File list of Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL in /dev/ path. - Google Pixel 2 Questions & Answers

Could anyone give me a file list of Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL in /dev/ path?
Run this command in root shell then paste the outputs in this thread
ls -al /dev/
Thanks a lot!


[Q] adb shell in batch

I'm making a batch file (*.bat) for myself to try make some things easier file where I enter commands with adb.exe.
The problem is, any code after 'adb shell' is not executed in the batch.
So if I had a batch with the following:
adb shell
'su' will not be executed and stays at '$'.
It seems like it's too deep for a batch file to enter codes.
I also tried pushing a sh with the same script and run it from adb but then all I get it permission denied.
I have also tried 'adb shell su' without any luck.
Anyone with a solution?
Anyone? Or how about a .rc file that gets su and runs commands...
Sent from my HTC
To execute a script, you can always push your script and then execute it:
adb push script /sdcard/script
adb shell sh /sdcard/script
As for the commands you have shown, keep in mind that su doesn't simply change the running shell's permissions or the like but creates a new child environment within its own shell. You leave your script and after the new shell has finished, you're back in your old environment and the script continues.
mizch said:
To execute a script, you can always push your script and then execute it:
adb push script /sdcard/script
adb shell sh /sdcard/script
As for the commands you have shown, keep in mind that su doesn't simply change the running shell's permissions or the like but creates a new child environment within its own shell. You leave your script and after the new shell has finished, you're back in your old environment and the script continues.
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yes, is there any way to automate the script inside the shell and use exit to finally go back to the batch script.
Can you provide me with an example of what you want to achieve?
To execute shell commands from a batch, it doesn't matter if I have to push a script and execute it. It's so that I get su and automate commands after that. Like flash_image, remount, chmod etc..
you will need to use the 'adb shell command' ad 'sh' files
I am trying to create a unix script file that copies files from /dbdata/databases to another folder as a backup.
When I try running the script in adb shell as SU, I get
cd: can't cd to /dbdata/databases
This is on a rooted Captivate. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
su -c "command" should do the job for you. You will need to enclose the whole of the command in quotes however, otherwise su will be expecting the command to execute, doing nothing.
Example: adb shell "su -c 'sqlite3 /data/data/my.db/databases/mydb.db < /sdcard/dump.sql'" (run from a Unix or Windows(?) shell). Notice the use of "" and ''.
(in this case dump.sql contains .dump, for instance)
Of course the sqlite3 command could be placed within another script on the android device.
Hope that helps.
I looked around a bit and found the answer.
The simple answer is, wrap the command
cp "source" "destination"
in double quotes!
Thank you grindingbob for the adb shell "su -c 'sh /mnt/sdcard/tmp/'" command.
No probs I was more referring to executing commands as a su without interacting with adb shell.
As a side-note, cp might not be a good idea, unless you're sure no db accessing is taking place at the same time.
I am pretty sure well as sure as a novice can be! The files I am backing up are log files, call history and text message history.
The results from running a unix script which contains
cp "/dbdata/databases/" "/mnt/sdcard/tmp4/contacts2.db"
cp "/dbdata/databases/" "/mnt/sdcard/tmp4/mmssms.db"
cp "/dbdata/databases/" "/mnt/sdcard/tmp4/logs.db"
are only the logs.db file is copied, the other two are not.
grindingbob said:
No probs I was more referring to executing commands as a su without interacting with adb shell.
As a side-note, cp might not be a good idea, unless you're sure no db accessing is taking place at the same time.
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Permission issues for *.sh files from ADB
Dear All,
I have a 3.2 device with Root permissions & Busybox.
I created a sample *.sh file, Pushed to SDcard, and gave '777' Permissions. When i Try to run it from ADB shell its not working Any help...
CMD prompt Traces:
Step -1: Created a sh file
cd /data/data/
Step -2 Pushed the file to SDcard
# ls -l *.sh
ls -l *.sh
-rw-rw-r-- root sdcard_rw 56 2012-03-13 15:06
-rw-rw-r-- root sdcard_rw 62 2012-03-13 15:05
Step -3 Gave 777 permission for *.sh files
# chmod 777 *.sh
chmod 777 *.sh
# ls -l
ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- root sdcard_rw 56 2012-03-13 15:06
-rw-rw-r-- root sdcard_rw 62 2012-03-13 15:05
Execute permission not applied
Tried other operations, dint workout
Step 4 other options:
# chmod +X *.sh
chmod +X *.sh
Bad mode
# chmod +x *.sh
chmod +x *.sh
Bad mode
# chmod u+x *.sh
chmod u+x *.sh
Bad mode
Any Help?

