Ergonomics (in-hand feel) - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Real Life Review

Please, no "that's what she said" jokes. Rate this thread to express how you think the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 8 feels in-hand. A higher rating indicates that it's comfortable to hold for long periods of time, even in one hand. Resist the urge to say "TWSS" just now. Seriously.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

I hold my Note 8 in my left hand, so the placement of the fingerprint scanner is awkward. My finger would naturally land somewhere between the middle camera and the camera closest to the edge. I've gotten used to it, so I rarely miss hitting the right spot.
However, this got me thinking.
I imagined I had a phone with an FPS located in the center. The problem is, it looks like those phones place the FPS lower on the back of the phone. So I tried hitting the spot where I imagined it would be, and it's incredibly awkward. Much more so than where the Note 8 FPS is located. It seems like I'd have to "poke" the FPS, not rest my finger on it.
My question is for people who have a phone with a center placed FPS. Do you have a problem with that location? I think I would hate it.

I have a rather small hand and hold phone on left and use right to manipulate. I put strap and saved me another $1000 twice so far.

large hands but still use it with 2 to be SAFE.


Antenna Issues?
So I read that and it sounds a lot like an Apple iPhone lover trying to find fault in this phone. Anybody who owns the Captivate, can you possibly check this and update us on this ?
I'd read the comments for that article.
The issue can be replicated on almost any phone in certain conditions. Its really not an issue to be concerned about.
I've noticed that my Captivate is hovering around 2-3 bars constantly. It rarely hits 4 or 5 bars unless I'm right near a tower.
I have the body glove case on the phone as well and this is still occurring.
Mine shows 4 bars on the table, in hand it drops to 3 bars. If I press it into the palm of my hand and put an actual "death grip" on it, it goes to 2 bars. Nothing to be concerned about as far as I'm concerned.
Looks like it is an issue, possibly worse than the iphone 4. There's a new test on youtube about it. I can't post links until my account is verified. Search "samsung captivate." Many phones are tested (captivate is around the 5:20 mark):
It dropped from 3 bars to zero. Yikes! Still though, this was a very tight grip test, which no one uses. I would like to see just a casual grip test. According to at least one video I saw, on the iphone, if you put just one finger on that spot on the left side, it will drop.
pjs2004 said:
Looks like it is an issue, possibly worse than the iphone 4. There's a new test on youtube about it. I can't post links until my account is verified. Search "samsung captivate." Many phones are tested (captivate is around the 5:20 mark):
It dropped from 3 bars to zero. Yikes! Still though, this was a very tight grip test, which no one uses. I would like to see just a casual grip test. According to at least one video I saw, on the iphone, if you put just one finger on that spot on the left side, it will drop.
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Is it this video? Don't be too concerned with the bars. Bars are just a vague estimate of signal strength (it's probably gamed by the manufacturer). I'm interested in real-world performance. There's another video on here (or maybe androidforums) where a user shows the bar drop during the "death grip" and then runs to show that the downstream performance is almost identical. If the data performance suffers or I drop calls when I hold the phone, it's a problem. If all that happens is the signal meter drops a little, I don't care.
I'd be interested to see if the issue Techno Buffalo had can be replicated on the other Galaxy S devices. IIRC, the Captivate is the only one with a metal back cover.
Yeah, that's the one. Good point about the bars...
Like the iPhone 4 it's not really a big deal. Most people will never replicate the circumstances needed for this to happen in daily usage and the ones that do probably will do it on purpose to make a stupid video......
dsjr2006 said:
Like the iPhone 4 it's not really a big deal. Most people will never replicate the circumstances needed for this to happen in daily usage and the ones that do probably will do it on purpose to make a stupid video......
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Seriously. Who holds phones like that? I love how he was dragging all the widgets around on the Evo with his palm. Hulk no get reception on Hulk's iPhone 4. Hulk smash!
I've tried holding my phone in 20 different ways and cannot make the signal go away. The problem with the iphone is NOT the same as just putting the captivate under something so it doesn't receive the towers as well. Captivate is fine.
