Security update while root via Magisk - HTC U11 Life Questions & Answers

Does anyone know how I can install the security update for December on Android One EU device?
My Software is 1.06.401.14.
I received an but installation aborted. My System is rooted with Magisk.
I had a look into the zip and found a META-INF Folder;; payload.bin
POST_DESCRIPTION=1.09.401.2 9.0_g CL1008231 release-keys
PRE_DESCRIPTION=1.06.401.14 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys
The data seem to be inside payload.bin. Does anybody know how to extract the payload.bin? Maybe then I can install the *.img manually.

MC_Ohr said:
Does anyone know how I can install the security update for December on Android One EU device?
My Software is 1.06.401.14.
I received an but installation aborted. My System is rooted with Magisk.
I had a look into the zip and found a META-INF Folder;; payload.bin
POST_DESCRIPTION=1.09.401.2 9.0_g CL1008231 release-keys
PRE_DESCRIPTION=1.06.401.14 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys
The data seem to be inside payload.bin. Does anybody know how to extract the payload.bin? Maybe then I can install the *.img manually.
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Check this out

MC_Ohr said:
Does anyone know how I can install the security update for December on Android One EU device?
My Software is 1.06.401.14.
I received an but installation aborted. My System is rooted with Magisk.
I had a look into the zip and found a META-INF Folder;; payload.bin
POST_DESCRIPTION=1.09.401.2 9.0_g CL1008231 release-keys
PRE_DESCRIPTION=1.06.401.14 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys
The data seem to be inside payload.bin. Does anybody know how to extract the payload.bin? Maybe then I can install the *.img manually.
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Click to collapse
Send me the ota zip and I will decrypt it withhtc ruu decrypt tool and pull the boot.img and we can patch it and upload it for others.

twinnfamous said:
Send me the ota zip and I will decrypt it withhtc ruu decrypt tool and pull the boot.img and we can patch it and upload it for others.
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Click to collapse
I tried with htc decrypt tool by @nkk71 and @Captain_Throwback but the payload.bin stays untouched. Is there any other way to extract?

I tried out to boot from slot_b but it did not work. I`m afraid that I have to restore to stock and start from the beginning again...
Did anyone with android one device installed the security update successfully? What softwarenumber abe youon now?

So I found the log of update_engine. There is a hash check of the boot partition.
[1231/] Chrome OS Update Engine starting
[1231/] Loaded boot control hidl hal.
[1231/] Using this install plan:
[1231/] InstallPlan: new_update, payload type: unknown, source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload size: 88714324, payload hash: Pcz1Sw3IChOxEJWNniwpI8pSS0aN3nP+KlZMHKn5Z4E=, metadata size: 466479, metadata signature: , hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false
[1231/] HTC_SCRIPT_VERSION=AB_O80QCT.00.000.007
[1231/] POST_DESCRIPTION=1.09.401.2 9.0_g CL1008231 release-keys
[1231/] POST_FINGERPRINT=htc/ocla1_sprout_00401/htc_ocla1_sprout:8.0.0/OPR6.170623.013/1008231.2:user/release-keys
[1231/] HTC_CID=HTC__001,HTC__034,HTC__M27,HTC__002; ro.cid=HTC__034
[1231/] HTC__034 matches...
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] HTC_MID=2Q3F20000; ro.mid=2Q3F20000
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] HTC_DEVICE=htc_ocla1_sprout; ro.product.device=htc_ocla1_sprout
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_DESCRIPTION=1.06.401.14 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys; 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_FINGERPRINT=htc/ocla1_sprout_00401/htc_ocla1_sprout:8.0.0/OPR6.170623.013/990708.14:user/release-keys;
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_TASKID=515519; ro.aa.taskid=515519
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] Setting cgroup cpu shares to 2
[1231/] fd >= 0 failed: No such file or directory
[1231/] Failed to change cgroup cpu shares to 2 using /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/update-engine/cpu.shares
[1231/] Marking booted slot as good.
[1231/] Scheduling an action processor start.
[1231/] ActionProcessor: starting InstallPlanAction
[1231/] ActionProcessor: finished InstallPlanAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[1231/] ActionProcessor: starting DownloadAction
[1231/] InstallPlan: new_update, payload type: unknown, source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload size: 88714324, payload hash: Pcz1Sw3IChOxEJWNniwpI8pSS0aN3nP+KlZMHKn5Z4E=, metadata size: 466479, metadata signature: , hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false
[1231/] Marking new slot as unbootable
[1231/] starting first transfer
[1231/] starting transfer of range 3946+88714324
[1231/] Completed 0/? operations, 16384/88714324 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0%
[1231/] Manifest size in payload matches expected value from Omaha
[1231/] Verifying metadata hash signature using public key: /etc/update_engine/
[1231/] signature blob size = 264
[1231/] Verified correct signature 1 out of 1 signatures.
[1231/] Metadata hash signature matches value in Omaha response.
[1231/] Detected a 'delta' payload.
[1231/] PartitionInfo old system sha256: SzmK3XVHUFtJDoc+dX9vaiAGZOf4LQLkVANqfoX8aYM= size: 2952790016
[1231/] PartitionInfo new system sha256: rEbITUaIVARqP7NyPwGdYise+S1bgUH6i/8tJe281sY= size: 2952790016
[1231/] PartitionInfo old vendor sha256: pN048+oMXhrsVEpgo9XEJD5P3RPItj9tCaugByFMsdc= size: 838860800
[1231/] PartitionInfo new vendor sha256: MLf9+C36UzOJlYvtrMj5KFgX5qwTNwJpckDDzzJbW9Q= size: 838860800
[1231/] PartitionInfo old xbl sha256: 7ZOdUYruCVjIfkRCghobVnVbkfa0qSxMWn2HIekTYaE= size: 3080192
[1231/] PartitionInfo new xbl sha256: 5+SV0zuYEE3AEu/OudE+hfEcs5bdIKPMazgW/T8mXVI= size: 3084288
[1231/] PartitionInfo old hosd sha256: IRSk31oyN/2qIFspIkdZT7GM5LxCNyz6tfT3mDNBUEg= size: 55889920
[1231/] PartitionInfo new hosd sha256: q/svW0eAUbGBCj4++K+i26iR2HMqTn9Y+BJu69ULVtg= size: 55894016
[1231/] PartitionInfo old abl sha256: EJVxhBLKjjxEaTcTCIguE0pR+XMnMRkjHDskCBcSKmo= size: 143360
[1231/] PartitionInfo new abl sha256: JBPuhtgk7UQ2nEYIb6e9el416xA5UA3IjZ1hOshwdmM= size: 147456
[1231/] PartitionInfo old rpm sha256: c3WMA2MpUBxJOTzyX/wQQH7Z9COQtVQgY4hGpv1+waA= size: 221184
[1231/] PartitionInfo new rpm sha256: qifOkTY4PUUjDLHuJYbDDFU1EevI33a5JNBS0EYrnDU= size: 225280
[1231/] PartitionInfo old pmic sha256: emQfsgD2M2NqhDR/05h+eG0s/bx2vXp0gRSZd5S6gIE= size: 36864
[1231/] PartitionInfo new pmic sha256: pmM/rwlD9WdyVBFSRvTzo+QYKPeAcopyg4kOcxfnYsU= size: 40960
[1231/] PartitionInfo old boot sha256: Nj8nwvZ8vEWKwTESh6U+VsN1TuKUmwzYYtwUTcGjvPg= size: 55943168
[1231/] PartitionInfo new boot sha256: LZwSja8jFa2XwgTfVsOx4r5zMUBT2pv7o6GCvt9uCpU= size: 55947264
[1231/] PartitionInfo old dsp sha256: cbh7/JbA4pEzDeKqfxf88C3kmR29Rm9t/bS8UINoDcg= size: 16777216
[1231/] PartitionInfo new dsp sha256: cbh7/JbA4pEzDeKqfxf88C3kmR29Rm9t/bS8UINoDcg= size: 16777216
[1231/] PartitionInfo old radio sha256: VcolpgB2otdbuQKsZsm43XxtF+wcu8oJS9HkQIY/WWw= size: 62337024
[1231/] PartitionInfo new radio sha256: 27kNwK+qLEi0MdrM7/hFhlahRzg70it5h9kh6LAMMeY= size: 62337024
[1231/] PartitionInfo old tz sha256: yWyBuoTv2M+tQSxDTfMmJM2n2q6nIhulMrB3sZ+jsVA= size: 1953792
[1231/] PartitionInfo new tz sha256: HW1NRgU5N1to4CAeZR1e3irSHkYH8RLD1r/r4Xu5OiI= size: 1957888
[1231/] PartitionInfo old hyp sha256: Hn0RBVarof+yc5EyaH9zNtDHkG8Ode96TfRmfKt0VEQ= size: 266240
[1231/] PartitionInfo new hyp sha256: 2J68uFWVRIK0zhkEmek3NmGIRmjk1VuXBmF1Yl5u/fY= size: 270336
[1231/] PartitionInfo old devcfg sha256: sJa43eqyYdFwno2Ybp5I5g8zjKyYphi+J5L53+WeCUI= size: 45056
[1231/] PartitionInfo new devcfg sha256: glQk7DOZxJbhP6UJA/j1+BUhw0KBQcQddjNhwhoEdDg= size: 49152
[1231/] PartitionInfo old cmnlib sha256: KGyqdUERnMSlmFMP50PnDA1uvjWvjOOpp7ZKjaqJJk0= size: 217088
[1231/] PartitionInfo new cmnlib sha256: 4qjItJNTjy5szo8SFXkbNSSdmm5NarEOjIB26q3dOJA= size: 221184
[1231/] PartitionInfo old cmnlib64 sha256: mqbqjxPFSfYrKJujRULExhM/No+utcO3QqkPTf5d1Ws= size: 262144
[1231/] PartitionInfo new cmnlib64 sha256: lRNo5nuiENQZXkX1c3hJhz/oc9Whh8nHI+tiuQLAzXw= size: 266240
[1231/] PartitionInfo old keymaster sha256: KEcfQcnCfsZ6qFfiWTHYSKfT9cpin9CTtIU+5mgcF9s= size: 278528
[1231/] PartitionInfo new keymaster sha256: 4bprlshY7JPC5LUsRhoxCLjDg9gl5w6sfCZqFkfHx60= size: 282624
[1231/] PartitionInfo old lockbooter sha256: VtbPjUhr3SClK5ThAby5q8vJs8cGctJ4d+3/m9hnIG4= size: 86016
[1231/] PartitionInfo new lockbooter sha256: 1sl80Aby2MFL9JElaFezl0KWT4mm8w9n7p7JzPWEOIE= size: 90112
[1231/] PartitionInfo old bluetooth sha256: HmhjTBICwVt0g2tSOedZXEbv4RKk6brzSmBDJKZgNQ0= size: 503808
[1231/] PartitionInfo new bluetooth sha256: b4bYyd+Ff4w896RlM4SD24/kuxdSKdj3cOKyRg44U9w= size: 503808
[1231/] Applying 3445 operations to partition "system"
[1231/] Starting to apply update payload operations
[1231/] Completed 890/6357 operations (14%), 5488640/88714324 bytes downloaded (6%), overall progress 10%
[1231/] Completed 2035/6357 operations (32%), 7372800/88714324 bytes downloaded (8%), overall progress 20%
[1231/] Completed 2798/6357 operations (44%), 15613952/88714324 bytes downloaded (17%), overall progress 30%
[1231/] Completed 3406/6357 operations (53%), 24854528/88714324 bytes downloaded (28%), overall progress 40%
[1231/] Completed 3437/6357 operations (54%), 40812544/88714324 bytes downloaded (46%), overall progress 50%
[1231/] Applying 2278 operations to partition "vendor"
[1231/] Completed 3815/6357 operations (60%), 54706176/88714324 bytes downloaded (61%), overall progress 60%
[1231/] Completed 4959/6357 operations (78%), 55050240/88714324 bytes downloaded (62%), overall progress 70%
[1231/] Completed 5722/6357 operations (90%), 63242240/88714324 bytes downloaded (71%), overall progress 80%
[1231/] Applying 7 operations to partition "xbl"
[1231/] Applying 12 operations to partition "hosd"
[1231/] Applying 2 operations to partition "abl"
[1231/] Applying 4 operations to partition "rpm"
[1231/] Applying 2 operations to partition "pmic"
[1231/] Applying 12 operations to partition "boot"
[1231/] The hash of the source data on disk for this operation doesn't match the expected value. This could mean that the delta update payload was targeted for another version, or that the source partition was modified after it was installed, for example, by mounting a filesystem.
[1231/] Expected: sha256|hex = 56364358B930F09705B1DA54779402C9B59A5DA333F9B860B3AB401EF5BDD9EE
[1231/] Calculated: sha256|hex = 42AB021164B5015BFD12278AE756BC5FD599C982B3944303745F748905BB944C
[1231/] Operation source (offset:size) in blocks: 0:4312,4313:1270,5584:8,5597:2188,7786:1042,8833:64,8900:1183,10088:79,10168:2,10175:1,10177:1170,11348:2310
[1231/] ValidateSourceHash(source_hasher.raw_hash(), operation, error) failed.
[1231/] Failed to perform SOURCE_BSDIFF operation 5750, which is the operation 0 in partition "boot"
[1231/] Error ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError (20) in DeltaPerformer's Write method when processing the received payload -- Terminating processing
[1231/] Discarding 6446230 unused downloaded bytes
[1231/] Received transfer terminated.
Gesendet von meinem HTC U11 life mit Tapatalk

