Looking for SMS export solution that archives each conversation separately - General Questions and Answers

I'd like to see my SMS conversations separated by contact (not just by number) on desktop. I'd rather not import all those old SMS into my new phone, but I'd like to archive them. I would not want to have everyone I used to text with as contact on the new phone. Therefore in the messagning app there would not even be names for them.
Every solution I found just creates one single big file (database, excel, xml, html, whatever), but it's often way too big, ugly, people merged, contact names not resolved, conversation means something entirely different. Is there a way to create many small files for everyone I have a conversation with? If not, this is a business gap.


Where are SMS's stored?

er...that's it really. I'm curious as to which database holds the SMS's that come in. Is it one DB per folder (i.e., inbox, deleted items, etc) or does one database take care of all SMS's?
It's quite hard to find out, and it involves using a program like Pocket dbExplorer.
They are held in a system database, though in my experience it is never the same name from one installation to the next. A good way to look is to look at the number of messages in your sms inbox, then look for a folder (usually one of the larger ones) that has the same record count. The messages are stored in the expected way: fields for date, time, sender, message content etc. Depending on the program you use you can export or back up the table, but AFAIK they are all cross referenced and won't work 100% as before should you try to restore them after, say, a hard reset. You would also need to rename the table when restoring as it won't be the same any longer.
As far as SMSs YOU'VE sent, the process is much the same. However, this table appears even further cross referenced as even when you restore it and rename / overwrite it, the messages themselves are missing with only the headers showing in your Sent Items. If someone has a way to more effectively back up the texts (without using SMS Save or whatever it's called) then I'd be interested to know.
Export SMS/MMS/Email messages onto Storage Card
Have you tried this one:

SMS to multiple recipients in WM 6.1

Is this possible? I'm new to Windows Mobile and I can't find any way of sending the same SMS message to more than one contact. I've done a search on the forum but haven't been able to find a solution frrom those old threads.
Any new and easy solutions you guys know of? Thanks!
I have a new number with my new WinMo phone and need to let all of my contacts know, of which there are around 100.
I like the following, GroupSMS. There are others as well.
Thanks for that.
The problem with I'm having using that app is that I can't sync my HTC Touch HD with Outlook, it just says "Outlook has not been configured". So I have no way of copying the contact from my phone to Outlook and hence am unable to create any groups in Outlook to sync back to my phone.
Hmm, Ok, I don't use Outlook so don't know how to help with that. May want to bring up those issues within the GroupSMS thread itself, see if others can help.
In WM6.1 the standard messaging client allows for SMS to a lot of people. Simply press the TO: button to add additional people. The format goes like this on mine when auto inserted from the contact list:
Xda Developers <8085551211>; Thresher <8083332222>; etc
When I am typing out multipl contacts in SMS i simply type the name, then hit enter, I then type another name, choose it and go from there.
It sounds like that is what you were asking but you got a lot of varied results. Perhaps groupsms is easier to use or something but I do not know. You only need what wm6.1 has to do multiple sms sending.
Is your Outlook (not Express) in fact setup and operational from your desktop?
i just start a new sms
click [to] text
add a contact click [to]
add another and so forth
I can't understand how it's not an easy thing for MS to implement, if I have a group set up called 'work', in the To: box, I put 'work' and it text's to everyone in the work group? Surely that wouldn't have been hard to implement?

[REQ] APP to export ONE or more, sms conversations, to a TXT file

For some time, I was looking for a solution.
Found some programs that export ALL messages to a TXT file,
mostly BACKUP ones.
None had option to export "conversation" like Leo displays.
None had option to export just one or some.
So, to You, programers, could You develop a program that shows all conversations that you have, with option to select one, some, all and export them to a TXT files?
It would be nice if it was not a single TXT file, just one for conversation.
It wold also be nice if in TXT file all conversation was in Leo style, and all contact data who writes was only on top, once, not every sms message in conversation.
Of course, nothing is for free, donation will be given
I am using Smsm-chat from vito. They have backup in one of their setting which will export all sms into a text file to your storage
...like I said, and like programs I already found, in TXT file exported is mess.
It would be nice if there was program that let us export just one conversation

I need help moving a convirsation, very impotrant

Hey guys I have conversation with another person on my HD7 , I really need to copy the conversation to my galaxy, pleaaseeee help its very important, is there are anyway to copy a conversation from HTC HD7 to Android, or print it ?
Why is it so important that you need to retain copies? Should start using email
Unfortunately no there is no way of moving/backingup your text conversations on wp7 right now. You could make a new document and copy/paste the whole thing if you need a copy for some reason. Or just transcribe it in a word document ect on your computer.
The best way, at the moment at least, is to individually copy/paste each message into a OneNote or Word document in Office.
the important this is I need to show the number of the sender, any ideas ?
there is a discussion here:
about extracting SMS messages from WP7.
But as far as moving them from one device to another, I don't think that is currently possible. If this is for "evidence" like it sounds, the service provider can get you this information, but they are usually resistant to doing so without a court order.
any other ideas guys ?

Tool to export WhatsApp voice messages to computer in chronological and audible form

Hello dear XDAers,
try my luck here:
Since a family member died, I'm trying to preserve the memories of it and extract WhatsApp voice messages in a way that makes listening to them as easy as possible - ideally as it is presented in WhatsApp itself.
I have already moved WhatsApp to another rooted device.
What I don't want is a chat history with "11:19: voicemessage....opus" where I then have to manually go to each file in File Explorer.
In fact, it's pretty much exclusively voice messages with a little bit of pictures.
I have now installed WhatsApp in a VM, which works so far.
However, I have made the experience that WhatsApp at some point asks for an update or stops the service if, for example, the date of the VM is not correct.
Then I have to set up the whole thing again - even worse, if then the phone number should no longer be available.
The best thing would be a program that extracts the WA data (however, e.g. by pushing an old version) and then creates an HTML file or displays the chat history in the program itself in a WhatsApp style.
In any case, the voice messages would have to be embedded.
It may also cost something.
With the usual suspects such as from Mobiletrans, however, I have found no documentation on how the messages are displayed or only documentation in which the voice messages were then stored in a separate folder.
Thank you very much