All phones lose signal in a phone specific "death grip". The difference between a well designed phone and the iphone 4 is how awkwardly you have to hold the phone to lose reception. On the iphone 4 you lose reception holding the phone in a way that is normal for many people. Well designed phones don't lose reception while being held in any natural position.
I held mine the way you naturally would in the left and right hands and saw maybe a 1 bar drop out of 10 tries.
If you completely cover the back with your hand you can make it drop a couple bars (but no **** why wouldn't it you are covering the entire back lol). And by 'a couple' I mean exactly 2. Thats the most I could get it to drop any way I held it.
Also if you grip the bottom nice and tight, and make sure that your palm is making 100% contact with the back you can get it to drop 1-2 bars.
I made 10 test calls with the captivate and the most I can make it drop is 2 bars, and even when I dropped from 2 to zero bars it wouldn't drop the call.
As long as it doesn't drop the call I don't care how many bars it shows. Also I think that they are calculating signal strength based on data (upload and download) and voice. From what I saw I think the bar drop is from data upload speeds decreasing.
I'd like to hear if anyone can actually drop a call from this. I can't but service is okay where I am lowest I hit was 2 bars without the grip.
i get 4 - 5 bars normaly. When i apply the death grip i drop 1 bar... btw the death grip you give an iphone 4 and a regphone is totally diff. The deathgrip for the iphone 4 is casually holding it in your left hand. For normal hands one is required to strangle the phone. With the extreme death grip i got it to drop one bar. I have huge hands too...
I don't think the problem with the iPhone 4 is the normal attenuation problem you have when you put something like your hand over an antenna to attenuate the signal. With the iPhone 4 you are actually physically touching the phone antenna and shorting it with the other antenna using your skin as a bridge. The "death grip" for the iPhone 4 can be as simple as putting your index finger across the black gap between the antennas on the lower left corner. That's why Apple's $30 rubber band works.
I've been in high-signal areas all day so I haven't really had a chance to see how much of a problem the signal drop is when you have your hand over the bottom slider plate. I lose 1-2 bars, but I'm not getting any statistically significant difference using

Geek rage at the GSIII

An Honest rant from an android lover:
So the GSIII was announced today and my first reaction when I saw the pictures was “oh god please let this be a joke” (P.S you’ll hear me comparing the GSIII to the One X a lot in this post, but that is because that’s another top dog of android right now.) This is my opinion about the GSIII. Yes it is true I do not have the device, but this is my reaction to the press shoots.
Some of the things that ticked me off the most:
The super ugly looking camera on the back, I don’t care much it freaking looks like a pebble. It’s my phone, not a freaking rock use to throw at someone. The GSII camera looked great; the nexus S camera look great, even the galaxy nexus camera look pretty decent. That freaking ugly looking lump of cancer just looks horrible. Take a look at the HTC one X camera; it looks great even if it sticks out a bit. Putting the speaker phone next to the camera? Seriously? I understand symmetry is important but that is just stupid (and did I mention it looks ugly?).
The long home button is a disaster. I don’t need a long home button; my fingers are not that fat. That thing sticks out like a sore thumb, an ugly cancer ridden sore thumb.
No on screen buttons
I never understood the point of soft touch buttons. Ever since I got my first android device I question the point of soft touch buttons. It’s not like one can physically feel them. From what I understand, why anyone would put soft touch keys in the days of 4.0 is to increase the usable screen size. But you screwed that up too. What is up with that space between the button and the screen? That just adds to the length of the phone. The One X has soft keys, but its evenly spaced and not a mile away from the screen. It also doesn’t stick out its home button.
That plastic looking shell is ugh… god save me. If HTC can do polycarbonate shell, why can’t you Samsung? Huh?
Everything an android specs geek loves in an ugly shell.
microSD, removable battery, NFC, Quad core processor, wireless charging, big screen with 720p display, thin and light weight. It’s (almost) everything anyone can ask for, but dammit Samsung the thing is ugly.
