this new build with the correct version number.
New build!
New Version v1.0.9 See OP for download
Added a few items
Corrected the log search functionality
Clean up the menu a little
Shortened the animation time (ie a few hundred milliseconds less waiting)
Added confirmations on some "dangerous" menu items
New Build!
New Version v1.0.10 See OP for download
Fixed bug where id the menu was clicked before it first generated, it would never fully generate
Added a few items
Cleaned up the menu a little
New build!
New Build!
See OP for download
The big change in this version is that the start-up time can be reduced significantly, by pre-setting the fact you have root and/or busybox. You can find these setting under
TeMeFI Configuration>Default Startup Config>
"Set ROOT available on Start-up"
"Set BUSYBOX available on Start-up"
"Remove Set ROOT on Start-up"
"Remove Set BUSYBOX on Start-up"
"Current Startup Config"
Added a few items (including the above)
Cleaned up the menu a little
New build!
New Build!
New Version v1.0.12 See OP for download
New setting gives you the option to have the menu appear at the bottom, closer to where your fingers would be hovering over/near your nav bar etc. NB: You will need to exit (use the X in the menu) and restart the app for the setting to take effect.
PS: I would really suggest taking advantage of the start-up pre-config by pre-setting the fact you have root and/or busybox. You can find these setting under TeMeFI Configuration>Default Startup Config
All I get is a dancing banana on my Pixel running Pie. Pressing back opens the menu and tapping Application Info / Manage makes it disappear. It does not prompt for root. I see it's targeting Jelly Bean 4.1, maybe that's why.
It's working fine on Oreo.
Thanks mate for this very handy App!!!
yochananmarqos said:
All I get is a dancing banana on my Pixel running Pie. Pressing back opens the menu and tapping Application Info / Manage makes it disappear. It does not prompt for root. I see it's targeting Jelly Bean 4.1, maybe that's why.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check your root management app if you accidentally let the root message expire the first time, and thereby default to no. It will only ask once. Also maybe try wiping the data (totally safe) and restarting the app, that should re-trigger the root request. And to ask the obvious, are you sure you are rooted... Out of interest, are you using Magisk or SuperSU or simply root built into your ROM?
As for "JellyBean", that's simply the minimum targeted API. I am actually building and testing only on Oreo myself, and havent actually tested it on anything less than Nougat. I know at least one of the many commands wont work on anything less than KitKat. Just too lazy to test/support changes between Android versions, and don't want to restrict the minimum android version, as at least some of the functions will work on JellyBean.
coldgin_ said:
It's working fine on Oreo.
Thanks mate for this very handy App!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I built it to be handy for me, so am not too surprised it's handy for at least one other person.
DiamondJohn said:
Check your root management app if you accidentally let the root message expire the first time, and thereby default to no. It will only ask once. Also maybe try wiping the data (totally safe) and restarting the app, that should re-trigger the root request. And to ask the obvious, are you sure you are rooted... Out of interest, are you using Magisk or SuperSU or simply root built into your ROM?
As for "JellyBean", that's simply the minimum targeted API. I am actually building and testing only on Oreo myself, and havent actually tested it on anything less than Nougat. I know at least one of the many commands wont work on anything less than KitKat. Just too lazy to test/support changes between Android versions, and don't want to restrict the minimum android version, as at least some of the functions will work on JellyBean.
I built it to be handy for me, so am not too surprised it's handy for at least one other person.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm using Magisk 17.2. No, I did not miss the root prompt, it never comes. Android complains the app was designed for an older version of Android because the target SDK actually is Jelly Bean.
Sent from my Pixel using XDA Labs
yochananmarqos said:
I'm using Magisk 17.2. No, I did not miss the root prompt, it never comes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Then open the Magisk Manager, go into the Superuser menu item, find TeMeFI in the list, and select it over to allow Superuser. Let me know how you go.
yochananmarqos said:
Android complains the app was designed for an older version of Android because the target SDK actually is Jelly Bean.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That must be a new Pixel check. I know that the Playstore is now limiting new/updated apps to support a specific minimum android API, so it may be that they have added a test in their new version of android OS as well. I know there is some code I can change to change that, i'll look into it before the next release, but as a guess, its probably just a warning at this stage, but that's simply a guess, as I am on Oreo and haven't tested Pixel explicitly.
DiamondJohn said:
Then open the Magisk Manager, go into the Superuser menu item, find TeMeFI in the list, and select it over to allow Superuser. Let me know how you go.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Again, there was no root prompt and the app is not listed.
Sent from my Pixel using XDA Labs