MC_Ohr said:
So I found the log of update_engine. There is a hash check of the boot partition.
[1231/] Chrome OS Update Engine starting
[1231/] Loaded boot control hidl hal.
[1231/] Using this install plan:
[1231/] InstallPlan: new_update, payload type: unknown, source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload size: 88714324, payload hash: Pcz1Sw3IChOxEJWNniwpI8pSS0aN3nP+KlZMHKn5Z4E=, metadata size: 466479, metadata signature: , hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false
[1231/] HTC_SCRIPT_VERSION=AB_O80QCT.00.000.007
[1231/] POST_DESCRIPTION=1.09.401.2 9.0_g CL1008231 release-keys
[1231/] POST_FINGERPRINT=htc/ocla1_sprout_00401/htc_ocla1_sprout:8.0.0/OPR6.170623.013/1008231.2:user/release-keys
[1231/] HTC_CID=HTC__001,HTC__034,HTC__M27,HTC__002; ro.cid=HTC__034
[1231/] HTC__034 matches...
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] HTC_MID=2Q3F20000; ro.mid=2Q3F20000
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] HTC_DEVICE=htc_ocla1_sprout; ro.product.device=htc_ocla1_sprout
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_DESCRIPTION=1.06.401.14 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys; 9.0_g CL990708 release-keys
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_FINGERPRINT=htc/ocla1_sprout_00401/htc_ocla1_sprout:8.0.0/OPR6.170623.013/990708.14:user/release-keys;
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] PRE_TASKID=515519; ro.aa.taskid=515519
[1231/] Pass checking...
[1231/] Setting cgroup cpu shares to 2
[1231/] fd >= 0 failed: No such file or directory
[1231/] Failed to change cgroup cpu shares to 2 using /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/update-engine/cpu.shares
[1231/] Marking booted slot as good.
[1231/] Scheduling an action processor start.
[1231/] ActionProcessor: starting InstallPlanAction
[1231/] ActionProcessor: finished InstallPlanAction with code ErrorCode::kSuccess
[1231/] ActionProcessor: starting DownloadAction
[1231/] InstallPlan: new_update, payload type: unknown, source_slot: A, target_slot: B, url: file:///data/ota_package/, payload size: 88714324, payload hash: Pcz1Sw3IChOxEJWNniwpI8pSS0aN3nP+KlZMHKn5Z4E=, metadata size: 466479, metadata signature: , hash_checks_mandatory: true, powerwash_required: false
[1231/] Marking new slot as unbootable
[1231/] starting first transfer
[1231/] starting transfer of range 3946+88714324
[1231/] Completed 0/? operations, 16384/88714324 bytes downloaded (0%), overall progress 0%
[1231/] Manifest size in payload matches expected value from Omaha
[1231/] Verifying metadata hash signature using public key: /etc/update_engine/
[1231/] signature blob size = 264
[1231/] Verified correct signature 1 out of 1 signatures.
[1231/] Metadata hash signature matches value in Omaha response.
[1231/] Detected a 'delta' payload.
[1231/] PartitionInfo old system sha256: SzmK3XVHUFtJDoc+dX9vaiAGZOf4LQLkVANqfoX8aYM= size: 2952790016
[1231/] PartitionInfo new system sha256: rEbITUaIVARqP7NyPwGdYise+S1bgUH6i/8tJe281sY= size: 2952790016
[1231/] PartitionInfo old vendor sha256: pN048+oMXhrsVEpgo9XEJD5P3RPItj9tCaugByFMsdc= size: 838860800
[1231/] PartitionInfo new vendor sha256: MLf9+C36UzOJlYvtrMj5KFgX5qwTNwJpckDDzzJbW9Q= size: 838860800
[1231/] PartitionInfo old xbl sha256: 7ZOdUYruCVjIfkRCghobVnVbkfa0qSxMWn2HIekTYaE= size: 3080192
[1231/] PartitionInfo new xbl sha256: 5+SV0zuYEE3AEu/OudE+hfEcs5bdIKPMazgW/T8mXVI= size: 3084288
[1231/] PartitionInfo old hosd sha256: IRSk31oyN/2qIFspIkdZT7GM5LxCNyz6tfT3mDNBUEg= size: 55889920
[1231/] PartitionInfo new hosd sha256: q/svW0eAUbGBCj4++K+i26iR2HMqTn9Y+BJu69ULVtg= size: 55894016
[1231/] PartitionInfo old abl sha256: EJVxhBLKjjxEaTcTCIguE0pR+XMnMRkjHDskCBcSKmo= size: 143360
[1231/] PartitionInfo new abl sha256: JBPuhtgk7UQ2nEYIb6e9el416xA5UA3IjZ1hOshwdmM= size: 147456
[1231/] PartitionInfo old rpm sha256: c3WMA2MpUBxJOTzyX/wQQH7Z9COQtVQgY4hGpv1+waA= size: 221184
[1231/] PartitionInfo new rpm sha256: qifOkTY4PUUjDLHuJYbDDFU1EevI33a5JNBS0EYrnDU= size: 225280
[1231/] PartitionInfo old pmic sha256: emQfsgD2M2NqhDR/05h+eG0s/bx2vXp0gRSZd5S6gIE= size: 36864
[1231/] PartitionInfo new pmic sha256: pmM/rwlD9WdyVBFSRvTzo+QYKPeAcopyg4kOcxfnYsU= size: 40960
[1231/] PartitionInfo old boot sha256: Nj8nwvZ8vEWKwTESh6U+VsN1TuKUmwzYYtwUTcGjvPg= size: 55943168
[1231/] PartitionInfo new boot sha256: LZwSja8jFa2XwgTfVsOx4r5zMUBT2pv7o6GCvt9uCpU= size: 55947264
[1231/] PartitionInfo old dsp sha256: cbh7/JbA4pEzDeKqfxf88C3kmR29Rm9t/bS8UINoDcg= size: 16777216
[1231/] PartitionInfo new dsp sha256: cbh7/JbA4pEzDeKqfxf88C3kmR29Rm9t/bS8UINoDcg= size: 16777216
[1231/] PartitionInfo old radio sha256: VcolpgB2otdbuQKsZsm43XxtF+wcu8oJS9HkQIY/WWw= size: 62337024
[1231/] PartitionInfo new radio sha256: 27kNwK+qLEi0MdrM7/hFhlahRzg70it5h9kh6LAMMeY= size: 62337024
[1231/] PartitionInfo old tz sha256: yWyBuoTv2M+tQSxDTfMmJM2n2q6nIhulMrB3sZ+jsVA= size: 1953792
[1231/] PartitionInfo new tz sha256: HW1NRgU5N1to4CAeZR1e3irSHkYH8RLD1r/r4Xu5OiI= size: 1957888
[1231/] PartitionInfo old hyp sha256: Hn0RBVarof+yc5EyaH9zNtDHkG8Ode96TfRmfKt0VEQ= size: 266240
[1231/] PartitionInfo new hyp sha256: 2J68uFWVRIK0zhkEmek3NmGIRmjk1VuXBmF1Yl5u/fY= size: 270336
[1231/] PartitionInfo old devcfg sha256: sJa43eqyYdFwno2Ybp5I5g8zjKyYphi+J5L53+WeCUI= size: 45056
[1231/] PartitionInfo new devcfg sha256: glQk7DOZxJbhP6UJA/j1+BUhw0KBQcQddjNhwhoEdDg= size: 49152
[1231/] PartitionInfo old cmnlib sha256: KGyqdUERnMSlmFMP50PnDA1uvjWvjOOpp7ZKjaqJJk0= size: 217088
[1231/] PartitionInfo new cmnlib sha256: 4qjItJNTjy5szo8SFXkbNSSdmm5NarEOjIB26q3dOJA= size: 221184
[1231/] PartitionInfo old cmnlib64 sha256: mqbqjxPFSfYrKJujRULExhM/No+utcO3QqkPTf5d1Ws= size: 262144
[1231/] PartitionInfo new cmnlib64 sha256: lRNo5nuiENQZXkX1c3hJhz/oc9Whh8nHI+tiuQLAzXw= size: 266240
[1231/] PartitionInfo old keymaster sha256: KEcfQcnCfsZ6qFfiWTHYSKfT9cpin9CTtIU+5mgcF9s= size: 278528
[1231/] PartitionInfo new keymaster sha256: 4bprlshY7JPC5LUsRhoxCLjDg9gl5w6sfCZqFkfHx60= size: 282624
[1231/] PartitionInfo old lockbooter sha256: VtbPjUhr3SClK5ThAby5q8vJs8cGctJ4d+3/m9hnIG4= size: 86016
[1231/] PartitionInfo new lockbooter sha256: 1sl80Aby2MFL9JElaFezl0KWT4mm8w9n7p7JzPWEOIE= size: 90112
[1231/] PartitionInfo old bluetooth sha256: HmhjTBICwVt0g2tSOedZXEbv4RKk6brzSmBDJKZgNQ0= size: 503808
[1231/] PartitionInfo new bluetooth sha256: b4bYyd+Ff4w896RlM4SD24/kuxdSKdj3cOKyRg44U9w= size: 503808
[1231/] Applying 3445 operations to partition "system"
[1231/] Starting to apply update payload operations
[1231/] Completed 890/6357 operations (14%), 5488640/88714324 bytes downloaded (6%), overall progress 10%
[1231/] Completed 2035/6357 operations (32%), 7372800/88714324 bytes downloaded (8%), overall progress 20%
[1231/] Completed 2798/6357 operations (44%), 15613952/88714324 bytes downloaded (17%), overall progress 30%
[1231/] Completed 3406/6357 operations (53%), 24854528/88714324 bytes downloaded (28%), overall progress 40%
[1231/] Completed 3437/6357 operations (54%), 40812544/88714324 bytes downloaded (46%), overall progress 50%
[1231/] Applying 2278 operations to partition "vendor"
[1231/] Completed 3815/6357 operations (60%), 54706176/88714324 bytes downloaded (61%), overall progress 60%
[1231/] Completed 4959/6357 operations (78%), 55050240/88714324 bytes downloaded (62%), overall progress 70%
[1231/] Completed 5722/6357 operations (90%), 63242240/88714324 bytes downloaded (71%), overall progress 80%
[1231/] Applying 7 operations to partition "xbl"
[1231/] Applying 12 operations to partition "hosd"
[1231/] Applying 2 operations to partition "abl"
[1231/] Applying 4 operations to partition "rpm"
[1231/] Applying 2 operations to partition "pmic"
[1231/] Applying 12 operations to partition "boot"
[1231/] The hash of the source data on disk for this operation doesn't match the expected value. This could mean that the delta update payload was targeted for another version, or that the source partition was modified after it was installed, for example, by mounting a filesystem.
[1231/] Expected: sha256|hex = 56364358B930F09705B1DA54779402C9B59A5DA333F9B860B3AB401EF5BDD9EE
[1231/] Calculated: sha256|hex = 42AB021164B5015BFD12278AE756BC5FD599C982B3944303745F748905BB944C
[1231/] Operation source (offset:size) in blocks: 0:4312,4313:1270,5584:8,5597:2188,7786:1042,8833:64,8900:1183,10088:79,10168:2,10175:1,10177:1170,11348:2310
[1231/] ValidateSourceHash(source_hasher.raw_hash(), operation, error) failed.
[1231/] Failed to perform SOURCE_BSDIFF operation 5750, which is the operation 0 in partition "boot"
[1231/] Error ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError (20) in DeltaPerformer's Write method when processing the received payload -- Terminating processing
[1231/] Discarding 6446230 unused downloaded bytes
[1231/] Received transfer terminated.
Gesendet von meinem HTC U11 life mit Tapatalk
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I've noticed on Oreo firmware for u11 and u11 life if bootloader is unlocked the system will show modified even if nothing was altered. That means the only way would be to lock bootloader and ruu back to stock. It sucks because if we can't get boot.img to patch then there will be no root on the new update you are trying to update to.

