[information][5.1.1 - Qualcomm] Alcatel one touch pop up 6044d (english and spanish) - Android General

Hola a todos,
He decidido crear este hilo con informacion de este dispositivo, porque es bastante dificil encontrar algo de soporte.
De momento solo se que se puede rootear (yo utilice kingroot), hacer un backup del sistema con flashfire de chainfire y utilizar una herramienta de QPST
que viene con el programa que se llama QFil.
El motivo!!!?, pues que si a mi me ha costado:crying::crying: mucho, no quiero imaginar a la persona que se ponga la primera vez.
Asi que voy a empezar...
1- al rootear el dispositivo copia de seguridad de EFS, con las herramientas efs backup y/o partitions backup y guardarlo en lugar seguro.
2-opcional cambiar supersu por su chino de kingroot, si quereis hacer backup con flashfire os hara falta cambiarlo.
3-drivers qualcomm, yo instale qualcomm hs-usb device 9091 y me reconocia el movil. antes ya tenia instalado los adb fastboot drivers en mi pc.
4-QPST programa para hacer tambien copia de seguridad de modem pero con archivos.qcn, flash de roms, etc.
5-QFil programa de QPST, que se encuentra en la carpeta bin.
6-De todas formas tendreis que buscar por internet, pero mejor esto que volverse loco/a.
Yo de momento, repíto, aparte de tener el movil con root, hice una prueba de flasheo con QFile.
La carpeta la encontre buceando por internet después de horas y aunque no tenia el movil con brick de ningun tipo funcionó.
Puse android 5.1.1 y no falló nada,ni red,ni wifi ni nada,solo tuve que volver a rootear.
7- Entrar en recovery: power+volumen(-)+volumen(+), entrar en modo descarga: power+volumen(+), aqui aparece un menú chino, no tocar nada. Conectar al pc y listo.
8-Os dejo un enlace de mega con la carpeta para este dispositivo. Espero que esto ayude a alguien sino bien ahora, en el futuro.
Hello everyone,
I have decided to create this thread with information of this device,because it is quite difficult to find some support.
At the moment I only know that it can be rooted (I use kingroot), make a backup of the system with flashfire of the chainfire and use a tool of QPST
which comes with the program called QFil.
The reason !!',Because if it cost me:crying::crying: much, I do not want to imagine the person who puts the first time.
So I´m going to start...
1-When rooting, efs backup device, with efs backup tools and/or partitions backup and save it in a safe place.
2-Optional switch supersu for your chinese su, if you want to backup with flashfire you will need to change it.
3-Drivers Qualcomm, I install qualcomm hs-usb device 9091. Before I had installed the adb fastboot drivers on my pc.
4-QPST program to do also modem backup but with .qcn files, roms flash,etc.
5-QFil QPST program, which is located in the bin folder.
6-Anyway you will have to search the internet, but better this than going crazy.
For now, I repeat, apart from having the cell with root, I did a flash test with QFile.
The folder I found diving on the internet after hours and although I had the mobile with no brick of any kind worked.
I put android 5.1.1 and nothing failed, network,wyfy,or anything, I just had to re-root.
7-Enter to recovey: power+volume(-)+volume(+), enter to download modeower+volume(+),here a chinese menu appears, do not touch anything. Connect to pc.
8-I leave you mega link the folder for this device. I hope this helps somebody but well now, in the future.

Hola tengo un problema, he buscado en todos lados y no he encontrado la solución, espero me puedan ayudar:
Tengo dos Alcatel 4060a (los nombraré como Alcatel 1 y Alcatel 2 para evitar confusión), le hice un back up a Alcatel 1 y se lo instale a Alcatel 2. Me he quedado sin poder usar la SIM en Alcatel 2. El IMEI está bien y el wifi también funciona simplemente no reconoce la SIM. Ah sí, también noté que la dirección Mac de Alcatel 2 es la misma que de Alcatel 1, razón por la cual no pueden estar conectados a la misma red wi-fi (siempre uno de los dos se queda sin internet). A la hora de hacer el Back up con twrp venían todas las casillas demarcadas, así que seleccioné todas:
Sí al principio parecía buena idea :'(
Hello, I have a problem, I have searched everywhere and I can not find the solution, I hope you can help me:
I have two Alcatel 4060a (I will name them Alcatel 1 and Alcatel 2 to avoid confusion), I made a backup of Alcatel 1 and installed it on Alcatel 2. I could not use the SIM on Alcatel 2. The IMEI is fine and the wifi also it works, it simply does not recognize the SIM card.I also noticed that the Mac address of Alcatel 2 is the same as that of Alcatel 1. When I made the backup with twrp, I selected all the boxes:

alcatel 4060a
hi, alice05 the truth is that I dont know that model,but if you have a pc there is tool called mauimeta that directly installs imeis on phones with mediatek processors.
find out if the processor is mediatek, if it is, this tool is perfect and easy to install and use.
find out first what processor you have and if I can help you I would be happy to do so.
I forgot to tell you that you needed the originals imeis.
I pass this link if you want to try it, I think the processor of your mobile is qualcomm.


Tutorial on how to fix the cwm reboot loop

Si copia este tutorial mencione al creador y fuente.
Hi, I can not post an external link, so I translate with google translator from Spanish:
Hi, I leave a modified experimental version of cwm my Marcinbar published.
I realize that I am not responsible of functioning, I have done for me and I thought it appropriate to share, but I can say that I have been using it for several days, and I miss many tests without problems.
Also I have to warn you that I am not a programmer or anything, everything I miss so I searched google and I found out testing and risking my own phone, but I have not invented anything, what I miss is what I have seen in other versions of cwm that worked perfectly.
Well, I put tutorial, but I will explain step by step what I miss, because it would be long, those who understand a bit because I can easily do my cost me hehe. If ever I have time I explain to people without knowledge, but some linux should know, not much, I know nothing and through Gloogle I've been looking into what I need.
First the point, why the cwm and other versions of cwm our mobile and others do loop?
Well, it may be for several reasons, but in our case, (gt-gt-s6310 s6310n compatible) is a very simple issue, but find out after many hours of watching ... missing a configuration file.
The file is postrecoveryboot.sh and going in the sbin folder of recovery.img ramdisk.
This file've seen in the latest versions of cwm, although varies with the make and model of the terminal, I took one with an architecture similar to ours as much, and I just changed the partition line specifies your terminal to point to the partition 14, which is our terminal. I notice that if you want to try on a different terminal, you have to find out what the "PARAM" or "PARAMETER", in our case the partition 14. In the same file is explained, I have not changed.
Well that's all, for those who want to know what I miss in the attached recovery.img explain it:
1 Unpack. Who does not know how it's done google search, you can even do in windows, but I did it in linux, ubuntu, there are easy to find tutorials.
2 Change the kernel. This is optional. I changed the kernel by the most modern S6310N, bringing with worked fine, but could not mount partition "sd-ext" in case you want to format, but rather the sd partitioned, and formatted with partitioning.
