I am 100% sure that someone with at least mediocre skills in Zooper Widget and Icon Pack ..... THIS
Should be possible today, we have the technology and android has come a long way since froyo in 2011-2012
I am BEGGING anyone to do it....and sorry but i have no money :|
Hi forum!
Its the time of the season where guarantee time is up and a new device wants to be bought
I know I may have impossible wishes - but what new devices are around when someone doesnt want to miss a slideout keyboard (ideally with 5 rows)?
HD2 looks great but big, has no keyboard and no stick... so it seems only useable with "fingerfriendly" software...
Sony has great cameras (HTC... why dont u do sth about that bummer...)
Is there a TP2 like device on its way? Any news? Or is everybody running to Android 2.1 now?
Any hints are highly appreciated...
Hey guys,
I don't know if you had the chance play to Silver before, (but i think it would be so cool, and i would gladly donate for it !
if you guys make a New navigation interface (sphere ui) as the concept of silver from infogrames
i heard some OS intend to do the same things, on their next future UI.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aXIm422DtA you can watch, what i'm talking about here. of course it would be nicer and more elaborate.
If android have it before any others Os, it would be so great too, and personally i think it would work really fine with touch sensitive phone.
Dear all, is the first time that i write in this forum, it is well done and it is my bible.
i have a motorola Xoom 3G bought in Uk (im italian) on it, i have android 3.1 with tiamt Rom ...wonderful.
but im looking some new launcher ui... and im surprised that there is not a porting of EDEN (NOTION INK ADAM) on our motrola xoom...there is somthig for View sonic but notthing for xoom.
So is there some one that is working on this porting?
for u is it possible a complete rom with EDEN UI + MARKET ECC ECC?
Im looking for a spb launcher project too...but i cant fine more news.
Thanks in advance for ur reply.
I came from and Adam am surprised that you say that. My Adam gave me troubles left and right, and beast was all I used. I am more than satisfied with the xoom, live wallpapers, Widgets, SPEED. I think you should just get the right Widgets like the wizz Widgets.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Hello I wonder if you can, or will be possible to install an Android ROM on my ICS 7PRO.
I buy for its QWERTY keyboard and large screen and try to WP7 but I prefer Android.
Knowing that it is equipped with a 1Ghz processor Qualcom I wonder if such a thing is possible.
Please excuse my fault syntax, google is my translator.
Thank you.
today it is not possible. But people are working on it look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1483377. Seems some progress is being made so maybe in the near future it will be possible.
Hello everyone and thanks for such a great site. I was wondering if I can get any help from your expertise.
I got this tablet from my daughter for christmas, when I turned it on hardly had feautures , no internet, well worthless. I tried to root it but it did not work so I decided to google factory firmware and installed it and now looks better, runs better but still lacking some features I want.
I want to root the tablet but so many programs promise so much and is not real that I want to make sure I really get all that Superuser acces.
Can you guys help? Greatly appreciated
WM8505 3-Axis Accelerometer/WMT2.1.2_105/256mb/1.6/2.6.29-00236-g4f8dbbb-dirty/Green light/No brand
I also have some pictures if even helps a little.
Sorry for the tittle mispelled.