Idea for an app for dialysis patients. - General Questions and Answers

How hard would an android app be that:
Stored a goal intake value entered by the users based on what the doctor says
Keep a daily log of fluid intake
Keep a daily log of inputted weights
Keep a log of ammount of flud removed and time on dialysis
Display the logs in a easy to read format
Extra feature that would just make it completely awesome, a graph that showed the trends for the last week, month and 3 months
I'd think the app would be pretty easy but I might be very wrong and I'm not sure how big of audience besides me it would have, I'd think people on dialysis that heard about it might give it a shot because currently the best suggestion the clinic has for fluid tracking is a piece of paper with cups on it, which isn't very effective. There are lots of apps that track fluids but they are aimed at a different section of the population as all the ones I've tried figure your intake goal based on your weight which is wrong for dialysis patients, and they also try to get you to drink more which is also bad for people like me. While I'm very handy at some things with my computer, doing coding beyond light powershell scripts is beyond my skill level by quite a bit. I'd really thankful you've read this far and if you know of an app like I'm describing, please let me know or if it sounds like a project you could do for a population of people that could some help making our lives a little easier.

The only formulas I would think would be needed for a wide range of people would be:
Pounds to Kilograms (Pounds / 2.2046 = Kilograms)
Kilograms to Pounds (Kilograms * 2.2046=Pounds)
oz to liters (oz / 33.814 = Liters)
oz to ml(oz / .033814 = ml)