[GUIDE] Basic Unix/Linux command to use with ADB SHELL

I am sure that many of the new people in here are not exactly sure how to use ADB under linux.
So Ive been reading the Evo 3D forum, and I found this really nice guide by vboyz103. You can find the thread HERE
All props go to vboyz103 for creating it, im just sharing it with you guys.
P.S. - I found it in the Android Development forum, so Im putting it in ours. If it does not belong here - MODs - please move it to General.
vboyz103 said:
So I have been reading quite a few threads here on XDA, and the one thing I noticed for noobs to linux/unix world is that they are struggling with some basic command once adb shell is gained. I decided to whip out this quick tutorial to help those noobs out to become more of an j/k
Here we go:
You must know how to invoke a adb shell command already to drop into your phone.
ALL commands in Unix/Linux are case sensitive
For more details, go to this ADB tutorial (very good one):
Let's get going:
Once a shell is gained via adb, let's look at some of the basic commands you can do to navigate around the filesystem. Note: you must remove the double-quotes (") for the actual command.
"cd" = is change directory
to change to any directory, you type: cd dir_name (where dir_name is a full path)
Example: I want to go to /data/local/tmp in my phone, I would do
cd /data/local/tmp <hit ENTER>
You can also use the ".." to go UP one directory.
Example: I'm in /data/local/tmp and I want to go up to /data folder, a command would be: cd ../.. alternatively, if I do cd .. then i'll drop into /data/local folder instead.
"ls" = list files/directories
to list files/directories within a folder, the command should be:
ls <hit enter> => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within your CURRENT directory.
ls /data/local/tmp => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within /data/local/tmp directory.
ls -l => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within your CURRENT directory, plus additional details. Consider this is like a "Details" view in Windows Explorer.
ls -a => this will list all files/directories (including hidden files) within your CURRENT directory.
ls -la => this will list all files/directories (including hidden files) within your CURRENT directory, plus details.
"chmod" = change mode
Goes to wikipedia for more details:
Most commonly used modes on android phones are:
"755" or "777".
So if you have a shell script that you downloaded from XDA, and uploaded to your phone and try to execute it with ./ and it said "Permission denied". That means your script does not have the execute permission. You need to do:
chmod 755 <hit enter>
[B]IMPORTANT: There is *NO* negative sign (-) in front of the mode bit. So it is NOT chmod -755[/B]
If you get a "File or directory not found" error, which means you are chmod-ing a file that doesn't exist in your current directory. To execute a chmod on in /data/local/tmp you do:
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/
If you want to chmod an ENTIRE DIRECTORY and ALL files underneath it you do:
chmod -R 755 /data/local/tmp => this will set /data/local/tmp and ALL files/folders underneath it to be 755.
"chown" = change ownership
Go to wikipedia for details:
Most common used chown for android is: "root:root" or "root:shell"
Example: if you want to change ownership of to root:shell then you do:
chown root:shell
NOTE: the -R (recursive) option is also available for chown.
chown -R root:shell /data/local/tmp
"pwd" = print working directory
so when you are within a directory and you want to know which directory you are in, then you issue the command:
pwd <hit enter>
The system will reply back with the currently directory you are in.
I'll try to add more if I think of anything else useful, or if you have suggestions, please feel free to add.
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ADB Issue

its been over a year since i last used ADB and this is the first time using adb on the optimus 3d but i cannot seem to pull anything off of the phone.
this is the command im using on command line
adb pull /data/app app & adb pull /data/app-private app-private
but i just get this returned
pull: building file list...
0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
pull: building file list...
0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
now i can tell you that there are many apks inside that folder.
i cant even list what files are in that directory by using the 'ls' parameter
the only way i can actually view the files is if i
adb shell su
# cd data/app
then it will list the files but i still cannot pull the files it just says data/app/filename.apk cannot find specified file
is this some kind of lock lg have put on or has the adb been updated and no longer allow you to do this?
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Im guessing no one knows or has not bothered with adb themselves
i did like this
(rooted phone)
enter in adb shell
mkdir app1
cp /data/app/*.apk app1
exit from shell
then try adb pull /app1 app
and its working
to remove files and folder from app1 folder in adb shell
rm -r app1 (deletes app folder)
pls note rm -r will delete folders with files so dont delete wrong folder.
cheers didnt think about creating a different directory in an attempt to get round the system, cool will try this many thanks