I never thought I would be the one to hate on the GSIII. As a proud owner of the Galaxy Nexus, I’m truly disappointed.
The camera isn't that ugly. It's alright.
I do agree on the spacing of the home button. It's just to much space that could have been removed or used for screen size
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
No need for a new thread, there's plenty of righteous hatred here already
Closed, post in proper section

After 2 weeks with the 8x

There aren't any general posts on using the device, so here are a few points that resonate with me after a couple weeks of using the device.
I'm using the 8x on Bell in Canada, the blue version. Prior to buying the 8x I was using a Galaxy s3. I've used other WP in the past, so the OS is not totally new to me (Focus, Lumia 800). You could go to any of the major tech sites for a comprehensive review, that's not my intention with this post.
Industrial Design/Durability - A day doesn't go by where I don't just stare at the device for a few's absolutely lovely. The polycarbonate is fantastic for daily use and regular wear and tear. I regularly have the device in my jacket pocket with keys and not a mark on it. None of the little micro scratches that are present on any other phone, particularly with glossy surfaces. I do worry about getting a big scratch, I anticipate it will be more devastating to this material. I do worry that this thing will crumble if I drop it on a hard surface. It would probably fare just fine, but there is a sense that it is fragile and delicate. I also have a major beef about the design of the buttons...gets a section all its own.
Build Quality - At first I thought the build quality was great. But now after 2 weeks of use it has developed some occasional flex and creakiness. This is particularly evident when squeezing the device on the sides, something I do more often in my struggle to press the power/lock button. I still thing the build is very good, but it feels less solid in the hand when I feel it creak.
Usability of Buttons - I hesitate to say it, but the buttons (except the camera button) are totally useless. I somehow thought I could get used to the power button, but not the case. First, the power button placement is less than ideal. This phone is too tall to have it on the top, I can't reach it without repositioning my hand. A user should be able to easily go from one-handed use to locking the phone. Second, there is no play or feedback in the buttons. They are so squishy and unresponsive its like I'm using a crap KIRF device. The power/lock button is the absolute worst, between the position of the button (in relation to the curvature of the plastic) and the lack of play, the power/lock button is nearly impossible to press. I seriously take 2-3 presses before I get it, when in a hurry even more times. The volume buttons are not nearly as annoying, but still useless. When I'm on a call with my headset and the phone is in the pocket, you can't just put your hand in the pocket and adjust the volume...gotta take it out to make sure you are actually pressing a button. Everytime, I feel the need to look at my phone when adjusting the volume, there is no other feedback that you've pressed the buttons. The camera button is great! The first press (of the 2-stage button) is exactly how every single button should feel like. It seems crazy, but this is the single reason that I cannot use the 8x as a long term phone. It's going for sale.
Screen - This screen is absolutely gorgeous...when viewed head on. Viewing angles are pretty bad.
Windows Phone 8 - I absolutely love the design of WP8. There are some gaps and oddities throughout, but I have faith that it will improve. Oddities include: lack of persistent clock and signal indicators (disappears even in People hub and Explorer), lack of independent volume controls (Alarm is cranked all the time). Once I get a proper Dropbox app, I'll be fairly happy. I'm willing to live with a developing OS and ecosystem because of the joy the interface brings me!
Bottom Line - I'm selling it and buying an unlocked Lumia 920. I cannot use a phone with a useless lock button. I've gone back to Bell and tried other devices and all the 8x are the same. Honestly, how can HTC screw up buttons. Samsung tends to have soft buttons too, but at least the placement is on the side for easy access. The Nokia, Apple and LG have figured out the complex world of buttons.
Anyways. This is a wonderful device with a small fatal flaw.
I sadly have to agree on the lock button placement - its placement is less than ideal. I'm not really fussed about the keys being almost flush with the body, but I can imagine people not liking this. It took me a while to get used to the feel myself, but after some practice I only have some trouble with pressing the lock button sometimes.
Its interesting you say that there is no feedback when pressing the buttons? I can definitly feel a "click" when I press my buttons (like the camera button does) so maybe you got unlucky... And I've no flex nor creakyness. I have had the phone for three weeks now I believe, no case used so far!