Settlers of Catan

Hey there,
There is a Settlers of Catan game for the iPhone. I'm wondering if anyone knew of that game being ported to Android any time soon? All I can find for Android is the 'Better Settlers' which helps with setting up the board.
Thanks in advance for any info!
shameless "bump!"
I would guess there would be copyright issues or some such :S
well you could try developing your own game..
I'd like to see settlers of catan on this platform too!
Me too, if someone is interested in doing the gameplay, maybe graphics, or whatever else. I would be happy to do the development.
Doesn't neccessarily have to be clone as such, it can have similar gameplay. Try playing something like Travian, it's similar but not exact.
It's a game I'd love to have on my phone . . . don't know it well enough to have a go at dev, but I'd be happy to alpha/beta/gamma test if someone gave it a crack . . .
there was a flash game i found a while ago - never got it working on my mogul though. Also I could help with graphics if a new game was designed
I'd love a SoC game for my Evo. Any new info on this?
Sent from my HTC Evo using Tapatalk + Swype
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
mesasone said:
This would really be great. Id like a version where you could play with others on different phones via wifi/3g. It would be a lot of fun to play with friends and coworkers through out the day (or week as needed)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Agreed. This would be an awesome
Multi-player app especially if you could save and resume a game. You'd almost have to have one person host the game so the data is all housed on one SD card.
Other thoughts are the ability to change the rules before starting, built in chat and or push to talk functionality, bartering alerts, next turn alerts, review of score and previous actions, the list goes on.
If someone is serious about developing this then I am totally willing to help think it through and create graphics. Send me a PM.
Sent from my HTC Vogue FroYo using XDA App
Settlers of Catan Android game in the works
I've been having a dabble with android development and have been working on a Settlers of Catan game as it is such a great game and it's a good way to learn android dev.
I'm ready to admit that someone might beat me to it, whether by making the iphone version available to android or whatever, but still if anyone is interested in a) helping out on the project b) doing some testing or c) pimping the game, let me know! You can contact me on cettlersofsatan at gmail dot com.
It's currently in SVN online in a single user repository. But I would happily move it to Google Code or something if others were interested.
I'm as eager as everyone else to see this project pull through. And stone do NOT lose faith. It is always better to have an option then only one option for a game/app.
I have assembled a list of people who expressed interest in helping:
stoneskin - work in progress
niknah - dev
Willuknight - graphics
ii Candor ii - graphics/thinktank
DJGibbon - test
You guys should really get together especially with stone and get cracking! Heard some good ideas and plenty of offers to help. The XDA community NEEDS A SETTLERS!
Thanks guys!
I'd love to help too. I don't think can commit the time to help with development though. Real life is just too hectic lately. However, I'd love to help testing.
If the time opens up, I'm interested in helping with development.
As to graphics, just no skills to bring to the table. Although, I did have a thought last night on this subject. The game might be more playable with simpler graphics. Instead of trying to have an understandable picture of sheep/ore/... on the hexes, just use colors. Light green for wool/sheep, dark green or brown for lumber, goldenrod/yellow for wheat, dark grey for ore and dark red for brick.
Work in progress!
Gino, Latenk, thanks for the feedback. Here's the deal.
I agree, simple graphics to start with, I've uploaded a screenshot, but before anyone analyses it too much , let me state what I want from the project initially.
1) The basic game (i.e. no expansions) in full.
2) Multi-player (up to 4 initially) or single-player (with AI) on one phone.
3) Basic graphics, but a clean separation in implementation so that the graphics, special effects, zoom, board rotation, whatever the monkey-magic one wants, can be added ON TOP OF the rest of the app.
4) Game is free (shouldn't be any copyright issues right?) and would be great if it could get onto Android Market or equivalent.
5) Open source?
I hate graphics, hate the tweaking, fiddling, pixel-adjusting and so on, so I've knocked up the simplest GUI imaginable. I've slapped on a handful of buttons which as you can see, have rubbish little text labels - RD = Roll Dice (in one of the screenshots it's displaying the number rolled), BR/BS/BC are build road/settlement/city, MR = Move Robber, C=Cancel, D=Done, X=exit.
In these shots I'm not even playing a game, I'm in a test mode where I'm just free-building. My colour is white. So a hex-side is painted white for a road, the small circles are settlements, the large circle is a city. The large red circle is me selecting a vertices. As you can see, the current player (Bob) has no resources (free-building) but resources are laid out with shoddy little cards.
So the graphics are v. poor. But I'm not too concerned right about it right now.
Where have I got to?
I've got the basic 'model' in place. That is the game model that maintains hexes, vertices, hex-sides and their roads/settlements/cities.
I haven't even touched on AI, ports, trading.
I'm trying to build the app cleanly, so the views have no concrete knowledge of the game model, and any calls to it are interfaced out.
But this is my first Android app, so I'm learning from scratch, possibly comitting all sorts of Android crimes.
I'm a full-time .Net developer, so I'm kinda fitting this in around job/family and so on, so progress is slow.
Here are my thoughts. I'll aim to get this to a clean/stable state within the next week or so, then if others want to get involved in dev I'll create a Google Code project (or equivalent) and sort it out from there.
I'm currently building against 1.6 because I have an X10 mini. It would be great to support up to the latest API versions.
Ok, uploading the images now. Graphics ARE AWFUL but I'm focussing on the game at the moment.
By the way, if anyone knows what licensing/copyright issues there are with something like this please let me know. I've currently called the project 'Cettlers of Satan' 'cos that made me smile. If rights issues meant it can't go through market places then so be it, but would be great if someone could research this.