3 In the ramdisk, add to the root file_contexts an empty file called. This is optional. Not useless, just not to leave the warning that the file is missing, the ideal would be to have it, but do not know where or how to generate it out, so better vacuum with another terminal.
4th Back in the ramdisk, add the file already commented postrecoveryboot.sh in sbin folder. This is very important to add, but the loops that keep us out of cwm appear.
5th Amend recovery.fstab file is in the etc folder of the ramdisk. This is also optional, in that brings functions, I added a modified, derived from the version stock-added, but is the same as bringing the cwm with an added line to mount sd-ext and we can format it without partition sd card again. This file gives a lot of play in the end I opted to leave practically already had, but can be modified to recognize both "internal" and external sd, but after several tests have ruled this release that prevents us format the sd card.
6th Repackage for our new recovery.img. Then it's a matter of flashing this recovery on your terminal, for which we can choose the option that suits us. I have used a zip that usually go well, flash the cwm recovery.img through. If you need the recovery.img stick out of the zip.
Thank you for letting me post Marcinbar a modified recovery.img yours.
Thanks to google, without the side I would ever do this.
Well, I think that I will not forget anything. Those who dare to try to be commenting to see how it goes. Greetings.
En español:
Hola, les dejo una versión experimental modificada por mi del cwm publicado por Marcinbar.
Advierto que no me hago responsable del funcionamiento del mismo, lo he hecho para mi y he creído conveniente compartirlo, pero puedo decir que llevo utilizándolo varios días, y he echo muchas pruebas sin problemas.
También tengo que advertir que no soy programador ni nada parecido, todo lo que he echo lo he buscado por google y lo he averiguado probando y arriesgando mi propio teléfono, pero no me he inventado nada, lo que he echo es lo que he visto en otras versiones de cwm que funcionaban perfectamente.
Bueno, he puesto tutorial, pero no voy a explicar paso por paso lo que he echo, porque seria largo, los que entiendan un poco pues lo podrán hacer fácilmente, a mi me ha costado jeje. Si algún día tengo tiempo lo explico para gente sin conocimientos, pero algo de linux debe de saber, no mucho, yo no se nada y a través de gloogle me he ido buscando lo que me hacia falta.
Primero al grano, ¿porqué el cwm y otras versiones de cwm de nuestro móvil y otros hacen loop?
Bueno, puede ser por varios motivos, pero en nuestro caso, (gt-s6310 gt-s6310n y compatibles) es por un tema muy sencillo, pero que averigüe después de muchas horas de observar... falta un fichero de configuración.
El fichero es postrecoveryboot.sh y va en la carpeta sbin del ramdisk del recovery.img.
Este fichero lo he visto en las ultimas versiones de cwm, y aunque varia según la marca y modelo del terminal, he cogido uno con una arquitectura lo mas parecida al nuestro, y solo he modificado la linea de la partición especifica de nuestro terminal, para que apunte a la partición 14, que es la de nuestro terminal. Advierto que si lo quieren probar en un terminal distinto, tienen que averiguar cual es la partición "PARAM" o "PARAMETER", en nuestro caso la 14. En el mismo archivo viene explicado, no lo he modificado.
Pues eso es todo, para el que quiera saber que es lo que he echo en el recovery.img que adjunto lo explico:
1º Desempaquetar. Quien no sepa como se hace buscar en google, incluso se puede hacer en windows, pero yo lo hice en linux, con ubuntu, hay tutoriales fáciles de encontrar.
2º Cambiar el kernel. Esto es opcional. Yo he cambiado el kernel por el mas moderno de S6310N, con el que traía funcionaba bien, pero no podia montar la particion "ext-sd" por si la quiero formatear, pero si particiona bien la sd, y la formatea con el particionado.
3º En el ramdisk, añadir a la raiz un fichero vacío que se llame file_contexts. Esto es opcional. No sirve para nada, solo para que no salga la advertencia de que falta el fichero, lo ideal seria tenerlo, pero no se de donde sacarlo o como generarlo, así que mejor vacío que con el de otro terminal.
4º De nuevo en el ramdisk, añadir el fichero ya comentado postrecoveryboot.sh en la carpeta sbin. Esto es muy importante de añadirlo, sino aparecerán los bucles que no nos dejan salir de cwm.
5º Modificar el fichero recovery.fstab que está en la carpeta etc del ramdisk. Esto también es opcional, con el que trae funciona, yo he añadido uno modificado, sacado de la versión stock con añadido, pero es igual que el que trae el cwm con una linea añadida para montar sd-ext y que podamos formatearla sin tener que particionar de nuevo la tarjeta sd. Este fichero da mucho juego, al final he optado por dejar prácticamente el que ya traía, pero se puede modificar para que reconozca tanto la sd "interna" como la externa, pero después de muchas pruebas he descartado publicar esta versión porque nos impide formatear la tarjeta sd.
6º Volver a empaquetar para obtener nuestro nuevo recovery.img. Luego ya es cuestión de flashear este recovery en nuestro terminal, para lo que podemos elegir la opción que más nos convenga. Yo he aprovechado un zip que me suele ir bien, flashea el recovery.img a traves de cwm. Si necesitáis el recovery.img lo sacáis del zip.
Gracias a Marcinbar por dejarme publicar un recovery.img modificado del suyo.
Gracias a google, sin el me hubiera costado siglos hacer esto.
Bueno, creo que no se me olvida nada. Los que se atrevan a probarlo que vayan comentando a ver como les va. Saludos.
published in htcmania.com
How do I install this into the phone? Can I use Odin?
razvangrig said:
How do I install this into the phone? Can I use Odin?
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No. It's a zip to install from cwm. To install from odin you must extract recovery.img from the zip format and compress it to odin.
hi when i got the cwm reboot loop i found very simple solution by my self all i had to do is to install cwm img "recovery.tar.md5" with odin and it worked
stifbaker7 said:
hi when i got the cwm reboot loop i found very simple solution by my self all i had to do is to install cwm img "recovery.tar.md5" with odin and it worked
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English language generated by google translator:
Well you've been very lucky. It's like you buy a lottery ticket for the first time and touch him. Not to say that if you buy one ticket you play again.
If you go into a loop with this cwm is a very small chance that is fixed by simply flashing odin recovery.tar.md5, for one simple reason, the problem is not in the recovery partition.
Do not talk the talk, I tried that method you mention, not served me. And when I made the modification I post I tried several ways to exit the loop.
Sign loop is very easy, just make a recovery from cwm reboot when entering advanced startup and make a power off, and see how you are no longer able to start the terminal, take you time and again to cwm.
The unique methods that worked for me before making this modification was to install the original recovery by odin and then reinstall cwm, with all the waste of time that entails, or another method much easier, use a temporary cwm from another terminal published by ocoot, which is very comfortable, you take on the phone and if you get this temporary loop install cwm, reboot and go.
Even so, the method to flash by odin has the disadvantage that if you enter the loop away from a PC with odin you have to wait to use your phone.
All this is fine, but what I propose is to forget the loops. Just a little cwm person using it may not want to risk, but for the sufferer often loops certainly prefer to forget it.