The only thing I regret is the lack of a SD slot. I'm not sure about the viewing angles, I don't see any problem, nor have I heard friends complain about it. Then again, this is a personal opinion I guess.
But bottom line is that I should have waited for a Nokia myself. Not going to sell this baby, I love it too much for that, but I will gladly get myself a Nokia after this phone is through (which I hope won't happen anytime soon!).
its funny, at first my impression was this.. but now it feels more natural, you actually don't have to hit it to hard, and after having a samsung for a year its refreshing to have a different layout. its almost like a pressure spot, like a place to squeeze the phone and it turns on (if that makes sense) the only thing that bugs me is all three buttons react differently. the lock is more flush than volume, and the camera being a double action is better.
I don't get what you are saying about viewing angle though. I find it more than sufficient (maybe under high glare light cause of the contour) but I love this phone.
my biggest complaint is the notification light that isn't. who puts an led in a phone but does not let it work for notifications.. this is like having a car without windows.. not needed but when it rains you wish you had em'
The power button issue was solved for me by using a case, it has an indent so I immediately know where the power button is. Side buttons have a raised material that also makes it very easy to find the buttons and press without issue.
Sent from my PM23300 using Board Express
uhhdoug, you make a good point about "squeeze" points rather than typical button pushing. I find I do this, basically wrap my finger around the top right and squeeze...usually powering it on.
This device is absolutely lovely otherwise, I could never put it in a case. But usability sucks.
After 1 week... My volume up button is stuck. Not physically, the button still clicks. However, the phone keeps detecting a volume up command. Sending for repair today. Lets see how efficient HTC is.
Same here - power button is a pain in the ass!!! I manage to activate it 1 out of 10 times when using only one hand
I realised that it's easier to use the camera button to bring the screen on and that's what I'm doing since last week.
I've been using mine (a blue one on Telenor, Hungary) for only 3 days so far, but here's my exeperience anyway: the power button doesn't bother me that much, it reminds me of my iPhone 3G I had a few years ago - I do have big hands though. Coming from an Omnia 7 I really like that I don't mistake the volume rocker for the power button (this was a major pain in the butt where I accidentally turned on the screen in my pocket when trying to change the volume).
Compared to the amoled in the Samsung the blacks and the viewing angles kinda suck, but the resolution makes up for them imo.
I see no discolouring/dirt on the corners, but I did get a few random reboots already (still more reliable than my Galaxy Tab with Cyanogen Mod 10 though).
For those interested in the audio quality the 8X sounds awesome with a pair of mid-range cans (Sennheiser HD518), I'd say on par if not better than a last-gen iPod classic. Turning the Beats Eq on the volume goes up to insane levels (20/30 on a subway is perfectly audible with open-back headphones and 30/30 actually hurts my ears after a minute or so). So, while this is by no means in audiophile territory, it is, in my opinion, more than enough for listening on the go.
Also, the device is absolutely gorgeus to look at and feels great in the hand. Oh, and WP8 is beyond awesome
After 1 week i can say is that the phone is great if you ask me.
Power button .....yes bad place.
16G storage .......meh it will manage.
The majority of the good from this phone makes up for those 2 issues.
So no deal breaker here.
Battery ?
Charge ,charge and charge .
After 1 week on the charger and it will preform great.
And i listing more then 4 hours of music, check the web, Facebook and twitter and so on.
At the end of my work day 50% left.
Nothing wrong with that because my one x drained faster ( Stock).
i agree about the power button its struggle, HTC did it even worse on their verizon DNA, not only that the DNA is even taller they placed the power button in the top middle
we have an awesome kernel fix for the One X which is sweep2wake (you sweep the three touch button) an amazing solution we proposed to HTC lets hope they adopt in their upcoming phones
also comparing to my One X, i love the screen but im gutted the view angles are not match, the One X has an amazing screen where the "floating" can be viewed from the most extreme angles without loosing one percent on the blacks, i'm disappointed but its definitely a downgrade form the One X
I worry that eventually all blue 8x will discolor in the corners and that's what's deterring me from this phone
Diztronic TPU case was a godsend for finding the power button.