twinnfamous said:
I've noticed on Oreo firmware for u11 and u11 life if bootloader is unlocked the system will show modified even if nothing was altered. That means the only way would be to lock bootloader and ruu back to stock. It sucks because if we can't get boot.img to patch then there will be no root on the new update you are trying to update to.
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I have now flashed the boot_signed.img and was able to take the update. The new factory Image is also online on easy firmware, so I'm downloading. When it´s finished I will patch and upload again.

MC_Ohr said:
I have now flashed the boot_signed.img and was able to take the update. The new factory Image is also online on easy firmware, so I'm downloading. When it´s finished I will patch and upload again.
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Ok cool


Samsung Transform (sph-m920)

I just wanted to get a discussion going about the transform since i've been searching and haven't been able to find another. So feel free to post anything you think people should know about the Samsung Transform. Oh and please ask questions too!
Sent from my SPH-M920 using xda premium
I guess I'll start by asking does any other transform user have problems with their phone like...
1. Very short battery time?
2. Incredibly slow performance?
3. Bad quality front facing camera?
4. Not being able to use the front camera as a webcam? (Skype, Tango, ooVoo)
5. Low range of compatible apps and games?
These are just a few of the problems with my samsung transform. I want to hear from you guys to see if you have any problems or questions. (I'm no expert but i'd like to try to help.
Sent from my SPH-M920 using xda premium
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
I suffered long and hard under the m920 and lemme tell ya it was bad enough to send me to T-Mobile. And cancel my contract mid year. Anyway xda doesn't have a forum for that phone nor will they due to its low level specs and God awful nature but sdx has a great group for the device. Good luck from a former victim!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
Thanks i'll check it out
Sent from my SPH-M920 using xda premium
Rooting Transform M920 EB28 Sprint/CDMA
Rooting of Samsung Transform M920 (EB28 Sprint/CDMA 2.2.2 Froyo), by using below tool, was very easy:
"Intercept Root" (V1-35)
SHA1 Checksum: 17b7c66cbf5ecb18cdab6890063e903db6091150, Filesize: 7,095,583 bytes (7.1 MB on disk).
or get from here
I previously tried SOC (SuperOneClick), Framaroot, Z4root, etc, but none of them worked, in above mentioned phone.
Anyone still has a working LINK to a CM7 ROM for Transform ? and a working link to a CWM Recovery for Transform ? then, please help+share :highfive:
Transform (M920), and Transform Ultra (M930), are two different phone.
Thanks in advance
ROM files for Transform M920
The [SIZE="+1"]Samsung Transform M920[/SIZE] Sprint/CDMA phone, initially was released in Oct-2010 with Android 2.1 Eclair (firmware: M920.06 Eclair.DI11), then Sprint in Mar-2011 OTA-updated their M920 subscribers into Android 2.2.2 Froyo (firmware M920.06 EB28), then M920 was again OTA updated in July-2011 into Android 2.2.? (firmware: M920.06 EF09). EB28 was a stable update, but EF09 caused problems for some M920 phones.
More info:
I was able to locate back these below files, in one of my older MacBook OS X computer. When i got the M920 phone, then i or my brother or my friend downloaded them, we were attempting to update it with newer or better Android or CM OS, but lack of Mac OS X compatible proper drivers & related tools, caused our attempts to fail, and these files remained there. But when we attempted again, we found out, source webpages on source website servers are now (Dec-2015) empty/down! So i'm sharing these with others, these should+might be helpful:
Some [SIZE="+1"]ROM[/SIZE] updates require an existing stock/build (initial build at initial released-time), some ROM updates required a Froyo.EB28 build, and some ROM updates required EF09 build.
In below:
"sdx" means = it was obtained from forum webpages, and the previous word before "_sdx", is the username in that website.
"xda" = it was obtained from webpages.
SHA1 checksum: eff7286f9da8c6702d2233230377db1825e9a6f4.
Size: 86,881,680 bytes (86.9 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 026eb4ecbc535a7d0adb8759f2464b43584ce958.
Size: 72,959,078 bytes (73 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 32cd4563bbd37c5c2da18b3b9df2c494f336116f.
Size: 83,155,515 bytes (83.2 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: f3173b7adfdfc15b58d5ba3a30bf4c8a561a80f7.
Size: 22,270,968 bytes (22.3 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 1da667e0e719dbbb59b5b75f4f6d81de85a85f35.
Size: 73,818,117 bytes (73.8 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 32c525fe17d51f0ab90c282de4b2ff33bbaf495e.
Size: 63,826,308 bytes (63.8 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: d6cf0135d50f449a0ab93e245ad4add131a3374b.
Size: 74,149,790 bytes (74.2 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 0605e1a4d15b83b1cd398397de33a21d8c531b4f.
Size: 70,085,916 bytes (70.1 MB on disk).
If anyone else posts further related items, i will post here & add a link here to that post.
Recovery Tools for Transform M920
Recovery Tools for Transform M920:
SHA1 checksum: 8ed722eb9151fff5301a32f845d89e84eefc6421.
Size: 5,445,520 bytes (5.5 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 3ff4297890ca7392d6da3bc509aec0753d7b7842.
Size: 1,749,547 bytes (1.8 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 00060345b7b1ba78268c54fb76add95fa0591781.
Size: 6,133,326 bytes (6.1 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 8ad0cae4833d6554b6f096ca0c47e0287ac3305e.
Size: 5,984,112 bytes (6 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 46e6581fa06009e491cc91000a73b0fc0ff90546.
Size: 6,395,792 bytes (6.4 MB on disk).
Drivers, ADB, Fastboot, Rom Update Utilities for Transform M920
Drivers, ADB, Fastboot, Rom Update Utilities for Transform M920:
Windows platform/os:
SHA1 checksum: 5650076fc99bfb55f2957ee8425fe13fcb13a0a8.
Size: 8,344,834 bytes (8.4 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 3f3d710db181cb655c8ba17275a298228960aac0.
Size: 24,178,176 bytes (24.2 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 4f32a42c730184e15f023892fac0fc9670c4a4db.
Size: 15,364,480 bytes (15.4 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: cae8f06892ad88444801f7f50d34785880b0b5ca.
Size: 3,886,289 bytes (3.9 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 6473957c884775e1371ce04070de9a0e8e42b83e.
Size: 538,460 bytes (541 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: ce1c6a8e8052c2638560767ae5a3574e4b1f3edc.
Size: 8,683,455 bytes (8.7 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 745bb99063748a2f309888467aac70c3c7ef6a2e.
Size: 17,060,864 bytes (17.1 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 9cb12ae39b38a154425e90214877f7fc8388a50c.
Size: 357,339 bytes (360 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 87ba63c9917fe50b5c1d4305585ff65213e99ad5.
Size: 10,013,808 bytes (10 MB on disk).
JOdin3CASUAL-r1035-dist.jar (for any platform/os with Java SE SDK).
SHA1 checksum: d6e331eecc3e149e779b888dedd59c4258c5cbf1.
Size: 19,747,175 bytes (19.8 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: e1362d9ba4a9c9b30394691e7acdee05631fd54e.
Size: 913,186 bytes (913 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 557b67e372e85eb39989cb53cffd3ef1adabb9fe.
Size: 535,008 bytes (537 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 1a5d93dddbc431ab27b1da711cd3370891542797.
Size: 7,186,992 bytes (7.2 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 7cd3f54eea5a2af07150501150be0146a7de82af.
Size: 10,550,007 bytes (10.6 MB on disk).
Note: above zip-file has utility software, which can flash/write into phone's firmware/rom components (this process is also known as "rooting" or "jail-breaking"), so your (anti-virus) security software will give you warning (if you decompress the zip file), that Android rooting related malware exists in 2 files: psneuter (Andr/Droid-Rt-A), zergRush (Andr/Droid-Rt-C). You need to create exception rules inside your security software and allow those 2 files to remain intact, if you want to utilize functionality from those 2 files, or, try other alternatives shown here, or, search further in xda/sdx forum.
SHA1 checksum: 46e79cfb5ecd55aa8f3edc51355cf426b067f309.
Size: 88,321,715 bytes (88.3 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 35589f673e71ef4d3fd47abd57e402c44fb80153.
Size: 8,593,920 bytes (8.6 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 0ff061097c976bce75c97baa51df8c71f2da0c81.
Size: 455,680 bytes (459 KB on disk).
Mac OS X platform/os:
(some core tools are compatible with BSD / FreeBSD unix)
SHA1 checksum: 133466e39b96062a253d6c325c7a79cf1b16f421.
Size: 7,301,742 bytes (7.3 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 45a879fcea817e4f00ce1250725c2e4231e08ef4.
Size: 120,279 bytes (123 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: b0668faf76ec27899093079e786127ae7365f3a5.
Size: 6,167 bytes (8 KB on disk).
JOdin3CASUAL-r1035-dist.jar (for any platform/os with Java SE SDK).
SHA1 checksum: d6e331eecc3e149e779b888dedd59c4258c5cbf1.
Size: 19,747,175 bytes (19.8 MB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 3596bcea4088ef888536a21fc6d0a0b81eab59d1.
Size: 158,466 bytes (160 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 35589f673e71ef4d3fd47abd57e402c44fb80153.
Size: 8,593,920 bytes (8.6 MB on disk).
Linux/Unix platform/os:
SHA1 checksum: 9537243f165927bde74ad742e6b3effb0bd50cd2.
Size: 795,247 bytes (799 KB on disk).
SHA1 checksum: 062319276d913c753a4b1341036e6a2e42abccc9.
Size: 276,769 bytes (279 KB on disk).
JOdin3CASUAL-r1035-dist.jar (for any platform/os with Java SE SDK).
SHA1 checksum: d6e331eecc3e149e779b888dedd59c4258c5cbf1.
Size: 19,747,175 bytes (19.8 MB on disk).
Looking for file Hash/Checksum calculator tools ? visit:
Looking for file (and folder) compression (aka, zip/archive) or decompression (aka, unzip/unarchive) tools ? visit:
reserved it here, to add more related info in sequence.
Can anyone tell me how i can use any of these to install custom recovery, back up my rom, and install one of the custom roms? there are a ton of files, I'm presuming CWM is clockworkmod, but my phone is EB28 and the file says EB28-EF09. is this something I can use, if so how?