Having said all this, I'll upload the flashable by odin version is the same zip, but ready for odin.
a47cc51b2b7fed7d137b01e52c908b94 recovery.tar.md5
here you can not upload a file with the extension .md5, so I upload a zip called decompress.zip, obviously unzip. Decompress.zip not install, unzip for recovery.tar.md5
versión original en español:
Pues has tenido mucha suerte. Es como quien compra un boleto de loteria por primera vez y le toca. No quiere decir que si compras otro boleto te vuelva a tocar.
Si entras en un bucle con este cwm hay una posibilidad muy pequeña de que se arregle simplemente flasheando por odin recovery.tar.md5, por una simple razón, el problema no está en la particion de recovery.
No hablo por hablar, yo probé ese metodo que comentas, y no me sirvio. Y cuando hice la modificacion que publico probé varias formas de salir del bucle.
Entrar en bucle es muy facil, simplemente desde cwm haz un reboot recovery, cuando arranque entra en avanzado y haz un power off, y veras como ya no eres capaz de iniciar el terminal, te lleva una y otra vez a cwm.
Los unicos metodos que me funcionaron antes de hacer esta modificacion fue instalar por odin el recovery original, para luego volver a instalar cwm, con toda la perdida de tiempo que eso conlleva, u otro metodo mucho mas facil, utilizar un cwm temporal de otro terminal, publicado por ocoot, que es muy comodo, lo llevas en el movil y si te entra en bucle instalas este cwm temporal, reinicias y listo.
Aun así, el metodo de flasear por odin tiene el inconveniente de que si entras en bucle fuera del alcance de un PC con odin, tienes que esperar para poder utilizar tu telefono.
Todo esto está muy bien, pero lo que yo propongo es olvidarse de los bucles. Igual a una persona que utilice poco cwm puede que no quiera arriesgar, pero para el que sufre bucles muy a menudo seguro que prefiere olvidarse del tema.
Y dicho todo esto, voy a subir la version flasheable por odin, es la misma del zip, pero lista para odin.
suma md5:
a47cc51b2b7fed7d137b01e52c908b94 recovery.tar.md5
aqui no se puede subir un archivo con extensión .md5, asi que subo un zip que se llama decompress.zip, que evidentemente hay que descomprimir. No instalar decompress.zip, descomprimir para obtener recovery.tar.md5
Did anyone says?
I guess those who have downloaded without errors.
It is easier to complain than to comment
¿Will be interested to read also the internal memory?
tested on xxana1, its working.... Thanks bro....
odin flash-able
if you need this cwm file install with odin,go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2281287
or download http://d-h.st/xsac , flash odin,put to PDA
Generated by translator bing English
Comment if they detect any failure.
I have detected a slight error formatting second partition of the sd.
Partition the SD card work properly, creates the first partition "fat", and the second can choose "ext3" or "ext4" and if we want another 3rd "swap".
The error occurs if you have partitions and want to format only the 2nd partition. With "ext4" format, there is no error, but if you have "ext3" formatting is transformed into "ext4" format.
To correct the error, change recovery.fstab. The entry "sd-ext" change "ext4" by "auto". Now the format is according to the type of partition.
Best regards.
En español:
Comenten si detectan algun fallo.
He detectado un pequeño error al formatear la 2º particion de la sd.
Particionar la sd funciona correctamente, crea la 1ª particion "fat", y la 2ª podemos elegir "ext3" o "ext4" y si queremos otra 3ª "swap".
El error ocurre si ya tenemos las particiones y queremos formatear solo la 2ª particion. Con el formato "ext4" no hay error, pero si tenemos "ext3" al formatear se transforma en formato "ext4".
Para corregir el error, modificar recovery.fstab. En la entrada "sd-ext" cambiar "ext4" por "auto". Ahora el formato será según el tipo de partición.
Si copian y publican el tutorial mencionen al creador y la fuente
If they copy and publish the tutorial mention to the creator and the source
Today many downloads and no comments
cwm working well?
do you find them well the tutorial?
Best regards
Im confused what does it actually do.
Does it get you out of CWM boot or it fix the problem that causes CWM boot loop
Waiting for replay
Sent from my GT-S6312
Fix problem
F.J.V said:
Fix problem
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[emoji1] wow man i tried it yesterday working perfectly thankyou you are awesome
Sent from my GT-S6312
Thanks alot...you saved me from reflashing stock rom again..
[Help][Galaxy S6312]
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
amitkumar005 said:
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
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Thanks, it works
amitkumar005 said:
Can you tell me from where did you get this file ?
Is it 100% working ?
I am also in the same problem.
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In google translator from Spanish.
Hello amitkumar005 what I did was unpack several CWM version of it but other terminals and working without error. Checking these in 6310, I had the problem of loop, I realized postrecoveryboot.sh missing.
All postrecoveryboot.sh do basically the same thing, calling a particular partition and passes parameters. The only differences between the various I saw was the way to get to the partition, depending on the type of terminal, and that the partition is specific to each terminal.
What I did was take a postrecoveryboot.sh not remember which specific terminal was, but it was a version and made sure that the call to the correct partition was for 6310, which is the same as 6312. I could choose from several ways to call the partition, and between putting the same name or number, as proved in several different ways and all worked, but as I had to publish a then chose to publish in its day. With version spent exactly the same, so the solution is the same.
I published the files are the original version of CWM with postrecoveryboot.sh modified by me.
The postrecoveryboot.sh file is not my invention nor is any patch or anything, just missing and I added and adapted to the parameters of our terminal.

[Q] 808 lenovo tablet install the wron

Hola amigos después de agotar a Google con búsquedas no hubo otra opción que recurrir a la comunidad. Compre una tablet china en principio una lenovo 808 aunque después de comprobar que la misma no existe investigue lo más que pude y descubrí que su chipset es a702 y no puedo decir más que eso. Tiene un procesador mkt quad 1.2 y 2gb de ram y 32 hdd.
El problema fue que descargue un recovery personalizado de twrp y la brickie (como se escriba) ahora la tablet no pasa de la pantalla de Android. Para mi suerte encontré el recovery adecuado o eso pienso el de la tablet lenovo 5500 que al menos tiene pantalla ips porque el gran problema del otro recovery es que aunque puedo acceder con encendido más volumen - no puedo usar el tocho o las teclas físicas. He intentado vía fastboot pero no logro iniciar el tablet en ese modo básicamente porque no se como. Ingreso el comando fastboot flash recovery recovery.img pero la consola queda la espera de una confirmación del dispositivo que no tengo idea como dar. Si alguien puede darme alguna ayuda se lo voy a agradecer.
Otros elementos que pude conocer es que si logro iniciar con adb pero mismo que antes me pide una confirmación de algún tipo. Estoy obviamente dispuesto a recuperar el recovery de stock si pudiera conseguirlo. Aquí las especificaciones completas.
Hello friends after exhausting to search Google with no choice but to turn to the community. Buy a Chinese tablet in principle lenovo 808 but after checking that it exists not investigate as much as I could and found that your chipset is a702 and I can not say more than that . It has a quad processor mkt 1.2 and 2GB of ram and 32 hdd .