Volume and camera buttons are covered but line up ok and cant really tell. Tight fit, thin ,very little added bulk and only makes the phone loose about 1/2 a sexy point. Makes you feel a little better about manhandling this purdy phone too.
I loved mine in some ways but had to return it after a week or so.
It did not pay well with Bluetooth at all..I had problems with my 2011 Corolla and a 2012 Buick Verano. Voice quality was horrible on the Corolla, and music played in slow motion on the Verano.
I also had consistent issues with Netflix and sound problems.
So many apps were missing from the app store...resco radio and most streaming radio apps, and Oregon Trail.
Worst of all is what they did to bing maps. It would was a good and comprehensive feature before that I often used...but it had been neutered and rendered basically useless. I had to pay for Verizon navigation.
I didn't even try syncing my extensive zune collection. So I regretfully went to Android again after having several windows phones . Which is sad because I absolutely love windows phone.
The screen was great, it felt super premium in hand, so many features are beautiful and useful, and best of all no lag! I miss it alot. I loved the previous integration with my zune collection. Did I say the screen was gorgeous lol.
And the Nokia 920 was far too bulky and heavy .
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda app-developers app
Well, I officially sold my 8x.
Pains me a little, the overall industrial design was fantastic. WP8 is so refreshing to use and look at.
But, the power button was terrible. Used a couple of devices, all the same. The screen was nice compared to old windows phones, but not compared to other high end phones. I'm on the Nexus 4 now and the screen is superior.
The OS is severely handicapped. I want it to be awesome, but it just is not there yet. I could not be as productive with it. It feels like a step up from a blackberry, but you can't quite do what you need, especially from a productivity standpoint. The OS is fluid, but terribly inefficient. Constant swirling of animations, I just want to get to the app. Multi-tasking is worse than any other smartphone OS and will be worse than BB10 when it ships. Notifications are non-existent. Sure, notifications are coming, but they aren't here now. This doesn't even mention the "app-gap". All these flaws feel larger than life when I wake up to the WP8 alarm in the morning...blaring at full volume because you cannot adjust it.
It is too bad, the 8x is gorgeous. I look forward to trying WP again in the future...
zed011 said:
I worry that eventually all blue 8x will discolor in the corners and that's what's deterring me from this phone
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The same thing happened to mine. I was forced to get a case for it. Pretty horrible engineering design on HTC's part.
AllTheWay said:
The same thing happened to mine. I was forced to get a case for it. Pretty horrible engineering design on HTC's part.
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Its quite bad that you guys are having so many problems with the 8x. I had initial problems with figuring out the buttons but now its more of a muscle memory kind of thing, after you get used to the fact that the finger has to glide by the front of the phone rather than the back of the phone.
5 days having 8x - great device - but complete change in your files philosphy ...
5 days having 8x - great device - but complete change in your files philosophy ...
Migrated from 4 years HD2 using was somehow shocking but acceptable.
"Hand feelig" is very good
Power button may be better but is usable.
I am missing very simple app. to lock the screen (make it black) without touching power button - anybody knows ?
I am very disappointed by the fact that using phone keyboard there is no automatic search through contacts using 3-letters associated with numbers - this was one of the greatest HD2 features- anybody knows how to to it ? Of course I may try to install many diallers but having too many apps on the phone is cumbersome ... :crying: ... I would be gratefull for any suggestions.
Disctionary is great - first time in any phone/pda I used
I have just received my phone from HTC (got it from HTC Elevate) yesterday, so this is my preliminary thoughts.