Haha, you know that is a basic layout but gets the job done! What you could do is have the game map be at least twice as large as say the resolution of a N1 screen. Enable finger scrolling and/or pinch to zoom (comlpex perhaps but a thought) and let people move around the game map as needed. That'd allow for better graphics, larger maps, and a larger feel to the game. The HUD could possibly go up either side of the game map. In fact I'd say make landscape mode MANDATORY so you have the extra real estate.
Check this out:
That is what I envision this game like. That game is everything this game COULD be and he even found ways around copyright. Check that game out, play a round or two and it will give you plenty to think about/use as inspiration. Obviously no need to copy, but you can use it for ideas.
Lastly, the previous statement someone made about notifications is pure gold. Allow people to play their turns then pass to the next with a notification appearing. Great ideas.
I've been there before, but a while ago and he's closed all unactive accounts and stopped registration unfortunately.
If you are a member maybe you could upload a couple of screenshots or explain to me how the GUI works in more detail.
I love the idea of finger scrolling/pinch/zoom etc. I'm gonna give some of that a go tomorrow. But like I say, what I'm initially trying to achieve is
in a clean separation. So any visual representation would be possible. I'll try and knock out some basic zoom/finger scroll effects just to convince myself that my rudimentary framework will hold together.
Thanks for the quick feedback mate.
This shows the basic layout, how it all works, the HUD and such. Again this would have to be adjusted for the handheld, but in general it looks and works great!
In the top left is a pane for the players in the game. It shows Player Name, Player Color, a count of the cards in the players hand, any held and/or played D cards. This pane can be hidden if the player wishes.
The pane on the bottom left shows all things the plyer can buy and what it takes for the player to buy them. (in the android version I imagine this being a tab you can bring up to buy/see what you need and have.
Below that pane is Played Cards, and Table cards which speak for themselves.
Of course along the bottom you see your hand.
On the bottom right you have 3 buttons, claim victory, trade, and end turn.
And of course you see the dice.
Top right is the chat box.
All of this again is simply for inspiration and not for copying. This gives you a great idea of a fleshed out game and how it could look on a handset.
This is a trade window.
Two things of note here. First notice the top left. WHen a player gets cards on a roll, they show up face up for a brief moment. GREAT idea if possible to implement something similar.
Secondly, bottom right is what appears to be a chart. That shows how many times a number has been rolled. This is more advanced than what we'd need, but an interesting idea and prob easy to implement.
Now on this one a couple things to point out. Look at how they do cities and roads. Similar to what you've suggested. I was thinking maybe circles with symbols on the top (kind of like tokens or markers). Of course maybe more intricate and detailed models could be added later.
Also, that speech bubble that popped up shows where the person played their road or city or settlement. This is ESSENTIAL in some form or another on this game. Plan to include SOMETHING like it.
And lastly, this picture shows what it looks like when a person trades succesfully. Again not necessary but certainly handy.
I must repeat again that I DO NOT CONDONE OUTRIGHT PLAGIARISM with anything Asobrain has done. This is purely for inspiration and research. This should give you PLENTY of ideas!
I've got tons!
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
GinoAMelone said:
This is a beautiful start. Couple thoughts.
- The desert color isn't clearly distinct from wheat.
- The name will have to be something other than "Settlers of Catan". I'd avoid the current name for two reasons. One, a lot of us will take some degree of exception to the Satan reference. Two, it's not really different enough to dodge trademark concerns.
- I despise needing to scroll around in a game to see everything. This is my main complaint with "Pirates & Traders".
- On such a small screen, keep the UI as simple as possible. AsoBrain is wonderful. But, it is designed for a largish screen. (BTW, I hate that he killed old accounts when closing registration. I was away for just about the exact period to get locked-out).
- As we proceed, I'd like to plan for a multi-device/network play. This game would be awesome in a peer-to-peer, networked model.
Thanks for getting this started.
P.S. I *REALLY* like how you did the board. The buttons: meh. The board: Wow!
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1. Agreed, the desert should be a tan, and wheat clearly a gold.
2. Also agree. It cannot even closely resemble Settlers. We can worry about the name when we have a game worth naming (I was thinking something like Travista, or something resembling travelers).
3. That is why it'd also be prudent to include a pinch to zoom or zoom controls. Let the player get in close if they wish, or let them sit way back and view it all from a distance.
4. Agreed. Simple yet elegant/complex in its design is what I'd like to see. Again give the player the option of getting as complicated as they wish. This can be easily accomplished with tabs that the player can pull out as needed. The only thing that should remain on the screen is the players hand, and a few essential buttons. Look at a game called PocketEmpires, use that idea for assembling tabs. I do feel that certain tabs should be entirely devoted to one type of action (like a building tab).
5. Once you have a basic game framework laid, you can work on making it work across the board and with all devices. The dev should focus on getting it to work native first, then move onward. As for a p2p network GREAT IDEA! If there is a way we can link this either by device or via a server that'd be the best way. Allow players to run through an entire game, or let players take their turns and move on to another player (IE pass it back and forth via notifications, similar to how Scrabble works on the iPhone).
I only wish I knew any code/dev tools to help with. All these ideas and nothing to do about it!

