Every time I try to copy the token to unlock boot loader ,it will not let me mark and copy just the token,it includes boot loader on the left side,I've tried everything,including mark.Not sure why it won't let me copy the token properly.Please help,I'm on windows 10
I don't know for sure what your problem is, but try to copy the whole token to notepad incl. the marks and copy/paste it from there on.
greekgod1021 said:
Every time I try to copy the token to unlock boot loader ,it will not let me mark and copy just the token,it includes boot loader on the left side,I've tried everything,including mark.Not sure why it won't let me copy the token properly.Please help,I'm on windows 10
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Start a CMD window, click on the CMD icon (top left of your cmd window) then property --> options --> and disable the "enable line wrapping selection" option under "text selection". Should fix your problem.
Wow thanks alray ,that did it!!
I couldn't find a guide for this anywhere, so after a lot of trial and error, I worked out this method from various write ups on the web.
Make sure your battery is fully charged (I have no idea why, but it seems to be a must do thing)
You'll need the Android SDK, so make sure you have this and you'll be needing Fastboot for Mac, which you can find here Fastboot
And you need to boot your phone in fastboot mode.
Drop the Fastboot file into to the tools directory of the SDK.
Download your desired radio image and put it in the same same folder.
To make sure Fastboot is working, open Terminal and type "fastboot devices"
(without the speech marks) and hit return. You should see:
List of devices attached
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XXXXXXXXXX = the unique number of your phone.
If it doesn't display anything, you need to re-check SDK and Fastboot are installed properly.
If you do, carry on.
Now, the nervous part.
1. Open the tools directory of the SDK in a Finder window and the open a Terminal window.
2. Now, drag the 'fastboot-mac' file in to the Terminal window.
3. Type this (make sure you hit the space bar after typing) :
flash radio
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4. Now, drag the radio.img to the Terminal window
(It should read something like this)
/Users/Liam/SDK/tools/fastboot flash radio /Users/Liam/SDK/tools/radio.img
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5. Hit the return key and wait. Make sure you touch nothing.
6. When terminal has given you the "Okay" message twice, check you phone screen and make sure there isn't a red loading bar on the top left hand side of your phones screen. When this is done, type:
fastboot reboot
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And hit return.
7. Your phone will reboot and you're done.
If I've missed anything, let me know and I'll add it.
been trying for a few days now heads gone all i get it adbwinapi.dll is missing tried several reinstalls now need help please guys system is win 7 ultimate
steve36 said:
been trying for a few days now heads gone all i get it adbwinapi.dll is missing tried several reinstalls now need help please guys system is win 7 ultimate
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Wrong thread. But the thread you want, and the answer, is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10113370&postcount=91
Do some searching first..
Anyways, yeah, now I can use my MacBook.
This seems to be an odd way of doing it.
Just download the fastboot-mac binary from the htc developer page. Drop it in the platform-tools folder of the androd SDK.
Start a Terminal and run:
/path/to/platform-tools/fastboot-mac flash radio radio.img
make sure you have radio.img in the current directory where you invoke the script.
I found it easier to drag and drop the files. Saves lots of typing and does the same job.
liam08 said:
I couldn't find a guide for this anywhere, so after a lot of trial and error, I worked out this method from various write ups on the web.
Make sure your battery is fully charged (I have no idea why, but it seems to be a must do thing)
You'll need the Android SDK, so make sure you have this and you'll be needing Fastboot for Mac, which you can find here Fastboot
And you need to boot your phone in fastboot mode.
Drop the Fastboot file into to the tools directory of the SDK.
Download your desired radio image and put it in the same same folder.
To make sure Fastboot is working, open Terminal and type "fastboot devices"
(without the speech marks) and hit return. You should see:
XXXXXXXXXX = the unique number of your phone.
If it doesn't display anything, you need to re-check SDK and Fastboot are installed properly.
If you do, carry on.
Now, the nervous part.
1. Open the tools directory of the SDK in a Finder window and the open a Terminal window.
2. Now, drag the 'fastboot-mac' file in to the Terminal window.
3. Type this (make sure you hit the space bar after typing) :
4. Now, drag the radio.img to the Terminal window
(It should read something like this)
5. Hit the return key and wait. Make sure you touch nothing.
6. When terminal has given you the "Okay" message twice, check you phone screen and make sure there isn't a red loading bar on the top left hand side of your phones screen. When this is done, type:
And hit return.