I think the hardware is great, my unit doesn't have light leaks whatsoever but agree with OP that buttons are too flushed (except for the camera) and my power button is a little loose, so it rattles when I shake the phone. Viewing angle is, I agree, bad. But not a deal breaker for me, as it shifts only in extreme angles. But otherwise, the hardware is great.
as for the OS, I love the look, but I really hate not to be able to have apps that I have in my Desire S. I share photos with my relatives through instagram, and although there is a client app for it, it can't upload. Then comes the music EQ. So used to PowerAMP makes me longing for a great music app like that for my 8X. Don't get me wrong, the audio is good, if not great, but I just find it a little too "boring" and "lifeless" and would like to be able to adjust EQ myself. And then comes the Dropbox problem. As for the OS itself, I really hate not being able to glance at the battery percentage or any other status. I need status bar, I need notification center.
Nevertheless, I think I can live with the OS'es shortcomings, I just hope that with time, it will mature and grow and better itself.
As for the hardware, my only problem is the buttons, but still they are usable and is not really a big deal for me.
How is the camera. I am long time android guy and have an 8x coming to try out. I wanted to try one but the camera is really important to my. My soff rezound with a nice Rom take fantastic pics in most all conditions so that's my baseline.
But I'm going to def give this phone some testing.
I've hit a week with mine, and heres what I can add.
Industrial Design/Durability - "A day doesn't go by where I don't just stare at the device for a few seconds..." - yea, Ive named mine 'sexy beast' because it really is just a beautiful phone. I keep it in my pocket as well, and so far so good. Its also easy to clean off, which surprised me, I didn't expect the back material to wipe down so easily. So for a design and durabilty I give it an A
Build Quality - I haven't had any creaking, or any really noticable flaws, however, there is just one design flaw in mine, but you have to look. Bottom left corner is aprx 1mm higher than upper right corner, but its only noticable if you really look. Otherwise, its running at an A as well for Build Quality.
Usability of Buttons - "I hesitate to say it, but the buttons (except the camera button) are totally useless." I wouldn't say I have large hands, at least I don't think I do. I have noticed that when I hold the phone in my left hand (my usuall position), the volume buttons fall perfectly between my first finger which rests just below the buttons and my next two fingers, which are able to grasp the sides of the phone without touching the rockers. The camera button then falls between the pinky which also rests just below the button and my two middle fingers. And its an easy slide for me to swing my finger to the power button. When the phone is in a pocket and I am listening to music, I find the volume buttons raised just enough where I can find them inside the pocket, and turn up or down. I haven't had any issues with the buttons, and actually find them better in terms of functionality than the buttons on my old TB. Again, an A
Screen - "This screen is absolutely gorgeous...when viewed head on. Viewing angles are pretty bad." Well, I agree that its truly stunning. Cant believe how crystal clear everything is. And as for angles, the only issue I have is that the screen is so damn good, it reflects too much when viewed at angles! I don't have issues per se seeing the screen, but I have to deal with the reflected element! So give it a B
Windows Phone 8 - I agree that Windows hit this really good! As for a home run, maybe an 'in the park' home run. The persistant clock? I don't seem to have that issue, since my clock is always there, and always correct. I also agree in regards to independent volume. And I would love to put my own sound bites for messaging and other notifications, not be stuck with stock. Playlists too, a real beeaach to set one up! Score a B for the OS, but still love it! Knowing it can get better is a plus.
Bottom Line - Im keeping this bad boy for a long time! If the wife can even say she likes it (first phone of mine she ever said that about) then its a keeper! Overall, I think its a great phone. Battery life is fantastic, its snappy and responsive, its integration with social networks and the ability to customize those is fantastic. Integration with xbox could be more, but I don't think my 'more' is possible! Phone gets a A-, just because I know its gonna get better!