The problem was that you download a custom recovery of TWRP and brickie (as written) now fails tablet screen Android. To my luck I found the appropriate recovery or so I think the tablet lenovo 5500 of having at least ips screen because the other big problem is that although recovery can access on more volume - can not use the billet or physical keys . I tried via fastboot but I can not start the tablet in that mode basically because they do not like . Join the command fastboot flash recovery recovery.img but the console is awaiting confirmation of the device I have no idea how to give . If anyone can give me some help I 'm going to thank .
Other items you could know is that if I can start with adb but as before asking me a confirmation of some sort. I am obviously willing to recover the recovery of stock if you could get it . Here the complete specifications .

Unbricking G Flex 2 - LG Flash Tool 2014 - Stuck at 9%

Hello Fellow-Nerds,
I have a problem when I'm trying to flash the latest 15D .KDZ File for the H955 the flash tool gets stuck at 9%. I done it before and it worked almost everytime. I can boot into download mode normally. After I rebooted the first time my phone deleted all data since I try to flash it with the CSE-Mode, so I guess my ADB is gone. I did this bc I had xposed installed and otherwise the restored system wouldn't boot. I tried several .KDZ files so far and two different PCs to unbrick and restore the stock rom.
I had this problem since I flashed this via flash fire:
It caused a Security Error.
Hope someone has a hint how I can resolve this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Having the same problem don't know how to fix
I suspect that the flashing of the mod has something to do with it. The framework is originally the one of the G4 and there might be some other key files altered so they flash tool might be stuck bc it thinks the .KDZ file is not compatible since I already tried to flash it with the LG Support Tool, the LG Flash Tool 2014 on two different systems - Win7 and Wind10 -. I also tried different microUSB cables so the problem seems to be the altered phone.
Idk if there is a way to push the system.img to the phone via ADB. Also altering the .KDZ with a hex editor might help. Tbh there seems to be a lot of efford involved so I might just send it in to LG and get a replacement.
Having the same problem. I tried all the guides online but with no positive outcome. I can it back for assistance?
Seems like it's time for me to call Lg
I also tried to repair this security error on my h955 by Support Tool, tried every usb port, flashing stuck at 9%... I will try once more with this tutorial: http://devtester.ro/projects/lg-firmwares/install.php
Tried the Support Tool too but it will also get stuck at 9%. Will send my device in tmw and hope they will send me a new one since I can not see how LG Support is gonna fix the problem.
Stuck at 9% also, if it wont help i will give phone to lg, they can say it's because of me or they will solve it on guarantee
I remember a similar Problem with the G4 was solved with the new Flash-Tool "lgup".
Try this!
Thanks for the advice. I unpacked my phone that I wanted to send in tmw and tried LG UP. Also stuck at 9% with LGUP. The mod seems to have ****ed up the phone somehow. Will send it in tmw as planned and hope for the best.
this is the error caused that (I checked out the logs) Model Dll Msg Not Found(1001, 0)
Anyone knowing how to fix this up, pls?
enzo_cz said:
this is the error caused that (I checked out the logs) Model Dll Msg Not Found(1001, 0)
Anyone knowing how to fix this up, pls?
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Did you try generic dll enzo?
The one we used to flash ls996 to stock when on zv5. It shouldnt check model and just let the phone flash back to stock.
Sorry, im spanish and i don't want to explain this in english, use translator pls
He conseguido solucionarlo parcialmente,
decís que el error lo provoca la ROM, bien, Flashfire se encarga de editar los archivos en system,
lo cual genera un error de seguridad en nuestros terminales y no permite a LGFlashTool restaurarlo.
Entonces he decidido formatear la memoria mediante ADB
De momento con ésto he conseguido borrar aparentemente todo /system/ ahora al arrancar no aparece el dichoso security error si no un triangulo amarillo indicándonos que algo no funciona bien, es un avance.
Estoy intentando flashearlo de nuevo con LGMobile Support Tool pero mi H955 está sin batería, y no me permite hacerlo, actualizaré con la solución y lo traduciré para vosotros, un saludo
Extraído de http://forum.xda-developers.com/g-flex2/help/help-lg-g-flex-2-h959-32gb-model-8gb-t3161460
type: [ports.bat ] : Find the COM port where your phone is connected with line DIAG in it.
type: [Send Command //./COM(your port number)] : You now have a shell and can send commands to your device
type: [ cat /proc/partitions] and [ cat /proc/mounts ] and [ df ] : Now find which mmcblk0p* is your userdata at.
Mine(Lg-H959) is at mmcblk0p48 so then go ahead and type [ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p48]
(IF LGANDNETDIAG1 says error use LGANDNETMDM0 it works fine in my H955 EU)
all this in download mode, obviously
Drkm43 said:
Sorry, im spanish and i don't want to explain this in english, use translator pls
He conseguido solucionarlo parcialmente,
decís que el error lo provoca la ROM, bien, Flashfire se encarga de editar los archivos en system,
lo cual genera un error de seguridad en nuestros terminales y no permite a LGFlashTool restaurarlo.
Entonces he decidido formatear la memoria mediante ADB
De momento con ésto he conseguido borrar aparentemente todo /system/ ahora al arrancar no aparece el dichoso security error si no un triangulo amarillo indicándonos que algo no funciona bien, es un avance.
Estoy intentando flashearlo de nuevo con LGMobile Support Tool pero mi H955 está sin batería, y no me permite hacerlo, actualizaré con la solución y lo traduciré para vosotros, un saludo
Extraído de http://forum.xda-developers.com/g-flex2/help/help-lg-g-flex-2-h959-32gb-model-8gb-t3161460
type: [ports.bat ] : Find the COM port where your phone is connected with line DIAG in it.
type: [Send Command //./COM(your port number)] : You now have a shell and can send commands to your device
type: [ cat /proc/partitions] and [ cat /proc/mounts ] and [ df ] : Now find which mmcblk0p* is your userdata at.
Mine(Lg-H959) is at mmcblk0p48 so then go ahead and type [ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p48]
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Pero si has hecho wipe a la particion de system como esperas que el support tool reconozca que modelo es? Digo pq en system es donde esta el build.prop de donde se coge el modelo para flashar.
Alex_XV6700 said:
Pero si has hecho wipe a la particion de system como esperas que el support tool reconozca que modelo es? Digo pq en system es donde esta el build.prop de donde se coge el modelo para flashar.