7. Your phone will reboot and you're done.
If I've missed anything, let me know and I'll add it.
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Hi i did not notice your guide so i created one last night >>>>here<<<<
I use this:
I cannot get terminal to respond to "fastboot devices"
I think i've installed it all ? I've run the adk with android in the tools folder, and I have the platform tools folder. i've run fastboot-mac, i don't know what else to do?
P1xelVandal said:
I cannot get terminal to respond to "fastboot devices"
I think i've installed it all ? I've run the adk with android in the tools folder, and I have the platform tools folder. i've run fastboot-mac, i don't know what else to do?
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Use my guide downloaded the zip file read all of first post sorted
leith51 said:
Use my guide downloaded the zip file read all of first post sorted
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it's a shame all the files are .exe and .bat *sigh* thanks anyway.
P1xelVandal said:
it's a shame all the files are .exe and .bat *sigh* thanks anyway.
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localhost:~ Mac$ /fastboot/fastboot-mac flash radio /fastboot/radio.img
sending 'radio' (24832 KB)... OKAY
writing 'radio'... FAILED (remote: not allowed)
localhost:~ Mac$
what am i doing wrong? (no i will not switch to PC))
This guy used my thread his problem was he didn't have eng s-off
After a countless number of try and error searching for a solution to unlock my HTC ChaCha after the latest OTA I found the solution and it was pretty simple and straight forward
All Thanks & Credit to:
adlx.xda (I start looking from his topic [Unlock ] Official Unlock via HTCdev! )
theq86 (Unlocking process from his topic [TUTORIAL][S-ON] Unlock Bootloader using HTCDEV.com)
HTCDev (although they lack of support is the main reason for the problem they have a nice unlocking tutorials )
Follow this steps (Windows Only):
download your PH06XXXXX_Chacha_hboot_1.10.0000.exe from htcdev.com
run PH06XXXXX_Chacha_hboot_1.10.0000.exe
Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE (to open Task Manager)
Select Processes Tab then go to ARUWizerd.exe
Right-Click then Select (Open File Location)
Copy everything into somewhere else lets Say "D:\Unlock"
I'm not sure but the following files is what I used "YOU CAN KEEP ALL"
rom.zip - this is the most important file :laugh:
Copy rom.zip to your the SDCard and rename it into PH06img.zip
Disable the fastboot (settings>power>fastboot then uncheck) then power off the phone(you can just unplug the battery but it's NOT recommended)
Keep Pressing down (Volume Down + Power Button) you will see white screen with few color lines just wait
the device will start checking the SDCard and will ask you to press the Volume Key to install the PH06img.zip
If it's said installed successful we good to go other than that then sorry it didn't work for your mobile
reboot again to the fastboot and plug the USB
open the "Command Prompt" or (Start Menu > Run > cmd.exe)
go to the work directory "D:\Unlock"
cd unlock
fastboot oem get_identifier_token
copy the output (text to be copied similar to the highlighted one in red below)
... INFO
INFO< Please cut following message >
INFO[COLOR="Red"]<<<< Identifier Token Start >>>>[/COLOR]
INFO[COLOR="Red"]<<<<< Identifier Token End >>>>>[/COLOR]
don't close the CMD window (we will need it later)
go back to HTCDev.com at the in of the download page click on (Process to Step 1)
just click on (Process to Step 5)
just click on (Process to Step 8)
paste the coped token from the cmd to the textbox at the end of this page (My Device Identifier Token)
you will receive an email from HTCUnlockbootloader to your account email (I received it immediately) with an attachment Unlock_code.bin
copy Unlock_code.bin from the email to the work folder "D:\unlock"
in the cmd write
fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
Read the message at your phone
Press Volume Up to chose Yes
Press the Power button to Unlock your phone
Congratulation your phone is officially unlocked
Installing Recovery
download CMW for ChaCha
Unzip the file
Copy the recovery.img to the work folder "D:\unlock"
in the cmd write
fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
To lock your phone again in the cmd write
fastboot oem lock
reserved for pics
does this also work for a different software number... let say my current software # is 1.57.707.3 and the only available RUU file is 1.57.707.2 from HTCDEV......
i've tried ur step, it did read the file in recovery - but its failed to run it.... i am stuck again... hope you will be able to assist. thanks !!!