"Look" of the device (aesthetics)

Is the Google Pixel 2 XL as good-looking as you are (despite your receding hairline, adult-onset acne, and massive weight gain)? Rate this thread to express whether you think the Google Pixel 2 XL is attractive. A higher rating indicates that you would even go as far to say that the Google Pixel 2 XL is a beautiful phone.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I like it. Idk why LG went with the curved glass, but it feels good. The useable screen actually stops where the curve begins. So the curve is just a black bezel. Maybe they're amping up for some sort of Sammy edge in the future? I hope not.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 07:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------
I'd say 7.5 of 10 on the all black
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
I visited Verizon store today and my first impression was pretty good! They only had the black version but it looked nice, better than the original pixel XL. However, there were two things I've noticed. First, the top and bottom bezels aren't symmetrical. Top bezel is definitely larger and it was pretty apparent when using the device. That's personal preference but I didn't like it. Second, are the scratches on the screen. I haven't heard many people mention it but the screen is actually slightly curved like on the Samsung devices but the glass also slopes down on the top and bottom. It's only been on display for a day first but it was already noticably scratched on the bottom bezel, on the "arch".
I went back to the store to take few pictures to illustrate what I'm talking about + curved screen
jedras95 said:
I went back to the store to take few pictures to illustrate what I'm talking about + curved screen
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Someone had to of dropped that while putting on display. Those look like scratches from some sort of impact and is why I always use a case! ha
Dang it folks, test the speaker volume and post!
georgiapi said:
Dang it folks, test the speaker volume and post!
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I played a video on youtube on max volume for few seconds but did not want to be obnoxious in the store hah. Anyways, speakers sounded very loud and clear, much much better than my Note8 (no surprise).
---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------
Another thing I forgot to mention is that display is much less vibrant than Note 8. Colors are washed out, especially reds. I will try to take few more pictures later today
I liked what I saw today, although I think I'd have preferred a single front facing speaker with a shorter device, but I know people are obsessed with front facing stereo speakers for some reason
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
I just want a device with reserve volume not one that I max out for a particular purpose and its not loud enough.
I did the 5X tweak to make both speakers play back and a volume boost flash that worked very well.
I want my Waze to at least get my attention while cruising to a good part of a song .
I like the app drawer is transparent instead of the bright white that the OG Pixel has. Wish the rest of the system followed suit (settings, contacts, msgs and such). Or at least had options.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Sorry. I was speaking of software, you guys are discussing hardware.
The screen colors looks like this for a more realistic presentation of color, this can be remedied with color mode like Ex kernel color option to add more saturation.
This phone is definitely not a looker. But gonna cover it up anyway and hopefully the bezels wont bother me.
I'm not sure really why it matters to a point. It's just going to be in a case anyway.
LTHorn said:
I'm not sure really why it matters to a point. It's just going to be in a case anyway.
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Well that's true for the back....But the front of the phone still has an aesthetic. There is no doubt there is some unique bezel stuff going on with this phone.
Joppykid said:
Someone had to of dropped that while putting on display. Those look like scratches from some sort of impact and is why I always use a case! ha
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Or it could have been an exchange put on display
Droidforce said:
Or it could have been an exchange put on display
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An exchange on a phone that hadnt been released yet when I said this?
dang it people (would use harsher language but dont want to deal with a ban or fragile persons) STOP going to verizon and judging their crappy demo locked display version as what the phone is going to be like. as for scratches, well DUH, if you ever worked retail, you would already know humans treat stuff thats not theirs like total $#!t! id bet if i drop my phone on my floor it wont get the same dings and scratches these "CUSS"tomers put devices through. dont you dare ask me to drop my phone, im the good "egg daddy" with my devices. id drop my wife before my phone (thats why she doesn't do trust falls while im holding electronics.)
About That Display & Critics
This may be a good opportunity for Google to make a bold move by recalling as necessary all the units for the Pixel 2 XL and rebuild those displays quickly with full screen all around with no black nudges whatsoever surrounding the speakers or anything else like front camera and sensors on these screens as possible, therefore blending in the full display entirely, and achieving likely the thinnest bezels, to kick Apple iPhone X's behind big time!:laugh:
Elle & Moi said:
This may be a good opportunity for Google to make a bold move by recalling as necessary all the units for the Pixel 2 XL and rebuild those displays quickly with full screen all around with no black nudges whatsoever surrounding the speakers or anything else like front camera and sensors on these screens as possible, therefore blending in the full display entirely, and achieving likely the thinnest bezels, to kick Apple iPhone X's behind big time!:laugh:
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Sure, that's a reasonably ridiculous request...