[ROM] [STOCK] + insecure boot image (adb root) + deodexed system

I would like to share a collection of factory images. It contains the full packages, also the extracted .img files. I also included insecure boot image (adb shell gives root access) and deodexed system image for each of them.
full image packages are "tgz" files.
image files extension is .img
isecure boot images are *.unsec.img
deodexed system images are *.deodex.img
These are all to be flashed with fastboot. These all derived from STOCK ( with no changes except the insecure adb boot image and the deodexed system image.
Deodexed fs is exactly the same size as the original when mounted.
The collection contains:
Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi)(nakasi) factory images
nakasi_4.1.2-jzo54k-factory-973f190e.tgz size: 268416146
nakasi-jzo54k size: 270068592
bootloader-grouper-3.41.img size: 2142784
boot.img size: 5013504
boot.img.unsec.img size: 5013504
recovery.img size: 5365760
system.img size: 456978628
system.img.deodex.img size: 419478656
userdata.img size: 106788356
nakasi_4.2.1-jop40d-factory-6ac58a1a.tgz size: 285374508
nakasi-jop40d size: 287257464
bootloader-grouper-4.13.img size: 2146892
boot.img size: 5060608
boot.img.unsec.img size: 5060608
recovery.img size: 5574656
system.img size: 488587640
system.img.deodex.img size: 446971116
userdata.img size: 106788356
nakasi-jdq39-factory-c317339e.tgz size: 287674300
nakasi-jdq39 size: 289524899
bootloader-grouper-4.18.img size: 2146892
boot.img size: 5062656
boot.img.unsec.img size: 5062656
recovery.img size: 5576704
system.img size: 483127648
system.img.deodex.img size: 444480760
userdata.img size: 106792464
Nexus 7 GSM (nakasig) factory images
nakasig_4.2.1-jop40d-factory-efcec044.tgz size: 291197311
nakasig-jop40d size: 287381774
boot.img size: 5060608
boot.img.unsec.img size: 5060608
bootloader-tilapia-4.13.img size: 2146892
radio-tilapia-1231_0.10.0_1021.img size: 16777216
recovery.img size: 5574656
system.img size: 488804800
system.img.deodex.img size: 447044892
userdata.img size: 106788356
nakasig-jdq39-factory-0798439d.tgz size: 293527315
nakasig-jdq39 size: 289688547
boot.img size: 5062656
boot.img.unsec.img size: 5062656
bootloader-tilapia-4.18.img size: 2146892
radio-tilapia-1231_0.17.0_1205.img size: 16777216
recovery.img size: 5576704
system.img size: 483299752
system.img.deodex.img size: 444509480
userdata.img size: 106792464
The files can be downloaded from:
if it helps you buy me a beer