OMG , it worked, thank you man , i really forgot about the rom.zip trick . you're a saviour
MEAKU15 said:
does this also work for a different software number... let say my current software # is 1.57.707.3 and the only available RUU file is 1.57.707.2 from HTCDEV......
i've tried ur step, it did read the file in recovery - but its failed to run it.... i am stuck again... hope you will be able to assist. thanks !!!
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please instruct me how to unlock bootloader with rom stock 1.57.707.3
Best regards,
vinamaru said:
please instruct me how to unlock bootloader with rom stock 1.57.707.3
Best regards,
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Come on. Really? Another question about unlocking bootloader? Have you read this forum a little or just this thread? Here you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1816834
Great job
Great job mate! I unlocked my girlfriends HTC Chacha. Running on stock plus rom.
maybe 3 little things for new users:
"reboot again to the fastboot and plug the USB"
has to be: reboot again, delete the file from the sd-card, power down and boot into fastboot and plug the USB.
Copy the recovery.img to the work folder "D:\unlock"
in the cmd write
fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
Code has to be: fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
last step: get root
Download su-
put it on your sd-card and install it with CWM.
But anyways, you did a really great job!
Kind regards,
Frank van Weert
This worked for me. The only problem I kept running into was the pasting part on the HTC dev page. It kept saying wrong info. When I looked at the info, it was pasting what was on the htc page. So I minimised everything except the htc page, pasted and finished, got the unlock code from HTC. Just a tidbit of info in case someone else has that issue.
It worked for me too. I have ATT status goldcard-flashed to Asia WWE.
I was able to flash cingular hboot and unlock bootloader while on Asia WWE.
thank you so much ....
Hello, I want to root my phone and am trying to unlock my Arc S with Sony's official guide:
First, you should confirm that it is possible to unlock the boot loader of your phone by checking the service menu. In your phone, open the dialler and enter *#*#7378423#*#* to access the service menu.
In your phone, tap Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status. If Bootloader unlock allowed says Yes, then you can continue with the next step. If it says No, or if the status is missing, your device cannot be unlocked.
On your computer, click Continue at the bottom of this page to start the unlock boot loader process.
Read through the information in the pop up window and click Yes, I’m sure, if you are still confident you want to unlock the boot loader.
Read through and accept the legal terms. Click I Accept.
Enter your name, email address and the first 14 digits (remove the last digit) of your phone’s IMEI number. Click Submit. You can view the IMEI number by entering *#06# on your phone.
The unlock boot loader key is displayed. Write it down and save it for later use.
Download and install the latest Android SDK from developer.android.com.
Download and unzip this file. This is the standard android_winusb.inf-file, with a few lines of code added to enable Fastboot to support Sony and Sony Ericsson devices. Make sure you are running Google USB Driver package revision 4 or higher in your Android SDK. You can see current Google USB Driver package revision in the SDK Manager.
Place the unzipped file in the usb_driver folder, located in the Android SDK > extras > google folder on your computer. Accept to replace the old android_winusb.inf-file with the new file. If you can't find the usb_driver folder, please install the Google USB Driver Packager using the Android SDK manager.
Turn off your phone.
On your phone, push and hold the unlock button* at the same time as you connect the phone to the computer with a USB-cable. The unlock button may differ between different phone models. See the note in the bottom of this page for more information on what button use on your phone.
On your computer, you will be asked for drivers. Point to the usb_driver folder where you placed the android_winusb.inf-file, and select the Android Boot loader Interface-file.
Open a command window and go to the tools folder within the Android SDK folder.
Enter fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version, and verify that you get a response back (for example "0.3"). This means your phone is connected properly.
Warning! If you perform this step, you will unlock the boot loader. This may void your warranty and/or any warranty from your operator. If you still want to unlock the boot loader of your phone, enter fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY, where KEY is the unlock boot loader key you got in the beginning of this instruction. The boot loader should now be successfully unlocked.
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I have done everything up till the second last part, where you confirm that the phone is connected properly with fastboot.exe. but when I try to run the getvar version command, it fails with
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version
getvar:version FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
I have made sure that my phone is in Fastboot mode, so I don't have any ideas.
Shotweb said:
Hello, I want to root my phone and am trying to unlock my Arc S with Sony's official guide:
I have done everything up till the second last part, where you confirm that the phone is connected properly with fastboot.exe. but when I try to run the getvar version command, it fails with
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version
getvar:version FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))
I have made sure that my phone is in Fastboot mode, so I don't have any ideas.