No! That understandingly what is called a wild bold move, indeed. Google won't go bankrupt after that. To the contrary upon the outcome, their shares will culminate more than ever before. Thus with that 'WBM' potential success, they may just become dramatically the number one seed to beat in the smartphone market, after all.

Ergonomics (in-hand feel)

Please, no "that's what she said" jokes. Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy S10e feels in-hand. A higher rating indicates that it's comfortable to hold for long periods of time, even in one hand. Resist the urge to say "TWSS" just now. Seriously.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
Coming from a Pixel 2, and both phones in OtterBox Defenders are almost exact size, which is nice. One thing I don't like is the button placement. Pixel 2's buttons are in a perfect location. The S10e's are way too high on the phone in my opinion, at least to easily use one-handed.
Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
The FPS placement is terrible IMO. I am a lefty and have to adjust (or change hands) every time I want to use it.
First world problems for sure but a show-stopper for me given how many times per day I need to use it.
53fireman said:
Coming from a Pixel 2, and both phones in OtterBox Defenders are almost exact size, which is nice. One thing I don't like is the button placement. Pixel 2's buttons are in a perfect location. The S10e's are way too high on the phone in my opinion, at least to easily use one-handed.
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So which one feels better between pixel 2 and s10e overall according to your experience?
The phones in the Defender case are almost identical, so no difference there. I prefer the Pixel 2 button placement, but not that big of a deal for me. The Pixels lack Band 14 and the new tech with WiFi and ATT's "5g" on the Samsung is really the ticket for me.
---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------
arsenal74 said:
The FPS placement is terrible IMO. I am a lefty and have to adjust (or change hands) every time I want to use it.
First world problems for sure but a show-stopper for me given how many times per day I need to use it.
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I almost feel like using my left index finger would be easier if I were a lefty... But I'm not so I can't say definitively.
Nice size of the device. No problem to reach the opposite corner of the phone when using with one hand
No 5G on 10e
53fireman said:
The phones in the Defender case are almost identical, so no difference there. I prefer the Pixel 2 button placement, but not that big of a deal for me. The Pixels lack Band 14 and the new tech with WiFi and ATT's "5g" on the Samsung is really the ticket for me.[COLOR="Silver"]
If you bought the 10e thinking you are getting 5G, you got ripped off.
Only the largest 6.7 inch S10's have 5G.
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Hence the " ". Regardless,speeds are great on the fake 5g
I really like the size of this phone, the thickness, height for me is perfect. Display size for me is perfect. I had the S9 before although very close to the same size it feels comfortable. in the hand.
Feels much better in my hand than my previous phone, the GS8+. That thing was a monster.
Something special about holding it once you wipe down all the finger oils, fingerprints and dust
Nice size, but buttons are placed oddly. I often end up taking an accidental screen shot when pressing volume-down with left thumb (finger inadvertently touches power-button).
I use bxActions to set the Bixby button to screen toggle on single-press, flashlight goggle on double-press.
The ergonomics are terrible.
Would be so much better if the power button/finger print sensor was on the top in the center, or if the finger print sensor was built into the bottom center of the screen. This way left- and right handed users could simply unlock the phone with their index finger.
And why not replace the volume rocker by vol up and vol down buttons on the top left, with the top right for camera and bixby buttons. This would open up the possibility to switch these buttons around, so lefties and righties could set their favorite button setup.
Oops! I shouldn't post this here before applying for a patent .
Symmetric layouts cater much better for left/right-handed use.
Glass backs are sooo 2015! They're heavy, slippery, and they break easily. Plastic may look cheap, but it's way more functional. Glass backs have no place on compact phones that are meant to be light.
Since the display doesn't really go edge-to-edge, raising the body around it slightly would protect the screen against falls on smooth surfaces.
And that camera box sticking out of the back? Make the phone half a milimeter thicker and recess the camera lens a bit. This also creates room for a slightly bigger battery. Win/win!