[FIXING][NO JTAG]H959 stuck in qload 9008 mode

Nobody helps me ??, This community for lg g flex 2 sucks!!!
Anyways, I have made some progress trying to revive my lg g flex 2 h959 from qualcomm qload 9008 mode,
After extensive research and staying up nights, I have finally compiled a MPGR8994.hex programmer for this device, I have found the prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn and I am currently trying to compile the 8994msimage.mbn file. After that I will be able to use the emmcdownload from qpst software pack to restore my phone partition table and set the phone into qualcomm qload 9006 mode.
I have problem compiling the 8994msimage.mbn; This image is basically contains the fastboot bootloader. Now if anyone here lends me the fastboot boot loader of their device it would be nice.
Follow this and make one for me, because I don't have the parts necessary, you can pull those parts using adb commands.
Okey here is the full partition table of All Lg G Flex 2 variants, and they all share this same, it is extracted from the PrimaryGPT.bin and it follows :
Starting to parse GPT
Size of GPT file is 524288
Parsing GPT
name: modem
startLBA: 32768
endLBA: 196607
size: 0x0000000005000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: pmic
startLBA: 196608
endLBA: 197631
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sbl1
startLBA: 197632
endLBA: 199679
size: 0x0000000000100000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: tz
startLBA: 199680
endLBA: 201727
size: 0x0000000000100000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sdi
startLBA: 201728
endLBA: 202751
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: hyp
startLBA: 202752
endLBA: 203775
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: rpm
startLBA: 203776
endLBA: 204799
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: aboot
startLBA: 204800
endLBA: 208895
size: 0x0000000000200000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sbl1bak
startLBA: 208896
endLBA: 210943
size: 0x0000000000100000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: pmicbak
startLBA: 210944
endLBA: 211967
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: tzbak
startLBA: 211968
endLBA: 214015
size: 0x0000000000100000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: hypbak
startLBA: 214016
endLBA: 215039
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: rpmbak
startLBA: 215040
endLBA: 216063
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: abootbak
startLBA: 216064
endLBA: 220159
size: 0x0000000000200000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sdibak
startLBA: 220160
endLBA: 221183
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: limits
startLBA: 221184
endLBA: 222207
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: devinfo
startLBA: 222208
endLBA: 223231
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: apdp
startLBA: 223232
endLBA: 224255
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: msadp
startLBA: 224256
endLBA: 225279
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: dpo
startLBA: 225280
endLBA: 226303
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: misc
startLBA: 229376
endLBA: 262143
size: 0x0000000001000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: persist
startLBA: 262144
endLBA: 327679
size: 0x0000000002000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: modemst1
startLBA: 327680
endLBA: 330751
size: 0x0000000000180000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: modemst2
startLBA: 330752
endLBA: 333823
size: 0x0000000000180000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: fsg
startLBA: 333824
endLBA: 336895
size: 0x0000000000180000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: fsc
startLBA: 336896
endLBA: 337919
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: ssd
startLBA: 337920
endLBA: 338943
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: keystore
startLBA: 338944
endLBA: 339967
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: DDR
startLBA: 339968
endLBA: 344063
size: 0x0000000000200000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sec
startLBA: 344064
endLBA: 345087
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: encrypt
startLBA: 345088
endLBA: 346111
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: eksst
startLBA: 346112
endLBA: 347135
size: 0x0000000000080000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: rct
startLBA: 347136
endLBA: 347151
size: 0x0000000000002000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: persistent
startLBA: 347152
endLBA: 355343
size: 0x0000000000400000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: laf
startLBA: 360448
endLBA: 458751
size: 0x0000000003000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: boot
startLBA: 458752
endLBA: 540671
size: 0x0000000002800000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: recovery
startLBA: 540672
endLBA: 622591
size: 0x0000000002800000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: drm
startLBA: 622592
endLBA: 638975
size: 0x0000000000800000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: sns
startLBA: 638976
endLBA: 655359
size: 0x0000000000800000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: mpt
startLBA: 655360
endLBA: 720895
size: 0x0000000002000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: factory
startLBA: 720896
endLBA: 815103
size: 0x0000000002e00000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: fota
startLBA: 815104
endLBA: 835583
size: 0x0000000000a00000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: raw_resources
startLBA: 835584
endLBA: 843775
size: 0x0000000000400000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: raw_resourcesbak
startLBA: 843776
endLBA: 851967
size: 0x0000000000400000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: system
startLBA: 851968
endLBA: 8191999
size: 0x00000000e0000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: cust
startLBA: 8192000
endLBA: 8716287
size: 0x0000000010000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: cache
startLBA: 8716288
endLBA: 11239423
size: 0x000000004d000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: userdata
startLBA: 11239424
endLBA: 60981247
size: 0x00000005ee000000 bytes
attributes: 0x0
name: grow
startLBA: 60981248
endLBA: 61071326
size: 0x0000000002bfbe00 bytes
attributes: 0x0
-- GPT ENDs --
Exited with success
Now Please someone who know, tell me which is the fastboot partition and someone exract it for me using adb and the dd command, It doesn't matter which variant for now.
This guide below is only general and I need the appropriate parts for 8994msimage.mbn
How to generate the 8660_msimage.mbn
8660_msimage.mbn is released in SW by default, actually, it includes the all the boot images and partition table there. MPRG8660.hex will download this image and reset to mass-storage mode. If customers have different HW settings, such as GPIO/DDR, the default 8660_msimage.mbn may not work for them, so customers need build their own 8660_msimage.mbn by themselves with following ways.
1. Have the QPST 2.7.366 or higher version installed.
2. Make a local folder, copy sbl1/sbl2/sbl3/rpm/tz images to this folder.
3. copy the emmcswdownload.exe from C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin to this folder.
4. Prepare the partition_boot.xml as below and copy the partition_boot.xml to the same folder as above.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<physical_partition number="0">
<primary order="1" type="4d" bootable="true" label="SBL1" size="1000" readonly="false">
<file name="sbl1.mbn" offset="0"/>
<primary order="2" type="51" bootable="false" label="SBL2" size="3000" readonly="false">
<file name="sbl2.mbn" offset="0"/>
<primary order="3" type="45" bootable="false" label="SBL3" size="1500" readonly="false">
<file name="sbl3.mbn" offset="0"/>
<primary order="4" type="5" bootable="false" label="EXT" size="1000000">
<extended order="1" type="47" label="RPM" size="1000" readonly="false">
<file name="rpm.mbn" offset="0"/>
<extended order="2" type="46" label="TZ" size="1000" readonly="false">
<file name="tz.mbn" offset="0"/>
5. Run the emmcswdownload.exe tool to create OEM boot image with a command below.
emmcswdownload.exe -f 8660_msimage.mbn -x partition_boot.xml -s 1G -g 4M
6. The 8660_msimage.mbn will be generated in the folder.
1. In this mode, you can't flash, you can't to do anything, only the LG Service can repair your phone
2. Currently no hex programmer for msm8994 to repair with QPST at home.
3. One more method is JTAG, (require soldering knowledge, soldering station, flux, wire etc...) need to find, the right emmc pinouts on the pcb, but if the pinouts not in the pcb, need to desolder emmc and flash directly...
stars2 said:
1. In this mode, you can't flash, you can't to do anything, only the LG Service can repair your phone
2. Currently no hex programmer for msm8994 to repair with QPST at home.
3. One more method is JTAG, (require soldering knowledge, soldering station, flux, wire etc...) need to find, the right emmc pinouts on the pcb, but if the pinouts not in the pcb, need to desolder emmc and flash directly...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey mate, Thanks for the reply. My phone is model H959 and that is a Hongkong version, But I live in UK and bought the phone from a UK ebay seller, and UK LG service is not liable for my phone model, and I cant get a service from HongKong either. I'm screwed.
I've been trying to use the Lg flash tool 2015 which has board dl mode, I tried it and it does see my phone in qualcomm 9008 mode and establishes connection but when it wants to download the stuff it gets failed. I extracted some bin files from the kdz rom.
I am also able to see the phone from QPST tools but the software download fails to initiate the downloader. If you have the same model, using qpst you can build the mbn files nessesary for me to restore mine. I know you've got the knowledge, may be please try.
Well l have the sprint version the ls996 and mine shows qsusb_bulk is the issues the same? Sorry lm a noon
Akihiromeep said:
... the issues the same? ...
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Yes, same problem
If you install the driver, you get QHS-USB QDLoader 9008 mode, but currently no fix, only LG Service can help...
32 bit
64 bit
if you can flash any rom, phone boots with no problem, I flashed a lot of kdz from diferent versions over my h950.
you may lost your imei, so after all, make a backup from qpst. so when you boots your phone, you can restore.
which partitions do you need?
In which format?
I can try to extract from mine. is an h950 with h955ar firmware, mixed with h950pr... H959 kdz boots with no signal in my phone... so I think h950pr partitions must work in your phone...
pelelademadera said:
if you can flash any rom, phone boots with no problem, I flashed a lot of kdz from diferent versions over my h950.
you may lost your imei, so after all, make a backup from qpst. so when you boots your phone, you can restore.
which partitions do you need?
In which format?
I can try to extract from mine. is an h950 with h955ar firmware, mixed with h950pr... H959 kdz boots with no signal in my phone... so I think h950pr partitions must work in your phone...
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I think I have already lost my IMEI as my phone is in qualcomm 9008 mode, that is to say there is no partition table on the phone and emmc is blank. That happened when I was flashing the stock rom and the flash tool on my pc crashed. That said if you read the first thread I have said I need the part which is necessary enough to make the phone boot into download mode, lg logo, fastboot, laf(I already have this one). I 'm not a expert and dont know what are they called in terms as in the full partition table I have provided. So I need help if you know them. SO that I can compile the 8994msimage.mbn
Masteryates said:
How does that work? Does it allow you to have the best of both worlds? :angel:
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So so, problem is imei and baseband, the rest, all roms works in h950, so all roms works in all flex2, you have to keep imei!!!!
Afshin44 said:
I think I have already lost my IMEI as my phone is in qualcomm 9008 mode, that is to say there is no partition table on the phone and emmc is blank. That happened when I was flashing the stock rom and the flash tool on my pc crashed. That said if you read the first thread I have said I need the part which is necessary enough to make the phone boot into download mode, lg logo, fastboot, laf(I already have this one). I 'm not a expert and dont know what are they called in terms as in the full partition table I have provided. So I need help if you know them. SO that I can compile the 8994msimage.mbn
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You probably not, cause no kdz have modemst1 and modemst2 partitions. If you dobt flash another kdz that overwright that partitions, imei are safe.
Modem are the baseband.
So which partitions you need?
Qpst see the phone as a phone?
Laf is download mode, if you dont have that, you have fastboot that dont work in flex 2, all commands are invalid
Enviado desde mi LG-H955 mediante Tapatalk
anyone managed to.fixed???
moonmoon8 said:
anyone managed to.fixed???
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I don't think any of my work is going to work unless we have the proper files and the proper software. I have tried many different ways but phone does not respond to any. Phone is obviously seen by qpst by none of its apps work with this chip. The qpst is old and we need new version. I have given up. Only way is JtagBox like Octopus Box which does support lg g flex 2.
I'm trying to fix one that I have kept in the closet, this qualcomm 9008, I did everything I could, even with BoarDiag but does not support it, I went to a page that is android1brick called and told me that it can be done only with direct EMMC but no boxes, and I do not guarantee unfortunately, I'm just hoping to take out a hope , we have to create a new BoarDiag o another program for fix this dificult mobile
Adriantech said:
I'm trying to fix one that I have kept in the closet, this qualcomm 9008, I did everything I could, even with BoarDiag but does not support it, I went to a page that is android1brick called and told me that it can be done only with direct EMMC but no boxes, and I do not guarantee unfortunately, I'm just hoping to take out a hope , we have to create a new BoarDiag o another program for fix this dificult mobile
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I feel you , but I don't know how the softwares work and to flash directly we need the pin outs and we have no idea of where the pin outs of the emmc is either.
Exactly , we have to do a program or a way to fix this phone , maybe easyjtag can fixed or riff box
LG G Flex2 Sprint in Volcano Red (LS996) no enciende después de flash.
Such friends, I am new to this great forum.
I have a Sprint LG G Flex2 in Volcano Red (LS996) which wanted to change the firmware. Enter a support page and found this firm:
You install the "LG Flash Tool 2014", and the process is 100% complete smoothly. But when I went to see the phone does not turn on.
He did not catch more or disconnecting the battery.
When I connect it to the PC it detects it as QHSUSB_BULK me and nothing else. No Dowland nothing enters mode.
Please help!!!! Hopefully we can find a solution.
And probe using interfaces because not assign me any port when I connect it to use the TOT or DDL
I have been recently been looking for a way to unbrick my G Flex 2. I made a mistake and flashed Zv5. I keep seeing there might be a way to recover the phone if we had a zv6 or above tot. i have found what seems to be vv8 tot on chinese website. would this be any help?
@astaccz is no solution for now
Adriantech said:
@astaccz is no solution for now
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aww. i literally bought a new g flex 2 from the sprint store for 250 and bricked it in 2 days. smh. i had to order a logic board online from ifixit. i updated it to zv9 and rooted. now i know not to go back to zv5.
the logic board i ordered was revision 2 and the one coming from the sprint store was revision 4. both were lag free when updated to 5.1.1 but the revision 2 board is noticeably just a pinch slower.
gonna send board for boot repair to a guy states away
astaccz said:
aww. i literally bought a new g flex 2 from the sprint store for 250 and bricked it in 2 days. smh. i had to order a logic board online from ifixit. i updated it to zv9 and rooted. now i know not to go back to zv5.
the logic board i ordered was revision 2 and the one coming from the sprint store was revision 4. both were lag free when updated to 5.1.1 but the revision 2 board is noticeably just a pinch slower.
gonna send board for boot repair to a guy states away
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Do have to wait bro :crying:
I successfully can fix soft brick (bootloop) only for LS996 for now. I spent hours fiddling making a custom tot that flashes ZV8. Already rooted after tot flash.
If interested message me on [email protected] Carln2ubb
astaccz said:
I successfully can fix soft brick (bootloop) only for LS996 for now. I spent hours fiddling making a custom tot that flashes ZV8. Already rooted after tot flash.
If interested message me on [email protected] Carln2ubb
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That's great! You should make a tutorial and post it. A lot of people would be grateful for that.