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better off asking in here
Huh, for some reason it just worked, even though I didn't do anything different. Maybe it was because I read that post. Thanks anyways
hey guys my phone is rooted,bootloader unlocked n a TWRP recovery.. n i need to upgrade my phone to 4.0.4/sense 4.1.. n my phones CID is 044.. so plz tell me whch RUU to us n from where cn i get it. n hw to run it on my phone??
Hmmy 4444 said:
hey guys my phone is rooted,bootloader unlocked n a TWRP recovery.. n i need to upgrade my phone to 4.0.4/sense 4.1.. n my phones CID is 044.. so plz tell me whch RUU to us n from where cn i get it. n hw to run it on my phone??
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http://www.htcruu.com/?dir=VilleC2 look around there for a ruu. Just relock bootloader, "adb reboot bootloader". and boot into bootloader and follow the instructions.
Qs5 said:
http://www.htcruu.com/?dir=VilleC2 look around there for a ruu. Just relock bootloader, "adb reboot bootloader". and boot into bootloader and follow the instructions.
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thank.. bt hw iam going to flash it? n does the CID need to match ?
4. Flashing RUU manually
4.1 Getting PG58IMG.zip from RUU
Run the RUU executable as you normally would, but don't proceed to the second step i.e. when a second window appears, do nothing. Do not proceed, just ignore it for now, but don't close the window.
- Right-click the Windows Start button and select "Open Window Explorer" option.
- If you use Windows XP
Copy-paste this in the navigation bar:
C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temp\
- If you use Windows Vista/7
Press & hold Windows key on the keyboard and then press R (Win key + R). Once the box pops up, copy paste this:
- Right click anywhere inside explorer window (not on any folder) and select Sort by then select Date.
- Locate the latest one created (first in the list & it will most likely have random numbers in the name) & open it.
- You will find a second folder with a set of random numbers. Open it, inside you will find a number of files and the rom.zip
- Copy the rom.zip file to another location.
- Now, close the RUU executable folder & rename the rom.zip file as PG58IMG.zip
4.4 How to flash PG58IMG
4.4.1 Without a PC, via bootloader
- Put the PG58IMG.zip onto the root of your SD Card
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- You will then be asked if you want to install the file, select yes by pressing Vol up.
- Don't touch anything till the install completes
- After the install is complete, when prompted to reboot, open the back casing of the phone and take out the SD Card.
- Then press the power button once to reboot.
- If you experience a boot loop, reboot to bootloader and re-flash the PG58IMG.zip
- If booted into bootloader, select fastboot > reboot.
- If booted into fastboot, select reboot.
- Connect the SD Card to a computer and delete the PG58IMG.zip file
If this method fails, try 4.4.2
4.4.2 With a PC, via fastboot USB
You will need sdk & and drivers, please take a look here. If you already have it, continue.
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- Connect your phone to the PC while in the bootloader. The phone should say fastboot USB, if not, select fastboot on the phone & check if it says fastboot USB, if not, change the USB port you are using.
- Navigate to the tools folder located inside android-sdk folder
- Copy the PG58IMG.zip file from step 4.1 to this folder
- Hold down shift and right-click anywhere in the empty space inside the window.
- Enter the following command
fastboot erase cache
- You may not see any output, then enter the command
fastboot oem rebootRUU
- You phone will now go into the RUU mode.
- Wait for around 30 seconds, then enter the command
fastboot flash zip PG58IMG.zip
- The installation will begin and you will be able to see the progress at every step.
- Once done, enter the command
fastboot reboot
- If you experience a boot loop, repeat 4.4.2 again.
You can flash the RUU this way.. It works for me this way
---------- Post added at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 AM ----------
joejoe23 said:
4. Flashing RUU manually
4.1 Getting PG58IMG.zip from RUU
Run the RUU executable as you normally would, but don't proceed to the second step i.e. when a second window appears, do nothing. Do not proceed, just ignore it for now, but don't close the window.
- Right-click the Windows Start button and select "Open Window Explorer" option.
- If you use Windows XP
Copy-paste this in the navigation bar:
C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temp\
- If you use Windows Vista/7
Press & hold Windows key on the keyboard and then press R (Win key + R). Once the box pops up, copy paste this:
- Right click anywhere inside explorer window (not on any folder) and select Sort by then select Date.
- Locate the latest one created (first in the list & it will most likely have random numbers in the name) & open it.
- You will find a second folder with a set of random numbers. Open it, inside you will find a number of files and the rom.zip
- Copy the rom.zip file to another location.