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Es tan fácil como poner el IMEI o S/N y te descarga automáticamente la última versión de firm disponible, en mi caso la v15b
Sigo a la espera de que el teléfono se cargue, pero ya os adelanto que LGFlashTool no me ha funcionado nunca, siempre se quedaba al 5%
al contrario que éste programa que me ha salvado en varias ocasiones
Pero curiosamente cuando instalé por flashfire la v2 LGFlashTool no se quedaba al 5% pero sí al 9% exactamente igual que la herramienta original, y ahora me ha vuelto a hacer lo mismo, se queda al 5%, creo que he conseguido arreglarlo, si no avanzaría hasta 9%
Sigo a la espera de que el teléfono se cargue, pero ya os adelanto que LGFlashTool no me ha funcionado nunca, siempre se quedaba al 5%
al contrario que éste programa que me ha salvado en varias ocasiones
Pero curiosamente cuando instalé por flashfire la v2 LGFlashTool no se quedaba al 5% pero sí al 9% exactamente igual que la herramienta original, y ahora me ha vuelto a hacer lo mismo, se queda al 5%, creo que he conseguido arreglarlo, si no avanzaría hasta 9%
There's one important thing. The download mode is a bit broken even if it seems to be working. It doesn't accept the software. So how do you think you may override this, please?
Hay una cosa importante. El modo de descarga es un poco roto, incluso si parece estar funcionando. No acepta el software. Entonces, ¿cómo cree que puede anular esto, por favor?
enzo_cz said:
Sigo a la espera de que el teléfono se cargue, pero ya os adelanto que LGFlashTool no me ha funcionado nunca, siempre se quedaba al 5%
al contrario que éste programa que me ha salvado en varias ocasiones
Pero curiosamente cuando instalé por flashfire la v2 LGFlashTool no se quedaba al 5% pero sí al 9% exactamente igual que la herramienta original, y ahora me ha vuelto a hacer lo mismo, se queda al 5%, creo que he conseguido arreglarlo, si no avanzaría hasta 9%
There's one important thing. The download mode is a bit broken even if it seems to be working. It doesn't accept the software. So how do you think you may override this, please?
Hay una cosa importante. El modo de descarga es un poco roto, incluso si parece estar funcionando. No acepta el software. Entonces, ¿cómo cree que puede anular esto, por favor?
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Enzo have you tried this post?
Just got my phone back and everything was set back to stock and to the latest Version 15-D. So they were so nice and apparently the warranty was void through rooting.
Same problem, any solution? Could someone upload h955 zip rom?
If you haven't got backed-up system.img on your internal memory even zip rom (if exists - i think it isn't) the only solution is to send your phone to LG Service. If you have backup you can restore it by dd commands in Send_Command.exe program.

Back to Rom Stock - Stock Recovery and Close Bootloader

I am new to this community, but thanks to Catuva21 and KingOfMezi, I have been able to explore the world of roms. I installed rom unofficial, and, from Nougat, migrate to Oreo (Thanks to the above-mentioned characters), but, thanks to another tutorial, I was able to reinstall a Rom Stock factory, with Factory Recovery, and, close the Bootloader .
As I did, with these steps:
1. I have Oreo installed, move from Nougat to Oreo with the tutorials of this community.
2. As explained in this forum: https://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-9/development/tool-flash-official-firmware-recovery-t3769279, with Firmware Finder, download the firmware of my computer ( previously I had changed from RNE-L23 to RNE-L21), but I wanted to go back to my original RNE-L23 firmware, as it says in the tutorial, the four files put them in a folder called HWOTA inside the SD. Before that he had the Bootloader open, and, the TWRP of catuva21 u other.
3. Restart in recovery mode, and, I look for the HWOTA folder, and I can do the following:
- Mark: Dalvik, cache, data, internal storage, system
- IMPORTANT!: Do not mark "micro sdcard".
- Once you have marked, slide the "swipe to wipe" arrow to clear it.
- Go back to the main sale, press INSTALL
- Switch to Micro SDCard to find the HWOTA folder and install the file HuRUpdater_0.3.zip.
When it has finished installing I recommend restarting in recovery (it will be done in the factory), and, clean cache and wipe, then restart and configure the machine from scratch, this option if you do not want to close bootloader.
4. In case of seeking to close the bootloader (you must have installed the drivers on the computer) and with the code through adb fastboot perform it, this will restart the computer and be formatted, everything will be deleted.
Then it will restart and again be ready to configure it as newly purchased.
Or only
- Switch to Micro SDCard to find the HWOTA folder and install the file HuRUpdater_0.3.zip
This updates the system, but does not eliminate installed applications (that's what happened to me the first time)
With this option it remains with the Recovery Stock, in rom Stock, but the open bootloader.
I personally use the two options, and, now I have the factory recovery and the factory rom, the system detects me the computer without root (when entering the Huawei ID), and, is ready if you want to sell the equipment, or if only You want the equipment to have an original installation.
Thank you very much for your attention.
It's my first post, also everything was translated by google translate, my original language is Spanish.
Any questions or comments will gladly attend.
I must emphasize that everything is done in a Huawei Mate 10 Lite RNE-L23, bought in Colombia, the cust is C605.
Also, I followed a tutorial on the internet and now I have two simcards (Movistar and Claro) and the Micro SD.
Thanks Man for this thread. i was able to save my dying phone thanks to this method. created this account just to thank you!
gaduarte7 said:
I am new to this community, but thanks to Catuva21 and KingOfMezi, I have been able to explore the world of roms. I installed rom unofficial, and, from Nougat, migrate to Oreo (Thanks to the above-mentioned characters), but, thanks to another tutorial, I was able to reinstall a Rom Stock factory, with Factory Recovery, and, close the Bootloader .
As I did, with these steps:
1. I have Oreo installed, move from Nougat to Oreo with the tutorials of this community.
2. As explained in this forum: https://forum.xda-developers.com/honor-9/development/tool-flash-official-firmware-recovery-t3769279, with Firmware Finder, download the firmware of my computer ( previously I had changed from RNE-L23 to RNE-L21), but I wanted to go back to my original RNE-L23 firmware, as it says in the tutorial, the four files put them in a folder called HWOTA inside the SD. Before that he had the Bootloader open, and, the TWRP of catuva21 u other.
3. Restart in recovery mode, and, I look for the HWOTA folder, and I can do the following:
- Mark: Dalvik, cache, data, internal storage, system
- IMPORTANT!: Do not mark "micro sdcard".
- Once you have marked, slide the "swipe to wipe" arrow to clear it.
- Go back to the main sale, press INSTALL
- Switch to Micro SDCard to find the HWOTA folder and install the file HuRUpdater_0.3.zip.
When it has finished installing I recommend restarting in recovery (it will be done in the factory), and, clean cache and wipe, then restart and configure the machine from scratch, this option if you do not want to close bootloader.
4. In case of seeking to close the bootloader (you must have installed the drivers on the computer) and with the code through adb fastboot perform it, this will restart the computer and be formatted, everything will be deleted.
Then it will restart and again be ready to configure it as newly purchased.
Or only
- Switch to Micro SDCard to find the HWOTA folder and install the file HuRUpdater_0.3.zip
This updates the system, but does not eliminate installed applications (that's what happened to me the first time)
With this option it remains with the Recovery Stock, in rom Stock, but the open bootloader.
I personally use the two options, and, now I have the factory recovery and the factory rom, the system detects me the computer without root (when entering the Huawei ID), and, is ready if you want to sell the equipment, or if only You want the equipment to have an original installation.
Thank you very much for your attention.