System dump HTC U11+

I am searchin for a System dump for HTC U11+.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you and regards
damigor said:
I am searchin for a System dump for HTC U11+.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you and regards
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You can decrypt RUUs using HTC RUU/ROM Decryption Tool to obtain the system.img and other .img files.
goodman_east said:
You can decrypt RUUs using HTC RUU/ROM Decryption Tool to obtain the system.img and other .img files.
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Thank you very much. I guess you helped me a lot but I have no Idea how to make this stepsl So I will read instructions and try to understand them
Can I ask you for further information if I need some help?
damigor said:
Thank you very much. I guess you helped me a lot but I have no Idea how to make this stepsl So I will read instructions and try to understand them
Can I ask you for further information if I need some help?
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Of course.
as supposed it has not work. See Log. :-/ Do you have any idea?
d to open keydata file: C:/adb/OUT/tmp/use_keyfile.bin
ERROR: could not decrypt file '' (res=247)
Decrypting (25/25) ''
Encrypted zip detected, running ruuveal...
failed to open keydata file: C:/adb/OUT/tmp/use_keyfile.bin
ERROR: could not decrypt file '' (res=247)
DecryptZIPs took 6.433 seconds.
Restoring '' to normal folder
Removing unneeded work folders
Overall process completion time: 3 minutes 48.735 seconds.
Finished: Tool has finished but there was an error, please
check the console output and your OUT folder
goodman_east said:
Of course.
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What do you think?
damigor said:
d to open keydata file: C:/adb/OUT/tmp/use_keyfile.bin
ERROR: could not decrypt file '' (res=247)
Decrypting (25/25) ''
Encrypted zip detected, running ruuveal...
failed to open keydata file: C:/adb/OUT/tmp/use_keyfile.bin
ERROR: could not decrypt file '' (res=247)
DecryptZIPs took 6.433 seconds.
Restoring '' to normal folder
Removing unneeded work folders
Overall process completion time: 3 minutes 48.735 seconds.
Finished: Tool has finished but there was an error, please
check the console output and your OUT folder
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You need a keyfile or hosd.img to decrypt a RUU.
Here is the keyfile you need.
goodman_east said:
Of course.
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goodman_east said:
You need a keyfile or hosd.img to decrypt a RUU.
Here is the keyfile you need.
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thank you very much. Where I have to put this Keyfile?
goodman_east said:
You need a keyfile or hosd.img to decrypt a RUU.
Here is the keyfile you need.
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Ok. I got it.
Thank you very much. I have right now just Boot.img and system.img. I have flash a Boot.img but when I tra to flash System.img I recieve this error:
C:\adb>fastboot -w flash system C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\system.img
target reported max download size of 2392800000 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 121274105856
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 32768
Blocks: 29607936
Block groups: 904
Reserved block group size: 1024
Created filesystem with 11/7405568 inodes and 512922/29607936 blocks
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 234881024
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7168
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1024
Blocks: 57344
Block groups: 2
Reserved block group size: 15
Created filesystem with 11/14336 inodes and 1961/57344 blocks
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 0.192s]
sending sparse 'system' (2325171 KB)...
finished. total time: 1.370s
damigor said:
Ok. I got it.
Thank you very much. I have right now just Boot.img and system.img. I have flash a Boot.img but when I tra to flash System.img I recieve this error:
C:\adb>fastboot -w flash system C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\system.img
target reported max download size of 2392800000 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 121274105856
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 32768
Blocks: 29607936
Block groups: 904
Reserved block group size: 1024
Created filesystem with 11/7405568 inodes and 512922/29607936 blocks
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 234881024
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7168
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1024
Blocks: 57344
Block groups: 2
Reserved block group size: 15
Created filesystem with 11/14336 inodes and 1961/57344 blocks
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 0.192s]
sending sparse 'system' (2325171 KB)...
finished. total time: 1.370s
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fastboot flash -S 1G system C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\system.img
fastboot flash boot C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\boot.img
goodman_east said:
You need a keyfile or hosd.img to decrypt a RUU.
Here is the keyfile you need.
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nenebear said:
fastboot flash -S 1G system C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\system.img
fastboot flash boot C:\adb\OUT_2Q4D_1.01.709.3\system\boot.img
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Thank you very much! This has worked but now I am in bootloop :-/
damigor said:
Thank you very much! This has worked but now I am in bootloop :-/
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Are your device is htc_ocmdugl ?
nenebear said:
Are your device is htc_ocmdugl ?
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Yes I am. Still having Bootloop :-/
damigor said:
Yes I am.
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Plz upload the download mode photo of your U11 plus
goodman_east said:
Plz upload the download mode photo of your U11 plus
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Here you go. Thanks guy for your support
damigor said:
Here you go. Thanks guy for your support
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you can flash ruu 1.01.709.3, or 1.03.1405.1 after mid and cid changed
goodman_east said:
you can flash ruu 1.01.709.3, or 1.03.1405.1 after mid and cid changed
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sorry, I need some more informaion. :-/
damigor said:
Here you go. Thanks guy for your support
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cidnum: HTC__034 -- HTC Europe
OS-0.81.709.10 -- HTC TW
Change cidnum: 11111111 than flash RUU_1.01.709.3
flash HTC RUU use this tool -- adb tool
download mode
fastboot oem writecid 11111111
fastboot oem rebootRUU
flash flash zip
fastboot reboot
goodman_east said:
you can flash ruu 1.01.709.3, or 1.03.1405.1 after mid and cid changed
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nenebear said:
cidnum: HTC__034 -- HTC Europe
OS-0.81.709.10 -- HTC TW
Change cidnum: 11111111 than flash RUU_1.01.709.3
flash HTC RUU use this tool -- adb tool
download mode
fastboot oem writecid 11111111
fastboot oem rebootRUU
flash flash zip
fastboot reboot
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Thank you very much. This has worked but I am still in Bootloop

Question How to gain read/write access after Magisk Root?