- Now, close the RUU executable folder & rename the rom.zip file as PG58IMG.zip
4.4 How to flash PG58IMG
4.4.1 Without a PC, via bootloader
- Put the PG58IMG.zip onto the root of your SD Card
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- You will then be asked if you want to install the file, select yes by pressing Vol up.
- Don't touch anything till the install completes
- After the install is complete, when prompted to reboot, open the back casing of the phone and take out the SD Card.
- Then press the power button once to reboot.
- If you experience a boot loop, reboot to bootloader and re-flash the PG58IMG.zip
- If booted into bootloader, select fastboot > reboot.
- If booted into fastboot, select reboot.
- Connect the SD Card to a computer and delete the PG58IMG.zip file
If this method fails, try 4.4.2
4.4.2 With a PC, via fastboot USB
You will need sdk & and drivers, please take a look here. If you already have it, continue.
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- Connect your phone to the PC while in the bootloader. The phone should say fastboot USB, if not, select fastboot on the phone & check if it says fastboot USB, if not, change the USB port you are using.
- Navigate to the tools folder located inside android-sdk folder
- Copy the PG58IMG.zip file from step 4.1 to this folder
- Hold down shift and right-click anywhere in the empty space inside the window.
- Enter the following command
fastboot erase cache
- You may not see any output, then enter the command
fastboot oem rebootRUU
- You phone will now go into the RUU mode.
- Wait for around 30 seconds, then enter the command
fastboot flash zip PG58IMG.zip
- The installation will begin and you will be able to see the progress at every step.
- Once done, enter the command
fastboot reboot
- If you experience a boot loop, repeat 4.4.2 again.
You can flash the RUU this way.. It works for me this way
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I flashed it via fastboot
joejoe23 said:
4. Flashing RUU manually
4.1 Getting PG58IMG.zip from RUU
Run the RUU executable as you normally would, but don't proceed to the second step i.e. when a second window appears, do nothing. Do not proceed, just ignore it for now, but don't close the window.
- Right-click the Windows Start button and select "Open Window Explorer" option.
- If you use Windows XP
Copy-paste this in the navigation bar:
C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temp\
- If you use Windows Vista/7
Press & hold Windows key on the keyboard and then press R (Win key + R). Once the box pops up, copy paste this:
- Right click anywhere inside explorer window (not on any folder) and select Sort by then select Date.
- Locate the latest one created (first in the list & it will most likely have random numbers in the name) & open it.
- You will find a second folder with a set of random numbers. Open it, inside you will find a number of files and the rom.zip
- Copy the rom.zip file to another location.
- Now, close the RUU executable folder & rename the rom.zip file as PG58IMG.zip
4.4 How to flash PG58IMG
4.4.1 Without a PC, via bootloader
- Put the PG58IMG.zip onto the root of your SD Card
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- You will then be asked if you want to install the file, select yes by pressing Vol up.
- Don't touch anything till the install completes
- After the install is complete, when prompted to reboot, open the back casing of the phone and take out the SD Card.
- Then press the power button once to reboot.
- If you experience a boot loop, reboot to bootloader and re-flash the PG58IMG.zip
- If booted into bootloader, select fastboot > reboot.
- If booted into fastboot, select reboot.
- Connect the SD Card to a computer and delete the PG58IMG.zip file
If this method fails, try 4.4.2
4.4.2 With a PC, via fastboot USB
You will need sdk & and drivers, please take a look here. If you already have it, continue.
- Reboot to bootloader by Holding Vol down + Power button
- Connect your phone to the PC while in the bootloader. The phone should say fastboot USB, if not, select fastboot on the phone & check if it says fastboot USB, if not, change the USB port you are using.
- Navigate to the tools folder located inside android-sdk folder
- Copy the PG58IMG.zip file from step 4.1 to this folder
- Hold down shift and right-click anywhere in the empty space inside the window.
- Enter the following command
fastboot erase cache
- You may not see any output, then enter the command
fastboot oem rebootRUU
- You phone will now go into the RUU mode.
- Wait for around 30 seconds, then enter the command
fastboot flash zip PG58IMG.zip
- The installation will begin and you will be able to see the progress at every step.
- Once done, enter the command
fastboot reboot
- If you experience a boot loop, repeat 4.4.2 again.