[ask] scatter file

i have received another moto razr maxx hd and willing to ask everyone who has the same device. if you don't mind, please generate razr xt926 scatter file and post here (the generated file isn't big).
how to generate scatter:
1. plug device
2. open adb, and type:
adb shell
cat /proc/mtd
cat /proc/emmc
to save it into yours sd-card, type :
cat /proc/mtd > /sdcard/
cat /proc/mtd > /sdcard/
I have the same problem but with xt907 can i use the same code to get the scatter
TOYEP said:
i have received another moto razr maxx hd and willing to ask everyone who has the same device. if you don't mind, please generate razr xt926 scatter file and post here (the generated file isn't big).
how to generate scatter:
1. plug device
2. open adb, and type:
adb shell
cat /proc/mtd
cat /proc/emmc
to save it into yours sd-card, type :
cat /proc/mtd > /sdcard/
cat /proc/mtd > /sdcard/
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Easiest way to temporarily get root on Android

I have a new Android device, it's not any of the ones that have their own forum.
More specifically it runs Android 11 on top of a 4.19.193 Rockchip BSP kernel.
I need to read one or two specific files but these files are only readable by root.
I have ADB shell access.
What I do want to acheive:-
Temporarily have an ability to copy a file that's readable only by root, this could be by some GUI app that copies files, as long as the copy is readable by normal user, running commands as root, copy a partition to an image file, export to a desktop machine and read it there. Any one of these would get me that file.
What I don't want to do:-
I don't want to permanently modify the device, unlock the bootloader, put su into /system or anything like that.
Does anyone know of a rooting app that can give me temporary root access but then doesn't actually change the system?
To get temporary super-user ( AKA root ) rights on an Android's device shell all you have to do is to find a suitable su binary and copy it onto Android's filesystem.
A: To run Android shell commands with super-user right from within the shell on desktop computer ( AKA Command Prompt ) you have to run within desktop computer shell
adb devices
adb push <LOCATION-OF-SUITABLE-SU-BINARY-ON-PC-HERE> /data/local/tmp/
what will 1. connect the Android device to your desktop computer and 2. upload the su binary in the Android device temporary directory always available for the user.
B: Then, in desktop computer shell type
adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp & chmod 776 su"
what makes the su binary executable: its ownership by default is set to shell.
C: Then in desktop computer shell type
adb shell "ls -l"
what will show you content and permissions on recently uploaded files.
To apply a series of Android shell commands what require super-user rights you now would run
adb shell
export PATH=/data/local/tmp:$PATH"
su -c "<SHELL-CMD-HERE>"
su -c "<SHELL-CMD-HERE">
When in an Android shell another process like su gets started then this spawned process runs as a child process means it inherits most of the parent process attributes.
adb push allowed me to send the file
adb push su /data/local/tmp/
su: 1 file pushed. 1.2 MB/s (11640 bytes in 0.009s)
but the adb shell command is failing
adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp & chmod 776 su"
chmod: su: No such file or directory
if I then log in over adb I don't seem to have permissions to do anything in data
adb shell
ls -al
drwxrwx--x 47 system system 4096 2022-09-02 16:31 data
cd data
ls -al
ls: .: Permission denied
additionally, I thought that su would need the suid bit set
Does chmod 766 acheive that?
oh this works
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
ls -al
total 18
drwxrwx--x 2 shell shell 3452 2022-09-02 16:32 .
drwxr-x--x 4 root root 3452 2022-07-27 03:04 ..
-rw-rw-rw- 1 shell shell 11640 2022-09-02 16:29 su
chmod 776 su
ls -al
total 18
drwxrwx--x 2 shell shell 3452 2022-09-02 16:32 .
drwxr-x--x 4 root root 3452 2022-07-27 03:04 ..
-rwxrwxrw- 1 shell shell 11640 2022-09-02 16:29 su
adb shell
export PATH=$PATH:/data/local/tmp
su: setgid failed: Operation not permitted
The device has separate boot_a, boot_b, dtbo_a, dtbo_b partitions.
If I could be reasonably sure that booting a boot partition from a similar device (I have one) would pick up the dtb from this device then I think I could be reasonably confident of not frying anything, I might try and boot it from fastboot.

