Theme/Wallpaper ID - Samsung Galaxy S8 Themes, Apps, and Mods

Does anyone know what kind of theme or wallpaper this is? Samsung has it on display in their Samsung Members app but I can't find it in the Theme App

Look "Shiny Particle":


[Req] Wallpaper or Theme

Ok, I found this screenshot and would like to have the theme or wallpaper. The weather looks really cool on it and it fits the theme, no matter what weather icon gets displayed.
It could be a TSK or a wallpaper only. Does anybody know where to get it?
It is a theme, the weather icons are part of the HTC Home Plug In. One has nothing to do with the other.
I know that, I own a Polaris...
It's not forcibly a whole theme, it could be a backgound only too.
However, what I meant to say: the HTC Home weather icons match the theme, they blend in really well with the background as if they were a part of the theme. Anybody knows where to get this theme/background?
The wallaper ist a Vista-Style's one. It's very hard to find exacty that one. I have found a similar wallpaper:
Hope you like it too?
Screenshot with weather tab:
schaggo said:
Ok, I found this screenshot and would like to have the theme or wallpaper. The weather looks really cool on it and it fits the theme, no matter what weather icon gets displayed.
It could be a TSK or a wallpaper only. Does anybody know where to get it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
download this cab pack and the wallpaper is located in the themes folder

[THEME] Need help theming socialite widget

I'm trying to make the socialite widget black and sense like because a lot
of people want that. ill post a pic of what i have so far and the apk i made
if anyone can help finish it or let me know how to change text color that would
be appreciated!
Never tried this app....
But seems like you dont use 9.pngĀ“s.

[Q] How to get particular taskbar and font?

I was wondering how I would go about changing the taskbar or the theme itself on my N1 to that of the galaxy S. I only really want the taskbar and most of all, the korean font that this screen shot has:
Bah, cannot link to outside links yet...
Well, if you go to the market and search voca voca app, by sung joon kim, the screenshots should show the taskbar and font right before the time.
I was thinking I could use some website that I used once a while back to change my battery icon but I cannot seem to find it. Something online kitchen.
Anyone know what that font is and how to apply it?
Get me started in the right direction, thanks!

[REQ] transparent gallery

Hello all
Just asking a question,is it possible to change the default wallpaper of the original gallery on the S4 ?
Or make it transparent.
I think it can be really fun in "spirale mode"
(galaxy s3 screenshot)
I hope the post is in the good place :silly:

[Q]Looking for font found in Beautiful Widgets theme

Hello all,
I apologize if this not the appropriate place to post this, but I'm not sure where else it would go.
I'm looking for a font I found in a Beautiful Widgets clock theme. The name of the theme is Christmas Clock. Has anyone seen this in a font before? Does anyone know how these themes are built and if there is anyway to extract the fonts?
Any help would be appreciated.