You can flash the RUU this way.. It works for me this way
---------- Post added at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 AM ----------
I flashed it via fastboot
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Thank u so much, i hav unrooted the phone, relocked the bootloader n flashed stock recovery... n is there any video to this guide that would be more easy as iam a noob p.s i am still confused which file i should download i knw all abt custom roms bt jst dont get abt these RUU
Qs5 said:
http://www.htcruu.com/?dir=VilleC2 look around there for a ruu. Just relock bootloader, "adb reboot bootloader". and boot into bootloader and follow the instructions.
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Thank you too
could some one tell me hw to do a OTA update becuz the RUU things is making me confused n iam a lil worried that my phone doesnt brick i tried the trickdroid bt it dent work it was having boot loops.. n my phone is on the android version 4.0.3, hw am i going to get it to 4.0.4
Hmmy 4444 said:
could some one tell me hw to do a OTA update becuz the RUU things is making me confused n iam a lil worried that my phone doesnt brick i tried the trickdroid bt it dent work it was having boot loops.. n my phone is on the android version 4.0.3, hw am i going to get it to 4.0.4
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When you are on stock look on settings - > Info - > and check for updates.
If there aren't any updates, then your phone hasn't received it yet in your country.
Then you will have to wait for the update...
Sent from my HTC One S running TrickDroid 4.0
Hmmy 4444 said:
hey guys my phone is rooted,bootloader unlocked n a TWRP recovery.. n i need to upgrade my phone to 4.0.4/sense 4.1.. n my phones CID is 044.. so plz tell me whch RUU to us n from where cn i get it. n hw to run it on my phone??
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this for cid 004
teerapong.g said:
this for cid 004
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bt ,my phones cid is 044
Translated via google translate:
This will void the warranty, delete data from the phone, and may brick.
screenshot that the tutorial works: https://postimg.cc/v1khDqNy
What we will need: ADB AND FASTBOOT - everything will be contained in one folder (except for the USB cable and the computer
PC With Windows
Download all files from the link: https://mega.nz/folder/WxZW1R5L#wiBRGGIDCDmHFuZ_s0ROvw
We extract ZIP Aligator S4090 ....
We extract ADB.ZIP
-How to do it
Open the Phone settings and go down, click on "PHONE INFORMATION".
Then go down and click on "ABOUT PHONE". Now your phone information will open. Here we go down and click on the build number before it appears enter the password (if you do not have any then it will not be displayed) and as soon as you enter it will show "VOILÁ, I became a developer. Then click on the back arrow and return to the menu where You will now see the "For Developers" option, click it and turn it off and on "Unlock OEM" (this is important) After turning it on, a pop-up window will appear where you can click Continue, then turn on USB debugging. Open the extracted ADB on the PC and click on INSTALLER, then put Y on each option. After installation, click on START (Windows icon) and type "CMD" in the search and press Enter. Unlock the mobile phone and connect it to the PC. reboot bootloader "and a pop-up window will appear on the phone with" OK ". Now the phone will reboot and type" Fastboot Mode ". Type" fastboot oem unlock "in the command line and a long text will appear on the phone. we will wait until "FASTBOOT RECOVERY REBOOT" appears on the Mobile and type "FASTBOOT REBOOT" in the command line. Let's wait for the phone to start up and turn it off. Now open the Extracted SP FLASHTOOL and click on the .exe file flashtool with the Android icon. Now click on the Folder Icon next to the scatter sign and go to the extracted Aligator folder .... and select the only file that will be displayed. Wait and a list of items to upload will appear below, deselect the preloader item (otherwise it would be a hardbrick) and start Start Download. Now connect the phone in the switched off state with a cable and wait until "Download OK" appears on the screen. Disconnect the cable and start + set up the phone. We will now install the Magisk.apk application. Open it and click on the three dots, where you select the settings. Click on the update channel and select CUSTOM. Next, click on the update url and copy this url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topjo ... table.json
Now we turn off the phone again and open SP FLASHTOOL, load the scatter and deselect everything except "BOOT" Click on the file address next to boot and find the file MAGISK_ALIGATORS4090.IMG. click on Start Download. When done, we turn on the phone and have ROOT: D
for whatever thumbs up I'll be happy, this tutorial took me less than a month of extracting, scripting, and creating Scatter.
Acknowledgments: Vipul for the extraction script, Hovatekk for the help with the magisk, MTK-SU for the help and finally Tech Fiber for the help as well. Thanks guys, it wouldn't be possible without you