It's my first post, also everything was translated by google translate, my original language is Spanish.
Any questions or comments will gladly attend.
I must emphasize that everything is done in a Huawei Mate 10 Lite RNE-L23, bought in Colombia, the cust is C605.
Also, I followed a tutorial on the internet and now I have two simcards (Movistar and Claro) and the Micro SD.
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but by this method, the bootloader is not written LOCK but RELOCKED?
I also found a solution for the bootloader to be LOCK, but only in 5.1 with OTA update.
Te escribo en español para que sea más fácil para los dos jaja tengo dos preguntas es necesario el oem info original o con el hurupdater basta? Y la otra en México la compañía Telcel tiene una ROM de oreo yo estoy en rne-l21 podría cambiar con los archivos zip solamente? Ojalá puedas ayudar!
Chisetdel31260 said:
but by this method, the bootloader is not written LOCK but RELOCKED?
I also found a solution for the bootloader to be LOCK, but only in 5.1 with OTA update.
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You are absolutely right, Relock appears; but you will not have the bootloader with options, just enter the system immediately, and, the recovery Stock.
I'm interested in the other method, could you tell me where it's published?
ciceorigel said:
Te escribo en español para que sea más fácil para los dos jaja tengo dos preguntas es necesario el oem info original o con el hurupdater basta? Y la otra en México la compañía Telcel tiene una ROM de oreo yo estoy en rne-l21 podría cambiar con los archivos zip solamente? Ojalá puedas ayudar!
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1. No es necesario los archivos oeminfo. Solamente los tres firmware descargados con el Firmware Updater, el que desees. En el proceso te salen en el TWRP dos errores (en rojo) pero el proceso continua y no hay fallos. Indispensable renombrar los archivos como aparecen explicados en el link.
2. He probado descargando los archivos C185, C605 y C432 (Medio Este, Colombia o latinoamerica no estoy seguro, y, Europa respectivamente), funcionan super bien, Pero solo con el C605 (Mi equipo es un RNE-L23C605) y con este no se detecta root, con el C432 si me identifica Root, asumo que es por que no es el original del equipo, solo lo cambie.
Te recomiendo, si el equipo es RNE-L21, descarga el Cust libre que poseías antes de iniciar todo, es decir buscar firmware RNE-L21C432 o RNE-L21C185
A mi me ha pasado:
Con el Firmware RNE-L21C185 y RNE-L21C432 no aparecía la opción de encender la pantalla cuando se reciben mensajes o alertas, pero si en la pantalla cuando esta activo el wifi también se ve la señal de operador (2G, 3G 4G o LTE que tengamos al lado de las barras de intensidad), en cambio con el C605 no me aperece la señal (2G, 3G, 4G o LTE, las barras de intensidad si), pero si la opción de encender pantalla al recibir mensajes o avisos, así que opte por dejar este ultimo.
1. Oeminfo files are not necessary. Only the three firmware downloaded with the Firmware Updater, whichever you want. In the process you get two errors in the TWRP (in red) but the process continues and there are no failures. It is essential to rename the files as they are explained in the link.
2. I have tried downloading the files C185, C605 and C432 (Middle East, Colombia or Latin America I'm not sure, and, Europe respectively), work super well, but only with the C605 (My computer is an RNE-L23C605) and with this no root is detected, with the C432 if Root identifies me, I assume it is because it is not the original of the device, just change it.
I recommend, if the equipment is RNE-L21, download the free Cust you owned before starting everything, that is, search for firmware RNE-L21C432 or RNE-L21C185
It has happened to me:
With the Firmware RNE-L21C185 and RNE-L21C432 did not appear the option to turn on the screen when messages or alerts are received, but if on the screen when the wifi is active you can also see the operator signal (2G, 3G 4G or LTE that we have next to the intensity bars), on the other hand with the C605 I do not see the signal (2G, 3G, 4G or LTE, intensity bars if), but the option to turn on the screen when receiving messages or warnings, as well that chooses to leave the latter.
Folder name to be HWOTA is not necessary
gaduarte7 said:
You are absolutely right, Relock appears; but you will not have the bootloader with options, just enter the system immediately, and, the recovery Stock.
I'm interested in the other method, could you tell me where it's published?
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You can put HuRupdater and 3 firmware files in a folder with any name on sd card and flash. Folder name must be HWOTA is not necessary.
Am i right?
gaduarte7 said:
1. No es necesario los archivos oeminfo. Solamente los tres firmware descargados con el Firmware Updater, el que desees. En el proceso te salen en el TWRP dos errores (en rojo) pero el proceso continua y no hay fallos. Indispensable renombrar los archivos como aparecen explicados en el link.
2. He probado descargando los archivos C185, C605 y C432 (Medio Este, Colombia o latinoamerica no estoy seguro, y, Europa respectivamente), funcionan super bien, Pero solo con el C605 (Mi equipo es un RNE-L23C605) y con este no se detecta root, con el C432 si me identifica Root, asumo que es por que no es el original del equipo, solo lo cambie.
Te recomiendo, si el equipo es RNE-L21, descarga el Cust libre que poseías antes de iniciar todo, es decir buscar firmware RNE-L21C432 o RNE-L21C185
A mi me ha pasado:
Con el Firmware RNE-L21C185 y RNE-L21C432 no aparecía la opción de encender la pantalla cuando se reciben mensajes o alertas, pero si en la pantalla cuando esta activo el wifi también se ve la señal de operador (2G, 3G 4G o LTE que tengamos al lado de las barras de intensidad), en cambio con el C605 no me aperece la señal (2G, 3G, 4G o LTE, las barras de intensidad si), pero si la opción de encender pantalla al recibir mensajes o avisos, así que opte por dejar este ultimo.
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Muchas gracias, agradezco la respuesta, podrías postear los links de donde descargaste tu firmware C605? He encontrado un error con los zip que he descargado y en todos obtengo el Error with update.zip, alguna idea?
Gracias de antemano, Saludos!
ciceorigel said:
Muchas gracias, agradezco la respuesta, podrías postear los links de donde descargaste tu firmware C605? He encontrado un error con los zip que he descargado y en todos obtengo el Error with update.zip, alguna idea?
Gracias de antemano, Saludos!
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maniwaraich said:
You can put HuRupdater and 3 firmware files in a folder with any name on sd card and flash. Folder name must be HWOTA is not necessary.
Am i right?
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Hello greetings. I have only tried the folder renamed, as they recommend in all the post I have visited. I do not know if it works with another folder name.
Muchas gracias!
gaduarte7 said:
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de verdad que agradezco la ayuda, quisiera saber si a ti sí te cambia el modelo ya que después de flashear me sigue apareciendo como L21
ciceorigel said:
de verdad que agradezco la ayuda, quisiera saber si a ti sí te cambia el modelo ya que después de flashear me sigue apareciendo como L21
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No me cambia el modelo, sigue como el RNE-L23 con los firmware de los RNE-L21.
I do not change the model, it continues as the RNE-L23 with the firmware of the RNE-L21.
