Nokia 3 Text messaging - Nokia 3 Questions & Answers

Hello guys. I wonder if any of you had error when sending text messages. It happens to many numbers. Thanks in advance

Use prefix for your country like for mine is +381 then add number, for ex. +38164322322 or use just clear number like 064322322. We do not use zero in the first case cause of +381. If it still doesn't work, make sure you did make the change for the contact also !


Sending SMS to a group

Is there a SW available on the XDA II that allows me to send a SMS msg to a group? I used to be available to do it on my ipaq using simple SMS.
I select category say "personal" from my contacts and viola, the msg will be sent.
AFAIK you can either select multiple recipients from you contacts list or you could set up a contact named "my-group" or so and put all the phone numbers in the mobile field, seperated by semicolons. It works here, but I have not yet tried more than a dozen at once.
martin kopplow said:
AFAIK you can either select multiple recipients from you contacts list or you could set up a contact named "my-group" or so and put all the phone numbers in the mobile field, seperated by semicolons. It works here, but I have not yet tried more than a dozen at once.
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How did you do it Martin? I created a new contact and put multiple of mobile phone numbers saparated by semicolons, but the semicolons don't appear on the SMS program. In other words, the SMS program removes all semicolons and appends all the numbers.
tried this, but when i send a message I get the error:
"You cannot send this message as both an SMS and an e-mail message. Please remove either the SMS or the e-mail address and send again"
Needless to say, I created a new contact with two telephone numbers in the mobile phone section seperated with one ;
group sms
hi guys
i tried to do this as well but it didnt work i had a nokia comunicator and i was able to do this with no problems.
regards kevin b :lol:
Thanks guys for the replies. I guess I have to live with sending SMS messages manually
It is really strange that an expensive pda+phone with a powerful operating system doesn't have this simple functionality.
I might sound strange, but this function is very important to me coz I send an average of 8 SMS messages to a group of people on daily basis.
I miss my T610
gropu sms
i agree kufi these phones arent cheap.
when i do into my sms box and say new i can add more contacts and seperate them with ; without any problem
havent tried sending it though so i'm not sure if it would fail but i can add more then one contact thats for sure
Yes this is how I do it too; the manual way which is time consuming and annoying. The optimal way is to assign a group of contacts under one name, but as you can see, it is not possible.
Hoping an application will be avaialable soon, coz this is driving me crazy.
group sms
I got this software, I think it works great. you have to first creat a group list, when saving the number, you have to save it in the group. I don't have any link for it, but its group sms ver1.1 by shailesh ashar, google it, or find the cab laying around here. hope it helped.
Did you search?
^ search for "group sms", see first hit
please help me....
i am using O2 XDA Flame model, i need to know if there is any application for forwarding sms from inbox to group contacts by selecting the group name. i have used software for sending new sms to group contacts but have not seen any application helping to forward inbox sms to group contacts... hope i have clearly mentioned my query.
thank you.
If you are sending the same group of people text messages I send the message in the normal way - this requires you adding each of the recipients one at a time.
When you are finished and you send the mail - go back into your messages and select the 'sent' option form the drop down. You can now highlight the recipients and use the 'copy' option.
Then, go to the 'NOTES' section of your XDA and paste in the list and save it using whatever title you want.
Every time you want to send a message to these recipients, open your 'NOTES' and copy/paste the list into your message - it is not perfect...but it does work and does save time.
I have only just joined the forum. Anyone still having problems sending texts to multiple contacts on you htc tp2 try this I think it may help you.
Create a new contact any name and type the contacts numbers in as laid out below.
12345678999>; <12345678999>; <12345678999>; and so on. You need six spaces between each number, no left side arrow in front of the first number as the phone puts that in by default and no right side arrow after the last number. I have tried it with upto ten numbers no probs it might work with more.
Also if if one of the contacts in your group sent you the original message you wont wanna send it back to him so if you hit menu then hit check names hey presto it will put all the contact names in relevant to the numbers, touch on the one you want to delete and then hit your back space key and its gone. Good luck.
chk out my signature for group sms app that I made

HTC Messaging Fix???!!!