[APP][3.1] Sunny Weekly Planner (ONLY for the TPT)

Here's a video of it in action -
Here's a link on the Marketplace -
“Developed by a TPT User for TPT Users, Sunny Brightens Your Day!”
Use your TPT’s Stylus to enhance your productivity by writing down your goals for the week:
- Meal Planning/Grocery Lists
- Exercise Workout
- Deadlines
- TODO Tasks
Basic Edition Features include:
- Write weekly plans using only the Ntrig stylus
- Erase parts of a plan
- Clear entire plan for a week
- Go to next or previous week
- Use fingers to pinch + zoom into plan
- Use finger to move plan around
- User finger to double tap to restore
- Highlight current date
Try it out! It’s absolutely free!
Please write a review! Good or bad feedback (on Android Marketplace) will help shape this product for your fellow users!
What a great app! its wonderful to see all the development using the digitizer cant wait for more!
While I applaud the create of a pen-centric planner app, and I think that there is a lot of potential behind this idea, I feel that there is still some room to grow before this weekly planner is mature to the point that I would adopt it for regular use.
Some of the features that make a paper planner book most useful as an organizational tool are the sense of perspective it gives about the upcoming days and weeks, and the ability to add future events quickly and easily so that they are not forgotten. The inclusion of a monthly calendar as a reference is another nice feature common to daily planners.
What I would like to see from Sunny WP is a more natural method of navigation between weeks and months. Rather than Next Week, Previous Week, and Go To Date, I think that an "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar would go along way to making this feel more like a planner and less like a portable whiteboard with lines on it. Flipping through actual paper pages is still the method to beat when it comes to any kind of book navigation, so an easy way to visualize all my past and future weekly plans is critical. A bonus feature would be integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day, but that is more of a personal preference.
I won't go into depth about the monetization mechanism, except to say that restricting use of the prominently displayed undo button to the (non-existent?) deluxe version feels like the developer is trying to annoy me into upgrading rather than promising me a richer experience when I buy the app.
One technical/user experience issue I have is that the eraser has a much bigger brush than I expected, and that makes it hard to erase small mistakes within a tightly packed block of writing, without wiping out everything around it (and there is no undo feature to recover the lost notes...).
NominalValue said:
While I applaud the create of a pen-centric planner app, and I think that there is a lot of potential behind this idea, I feel that there is still some room to grow before this weekly planner is mature to the point that I would adopt it for regular use.
Some of the features that make a paper planner book most useful as an organizational tool are the sense of perspective it gives about the upcoming days and weeks, and the ability to add future events quickly and easily so that they are not forgotten. The inclusion of a monthly calendar as a reference is another nice feature common to daily planners.
What I would like to see from Sunny WP is a more natural method of navigation between weeks and months. Rather than Next Week, Previous Week, and Go To Date, I think that an "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar would go along way to making this feel more like a planner and less like a portable whiteboard with lines on it. Flipping through actual paper pages is still the method to beat when it comes to any kind of book navigation, so an easy way to visualize all my past and future weekly plans is critical. A bonus feature would be integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day, but that is more of a personal preference.
I won't go into depth about the monetization mechanism, except to say that restricting use of the prominently displayed undo button to the (non-existent?) deluxe version feels like the developer is trying to annoy me into upgrading rather than promising me a richer experience when I buy the app.
One technical/user experience issue I have is that the eraser has a much bigger brush than I expected, and that makes it hard to erase small mistakes within a tightly packed block of writing, without wiping out everything around it (and there is no undo feature to recover the lost notes...).
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NominalValue - Thank you for the insight. I hear ya.
- "outer" or "higher" visualization of a calendar: That's something I think I would warrant as a 2.0. I do agree technology like this should reduce the friction for frequent actions like adding new events. It's interesting you mention this because the general feedback has been that a daily planner is more useful than a weekly one. After the daily planner, I was looking to do a monthly one. Think of a giant monthly calendar that you could pinch/zoom out to achieve this reduction of friction. Do you think that would work?
- integration with Google Calendar, displaying events on the side of each day: I would like to introduce Google Calendar but after some discussion, people like to default to one source of information instead of a hybrid cause of sync issues. As an alternative to Google Calendar, I was thinking more along the lines of telling you the weather for the week you are viewing. High/low temperature. Who knows, I need to do more research how I could bring in outside content. Perhaps empower users what they would want to see.
- Monetization: If you are annoyed, that's the goal. Rather than deliver enhanced user experience, the goal for the deluxe version is that provides 'relief' from obstacles in place. But there are other features bundled in there that other users may value like different colors or be able to blast their list via email or facebook.
- Page flipping is coming soon, it'll likely be the odd 3-finger swipe cause it's hard to figure out the difference between a 1 finger swipe and 1 finger panning the page.
- Giant Monthly Calendar: I could see that being useful, along the lines of what I do with my little desk calendar. One suggestion I have for this would be to implement a double-tap-to-zoom that auto-aligned to the day you tap on, rather than only having a free-form pinch/zoom/pan navigation method.
- Outside Content: I really like the idea of daily weather info with high/low temperature numbers, and a basic sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy icon would be nice, too.
- Monetization: I get that you want and deserve to make money from your app, and however you choose to do that is your decision alone. But if I may give my admittedly novice advice, I think that different wording for your version names could go a long way in shaping customer reactions to feature limitations. Calling one version Basic and the other Deluxe brings with it expectations that the one is suited for everyday common use and the other is for the true planning enthusiast. That doesn't, at least for me, seem to fit with the particular feature sets you have chosen for the two apps. From my time with the app, I would describe the Basic version more as a demo, in the way that the app "LectureNotes," for example, has a feature-limited demo. That way, I know to expect limitations and my mindset is that I am evaluating the app with the end goal of buying the full version in the back of my mind. That's just my two cents in the topic.
By the way, I couldn't find the Deluxe version in the app store. Is it not released yet?
I like it, but would like the following in a future update.
1-When zooming on a page and you start to type, the resulting writing is not as fine.
2-I can't seem to keep the page from moving when resting my palm on it even using the lock feature.
3-pen/stroke size options needed.