Entiendo. Mi problema es que le hice rebrand al teléfono y ahora que estoy en Oreo no sé si es posible que me compartas tu oeminfo para flashearlo en mi teléfono, ya que el único oeminfo que he encontrado para l23 es el de Nougat. Espero puedas ayudarme. Infinitamente agradecido
ciceorigel said:
Entiendo. Mi problema es que le hice rebrand al teléfono y ahora que estoy en Oreo no sé si es posible que me compartas tu oeminfo para flashearlo en mi teléfono, ya que el único oeminfo que he encontrado para l23 es el de Nougat. Espero puedas ayudarme. Infinitamente agradecido
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La verdad nunca lo he hecho, ni se como hacerlo, buscare la forma de realizarlo, dame tiempo.
The truth I've never done, I do not know how to do it, I'll find a way to do it, give me time.
gaduarte7 said:
La verdad nunca lo he hecho, ni se como hacerlo, buscare la forma de realizarlo, dame tiempo.
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agradezco mucho la atención. eres grande!
ciceorigel said:
agradezco mucho la atención. eres grande!
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Listo, tuve que volver a abrir el Bootloader, instalar TWRP de Catuva21, e instalar Magisk-v16.0.
pero aca tienes los archivos:
El oeminfo son lo mismo, solo que use dos programas diferentes para extraerlo (uno esta comprimido, por ello es mas pequeño), y, tambien el custom.bin, no se si lo necesitas.
Ok, I had to reopen the Bootloader, install Catuva21 TWRP, and install Magisk-v16.0.
but here you have the files:
The oeminfo are the same, only that it uses two different programs to extract it (one is compressed, for that reason it is smaller), and, also the custom.bin, I do not know if you need it.
gaduarte7 said:
Listo, tuve que volver a abrir el Bootloader, instalar TWRP de Catuva21, e instalar Magisk-v16.0.
pero aca tienes los archivos:
El oeminfo son lo mismo, solo que use dos programas diferentes para extraerlo (uno esta comprimido, por ello es mas pequeño), y, tambien el custom.bin, no se si lo necesitas.
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No tienes idea de cuánto lo agradezco, una disculpa por la molestia pero el trato, wow no lo esperaba.
Alguna recomendación para cambiarlo? No he podido encontrar un tutorial sobre cómo restablecer el archivo, por lo que he visto sí que sabes lo que haces, ojalá pudieses ayudarme
ciceorigel said:
No tienes idea de cuánto lo agradezco, una disculpa por la molestia pero el trato, wow no lo esperaba.
Alguna recomendación para cambiarlo? No he podido encontrar un tutorial sobre cómo restablecer el archivo, por lo que he visto sí que sabes lo que haces, ojalá pudieses ayudarme
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Usa el archivo (es pesado):
https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=529152257862664925 (es para Mate 8, pero sirve para desbloquear, unlock, relock, root, backup, etc)
1. Descomprime el archivo .zip
2. Copia los archivos (que te envié, no comprimidos) en la carpeta Restore-oeminfo-custombin del archivo que descargaste y descomprimiste (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0).
3. En la carpeta (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0) ejecuta principal el archivo SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0-20161002.exe, se abre una ventana, esperar a que cargue.
4. Dale click en continuar (si te sale la ventana)
5. En Main Menu aparece la opción: 6. Restore.
6. Esa es la opcion que te sirve, coloca el numero 6 y sigue las intrucciones.
7. Indispensable ser root, y que lo tengas en permitir todo (En las opciones Super usuario de SU o Magisk, el que uses), de lo contrario al ejecutar, te aparece acceso denegado (todo en ingles).
8. Indispensable tener habilitado opciones de desarrollador, depuracion usb activa y permitir depuracion adb en modo solo carga.
9. Ejecuta acciones, deja que el programa termine, y reiniciara el equipo.
Espero que con esto te halla ayudado, me avisas alguna cosa.
El proceso es corto realmente, demorada la descarga del archivo, listo.
Use the file (it is heavy):
https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=529152257862664925 (it's for Mate 8, but it's used to unlock, unlock, relock, root, backup, etc.)
1. Unzip the .zip file
2. Copy the files (that I sent you, not compressed) in the Restore-oeminfo-custombin folder of the file you downloaded and unzipped (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0).
3. In the folder (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0) runs the main file SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0-20161002.exe, a window opens, wait for it to load.
4. Click on continue (if the window appears)
5. In Main Menu the option appears: 6. Restore.
6. That is the option that works for you, place the number 6 and follow the instructions.
7. Indispensable to be root, and that you have to allow everything (In the options Super user of SU or Magisk, the one that you use), otherwise when executing, you will see denied access (all in English).
8. Indispensable to have enabled developer options, debug usb active and allow debug adb in load only mode.
9. Execute actions, let the program finish, and restart the computer.
I hope that with this you have helped, you tell me something.
The process is really short, delayed downloading the file, ready.
gaduarte7 said:
Usa el archivo (es pesado):
https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=529152257862664925 (es para Mate 8, pero sirve para desbloquear, unlock, relock, root, backup, etc)
1. Descomprime el archivo .zip
2. Copia los archivos (que te envié, no comprimidos) en la carpeta Restore-oeminfo-custombin del archivo que descargaste y descomprimiste (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0).
3. En la carpeta (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0) ejecuta principal el archivo SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0-20161002.exe, se abre una ventana, esperar a que cargue.
4. Dale click en continuar (si te sale la ventana)
5. En Main Menu aparece la opción: 6. Restore.
6. Esa es la opcion que te sirve, coloca el numero 6 y sigue las intrucciones.
7. Indispensable ser root, y que lo tengas en permitir todo (En las opciones Super usuario de SU o Magisk, el que uses), de lo contrario al ejecutar, te aparece acceso denegado (todo en ingles).
8. Indispensable tener habilitado opciones de desarrollador, depuracion usb activa y permitir depuracion adb en modo solo carga.
9. Ejecuta acciones, deja que el programa termine, y reiniciara el equipo.
Espero que con esto te halla ayudado, me avisas alguna cosa.
El proceso es corto realmente, demorada la descarga del archivo, listo.
Use the file (it is heavy):
https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=529152257862664925 (it's for Mate 8, but it's used to unlock, unlock, relock, root, backup, etc.)
1. Unzip the .zip file
2. Copy the files (that I sent you, not compressed) in the Restore-oeminfo-custombin folder of the file you downloaded and unzipped (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0).
3. In the folder (SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0) runs the main file SRKToolHuawei-Lod-Chong-V2.0-20161002.exe, a window opens, wait for it to load.
4. Click on continue (if the window appears)
5. In Main Menu the option appears: 6. Restore.
6. That is the option that works for you, place the number 6 and follow the instructions.
7. Indispensable to be root, and that you have to allow everything (In the options Super user of SU or Magisk, the one that you use), otherwise when executing, you will see denied access (all in English).
8. Indispensable to have enabled developer options, debug usb active and allow debug adb in load only mode.
9. Execute actions, let the program finish, and restart the computer.
I hope that with this you have helped, you tell me something.