Hi all,
Is there any fix to the HTC messaging?
All my contacts numbers are in the form +xxx (xx) xxx-xxxx.
when i try to send sms it keep telling me invalid recipient, i found out that its only accept the connected numbers +xxxxxxxxxxxxx , well, I'll not change the format i use.
so is there any way to fix that in it or shall I'll look for a 3rd party application?
Thx in advance.
Hi, I had the same problem and I resolved it deleting the ( and ) characters from my numbers
Tough.Enough said:
Hi all,
Is there any fix to the HTC messaging?
All my contacts numbers are in the form +xxx (xx) xxx-xxxx.
when i try to send sms it keep telling me invalid recipient, i found out that its only accept the connected numbers +xxxxxxxxxxxxx , well, I'll not change the format i use.
so is there any way to fix that in it or shall I'll look for a 3rd party application?
Thx in advance.
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where are you located? try changing your location by going to setting>all setting>system>regional setting
HI! I had the same problem.
In German it wrote "Ungültig(e) Teilnehmer"
I use Outlook 2007 and I like the Phonenumbers as stored correctly by Outlook.
I used to store it this way +xx (xxx) xxx xx xx even on my Mobile so that it is in the correct order in Outlook2007
Now this doesn´t work any more by sending SMS.
So I searched for the reason... if I deleted the caracters ( and ) like chris it was possible to send the SMS ---But, i don´t like to change the Numbers that way because in Outlook2007 it´s wrong. And of course much time waste.
So I tested a while last night and now I solved it this way:
Check this out:
if you delete the space here +xx (xxx) xxx_xx_xx to +xx (xxx) xxxxxxx it will work!!!
it seems to be only too much caracters. ()are not the problem. So Outlook2007-format still works too.
I hope this works in your Mobile too. Let me know!
Have fun!
I have the same problem. I find that if I create the new SMS to the same contact from the contact's record instead of from the Sense UI Messaging tab, it sends fine.
So the problem for me is only with new messages created from the messaging tab, which is a bit ridiculous.