[LWP][2.1+]Smooth Starfield Live Wallpaper

A smooth and realistic looking starfield, inspired by the ones found in cracktros and demos during the 16 bit era. (Amiga 500/Atari ST) I tried a lot of different starfield live wallpapers on Play, but couldn't find one that was smooth and looked like I wanted, so I made my own.
- Speed and number of stars are both configurable
- Silky smooth as long as your device can handle the number of stars you set
- No permissions required to install
Please note that too many stars on screen at once will lag, eat CPU, and can potentially reduce your battery life. I kept the maximum allowed number high (one thousand stars) so future devices can benefit fully. On my SGS2, 250 stars looks decent and fluid with several widgets running.
I will be honest with you elite developers here on XDA, I am not much of a coder, I did some assembler on my Commodore 64 back in the day (that was when we stilled called it "programming" even in the demoscene, before the term demoscene was coined) and some basic-ish and asm on the Amiga. I don't even know Java yet, so the performance might not be the most awesome. But hopefully some of you might appreciate the "retro" look of this Live Wallpaper.
Google Play URL: (I'm not able to posts links yet, too few posts.) And please ignore the ics part of the URL, it's Eclair+.
Just tried this, and it looks fine. It would be nice an option to move the stars direction with screen and maybe trails? Good job
Thanks for the kind words! I'll be focusing more on learning and getting to grips with Java and the consepts of OO based programming in general for now. I haven't used much time on it the last week due to "real life" stuff going on, but I hope this is the start of an awesome hobby.

[APP] NutriHawk

I created a nutrition app to track vitamins and minerals instead of the usual calories and protein/carbs/fat that most current nutrition apps focus on. My thinking was that little people actually "forget" to eat enough calories or such, but lacking a certain mineral/vitamin is a real health concern, especially for people with less varied diets. People can go weeks without some nutrient and not even realize the symptoms when they start appearing, usually finding out through some unconventional way like going to donate blood and having them tell you you're low on iron. This app isn't meant to track exact amounts, but rather estimates your general intake of these nutrients -- as such, you only input the healthy parts of your meal.
Definitely feel free to ask any questions or leave feedback in the comments, thanks!
I guess I can't post links yet, but the app is called "NutriHawk" and it'd be pretty awesome if you could give it a quick search on the Play Store and check it out!

