btsnoop_hci.log no entries generated - General Questions and Answers

I try do debug an application that communicates via Bluetooth with a device. The problem that I have is, it seems that the app itself handles all the bluetooth stuff. I don't see the device in the bluetooth manager of Android. I can only link it via the app. And now the biggest problem: The btsnoop_hci.log is not filled with any logs related to the communication with that device. It seems that the app bypasses some standard Android routines. Did anyone of you experienced something like that?
I wanted to ask this question in the Development forum but since I'm a new user I don't have any rights for that.
Best regards,


Can't Deploy application from Visual Studio

I've just bought my new O2 XDA IQ. (Tornado). I thought I'd try and deploy an application to it but I'm getting the following error:
Error 1 The device security configuration disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device for development. Review your SDK documentation for proper security settings for connecting to this device. Device Connectivity Component.
Has anyone got any ideas for what I need to do?
Sorry for replying to own topic.
I found this link:
Just what I needed. Hope this helps if anyone else has the same problem.
Actually, it will be a good idea to use device emulator rather than your real device to debug your app. Unless you want your phone really mess up.
On the other hand, if your app use some device specific features, than you should pray every time before deploying.
That's my experience.

Using HD2 as (native) Bluetooth Mouse

I searched this now for a few days on the web. I found plenty of programs doing lots of things coming close to what I am looking for but nothing exactly what I am looking for that would work.
I am looking for a program that turns my HD2 into a native bluetooth mouse. I don't need any remote control or remote desktop stuff, I want my HD2 to look like a regular mouse connected by bluetooth.
I found plenty of remote control apps, that would require a server installed to the computer I want to control with my HD2, however this is exactly NOT what I am looking for. I want to control any computer that supports generic bluetooth input devices, no matter if Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever without installing any additional software to the computer.
I found two programs, that claim to do that (mobileSRC RemoteMobile and MobileMouse) but neither will function on the HD2. RemoteMobile does not seem to support the Widcomm Bluetooth Stack and MobileMouse is not usable, because it's not designed for WVGA (at minimum, I cannot get past the Licence Disclaimer after starting the app, because I do not reach any controls to do so).
Is there anything out there that would do what I am looking for on a HD2?
+1 Looking for the same
gdayhtc said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
oh yeah, this is what I was looking for, thank you very much!
Which irony: I am still looking for what I described in my first post - and while I was searching for a program capable of doing this once again, I stumbled across my own old thread here
Sadly gdayhtc's solution wich seems to make 2 die 4 happy is exaclty what I am *not* looking for. I was aware of GRemote when I wrote this posting in january already. The point is, you need to install a server application on the host you want to use your phone with. The "talking" is done between the application on the phone and the server on the host as regular network traffic. This is not what I am looking for. What I am looking for is an application that basicly says "Hi [whatever operating system you are], I am a regular bluetooth mouse! Go ahead and load your appropriate drivers, so I can talk to you (just as any other bluetooth mouse would do)!" - and if there are Bluetooth touch pads, that the phone could emulate, that would be even better Basicly the phone will promote another bluetooth service to other devices that do a bluetooth service lookup stating that it can be a bluetooth input device. I can't believe nobody did something like that! Besides having to poke around in some bluetooth input device standards it seems like the much cleaner and more appropriate approach to use your phone as an input device over bluetooth compared to what GRemote and the others are doing.
I don't think there is such thing as a 'generic' blue tooth mouse (please correct me if I am wrong).
If you get a logitech one, it still loads its appropriate driver for the operating system you are using. Same for DELL (both use setpoint) and I'm sure Microsoft (and for the different models, there may be different drivers).
What I think you can best hope for is somebody to emulate one of these 'drivers', but at the end of the day, I would assume that some driver will have to be loaded on your pc/server.

[REQ][APP] Bluetooth communication

hello everyone,
Can anyone make an application which sends ASCII code via bluetooth to a PC or a bluetooth module??
I really need it for my mechatronics project.
Thanks before
Does it have to be Bluetooth? You might be able to cobble something together over USB with the USB host driver.
I'd like wireless communication for the system since cable is kinda out of date...
But when time is running out... I guess USB will be OK. But for now, since I still have plenty of time, I'd go with wireless.
You could use the chroot method and install Ubuntu on your Nexus One. I don't know if it exposes the phone's Bluetooth interface, but it might be worth looking at since you could code up anything you want in any language if that were the case.
ermmm... it's kinda advance...
any URL to the guide maybe???
is there no ordinary apps or so?
Basic serial over bluetooth is done using the RFCOMM profile, details on how to write an app can be found here:
I'd guess you open a socket to the destination machine, just like normal network programming, just over bluetooth rather than tcp. Here is a stackoverflow article on the subject
I'll try my best to understad it
complete noob on java programing here T^T

[Q] Existing simple bluetooth data relay application?

I'm looking for Android Bluetooth / TCP/IP relay application.
-- Details --
I'm looking for RDP client which would be able to relay / bridge Bluetooth devices / peripherals to the RDP host (Windows server 2008 R2).
If there's no such RDP client, wehave a secondary option. Having separate background service which takes care of the data relaying part in background, and leaves the RDP connection / device display to foreground as completely separate process.
I've been planning developing such application. But if possible, I want to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Even if it sounds really simple, I'm sure there will be (too?) many problems before it works reliably.
I'm very curious to know, if such application already exists and where would I get it. I'm quite sure that someone has already made such an application. I just don't know where to look for it.
Additional bonus would come, if the application is quite easy to configure and if the sessions between RDP and this relay are easy to link and access on Windows server end.
As addition to the bluetooth relay, it would be nice to have a simple TCP/IP tunnel / bridge / relay feature in same packet. Allowing access to devices using TCP/IP without bluetooth using same app.
If it's true that such application doesn't exist. Would there be an market for such application if it's created? I could imagine I'm not the only person looking for such app.
I do have additional documentation & specification for there requirements, but I don't want to share it right here. I've been also discussion about this topic with a few Android Application developer companies, but as you might guess, this project won't be cheap. Therefore I'm looking for reasonably priced existing solution.
Here's simple use case sample. Customer is using industrial data collection solution where there are ten sensors attached to something being monitored which are then connected to tablet over bluetooth or wi-fi (TCP/IP). But the actual data processing / logging / control software is running on Windows server and can be accessed using RDP. Of course one solution would be using a full featured Windows laptop instead of that tablet, but we don't want to do that. So this expains what I'm looking for in more detail.
- Thank you
-- Footer --
KW: business, software development, android, thinclient, tablet, bluetooth, wifi, wlan, mobile
HTag: #android #peripheral #connectivity #remotedesktop #remotedesktopclient #softwaredevelopment #bluetooth #tablet #thinclient

[Q] Remote control Android >from> Android - persistent permission granted

Hello all,
My parents are very old and their TV comes through an Android box. They constantly have issues and I want to be able to control their device from my home. All the screen sharing software I've seen requires a passcode to be read on the slave device and entered on the master device. This does not work for me as my parents are way too technophobic to be able to open some app and find that code... so my question is:
Is there any software you know of that will allow me to give permission to a screen sharing software ONCE so that days or months later I can still control my parent's Android device without having to find the code again?
(PS moved thread from General Android section)