I just got this phone and it seems promising, really dig the screen size, although i need some getting used to the UI.
After following some of the tutorials on magisk rooting I've seem to have rooted the phone since i can see the root files, but most of the /system/ files are read only which limits a lot what i wanted to do with it.
I've followed the popular Universal RW tutorial for android 10+ by lebigmac, but it doesn't seem to be working for this phone. Only once have i successfully gotten the image, but then it would not flash. I've been up all night and have come up short.
Has anyone else gained RW on the whole filesystem? If so, how?
Bonus: Has anyone gotten MicroG to work successfully? How do you signature spoof?
Atlas667 said:
I just got this phone and it seems promising, really dig the screen size, although i need some getting used to the UI.
After following some of the tutorials on magisk rooting I've seem to have rooted the phone since i can see the root files, but most of the /system/ files are read only which limits a lot what i wanted to do with it.
I've followed the popular Universal RW tutorial for android 10+ by lebigmac, but it doesn't seem to be working for this phone. Only once have i successfully gotten the image, but then it would not flash. I've been up all night and have come up short.
Has anyone else gained RW on the whole filesystem? If so, how?
Bonus: Has anyone gotten MicroG to work successfully? How do you signature spoof?
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Much needed topic I tried alot and no luck!
Atlas667 said:
I just got this phone and it seems promising, really dig the screen size, although i need some getting used to the UI.
After following some of the tutorials on magisk rooting I've seem to have rooted the phone since i can see the root files, but most of the /system/ files are read only which limits a lot what i wanted to do with it.
I've followed the popular Universal RW tutorial for android 10+ by lebigmac, but it doesn't seem to be working for this phone. Only once have i successfully gotten the image, but then it would not flash. I've been up all night and have come up short.
Has anyone else gained RW on the whole filesystem? If so, how?
Bonus: Has anyone gotten MicroG to work successfully? How do you signature spoof?
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Hey did you ever find a way to gain access to read/write?
cwgzz said:
Hey did you ever find a way to gain access to read/write?
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Not yet. I tried the superrepack scripts, but they did not work either. It never gave me a boot loop, but it also never gave me R/W on root. If you read the superrepack thread there seems to be talk of Motorola implementing Forward Error Correction, but i dont know if that would apply in this case. The error i had when running Superrepack was "Unable to open /dev/block/sde24".
Maybe try superrepack yourself and we can determine if it was user error or the phone/script.
Atlas667 said:
I've followed the popular Universal RW tutorial for android 10+ by lebigmac, but it doesn't seem to be working for this phone. Only once have i successfully gotten the image, but then it would not flash. I've been up all night and have come up short.
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Hi @Atlas667 thanks for your interest in my SystemRW / SuperRW feat. MakeRW project.
What do you mean it didn't work on your device? If you don't send me your log files or give me any feedback how do you expect me to make it work for your Motorola device? I only have Xiaomi device...
Also keep in mind brand new version of my script will be released very soon. If you want to give me additional feedback to make it work for your device then now is the time to do it
lebigmac said:
Hi @Atlas667 thanks for your interest in my SystemRW / SuperRW feat. MakeRW project.
What do you mean it didn't work on your device? If you don't send me your log files or give me any feedback how do you expect me to make it work for your Motorola device? I only have Xiaomi device...
Also keep in mind brand new version of my script will be released very soon. If you want to give me additional feedback to make it work for your device then now is the time to do it
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Hey, thanks for your work.
I have a fresh root on my devie and ill go through the process at the same time as i write this.
I have downloaded extracted and copied systemrw_1.32 into /data/local/tmp.
Therefore i now have /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32 and i make executable
I run the command for detecting my super partition:
denver:/data/local/tmp # ls -l /dev/block/by-name/super
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 1970-05-08 11:21 /dev/block/by-name/super -> /dev/block/sde24
Then i run the shared blocks detect commands i get this.
denver:/data/local/tmp # for a in /dev/block/dm-*; do tune2fs -l $a | grep -e "feat" -e "vol"; done
Filesystem volume name: /
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
Filesystem volume name: system_ext
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
Filesystem volume name: vendor
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
Filesystem volume name: product
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize
Filesystem volume name: /
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize shared_blocks
Filesystem volume name: system_ext
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize shared_blocks
Filesystem volume name: vendor
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize shared_blocks
Filesystem volume name: product
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize shared_blocks
tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/block/dm-8
Filesystem volume name: <none>
Filesystem features: ext_attr dir_index filetype extent sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize shared_blocks
I go into the /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32
And i run ./ which produces:
denver:/data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32 # ./
| SystemRW v1.32 automated script by lebigmac |
| @xda ©2021 Big thank you to @Kolibass @Brepro1 |
|@munjeni @AndyYan @gabrielfrias @YOisuPU @bynarie |
| without your help this would not be possible! |
systemrw: Initiating procedure...
systemrw: Device is in Android mode. Ignoring
systemrw: Current device: motorola
systemrw: Current Android version: 11
systemrw: Current SELinux status: Permissive
systemrw: Current slot is: 1
systemrw: Your super partition is located at: /dev/block/sde24
systemrw: / is read-only
systemrw: /product is read-only
systemrw: /vendor is read-only
systemrw: Adjusting permissions...
systemrw: Attempting to disable dm-verity and verification...
verification is already disabled on slot with suffix _b.
verity is already disabled on slot with suffix _b.
systemrw: Dumping super partition to: /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/super_original.bin
systemrw: Please wait patiently...
27262976+0 records in
27262976+0 records out
13958643712 bytes (13 G) copied, 83.699237 s, 159 M/s
systemrw: Successfully dumped super partition to: /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/super_original.bin
systemrw: Unpacking embedded partitions from /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/super_original.bin
systemrw: Nested partitions were successfully extracted from super
systemrw: Current size of system_a.img in bytes: 896122880
systemrw: Current size of system_a.img in MB: 854
systemrw: Current size of system_a.img in 512-byte sectors: 1750240
systemrw: NO 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ system_a.img
systemrw: Shrinking size of system_a.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_a.img to 202516 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_a.img is now 202516 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_a.img in bytes: 666558464
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_a.img in MB: 635
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_a.img in 512-byte sectors: 1301872
systemrw: NO 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ system_ext_a.img
systemrw: Shrinking size of system_ext_a.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_a.img to 145668 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_a.img is now 145668 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of vendor_a.img in bytes: 896487424
systemrw: Current size of vendor_a.img in MB: 854
systemrw: Current size of vendor_a.img in 512-byte sectors: 1750952
systemrw: NO 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ vendor_a.img
systemrw: Shrinking size of vendor_a.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_a.img to 207489 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_a.img is now 207489 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of product_a.img in bytes: 3711655936
systemrw: Current size of product_a.img in MB: 3539
systemrw: Current size of product_a.img in 512-byte sectors: 7249328
systemrw: NO 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ product_a.img
systemrw: Shrinking size of product_a.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_a.img to 901908 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_a.img is now 901908 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of system_b.img in bytes: 896122880
systemrw: Current size of system_b.img in MB: 854
systemrw: Current size of system_b.img in 512-byte sectors: 1750240
systemrw: 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ system_b.img
systemrw: Increasing filesystem size of system_b.img...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_b.img to 273475 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_b.img is now 273475 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Removing 'shared_blocks feature' of system_b.img...
e2fsck 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
systemrw: Read-only lock of system_b.img successfully removed
systemrw: Shrinking size of system_b.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_b.img to 230418 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_b.img is now 230418 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_b.img in bytes: 666583040
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_b.img in MB: 635
systemrw: Current size of system_ext_b.img in 512-byte sectors: 1301920
systemrw: 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ system_ext_b.img
systemrw: Increasing filesystem size of system_ext_b.img...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_b.img to 203425 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_b.img is now 203425 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Removing 'shared_blocks feature' of system_ext_b.img...
e2fsck 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
systemrw: Read-only lock of system_ext_b.img successfully removed
systemrw: Shrinking size of system_ext_b.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_b.img to 164146 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/system_ext_b.img is now 164146 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of vendor_b.img in bytes: 896487424
systemrw: Current size of vendor_b.img in MB: 854
systemrw: Current size of vendor_b.img in 512-byte sectors: 1750952
systemrw: 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ vendor_b.img
systemrw: Increasing filesystem size of vendor_b.img...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_b.img to 273586 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_b.img is now 273586 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Removing 'shared_blocks feature' of vendor_b.img...
e2fsck 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
systemrw: Read-only lock of vendor_b.img successfully removed
systemrw: Shrinking size of vendor_b.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_b.img to 220492 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/vendor_b.img is now 220492 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Current size of product_b.img in bytes: 3711660032
systemrw: Current size of product_b.img in MB: 3539
systemrw: Current size of product_b.img in 512-byte sectors: 7249336
systemrw: 'shared_blocks feature' detected @ product_b.img
systemrw: Increasing filesystem size of product_b.img...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_b.img to 1132708 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_b.img is now 1132708 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Removing 'shared_blocks feature' of product_b.img...
e2fsck 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
systemrw: Read-only lock of product_b.img successfully removed
systemrw: Shrinking size of product_b.img back to minimum size...
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Resizing the filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_b.img to 924153 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/product_b.img is now 924153 (4k) blocks long.
systemrw: Joining all extracted images back into one single super image...
systemrw: Please wait and ignore the invalid sparse warnings...
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
Invalid sparse file format at header magic
systemrw: Successfully created patched super image @
systemrw: /data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32/img/super_fixed.bin
systemrw: Congratulations! Your image(s) should now have R/W capability
systemrw: Please reboot into bootloader and flash the file(s) manually
denver:/data/local/tmp/systemrw_1.32 #
After that, i copy super_fixed.bin to my computer, boot my phone into recovery and use fastboot flash super to flash:
Sending sparse 'super' 1/16 (769727 KB) OKAY [ 25.722s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.103s]
Sending sparse 'super' 2/16 (762769 KB) OKAY [ 26.191s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 3/16 (754767 KB) OKAY [ 27.851s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 4/16 (723716 KB) OKAY [ 23.787s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 5/16 (769724 KB) OKAY [ 27.542s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 6/16 (769726 KB) OKAY [ 25.579s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 7/16 (769725 KB) OKAY [ 24.952s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 8/16 (759887 KB) OKAY [ 24.984s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 9/16 (706722 KB) OKAY [ 22.790s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 10/16 (739235 KB) OKAY [ 24.188s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 11/16 (750459 KB) OKAY [ 24.374s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.016s]
Sending sparse 'super' 12/16 (768332 KB) OKAY [ 25.115s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 13/16 (769724 KB) OKAY [ 25.250s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 14/16 (769724 KB) OKAY [ 24.980s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 15/16 (676812 KB) OKAY [ 22.618s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Sending sparse 'super' 16/16 (668353 KB) OKAY [ 22.105s]
Writing 'super' OKAY [ 0.000s]
Finished. Total time: 487.440s
Now i am in a recovery boot loop.
Ive tried flashing vbmeta and super from my original rom files, but it wont boot normally.
The only way to get it to boot is to reflash the whole stock rom. And im back to square one.
Flash back to stock with smart assistant.
Use @Electimon custom twrp recovery which is labeled as osaka variant on his site
(fastboot boot twrp.img)
and @ArtiicPanda has custom skym3 kernel you should flash the zip in twrp through the install button.
Reboot to bootloader and fastboot to twrp again.
Now install the
Wait for finish and Do not reboot due to error code.
Boot of into Linux distro, plug in your device and run the shell script. Wait for it to finish (will take a long time).
When complete fastboot boot back into twrp and wipe dalvik cache/cache then reboot system.