[Game][4.0+]Robioactive, some questions about your Apps

Hello everybody,
I just wanted to present my new app "Robioactive", I have programmed in the last month. First I go to the story and following the app itself, then I'll talk about the development.
At the end, I present you a few general questions about your apps, applying your development and feedback
First the link to the app:
If you want, you can skip the story:
- The small and sweet robot named "Robi", was sentenced to arrange objects from a conveyor belt properly completely alone and without any help in the factory Robioactive.
- Unfortunately, the small Robi is not very fast, as it has so short and tiny ants-legs.
- Our robot is totally overworked, stressed and need your help.
- Can you help the sweet Robi to assign the Robioactive products off the conveyor belt to the product boxes?
<- End: App-History-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
App, Robioactive:
In this app you must prevent that the objects on the conveyor belt achieve the left end of the tape. This can you do by pressing the product boxes, which are arranged on the top and bottom. For each product correctly assigned a point is awarded. There is at the beginning a small intro with 4 images which explain the game. After that we go directly to the game. There are in total 4 levels. Only the first level is unlocked in the beginning. To unlock the next level you have to reach a certain number of points in the active level. Alternatively you can buy levels with coins, which you get in the game when you're playing, or get Coins in the "MAKE COINS"-part by clicking on the advertisement (I'll tell you more about that later in the chapter app development / advertising). So far I have built "only" 4 Level, however next there will be more available.
App Development:
I am a computer science student at TUM and can do programming (C, C++, Java, Haskell), but I have never dealt me ??with the app development. My goal was that I program an app with some flow to come in Android Studio, Admob, PlayStore etc. within 4 days. The background of this method is that I have noticed from some other app developers that they need 2-3 months for a mature app and then after further 3 months in which the app is to find in the App Store, the Play Store, only 100 Downloads will be reached. This raises the question, it is still worth at all to program Apps, or we, "small" programmer, are powerless against the great app development companies? There are a few more questions in the latter part. The idea for this app is not fallen from the sky, I wanted to build a game that is easy to program, but maximises fun factor at play. However, everyone must decide for themselves.
I had difficulties to design this app. Unfortunately I have two left hands, regards drawing. However, the app had to be appealing. I didn't want to pay a designer because I didn't know anyway, if there will be a product or not. Therefore, I have worked a little with my Photoshop and made some ugly sketches, but with these I have created a framework with colors and forms. Further problem, I did not know how to fill the backbone. The solution was Creative Commons. I was searching for a relatively long time. Yet I could find a few "nice" images and icons, which were freely available. Given question below for you. Netvertheless I had to paint a few strokes and bars. The same problem arrived with the product video, which I generated with Adobe Animate.
I would pleased if you can give me feedback on the design.
I really do not like advertisment in apps, but I would somehow be rewarded for my work, even if it reaches the end on a Club-Mate or dinner. So I had to make a compromise. I give the user the possibility to click my ads to make them disappear throughout the app for a week. After that, the app is probably uninstalled. But a click per user would be the optimum for me. So I am quite satisfied with less. On top of that you you can generate 200 coins in the "MAKE COINS"-part, to unlock levels. I think that's fair. What do you think about the idea to make the user an app gift by clicking ads?
I wrote the entire app in Java, XML is used only for the splash screen. Overall, about 2200 lines of code. I have built the app on the basis of a jump and run game in which was shown on Youtube. However, I had to stop after the chapter 3 of the video series, because I had to develop in a different direction. As a base I used a thread which calls the draw method of Game Panel (Surface View) every x milliseconds, thus changing the surface. The update method will change the position of the objects. So I achieve liquid movements. That works reasonably well. The entire app has only one Activity + one activity for the splash screen. In my Main Activity, Bitmap Images will be visible or not. This works fairly smoothly. One problem is that there are many events that can occur, which I have found after testing the app for one week. Is that too long? If you have any questions about my way of programming, then write me an email to the address below.
I had scheduled 4 days for the app, without preprocessing. At the end, it takes 2 weeks + 1 week for testing . On one hand, I had to write my final paper, on the other hand I underestimated some parts of the app development. The designing part has own cost 3 days, seek out the Creative Commons was really tiring. The programming itself has drawn 6 days, adding 1 week for testing and repair. The promo video has cost 1 day, I had to "learn" Adobe Animate (I can recommend the Youtube-Channel "Draw with Jazza"). It was 5-6 years ago that I have looked at Flash, however it has been changed "a little bit". The inclusion of Admob was quite rubbish. This has again engulfed two days. In short, it is a surfaceview and no pure Activity layout so adding an advertisment was not easy and at the end it worked for a reason I do not understand to this day. But that important thing is, it works. Optimizing code lasts 2 days. I had to do that, because it was sometimes a bit too slow. I did not want to program Multithreading, because that would have certainly tooks again one week. So scheduling-conclusion : from 4 days planned to 21 days in the end, anyway I'm happy with the result. I present you below a question about scheduling.
Questions about the app:
- Have you any guesses to improve the app?
- What do you think about the design of the app?
- What do you think about the app idea?
Questions about your app development:
- How long does it for you to develop an app? (Give an approximate number of lines of code, then I can better classify my project using Cocomo)
- Do you have designers in your team?
- Or rather, do you have a team? (I have my brother, who takes care about website and the legal stuff. I do programming and design)
- do you spend money for your app development? (Design, development, advertising)
- Do you do any advertisment for you app?
- Why do you programm any apps? (Fun, Money, ...)
- Do you use Creative Commons? If so, to what extent?
I am happy about every opinion that is written down here. Any rewiev would be pleasent. You can write me personally, I will reply to each of the emails you send me and dedicate every question that you have, because the community is very important to me. A feedback from you is 1000 times more informative than a rating in the Play Store. I'd appreciate a download, or share the app with your friends.
I write the same text in several forums, in order to obtain a wide range of possible feedback.
My motto: The design brings the user to download the app, programming to utilize the app.
Again the link to the App-Download:
I thank you in advance. Thank you for your feedback.
P.S. the forums entry has also cost me a day, so 21 + 1 = 22 days
Best, Daniel