How Android Parses Phone Numbers For SMS

So, I posted this on a google forum and had a look across XDA in general, but either the silence is deafening, very few people have noticed (or care) or no one has an answer?
It's bugging me, so I'm hoping someone here might know or at least offer some suggestions..
Trying to use Voice Search to create and send an SMS message to one of my contacts exposed really weird behavior in Android...
** Contacts set up correctly with properly formatted phone numbers and defaults set. I'm in the UK but often travel so want to set up numbers
for people in the standard format e.g. +44 7973 XX XX XX
** I can dial the number exactly as formatted and the call goes through
** I can send an SMS from Hangouts.. BUT when I select a contact and their number appears as an option to SMS to.. the "leading" +44 (country code) gets
stripped out by Hangouts and a "0" is added in (to be compliant with the format for dialing within a country I guess).
So +44 7973 XX XX XX appears as 07973 XX XX XX - and this works fine!
** When using Voice search to create and send an SMS however, the number that appears on screen that it's trying to send to is the *exact* number
from the phone book - that is, the country code is NOT stripped out - so different from how the hangouts app displays it.. and the message fails to
send as a result.
So, it seems as though Google deliberately re-format the phone number for SMS when you do it through Hangouts, but not when you use Voice
(even though that message does get sent through Hangouts ultimately?)
The only solution I can think of, is to go through and remove the +Country Code prefix from all of my contacts, to ensure
that SMS via Voice Search will work consistently... What's going on?!?!? Anyone got any ideas ? Its not an obvious bug, but its definitely there..
jms_uk said:
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I can't talk about hangouts because I don't use it, nor voice.... but +44 should not fail to send SMS. All my frequently contacted contacts are +44 and send fine, without being changed or stripped out.
Please wait 24 hours before bumping threads
rootSU said:
I can't talk about hangouts because I don't use it, nor voice.... but +44 should not fail to send SMS. All my frequently contacted contacts are +44 and send fine, without being changed or stripped out.
Please wait 24 hours before bumping threads
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Sorry, will do in future. But thank you for replying
I agree with you that having +44 in the number shouldn't fail when sending SMS, but Hangouts definitely re-formats the number and I have to wonder
if it does that for a reason. Does the number displayed on the SMS app you do use, display the full number then when compared against the same
number in your contacts?
I'm going to install something like Handcent and see what that does (of course all bets are off ifthe app re-formats the number "internally" but displays
the unchanged number to the user). The only reason I've noticed this odd behaviour is because Hangouts makes it reasonably obvious that something
is going on.
jms_uk said:
Sorry, will do in future. But thank you for replying
I agree with you that having +44 in the number shouldn't fail when sending SMS, but Hangouts definitely re-formats the number and I have to wonder
if it does that for a reason. Does the number displayed on the SMS app you do use, display the full number then when compared against the same
number in your contacts?
I'm going to install something like Handcent and see what that does (of course all bets are off ifthe app re-formats the number "internally" but displays
the unchanged number to the user). The only reason I've noticed this odd behaviour is because Hangouts makes it reasonably obvious that something
is going on.
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Yes the number in the default messaging app displays the same as in contacts and dialer. In full with +44 7*
It's been a while since I used KitKat stock, but does it not have the standard messaging app included, that lets you change to that? Lollipop does.
rootSU said:
Yes the number in the default messaging app displays the same as in contacts and dialer. In full with +44 7*
It's been a while since I used KitKat stock, but does it not have the standard messaging app included, that lets you change to that? Lollipop does.
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Yeah, I tried Handcent SMS, that didn't modify the number either and the SMS sent just fine. I guess why Hangouts modifies the number
for SMS when other apps don't, is for some mysterious reason Google has cooked up.
However, the "problem" is most definitely with the implementation of Voice Search for creating SMS (I only fell onto this thing because I wanted to - more safely -
send/reply to the occasional SMS whilst driving). Basically, it doesn't matter what SMS app is set as default.. creating a message and sending
by Voice Search just won't work if the number in your contacts has a +44 in it.. from the testing I've done anyway. The moment I edit the number
against the contact to just have an 0 (and re-sync Google Contacts), Voice Search created SMS's work...
(Also, whatever SMS app is the default always appears as an "Open Message in XXXX" after the Voice Search created SMS has been sent. If you click on it,
it takes you into the app but you can't see the most recently sent message in the message thread if the number is +44)
Perhaps you could give it a go with a +44 contact "Ok Google, Send text to XXXXX, Message, YYYYYY" ??
..aaaaand, I'm done. Any thoughts?
jms_uk said:
Perhaps you could give it a go with a +44 contact "Ok Google, Send text to XXXXX, Message, YYYYYY" ??
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Say's sent, but when I open the messaging app, there is a Red triangle... When I open the existing message thread, it only shows THAT failed message. When I delete that message, the rest of the thread becomes available.
So yeah I guess it fails the same way
rootSU said:
Say's sent, but when I open the messaging app, there is a Red triangle... When I open the existing message thread, it only shows THAT failed message. When I delete that message, the rest of the thread becomes available.
So yeah I guess it fails the same way
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Ahh.. so I'm not going crazy! Wonder how long that's been broken?
jms_uk said:
Ahh.. so I'm not going crazy! Wonder how long that's been broken?
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Dunno but I'm using the latest Lollipop preview released last week or two...
By the sounds of things.. for some time then if you're on Lollipop. I guess people either don't use Voice for that much (at all?), or haven't put two and two together enough for it to be something that's made its way back to Google to add to their fixes
jms_uk said:
By the sounds of things.. for some time then if you're on Lollipop. I guess people either don't use Voice for that much (at all?), or haven't put two and two together enough for it to be something that's made its way back to Google to add to their fixes
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...or only have nationally formatted numbers instead of international...
True. Though out of curiousity I'd love to know why Hangouts does do a number re-format.. as a completely separate thing..
Not sure if this is related as I am UK based like you (so not really sure what it is) but google voice doesn't send texts to international numbers. I wonder if google now has some voice aspects built in and if hangouts is configured to allow sending through voice if you're subsribed? Hence the number changing? and possibly failures?
Manually sending SMS messages using a 3rd party app to numbers formatted for international dialing works. Going "via Google" be it using Voice Search or Hangouts, only works with internal numbers...
I think you might be onto something... :|
jms_uk said:
Manually sending SMS messages using a 3rd party app to numbers formatted for international dialing works. Going "via Google" be it using Voice Search or Hangouts, only works with internal numbers...
I think you might be onto something... :|
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Yeah there may be a link...
But the stock messaging app built in (you have a choice of hangouts or sms) also works as desired...
rootSU said:
Yeah there may be a link...
But the stock messaging app built in (you have a choice of hangouts or sms) also works as desired...
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Good to know.. but not when creating and sending SMS via Voice Search (so far I think we've established that unless contact numbers are reformatted and re-synced to omit the +44 and reinstate the 0, then
it can't be used for SMS)
jms_uk said:
Good to know.. but not when creating and sending SMS via Voice Search (so far I think we've established that unless contact numbers are reformatted and re-synced to omit the +44 and reinstate the 0, then
it can't be used for SMS)
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Manual through Stock SMS > +44 > OK
Manual through Hangouts > Convert to 0 > OK
Voice Command through anything > +44 > FAIL
Thanks for being a sounding board. Guess there's nowt left that can be done
rootSU said:
Manual through Stock SMS > +44 > OK
Manual through Hangouts > Convert to 0 > OK
Voice Command through anything > +44 > FAIL
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..and to close things out, I received an auto-generated sms from my network saying..
"Yesterday you sent a message to an invalid number. UK mobile numbers start with 07 or +447. Numbers starting with 447 without the leading + are invalid"
So that pretty much confirms that whatever mechanism Voice Search uses to try and send texts is broken and doesn't/can't parse the + in a contact's phonenumber
where as the SMS apps do (probably due to the reasons you posted above)

