Screen Rotation Problems - Google Pixel Questions & Answers

Hello Everyone,
I'm having an issue with my new Pixel where after being on for a few hours, auto-rotation on the screen becomes extremely laggy. It will take up to 30 seconds for the screen to rotate when I change the phone from portrait to landscape or vice-versa. A reboot resolves the issue each time, so I don't think that it's hardware.
I really don't want to go through the process of setting up another phone, so exchanging it isn't at the top of my to-do list. Has anyone experienced and fixed this issue successfully?


[Q] Camera / wake from lock screen bug?

Hi all, I remember there was a bug mentioned in the dev area that I wasn't sure if there was a resolution for. If one is in the camera app, and lock/unlock the screen, the phone will wake up, but the screen remains dark, and the only way to fix it is to pull the battery and reboot. This doesn't happen on ICS as far as I know, which is good, but seeing it's still some ways before gold, I was wondering if the problem can be fixed on GB builds?

[Q] Phone stops auto rotating

I've came upon a bug and wanted to see if anyone rise has encountered it. Randomly my phone will not rotate from portrait to landscape. Once chrome actually got stuck on landscape and wouldn't go to portrait. Disabling and enabling rotation seems to fix the issue temporarily. I can't seem to pinpoint what's causing it. Everything is stock still, the phone is rooted and I'm using the Google Now launcher.
Google Now Launcher doesn't let you rotate the screen into Landscape, you'll need Xposed + GEL Settings or Nova Launcher/Apex to allow it to put the phone into landscape mode while on the home screen.
Happened to me all the time in cm11 snapshot m9. Never happened o me otherwise.
I think it's a bug. It happened to me sometimes and it takes a while to rotate.

Screen flicker when going to landscape

Hi Everyone,
Wondering if anyone has experienced any issues when opening an app, that forces landscape, with the screen flickering on and off.
Had it happen once, but rebooted and it hasn't happen again. :fingers-crossed:
Loving this phone so far!!

Auto Rotation Way Too Sensitive

Hi, anyone know how to make this auto rotation not so sensitive? I noticed that if you tilt it only for a second it would rotate... Or is there any setting that can be tweak say if tilt over 2 seconds then only the screen will rotate.... Thanks...
Completely agree with this. Most sensitive I've noticed on a phone probably ever. To the point where if I put it down on my desk or go to pick it up, the screen would rotate. Ended up having to turn off auto rotate.
Would love to find a way to reduce the sensitivity.
3rd party apps would solve that but don't want to install another apps just for the auto rotation.. I ve tried calibrate the gyroscope still the same...
Same here.
The orientation is too sensitive, but also buggy, plus when it goes to landscape uunwantedingly, it sometimes crashes google search when trying to scroll through the results.
666Spell said:
Same here.
The orientation is too sensitive, but also buggy, plus when it goes to landscape uunwantedingly, it sometimes crashes google search when trying to scroll through the results.
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Update to android 11 it will fix the problem, the update is pretty stable though.

Screen dimming after 4-5 seconds

Hey all! I recently updated from Android 10 to Android 11 OOS and I have a strange issue I didn't have before. On grey/blue backgrounds, the screen dims and changes color a little bit after not touching it for 4-5 seconds. I already submitted a bug report but I just wanted to see if others are having this issue. I do have a T Mobile device that's been converted to global, but again this issue wasn't present before. I can't report as to whether the issue happened on OOS updates previous because I just updated and got I've also linked a short video here showing the issue. If you guys have any input at all, it's appreciated!
I may be having a similar issue. I am trying to view your video to see if it is the same problem. I have noticed that my color turns warm, as if the blue light filter was activated. It normally happens when I am trying to type in a field. In most situations, it happens when there is a lot of white being displayed.
I did not pay attention to the browser that I was using. It may be a Chrome issue, but that is only if we are experiencing the same thing.
Ok, so we are talking about two different things. But, your dim is very subtle, at lease as far as the camera is concerned. Does mine do the same thing? No idea. I probably never noticed.
However, are you using Adaptive Brightness or manual brightness? In my experience, OOS 11 came with a LOT of bugs. I've been getting screen orientation problems as of late, and it would lock my screen sideways depending on what I am doing. I do not use auto rotate, and I am certain that I didn't press the rotation button in the bottom right corner. Even if it showed up, it shouldn't have, as I was using my phone in portrait mode every time that bug showed up.
AarSyl said:
Ok, so we are talking about two different things. But, your dim is very subtle, at lease as far as the camera is concerned. Does mine do the same thing? No idea. I probably never noticed.
However, are you using Adaptive Brightness or manual brightness? In my experience, OOS 11 came with a LOT of bugs. I've been getting screen orientation problems as of late, and it would lock my screen sideways depending on what I am doing. I do not use auto rotate, and I am certain that I didn't press the rotation button in the bottom right corner. Even if it showed up, it shouldn't have, as I was using my phone in portrait mode every time that bug showed up.
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So I have the same thing with the screen going super warm on white backgrounds too, primarily on web browsers. With the other issue it only happens with the brightness between 30-70% or so and the screen gets darker and the gamut seems to get a tad cooler but I've chalked these up to separate issues. No phone is without faults but it seems like Oneplus releases software without testing it at all.
Edit: I noticed the yellowing on Chrome, and nowhere else on the phone. Samsung internet does have the same issue
Yes, I have a slew of issues with Android 11. My problem is the fact that I like it a lot more than A10 w/OOS, sooo....I have no option but to tolerate them for the moment.