The process is really short, delayed downloading the file, ready.
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Muchas gracias!!! En serio, me salvaste, ya pude reinstalar el oeminfo y recuperé la recepción 4g además de haber instalado la versión dual sim de latinoamérica.
Eres un chingón! Muchas gracias
ciceorigel said:
de verdad que agradezco la ayuda, quisiera saber si a ti sí te cambia el modelo ya que después de flashear me sigue apareciendo como L21
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Por politicas del foro, se debe escribir en ingles.
Politica numero 4. https://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?f=7342
Mi celular es RNE-L23C605 y con Android Oreo no ha cambiado el el RNE-L23.
Cuando tenia Nougat si me cambio al instalar los rom modificados de Catuva o KingOfMezi.
La pregunta es: De fabrica es RNE-L21 o RNE-L23, ahora si deseas cambiar de cust (C605 pasar a C432 o C185, o viceversa), que es posible hacer, y, cambia de L23 (C605) a L21 (C432 o C185) o viceversa, visita los foros que hay, y, busca Rebrand, que es lo que se hace.
Con Oreo no he realizado esta operacion, pero en eso los expertos son Catuva21 y KingOfMezi, ellos tienen publicaciones (ambos hablan español, pero se debe escribir todo en ingles)
KingOfMezi: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ma...m-emui-8-0-0-huawe-mate-10-lite-dual-t3784879
Catuva21: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ma...nt/rom-emui-8-0-kangvip-mate-10-lite-t3784834
By forum policy, you must write in English.
Policy number 4. https://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?f=7342
My cell phone is RNE-L23C605 and with Android Oreo has not changed the RNE-L23.
When I had Nougat if I change when installing modified rom Catuva or KingOfMezi.
The question is: From the factory it is RNE-L21 or RNE-L23, now if you want to change from cust (C605 pass to C432 or C185, or vice versa), it is possible to do, and, change from L23 (C605) to L21 (C432 or C185) or vice versa, visit the forums that exist, and, look for Rebrand, which is what is done.
With Oreo I have not done this operation, but in that the experts are Catuva21 and KingOfMezi, they have publications (both speak Spanish, but you must write everything in English)
KingOfMezi: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ma...m-emui-8-0-0-huawe-mate-10-lite-dual-t3784879
Catuva21: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ma...nt/rom-emui-8-0-kangvip-mate-10-lite-t3784834

Firmware Tablet china Ujoyfeel kids701

Hello friends, I'm new here, I urgently need firmware for the Ujoyfeel kids701 Tablet, The motherboard says TZX733q A1, it is A33 cpu I managed to get this software for those who are interested can write and I share it with you. However it does not work, I have installed infinities of ROMs even from this forum and it never manages to give video. It works perfect with the firmware that I comment and with the firmware corresponding to the TZX733q1, all the touch, the sound, I even manage to use it with wondershare mirrorgo. But I can't get him to video me. On one occasion I managed to place the firmware of this thread
And I pick up the video, however it brikeaba, it did not go beyond the logo. After I installed the rest of the roms that I mentioned, I have not managed to flash files again.
Could you help ME get this firmware?
Can I in the files of the Topelotek thread get the configuration information from the LCD? I know some firmware edition, in fact I used the carliv to extract the files from the topelotek system, but I have no idea how to locate the video configuration ...
Could someone give me an urgent hand ...
Hola Amigos soy nuevo por aca,
necesito con urgencia firmware para la Tablet Ujoyfeel kids701,
La placa base dice que TZX733q A1, es un cpu A33
Logre conseguir este software para los que esten interesados pueden escribir y se los comparto.
Sin embargo la misma no funciona, he instalado infinidades de ROMs incluso de este foro y nunca logra dar video.
Funciona perfecto con el firmware que les comente y con el firmware correspondiente a la TZX733q1, todo el touch, el sonido, incluso logro usarla con wondershare mirrorgo.
Pero no logro que me de video.
En una oportunidad logre colocar el firmware de este hilo
[FIRMWARE][GUIDE] Topelotek Meteor (T07D) Stock Firmware/Installation Guide
TOPELOTEK METEOR T07D 7" ANDROID TABLET Product: astar_733Q1 Board Platform: Allwinner-A33 CPU: Quad-Core Cortex-A7 (ARMv7l) CPU Clock: 200 MHz - 1.2 GHz [Overclock Up To 1.51 GHz] GPU: Mali-400MP2 RAM: 1 GB Bluetooth: 4.0 Internal Storage: 8...
Y levanto el video sin embargo se brikeaba, no pasaba del logo. Despues que instale el resto de las roms que les comento no he logrado flashear nuevamente archivos.
ME podría ayudar a conseguir este firmware?
Puedo en los archivos del hilo Topelotek sacar la informaciòn de configuraciòn del LCD ?? conozco algo de edicion de firmware, de hecho use el carliv para extraer los archivos del system del topelotek, pero no tengo idea como ubicar la configuraciòn del video ...
Alguien pudiera echarme una mano urgente...
Additional I comment that the android that brought the tablet was version 6.0.1 marshalmallow, the android that installs the firmware tzx733q A1 is 4.4.2, after that I can not flash the Topelotek again, I try and the flash gives me an error, the USB debugging is Enabled.
Adicional les comento que el android que traia la tablet era version 6.0.1 marshalmallow, el android que instala el firmware tzx733q A1 es 4.4.2, despues de eso no logro flashear nuevamente el del Topelotek, intentento y el flash me da error, la Depuracion USB esta Activada.
Good brother, I have that same tablet and I could not backup the firmware, I would like to edit the boot logo because it gets stuck in the animation of the children jumping (the tablet is kids), could you share the firmware with me if you do I made a backup .. I tried to rotate it and the routing programs tell me that it has root but when using a root app in the same android system it tells me that it does not have: / maybe if you have twrp or some way to rotate it, it would be good for me your help. thank you very much friend greetings.
buenas hermano, tengo esa misma tablet y no e podido hacer backup del firmware, quisiera editar el boot logo por que se queda atascada en la animacion de los niños brincando (la tablet es kids), me podrias compartir el firmware si es que le haz hecho un backup.. eh intentado rotearla y los programas de roteo me marcan que tiene root pero al usar una app root en el mismo sistema de android me dice que no tiene :/ igual si tienes el twrp o alguna forma de rotearla me vendria bien tu ayuda. mucha gracias amigo saludos.
elsahid10 said:
buenas hermano, tengo esa misma tablet y no e podido hacer backup del firmware, quisiera editar el boot logo por que se queda atascada en la animacion de los niños brincando (la tablet es kids), me podrias compartir el firmware si es que le haz hecho un backup.. eh intentado rotearla y los programas de roteo me marcan que tiene root pero al usar una app root en el mismo sistema de android me dice que no tiene :/ igual si tienes el twrp o alguna forma de rotearla me vendria bien tu ayuda. mucha gracias amigo saludos.
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hello, your tablet is Ujoyfeel kids701?
hola, Tu tablet es Ujoyfeel kids701 ?