[Q] App for SMS transition

I'm looking for an application that can resend SMS to many numbers (that are on some list) if it'll recive one from certain number or with some prefix.
If that's unclear, I can write the whole situation
Thanks in advance

Send multiple SMS at the same time

Hi everyone, I noticed that if I send the request to send 2 sms via programming the first SMS is sent first and only when it will be sent will start sending the second, there is no way to send more sms at the same time ? This thing also known in the app to send text messages, in fact I can not send another text while another is about to be sent.
lucfortunato said:
Hi everyone, I noticed that if I send the request to send 2 sms via programming the first SMS is sent first and only when it will be sent will start sending the second, there is no way to send more sms at the same time ? This thing also known in the app to send text messages, in fact I can not send another text while another is about to be sent.
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There is no way to send 2 sms at the same time (if someone know a way , he is free to share his knowledge).
It wouldn't make sense , I mean , and sms is a piece of text , if you want to send two pieces of text at the same time , just put them in one single sms .
RaiZProduction said:
There is no way to send 2 sms at the same time (if someone know a way , he is free to share his knowledge).
It wouldn't make sense , I mean , and sms is a piece of text , if you want to send two pieces of text at the same time , just put them in one single sms .
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The sense has seen that an SMS has a limited number of characters.
lucfortunato said:
The sense has seen that an SMS has a limited number of characters.
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Yes of course , but when the sms is too big you can turn it into an MMS. Anyway , I hope you'll find what you're searching for

